Day of the pharmaceutical worker in Ukraine. Day of Pharmaceutical and Microbiological Industry Workers in Belarus

Like other experts in their field, pharmacists have their own professional holiday.

Pharmacist's Day is celebrated on September 17th. On the professional holiday of pharmaceutical workers, pharmacists, technologists and other employees of this industry, Styler gathered best regards and congratulations on the Day of the pharmacist.

Representatives of the industry always celebrate the day of the pharmaceutical worker noisily. We invite you to congratulate colleagues or just those involved in the holiday with the help of funny congratulations on the Day of the pharmacist.

Congratulations pharmacists,
We sincerely wish you happiness
And love and inspiration
And universal luck!
Let them buy drugs
This enriches you
You give health to everyone,
You live very well!
May seven be strong
Life is nice and easy!
On this festive day
Our heartfelt congratulations!

Being a pharmacist is not easy
There is a lot to remember and know.
Answer all questions
And greet everyone with a smile.
On this holiday, your native
We wish you health!
Like your own pain
The pharmacist accepts.
Here are congratulations from the heart,
He deserves you.
We ask God to take care
your life for years.

Today is a pharmacist's holiday,
He deserves congratulations.
And we send with a festive accent
Hello and a couple of gentle lines!
Let there be accurate calculations
Him to wonder powder
Easy to get rid of worries
Illnesses, coughs and troubles!
Let there be strong tinctures
Potions - fabulously tasty,
Stomach patients - persistent,
Experiments are not boring!

All professions are needed, all professions are important, and the profession of a pharmacist is no exception! Who better than pharmacists knows what medicine will help to cope with the disease, knows how to create it and knows how to store it properly? In the hands of doctors and pharmacists, the main asset of the nation is its health! We trust it to you and thank you for your concern. Happy Pharmacist's Day, good luck and prosperity!

I congratulate pharmacists on their professional holiday. I wish you happiness, health and successful business development. The work of a pharmacist is an important component of the treatment process, since it is on pharmacists that the patient receives high-quality and effective drugs in many respects. medicines. Let the assessment of the work of pharmacists always be the phrase "Just like in a pharmacy."

Please accept my congratulations on the Day of the Pharmacist! On this day, I want to wish you to be well versed in your work, to be able to give competent recommendations and always be held in high esteem! I wish you to enjoy life and appreciate your work, because you really help people become healthy!

The pharmacist is very important person helping to find the right medicine. On your professional holiday, Pharmacist's Day, I want to wish you a great future in which you will invent a pill for all the diseases that exist on the planet! Thank you for important discoveries and discoveries. May your life happiness and prosperity burst out of the test tube and begin to please you more and more every day!

On your professional holiday, Pharmacist's Day, accept my congratulations! You work to keep us healthy and to save lives. Thanks for the action and safe medicines, for the fact that in pharmacies you can buy any drugs. I sincerely wish that you yourself had to use them less often! Be healthy, strong in body and spirit, young in soul and heart.

The recovery of the sick is one hundred percent dependent on you. It is you who gives relief from pain, ailments, ailments. Your work is not just the exact ratio of ingredients, but painstaking work for the benefit of the nation. I wish you a lot of health and a lot of smiles on the day of your professional holiday! May there be a lot of joy, fun and material prosperity in your life. May happiness and comfort dwell in your family forever. Happiness, prosperity, prosperity!

We rarely think about what is stored in our first aid kits. But it is worth getting sick, as even the simplest medicine will not be at hand. The modern rhythm of life does not always give us the opportunity to pay due attention to our health and visit doctors in a timely manner. The help of a competent pharmacist, if the case is not very serious, is simply invaluable: he will give accurate advice and will help you choose not only the right, but also the medicine that is cost-effective. Pharmacy workers not only advise the population, but also actively follow the latest developments in the region and even prepare medicines according to prescriptions. Pharmaceutical Worker's Day is a professional holiday that has become a tribute to this important work. Help

Alternative titles: Day of the Pharmacy Worker, Day of the Pharmacist and Pharmacist

How to celebrate: traditional celebrations take place on this day. Best Employees award prizes, valuable gifts and diplomas. Organization leaders announce organizations. Seminars, conferences, receptions are held, concert programs. On the air of radio and television, as well as on the pages of newspapers and on news Internet resources, you can see materials about the achievements of the industry and its best representatives.

Who is celebrating?

First of all, memorable date applies to pharmacists and pharmacists. However, the sixteenth of September is celebrated by all those who have at least something to do with the production and sale process. medicines.

From the history of the holiday

After Soviet Union collapsed, Ukrainian pharmaceutics revived, and medicines produced in our country got back good name: in other words, they have again become popular and in demand in the market. Naturally, the pace of production also increased. All this happened thanks to the attraction of foreign investments, excellent scientific base and well-established production process. Now medicines produced in Ukraine successfully compete with foreign analogues.

It is worth noting that Ukrainians themselves are increasingly choosing domestic funds. Thanks to such achievements, in 1999 it was decided to establish a professional holiday on which we could congratulate all pharmacy workers.

About the profession

A pharmaceutical worker is a specialist who is involved in the creation, storage, and sale of medicines. He does not just know the details of the composition of the drug and how to use it. One of the competencies of a pharmacist is communication with people. They can work not only in a pharmacy, but also in companies that sell medicines. Also, the scope of their activities affects factories, laboratories, warehouses, hospitals. Currently, about three hundred and fifty thousand such workers are working in our country. The pharmaceutical market of Ukraine includes ten thousand private and state pharmacies, as well as about six thousand pharmacy kiosks.

  1. The scale of the industry can be estimated by simple numbers. In 2015, 1.4 packages of medicines were sold in the country. This is approximately thirty pieces per citizen;
  2. The average Ukrainian resident spends about fifty dollars a year on medicines;
  3. Farmak is a company that consistently remains the leader in sales;
  4. Last year, the export of medicines will amount to about 270 million dollars. Approximately how much is the world's most expensive painting by Cezanne, which is called "Card Players".

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It just so happens that a person sometimes gets sick. People have different the immune system and she often needs the help of not only a doctor, but also appropriate medications. The production of chemical medicines and substances is carried out by a special production and technological complex of industry - pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceutical products - preparations different orientation. These are antibiotics and vitamins, heart medicines and medicines for gastrointestinal tract, painkillers, various immunomodulators, excipients and much more. For many of us, this is quite difficult to understand, but not for pharmacists.

Pharmacists are well versed in any groups of drugs, they are able to determine their quality, because our life literally depends on it, if necessary, they can pick up similar cheaper, but no less effective substitutes, they will prompt safe dosage and will do everything to ensure that the treatment prescribed by the doctor is effective. The work of pharmacy pharmacists and all pharmaceutical workers is very important for our health, and today's holiday clearly emphasizes this.

The Day of the Pharmaceutical Worker was established by Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 1128/99 of September 7, 1999. On the third Saturday of September in Ukraine, over 350,000 representatives of this industry celebrate their professional holiday. It is possible that one day a World Pharmacist's Day will be established.

In the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, for example, in 2012, more than 5 thousand business entities were operating, including 9456 pharmacies, 5470 pharmacy points, 6310 pharmacy kiosks, 927 pharmacy warehouses and almost 7000 medical and preventive institutions. In Russia in 2017, 62.5 thousand pharmacy outlets were registered. The number of pharmacies in the United States is about 67 thousand. In pharmacies in Germany, as of 2015, there were about 145 thousand. of people.

The population of Ukraine is provided a wide range medicines of Ukrainian and foreign production. Ukrainian medicines are exported to 25 countries of the world. Solemn events for the Day of the Pharmacist in Ukraine include all kinds of presentations and the presentation of new, more effective and safe drugs for health, promotions and discounts in pharmacies and pharmacies, especially for preferential categories, as well as free diagnostic procedures, such as measuring blood pressure etc.

Traditionally, on this day, words of greetings and congratulations will be heard from the bottom of our hearts to all pharmaceutical organizations and workers. We also cordially join them and wish them health and success!

This professional holiday in Belarus is dedicated to all those people who work for the benefit of mankind and create pharmaceutical and microbiological products.

When they celebrate

The Day of Pharmaceutical and Microbiological Industry Workers is held in the Republic of Belarus every year on October 15th. The event was established by Decree of the President of the country No. 157 of March 26, 1998.

Russia is in solidarity with Belarusian colleagues regarding the celebration of the Day of the Microbiological Industry. But the Day of the pharmaceutical industry is usually celebrated on May 19th.

Who is celebrating

The Day of Pharmaceutical and Microbiological Industry Workers in 2019 is celebrated by bacteriologists, biophysicists, biochemists, pharmacologists, epidemiologists and everyone related to this field of activity.

About the profession

Pharmaceutical industry workers are engaged in the study, creation, numerous developments, market research and distribution pharmaceuticals intended for the prevention, relief and treatment of human and animal ailments.

Microbiological industry - a branch of the industry in which the production of products is based on the microbiological combination of certain products from different types non-food material (hydrocarbons of the oil and gas group, wood hydrolysates). In addition, the remains of industrial processing of sugar beets, corn, oilseeds and other agricultural crops are used. Workers in this industry are engaged in the manufacture of protein and vitamin concentrated solutions, amino acids, vitamins, fermentation preparations, antibiotics, enterobacterial and viral agents, bacterial fertilizers, as well as products of complex processing of plant materials - furfural, xylitol, etc.

In August 2011, during the reform of the state administration of the pharmaceutical industry, the Belbiopharm production association was liquidated, which then included eighteen enterprises, factories and combines. The concern's responsibilities were transferred to the Department of Pharmaceutical Industry in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

May 19, 1581 in Russian Federation(Specific Russia) Prince Ivan IV (the Terrible) promulgated a decree on the opening of the first "royal" pharmacy. The list of exhibited goods was available only to persons close to the king. And only one hundred and twenty years later, in 1701, thanks to Tsar Peter I the Great, on November 22, a decree appeared allowing private individuals to open pharmacies, but prohibiting the sale of medicines in green shops and other similar establishments.

When a person falls ill, his first thought is, what kind of pill to take so as not to hurt. Whole industry chemical industry Ukraine is engaged in the production of various drugs of various kinds. These are heart drugs, vitamins, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs and other drugs. The main activity of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine is the production of generics, that is, drugs produced after the expiration of the patent for their production, which, without compromising the quality of the action, significantly reduces the cost of production. On the third Saturday of September, the country's pharmacists, by decree of the President of Ukraine, celebrate their professional holiday, the Day of the Pharmaceutical Worker of Ukraine. This is not only a holiday for pharmacists, but also for pharmacists, product quality control organizations, all those associated with the production of medicines.

Congratulations on a wonderful day
The best pharmacist.
Let life write out happy
Bright, joyful recipe.

I wish you health
It's a good thing to love
Guru of powders, tablets
Undoubtedly in life to be.

Let your favorite work
Never get bored
Let in pleasant only worries
The bright years are running.

Being a pharmacist is not easy
There is a lot to remember and know.
Answer all questions
And greet everyone with a smile.

On this holiday, your native
We wish you health!
Like your own pain
The pharmacist accepts.

Here are congratulations from the heart,
He deserves you.
We ask God to take care
your life for years.

Doctors have terrible handwriting
Who wants to understand?
Ukrainian pharmacist
Will understand any recipe
Confident in every word
And the medicine will be prepared.
Our poem today
Our cheerful congratulations,
Dedicated to pharmacists
We congratulate them on the holiday.
We are all ready to celebrate...
Be alive and well!

Today is pharmacist's day
Let happiness be given to them without a prescription,
Let him be only good for them,
And let them be happy everywhere
More health and longevity
Good relationship with loved ones
Success in work and luck,
And there is enough inspiration for everything

Congratulations pharmacists,
We sincerely wish you happiness
And love and inspiration
And universal luck!

Let them buy drugs
This enriches you
You give health to everyone,
You live very well!

May seven be strong
Life is nice and easy!
On this festive day
Our heartfelt congratulations!

Pharmacists of Ukraine!
We heartily congratulate you,
You are needed by the country
Your business heals ailments!

Your idol - Pharmacopoeia,
We don't understand anything about it.
Well, what if we get sick?
Then we run to the pharmacy quickly!

We know here on your shelves
There is a cure for sickness
Well, the word of the pharmacist -
As the advice of a sensible friend!

Prosper, don't get bored
Take some rest today
Peace, joy, health -
Accept congratulations!

We congratulate pharmacists
Today is your holiday
We wish you good health
So that in life there is always courage,

So that all sorrows and hardships
You were bypassed
We wish only sunny weather,
Cheerful to be in the mood

More joy and laughter
Less grief and misfortune
Changeable luck and success,
So that there are no blows and bad weather!

Help get medicine
From every bad ailment
Here they can teach life
Yes, arrange everything in this life ...
Employees of all pharmacies,
As well as kiosk sellers,
Thank you man!
Oh, pharmacy is not easy...
When it's time to help...
... and in Ukraine, by the way, ours ...
Since there is a pharmacist, it will be useful.
They have a whole life let it be more beautiful!

You are in pills and vials
Selling health to us
And in the cold seasons
It's just great you live!

We are congratulations today
We tell you from the heart
And wish the sky
It was pure blue!

To make life beautiful
Everything around bloomed, grew,
To keep the heart clear
Only happiness lived in him!

For children to grow up
In peace, joy, goodness,
So that grief is not recognized
On our big land!

You know so much about drugs
Ready to help everyone, always, in everything,
Be very strict with your work
Seeing you, the disease goes away!

So let me congratulate you now,
Wish everyone good luck and good luck,
For life-giving labor to glorify you,
Give flowers and hug everyone!

May youth never leave
And beauty does not wither, but blooms,
And the heart never cools down
Love will come and live forever in it!
