Chemical peeling for the face: the essence of the technique, its advantages and disadvantages, useful recommendations. Chemical peeling: why is it dangerous?

Modern procedure rejuvenation removes the top layer of the epidermis. The benefits and harms of facial peeling are not known to everyone. Not every skin tolerates extreme procedures absolutely painlessly. Presumably, exfoliation of dead cells refreshes the face, eliminates wrinkles, age spots, and bumps. The beauty industry is developing quite dynamically and new peeling technologies are constantly emerging.

There are a number of manipulations that relate to this type of rejuvenation. The principle of action in each case is different. But in any case, the upper layer of the epidermis is almost completely replaced by a new one. The main thing is that there should be no damage and burns on the face. All manipulations should be performed very carefully so that instead of improving the appearance of the skin, do not disfigure yourself.

Types of cleaning

The benefits and harms of facial peeling are of interest to all women. Let's consider this question in more detail.
There are several options for peeling:

  • chemical;
  • physical;
  • biological;
  • ultrasonic;
  • mechanical;
It must be borne in mind that while you are reading this article, there may have appeared new way cleaning. Cosmetologists are constantly exploring the nuances of prolonging youth and charm. The name of the procedure is the type of manipulation on the outer layer of the skin or the product used during exfoliation.

Classifying the procedure according to the principle of action, peelings are conditionally divided into three types:

  • superficial when keratinized crusts are eliminated;
  • middle, removes all upper part epidermis;
  • deep- a difficult procedure involving the removal of an entire part of the skin.
Depending on your age, type and quality of health skin person, you can choose the option of exposure for a particular case.

Danger or benefit?

Opinions, what brings more this procedure, harm or benefit, divided. It is very difficult to answer unambiguously. In many cases a clear benefit has been found. But in some cases it was recorded irreparable harm. There were burn marks on the face, tightening the scars. This usually happens with chemical peels.

Some patients who visited a beauty salon claim that this manipulation rejuvenates the skin, refreshes it, smoothes it, reduces the depth of wrinkles, improves vascular patency and oxygen supply. Therefore, it improves appearance face.

Other visitors to beauty parlors are sure that hard cleaning injures the epidermis and disrupts natural course skin renewal.

What's the point?

This manipulation is a deep cleansing of the upper skin, removal of dead cells with the help of different means. It is better to do this procedure with a professional beautician, but you can do it yourself, at home. The meaning remains the same: you peel off the top layer of the skin.

Dead cells cover the skin with an invisible crust, which makes it difficult for oxygen to penetrate to the lower layers of the epidermis and interferes with the process of regeneration and renewal. Nutritious and useful material from creams and masks do not penetrate this crust.

After removal of the dead peeling skin has the ability to breathe, recover faster. The body perceives the disappearance of horny cells as a signal to accelerated regeneration cells, which leads to the renewal of the face. At the same time, scars are being resurfaced, age spots, burn marks, plastic surgery, blackheads from acne, wrinkles.

The benefits of cleansing. If you follow all the precautions in the process of cleansing the skin, use high-quality preparations in the chemical version, serviceable devices in the case of using ultrasound or other instrumental options, then the result is only positive. The elimination of dead cells allows the skin to breathe. Increased blood circulation rejuvenates the face.

Ultrasound procedure

IN Lately the procedure for cleansing the upper layer of the epidermis using ultrasound has become popular. The skin is cleaned in a special way before the procedure. Then cover the working area special means that conducts ultrasonic waves. As a result, all dirt is removed from the surface of the skin. After that, the pores are easily restored to normal operation. Unlike ultrasound, pores take longer to repair after laser, which often leads to inflammatory processes, the occurrence of abscesses.

It is especially recommended to do peeling with the use of ultrasound equipment for ladies of a more mature age. Due to the fact that ultrasound improves blood circulation, the skin becomes smooth and renewed after manipulations.

Danger of procedures. On the one hand, it's easy to think that exfoliation is a miraculous cleansing, allowing your face to be permanently smooth and charming. But at the same time - it's almost a little plastic. During any plastic surgery, the slightest erroneous movement can cause irreparable consequences.

During chemical cleaning you can overdo it with the concentration of acid. When a hardware procedure is carried out, errors occur with the adjustment of the strength of the wave or beam.


You can not do the procedure if there are abscesses, wounds, scratches, abrasions on the face. Otherwise, ulcers can spread over a larger area.

Doctors cosmetologists do not advise peeling too often. The skin should fully recover before the next cleaning session. If you clean the epidermis more than twice a week, it is depleted. Dry skin ages earlier, instead of rejuvenation, you will get early aging face and a network of wrinkles all over the face.

Performing cleansing yourself, at home, observe sterility and strictly follow the recommendations of professionals.

Before you decide on such a tough face test, consult a dermatologist. You should make sure that the skin is absolutely healthy. The doctor must make an accurate diagnosis. You should definitely find out what kind of skin you have: oily, combination, dry, too delicate, prone to inflammation, irritation.

When a professional knows exactly everything about your face, he should make a recommendation about what type of peeling you need. better fit. If it is chemistry - what concentration of the composition to apply. In the case of a hardware procedure, the cosmetologist should give a guideline for adjusting the strength of the ultrasound wave or laser radiation.

The benefits and harms of facial peeling have remained for us controversial issue. One thing is clear to everyone that you need to take care of your face. To look fresh and young, you need to eat well, get enough sleep, rest, go to fresh air, exercise. Be sure to follow all the rules of normal body and clothing hygiene. There are many recipes for skin care of the face, neck and décolleté at home. Masks and scrubs natural products, fruit puree, fragrant, nourishing oils allow you to maintain the state of your beauty in an amazing state.

So all the same scrubs - is it useful or harmful?

According to cosmetologists, with our ecology, it is not enough just to wash your face and wipe your face with tonic. Harmful external influences plus slow cell regeneration - as a result, keratinized cells accumulate on the surface of the skin - for bacteria this is a real resort. They actively multiply, grow dull, coarsen, look lethargic and groomed. Therefore, the skin needs from time to time " spring-cleaning”, that is, deep cleansing.
The only question is how and how often it should be carried out.

The procedure for exfoliating dead cells is called exfoliation or peeling and can be chemical or mechanical.

Mechanical peeling carried out with the help of scrubs. They contain small, hard particles - natural or artificial. Rolling on the skin, they “clean off” its dead scales.

Moreover, experts advise choosing scrubs with artificial particles, since they have an ideal spherical shape, which means they do not scratch or irritate the skin. Unlike, for example, crumbs apricot kernels, grains of which can have sharp edges. For these reasons, luxury brands are increasingly using artificial scrub particles in their products.

During a chemical peel dead cells of the stratum corneum do not “scrape off”, but dissolve

▪ using acids: lactic, malic, citric
▪ with the help of enzymes (enzymes) that “feed” on dead protein.

Peeling with enzymes is considered more natural and gentle, because these substances are present on our skin from the very beginning. It’s just that with age (at 35-40 years old) they become insufficient to “eat” all the dead cells. Then peels containing enzymes extracted from fruits, such as papaya or kiwi, come to the rescue.

Exfoliating too often will "confuse" the sebaceous glands and they will begin to work in emergency mode. The result will be the opposite.

Can peeling cure acne? It can't, but it will help. Its impact is not deep enough to deal with clogged pores, but is one of the essential components of skin care. problematic skin. True, if the skin is inflamed, it is better to postpone the procedure.

We do peeling correctly:

1. Thoroughly cleanse the skin

2. Apply liberally in circular massage movements ascending from the center of the face to the periphery. Peeling must be held on the skin for at least 3 minutes. Firstly, deep cleansing does not happen quickly, and secondly, good producers add mass to their products useful elements- Give them time to act.

3. Wash your face thoroughly with warm water and wipe with tonic. Now you can apply the cream. After which you can mask or daily care.

Along with exfoliation, cleansing is also a way to deeply cleanse the skin.
They not only deal with surface contaminants, but also release pores. Kaolin (or another type of clay) is a key component of such masks - a strong absorbent that successfully absorbs oil from the surface of the skin. The already mentioned enzymes and acids are also included in cleansing masks and provide additional cleansing from horny scales. In addition, cleansing masks are not complete without antiseptics that fight bacteria and ingredients that regulate the process of sebum secretion.

Making a cleansing mask correctly:

1. Cleanse your skin with exfoliation

2. Apply the mask in a thick layer on the face, excluding the areas around the eyes and lips. If the skin is combination - only on the T-zone. thick layer designed to prevent the mask from drying out quickly

3. Do not laugh or smile while the mask is on your face

4. After the mask is removed (with warm water), be sure to wipe your face with tonic. Keep the mask on your face for 5-7 minutes if the skin is clean, but is carried out for prevention. If there are real problems on the face, then it will not be possible to achieve results faster than in 15-20 minutes. You will also have to repeat the procedure three times in the first week of treatment, in the second - two, and then once a week.

At what age should deep cleaning be done?

Of course, a girl with a perfect smooth face there is no need to exfoliate the skin. But teenagers with problem skin similar procedures useful.

As cosmetologists note, in more adulthood peels and masks deep cleansing irreplaceable - they not only perform their direct functions, but also greatly enhance the action of others cosmetic preparations. Regular use of homemade deep cleansing products will help to have an even skin texture and eliminate the need for painful cleaning in the salon. But the main thing is not to overdo it!

Lyubov Petrukhina

It is considered one of the most popular methods of rejuvenation, today there is a large number of varieties, they have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The action of the procedure is aimed at smoothing the color of the epidermis, getting rid of wrinkles and other skin defects.

Peelings can be used separately, be a preparation for others. cosmetic procedures or be part of a comprehensive care.

What is the procedure

Peeling - translated from English means "cleaning", today there are a large number of techniques, the action of which is aimed at cleansing the face of dead cells.

The first procedures were carried out in Ancient Egypt, sand, mineral particles, crushed fruit stones, even then the procedure was multi-stage.

At the same time, they began to apply chemical cleanings, as remedy natural acids were used.

About a hundred years ago, phenol peeling was invented., which became the prototype of modern methods.

What is useful

The procedure is aimed primarily at cleansing the upper layers of the dermis from dead cells, dirt and sebaceous secretion.

Advantages of the procedure:

Today, there are several dozen varieties of peeling.

The choice of procedure depends on the functional, anatomical, physiological and other features of the epidermis, the method and depth of exposure to the skin play an important role.

At allergic reactions for certain substances, a different procedure must be proposed.

What is harmful, are there any contraindications

General contraindications for all types of peeling:

Any peels, despite their obvious benefits, are stressful for the skin of the face., since their action is aimed at destroying its surface layer, cosmetic formulations can cause harm - even cause a chemical burn.

The procedure, on the one hand, provides an accelerated start of recovery, the body begins to produce its own collagen and elastin, as a result of natural recovery, a rejuvenation effect is achieved.

On the other hand, partial destruction of the protective barrier causes an immune reaction of the body, therefore peelings are not recommended for carrying out during illnesses (skin, cardiovascular, chronic and oncological diseases).

Pros and cons compared to other cleaning methods

Peeling, in comparison with scrubs and facial cleansing, has a deeper effect., it is recommended for use with signs of wilting, helps to get rid of freckles and various defects.

For women young age such procedures are an excellent prevention of the appearance of wrinkles, they help to even out the tone of the face.

The biostimulants, moisturizers and other beneficial substances that are part of the peels prevent the occurrence of complications.

Some types of procedures promote the synthesis of own collagen and elastin, as a result, natural rejuvenation processes are launched in the body.

Like facial cleansing, have more light effect, on their own, they help get rid of dead cells.

The main purpose of a standard facial cleansing is to get rid of dirt, secretions and fat, there is no effect of rejuvenation and renewal.

The disadvantages of peels, compared with scrubs, include trauma and a fairly large list of contraindications.

It is very difficult to orient yourself at first, even a specialist cannot always give an exact answer.

The main difficulty lies in the impossibility of predicting the individual skin reaction to the procedure.

Chemical peel faces are complete cleansing the upper layers of the skin from dead keratinized cells of the epidermis, excess sebaceous secretion, accumulated microparticles of cosmetics, dirt, dust.

This procedure is carried out under the influence of a special acidic composition.

The essence of the method is that a woman exposes her face lung controlled chemical burn, as a result of which the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis is completely removed.

After such exposure, the skin is completely cleansed, renewed, a young and healthy skin is formed.

What to expect from the procedure

Although chemical peeling is used in cosmetology as a rejuvenating technique, many women are wary of this cosmetic procedure.

After all, a burn of the face (even if it is mild) carries a share of risk and the opportunity to get side effects, not the expected result.


  1. cleansing. Under the influence of acid, the stratum corneum of the skin completely gets rid of dead cells, excess fatty secretion is removed and the epidermal ducts are cleansed. As a result, the surface of the face acquires a smooth, healthy tone.
  2. Rejuvenation. After chemical exposure starts active process regeneration. The epidermis forms new young cells, in addition, the production of collagen and elastin increases. Increases elasticity and firmness of the skin. All this contributes to a significant reduction in wrinkles, visually the contour of the face becomes clearer, flabbiness disappears, age pigmentation and creases.
  3. Fat normalization. Peeling can normalize work sebaceous glands. Acid, penetrating into the epidermis, cleanses the ducts and narrows the channels, which significantly reduces fat content. After cleansing, such manifestations as acne or acne completely disappear.
  4. Elimination of skin defects. Beauticians often use peeling to remove shallow scars, scars, acne marks, age spots.

Cosmetologist, dermatologist Irina Kotova talks about the benefits of chemical peels:


Complications and side effects arise as a result of non-compliance with the protocol of the procedure and, as a result, neglect of contraindications.

Possible post-peel reactions:


According to the depth of exposure to chemical peels, there are such types of it.


The most gentle and soft. Acts on the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

It does not cause persistent redness and crusting, so it does not have a rehabilitation period.


  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminates the consequences acne, acne;
  • brightens (whitens) the tone;
  • removes roughness, evens out the structure of the skin.

More about this cleansing:


It acts not only on the stratum corneum, but also affects part of the epidermis.

The acid composition behaves more aggressively, therefore it leaves puffiness, small crusts, redness.


  • pigmentation disappears;
  • wrinkles are significantly reduced, small ones completely disappear;
  • flabbiness is eliminated;
  • it is possible to get rid of scars, scars and keratosis.

About the median chemical peel - our video:


The most aggressive type of cleansing. Affects all layers of the skin up to the papillary. A chemical burn is equivalent to the third degree.

The method is painful and the most traumatic. It is carried out strictly in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

The procedure itself is general anesthesia And a long period recovery.


  • eliminates all wrinkles (including deep ones), scars, scars;
  • significantly tightens the contour of the face;
  • flabbiness completely disappears;
  • greatly rejuvenates.

Which one to choose, how often to do

The cleansing procedure is selected according to the condition of the skin and the age of the patient.

How to make at home

finished products

At home, you can use industrial preparations or natural mixtures, which include fruit acids or AHA acids (read about such peels).

Self Acid Concentration home use should not exceed 10 -15%.

If you use them on your own, without adhering to the procedure protocol, you can get a severe chemical burn, with all the ensuing consequences.

At home, you can use the following types of chemical peels for cleaning:

  1. Peeling mask. The finished product containing a small acid concentrate (5-7%) is recommended for frequent use(2 times per week).

    Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, improves color, evens out the surface of the skin. Can be bought at any point of sale, pharmacy or store.

    Popular brands:

    • TianDe;
    • Lierac High Peel.
  2. Special cosmetics to prepare for the procedure at the cosmetologist. They are used according to the doctor's prescription, according to an individually developed program.

    At independent use exists high risk burns, negative side effects.

    Popular brands:

    • Arcadia;

Recipes for cooking at home

natural fruit masks . For the sparing but effective cleansing At home, you can use natural acids from fresh fruits. The most popular are the following.

or lime:

  • squeeze out Fresh Juice one lemon or lime;
  • soak a cotton pad in it;
  • apply evenly on a clean, previously degreased face, in several layers (wipe the surface for the first time, wait until it dries, wipe a second time, then a third);
  • hold for 10-15 minutes light feeling tingling, slight burning and redness. In case of severe discomfort, finish the procedure immediately, wash with warm water;
  • wash off the juice with warm running water;
  • dry with a soft cloth;
  • apply moisturizer, make a light soothing massage with your fingertips.

Homemade chemical peel with lemon:

The principle of carrying out is the same as that of lemon, but instead of lemon juice, you need to take the juice of sour green apples.

Grape, strawberry or raspberry:

  • grind a few fresh berries in a blender (mash with a fork) until puree (slurry);
  • on a pre-washed and fat-free face, evenly apply fruit gruel;
  • withstand 10-15 minutes;
  • you can wash off the composition with mineral or purified water;
  • dry the skin with a soft cloth;
  • apply moisturizer or nutritious cream, massaging movements strictly along the massage lines.

Peeling scrub with strawberries:

Algorithm for professional cleaning

Acid cleansing of any complexity (superficial, medium or deep) is carried out in three stages.


  • the face is thoroughly cleansed (cosmetic cleansing can be used, mechanical peeling, steaming and applying cleansers);
  • degreased (with a special lotion);
  • dried with cosmetic wipes.


  • the acid composition is quickly applied in a uniform layer;
  • the drug is applied with a brush, for deeper penetration - with a cotton swab with driving movements;
  • the composition is kept for 10-15 minutes, then removed wet wipe and water;
  • during action chemical composition the patient feels slight tingling, burning and tingling is the norm.

Final stage:

  • the acid composition is washed off with clean, warm water;
  • after that, an acid neutralizer is applied, which stops its effect;
  • the patient is washed again with water;
  • the skin is dried with a napkin;
  • a moisturizing cream is applied along the massage lines with light massaging movements;
  • special soothing masks, lotions or serums may be applied.

Depending on the complexity of the procedure, post-peel care may be required, all recommendations are prescribed by a cosmetologist according to individual skin indicators.

This is what the face looks like before and after the procedure:

Contraindications, precautions

Acid peeling has its own contraindications and limitations.. Before experimenting with your appearance, expecting a solution to all problems after the first procedure, you should consult a specialist.

Precautionary measures:

  • use the finished product strictly according to the manufacturer's recommendations;
  • before using the finished product or home cleanser, do an allergy test;
  • during the procedure at home, the sensations must be tolerable, otherwise immediately stop the session and wash off the solution with water;
  • before applying the acid, protect the skin around the eyes and lips with a nourishing cream.

If after home cleansing there are signs chemical burn consult a doctor immediately.


  • mechanical damage (scratches, wounds, abrasions, and so on);
  • rosacea (visible vascular network);
  • skin diseases (diathesis, psoriasis, rash of unknown origin);
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • moles, papillomas;
  • weakened and dehydrated skin;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • period after laser procedures.

At home, you can spend a light superficial acid peeling , for a more serious cleansing (middle or deep), you need to contact a beautician.
