How to gain appetizing shape on the eve of the New Year? Magic on every page: books that will create a New Year's mood.

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Learn how to spell " in anticipation", you can from textbooks, reference books, the Internet. There is a lot of information about this, and finding it is absolutely not difficult. And every self-respecting person should know these rules, because literacy directly indicates his education. And even during admission to new job The ability to write correctly can be decisive. Therefore, we will try to figure out how to spell " in anticipation".

Vocabulary is important

In order to understand how to write correctly, without making absolutely any grammatical errors, you should pay attention to the lexical meaning of this word. And it means a place in front of the entrance to a certain room, building, etc. That is, the space in front of the door.

As simple example we can mention the vestibule of a church, temple or theater. This, of course, is an outdated meaning, that is, in modern language the word is practically not used in such a context. Now " vestibule"in Russian means the beginning of some event or the time preceding something, some event.

But in modern Russian, as well as in the outdated concept, “vestibule” is a neuter noun, of the second declension. And if a noun of the 2nd declension is used in the prepositional case, then its ending should be “e”. But not in this case.

Derivative preposition

How can one understand how to spell “on the threshold” correctly? After all, it is customary to write “and” at the end of this noun. Why is this happening? Why does this happen? And all because this is not an ordinary noun in the second declension, but one that ends in “ee”. These are the ones in three cases - genitive, dative and prepositional - that end with the letter “i” and not with “e”.

But that's not all that's worth mentioning in this article. The modern Russian language used today considers “ in anticipation"not as a noun, but as a derived preposition (this term means that it was formed from an independent part of speech). It can be used with nouns in the genitive case, meaning a situation on the eve of something, immediately before something. That is on the eve of any event.


Initially, the word “vestibule” in its origin is the most common noun. But among them there are those who became derivative prepositions in the prepositional case, but they still retained its ending. These include:

  • for;
  • at the end;
  • compared.

The word “vestibule” itself has two letters at the end - no(they should not be confused with the ending). And here it is just necessary to recall that these are precisely the nouns that are neuter of the second declension, which end in -y, -y in the prepositional case, have the ending -I. In contrast to the declension of neuter nouns, which is always used (can be compared: in the lake, about the horse),

That is why it would be absolutely correct to write: on the eve of the concert, films etc. It is in this case that “in anticipation” will be a derived noun preposition.

In anticipation or anticipation

So, how do you spell the word " in anticipation"? Let's look at its composition: " V" will be a simple preposition, " before" - console, " door" - root. From all this it follows that “on the threshold” must be written with two letters “d”. It can also be used as a preposition that indicates an event expected soon, that is, which is about to happen. The main meaning of this word is: “before anything.” But there is also a second, that is, a figurative meaning - “the beginning of something.”

Now we need to carefully figure out how to spell " on the eve of the holiday" (that is, in the meaning of the beginning of something, some event). Since we are talking about a preposition here, and the word also has a figurative meaning, you must write the letter “and” at the end.

But the spelling of the word in question can also be with the letter “e” - if the named word denotes a specific place, which was already mentioned above.

From the above text we can draw a simple conclusion: select correct writing- with the letter “i” or the letter “e” at the end, you can, knowing what the meaning is. Therefore, you need to look at the context with which this or that ending of the word is consistent.


We hope this article has made it completely clear how to spell " in anticipation". It is used, as a rule, to indicate a certain time, a certain event or period that is either expected or should already occur in the near future.

And there is absolutely no need to endlessly argue about what letters will be written at the end of the word being described. After all, depending on what it means, the ending of the word will be determined.

Now, you won’t have to think long, if necessary, write " in anticipation", - how this word is written, and what letters should be at the end. It is not difficult to remember the rules. Although it is equally important not only to remember, but also to apply them correctly.

On the eve of the New Year 2017 - how to celebrate, what to wear, what to give. Every day the new 2017 Year of the Red Fire Rooster is approaching us. Festive new Year's Eve Each of us will try to spend it as fun and joyful as possible, because how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. But how to meet the Fire Rooster correctly so that coming year brought only happiness, luck and harmony? We will try to answer this question. What will the 2017 year of the Red Fire Rooster bring? The Red Fire Rooster will come into its own on January 28, 2017, with the onset of the Chinese New Year. According to astrologers, the Rooster eastern calendar- this is a symbol of renewal, the beginning of something new and unknown. Therefore, the coming year promises changes in the life of every person. The situation will change on a larger scale - in the country, as well as on the world stage. Well, whether these changes will be pleasant or not is in your hands. In 2017, purposeful and persistent people will be very lucky. This is not a case where you hit a big jackpot out of nowhere. The Red Fire Rooster will only help those who do something to achieve their desires and show willpower. For the whole world and each country individually, the new year 2017 will be a turning point. If there are elections, the new head of state will show himself new side and will do everything possible to change something in the country. Another question is what impact these changes will have on the well-being of the country. Astrologers are silent about this. But one thing is for sure - it is the year of the Red Fire Rooster that will become the starting point from crisis to prosperity. Of course, everything will not get better in one year, but there is still hope for a bright future. IN interpersonal relationships It will not be easy to find mutual understanding and compromises. This is due to the character traits of the owner of 2017. Well, try not to take everything to heart in the coming year and maintain a cool head in any conflict. And most importantly, this year is an opportunity for each of us to learn to find compromises in conflict situations. There will also be strife on the world stage. According to astrologers, heads of state will now and then find out among themselves who is in charge. Character of the Red Fire Rooster This is definitely an ambiguous personality. Such people are usually family-oriented, because they love and, most importantly, know how to take care of their loved ones. But, unfortunately, representatives of this sign are not distinguished by exceptional loyalty. Their love of love and desire to flirt sometimes interfere with their family happiness. Fire Roosters love to show off in front of the mirror, regardless of gender. Moreover, they know how to do it and put a lot of effort into it. One of the best qualities of such people is the understanding that beauty cannot be achieved only on the outside. Therefore, they try to grow spiritually and intellectually, but not for their own satisfaction, but in order to show themselves. Representatives of this sign usually carefully select their circle, as they understand that the habitat has close connection with human development. Therefore, the Red Fire Rooster will be friends only with those people who are suitable for him in mental and spiritual development. Another quality of such people is their love for everything beautiful. Their apartment will always have a special interior, their companions are always an adornment to any company, and workplace will always be distinguished by beauty and originality. As we already mentioned, being close to Red Fire Rooster quite difficult, in particular due to the fact that it is difficult to earn his trust. But if this works out, then in the end you will get the most caring and gentle companion or friend. Where and how to celebrate the New Year 2017 - the year of the Red Fire Rooster If you decide to travel in 2017, then it is better to postpone the trip for at least a few days. All because this sign eastern horoscope an avid family man and homebody. This is what, according to astrologers, can bring harmony and mutual understanding to the family. If you can’t cancel your trip, then at least go with your family. The most important rule this year is that you should never spend New Year's Eve separately from your family. This can have a negative impact on relationships between family members. At the same time, if there are any disagreements and grievances, then it is better to sort them out before midnight. Otherwise, if you meet 2017 in a quarrel or with a secret grudge in your heart, then the owner of this year will be extremely dissatisfied and may teach you a lesson. Therefore, it is better to find a compromise, ask for forgiveness and make peace. During the celebration itself, you should not quarrel, it is better to restrain your ardor and in some situations it is better to simply remain silent, and later, after the holidays, when emotions have completely gone away, you can calmly talk and come to a common denominator. If it was a trifle, then it will be forgotten, and the relationship will not deteriorate. The ideal option for celebrating the New Year 2017 is a large and funny company friends. Invite exactly those people with whom you would like to rally in the coming year. What to wear New Year 2017 As you may have guessed, main color 2017, in principle, like the past, is red. At the same time, you don’t have to stop at classic red; you can buy an outfit in burgundy, scarlet, and even all shades pink flowers. In general, astrologers say that the owner of 2017 will like all fiery shades, which means orange and yellow can be included in this list. If fiery shades are not to your liking, then nice flowers There will be purple and blue. This will definitely attract the Rooster's attention. If we talk about style, then this year for girls the best option there will be asymmetrical outfits and it doesn’t matter what exactly - a skirt with a blouse, a dress or even a jumpsuit. But this year it is better for men to completely move away from casual style and give up funny T-shirts and torn jeans. Make sure you stand out and look original but elegant at the same time. Let it be a pullover or jumper with trousers, the main thing is that they only emphasize your masculinity. The same applies to women's outfit- in it you should be feminine and gentle, and not flashy and daring. Save this image for later. There should be neither too many nor too few accessories. It is very important in this regard to find golden mean and it is better if there are fewer of them than necessary. Jewelry should only highlight your image and complement it. Therefore, it is not advisable to wear something flashy this year; stick to minimalism. What to cook for the New Year 2017 This year, housewives do not have to limit their imagination and invention. Meat dishes, various salads, snacks, seafood and fish - all this will definitely please the symbol of the coming year. But in order to consolidate success and achieve your goal, astrologers advise placing meat dishes next to seafood. This will allow you to catch the bird of happiness in the coming year and increase your income. The owner of the coming year has an extremely negative attitude towards everything unnatural. Therefore, there should be no semi-finished products on the table. The same applies to ready-made food from restaurants. If you want pizza or rolls, it’s better to make them yourself, it’s not that difficult. Still, the representative of this sign has his own preferences - it’s sweet. Therefore, it’s time to get out your signature dessert recipes and please your loved ones. In addition, to ensure that there is always money and prosperity in the house, be sure to place a bowl of fruit on the table. How to decorate a table for the New Year 2017 If you still have candles and elegant candlesticks from last year, then you can safely take them out this year, since the Fire theme is still relevant. You can also use last year's red decorations. It can be anything - napkins, figurines, compositions, tablecloths, and so on. But unlike the outgoing year of the Monkey, when meeting the 2017 Rooster, you should not overuse excessive glitter - there should not be too much tinsel, it should simply emphasize and create a festive mood. Be sure to decorate your dishes; the Rooster loves beauty and elegance. In this case, it is advisable to add a treat decorated with something red - tomatoes, pomegranate or red caviar.

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PINE PREVENTION AGAINST FLU AND COLDS Recipe: 2 tbsp. l. Scots pine buds. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the kidneys and cook in a water bath for 30–35 minutes. Leave the broth for 30 minutes, then strain. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day after meals to treat the disease and 1 time in the morning for prevention. Aqueous decoctions prepared from kidneys have an antiseptic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. Used to treat rheumatism, dropsy, bronchitis, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cakes from childhood. A selection of 9 recipes for excellent cakes, the taste of which many remember from childhood. 1. NAPOLEON CAKE Ingredients: cake dough with a diameter of 20-22 cm. 200 ml. cold milk 120 gr. cold margarine 1 egg 1/4 teaspoon citric acid pinch of vanillin 1 tbsp. spoon of cognac or vodka 2.5 cups of flour (glass = 250 ml) cream 2 cups of milk (glass 250 ml.) 2 eggs 200 gr. sugar 1 packet vanilla sugar 2 tbsp. spoons of corn starch (without a slide) 200 ml. cream 33% 1 packet of cream fixative Preparation: 1. Sift a glass of flour into a bowl, add diced margarine, vanillin and citric acid, chop everything with a knife to make crumbs. Separately mix the egg, milk and cognac, add to the crumbs, mix, gradually adding the rest of the sifted flour, knead into a smooth dough, wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. 2. Meanwhile prepare the custard. In a saucepan, bring 1.5 cups of milk to a boil, separately in a bowl, mix with a mixer 0.5 cups of milk, sugar, vanilla sugar, starch and eggs, stirring, pour this mixture into boiling milk, cook, stirring until the cream thickens, turn off the heat, cool the cream. 3. Heat the oven to 200 degrees, cover a baking sheet with parchment. 4. Bake 12 very thin cakes from the dough until golden color, grind one of the most golden ones into crumbs. 5. Whip the cream with the fixative into a strong foam, carefully mix with the custard. 6. Coat the cakes with cream, also coat the sides of the cake, sprinkle with crumbs. 7. Leave the finished cake at room temperature for 4 hours, then put in the refrigerator overnight

USEFUL TIPS: 1. If you line the shelves of the refrigerator and cabinets transparent film, then you won’t need to spend a lot of time washing them. When cleaning, you just need to throw away the old film and lay down a new one. 2. There will always be something in the kitchen, no matter what pleasant aroma, if you place a small jar of baking soda and a few drops somewhere essential oil. The container should be covered with foil with several holes punched in it. Periodically shake the jar and add oil. 3. One more important point in the kitchen - absence unpleasant odors in a refrigerator. Works great with them Activated carbon. A few charcoal tablets will absorb unwanted odors. 4. Any item from of stainless steel. Wash your hands first regular soap, and then rub it with stainless steel - and the smell will disappear. 5. Do you need to wash mugs with stubborn tea stains? No problem! Fill them with kefir overnight. In the morning there will be practically no residue left, and you just need to rinse the mugs with water and detergent. 6. Tea – excellent natural alternative synthetic detergents against fat. Strong tea leaves will help clean parquet, linoleum and even glass from greasy stains. 7. Use special containers to store food. They look neater and take up less space and help products preserve their beneficial properties. 8. When beating meat, do small pieces fly in all directions? Place the future chop in plastic bag and hit him. All the meat will remain inside the bag. 9. Hang a small magnetic board in the kitchen on which you can write with a marker: at any time you can write down what you need to buy, or how to prepare this or that dish. 10. Special attention pay attention to following places and items: refrigerator handles, dish sponges, sink drain, faucet, kitchen towels. Wipe, wash and change them regularly, and your kitchen will always be clean!

On the eve of the New Year, it is customary to take stock. And what holiday is approaching, the more distinct is the feeling that you must definitely accomplish something, finish something, say something, and start the year not just with a new sheet of the calendar, but also with clean slate of your own life.

And may you yourself have been playing the role of Grandfather Frost for a long time, carefully “passing” your children’s letters to him every year. While children believe in miracles, adults understand that dreams and thoughts tend to come true, acquiring very real outlines over time.

Write down all the most important things that you dream of, put the letter in an envelope and promise yourself that you will open it no earlier than next December. You will see, much of what you wrote will already come true! And of course, do not forget that miracles are where people believe in them.

#2 Decorate the house

Nothing creates a holiday mood like the flickering lights of garlands, the aroma of spruce brought in from the frost and the smell of tangerines. It's time, it's time to create magic New Year's tale! Decorating your home for the holidays is definitely creative activity, in which the whole family can take part: from the older generation to your beloved pets. Winter evenings, carried out in family circle, will warm you with warmth.

#3 Visit family

In the whirlwind of everyday life, we rarely find time for loved ones. But just before the holidays, when the atmosphere of family reigns around, they especially need our care and attention. And even if you can’t come in person, call them and just talk. Believe me, sincere participation will be the most long-awaited gift for them!

#4 Prepare gifts

There is nothing more pleasant than turning on your favorite Christmas songs a few days before the holiday and immersing yourself in the creative atmosphere of the rustling wrapping paper, boxes, bags, cards and ribbons.

#5 Do something kind

#6 Take a walk under the fluffy snow

To get into the holiday atmosphere, you just need to walk around the city with glowing shop windows, decorated Christmas trees and residents bustling around in their pre-New Year chores. And if at this time fluffy flakes of snow fall from the sky, consider yourself lucky - you really find yourself in a Christmas fairy tale.

#7 Make peace with everyone

Remember the famous song about 5 minutes? So: no matter what the traditions of celebrating this holiday are in the world, a resident of any country will tell you that on the eve of the New Year and Christmas, you definitely need to ask for forgiveness from those you have upset, or forgive your offenders yourself. And even if it is difficult at times. But feel for yourself how great it is!

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In anticipation... Spelling dictionary-reference book

in anticipation- in anticipation, preposition with gender. It was on the eve of the New Year... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

in anticipation- see the threshold of what in the sign. pretext. Before what l. event, phenomenon, etc. On the eve of old age, death... Dictionary of many expressions

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in anticipation- on the eve of (what) (immediately before what n.) ... Russian spelling dictionary

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  • On the threshold of philosophy. The Spiritual Quest of Ancient Man, G. Frankfort, G. A. Frankfort, J. Wilson, T. Jacobsen. A group of American oriental scientists attempted to penetrate inner world people distant from us for thousands of years. The spiritual culture of the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians...
