How to remove nasolabial wrinkles: salon procedures, mask recipes, exercises. How to remove nasolabial folds - the best ways for all ages

After 25 years, skin aging begins, the most noticeable sign of which is the appearance of folds in the nasolabial triangle. There are many ways to remove nasolabial wrinkles, but it is advisable to start therapy as soon as possible. Over time, wrinkles begin to deepen, and it becomes more difficult to eliminate them.

Nasolabial folds are mimic wrinkles that look like two furrows running from the lips towards the nose. With age, they become deeper and more pronounced. Without proper skin care, they can appear in enough young age. So it's better to think about preventive measures in advance.

Nasolabial wrinkles appear not only due to the natural aging process of the skin.

In addition, there are other factors that provoke their development:

  1. Bad habits. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption contribute to early wilting skin faces.
  2. non-compliance drinking regime. The use of large volumes of liquid before going to bed leads to stretching of the epidermis on the face and, as a result, the appearance of wrinkles.
  3. Fascination with diets. A common cause of furrows on the skin. With a sharp decrease in weight, sagging of the skin occurs, which visually gives a few extra years even at a young age.
  4. Fascination with cosmetics. Daily application of low-quality decorative or medical cosmetics puts extra stress on the skin. In such conditions, the appearance of nasolabial folds and other facial wrinkles will not take long.
  5. environmental factor. Living in ecologically unfavorable areas is fraught with frequent contact with man-made pollution. They negatively affect the condition of both the whole body and the skin of the face.
  6. Active expression. It is one of the main causes of nasolabial folds. The habits of wrinkling your nose, actively laughing and smiling are harmful, so it is advisable to get rid of them.

Nasolabial folds can appear against the background of regular stress, due to which the body is constantly stressed. Increases the risk of their formation and an unbalanced diet, which includes a lot of fatty, fried and salty foods.

Cosmetics for nasolabial wrinkles

When choosing cosmetics to combat nasolabial wrinkles, it is advisable to focus on the quality of the ingredients that are contained in its basis. For example, funds based fruit acid rejuvenate the skin from within. She looks fresh after similar procedures.

Sometimes wrinkles appear due to dehydration, so the dermis needs to be constantly moisturized. Oily skin needs ethanol-free extract emulsions, while dry skin needs frequent moisturizing.

It is important to choose exactly those products that are suitable for your skin type.

It is important to protect your skin from UV rays. And you need to visit the beach, taking sunscreen with you. In cold seasons, it is recommended to use oily creams protecting from temperature fluctuations and biting winds.

Folk remedies

You can get rid of nasolabial folds with the help of alternative medicine. But it should be remembered that the effect of such funds does not occur immediately. For getting good result you will have to go through a full course of rejuvenation at home.

  1. Treat your face with ice cubes. Manipulation should be carried out after morning washing. As a frozen liquid, you can use decoctions of chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, calendula.
  2. Fix the result. After the procedure, you need to do the following: stretch the lips, opening them with the letter “O”, puff out the cheeks.

Recipes for masks and creams for nasolabial wrinkles

Traditional healers advise using homemade masks for nasolabial folds.

Mask #1

Excellent efficiency is shown by a product based on bay leaves and burnt alum, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Leaves (10 - 15 pieces) are poured with boiling water (50 ml) and infused for about 6 - 7 minutes. Alum (10 g), olive oil (1 tablespoon), proteins are added to the strained broth chicken eggs(3 pcs.)

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the strips are dipped into the mass cotton fabric prepared in advance. They must be applied to nasolabial wrinkles for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, it is desirable to moisturize the skin of the face with a nourishing cream.

Mask number 2

Another mask for mimic wrinkles, based on spirulina algae, shows a good tonic effect, due to which the skin is tightened and smoothed. To prepare it, it is necessary to soak edible gelatin (50 g) in warm water and 4 tablets of pharmaceutical spirulina separately. After softening, you should get a mushy green mass. Next, gelatin should be melted in a water bath, not allowing it to boil, cool slightly and mixed with algae, vitamin A (1 - 2 drops) and lemon juice(0.5 tsp)

Apply the mask to cleansed skin and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes of use. The standard course lasts a month, two procedures per week.

Professional procedures help to effectively deal with nasolabial folds. Now more and more injectable drugs are coming into fashion, which provide enough quick result. The disadvantage of such procedures is their fragility, which means that after a while the need to visit a beauty salon will reappear. All procedures are carried out under local anesthesia using the latest developments in the field of facial skin cosmetology.

Hyaluronic acid injections

The introduction of hyaluronic acid through injections provides an effect for up to a year. When using special synthetic fillers the result will be fixed for more long term. But since their complete safety has not been proven, the risk of complications and adverse reactions is high.

The rejuvenating procedure is carried out almost painlessly, since the place is previously anesthetized. Its action is based on the retention of fluid in the deep layers of the epidermis, thereby stimulating collagen synthesis. This leads to an improvement in the condition of the skin, smoothing it and evening out the tone.

AT rare cases observed adverse reactions in the form of the appearance of small subcutaneous hematomas. But after a few days there is no trace of them.


An effective procedure that helps to stop the visual aging of the skin and reduce nasolabial wrinkles. It is painless and hypoallergenic, but at the same time, expensive.

The procedure is carried out in a hospital in several stages:

  • samples are taken from the patient subcutaneous fat;
  • the composition of the samples is analyzed in a specialized laboratory;
  • taking into account individual features the composition and consistency of the injection is selected;
  • a manipulation is performed to introduce the patient's subcutaneous fat into the nasolabial folds.

Small hematomas form at the injection sites, which dissolve after a few days after the procedure.

Contour plastic

Contouring is carried out by introducing fillers into the nasolabial areas. The duration of the course behavior, the duration of the result and the cost depend on the drug that conducts local rejuvenation.

The most popular remedy for nasolabial folds is silicone, which is cheap and readily available. But choosing such injections, it should be remembered that they often lead to tissue necrosis. This effect is observed due to the high allergenicity of silicone, which causes inflammation when it enters the subcutaneous layers. varying degrees gravity.

Other cosmetic procedures

Others salon methods smoothing nasolabial wrinkles are:

  • chemical peeling, providing exfoliation of dead cells and skin rejuvenation;
  • polishing to give the skin smoothness and silkiness;
  • local injection under the skin shows excellent result and allows you to significantly reduce nasolabial wrinkles, but sometimes leads to a temporary distortion of facial expressions;
  • subcutaneous injection of bio-fillers based on synthetic collagen, which helps to tone the skin of the face for up to six months.

Treatments for nasolabial wrinkles at home

In the fight against nasolabial wrinkles, not the last place is occupied by home procedures such as gymnastics and facial massage. They should be carried out in a complex, taking 10 to 15 minutes daily before bedtime. Only if the principle of regularity is observed can a good result be achieved without resorting to specialized salons.


Gymnastic exercises for nasolabial wrinkles are easy to perform, but require some effort. They should be repeated for 10 repetitions each, but if desired, after acquiring a certain skill, the number of approaches can be increased.

  1. We push the lower jaw forward. We strain the facial muscles as much as possible and imitate chewing movements.
  2. We take a deep breath through the mouth, drawing in the cheeks at the expense of times. On the count of two, we exhale sharply, puffing out our cheeks.
  3. We collect a full mouth of air, puffing out the cheeks. We chat them from side to side, straining the muscles of the face.
  4. We stretch the lips forward, having previously folded them into a “tube”. Hold the position for a few seconds, relax and repeat the exercise again.
  5. We take a deep breath, squeezing our lips into a straight line. We release air from one corner of the mouth in small portions. After completion, repeat the same thing, but with the opposite side.


The effect of facial gymnastics must be fixed with a session of self-massage from mimic grooves. It is carried out only on clean skin pre-moistened with any usual cream.

To get the desired result, just choose one of the most popular types of massages:

  1. Shiatsu. Problem areas of the face are treated with light tapping, which is performed with three fingers (index, middle, ring) of both hands. After the stage of warming up along the folds on the skin, it is necessary to draw conditional lines with an effort, in the direction from the wings of the nose to the cheekbones.
  2. Asahi. Massage is characterized by a certain soreness during the conduction, necessary to achieve optimal result. Despite the discomfort, asahi is popular because it effectively helps get rid of nasolabial wrinkles. It is carried out as follows. We place our fingers at the wings of the nose and make movements, “drawing” eights, 5 times in each direction. Press intensively until you feel a pleasant burning sensation on the skin. We repeat the exercise, but without strong pressure.


Few people will argue that it is better to prevent a problem than to look for a way to remove nasolabial wrinkles afterwards.

  • daily moisturize the skin with nourishing creams in the morning and evening;
  • ventilate the sleeping room and take walks in the fresh air;
  • select appropriate cosmetics age category and for the required skin type;
  • eat more plant foods and follow the correct drinking regimen;
  • get rid of bad habits - smoking, drinking strong alcoholic beverages;
  • monitor facial expressions and be able to relax even in stressful situations;
  • control the appearance of the first wrinkles for their successful smoothing.

Every woman needs to take care of her skin from a very young age. What’s more, it’s easy to do at home. The main thing is not to be lazy and constantly monitor the state of your appearance.

We have already divided the face into zones: and considered the signs of aging of the upper zone of the face. Let us now study more closely what happens with age in the middle zone, which is located between the line of the eyebrows and the line of the nostrils. Look at this picture:

The left half of the face shows a young face, the right half shows an age. What do we see on the age face?

If in youth the border between the eyelid and the cheek is almost imperceptible, then over time it begins to appear. In addition to a sharp sharp border between the eyelid and cheek, we also see a deepened nasolacrimal groove. These troubles arise due to a decrease in muscle volume, as well as loss of bone tissue volume and an increase in the orbit.

With age, the fibers of the circular muscle of the eye weaken and lose elasticity, and the orbito-zygomatic ligament is also stretched, as a result of which the orbital fat swells through thin muscle fibers. Outwardly, this manifests itself as fatty hernia - "bags" under the eyes.

The muscles and skin of the lower eyelid are stretched and, under the influence of gravity, the tissues fall down - the height of the lower eyelid increases. In profile, this is the distance from the ciliary margin to the lacrimal sulcus.

Additionally, zygomatic "painting" bags are formed - due to the omission of a portion of the zygomatic ("painting") fat, which is located in the form of a triangle above the zygomatic muscle.

1 - Fat "hernia"; 2 - Painting "bag"; 3 - Nasolacrimal groove

Cheekbones, high and dense as apples in youth, lose their volume and flatten. The main reason is the loss of zygomatic muscle tone, which themselves become less voluminous and can no longer retain their portion of buccal fat.

Under the cheekbones, where there is a depression in youth, on the contrary, unnecessary swelling occurs, since the fat lump from under the cheekbones moves downward.

With age, the nasolabial fold develops. There may be several reasons for this. The first - the square muscle of the upper lip spasms and shortens - this is how the upper parts of the nasolabial folds appear, coming from the wings of the nose. A dense roller of muscles is always visible above them. This variant of nasolabial folds can appear even at a young age. The second reason is the fat that has shifted from top to bottom, stretches the tissues, retains water and forms deep folds in the middle part of the nasolabial folds.

Finally, over time, the nose loses its youthful shape: the muscles of the nose weaken and the nasal cartilage either spreads to the sides (“potato nose”) or flows down (“hook nose”).

What does radical cosmetology offer in such cases? Filling the nasolacrimal trough and nasolabial folds with fillers, lower blepharoplasty against hernias, implants or dense fillers for the cheekbones, or even a lift middle zone faces with excision of a number of tissues. However, you see that the main causes of problems are the weakening of muscles and ligaments. So why wait until they weaken? After all, you can train the muscles, maintaining their strength, tone, elasticity - and then there will simply be no place for fatty hernias to come from, and the cheekbones will retain a young volume, and wrinkles will not form in the nasolabial region.

Face culture for the middle zone of the face includes exercises to erase the "eyelid-cheek" border, to strengthen the lower part of the circular muscle of the eye and the orbito-zygomatic ligaments; for training and pumping up the volume of the zygomatic muscles. You also need to master exercises to smooth out the spasmodic muscles that form the nasolabial folds, and strengthen the muscles of the nose. We will deal with all this further. In the meantime, do the already mastered exercises for the upper face zone and share your successes!

Julia Zartaiskaya, your face culture instructor.

Nasolabial wrinkles are folds that extend from the wings of the nose towards the corners of the mouth. AT young age these lines of the nasolabial triangle are clearly visible only when a person smiles broadly.

A nasolabial wrinkle can be the first sign of old age, and therefore it is not surprising that women who see such a change on their face begin to look for methods and means to eliminate ugly folds.

You can try to cope with them on your own, that is, at home.

note: Deep grooves of the nasolabial triangle are eliminated only by special cosmetic procedures.

Causes of wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle

When deciding how, it is first necessary to establish the reasons provoking this defect in appearance.

If possible, they will need to be minimized and in the future the formation of perilabial folds will slow down.

Primary - the natural aging of all cells of the body, in which the production of collagen decreases, and, accordingly, the elasticity of the skin decreases.

In addition to this reason, the formation of wrinkles of the nasolabial triangle is facilitated by:

  1. Features of the anatomical structure of the skull and a certain location of facial muscles, which contributes to the early formation deep lines on the face.
  2. Addiction to bad habits. The aging of the body occurs faster in those who smoke and are fond of alcoholic beverages.
  3. Adverse environmental conditions. Always in the air chemical elements, which is typical of industrial centers, causes irreparable damage to the delicate skin of the face.
  4. Tendency to puffiness, which causes overstretching of the skin. This is especially noticeable if a person is used to drinking tea or water before going to bed.

Incorrectly selected cosmetic procedures can also contribute to increased visibility of nasolabial folds.

Therefore, an experienced cosmetologist should advise how to remove wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle, who will take into account not only the age of his client, but also the type of skin, the location of facial muscles and features of facial features.

Means and methods for eliminating nasolabial folds

Modern cosmetology offers dozens of different procedures, the action of which is aimed at general facial rejuvenation and the elimination of mimic wrinkles.

The resulting wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle are eliminated:

  1. An introduction to the fold itself, that is. Most often, such products contain which not only fills the grooves, making them invisible, but also stimulates the production of collagen. The effect is noticeable immediately, but it lasts no more than one year. Botulinum toxin injections are also popular.
  2. Peeling of the skin of the face. Deep peeling allows you to remove the upper dead layer of the epidermis, which enhances regeneration processes, and activates the production of collagen. Peeling removes both wrinkles of the nasolabial triangle and wrinkles near the eyes, and this procedure also eliminates hyperpigmentation spots and acne scars.
  3. Lipofilling is a procedure that eliminates the deepest nasolabial wrinkles. The essence of its implementation is the introduction into the perilabial folds of the patient's own fat cells taken from the hips or abdomen. Such a fatty substance is not rejected by the skin and leads to a long-term smoothing of mimic wrinkles.
  4. - another procedure that helps smooth the skin of the face. Massage must be able to be carried out correctly, since excessive stretching of the skin will lead to an increase in the defect. You can also use mesoscooters - a device equipped with massage rollers with thin needles. Under its influence, nutrition, blood circulation of the treated area is enhanced, and due to this, collagen production improves, skin elasticity increases.

At the stage of the appearance of the first age-related changes on the face, it can help anti-aging cream from nasolabial wrinkles.

There are hundreds of such types of cosmetics, choosing them, you need to take into account that the product must contain coenzyme Q10, hyaluronic acid and collagen, that is, substances that promote skin rejuvenation.

How to remove wrinkles from the nasolabial triangle at home

Wrinkles of the nasolabial triangle on early stage their appearance can be eliminated independently.

When choosing how to remove nasolabial wrinkles at home, you need to pay attention to all kinds of anti-aging masks, compresses and rubbing.

  1. . Food grade gelatin contains natural collagen, which helps to make the wrinkles of the nasolabial triangle and the entire face less noticeable. Dry gelatin should be mixed with three parts of milk, herbal decoction or plain water. The mixture is left to swell for half an hour, then kept in the microwave until the mass dissolves. Before using the mask, a few drops of olive oil are added to it. Keep the applied mixture until it dries completely and then clean with warm water.
  2. A contrast compress will also help get rid of nasolabial wrinkles. You can use milk, herbal decoctions, chamomile infusion. You will need two containers - in one there should be a cold agent, in the other hot. First, you need to moisten the towel in a cold solution, apply a compress to your face for two to three minutes, then change it to a hot one, the exposure time is the same. You can alternate applying napkins up to 5 times. The procedure always ends with the use of a cold compress.

Wrinkles from the nasolabial triangle are easier to remove if all methods of their elimination are combined with

Is it possible to effectively remove wrinkles on the face at home?

It's hard to believe, but at home you can remove even deep wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, smooth out nasolabial folds, straighten the skin on the forehead.

It is only necessary to understand the mechanics of wrinkle formation, to know what changes in the skin lead to unaesthetic furrows appearing in it, to be able to stop this mechanism and start it back.

Women have been struggling with facial wrinkles for thousands of years. During this time, a fair amount of ways to slow down the appearance of wrinkles and smooth out existing ones have accumulated in the arsenal of beauties.

The face will not be able to remain young forever, but on the other hand, it is possible to preserve its natural freshness for a long time and put a barrier in the way of the appearance of signs of aging.

These signs include facial wrinkles around the eyes, mouth and nasolabial folds.

Those who unsuccessfully tried to remove wrinkles on their own made one mistake. Measures against wrinkles should be systematic and regular.

In fact, very simple measures lead to the regeneration of the skin layers, which do not have to be carried out in the salon. The main thing is to know what to do.

Wrinkles are nothing more than changes in the skin layers: the epidermis and dermis. In the first case, a mesh of small wrinkles.

It is enough to properly saturate the skin with water and subsequently prevent its dehydration so that small wrinkles (most often around the eyes) disappear.

You can remove these wrinkles at home with the help of peeling and good moisturizing cosmetics or a course of moisturizing masks.

Deeper wrinkles are more difficult to remove, as they affect the middle layer of the skin - the dermis. They appear due to insufficient content of collagen fibers in the dermis and damage to its cells by free radicals.

More intense products than in the first case will come to the rescue: smoothing, restoring collagen and deeply moisturizing serums with aloe, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (molecular weight below 1000 daltons), antioxidants.

These funds are available for sale: every self-respecting cosmetic company produces them. All of them are suitable for home use.

So, the cause of wrinkles can be:

  • dehydration;
  • slowing down collagen synthesis;
  • lack of nutrients and vitamins;
  • flabbiness of the muscles of the face.

If you draw up a care program aimed at eliminating these factors, then the first wrinkles will have to “wait” for a very long time, and existing ones will become less noticeable or completely disappear from the face. The result can be noticeable after 2-3 weeks.

The most reliable way to remove wrinkles is by acting on the skin at the cellular level. The most effective programs, including facial gymnastics and anti-aging preparations for home use, allow you to remove even deep nasolabial folds.

To remove wrinkles, the face needs to be provided with nutrition, hydration, exercise for muscles and oxygen. For all this, it is not necessary to go to the salon and spend money on injections and hardware procedures.

Everything you need can be found in kitchen cabinets, refrigerator, on a shelf in the bathroom.

Home methods are more gentle than salon methods, therefore instant result you can not wait, but with regular facial care, the result will definitely be.

Wrinkles under the eyes

Wrinkles around the eyes appear among the first. They do not necessarily indicate the respectable age of their mistress, as they can form as early as the age of 20+.

The skin around the eyes is devoid of fatty glands and subcutaneous tissue, which makes the skin near the eyes vulnerable to frequent mimic muscle contraction.

One of the main measures for caring for the skin around the eyes is taking care of its regular moisturizing. To do this, you can use the juice of ordinary aloe, which grows in a pot on the windowsill in almost any kitchen.

Usually this plant is used for cuts and pimples, but its juice is an excellent moisturizer for the skin. The juice is squeezed out, diluted with water 1:1 and applied to the skin with the pads of the ring fingers, lightly patting.

If you want to apply the product especially carefully and gently, then use the pads of your ring fingers for this.

At home, you can cook overnight nutritious cream for the skin around the eyes. To do this, combine in the same container in equal proportions Tocopherol (sold in a pharmacy), sea buckthorn oil and cocoa.

This mixture produces a smoothing effect, it is applied to the temples and in the corners of the eyes. Excess should be removed with a napkin after a quarter of an hour. The procedure is repeated every other day.

Instead of cocoa butter, the mask can be prepared in olive oil. Such mixtures are popular as they help to remove shallow wrinkles.

Can be applied pure oil or mix it with the same Tocopherol, which removes wrinkles so successfully that cosmetologists call it the “vitamin of youth”.

mask from olive oil do every day before bed. To enhance the result, add 1 drop of rose ether to a teaspoon of oil.

Linseed oil effectively removes wrinkles. It helps even when the furrows have already spread to the eyelids and temples. But in these cases, not creams showed themselves better, but oil compresses.

On the face for 15 minutes put a soft, moistened in linseed oil the cloth. The procedure is done every other day until a visible effect is achieved.

Regular parsley will help remove wrinkles. It needs to be finely chopped and put on the places of accumulation of wrinkles around the eyes.

juice and essential oils parsley smoothes the skin, so that after such a kind of lifting, wrinkles disappear. The duration of the mask is a quarter of an hour.

After masks or compresses, you will become attractive again. Just believe that you can remove mimic wrinkles around the eyes right at home, and then proceed to the procedures.

Wrinkles around the mouth and nasolabial

The first wrinkles near the mouth can appear at a very young age, since the folds in this area are mimic, that is, they arise not only due to aging.

In youth, wrinkles in the mouth area are visible only during laughter, but over time they deepen and turn into more and more distinct furrows that do not disappear even if the muscles of the mouth are in a relaxed state.

You can remove wrinkles near the mouth and nasolabial folds with the help of essential oils. Esters of sandalwood, basil and lemon balm are suitable for this purpose.

Basil ether can not only remove wrinkles around the mouth, but also restore natural color lips.

From fatty oils, you can take apricot, peach and wheat germ. Avocado oil has a strong anti-aging effect - it can be used to remove wrinkles not only near the lips, but also in any part of the face.

If the oil could not be found, then just apply avocado slices to your face. The fruit is so saturated with vegetable fats that the skin can even absorb some oil from them.

Oils are treated problem areas daily before bed. Esters cannot be used in pure form: they are added to fatty oil at the rate of 1 drop per teaspoon.

If you ask older women with a preserved excellent condition skin of the face, what remedy they used, you can often hear that an ordinary cucumber helped them prevent aging.

They just daily (!) rubbed a slice fresh cucumber skin of the face and hands.

It is easiest to remove deep nasolabial sweetness with the help of facial gymnastics:

  1. Fold your lips into a tube and pull forward;
  2. We inflate our cheeks and roll the air in a circle: left-up-right-down and in the opposite direction;
  3. At closed mouth strongly push the lower jaw forward and hold it in this position until the muscles get tired.

These exercises against nasolabial folds are recommended by the famous cosmetologist from England Carol Maggio.

Experts say that deep nasolabial folds can only be corrected with plastic surgery, but in milder cases, gymnastics can help if you give it 15 to 20 minutes daily.

Smiling people and people with active facial expressions are the first to notice the appearance of nasolabial folds on their face - two grooves descending in parallel from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth, often called "nasolabial folds".

In order not to deprive yourself of a smile and Have a good mood, but to correct this shortcoming, as well as delay the appearance of nasolabial folds with age, you can use the latest cosmetic techniques, many types of facial massage, various exercises and a huge arsenal of proven "grandmother's methods".

Let's figure out together why women different ages nasolabial folds appear, and what are the most effective methods of getting rid of them.

Main reasons

Nasolabial folds form on the face for the following reasons:

Let's take a closer look at the methods for eliminating nasolabial folds in different age categories.

What to do in 25-35 years

From nasolabial folds, small wrinkles near the eyes, transverse on the forehead, for example, lifting cream with tightening effect(Olay Total Effects set, Amrita brand lifting cream based on chaga birch fungus) and lifting serum (Maxilift).
Before going outside in sunny weather (at any time of the year), you need to use:

  1. Sunglasses and cream with a protection index of 10 and high content pigments: zinc oxide, titanium dioxide or iron oxide.

    This will allow you to stay in the sun 10 times longer than without the use of cream and not strain the facial muscles of the face;

  2. Prolonged exposure to the sun creams are cool and moist, alternating with masks.

    Restore balance to the skin, cool and help heal cracks in stratum corneum chamomile and licorice.

American sunscreens with a protection index of 15 correspond to European creams with a factor of 10. If the skin is prone to sun allergies, you should abandon cosmetics, alcohol-containing products (for example, perfumes) that cause allergies.

It must be remembered that when choosing a tanning product, the intensity of the radiation is taken into account and compared with the protective factor of the skin and its type. Shiny snow in the mountains, water and sand increase the effect of ultraviolet radiation, and a burn can occur even in weather with partly cloudy, which ages the skin, makes it flabby and wrinkled.

To not appear acne from sunscreen with emulsifiers, oils and fats, their start using before warm season in 7-10 days.

It is necessary to use serums and concentrates with active ingredients: plant extracts, vitamins A, C and E, hyaluronic acid. It will provide skin cells with moisture. Seboregulating serum with an antibacterial effect is suitable for oily skin types.

From the "grandmother's chest" you can get:

Gymnastics to prevent wrinkles

  1. We inflate our cheeks and slowly release the air from our mouths.
  2. Straining the facial muscles, pull the upper lip over the lower, fix the position for 5-15 minutes, and return to i.p. Lightly press on the folds and straighten them, stretching the skin.
  3. We press with force on the skin of the nasolabial folds without stretching in order to maintain the thickness of the skin and from the appearance of deep grooves.

Gymnastics Carol Maggio

  1. To perform this exercise, you need mentally mark a couple of points in the center of the lips.
  2. Next, open the lips, forming a regular oval and leaving dots on the same vertical line.
  3. With the help of fingers we fast back and forth movements until the burning sensation of the skin appears.

Elements of stone therapy

Massage with hot smooth natural (round and flat medium-sized) stones can be performed in the salon or at home. Spend on massage oil.

To prepare it, you can use lavender, lemon, rosemary, rose, pine, non-role or essential fennel. For 50 ml base from vegetable oil add 20-25 drops of one of the oils.

Massage oil can be used for compress on nasolabial folds. You can add 50 ml of alcohol (80%) to the oil, you get a massage lotion. If there is no massage cream or oil at hand, then the minerals will need to be rolled.

Technique of using stones

First, two heated ( up to +15°С or slightly higher) stones are carried out on the face in accordance with the scheme massage lines. They coincide with the outflow of blood and lymph on the face. Blood circulation and lymph flow are activated, fresh oxygen and nutrition will be supplied to the cells.

With cooled stones, lymphatic drainage movements are performed from the forehead to the center of the chin in a semicircle. Then, with the ribs of heated small stones, knead simultaneously or alternately spiral and dashed movements forehead, cheeks, temples, observing the course of the massage lines.

Add more 2 hot stones and stroke them along the vessels. Next, 2 stones are placed on the forehead, chin and maxillary sinuses. Hot stones are carried out along the nasolabial furrow.

Now they start ironing with cold stones (ribs) with stroke-like movements along the massage lines and nasolabial folds. warm stones removed from the face. Then they carry out along the folds warm and cold stone alternately, which will provide the effect of tightening the skin and smoothing wrinkles.

Classic massage

The face is supplied with blood by veins, arteries of the eyes and branches of the carotid artery. Lymph nodes are located at the tragus and earlobes. The facial and trigeminal nerves act as motor fibers innervation of masticatory and facial muscles.

To relax the round muscles of the mouth, one should not forget about the massage of the nerve dislocation zone, and for lymphatic drainage - about finger pressure near the lymph nodes in order to accelerate the flow of lymph to the nodes for cleansing.

For the procedure you can also prepare massage oil according to this recipe: to almond, olive or peach oil(50 ml) you can add essential oils (in drops): cypress and geranium (6 each), lemon and fennel (5 each).

To work out the nasolabial fold, round muscles of the mouth and chin apply movements:

  • stroking, including transverse stroking from top to bottom of the nasolabial fold;
  • rubbing (rectilinear and dotted);
  • kneading with a fingertip: spiral and straight, pressing and pinching across the groove and along the edge of the jaw;

Stroking, rubbing movements, kneading with pinches, intermittent vibration are performed according to loose skin around the mouth. It is fixed with one hand at the corners of the mouth, with the fingers of the other - they massage in the opposite direction. Next, the muscles around the mouth are strengthened with the help of facial exercises (grimaces) for 1-3 minutes.

Age 35-45 years

By this age, not only women, but also men are recommended to include in the list of cosmetics:

  1. Cream and spray of the new professional Japanese line La Sincere for tightening and moisturizing the deep layers of the skin and suppressing cell aging.
  2. Goji Cream in order to stop the aging process of cells and normalize their vital activity.

Thanks to nanotechnology, La Sincere spray moisturizes, rejuvenates and fixes (tightens) the skin, strengthens the frame due to unique composition based on extracts of such medicinal herbs as: grape leaves, horse chestnut, witch hazel, ivy, arnica. As well as the presence of antioxidants in the composition: platinum, 24-carat gold and silver, malachite extract and hematocus.

The action of the spray is directed to restoration of the structure of collagen and elastin, which makes the skin frame elastic and reduces wrinkles and nasolabial folds.

La Sincere cream tightens and moisturizes the skin and penetrates deep into its layers due to hyaluronic acid, shea butter, coenzyme Q10, valuable squalane and hematoxus (algae extract) - an active antioxidant that suppresses cell aging.

Thanks to the antioxidant action of goji berry extract, Goji Cream penetrates deep into the skin, moisturizes it and “pushes out” wrinkles, saturates skin cells with vitamin C and E, group B, iron and betaine.

It is useful to include dry goji berries in the diet, drink tea based on them and make masks.

Infusion: place dried goji berries (1 tablespoon) in a thermos with boiling water (1 tablespoon) and let it brew for 30 minutes. Drink 1/3-1/2 tbsp. before each meal, separating and eating the thick.

Shia-tsu massage

Acupressure can be used in the morning and evening at home and at work. His technique is not complicated.

To smooth out the nasolabial folds, you need to press for 5-7 seconds with the pad of your index or middle fingers on the depression above upper lip, at the corners of the lips and on the fossa under lower lip, and perform circular movements without tearing off the finger. Data massage biologically active points also eliminate vertical wrinkles above the lip.

It is recommended to apply a massage cream on the skin. To do this, mix almond oil(30 ml) with essential oils (drops): rose and patchouli (3 each), neroli and ylang-ylang (2 each). This composition can be used for the skin of the face at night, especially for aging skin.

You can smooth out the nasolabial fold with aging skin with compresses from the mask: apple pulp is mixed with cream and yolk, essential oil rose petals are added (1:1:1:0.5) and everything is beaten in a mixer. Added to 30 g of the mixture rose oil- 10 drops and applied to the groove for 15-20 minutes, fixing with a plaster. The mask is also useful for the skin of the face and décolleté.

Injection and hardware methods

Age is the culprit for the decrease in elastin and collagen in the skin. The situation is aggravated due to improper care and bad habits. Cosmetologists come to the rescue procedures for the correction of nasolabial folds.

Radio frequency lifting (Rf-lifting)

This method can correct nasolabial folds, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and overdrying of any skin type from age. 20 to 60 years old.

RF lifting promotes stimulate your own rejuvenation process and restoration of skin regeneration.

Threadlifting with mesothreads Beaute lift V-LINE

This minimally invasive and in an efficient way return correct and clear features and contour of the face. Polydioxanone, a medical suture material that is biocompatible with body tissues, is used for the manufacture of mesothreads.

When it is injected into the skin, fibroblasts (the main skin cells) are activated and collagen synthesis is resumed by them. When creating a new frame with mesothreads, tissues and muscles are tightened, the nasolabial fold is smoothed out.

Chemical superficial peeling

This procedure rejuvenates the face and tightens wrinkles due to removal of the top layer of skin with dead cells. During a chemical peel, the skin is damaged.

But thanks to modern cosmetics in the process of skin regeneration, collagen and elastin are produced, young tissues are formed, deep wrinkles and folds are smoothed out, dark spots, ingrown hairs, scars become invisible.

Superficial chemical peeling is performed to correct the nasolabial fold using organic acids: glycolic, lactic and pyruvic.

Contour plastic

Contour plasty using injections of hyaluronic acid removes nasolabial folds for 6-12 months. Use biodegradable fillers Teosyal, Restylane, Surzhiderm and Juvederm with reversible action.

When carrying out the procedure, it is important to calculate the amount of the injected filler in mimic fold. As a result of replenishment of hyaluronic acid resources, wrinkles are smoothed out. After the procedure temporarily swelling, bruising and bruising may occur, especially when the needle enters the vessel and superficial injection of the gel.

An important point in the introduction of filler injections is the observance of all the recommendations of a cosmetologist before and after the procedure. You can not touch your face, do a massage on your own, apply cosmetics for several days.

Possible convex-concave deformity, translucence of the material during the introduction a large number hyaluronic acid, which is attributed to the minuses of contour plastics.

During tissue fibrosis, the gel will not lie flat, so bumps and dents may appear, and tissue ischemia may develop.

The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately - this is the main advantage of contouring.

Introduction of Radiesse collagen stimulator

The spring beauty procedure is considered the introduction of Radiesse injections, which fills the nasolabial fold and stimulating collagen production in the body through calcium apatite hydroxyl, which is the main component of the drug.

The dense and viscous preparation is capable of unfolding overhanging deep fold tissues using the piercing technique. With the resorption of the drug over time, there will be a delay in the appearance of creases in the injection zone through the formation of its own collagen.

Methods of getting rid of 45-55 years

In addition to facial gymnastics, they include daily routine care with the help of various targeted cosmetic products: creams, masks, serums containing peptides, retinoids and glycolic acid . They eliminate nasolabial folds and stimulate collagen production.

It is useful to wash with water or put lotions of contrasting temperature on the furrows.

You can wipe your face in the morning frozen cube of herbal decoction and immediately apply a damp hot washcloth to the crease area. Finish the procedure with ice cubes.

With the expansion and narrowing of blood vessels the skin becomes firm and elastic, the tone returns to it.

as gymnastics puff out cheeks, move tongue in the oral cavity along the projection of the nasolabial fold, pull the lips forward, fix and strain, pull the lips with the lower jaw down (without opening the lips) and press the fold with your fingers, draining the adipose tissue (by cream or oil) from the cheeks to the groove.

A set of exercises

Get rid of nasolabial folds will help regular exercise:

  1. Cheek lift. We rest against the pads thumb under the chin, ribs index fingers placed in the nasolabial fold. With pulsating movements, gently press your fingers up and to the sides, lifting your cheeks, for 1 minute.
  2. Cheek thrusts. The little fingers lie on the nasolabial folds, the palm closes the cheeks. Lightly and gently press and push the cheeks, pulling it up - 1 minute.
  3. Sunny smile. Rubbing our palms together, we warm our hands and with warm fingers we stroke from the center of the lips towards the ears, slightly stretching the lips in a smile. We repeat up to 25 times.
  4. A spoon. We insert a spoon into the mouth, twisting the lips inward towards the teeth. We slowly raise the spoon up and fix the position on a smile for three counts. Lower the spoon down and repeat the exercise up to 20 times.
  5. Tweezers. We grab the muscles of the cheekbones in a pinch and slowly smile, fixing the position for 4-6 counts. Relax. Strongly pinching and stretching the skin is not necessary, just easy to fix the muscles. We perform 5-6 times.

Ayurvedic massage

To tighten and rejuvenate the skin of the face, cleanse tissues and cells, develop inner beauty, relieve tension, it is necessary to use marmas. They are biologically active zones and are responsible for the vital centers of the body. Marmas unite the physical and subtle energy body.

Massage points (see picture) in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds smoothes the nasolabial furrow and reduces the overhang of the cheeks. Start moving at a point counterclock-wise to open the blocked energy, then clockwise to saturate the tissue cells with fresh energy.

Massage procedure:

  1. we clean the face, inhale for 8 counts, exhale for 8 counts and hold the breath for 8 counts and warm up the skin of the lower half of the face with massage oil by stroking and rubbing massage movements: from the center line to the tragus and earlobes, observing the massage lines;
  2. we press on the folds with the help of index fingers, using a force of medium intensity, we fix the position for up to 6 seconds;
  3. we press on the marma points and perform circular movements without tearing off the finger, as mentioned above (see figure);
  4. we draw along the folds in a circular motion with a fingertip back and forth 2-3 times;
  5. massage the nasolabial muscle with the palm of your hand with a twisting movement without stretching the skin;
  6. we fix the fold index finger with one hand, with the second - we draw a semicircle around the fold, stretching the skin;
  7. fix the nasolabial fold for 10 seconds with the help of the phalanges of the fingers and stretch the skin;
  8. we press on the marmas above the upper and under the lower lip and then on the nasolabial fold.

How to perform Ayurvedic facial massage can be seen on the video:

55 years and older

At 55 and older you can follow all the procedures mentioned above. In addition, you need to do lymphatic drainage or elements Japanese massage face Asahi for the nasolabial fold, which also applies to lymphatic drainage massage.

Lymphatic drainage is conveniently performed using lymphatic drainage tubes (or small vacuum jars) on a nourishing gel or massage oil.

Direct the movements along the lymphatic vessels: from the nasolabial fold at the wings of the nose in a semicircle towards the tragus of the ears, from the corners of the lips through the fold in a semicircle to the earlobes, from the fossa in the center of the chin under the lip to the earlobes, from the center of the chin along the lower rib of the jaw to the earlobes.

Near the tragus and earlobes, they press and fix the position for 1-2 seconds to activate the lymph flow to the nodes.

Lymphatic drainage restores muscle tone and activates blood flow, activates tissue metabolism, and opens non-functioning capillaries. Fresh oxygen and nutrients are delivered with blood, metabolic processes in the skin are resumed.

Daily massage movements Asahi strengthen the muscles of the face, lift the corners of the lips and smooth out the nasolabial folds. For this you need:

  1. Place the pads of the index fingers in the upper grooves in the area of ​​​​the wings of the nose and perform spiral movements down and up with force - 5-10 times;
  2. Place the fingertips in the center of the chin, press and hold them past the corners of the lips to the nasolabial fold and further to the dimple above the lips, press. Fix the position for 3 seconds, slightly press your fingers against the nasal septum;
  3. From the center of the chin, the fossa of the chin, the corners of the lips, the fossa above the lips, hold the fingers with pressure to the tragus of the ear, press and continue moving down the neck towards the collarbone and finish the movement by pressing.

Breathing exercise by Greer Childers

  1. We place our feet shoulder-width apart. Hands rest over the kneecaps.
  2. We inhale and exhale twice. We hold our breath and open our mouth as much as possible, we squeeze our lips into a ring, we push the tip of the tongue outward and fix the position for 5-10 seconds. In this case, there should not be a fold around the mouth.
  3. Let's get straight. We start the lower teeth behind the upper ones, and protrude the lips.
  4. We stretch the neck as much as possible up and throw back the head. The muscles of the chest will tense and stretch to the chin. We fix the position for 3-4 seconds. We repeat 5-10 times.

General fighting methods suitable for all ages

To prevent the appearance of nasolabial folds and get rid of existing ones, you must:

  • take care of the skin: moisturize and apply contrast therapy, apply masks from home natural remedies;
  • choose the right makeup for the face, including cream for straight lines sun rays with a high protective factor and cream with hyaluronic acid;
  • eat healthy foods with a large percentage of vitamins, fiber and antioxidants;
  • receive beneficial massage treatments : classic, acupressure, Ayurvedic, Japanese and Asahi massage (Zogan-massage);
  • do exercises and aerobics for the face of Carol Maggio;
  • apply salon procedures: contour plastic, filler injections, chemical peeling and laser;
  • use for face bodyflex Greer Childers.


Hyaluronic acid is the main component of fillers, over time they degrade and are removed, therefore safe for the body.

The gel-like consistency maintains the tone of deep mimic wrinkles and the nasolabial furrow 8-18 months.

Besides, hyaluronic acid promotes the resumption of collagen production in the body, which is so lacking in aging skin.

For mimic wrinkles and nasolabial folds, it is worth using fillers with a gel of a dense consistency. For thin skin eyelids and fine wrinkles, the gel is selected less dense.

Strengthening the muscles of the face

To strengthen the round muscle of the mouth and nasolabial folds you can use a simple Japanese method . To do this, fill a liter plastic bottle with water so that you can lift it with your lips. We fix the position for 10-20 seconds.

Thanks to the exercise, all the muscles of the lower half of the face begin to work, including passive ones, they gain tone and strength. With daily repetition, you can smooth out wrinkles and look younger.

Homemade natural cosmetics

Lotion for aging skin: tea rose petals (50 g) mixed with rose water(200 ml) and beat in a mixer. Add eleutherococcus extract (25 ml) and essential oils (in drops) to the gruel: rose (2), neroli and patchouli (2 each) and beat again. Fill ice cube trays with lotion and place in the freezer.

In the morning and in the evening we wipe the skin of the face, neck and hands frozen ice after a warm wash. To use ice sparingly and not throw it away, you can wrap it in a piece of gauze. Then pollution with residues dead cells and fatty plugs will remain on it. The contrast procedure helps to tighten the skin and nasolabial folds.

Recipe rose water: pour water into the double boiler and put rose petals on the grate - 1 cup. We put on fire under a closed lid. Let the water boil and turn off the stove. After cooling the water, filter it into a bottle or jar. Close the lid tightly and store in the refrigerator for 10 days.

This technique is suitable for making lavender water(19 branches), lemon or orange, tangerine (peel of 1 fruit). It is possible from a bouquet of herbs: rosemary and lavender, wormwood (1 sprig each) and thyme (2 tablespoons). For forest water, we place pine or spruce needles (2-3 tablespoons) on the grate of the double boiler.

Fruit and berry juice mask for dry, aging and pigmented skin: we pass through a meat grinder red, black currant (separately), mountain ash or any fruit. Mix with sour cream, kefir or yogurt, add egg yolk.

For oily, porous aging skin mix slurry from berries and fruits with egg white.

Can be applied to nasolabial compresses from fruit masks and fix with a plaster for 15-20 minutes, this composition tones and tightens the skin.

Home remedies alone are not able to remove the already formed fold, but they are ideal as preventive and concomitant procedures for injection and hardware cosmetology.
