Is it possible to have a wedding in Lent? Wedding in Lent: is it possible to play?

Most newlyweds are very careful when choosing their wedding date. To do this, checking with all kinds of calendars, and even. But is it true that the wedding date affects married life and is it possible to sign for fasting?

A clear answer to this question you won't find it. Since there are many different opinions. Who to trust and how to protect yourself from troubles in married life? Using many different resources and conducting thorough research, we have prepared answers to your pressing questions.

Wedding in Lent: pros and cons

In the consciousness of Ukrainians and everything Orthodox world The opinion has become stronger that a wedding during Lent is a great sin and will bring misfortune to the newlyweds. But why did this opinion arise? It’s worth going back to the basics to understand what fasting is.

In Orthodoxy, fasting is considered a time to cleanse a person’s soul and prepare for great things. church holiday. At this time, people not only limit their diet by eating lean dishes, but also cleanse their souls. During Lent, you should devote time to God, go to Church, and refrain from noisy celebrations and concerts. Already married couples are also prohibited from entering into intimate relationship during fasting. This is precisely the main reason for the ban on getting married during Lent.

However, the ban applies only to the wedding ceremony. No one Orthodox priest disagree to marry the newlyweds during Lent without good reason(if the groom goes to war). But it is quite possible to carry out an official signature on the post. Many couples get married in advance, and after the end of the fast they loudly celebrate their wedding with family and friends.

On what days does the Church prohibit getting married?

Orthodox Church does not perform wedding ceremonies on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. As was previously mentioned, getting married during Lent is not allowed. This rule applies especially strictly to Lent and the Nativity Fast, as well as to the Assumption and Peter the Great Fasts. Also, weddings are prohibited during major Orthodox and church holidays, Christmastide and Good Friday. On all other days you can safely get married.

If you or your loved ones are believers, then it is better not to violate church rules. You can always reschedule your holiday favorable time. However, if there is urgency get married urgently, then maybe the best option will sign, and after the end of the fast will get married and have a wedding.

What happens if you get married during Lent?

A wedding grew during Lent a huge amount myths and superstitions that are already difficult to distinguish from the truth. It is believed that those who get married during Lent will not have a happy family life. However, these are only fictions to make people take the Church more seriously and comply with religious precepts.

If you decide to celebrate during Lent, we advise you to consider a few simple rules that will help avoid embarrassment in front of guests. On festive table There must be lenten dishes in case one of the guests is fasting. Try to avoid or limit the amount of alcohol consumed during the banquet.

The advantages that getting married during Lent will bring are low prices and the absence of hype. You can book your favorite restaurant or photography services without any hassle and much cheaper.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to have a wedding in Lent is very simple. It depends only on your desires and personal choice. One thing is certain, mutual love simply a poorly chosen day cannot ruin it. It is much stronger than all superstitions.

In recent years, even very young people are increasingly turning to seemingly completely lost old traditions. This trend has also affected such an important area for every woman as personal life and marriage. The number of brides and grooms who want to seal the bonds of marriage not only in the registry office, but also with the sacrament of wedding, is constantly growing. However, their familiarity with religious rules and norms of behavior, alas, still leaves much to be desired.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising to see the abundance of questions on Orthodox online resources like “ Is it possible to have a wedding during Lent?? and the like. Naturally, any priest in the nearest church can explain such bewilderment. However, once again recall church rules regarding marriage and fasting, it will definitely not be superfluous for those who are interested in these issues.

Wedding or registration at the registry office

So, ? What does the Russian Orthodox Church think about this? For atheists, it is clear that church norms are not a decree. Although they should also show respect for traditions, given that among the wedding guests and even relatives of the newlyweds there may be believers and churchgoers. It is also obvious that religious norms do not apply to registration in the registry office, and such registration can be carried out on any convenient day.

Another thing is a wedding. Here the requirements of the Church Charter are quite clear and categorical. During any fast, weddings are not possible. And no priest can lift such a ban. Such a decision goes far beyond his powers and competence. Extremely rare exceptions when certain everyday situations arise (say, the groom is drafted into the army) are submitted to the ruling bishop for consideration.

Wedding celebration in Lent

As for the wedding itself, that is, a social event with an obligatory wedding feast, the decision to organize it during one of the fasts is a problem that goes beyond the scope of the Church Charter. There is no direct ban on holding a celebration during these periods.

However there is one important point, which must be taken into account when discussing the issue of Is it possible to have a wedding during Lent?. If you still decide to arrange during this period wedding celebration, then you should approach the choice of dishes for wedding feast taking into account the restrictions imposed by the post in this area.

Although for the atheists present, there may also be savory dishes on the table. Here one should proceed from the composition of the guests and the beliefs and views that they adhere to, as well as the attitude towards the religious rules of the newlyweds themselves.

Moreover, if such a possibility exists, it is still better to postpone the feast until the end of the fast days. Such a measure will immediately relieve wedding organizers from many difficulties.

Many newlyweds, fortunately, are wondering: Peter’s Fast, is it possible to have a wedding? It is forbidden to have a wedding during any Orthodox fasting period. And a believing couple should always remember this.

Lent is a time of repentance and spiritual humility. You should try not to even watch TV as entertainment, let alone celebrate such an important and big holiday event as a wedding. While the post is going on, you might think...

Petrov fast and wedding: possible or not

It should be understood that during Orthodox Lents people do not get married. And this is done not only because of popular belief. Simply because the true meaning of repentance is humility and working on your spiritual life. You can get married during other periods of the church calendar, which are perfect for this. So, Petrov's post, is it possible to have a wedding? By remembering the true meaning of the Lenten period, you will be able to answer this question yourself. The answer will, of course, be negative.

The power of folk signs

In addition, church laws do not allow marriage during Lent. For example, churches don’t have weddings at this time, so you won’t be able to get married before God; there are also various folk signs. They are exclusively negative for the couple who decided to get married during any Orthodox fast.

People say that a couple who gets married will be unhappy all their lives. During the days of Petrov's fast, you should not get married, because this event will not bring happiness and prosperity to the young family. In general, strictly speaking, the couple will simply separate soon.

Wedding and registry office

Of course, on Petrov's post they sign up at the registry office. Although, let us remind you once again that the church does not make any exceptions and the sacrament of Marriage is not performed during the period of Lent. By signing at the registry office for Petrov Lent, you can simply set a wedding date for the end of Lent. In 2015, Petrov's fast lasts from June 8 to July 12. That is, after July 12, you can safely choose any wedding date.

Without official marriage, By the way, modern church cannot marry a couple. So, before the sacrament, you will still have to go to the registry office and formalize your relationship.

Post restrictions

What can I say, it’s simply impractical to hold a wedding during Lent. You know that the answer to the question of whether you can drink wine during the Petrov Fast is negative. Likewise, the ban applies to all types of animal products (except fish, but on certain days). That is, if you and your guests are fasting, then it will simply not be possible to celebrate the event on a grand scale and with a richly set table.

People did not hold weddings yet for the reason that it was a period active work on the ground. At the beginning of summer, special attention is paid agriculture, home improvement after winter. So, during this period the Slavs simply had no time left for holidays.

So, according to church and folk traditions, Petrov's post, is it possible to have a wedding - the answer is negative. If you are not a believer or do not fast, then you will be able to sign at the registry office during this period, and there are no official prohibitions in this regard. But they will marry you in church only after Peter’s Fast ends.

Multi-day periods Orthodox posts when they are not getting married in church (as of 2015, fast dates may change every year)

You can answer for yourself whether it’s possible to have a wedding, Petrov’s post. It all depends on how much you believe, how religious rules apply to your life. If it’s strong, if you fast, then, of course, you know its true meaning. This means that you don’t even think about any celebrations during fasting weeks: this is a time of humility and intense spiritual work on yourself.

All girls dream of a wedding. White dress, veil, flowers, camera flashes, attention from all sides and sighs of admiration. But when it really comes time to get married, many people wonder whether it’s worth getting married? After all, this is not a cheap pleasure, and common sense argues with his heart, they say, it’s more logical to spend the money on travel or buy something for the apartment. Technology, for example. And the wedding... This day will pass and everything will be forgotten, Wedding Dress It will take up half a closet and it’s not clear where to put it. And the groom insists on just signing and going to Honeymoon. What to do?

We can talk for a long time about how impractical it is to spend so much money on some kind of ritual. We can also say that it is stupid to spend money on guests who should be invited out of a sense of duty rather than out of choice. But in reality wedding ritual lies the power that can preserve hard times family! And this does not at all depend on whether you believe in customs, omens or not.

So, what power lies in the wedding ritual? Perhaps we should start with the blessing of our parents. When the parents of the bride and groom bless this marriage, the newlyweds gain access to the ancestral power of both parties. What does it mean? And the fact that their family will be protected by their own ancestors. Ancestral power – the most powerful, possessing healing energy. (You can read more about this in the article ““). Therefore, if one of the parents is against the wedding, then it will be much more difficult for the newly created family to remain united in difficult times

. And there will definitely be crises in relationships; more than one marriage has never been without it. Next, it should be said that what more guests from They wish the newlyweds happiness, love, procreation, the more blissful energy the newlyweds will receive. After all, wishes are not empty words, but words endowed with power. It’s not for nothing that spouses, when faced with difficulties conceiving a child or financial problems , go and collect blessings. How more people

If they sincerely wish for what they want, the more likely it is that it will happen. And finally, the event itself has considerable power. On this day, a woman feels the happiest in the world, the most beautiful and desirable for her husband. He looks at her admiringly, carries her in his arms, and dances around her. He holds her hand, carefully helping her out of the car, and tenderly kisses her in front of all her loved ones. He makes an oath to her and repeats words of love in her ear. All this will be imprinted in the bride’s memory for a long time - long years

. And in moments of the same crises, when she is offended by her husband, when the family is on the verge of collapse, this day will appear before her eyes again and again. And along with the memories, the feelings she felt that day would come flooding back. She will remember all the good things that happened between them. And this good thing will give her hope and give her strength.

Time will pass and the turning point in the family will pass, the crisis will recede, but it is the wedding that was once played that will help her believe in the best and be patient. Believe me, put it on White dress – this is not a waste of money, as they think modern girls

. This is a ritual that has meaning. And, besides, this is her dream, a little girl’s, which has the right to be fulfilled. Otherwise, all other children’s dreams can be buried in adult logical reasoning “should or shouldn’t.”

Therefore, if you are thinking whether it is worth getting married, do not hesitate - it is worth it! Many newlyweds dream of living in happiness, love and harmony all their lives. And for a harmonious union, it is important to choose a date that will positively affect the relationship. And let there be skeptics who have a negative attitude towards omens, but happy marriage

It affects not only the month of the celebration, but also the date and day of the week. Therefore, when getting married, it is worth studying favorable days so that your future life will be happy and cloudless.

Features and signs In summer for young people huge opportunities hold an extraordinary celebration on a wide variety of topics. The weather will allow you to avoid noisy and stuffy banquet halls and hold the wedding in warm and affectionate summer days

You can choose the shore of the sea or a shimmering blue lake, rent a cottage or estate, or hold a celebration on a luxury yacht. A beautiful and unforgettable wedding ceremony can take place at fresh air with a decorated arch, a gazebo, among many fresh, fragrant flowers.

And many young couples have long abandoned the banal painting in the registry office, holding the ceremony in a beautiful place in the fresh air. – a popular and sought-after procedure that has not lost its relevance for many years. And now the bride and groom are faced with the question: is it possible to have a wedding in August 2019?

August – perfect month for marriage. People consider it a good omen to start a family in this summer month. The union will be strong, prosperous, united by love. Also, holding a wedding in August 2019 has its advantages:

The ceremony in August provides great opportunities to conduct a photo shoot in the most extraordinary places:

  • or lakes;
  • under the starry sky;
  • in the mountains;
  • on a boat or yacht;
  • on the air balloon;
  • during a horse ride.

Expert opinion. Ekaterina Tsvetkova, wedding planner: You can arrange costume performances, involving all the guests. This format will not allow relatives and friends to sit too long and get bored. But remember that everything is good in moderation.

August 2019 is characterized by many signs for people who decided to get married and have a wedding:

  1. The most successful period for a wedding in August in 2019 is considered to be the days before the Assumption Fast.
  2. Even if the weather is hot, the bride should wear closed shoes to the wedding.
  3. If the weather is calm and quiet, Great chance that family life the couple will be intense, turbulent with a lot of challenges.
  4. Birds singing portends a happy family life.
  5. If it rains during the celebration, there will be prosperity and wealth in the family.
  6. There should be honey and apples on the festive table. Then family life will be sweet and happy.

Disadvantages of the celebration

The main disadvantages of holding a wedding in August include:

  1. There is a large influx of people wishing to register a marriage. That's why big problem is the reservation of seats in banquet halls.
  2. Chance of rain. Therefore, if the celebration is held outdoors, it is necessary to install tents or gazebos.
  3. Professional services and other professionals are rising in price due to the influx of demand.

Lent and the church calendar

Despite the fact that August has the highest percentage of marriage registrations, you should not hold a celebration in certain days. It’s worth thinking about what days in August 2019 you can have a wedding and whether it’s possible at all.

In August, the Assumption Fast is celebrated, which in its significance is not inferior to the Great Fast. Therefore, the wedding in August 2019 church calendar can be carried out either before the 14th or after the 28th.

The Church does not recommend getting married during Lent. The post is dedicated Mother of God, who fasted and prayed, preparing for another life. Therefore, while having fun or having a wedding, we will offend her with our behavior.

This is a period of obedience and prayer. It is important to abstain from excess food and alcohol. Show patience, kindness, abandon everything earthly and pray to God alone. And holding a wedding during the Dormition Fast is a disrespectful attitude towards the suffering of the Mother of God.

Marriages concluded during this period are practically never happy. Therefore, these days it is important to abandon the physical and earthly. The fast lasts 2 weeks. After this time, you can register your relationship with clear conscience. All that remains is to choose the date to get married in August 2019.

Important! Weddings also do not take place during Lent.

Lucky days

The most favorable days for a wedding in August 2019 are the days before the Dormition Fast. It is generally accepted that couples will live in love and harmony for many years.

The most lucky days for a wedding in August 2019:

  • 14 from 8:00 am;
  • 27 and 28 to 17:00;
  • 31 from 10:00.

Expert opinion. Svetlana Van, astrologer: In 2019, August 11th will be Solar eclipse, so it is not recommended to hold a wedding on this day.

Moon calendar

In August 2019 there is a lot auspicious days for weddings. August is considered to be the velvet month of the union of hearts in love. And even rain on the day of the ceremony promises a young couple financial well-being and good luck. Moon calendar weddings for August 2019 will help couples choose the day that will bring love and happiness to the family.

Favorable days

You should choose the following dates for your wedding in August 2019:

August 4 This is the best day to start a family. All the plans that the newlyweds dream of will come true. The main thing on your wedding day is to correctly set priorities and set goals, and then August 4, 2019 will become the happiest day of your life.
5th of August Will be created Friendly family, for which everything will work out by itself. Spouses will always be together, and children and joint household chores will only unite the couple.
August 7 The newlyweds will great friends, which will make their marriage strong and happy. They will be surrounded by love. Such families will often happily receive guests and relatives.
August 9 Tenderness and affection will reign between partners. Spouses will not need unnecessary words– they will understand each other at one glance.
10th of August The spouses will take care of each other and overcome any difficulties together, hand in hand.
August 13 Great day for a wedding. If the celebration is rich, then life will be prosperous financially.

Unfavorable days

There is no need to hold a celebration in next days month:

Newlyweds should pay attention to some nuances of holding a wedding in August 2019:

  1. Create a creative celebration, .
  2. Decorate the table and room with lots of fresh flowers.
  3. It is worth giving up roses and calla lilies. Flowers should be simple.
  4. The loaf that remains after the celebration cannot be thrown away. Feed it to the birds and it will bring happiness and love to your home.
  5. Choose one without patterns or engravings.
  6. The bride and groom must hold hands before registering the marriage. In this case, nothing can separate them.


Now you know all the numbers and dates when you can get married in August 2019. Everyone has the right to believe or not to believe in omens. If there is love, respect and mutual understanding between the bride and groom, the marriage will be happy. Difficulties cannot be avoided in this life. But by supporting each other, trusting each other, you can overcome all adversity, only strengthening your marriage bonds.
