Reasons for leaving work for the questionnaire examples. Secrets of a successful resume: what to write in the column "Reason for dismissal"

Often, the employer threatens to fire a negligent employee under the article, although the term “dismissal under the article” does not legally exist. Any dismissal, in principle, occurs under one or another article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but some articles of the Labor Code may adversely affect the further employment of an employee. Article 81 Labor Code The reasons why an employer can fire an employee are clearly defined.

Now there are fewer of us...

Paragraph 4 of this article states that the head, his deputies and the chief accountant can be fired when the owner of the organization changes. In this situation, only the above persons can be fired. The new owner does not have the right to dismiss ordinary employees under this article.

When an organization is liquidated, everyone is subject to dismissal, this will affect even pregnant women and young mothers.

When reducing the number or state, there are several groups of people who enjoy the exclusive right not to lose their jobs. These people include breadwinners and people with long continuous work experience at a given enterprise, institution, organization.


Another reason for dismissal is specified in paragraph 3 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code: "Inconsistency of the employee with the position held or work performed due to insufficient qualifications, confirmed by the results of certification."

To identify the incompetence of an employee, a special attestation commission should be created, which, as a rule, includes the deputy director of the organization, a representative of the personnel department and the immediate supervisor of the subject. A special order is issued for its implementation. The subject is given a task that does not go beyond job description corresponding to his position. Even if the members of the commission somehow agree among themselves and the task may be obviously impossible, for example, in terms of deadlines, you can write a complaint to the labor inspectorate and challenge the results of the certification in court. A final report is drawn up on the results of certification.

Dismissal is allowed if it is impossible to transfer the employee with his written consent to another job available to the employer. This can be either a vacant position or work corresponding to the qualifications of the employee, or a vacant lower position or lower-paid work that the employee can perform taking into account his state of health. At the same time, the employer is obliged to offer the employee all the vacancies that meet the specified requirements that he has in the given area. The employer is obliged to offer vacancies in other localities, if it is provided for by the collective agreement, agreements, labor contract. In the event that the employee refuses in writing all the proposals made to him, the employer may dismiss him.


An employee can also be fired for failure to perform official duties. So, according to paragraph 5 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the reason for dismissal may be "Repeated non-performance by an employee without good reason of labor duties, if he has a disciplinary sanction."

Failure by the employee must be repeated and without good reason. Moreover, a disciplinary sanction must already be imposed on the employee.

According to Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a disciplinary act is a failure to perform or improper performance by an employee through his fault of the labor duties assigned to him. Disciplinary action is allowed only in the form of:

remarks, reprimand or dismissals on the appropriate grounds.

To dismiss an employee on the basis of paragraph 5 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, his failure to fulfill his labor duties must be:

a) repeated;

b) without good reason.

If there are good reasons, then the employee must state them in writing. And at the same time, the employee must already have a properly executed disciplinary sanction.

Ivanov, late again!

Another reason for dismissal, as stated in paragraph 6 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is "A single gross violation by an employee of labor duties."

Absence from the workplace without good reason during the entire working day (shift), regardless of its (her) duration, is considered absenteeism. The most important valid reason is sick leave. If, after returning to work, you do not provide sick leave, then the employer may put you on absenteeism.

If you had other valid circumstances, they must be stated in writing. It is up to management to decide whether your reasons are valid.

If you need to be absent from work, write a statement in duplicate, on which your management puts its resolution “no objection”, date and signature. The first copy is with the authorities, the second is for you.

Delays are different. "A single gross violation is also considered to be absent from the workplace without good reason for more than four hours in a row during the working day (shift)." That is, if you are late for work for an hour, you cannot be fired under this item. However, for repeated delays, a disciplinary sanction can be imposed and subsequently dismissed under paragraph 5 of Art. 81, as for repeated non-fulfillment by an employee without good reason of his labor duties.

Theft and embezzlement

Perhaps the most indisputable reason for dismissals contains subparagraph D, paragraph 6. Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “Theft at the place of work (including small) of someone else’s property, embezzlement, its deliberate destruction or damage, established by a court verdict that has entered into force or a decision of a judge, body, official authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses.”

Already from the text of the law it is clear that in order to dismiss an employee on this basis, a court decision or a decision of an authorized official is necessary, that is, an investigation must be carried out. However, in practice, an employee may be asked not to make a fuss, which in different circumstances can affect both the reputation of the employee himself (even if he is not to blame for anything), and the reputation of the organization itself. And here the choice is yours.


Professional unsuitability is a mismatch professional qualities employee of the position. In other words, if an employee does not cope with his duties, or copes below the average established level, such an employee may be professionally unsuitable for this position. What to do if you were fired for?

Be careful!

In fact, there are many more reasons for dismissing an employee than listed above. A complete list of grounds for dismissal contains Art. 81 of the Labor Code, which you need to know by heart.

The Labor Code also provides that the termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer may also occur in other cases provided for by the employment contract with the head of the organization and members of the collegial executive body of the organization. And in each case, checks must be carried out on the legality of your dismissal. Thus, before signing an employment contract, carefully study it so as not to receive unexpected "surprises".

What is written in pen...

What to do if, in your opinion, an illegal entry has appeared in the labor? According to Art. 394 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in cases of dismissal without a legal basis or in violation of the established procedure for dismissal, or illegal transfer to another job, the court, at the request of the employee, may decide to recover in favor of the employee monetary compensation for moral damage caused to him by these actions.

Moreover, if the dismissal is declared illegal by the court, the employee has the right to ask the court to change the wording of the grounds for dismissal to dismissal of his own free will. In accordance with paragraph 33 of the Rules for the maintenance and storage of work books, the production of work book forms and the provision of employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225, if there is an entry in the work book about dismissal or transfer to another job, recognized as invalid, the employee, upon his written application, is issued a duplicate of the work book at the last place of work, into which all entries made in the work book are transferred, with the exception of the entry declared invalid.

Due to the incredibly frequent requests for help with layoffs, we have compiled a TOP 7 specifically for job seekers important rules- Dismissals under the article. Information was collected during 2013-2015. so that you can confidently communicate with the employer. If we helped you, please express your gratitude in the comments at the bottom of the page. We wish you a peaceful solution to labor issues with employers. And to colleagues Eycharam professional success!

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Going to settle down new job, candidates usually make a brief description-presentation about themselves. It includes personal data, information about education, work experience, additional information and the desired position in a new place. Sometimes, although this is not required, the reason for dismissal is indicated on the resume. What to write, if you still want to indicate the reason for leaving, you should not invent. The best option is to copy what is written in the work book.

What is a resume for?

The employer will not accept a new employee until he thoroughly finds out everything about his professional and personal qualities. Therefore, when starting to look for a new job, you need to briefly describe the most important thing about yourself so that the employer gets an idea of ​​\u200b\u200byou as an employee.

For this, a resume is created, a small business card of the applicant, advertising himself, which contains information about education, work experience, personal data. The question of the reasons for dismissal is always asked at a personal meeting with the employer, therefore it is better to briefly explain in the resume what caused the dismissal.

What are the most common reasons for leaving a resume?

It is not difficult to guess what questions the recruiter will ask at the interview, since everyone can imagine themselves in the place of the employer. Whatever you want to know about your future employee, the same potential employer will want to know about you. The question of why you left your previous job, he will ask you immediately after you tell about yourself.

Therefore, in your resume, indicate the reason for the dismissal, which is in your labor and think over a plan for answering auxiliary questions regarding the details of the dismissal.

Suppose the dismissal occurred of their own free will. This is the general wording. Most likely, this streamlined, faceless phrase will not say anything to the reader of the resume. Therefore, indicating the reason for dismissal "own desire", add a few details explaining in more detail the reasons for dismissal from work, for a resume. Examples:

Some facts

When indicating the reason for dismissal in the resume, do not forget that a serious and experienced employer, when applying for a job, will be able to clarify this issue by calling the former manager. In this regard, you should not come up with situations in which you were forced to leave the previous company. To avoid an awkward situation, you need to learn how to correctly explain the reasons for your dismissal.

  1. The return from this position turned out to be less than expected, although the work as a whole was obtained, there were no complaints from the authorities.
  2. The limited range of duties did not give the opportunity to learn new things, raise the professional level, and build up skills.
  3. Inattention to rational proposals for improving the organization of labor, misunderstanding on the part of management reduced the desire to work.

If an entry was made in the work book that a disciplinary offense served as the basis for dismissal, indicate an evasive wording in the resume, without reference to the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and prepare to explain in more detail in a personal meeting.

How to state the reason for leaving

Your resume should be written in such a way as to interest the HR specialist not only with the information it contains, but also with the way the information is presented.

The wording of the reason for dismissal from work for a resume should be short, specific, truthful, competent.

  • brevity. Indicate the reason for dismissal in almost the same words as the entry in the labor. If there is any negative moment in the record, do not copy it, omit it if it is without prejudice to the general understanding of the meaning of the reason for dismissal. It is better to state your version during the interview.
  • Truthfulness. Remember, deception will be revealed sooner or later. Do not write a lie, but come up with an evasive wording. At the meeting, try to honestly explain what mistake you made. An employer will appreciate an honest confession that looks better than an embarrassing lie. In addition, to tell the truth, willpower is also needed, which means you have it. It's small but a plus.
  • Concreteness. Try not to write general phrases and formulations, unnecessary information. Firstly, it is difficult to read, and secondly, you may get the impression that you do not know how to present information clearly and clearly.
  • Literacy. A document drawn up with errors will make a negative impression and raise doubts about the professionalism of the candidate.

List of neutral reasons for dismissal

Additional Information

It must be understood that a characteristic may be needed from a previous place of work. On the this moment this phenomenon is very popular, so it is better to leave without scandals. If you tell a new manager that the position you worked for has ceased to exist, you need to be prepared to prove this data. In addition, a positive review from a previous job is a huge advantage when applying to a new company.

Usually talking about real reason I don't really want to get fired. And if the underlying reason for leaving is not one, but several, you can choose one of them, the most neutral. It turns out that you didn’t lie, and didn’t voice what you didn’t want to.

The most popular neutral reasons for leaving:

  1. There was a desire to change the type of occupation, the nature of work.
  2. There is a desire for career growth, you want to realize it. Add why they prevented you from moving forward at your previous job.
  3. Not satisfied with the salary. Someone does not talk about money, afraid to seem too mercantile. This reason is up to you. By and large, everyone needs money, looking for a place with more high income, this is normal. Decipher a little why you suddenly did not have enough of your previous salary (replenishment in the family, you need to save up to buy an apartment, etc.).
  4. There was a reorganization in the company, a new management came, the nature of work changed.
  5. Moving to another area, it became inconvenient to get there, it took unreasonably much time for the road.
  6. The company has changed its location and this area is very inconvenient.

It will not be difficult to choose a suitable reason for dismissal if the work book does not specifically indicate the unseemly reason for dismissal (truancy, drunkenness in working time and etc.).

If the dismissal was under the article, you need to explain why such an act became possible, find mitigating reasons, ending the story with a message about how you regret and repent of your misconduct.

Reasons not worth mentioning

Any employer wants to see a non-conflict, balanced, pleasant person nearby. Reasons for dismissal, which must not be voiced under any circumstances:

  1. Hostile relationships, conflicts in the team. The envy of colleagues who in every possible way incited talent and interfered with growth. Communication skills and stress resistance are welcomed by any employer. If you do not have it, as evidenced by squabbles at work that led to dismissal, this will put a fat minus on you as a candidate, despite good knowledge of the matter.
  2. Useless bosses who did not appreciate you. You can't really blame the bosses for leaving. Just describe its shortcomings, backing up your reasoning with arguments. This should not come across as a sweeping accusation.
  3. Didn't get promoted. Such a reason may prompt the reader of the resume to think, but was there a reason for the increase? Maybe you have not yet grown up to the chair of the head.
  4. Permanent overtime. The new employer may also recruit workers to work extra hours. If overtime is not critical for you, do not mention that you do not like working overtime.
  5. Reasons for a personal plan: sick leave, came under investigation, divorce, etc.
  6. The system of work of the enterprise with personnel. Regularly forced to engage in advanced training, undergo special trainings, courses, etc.
  7. Payment of salaries bypassing the established rules.

Thus, in order not to be in disgrace with the future employer at the stage of submitting a resume, think carefully about how to submit the reason for dismissal without deviating far from the truth and at the same time, preserving your chances as a job seeker.

You need to carefully prepare answers regarding your departure from your previous job. Otherwise, even if the applicant comes for an interview, and then cannot explain the situation and the reasons for dismissal, he may simply be refused employment.

List of suitable reasons

Thinking over what reason for dismissal to indicate in the resume and how to present it as successfully as possible, link the wording with the content of the entry in the work book (if it is left). If there is no work book, in this case you can act freely and pick up the reason without harming your reputation. So, you decided to leave your previous position because:

  1. You want to grow, develop, reach new heights, achieve great results, including in material terms.
  2. There was a closure, liquidation of an enterprise, department, site, a reduction in the staff due to the re-profiling of the organization.
  3. Transfer of spouse (s) to another locality, you followed him and quit your previous job.
  4. Stopped scheduling work. Two general holidays per week are required, not rolling ones.
  5. The employer violated the terms of the employment contract.

When choosing reasons for leaving, remember that they should explain the departure and help create a positive impression of you as a future employee.


Let's talk about How to write the reason for dismissal in a resume in order to avoid false information if the reason for dismissal is one of those that cannot be written in a resume in any case.

Indicate a neutral wording, for example, they did not agree on organizational issues, but in a personal meeting, be able to convince that an unseemly misconduct was caused by a fatal combination of circumstances.

If the resume is not filled out on a form with columns of questions developed by this particular employer, but in a free form, you can not make an item on the reasons for dismissal. At an interview in a personal meeting, it will be better to explain the situation with a job change, especially if you had to leave not according to the best article of the Labor Code.

Do not include words such as “always, never, hate, nothing, error, problem, failure” in your resume text. Psychologists do not recommend using words with a negative meaning. Replace them with synonyms. For example, not a “mistake”, but a “valuable lesson”.

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Experienced personnel officers say: “There are thousands of employees, but everyone has the same reasons for dismissal.” Indeed, it is not easy to leave the “familiar” place, but life circumstances sometimes leave no choice. Do you want to know why people quit and how to smooth out the unpleasant nuances of this process? Then read on.

Reasons for leaving

Modest wages

One of the most common reasons workers leave is low wages. Various studies have shown that many workers are not satisfied with the level of their income. Dissatisfaction is justified, because in many enterprises wages either reduced or frozen indefinitely. Is it worth it to work for a penny? Many are transferred to a reduced working day, which does not add optimism. The personal incomes of citizens are falling, while the prices of various human needs are rising.
Many are in no hurry to find a similar job, considering it slavery. For them, the way out is to be registered in the employment center and casual part-time jobs. Less money, but more free time.

Lack of career advancement

About 40% of people who quit their jobs believe that the lack career development is for them main reason cardinal changes. This opinion is held by young people who are striving to achieve something in life. They do not take into account that high positions provide for great responsibility, and, therefore, constant tension.

Leadership indifference

Among the good reasons for leaving work, it is worth noting the lack of encouragement and praise from management. Employees need the approval and praise of management, even if not supported by material support.
The understanding that a person is valued and valued at work keeps many in positions with rather modest salaries. More and more managers openly demonstrate their disinterest in this or that employee, believing that a holy place is never empty.

Daily boredom and routine

Monotonous work leads to the fact that a person loses interest in it. Everyone strives to work on something exciting and informative, then work turns into pleasure. Some leave their homes for this reason. You can try to find good moments in such a work, but you do not need to work through force, there will be no benefit from such an attitude.

Bonuses and social packages

Rather, their absence provokes people to change jobs. Everyone for their work wants to receive not only a salary, but also material incentives. If the desires of workers are ignored, then their productivity will soon come to naught.
Each employee of the enterprise wants to feel socially protected, if the boss does not show minimal concern for his subordinates, makes you think, is it worth working for such a person?

Nervous environment

Constant rush jobs at work are doing their job, is it necessary to worry at such a job? Many come to the conclusion that it is not, and go in search of a more peaceful place, because health is the most important thing.
Psychological environment at many enterprises, it leaves much to be desired, but people have learned to endure and cope with difficulties on their own. It is good if tense situations happen from time to time. It’s bad if this happens with enviable regularity.

Frequent conflict situations

Many leave their homes due to interpersonal conflicts. The tension at work is not conducive to a productive environment and leads to undesirable consequences.
Quarrels, squabbles and strife undermine the working spirit and poison the life of everyone who is forced to work in such a tense environment. The conflict at work is impossible to win or lose, so it is better to stay away from various skirmishes and claims.

Long road to work

If a person works 8 hours a day and spends several hours on the way home, then there is practically no free time left. Not only he suffers from this, but also the family that needs his attention.
Balance between work and personal life is important. No one important aspect in life should not be infringed. In addition to dismissal of one's own free will, there are other points that provoke the employer to take such a step.

Good reasons

The employer can present the employee with valid reasons for dismissal:

  • skipping work
  • does not meet the requirements for personal and business qualities,
  • drinking alcoholic beverages during working hours,
  • breaks the rules,
  • steals.

In addition to the points mentioned above, it is worth noting the self-will of the leader.

It is impossible to dismiss if the employee is temporarily unable to work, due to pregnancy, illness, or is on maternity leave.

Wrongful dismissal

You need to figure out what types of dismissal are illegal. Approximately 50% of workers face such a violation. Often an employee claims that he wrote a statement of his own free will, being under pressure. In this case, it is difficult to prove the opposite, and everyone remains to his own.

A person can file a complaint to protect his rights to the labor inspectorate at the place of work. Such complaints are considered within a month. You can apply to the prosecutor's office or to the court at the location of the organization.

It also happens

No one is immune from sudden blows of fate, dismissal is a kind of shock for a person who has worked tirelessly.

It happens that even the most responsible and competent workers are fired in order to take relatives, friends, and so on in their place. You can avoid this, prove yourself so well that the boss does not even think about the possible replacement of such a valuable employee.

Power is changing

For example, big changes are coming, the old leadership has been replaced by a new one, and with the workers with whom they have developed trusting relationship. What to do?
Be quirky, talk to the new boss, show your skills and demonstrate professionalism. Stay active and you might be able to keep your seat.

There are situations when professionalism plays against you. It is strange if a person with great experience and high professionalism is fired, while the company has less experienced specialists. The reason lies in the fact that the boss is confused by your work experience, existing skills. Working with such a leader is difficult, even if you prove the illegality of his actions. Take this lesson for granted and turn it to your advantage by starting a new page in your life.

Warning from superiors

A good leader, before firing a person, will give him one chance to correct. He should talk to the employee about the problem and about the possible dismissal if he does not take the right path. An employee can be given a probationary period, for which he must prove himself the best way.

Do not be patient and nervous if the work does not suit you. Look for a job and easily say goodbye to your old place. Working for other people involves negative moments, you need to be prepared for them. There are other options, for example, starting a business, or working for yourself.
Do not let employers humiliate, insult you, no amount of money is worth the constant nerves and irritation caused by the working environment. You can replenish the budget in different ways, look for the right one that will bring moral satisfaction.

Treat the person who works for your cause with respect. Each person has his own psychological and material needs, it is not necessary to treat people as cheap labor. Examine all the reasons for dismissal from work and try to prevent this in your enterprise.

In few businesses, constant employee turnover can be a positive thing. For most employers, leaving an employee is stressful situation, which negatively affects the entire workflow and, accordingly, profit. Moreover, in some cases, the departure of a key employee in general can paralyze the work of the enterprise. And the requirement for a long preparation of a new employee for the existing process can also complicate the loss. Let's take a look at the most common reasons employees leave.

Reason for dismissal No. 12 - divergence of principles

Not so often now people because of ideological and fundamental disagreements with the employer. But sometimes there are situations in which dismissal for these reasons is possible. For example, when a company where a staunch vegan worked starts building a farm with cattle as a side project. Or when the company expresses support for certain policies that may cause dislike among the employee.

These situations represent only a small fraction of the total number independent dismissals of employees, but for many employers they are the most unpredictable. However, such a dismissal can usually cause serious damage to a business only with a small number of employees. And in small enterprises, the employer always has the opportunity to prevent such events or at least be aware of the interests and principles of their employees.

In general, the head of the department, personnel specialists or the employer himself practically cannot influence such a situation. And such an influence, if it is possible, is unlikely to be justified - there is no point in sacrificing the interests of business for the interests of one individual employee. However, if the policy of the company and its actions cause massive dissatisfaction among employees, and such layoffs are not an isolated practice, you should seriously think about the chosen development vectors.

Reason for leaving number 11 - long distance

In general, precisely because of long distance from home to work, leave their workplace employees infrequently. After all, when applying for a job, they know what they will have to face. Another thing is when a change in the distance to work arose after the start of an employment relationship.
For example, after moving the office or vice versa - changing the place of residence of an employee. Extra time spent on trips to the office, increased fares in intercity and urban transport - all these factors negatively affect the employee and may even push him to quit.

At the same time, the employer has the opportunity to influence this situation. If an employee is very valuable to the company, but has difficulty getting to work, you can offer him various compensation options. For example, a partial payment of the cost of transportation or a reduction in the actual requirements for staying at the workplace, if this is acceptable. That is, a valuable employee can be released from work earlier, and wait for her later. However, this practice should be used on an individual basis, as it may negatively affect the rest of the team, who will be dissatisfied with such excessive indulgences.

In general, it should always be borne in mind that when such a situation arises through the fault of the employer, for example, when moving a company, it is best to determine a number of indulgences for all working employees in advance and discuss options additional benefits or other assistance with the workers themselves. In the event that third-party factors influenced the increase in travel time to and from work - changing routes public transport, closure of highways and roads for repairs - compromises should be sought with workers who are affected by such a change. If the problem is the relocation of one of the employees, any measures to improve his condition should be taken only if you are completely sure that they will not affect the situation in the team.

Reason for dismissal #10 - personal factors

In most cases, people leave precisely because of dissatisfaction with certain aspects of labor relations. However, this does not apply to all situations - in some cases, the employer and his company are absolutely not connected with the dismissal of the employee. The reason for dismissal may lie in absolutely third-party, personal factors that affect the life of an employee.

Such situations include various family changes. or vice versa - a wedding, the birth of a child, a family relocation - a list similar situations, which can lead to dismissal as a result, is extremely wide. And the employer should not blame himself or look for errors in his own personnel policy if the employee quits precisely in connection with the circumstances that have developed in his personal life. The same situations include health problems that arise in workers, not related to professional activity. But in this case, nevertheless, the support of the employer and assistance can be of great importance for the resigning person.

At the same time, it is impossible to give recommendations that could definitely keep the employee in the workplace in this case. Of course, the employer can carefully discuss this issue with the employee and offer some kind of compromise solution, but such a compromise may not always be possible. layoffs for personal reasons do not happen so often, therefore, first of all, they should be treated as a given - after all, human life is unstable, and not every person in it has work in the first place.

Reason for dismissal No. 9 - a critical situation in the company

In times of economic crises, many employees are looking for new opportunities and prospects, while others seek to get as much as possible immediately, without waiting for hard days. The same, only to a much greater extent, applies to crises not on the general market, but on the scale of a single enterprise. Difficult conditions or just emerging crisis can force workers to quit early, without waiting for the bankruptcy of the business, after which they will only know that they have worked for free for several weeks or months without the opportunity to receive their earnings.

In case when crisis situation is present in business, a very important part of anti-crisis measures should be precisely events dedicated to ordinary workers and key business professionals. Difficult moments in business can become both a force that destroys the team and labor efficiency, and vice versa - a situation in which employees can rally and literally pull the business out of difficult times on their shoulders.

Therefore, it is important for the employer to inform employees about business crises as directly and openly as possible, however, without exaggerating too much. Dispelling rumors and preventing panic, along with providing truthful, if not the most rosy information, can do much more than just gloss over existing problems and risks.

Reason for dismissal # 8 - low motivation of employees

Lack of motivation for work can lead to dismissal only in the most neglected cases. However, insufficient motivation in itself is an extremely serious problem, and dismissals for this reason are the most serious marker of structural shortcomings in the personnel policy of an enterprise. First of all, bonuses should be the main tool for motivating employees.

The current labor legislation allows the use of a wide variety of bonus systems for employees. However, many employers still approach the issue of assigning and paying bonuses only formally - simply writing them out to workers as an additional 13th wage or issuing them regularly. Such a bonus almost completely destroys the very motivational essence of this procedure.

At the same time, promising bonus systems should focus on specific key performance indicators for each individual employee. In this case, when the employee has clearly set goals and the realization that their achievement will be rewarded by the employer, he is unlikely to quit due to lack of motivation. Moreover, a high-quality motivational system can even outweigh many other factors in the employee's value system that can push him to quit.

Reason for dismissal No. 7 - lack or insufficiency of social guarantees

Although Russian Federation is a state with a strong social policy and a large amount of obligations of any employer to its employees, it is far from always that simple compliance with the Labor Code in the minimum amount can be enough for workers. Considering modern tendencies where many enterprises seek to win the loyalty of employees precisely with social guarantees, their small volume can become a serious reason for subsequent dismissal.

First of all, it should be noted that if there are layoffs for such reasons, then this is the main marker of the need to change the social policy of the business. In particular, current legislature in many ways allows employers to provide additional support to their employees without unnecessary costs and bureaucratic obstacles.

Social guarantees can be expressed in various options actions that include:

  • Direct material support for employees in difficult life situations.
  • Providing related leisure, recreation and entertainment for both the employees themselves and their families, including the provision of vouchers.
  • Possibility of treatment in specialized medical institutions or additional medical insurance.
  • Providing free access to professional courses.

Very effective option employee retention through social guarantees may be the obligation to pay perpetual or similar deductions to employees who have worked for a certain period of time. In such a case, the very existence of such additional security in the future may cause employees to ignore other negative factors and distract them from thinking about quitting or changing jobs.

Reason for dismissal # 6 - inadequate assessment of the efforts of employees

Often, inadequate assessment by the employer and management of the efforts of employees leads to subsequent dismissal. If situations arise in an enterprise when one of the employees may not work at all, and someone has to work for the entire department, it is very likely that an employee working for the entire department who does not receive any return from such activities simply, after all, decides to change jobs.

A misjudgment of the efforts of employees should be distinguished from a lack of motivation. In this situation, the employee quits precisely because it is the stable daily performance of direct work duties that does not remain evaluated or is incorrectly evaluated, and not an additional initiative or other features of the motivational system. Most often, authoritarian leaders do not pay due attention to working conditions and the distribution of work responsibilities between employees.

If the head of the department is only interested in the execution overall indicators department, and does not pay attention to the specific participation in the implementation of such indicators of individual employees, then in the end the most effective employees will definitely think about finding a different job. Such dismissal can be avoided by a qualitative daily assessment of labor and the correct distribution of labor responsibilities. In addition, so that the employee does not feel underestimated and does not work for the entire department on his own, it is not at all necessary to directly encourage his activity - a similar satisfaction of his sense of justice, as well as sufficient motivation for inefficient employees, can be achieved through the application of certain sanctions to underachieving employees.

Reason #5 for leaving – high stress levels

many kinds work activities may be associated with increased stress. Working with people, performing responsible actions, operating in or conditions - all this has an additional impact on the employee. Excessive stress and nervous tension during work can cause both chronic fatigue and even depression, psychological problems and subsequent dismissal of the employee.

At the same time, it should be understood that the norms of the Labor Code do not always adequately assess the burden on workers. At one enterprise, a mandatory break with constant overload on employees will not be able to provide proper rest. At other enterprises, competent distribution of the load will make it possible to effectively use staff rest time for work purposes - for example, this is widely practiced in foreign IT companies that regard the collective rest time of staff as great option development of skills necessary for programmers and other employees and cooperation between departments on a purely voluntary basis.


To avoid dismissals of employees due to excessive stress, you should first of all pay attention to the work of personnel specialists and the existing working conditions. In the case of too high a load or simply increased stress-generating factors, their influence should at least be compensated. However, not always even high wages and additional bonuses may be sufficient for an employee to work unquestioningly in too harsh conditions - therefore, the load should never be excessive, regardless of the established level of payment for such a load.

Reason for dismissal No. 4 - poor relationship with superiors or staff

A conflicting team or lack of trusting or just fair relationships with superiors can often be the reason for the dismissal of employees. Therefore, professional personnel specialists and employers pay great attention to both the process of team building - creating an effective team of employees, and the preliminary selection of applicants who are compatible with each other and with the existing team for vacancies.

In the event that a conflict arises directly with the manager or with the employer himself, one should unequivocally reconsider the relationship between such management and the employee and make an objective decision, not relying on subjective opinions. At the same time, from an objective point of view, both the employee himself and the employer or manager can be to blame for the problematic relationship, and the solution to such a problem will depend on many factors.

In general, problems in a team at large enterprises can be resolved by transferring an employee from one place to another. If one employee experiences a problem with the team, penalties and methods of influencing the team can eventually lead to the opposite result and only aggravate the existing conflict. However, if the tendency to constant conflicts with the team leads to the dismissal of a large number of employees, or to a constant turnover of personnel, when an established team does not accept new workers or literally poisons them, such behavior should not be condoned. At some point, even a complete renewal of such a toxic and aggressive team may be justified.

Reason for dismissal # 3 - boredom and monotony of the work process

The monotony of the work process and boredom in the workplace may seem like a mundane factor that cannot affect the dismissal of an employee. However, it is not. Even with a sufficient level wages, the presence of good career prospects, social guarantees and other positive aspects of labor relations, excessive routine in the workplace can eventually lead the employee to depression or even dismissal of the employee. Similarly, boredom in the workplace, even if it is due to the lack of really necessary tasks, affects the employee in a similar way.


Fight boredom and routine various methods. So, if the work process is monotonous and does not require too precise qualifications with specific knowledge, the constant rotation of workers between departments can be effective. Such rotation can be carried out both monthly and annually, or weekly or even several times during one working day. Restaurants are a great example of employee interchangeability. fast food- few of their employees can complain about the monotony of the work process. At the same time, such interchangeability of employees will definitely increase their qualifications and significantly reduce the damage to the enterprise in the event of the loss of one of the employees, since all other employees will be able to easily perform his duties without additional training.

Boredom is a sign of improper distribution of working time or work responsibilities. Of course, some positions may directly provide for the availability of free time for employees. For example, when working as a watchman, repairman or system administrator, their free time is just a signal of their effective work. To save employees from boredom, you can use different approach. If the presence of an employee at the workplace or in the immediate vicinity of him all the time is not necessary, you can reduce the working day or release workers early. If they need to always be present at the workplace, since their work may be required at any time, they should be provided with at least minimal tools for leisure activities. These can be banal access to the Internet, special sports section or a separate recreation area, availability board games or other entertainment, mini-library.

Reason for dismissal number 2 - lack of prospects

Some employees leave only because there are no real prospects in their workplace. For a long time jobs with the same salary and in the same position without visible progress will definitely make the employee think about finding a more promising place of work. Even a small salary opportunities career growth in the future may not become an obstacle in this case for workers who are tired of staying at the same level.

At the same time, it is logical that not every employee is really worthy. effective increase in office or promotion career ladder In any case, there will not be enough vacancies for the authorities for everyone. However, it should be remembered that in any enterprise there is an opportunity for employees to occupy additional positions. So, an employee who does not demonstrate managerial talent, but conscientiously fulfills his duties, can increase his salary and offer the role of an instructor for novice applicants, or simply provide Additional income by issuing him a position responsible for fire safety or other labor standards.

In some professions, there is also a certain career growth ceiling, above which the employee simply cannot rise. In this case, the employee is unlikely to quit for the indicated reason, however, he may begin to think about changing his specialty. If the employer appreciates such an employee in this capacity, good option there may be an offer to him of a combination with another position, providing for his own, separate career growth, if such is possible. Even the fact itself, albeit minimal prospects for the future, when the “ceiling” in the occupational specialty is reached, can easily convince the employee to quit.

Reason #1 for leaving – low pay

The main reason for most layoffs of workers around the world is direct and banal dissatisfaction. salary. And to correct such dissatisfaction is both difficult and simple. Many employers prefer to simply turn a blind eye to the dismissal of employees due to low wages, and increase it after the fact that a valuable specialist has left.
This behavior is associated with an extremely common misconception and ineffective methods management that do not involve direct contact with the manager and direct questions about salary satisfaction and possible needs.

In the post-Soviet space, many managers simply do not offer high wages to resigning workers, fearing that such a dismissal is simply “blackmail”. But in the end, they become forced to raise the salaries of subsequent employees, having experienced problems with hiring new staff or their unprofessionalism. Therefore, it is better to prevent layoffs in advance and adequately assess the needs of workers and the situation on the market. If all competitors of an enterprise pay more for similar work, soon it may almost completely lose professional workers and even more to lose their positions in the market.

In general, the guarantee of the constant work of employees at the enterprise and the minimum number of layoffs, no matter how trite it may sound, is the direct and trusting relationship between the employee and the employer. In fact, the employer should not take an authoritarian position in relation to employees and demonstrate their power - both sides of the labor relationship are, in a certain sense, completely equal. Maintaining such an atmosphere of equality will allow employees to independently state their claims or simply demonstrate their needs to the employer without being fired, which will improve the operation of the entire business without undue stress for both the manager and employees.

Even if you do not indicate in your resume the reasons for dismissal from the previous place, then this may be asked at the interview. Therefore, the answer to this question must be thought out in advance. You can also see an example: the reasons for leaving a job for a resume may be suitable for several positions at once.

Possible options

Speaking about the reasons for dismissal, it is desirable to be extremely frank. After all, the future employer may think that you were simply asked to leave "in an amicable way." Some of the most common formulations that applicants indicate are the following:

  • due to circumstances;
  • did not agree with the leadership;
  • low level wages;
  • due to downsizing;
  • problems in the team.

But such descriptions make it impossible for the recruiter to understand why this person decided to quit. Therefore, the reason for dismissal in the resume should be more specific:

  • there is no opportunity for career growth in the company due to the specifics of production;
  • I want to study new areas of activity, there are no opportunities for professional growth at the old place of work;
  • my ideas to improve productivity did not find a response, further work began to take place in conditions of misunderstanding;
  • mass layoffs, closure of the department in which he worked, complete liquidation of the enterprise, reduction in position due to a change in the specifics of the company's work;
  • despite the pleasant general atmosphere, the work did not live up to my expectations, although it was interesting.

But keep in mind, if you quit with a scandal, then the future employer can find out by making just 1 call. Therefore, you should not take any example from the proposed options, it is better to wait for the interview and try to explain everything orally.

Change of activity

Sometimes applicants want to radically change the scope of their work or change the specifics. In this case, it is better to formulate the reasons for dismissal as follows.

  • I want to change direction. The company I currently work for is purely a trade company, and I would like to try to apply my knowledge in production.
  • Change in the type of work, team, direction of the company. Engaging in the same business for 10 years, even with a gradual expansion of responsibilities, leads to the automatic fulfillment of the assigned functions. Because of this, there are no prospects for professional and personal development.
  • Professional and career growth. At the current place of employment, there is no prospect of changing the direction of activity and career opportunities.
  • Expansion of professional responsibilities. I want to apply my experience, skills and knowledge not as a narrow specialist, but as a generalist.

Perhaps the recruiter will want to clarify and ask you to tell, for example, what professional duties you have grown beyond.

Forbidden moves

There are a number of reasons that are best left out of your resume. Of course, when talking at an interview, you will have to remember this. But in a conversation you will always have the opportunity to say that you understood your mistakes and drew conclusions.

The following should not be listed as reasons for dismissal:

  • did not agree in character with colleagues;
  • did not meet the requirements of the management;
  • unable to work with unpleasant people;
  • the company requires regular refresher courses;
  • uncomfortable working conditions, irregular working hours;
  • lack of opportunities for wage growth;
  • I have not worked in the same company for more than 3 years;
  • the company hides from taxes and pays wages “in envelopes”;
  • dismissal due to graduation probationary period;
  • I was laid off, although I am a good specialist;
  • The crisis in the country was the reason for my dismissal.

Of course, these are likely to be the real reasons for your departure. But the employer will see at the same time a conflicting person who cannot take root in the team, does not deserve a salary increase, is too picky and can give out trade secrets.

Basic Rules

Before you figure out what to write in a resume about the reasons for dismissal, think about whether this is necessary in your case. As a rule, this question is asked at the interview, where you can talk in detail about what made you look for a new job.

If you change jobs every year, the recruiter may consider you a “flyer” and not even invite you for an interview.

In this case, you can specify:

  • I have diverse experience in many areas, which allows me to quickly adapt and delve into the specifics of the work;
  • the Angelica company was liquidated;
  • the commercial department of the company "Aura" was closed due to the reorganization of production.

In some cases, many entries in the labor record appear not because of the employee’s restlessness, but because of changes in the company’s form of ownership. In this case, you can not indicate the reasons for dismissal, but in the work experience column, do this:

Leading Manager, PKF Glad

Reasons for leaving a previous job: what to say at an interview and write in a resume

Dismissal: what reason to indicate?

It is rare to meet a person who has worked all his life at one place of work, without changing anything in his life until retirement. Much more often there are people who often and regularly change their occupation or organization. At the same time, the reason for dismissal from a previous job can say a lot about a person and his attitude to life. This question is often asked at interviews and is often mentioned in resumes.

It is believed that by answering the question about the reasons for dismissal, one can add not only psychological picture person, but also to understand whether he can work in the next company. To some extent, this point of view is true, but there are situations that the employee can neither foresee nor prevent.

The main reasons for changing jobs

Reasons for changing jobs

Most frequent objective reason dismissal from a previous job is the low level of wages. In the face of constant competition, firms and organizations are trying to hire good qualified specialists, so they can lure a high salary. And man is a creature that is always looking for where it will be better for him.

But there is one caveat. If an employee quits due to low pay. he must move to another place of work. Even with little money. going "to nowhere" is stupid and unreasonable.

Another common option for making a decision to dismiss is the lack of opportunities for further growth, both professional and career. Young professionals who are ready to adapt to changing business and production conditions want to know more, do more and grow in their profession. If the organization does not have such an opportunity, an ambitious and purposeful employee has the right to seek best job with perspectives.

Other top reasons for leaving include:

  • Misunderstandings with the leader or team. The human factor often affects even business relationships, so it becomes uncomfortable for individual employees to work in this atmosphere. But here actual question What is the fault of the misunderstanding.
  • Moving to another area of ​​the city or beyond. A change of residence is often accompanied by a change of job. especially if the current company cannot offer options to compensate for such an inconvenience: paying for transport, changing work schedules, increasing salaries.
  • Changes in the nature of work. For example, adding new responsibilities without increasing pay or changing schedules. AT modern conditions the absence of change is impossible, but it must always be accompanied by additional circumstances and actions. And when this does not happen, a person may begin to look for other uses for his skills and abilities.
  • Reducing the workplace. This reason does not depend on the employee, and even often does not depend on the employer himself. But if the organization is downsizing. even valuable and significant employees can be without work.

There are also many other reasons why a person leaves a previous job and looks for another, but they are less common.

A special group are the reasons when the dismissal occurs at the initiative of the management: incompetence, violation of discipline, offenses committed in the course of activity. If an appropriate entry is made in the employee's work book, it will be more difficult to find a good job later.

Thus, the reasons for dismissal from a previous job can be completely different, and they should be told about during further interviews, but how exactly to submit information is a serious question. To communicate with an HR specialist in a potential company, you need to prepare.

How to answer interview questions about a previous layoff

Employees of the personnel department of the company where a person has to get a job, be sure to ask about the reasons for dismissal from the previous job. Especially if the entry in the work book is concise and can say little about the real prerequisites for dismissal.

In order to feel confident at the interview and correctly answer all the questions, you should remember two simple rules:

  1. You need to speak the truth. In the recruitment department, there are specialists and professionals in their field who ask a lot of questions and draw a conclusion based on all the information received. So it's hard to hide anything. And if it works out, the employee of the personnel department will see that the applicant is hiding something. In this regard, there is a second rule.
  2. The truth can be told in different ways. When answering questions about being fired from a previous job, the truth must be presented in a favorable light for yourself. Often this is not difficult. If the reason for the dismissal is low salary or lack of opportunity for further growth, the person shows himself on the good side in his desire to achieve something more. But if on previous place there was a conflict, you will have to think about how best to explain this.

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The manager who conducts the interview, on the basis of any story or explanation, draws conclusions about the character of the person and the possibility of his further infusion into new team. The first stage of any interview is to determine the psychological and moral fit of the new company, potential leader and colleagues. Only after that will the test of professional skills and knowledge begin. Although it may not start if the first stage is not completed. It is easier and more profitable for an organization to hire an inexperienced newcomer and train him, who at the same time will be loyal, purposeful, flexible and sociable, than a conflicting and principled professional.

Thus, communication with an HR specialist should be as sincere and frank as possible, but it is important to prepare for questions and think carefully about the wording of your own thoughts. Especially if the advertised vacancy is the desired position for the applicant.

What to write in a resume about the reasons for dismissal

Reason for leaving on resume

A completed resume is the first and most important opportunity to interest the employer in your candidacy. Therefore, applicants think carefully about the information that is placed in the resume. Sometimes it is better not to indicate the reasons for dismissal from a previous job at all, waiting for an interview and then taking the opportunity to explain everything in person.

On the other hand, according to this information in the resume, a specialist in the personnel department can also draw certain conclusions, so sometimes these reasons can still be voiced. However, here in the formulations and explanations one must be even more careful and cautious. After all, if at a personal interview you can explain everything for a long time and clearly, adding emotions, facial expressions and personal charm to your words, then there is no such possibility on a piece of paper. And each person can perceive the same text in different ways.

The most loyal and streamlined formulations of the reasons for dismissal from a previous job can be called:

  • The impossibility of further growth and advancement, when I feel that I can do more.
  • A low level of salary, which does not depend on the performance of my work, and which I cannot influence by my actions.
  • My ideas and suggestions do not find a response from the management, and further communication takes place with a hint of misunderstanding.
  • A complete discrepancy between the working conditions and my skills, abilities and specialization, which is why I cannot reach my full potential.
  • Mass layoffs, termination of the company.

An explanation of these reasons and taking into account other information indicated by the applicant in the resume will give the HR officer complete information to continue further communication about filling the vacancy or, conversely, that there is no need to waste time on an interview if the person is obviously not suitable.

Reason for leaving previous job important question looking for a new kind of activity. However, this is a simple question if you prepare for it and correctly formulate your own thoughts and judgments.

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Reason for leaving is on resume. What to write in the column "Reason for dismissal"

October 28, 2014

An applicant who is looking for a job must first of all think about his resume. After all, this document is a business card, which briefly and clearly describes the positions held, previous jobs, existing skills and merits.

What is a resume?

To attract the attention of a personnel officer or manager, it is important to write a resume correctly. To do this, you should exclude the presence of common mistakes made when writing it. In addition, the reason for dismissal in the resume must be described correctly enough so as not to arouse the increased interest of the employer.

CV mistakes

1. Grammar and stylistic errors are simply unacceptable in a resume. This is because a document with such shortcomings is usually not read to the end, and even more often it is simply thrown into the trash. After all, the literacy of a new employee of the company is a rather important point.

2. Text should be formatted and easy to read. A document that does not have paragraphs, clarifications and highlights is difficult to perceive. That is why it is necessary to use bold selections, as well as underlining in paragraphs and headings. Decorations with markers, the use of a different font are unacceptable, because a resume is primarily an official document.

3. Today on the Internet you can find a resume, an example of which will serve as good pattern for the applicant. It is important to consider that it is impossible to write completely under a carbon copy. First of all, the profile must be unique.

4. When writing information about previous jobs, you must correctly indicate the start date of the activity, its end, as well as the reasons for dismissal of one's own free will. This is because the vagueness of such information will indicate the lack of assembly of the applicant.

5. Must in your business card indicate the purpose of its compilation. The answer to this question should be based on the structure of the resume. Even if several professions are considered in different companies, for each vacancy it is necessary to draw up its own document.

6. A resume that has a lot of unnecessary information about the personal life, hobbies, hobbies and habits of the applicant looks overloaded. Therefore, such a mistake simply cannot be allowed.

Is the accuracy of the information important?

When presenting information about himself, the applicant must avoid lying. After all, information about a person is checked by security services. That is why it makes no sense to assign non-existent experience or skills to oneself, as well as to distort the data regarding the date of birth, last name, marital status. Especially important is the reason for dismissal in the resume, to which personnel officers often turn their attention. It requires reliable information presented by the applicant in the right way. It is about this that it is important to talk in more detail.

Reasons for leaving: what not to talk about

For many applicants, the important question is what to write in the reason for dismissal. It is important to understand here that it is impossible to get away from a direct answer. The phrase "Due to the circumstances" is sure to arouse suspicion. The personnel officer or employer may assume the worst. Therefore, the answer for the resume and further interview must be prepared in advance.

The most common variant of the reason for changing jobs offered by the applicant to the personnel officer is the circumstances caused by the crisis. Upon receipt by the employer of certain information about the applicant, he will conclude that he is facing an irresponsible person. In addition, during a crisis, companies are freed from ballast, so the value of such an employee will be in question.

Major Mistakes

A big disadvantage of the applicant will be criticism directed at the previous employer. It does not matter that it is well deserved, because the interviewer will draw his own conclusions about the incorrectness and disloyalty of such an employee to his superiors. Such specialists are practically not in demand, so there may be big problems with employment.

In addition, referring to the low level of wages is undesirable. Otherwise, the employer will decide that the applicant is only interested in money.

Moreover, it would be a huge mistake to talk about dismissal without explaining the reasons. This can raise a lot of questions, as well as unnecessary suspicions regarding the applicant.

How to answer the question about the reason for dismissal

An applicant for a vacant position, answering a question about his dismissal, must show his loyalty to the employer. It is important to give the impression of an employee who is interested in the effective operation of the company, who knows how to cope with his own affairs and insist on his opinion.

Of course, we can say that there was no career growth at the previous place of work. It is important for the applicant, as a professional, to find himself in a company where he can work with benefit and use his experience and accumulated knowledge.

It is worth considering that a characterization may be required from the previous place of work. This has become a common practice today, so it’s better to leave without scandals. If you inform a new employer that the line you worked for has closed, you need to be prepared to confirm this information. In addition, getting positive feedback from a previous job is a big plus when applying for a new company.

You can talk about disagreements with the former management about business development and about the decision to disperse amicably. Moreover, it is important to clarify that the reasons for dismissal at the interview will be explained in more detail. In addition, you need to be sure that the former leader will confirm this information. In this case, the reason for dismissal in the resume must be indicated exactly.

Yes, no one forbids coming up with a more convincing reason, but it is worth noting that such information is checked very carefully. Therefore, any lie will immediately come out. At the same time, you may be required to testify from your previous place of work in a new place, where you should be assessed as an employee and specialist as a whole.

When filling out the questionnaire, the reasons for dismissal must be indicated approximately as follows:

1. There was no career growth at the previous job. In this connection, the applicant wants to find a job in the company where you can prove yourself by showing your knowledge.

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2. You can think of another reason for dismissal. However, do not forget that your former employer may be asked for information about you. Therefore, it is important to leave work of your own free will without scandals.

After reviewing the resume by the employer, the next step is an interview. It is here that it is important to explain the reasons for your dismissal.

1. When applying for a new job, it is important to give a positive assessment to your former management. You can not show any resentment and talk about all the scandalous moments.

2. The dismissal that occurred after the probationary period can be explained by the failure of the company to fulfill its promises. This may be a lower level of wages or the presence of other official duties not listed in the lease.

3. If there were ill-wishers at the previous place of work, then it is worth warning the new management that they did not want to let you go. That is why it will be impossible to get an adequate recommendation.

What if the applicant has worked for one month?

In the event that the applicant has worked for only a month, the reason for dismissal may not be indicated in the resume. When these circumstances are clarified, the situation can be explained by the fact that there has been a reorganization of the company, as a result of which your duties have changed. It can also be said that not all agreements were observed. Most importantly, talk about former leadership loyal and humble.

Entry in the workbook

It should be noted that an entry in the work book is preferable, indicating the termination of the contract by agreement of the parties, rather than at will. After all, the first option reports a civilized dismissal. In the second case, the employee could be asked to leave, or the management was confronted with the fact that the employee left the company.

It is important that the reasons for voluntary dismissal or any other information are subsequently explained by the applicant. Otherwise, the employer may have unnecessary questions.

It is necessary to prepare answers in advance regarding your departure from your previous place of work. Otherwise, even if the applicant gets to an interview, and then cannot explain the situation associated with his dismissal, he may simply be refused employment.

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What is the best reason for leaving a resume?

I am glad to welcome you, dear friend!

The question from the title arises when you are offered to fill out a resume form, where there is a column on the reasons for dismissals. This does not happen often, however, we will briefly analyze this situation. So, what is the reason for leaving the resume?

No, no judgment

Usually there is no column on the reasons for dismissal in the resume. At least - on the most popular Internet portals. Accordingly, you do not need to write anything.

Similarly, if you are compiling a resume yourself, in a text editor. The reason for the dismissal is not an issue on which you can earn any dividends. Cons - easily, and pluses - hardly.

Therefore, the reasons for your departures should not stick out.

Your job is to think. that you will talk about the reasons for dismissal in a telephone or face-to-face interview. More on this below.

What reason to give?

If there is that rare case when you are offered to fill out a resume template that contains a line about the reasons for dismissal, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Specify those reasons that are in the work book. Nothing more needs to be written. Explain the real reason for layoffs at the interview.
  2. Think about how to explain the real reasons for the dismissal. Leaving at the initiative of the employee (of his own free will) or by agreement of the parties always has an underlying reason.
  3. What to do if there is a “criminal” record in your labor record. For example ". due to an unsatisfactory test result ”.

In this case, there are two options.

a) By default - write as is, see item 1. Try to find a reasonable explanation and state it in your cover letter. Or by phone.

Usually, the appearance of criminal records in a work book is a consequence of a conflict on the one hand, and on the other, an inability or unwillingness to agree.

Step 1: Present the situation not as a conflict, but as a mutual misunderstanding, which has grown into an emotional plane. Got hot, in short. It happens.

Step 2: State what you learned from this story. You understand that you should have acted more carefully and deliberately, but ... what happened happened. No one is immune from mistakes. You acknowledge them openly and do not try to hide anything.

Your reasonable frankness can compensate for the negative.

b) Write another reason, different from the entry in the labor. For example, by agreement of the parties.

In the expectation that they will not notice or, if they notice, it will be possible to somehow explain why it was not possible to agree and “leave on their own”.

The strategy is risky. It will only work if they don't notice. Which is incredible.

The most unpleasant thing will be when you passed an interview with a recruiter and a manager, but when applying for a job, the “personnel officer” will pay attention (and he will definitely pay attention) and then there will already be a bummer. You will not be able to explain anything - they will not listen to you.

think about real reasons

Drawing up a resume is the time to think about what you will talk about the real reasons for layoffs “on your own” and by agreement of the parties. And you have to speak. This is one of the most popular interview questions.

Doubtful reasons

  • I understand the desire to talk about my former bosses the truth. Or some other nastiness :). And I know that all and sundry warn applicants against this.

Nevertheless, it often happens that “Ostapov” suffered. It hurt apparently. Alas, it is important to control yourself. It is best not to speak badly of anyone.

  • Unfulfilled hopes for salary increases and promotions - also push until better times. For there are a dime a dozen who want to become a boss everywhere, and money in the eyes of the employer is not the best incentive to work.
  • Also, don't talk about overtime work, tight schedule, excessive workload. I guess it's redundant to explain why.

good reasons

  1. Barriers to professional growth. At the same time, I recommend thinking about the trajectory of your career, because the question is how you see it. would be a logical next step.
  2. Team change. They appointed a new leader, he drags his people. And they say to you: “Of course, it’s a pity, you are a good worker, but. you yourself understand. ".
  3. Reorganization. The situation should be presented in such a way that the leadership did not have a choice of whom to invite to stay, and whom to “ask”. Otherwise, the question is logical: are there the best, but you are not among them?

The company is undergoing restructuring. The position that you held (or your entire department, even better) goes into oblivion. Some kind of work is offered for you, but it does not fit in with your professional plans and you leave. Quite civilized. Without scandals of mutual claims.

"Artistic Thought"

The reasons for layoffs are not the case when you need to “cut the truth-womb”.

There is such a thing as “artistic conjecture”. A few from another opera, but also in our case: why not?

You are not lying, but interpreting the situation as you see it.

By the way, recruiters are also well aware that you will often lie :). Therefore, do not forget that your "ex" may be called.

However, calls will not be frequent. Why? The answer is not for this article. Just take my word for it.

In short, light "artistic conjecture" is preferable to the truth among the reasons we have labeled "dubious."

  1. When compiling a resume, we write the reasons for dismissals only when the template contains such a column that is required to be filled out.
  2. We write the wording of the reasons for dismissals in the same way as the entries in the work book. Comments in the cover letter and at the interview.
  3. We choose “good” reasons for face-to-face and telephone meetings. We decide what exactly we are going to say.

Let me digress for today. If you have any questions - write in the "contacts" section or in the comments.
