New Year in Egypt: the charms of the pyramids of ancient traditions. In Egypt, New Year and Christmas are celebrated three times a year.

Holidays in Egypt are classified in different ways. There are a number national holidays observed by all population groups. Since Islam is the state religion, islamic holidays celebrated by all Egyptians. Christian holidays are not nationwide (except for Orthodox Christmas), but Christians are not forbidden to celebrate them.

In Egypt, this day is a holiday. And as a rule, relatives visit each other on this day or simply go to parks and recreation places. Many shops are decorated with Christmas trees, toys and twinkling garlands in anticipation of Western Christmas and New Years. All flower shops in Egypt on New Year littered with special flowers - poinsettias, or as it is also called the "Star of Bethlehem" - five-pointed large flowers of scarlet color.

In supermarkets, you can buy a Christmas tree for every taste, decorations and other New Year's attributes.

However, the holiday of January 1 is not perceived by many Egyptians as main holiday year, and it is not customary to celebrate it on such a grand scale as, for example, in Russia. The celebration of the New Year in the Western manner can be considered a kind of tribute to fashion.

The only one interesting fact, which I learned that in Alexandria on the night of December 31 to January 1 there is such a tradition - people throw glassware from the windows of houses and cars - glasses, bottles and so on. Why, they do it, and it was not possible to find out :) Probably, for good luck ...
So, if you suddenly find yourself in Alexandria on New Year's Eve, be careful :)

Islamic calendar - lunar calendar used in Islam to determine dates religious holidays, as well as how official calendar in some Muslim countries. The chronology is from the Hijra (July 16, 622 AD) - the date of the migration of the Prophet Muhammad and the first Muslims from Mecca to Medina. Therefore, in Muslim countries, the calendar is called the Hijri calendar (Arab.

Hijri is a lunar calendar, and a year in it is the duration of 12 revolutions of the Moon around the Earth. That is, it has 354 (355) days; 33 Hijri years are approximately equal to 32 solar years.
The year consists of 12 lunar months and contains about 354 days, which is 10 or 11 days less solar year. For this reason, the days of Muslim religious holidays are shifted from the Gregorian calendar each year.

The creation of the lunar calendar is attributed to Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab, who ruled the first Islamic state after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. According to legend, the righteous caliph Omar turned to his associates with a request to choose a significant event in the life of a young Muslim community as the starting point of Islamic history. Were different offers: the birth of Muhammad, the date of which has not been established with chronological accuracy, the historical episodes of his life, the day of the death of the prophet. Hijra was chosen as the starting point - the exodus from Mecca, as a result of which the first Muslim community was formed. For about 14 centuries, the entire Muslim community of the world has adhered to this decision.

A Hijri month is the period between two new moons. There are 12 months in the Muslim calendar, as well as in the European one. Their names are the same as in the ancient solar-lunar Arabic calendar.

The month of Muharram is the first month of the Muslim calendar. It is believed that as a person spends the first month of the year, so will the rest of the twelve months.

Muharram is one of the four months during which Allah specifically forbade conflicts, blood feud, wars and similar strife. Much is said in the Qur'an about the importance of this month. Muharram is the month of repentance and worship. Every Muslim should try to spend this month in the service of God. One of the sayings of Muhammad says: "Muharram is the best for fasting after the month of Ramadan." Another saying says: "He who fasts one day in the month of Muharram is rewarded as for 30 fasts."

Muharram is an Arab. محـرّ م‎‎
safar - صفـر‎
rabiya`u l-awwal - ربـيع الأول‎
rabiya`u s-saania - ربـيع الآخر‎ or ربـيع الـثاني‎
jumaada l-uula - جمادى الأول‎
jumaada l-aakhyr or jumaada s-saani - جمادى الآخر‎ or جمادى الـثاني‎
rajab - رجـب‎
shaaban - شعـبا ن‎
ramadan (turk. ramazan) - رمضا ن‎
shawwal - شوّ ال‎
dul-ka'da - ذو الـقـعـدة‎
zulhija - ذو الحجة‎

The cycle consists of 30 years: 19 ordinary days of 354 days and 11 leap years of 355 days. Leap years 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16.18, 21, 24, 26, 29th. An extra day is added to last month.

The Muslim year is always shorter than the solar year: by 10 days, if the Muslim leap year, and the solar simple; for 11 days, if both years are simple or leap years; and even for 12 days, if muslim year simple, and sunny - leap.

The Muslim year is not tied to the seasons, the months migrate through all the seasons, with the result that the beginning of the year, for example, may fall on the summer months of the Gregorian style, and after a while - on the winter.

In Egypt, New Year and Christmas are celebrated three times a year. Since early December, large shops, malls and hotels in Cairo and other cities have been decorated with Christmas trees, toys and twinkling garlands in anticipation of Western Christmas and the New Year. On the sidewalks in front of flower shops are exhibited artificial Christmas trees, pots with thuja and "Bethlehem stars" especially popular here - five-pointed large flowers of scarlet color.

You can also buy natural Christmas trees from Holland for $100-130 apiece. The gazes of passers-by linger on the two-meter sculptures of round-cheeked Santa Clauses, which are called here in French Père Noël - apparently in memory of those who brought the custom of celebrating Christmas to desert Egypt. Western Christmas is mainly celebrated by tourists and foreigners living in the country, but many Egyptians celebrate the arrival of the New Year.

"We consider Christmas a foreign holiday, and the New Year is common for everyone - both for Muslims and Christians," the Christmas tree seller Mohammed Magid told RIA Novosti correspondent, at the same time complaining that the green beauties sluggishly disperse. But he does not lose hope - after all, in two weeks Egyptian Coptic Christians will begin to celebrate Gregorian calendar its Christmas and New Year and there will be buyers for the goods.

The Christian doctrine came to Egyptian land with the apostle Mark, who began preaching in Alexandria in the 1st century. Now in the country there are seven to eight million Copts belonging to the eastern branch christian church. Three years ago, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak decreed January 7 - Christmas according to the Julian calendar, followed by the Copts - a public holiday. On the eve, festive services and processions are held in numerous Coptic churches. Several hundred Orthodox from Russia, Ukraine and other countries living in the Egyptian capital gather in the Cairo church of St. Demetrius of Salun.

Islam respects Christians and Jews - monotheists. In the Qur'an they are called "People of the Book". Among the prophets, Isa - Jesus, Musa - Moses and other righteous people are mentioned.

Muslims, who make up the majority of Egypt's 75 million people, have their own New Year and Christmas. The Ras al-Sana holiday marks the beginning of the new year. lunar calendar. The date of the Hijra - the migration of the Prophet Muhammad with his followers from the city of Mecca to the oasis of Yathrib (now the city of Medina) was taken as the starting point of the Muslim chronology. In the spring of next year, 1426 Hijri will come. Among the religious holidays of Muslims there is also "Maulid al-Nabi" - the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Since the date of his birth is unknown, Christmas is timed to coincide with the day of his death, which followed in 632 AD. According to Muslim manuscripts, the first Muslim Christmas was celebrated in 1207 in the city of Erbil (northern Iraq) by order of the son-in-law of Caliph Saladdin. Under clear Christian influence, solemn processions were held on this day with lit lanterns and images of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad, Amina, but then these rituals were banned by theologians. Now "Maulid" is just a day off.
Egypt has been a crucible for thousands of years, where religions and peoples have been fused. New Year is the most ancient holiday on his land. In the time of the pharaohs, the New Year was celebrated during the flood of the Nile - around the end of September. During the excavation of one of the pyramids, archaeologists found a vessel with the inscription "Beginning of the New Year". On New Year's Eve, the statues of the god Amon, his wife and son were placed in a boat that sailed down the Nile for a month, greeted by the singing and dancing of the inhabitants.

Having become part of the Roman Empire, Egypt followed the example of the Romans, who celebrated the onset of the New Year in early March, and after the introduction of a new (Julian) calendar by Julius Caesar, on January 1. From the ancient Romans came the custom of giving gifts on New Year's Eve and festively decorating dwellings. With the advent of Islam in the seventh century AD, new customs and holidays began to be established in Egypt, but nowadays the New Year, with which the Egyptians, like all earthlings, associate new hopes for better life, happiness and well-being, reborn again.

For 365 days a year we celebrate many holidays, but, perhaps, to single out the most significant dates there are not so many, among them is our beloved, long-awaited New Year, which gives us new hopes. A holiday in Russia, which is associated with white fluffy snow, the aroma of fresh pine needles, tangerines, the smell of which, even in summer, will probably remind us of New Year's gifts, the chimes, and, of course, home comfort.

Each family celebrates it differently, however, like every country in the world. We decided to find out who celebrates this beloved holiday. So, we have adopted several countries that, as it seemed to us, will be the most interesting and unusual to consider.


Mexicans celebrate the holiday on January 1, like us, only it comes 9 hours later. In general, the walk according to the program resembles ours: fireworks, festive table, the use of strong drinks. Everything would be fine if not for some national but.

On the eve of the holiday, Mexicans make miniature images of objects they would like to receive in the coming year and place them at the foot of the cross. These are usually small houses made of reeds, and livestock made of sticks. These miniatures symbolize harmony and happiness in the house.

By the way, in Mexico it is not customary how we wrap gifts in beautiful paper or put them in boxes. Mexicans put gifts and fruits in clay pots. On New Year's Eve, it is customary to smash these pots to smithereens - for good luck.

With the striking of the clock in Mexico, traditional carnival processions begin. The streets are lit up with colorful fireworks. IN festive night here it is customary to have noisy fun to the music, firing from rocket launchers and ringing New Year's bells.

On Christmas days in Mexico, processions called Las Pasadas are often held: locals go from house to house, arranging theatrical performances, and receive various goodies as a reward from the owners. And the kids get delicious gingerbread dolls at midnight.


On the eve of the new year, Chileans go to the coast, where they celebrate the holiday. IN new year holidays in Chile you can't swear, everyone tries to be as friendly as possible - even to strangers. The local population during this period shows a special friendliness. Happy New Year is customary to congratulate strangers whom they meet on the street. This makes the celebration sincere and joyful for everyone. On New Year's Eve, it is customary to burn a straw man. The first of January is visible everywhere wire frames who survived the night of fun.

Since the population of Chile is multinational, there are very bizarre new year traditions. On Easter Island, for example, unusual tradition- people here are looking for a "New Year's" swallow egg. Whoever finds it first whole year declared honored in these parts. He becomes privileged, all the locals consider it an honor to invite him to visit. Such a guest brings good luck to the hosts.

The most unusual New Year takes place in the small Chilean town of Talca. Since 1995, it has been customary to celebrate the New Year at the city cemetery. After the solemn church mass, after 23:00, the inhabitants of Talka, together with the mayor of the city, solemnly go to the cemetery. There they visit the graves of their relatives - the city orchestra plays a quiet classical music, the cemetery is dimly lit. A solemn and calm atmosphere reigns here.

But before the Chilean people Mapuche celebrated the new year on June 24th. Some unique ancient holidays of this nation have been preserved in the country to this day. The tradition of gathering with the whole family, swimming on New Year's Eve has been preserved in Chile and throughout South America.


Did you know that the people of Egypt were the first in the world to celebrate the New Year?

During the celebration of the New Year, the Egyptians had a custom to fill special vessels with "holy water" from the overflowing Nile, the water of which at that time was considered miraculous. In addition, freed from work, the Egyptians visited friends and relatives at this time, together with them they commemorated their ancestors and praised the gods.

The ancient Egyptian New Year was associated with another cult - the goddess of love and music Hathor, daughter of the solar god Ra. Two nights before the New Year, the high priest with assistants performed a ritual cleansing of the statue of the goddess in the temple of Hathor in Dendera. And on the night before the New Year - “the night of Ra”, when the battle of the sun god with the gods of darkness took place - a solemn procession was held, in which the pharaoh and his wife participated along with the priests. The statue of Hathor was carried on a sacred boat and installed in an arbor with 12 columns, symbolizing the months of the year, on the roof of the temple. With the appearance of the first ray of the sun in the new year, the curtains opened, and sunlight poured onto the goddess - a mystical blessing by the god Ra of Hathor's daughter, the temple and the whole world.

Nowadays, New Year and Christmas in Egypt are celebrated three times! Shopping malls, hotels and streets major cities Egypt is decorated with Christmas trees and garlands in early December. Potted arborvitae are placed on the sidewalks in front of buildings, as well as Bethlehem stars, very popular here - large houseplants with scarlet leaves. Flower shops offer real Christmas trees from Holland, and Santa Clauses, or as they are called in the French manner "Papa Noel", meet you at the entrances of the shops. First, in Egypt, Christmas is celebrated by tourists of the Catholic faith. New Year in Egypt is celebrated by both tourists and many Egyptians. And not so long ago, January 7 in Egypt was declared a holiday by the local authorities, as millions of Copts (the native inhabitants of Egypt) celebrate Christmas on this day along with the Orthodox. The Apostle Mark, who preached in Alexandria, brought the teachings of Christ here in the first century. the day before happy holiday Christmas in the temples of Egypt are held religious processions and holiday worship. Hundreds of our compatriots gather on this day in the temple of Demetrius of Thessalonica in Cairo.

The weather in Egypt for the New Year in winter is absolutely summer, but this does not prevent the inhabitants of this country from imbuing the atmosphere of the New Year holiday.

South Africa

South Africans believe that if you manage to swim or at least dip your palms in the water on New Year's Eve, all your sins will be washed away and you will start the year happy. That is why in many African countries there are traditions of total bathing from babies to the elderly. But not all African New Year traditions are so family friendly and sweet. In the land of the Abidji, African warriors, it is customary to arrange ritual dances around the fire on New Year's Eve. In the process of movement, people cut themselves with special daggers. True, you will not see blood from the outside. The bodies are lubricated with a special ointment that makes warriors insensitive to pain and allows wounds to heal faster. According to legend, the performance of this rite not only strengthens the spirit of a warrior, but also symbolizes renewal, helps to get rid of many diseases. Some tribes remember that after the rite, young men sometimes had the gift of foresight.


It is customary to celebrate New Year's Eve from noon on December 31, and the most important thing is to have as much varied lighting as possible. Icelanders traditionally burn bonfires, sing and dance around them. Here and there you can meet mummers "trolls" and "elves". By the way, according to tradition, they also carry out the mission of Santa Claus there. This company is quite numerous, it includes as many as thirteen "Christmas boys" - Jolasveinn (jolasveinn). And they come from a kind of trolls.

Boys and girls in Iceland begin to put a red boot on the window as early as the thirteenth of December, as each of the Christmas naughty people who secretly come to people for the holiday brings gifts with them. The largest, of course, is presented directly to the celebration. It is delivered by the Candlestick, whose name betrays the wearer's favorite pranks. Therefore, in Iceland, throughout the New Year month, December, parents know how to calm down mischievous kids. If they misbehave, they may not find a gift in their shoe, but a potato.


In India, Hindus celebrate the New Year more than 30 times, as people of different classes (castes) have their own special New Year traditions. On this day, at the threshold of every Indian house, patterns from rice flour to lure the goddess of abundance into the house. There is no end to entertainment and fun: the people of India shoot from a bow, launch kites, pour water on each other, on New Year's days, every conscious Indian tries to perform one heroic deed, namely, to catch a cobra and put it in a jug. By this people want to show that they are brave and resolute and are not afraid of anything.

Indian women give gifts to each other on New Year's Eve. hand ornaments. This is a purely Indian gift, which means that you are related to a person, and Indian women also believe that the hand on which they put their jewelry will never do bad deeds.


Australians are more fortunate than others, because they are the first on the planet to celebrate the New Year. For Australians, this holiday is associated with the merciless heat, because the coming January is considered the most warm month, it is the height of summer. Despite the fact that spruces do not grow here, Australians want to celebrate the holiday like the inhabitants of the Northern Hemisphere. In some houses, real Christmas trees are installed, specially imported from the Nordic countries, and their needles are sprayed with varnish so that it lasts longer, in others - artificial, made of plastic. Some families prefer a local tree with an exotic, in our opinion, name - metrosideros, attractive topics that it is completely strewn with large bright purple flowers. By the way, in neighboring New Zealand, this tree is called “New Year’s”.

New Year in Australia. Young Australians, just like their peers living in Europe and North America, rejoice at the New Year also because Santa Claus comes to them with gifts.

We wish you a successful celebration of the new year, already taking small steps, the year of the black dragon.

Country of pyramids, hot sun and desert. All this is little associated among the inhabitants of our latitudes with the celebration of the New Year. We, who are accustomed to a snowy frosty winter, find it hard to imagine decorated Christmas trees on the hot beaches of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. The whole image of Egypt does not fit into the traditional feeling of the New Year.

But what if we break away from tradition for a while and try to experiment? Spend the New Year not among the snowdrifts, but among the hot exotics of the Land of the Pharaohs?

Why Egypt?

According to research social networks and bloggers, it is Egypt that ranks first among the tourist countries where residents of certain states tend to celebrate the New Year. Moreover, coming to the resort, people, as a rule, tend to escape from the hustle and bustle of the holidays and plunge into the world of the sun and hot beaches. Far from the last place is the weather, which pleasantly surprises with its warm and hot days. And the sea simply envelops with sweet bliss, because the temperature of 28 degrees is just a paradise for swimming.

TOP tourist packages

Almost every tourist prefers or. These two cities are located in the very center of the country, because their equipment is highest level. Here, tourists will find fashionable hotels, trendy restaurants and clubs where you can relax to the fullest, forgetting about the bustle of the world. Concerning temperature regime, the staff of each of the hotels prescribes the numbers on the plate with chalk daily. As practice shows, these figures do not change significantly from day to day, but in the evening there is a slight decrease.

Comes from antiquity

In the distant past, there was a tradition to celebrate the New Year on September 11th. It should be noted that the local population adheres to it to this day. As for tourists, they firmly established the rule to celebrate this celebration on December 31, which is in serious conflict with the usual way of life, formed many years ago. However, representatives of the service sector easily met the guests of the country, because they have developed entertainment programs on the territory of each hotel, and some have the opportunity to attend concerts where invited celebrities from different countries peace.

It is at this time of the year that there is a great opportunity to see the sights of the country, because weather most suitable for this. Moreover, it is not only the charms of the mysterious Nile, the tombs of the pharaoh or the mysterious pyramids. This is just a small part of what Egypt has to offer us today. Even though the tradition of celebrating the New Year falls on a completely different date, the local population always welcomes the fun and joy that begins on December 31: bright and colorful fireworks, plenty and variety competitive programs- all this speaks in favor positive attitude to our usual way of life.

Few are aware, but this holiday is celebrated in Egypt three times a year. The decoration of streets, houses and hotels begins around the beginning of December. Thujas in cozy and miniature pots flaunt near each building and the Stars of Bethlehem, houseplants with scarlet leaves, which are among the most popular natural jewelry countries at this time of the year. If you look into a flower shop, you will see a huge variety of Dutch Christmas trees. At the entrance to such a store, the visitor is greeted by Santa Claus, or, as he is called in the French manner, "Papa Noel".

The first feast falls on the day of Catholic Christmas. Then, of course, both the local population and many tourists, as they say, "the whole world" plunge into the "fireworks" of the New Year. But relatively recently, the day of January 7 began to be officially considered a holiday, because many Copts (as the indigenous inhabitants of the country are called) are Orthodox. The explanation is very simple: in the first century, the apostle Mark, who taught in Alexandria, became a preacher of Christianity. To this day, in local churches you can see festive services and religious processions. As for our compatriots who also want to give give religious traditions, they can be found in the temple of Demetrius of Thessalonica, which is located in Cairo.

New Year's attributes: where without them?

But is it generally known in Egypt about the usual elements of celebrating the change of the year? You will be surprised, but yes! In Egypt, you can see Christmas trees and even Santa Clauses. True, all these attributes winter holiday, for the Egyptians themselves are more of a tribute to fashion. Celebrating the change of year on the night of December 31st to January 1st began here thanks to a large number tourists from Europe and other countries where they celebrate the New Year on this day.

In the major cities of Egypt, as early as the first days of December, shop windows and hotels begin to decorate with various New Year paraphernalia: artificial spruce branches, balls and garlands. In large cities of the country, the central streets are also decorated.

In Egypt, you can get a real Christmas tree. Forest beauties are brought to the Land of the Pharaohs from Holland and Denmark. Diverse Christmas decorations in major cities of the country to buy is also not a problem. True, the city is decorated not with living fir trees, but with thuja and " Bethlehem stars"- this loud name is worn by scarlet five-pointed flowers, very popular in Egypt during the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Another striking attribute of the Egyptian New Year are large bright sculptures of Santa Claus or "Papa Noel" - this is the French name for the New Year's wizard.

Egypt also celebrates Catholic Christmas which is celebrated on December 25th. It is celebrated here mainly by Catholic tourists and those foreigners who live in the edge of the pyramids all the time. And also here official holiday considered January 7th, Orthodox Christmas. It is celebrated here by the Copts, this is the name of the local representatives of the eastern branch of the Christian church. In Egypt, they make up a significant part of the population - 7-8 million people.

Santa Claus or Santa Claus?

How is the Egyptian New Year different? First of all, the fact that together with Santa Claus is everyone's favorite here - Santa Claus, or Papa Noel, as they call it in the French manner. It turns out that you can order such a "Santa" in every hotel room. Of course, a grandfather with a white beard and a bright scarlet suit does not quite fit into the picturesque seaside climate, however, this does not diminish the joy of the children: believe me, there is no limit to happiness.

It turns out that many have long departed from the usual traditions of celebrating the New Year. Much more exotic is the meeting of the "new life" at the bottom of the sea or even on a safari. Within a short time, you can quickly be transported to the territory of other resorts in the country. So, not far from Hurghada, the resort of Elguna flaunts. Sharm El Sheikh also offers its tourists the opportunity to have a great time celebrating the New Year on the territory of the coral island, as well as take a ride on a boat equipped with a glass bottom. Then the delights of the seabed will become unforgettable for tourists! Therefore, the guests of the country, getting to Egypt in winter, will become hostages of bright and colorful entertainment that will help make the celebration of the New Year an unforgettable adventure.

As you can see, the New Year holidays in Egypt can be celebrated on a grand scale. Just think how unusual and unforgettable it will be New year's night held on the sandy shores of the Mediterranean or Red Sea, on the sand heated by the sun in the company of a beautiful Dutch Christmas tree. Surely such a meeting of the New Year will be remembered for a long time.

In many countries, the New Year is considered the main festive event of the year, a truly national and national holiday. However, in Egypt, the New Year is not considered to be traditional holiday in our usual understanding of this phenomenon. Officially, January 1 is declared as the beginning of a new year, announced national holiday and day off. But folk tradition, which has its roots in antiquity, thinks otherwise.
The point is that traditionally Ancient Egypt the beginning of the new year was not at all in the winter and was associated primarily with the flood of the Nile. The date of the first season of the new year was determined by the rise of the sacred star Sirius for the Egyptians and the subsequent flood of the main water artery of Egypt. Naturally, for Egypt, 95% of whose territory is occupied by desert, the flood of the Nile was a sacred period, from the beginning of which the ancient inhabitants of this country counted new stage own life. The waters of the Nile at that time were considered not only sacred, but also miraculous: they were filled with special vessels for holy water. It was also customary to visit friends and relatives, offer prayers for the ancestors and praise the gods.
chief actor rituals on the eve of the New Year was the goddess of love and music Hathor, daughter of the almighty god Ra. On the eve of the New Year, the “night of Ra” came, when the sun god fought and invariably defeated the gods of darkness. On this night, the ancient Egyptians held the main New Year's ceremonial - a solemn procession, during which they carried a sacred boat with a statue of Hathor, and then installed it on the roof of the temple. The procession was attended not only by the priests, but also by the pharaoh himself. Interestingly, the statue of the daughter of the god Ra was placed in an arbor with 12 columns, which symbolized the 12 months of the year. First Sunbeam the first day of the new year, falling on Hathor, was considered a blessing of the god Ra and his daughter, and the temple, and all of Egypt.
Times have changed, but customs and mores have remained largely the same. The bulk of the population of Egypt, especially older generation, residents countryside and just conservative-minded citizens of this country prefer to celebrate the New Year according to ancient traditions. Therefore, the holiday of January 1 is not perceived by many Egyptians as the main holiday of the year, and it is not customary to celebrate it with such fervor and scope as, for example, in our country. Celebration of the New Year in the Western style can be considered a kind of tribute to fashion, as well as an excellent reason to attract tourists to this wonderful country. For whom the New Year is the most significant event of the year, it is for the Egyptians employed in the tourism business. Indeed, what could be more attractive for a traveler from Western countries than the celebration of the New Year in Egypt. This unique opportunity to combine one of the most traditional and favorite holidays of the West with an absolutely unusual and exotic atmosphere of the East. What could be more tempting: instead of snow and cold - sun and heat, instead of snow and ice - sea and sand, instead of the usual fir trees and pines - fantastic palm trees and pyramids. And all this - in an atmosphere of celebration, which the Egyptians cordially strive to create, above all, for Western tourists.
But one should not think that there is something false and unnatural in this striving. Yes, the Egyptians are not used to celebrating the New Year the way we do. However, they gladly join this holiday, experiencing no less joy from the process of preparing for a significant event. From mid-December, the Egyptians begin to prepare the streets, offices, banks, hotels, supermarkets, shopping centers to celebrate the New Year, decorating them in the generally accepted New Year's manner. Garlands, Christmas tree decorations, serpentine and other things are hung around. New Year's tinsel. Of course, live spruces in Egypt are not often seen, especially in the homes of ordinary Egyptians - you can buy them, but they are quite expensive. Those wishing to acquire christmas tree prefer cheaper ones artificial Christmas trees. In the same capacity, thuja is sometimes used. However, the most popular Christmas plant, which can be found literally at every turn, is the poinsettia. " star of bethlehem”, as this wonderful creation of mother nature is also called, is a flower with green and bright red leaves. Poinsettias are not only customary to decorate their homes and places of work on the eve of the New Year, but they are also willingly given to each other as a Christmas present. Concerning New Year's gifts in general, the statistics show: year after year, the Egyptians spend everything more money to buy New Year's gifts for their loved ones, obviously getting into the taste. by the most popular gifts considered Jewelry, clothing and electronics.
