Congratulations on 1 year after your wedding. Congratulations on your wedding year

A year has passed since your wedding day. The first wedding anniversary is called calico. Most families, as statistics say, as many as 85%, do not forget to celebrate this date. We hope that you are here to find beautiful wishes for your loved one, or maybe you want to congratulate your friends, loved ones or good acquaintances on their first anniversary. In this section you will find big list congratulations on 1st wedding anniversary. Here are presented unique, original and simple funny congratulations in verse, as well as wishes to the young family in prose, there are short poems to send SMS. In general, if you are looking for congratulations on your wedding anniversary, this section is for you.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
It’s not for nothing that it’s called calico,
I'm in this Holy holiday I wish you
Love for many more years to come!
From the outside it seems so little -
Just a year... Happiness can't be counted in numbers!
So that it never fades away -
Let love live eternally in our hearts!

Champagne sparkles brightly!
The first year has already flown away.
He has a ribbon of light chintz
It flashed by so quickly for you.

Let it be just as easy and carefree
The fate will be your family.
Let the abundant river flow
In harmony, happiness, love.

Changed to chintz party dresses
The family has grown up by a year,
And as befits all one-year-old children,
She stood up and walked on her own.
And let her walk confidently and boldly
Among other diverse families.
And may trust and tenderness help you
One day we will celebrate our centenary!

A year ago they decided to link two lives into one,
The past year was happy, without troubles.
And, as we told you at the wedding,
Let us say again: “Love and advice to you!”

There's a long road ahead of you,
A spacious path that cannot be grasped by thought,
And today again we will shout “Bitter” to you,
So that you never know bitterness.

You, spouses, give in to each other
In global affairs, and in small things,
And don’t forget for a moment,
That happiness is in your hands!

WITH chintz wedding congratulations,
From our hearts today we wish
Live in joy, love and peace,
In a spacious private apartment,

May success await you in all your endeavors,
Let children's laughter sound in the house!
And to your young couple
Live until the golden wedding!

The calico year has passed -
The husband gives his wife a scarf.
And she gave him a handkerchief:
- Accept it from me, dear,
Be as before, my friend,
You are kind and affectionate to me.
Untie the knots
And tell all the secrets.
The guests all say in agreement:
Let your path be clear,
Letting out brighter every day,
Happiness lights up the house
So that your life is
Amazingly bright!

Hello, my dear, golden ones!
A year has passed since the wedding
Everyone remembers the wedding!
How we "Bitterly!" they shouted at you
Hugged, kissed,
Drank, danced,
We wish you well!
A year has already flown by, so what?
Was he good or bad?
You know better, that's for sure!
So let's pour glasses urgently!

I congratulate you, friends,
And on this day I wish,
So that life is smooth as chintz,
And like magical nectar, sweet!

I want to wish you good luck,
Always understand each other
And don’t forget to help -
Live and prosper!

Life in harmony, friendship, love...
In the past the registry office, the impressions are new.
First time family birthday
Are you ready to celebrate today?

Yes, of course, what are we talking about?!
Well, spouses, vivat! Congratulations!
And cherish romance in feelings
We sincerely wish you many years to come!

A year ago you said “yes”
Deciding to be together forever.
You united two into one destiny,
And all doubts were forgotten forever.
Happy calico wedding, honey year lived,
So that you understand each other and value each other.
Let love bloom every year,
Without surrendering your union to adversity.

Our faithful spouses,
Happy Anniversary!
Never be apart
Never - discord!

Many, many children for you,
Money and good luck
Very fiery passions,
From others, returns.

Don't swear, don't yell,
Don't spoil the aura -
Just kiss gently
And never know grief!

Exactly a year has passed since then
We walked like we were having a ball.
From the moment where that conversation was,
That together forever.

During this time you have passed
Through the pain of those heated arguments.
But the faces bloomed with happiness
Much longer than a quarrel!

So you will live longer
We've been married for a hundred years.
The lock of happiness is your key
It's closed, and the key is in the ditch!

Congratulations on your first wedding anniversary to your husband

Now a year has already passed,
How you and I, dear, are together!
Everyone found a family in it,
There was a groom, there was a bride,

And now wife and husband!
Happy anniversary!
Together we are not afraid of the cold,
We help each other!

Wedding congratulations to a friend for a chintz wedding

I want to wish my friend joy,
After all, the chintz wedding has arrived!
Today we will celebrate together
May you have fun, of course!

You whole year an exemplary family man,
I wish you human happiness!
Be your wife's king and master,
And let bad weather not touch the family!

Happy wedding anniversary, friend!
The first year flew by so quickly!
I sincerely wish you happiness!
A sea of ​​money, interesting things to do!

Sincere love, comfort at home,
Loyalty and tenderness in the family!
Let everything be easy and simple for you!
Let everything be like in a wonderful dream!

Happy 1st wedding anniversary to wife

On your wedding day I wish you calico
To my most beautiful wife,
So that you live without being discouraged,
Helped me a lot

Thank you for being by my side,
Dear. Like no one else,
You are able to give a glance,
And bring peace to your soul.

Congratulations for a friend on her first wedding anniversary

I look at you - tears sparkle in my eyes
I'm so happy that such a couple exists!
Love like this can only be a dream,
Pushkin should write about her and Pavarotti should sing about her!

Friend, happy wedding anniversary!
And even though people call her calico,
Your first year, believe me, is the most important!
Happy love to you! There is only comfort in the house!

A whole year has passed, friend,
How married you became!
Let the blizzard not be scary,
Let your dreams come true

My beloved husband helps
Protects from everything
I wish you only the best
Congratulations with all my heart!

You are in a series of running days
Know how to stop a moment
Return to the days of your spring -
And repeat everything all over again.
And so that your union is forever
I kept love and loyalty,
Never forget
The day that brought you together!
(I. Krivitskaya-Druzhinina)

2. A family year has flown by

In life family year flew by
And the day of the chintz wedding comes.
We wish you love and only good deeds,
Let there be no quarrels and strife between you!

Let the home fire burn safely,
Carefully folded with two pairs of hands.
May he save you from troubles and sorrows,
Increased love and care in the family.

3. So vivid and fresh in my memory

So vivid and fresh in my memory
Last year's wedding celebration.
The young husband brought in his arms
To the wife's house with a smile on her lips.
There was so much joy in the eyes!
How much happiness there is in loving hearts!
How many congratulatory speeches
And there were parting words from the guests!
The past year has been a long one for you.
A series of events, a round dance
Joys, discoveries and hardships.
But love in the family is a secret code,
Fortunately, opening the way.
You have to go through a century of roads,
To find yours, the one,
To carry a lot through life.
Calico celebrating the anniversary,

Be there for each other for a long time.

We wish you good health for years to come,
Good luck on your life's journey!

4. The year has already flown by.

The year has flown by unnoticed,
And it seems like yesterday
You were the bride and groom
We walked all night until the morning.
Today we celebrate everything
Your first almost anniversary.
We sincerely wish you
Health, love and children.

5. Lovely, good, dear

Dear, good, dear,
Happy first wedding anniversary! May it always
There will be happiness and love from now on
Be with you for many years!

Let your path sparkle with joy,
With tender care for each other,
The path from modest and simple chintz
For the anniversary with bright gilding!

6. Living together for a year

One year of living together
yours has been tested,
And this, dear ones, means
Love, loyalty
he was impregnated with you,
After all, we are celebrating a chintz wedding.

7. Live a calico year

The calico year will live -
The husband gives his wife a scarf.
Even though he is white as a snowball,
This is a difficult scarf!
Don't think of him in vain,
Take a closer look:
There's an unclear ornament
Only happiness lies ahead!
There are no sad drawings there,
Only sun and love!
Wipe it often
Prepare your tears of happiness!

8. How thin is chintz

How thin is chintz
And the canvas is fragile,
And this wedding anniversary
symbolizes one thing:
What's your relationship
not so durable
And they roll towards
you have boulders of life.
But be friends when you are married,
Lend a shoulder to each other,
Don't wait for outside help
And be completely happy!

9. Two destinies intertwined, like threads in a fabric

Two destinies intertwined, like threads in a fabric,
Store their weave.
May love last a long time:
The start is good, the honey year is over...
You need to go through all the roads,
Collecting the colors of the world with my heart,
To find the only pattern,
Weave life from edge to edge!
Calico dim anniversary...
Just like fabric, the simpler the nicer,
You - weave more sun into the fabric
And good luck on your life's journey!

10. Ah, wedding, wedding! This festival

Ah, wedding, wedding! This festival
How much light it emitted!
And so solemnly and passionately
Mendelssohn's march began.

A year has passed, may the bird be happy
He always calls you with him,
And this roll of chintz of yours
It will bring you warmth of soul!
Let your heart burn in your chest,
Let love not burn out!

11. A year has passed since you started a family.

A year has passed since you started a family.
And two roads were connected into one path,
Souls were illuminated with tender love,
Which nothing can destroy!

Let the chintz, like a dove in the clouds,
Will bring happiness with a sparkle in the eyes,
Will give a sea of ​​tenderness and affection,
So that life is no different from a fairy tale!

12. A year ago you decided to tie your destinies into one

A year ago you decided to tie your fate into one,
And you lived it happily, without troubles.
As they used to say at weddings in the old days
Today we will say again: “Love and advice to you!”
The wide road still awaits you,
Such space that you can’t grasp it with your heart,
And a year later we will shout “Bitterly”
So that your life does not know bitterness.
Don't be afraid, don't be shy - give in
In everything to each other, even in small things,
And never, friends, forget,
That your happiness is in your own hands!

13. Happiness shines on you all year long

Happiness shines on you all year long,
The best couple in the world!
Let in family life yours
Everything will be better and more beautiful.

14. Wedding anniversaries mean

Wedding anniversaries mean
That hearts are bound by love,
Wedding anniversaries are celebrated
Two who did not betray the crown!
(A. Voight)

15. You said “yes” a year ago

A year ago you said “yes”
Deciding to be together forever.
You united two into one destiny,
And all doubts were forgotten forever.
With a calico wedding, we lived a honey year,
So that you understand each other and value each other.
Let love bloom every year,
Without surrendering your union to adversity.


16. I remember a year ago

I remember a year ago,
The bride was beautiful
Eyes beaming with love
And there was little space in the hall.

Now you are a strong family
Your home is a full cup
And friends came to share
The well-deserved happiness is yours.

17. Swapping festive dresses for chintz

Having exchanged festive dresses for chintz
The family has grown up by a year,
And as befits all one-year-old children,
She stood up and walked on her own.
And let her walk confidently and boldly
Among other diverse families.
And may trust and tenderness help you
One day we will celebrate our centenary!

18. We lived a year in perfect harmony

We lived a year in perfect harmony,
Pour a glass more.
A chintz wedding is cooler,
Than a centenary anniversary!

The first pancake is lumpy for many,
But this is not about you.
A year of new family life
It turned out - in good time!

You've been living together for a year
Tired of worries
Now you, I tell you,
A real family.

19. The year has passed like one day, rushed by

A year has passed like one day, rushed by,
Full of joy, hope and kind words.
A year ago your earthly paradise began.
Decorate your table with chintz.

To you today about boundless love
Everyone you meet generously says,
Let it be long, eternal,
May the Lord keep it for you!

20. Congratulations on your “calico” wedding

Congratulations on your chintz wedding,
With all our hearts we wish you
Live in happiness, and in love, and in peace,
In a spacious sunny apartment,
So that it sounds for everyone
Both yours and the children's ringing laughter.
Keeping the holy law of love,
Live until the golden wedding!

Live cheerfully and amicably,
Argue if necessary
But know your business carefully,
That you can’t live without each other!
You've already walked together for a year
And we've already seen something.

21. Your wedding anniversaries

Your wedding anniversaries
Congratulations, our dear ones,
Happy first anniversary - young,
And we wish to continue to live the same way,
Without facing pain and misfortune.

Let everything be fine and in agreement,
And grandchildren will be born in their turn,
Let love command all the time
And they always take each other prisoner!
(I. Yavorovskaya)

22. Here is the first anniversary!

Here is the first anniversary!
I haven’t erased the feelings for a long year.
Warms friends too
Your never-ending fire!
We wish you a bright future life,
Like a cotton handkerchief,
Good deeds, glasses with friends,
Golden sons and daughters!

23. Here comes the calico year

Here comes the calico year
The husband gives his wife a scarf.
And she responded with a handkerchief;
Accept it quickly, dear,
Stay, my friend,
The most affectionate with me.
Untie the knots.
Tell all the secrets!
And friends say in agreement:
May the road be clear
Let love live in everything
Lighting up this house.
So that life will always be
Interesting and bright!

24. It’s like yesterday we were walking in a restaurant

It’s like yesterday we were walking in a restaurant,
And the musicians played there for you!
Songs and dances, shouts: “Bitter!”
Games, gifts, there were so many of them!

A year has flown by, you are closer to each other,
Now they have become, and love is just as vibrant!
With happiness your eyes shine brighter,
Everyone congratulates you on your anniversary!

It's time to have fun again
And touch the holiday potion!
We wish you children in the new year!
May your family union be strong!

25. You lived together for a year

You lived together for a year,
Not more and not little,
For this we appreciate
We'll give you five points.
Keep it up guys -
And everything will be fine.
And know that it's not easy
Live to see round date!

26. Let them say, the hardest thing is

Let them say, the hardest thing is
Spouses live together for the first year,
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary,
We wish you continued good luck.

So light, joyful, cheerful
May your life have a long journey,
No matter what he is, really, he is sophisticated,
Let it be easier to comprehend the essence.

27. No matter how you run around in your dreams

No matter how you run around in your dreams,
We must honestly admit to you:
The material is good chintz,
If you see it, you have to take it.

You can sew it for yourself for the summer
Anything from it for you...
A chintz wedding is,
By the way, celebration!

An important factor in your life is -
Very important! - I would say.
Chintz is still not paper,
Natural material.

28. A whole year has passed since the wedding

A whole year has passed since the wedding -
Once again, celebration, jokes, laughter.
We are sure that happiness awaits you,
Good luck and success!

We wish you to strengthen the union,
As a gift - a cotton handkerchief,
And in a year or two
We are expecting a son and daughter.

Well, tell me, how can I not get drunk?
Are chintz colors at your wedding?
Well, tell me, how can I not get enough,
So that the chintz doesn’t tear?

And don’t get old, and don’t get dirty,
And don’t shed, don’t rub,
And to be the way we love,
Beautiful, light and not rough!

Don’t ask me not to drink:
I have drunk and will drink for the chintz!

29. Your family is exactly one year old today!

Your family is exactly one year old today!
She is wearing a chintz vest.
A happy and difficult year passes,
The union of hearts becomes stronger.
Let the chintz wedding make you dizzy,
Will give fidelity, happiness and love.
May every day and every second
Love and joy excite the blood!


30. A year has passed since you were married.

A year has passed since you were married,
And your hearth has grown, become warmer,
And we are all very happy to see this,
Let's drink to the hosts and guests!

31. Champagne sparkles brightly!

Champagne sparkles brightly!
The first year has already flown away.
He has a ribbon of light chintz
It flashed by so quickly for you.

Let it be just as easy and carefree
The fate will be your family.
Let the abundant river flow
In harmony, happiness, love.

32. Everything in our life is fleeting

Everything in our life is fleeting,
You will replace the chintz with linen.
We wish you to live a carefree life,
Varied like a chameleon.

And this ringing noise of glasses
For you guys, in your honor,
We will drink to the bottom for this date,
After all, living life is not crossing a field!

33. The whole year was honey for you

The whole year was a honeymoon for you,
Everything around seemed new.
And they opened this year
You are love's secret code!
If there were even disputes -
You've forgotten about them now
Once for the first anniversary
You invited your friends.
What do your friends wish for you?
Let the family be strong!
Every year - like the first year -
Let him bring only honey!

The wedding anniversary has arrived.
All in chintz, she is the first.
We congratulate you, spouses
We wish you complete happiness,

Let every day
love grows stronger
respect for each other
Let your union be protected
Care, tenderness and patience.

May they always glow and shine
Your happy eyes
Let it be the strongest in the world
Your wonderful family!

Happy first wedding anniversary
We hasten to congratulate you.
Love and lots of happiness to you
We wish from the bottom of our hearts!

Let it grow stronger every day
Your friendly family.
We wish you many children,
After all, it’s impossible without them.

Calico anniversary -
The first holiday on the way,
We wish you hand in hand
There are still many years to go.

Our dears! Congratulations on your first marriage anniversary! We wish that in ten and twenty years your relationship remains as warm and tender as it is now. We wish you mutual understanding, respect and the ability to compromise. Let your family grow stronger and, of course, grow! Happy holiday!

Full of joys and worries
Your first year has flown by.
There were quarrels and reconciliations,
And magical moments.

I wish you from my heart
Go through all the hardships together.
So that you avoid quarrels,
The argument should be turned into a joke.

So that, as a piece of art
You took care of your feelings.
After all, love and respect -
A pledge of fidelity and rapprochement.

Only you can do it
Prove to the big world
That there is no more beautiful couple than you.
I wish you only happiness.

So that even after years
Remembered like never before
The look of love from your eyes
Happy calico wedding to you!

A year ago you became a couple -
Official family.
On this very important date
Congratulations, my love!

Continue in the same spirit,
And give people light.
Illuminate your home with happiness,
Success will not leave you.

And love me just as much,
You are each other like then,
When is the first time in front of people?
You said the word: “Yes!”

You've already lived a whole year,
You have firmly cemented your union,
We want to keep it that way,
Preserve love and tenderness,
From all adversity and troubles
Protect your family!
So that there is always prosperity in the house,
So that the road is not difficult,
And so that you, hand in hand
We've reached the emerald wedding!

Anniversary... You've been together for a year now,
And may God protect your union.
Let there be no place for sorrows,
And love burns forever in the heart.

Be a support for each other
And always forgive each other.
Forgetting about grievances and disputes,
Carry love through the years.

You give each other only joy,
Even on the hardest day.
And you will understand what is next to you
The best of all people!

You lived together for the first year,
Helping each other in everything.
Happy calico wedding today
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.

May there be happiness in your home,
Warmth of love and prosperity,
We wish to continue to surround
Each other with reverent attention.

You keep the family hearth,
Don't be upset in vain
Live in joy and peace,
After all, your couple is so beautiful!

Calico wedding:
Year - family experience.
Calico wedding -
This is your holiday.

This is just the beginning
Have a bright journey,
Let in family life
Enough love for you.

Let the warmth not melt,
The marriage will be stronger
May there always be enough
Joy in the eyes.

Bitterly! Bitter again!
How can we live without these words?
And there's so much around
Calico flowers!

A year has passed since the wedding - the first anniversary!
Your feelings have strengthened and you have become wiser.
Let there be happiness for two,
Take care of happiness for your children and loved ones!

Let the storms pass over your family hearth,
Let the flame of love not fade away,
Let there be prosperity and success in business.
And love each other more than anyone else!

Do you have a reason to be happy -
Happy first anniversary!
We wish you to meet happiness along the way,
You won’t even notice the difficulties.

Calico wedding is just the beginning
Life is bright, bright, without sadness
And successful plans, common goals.
May success in any matter help your cause.

Let love grow stronger and bloom,
Let him give you smiles every day,
Let the comfort never leave the house,
And fate helps you in everything!

Wedding anniversary - an important event for any married couple. It is not customary to celebrate this date widely; only close friends and relatives are usually invited to such a celebration.

To make the holiday interesting and fun, you can arrange a performance during which the young couple will have to “look for the baby in the cabbage” (take apart a head of cabbage), “catch a stork” (catch paper airplanes, which will be launched by guests), take part in various competitions.

And, of course, at this celebration there will be words of congratulations on the first wedding anniversary. These can be wishes in poetry or prose. Our website presents short poems, which are great for congratulating spouses on their first year life together. They can be read at a celebration in honor of this event or sent as SMS messages.

Short congratulations in verse on the first wedding anniversary

Happy first anniversary to you
I congratulate you now
And I wish that it continues
The flame of love did not go out!

To let passions rage
And never cooled down,
Never to touch
You are hurt and sad.

Dear, good, dear,
Happy first anniversary! May it always
There will be happiness and love from now on
Be with you for many years!

Let your path sparkle with joy,
With tender care for each other -
The path from modest and simple chintz
For the anniversary with bright gilding!

We congratulate you on your chintz wedding!
We wish you to live only in peace,
So that all troubles, adversity and storms
They didn’t risk flying into your family!
Remember and cherish cherished
Long summer with tender feelings.
Let children's laughter sound in your home!
There will be no barriers or obstacles to happiness!

How is it customary to celebrate 1st wedding anniversary?

It is customary to invite the same guests to a chintz wedding who were present at the main one. According to tradition, relatives and friends present the young couple with chintz products, as well as other textiles: bed sheets, tablecloths, bedspreads, towels.

A wonderful gift would be a horseshoe, which brings happiness, luck and love to the home. Or you can give the spouses a bell, which is hung above the doors of the house as a talisman against evil forces.

These gifts can be accompanied by warm congratulatory poems for a 1 year wedding anniversary. Such poems can be read aloud, or you can write them short congratulations with the very first anniversary of the family wedding on postcards.

Poems on the occasion of a wedding anniversary 1 year

A year ago you became a couple -
Official family.
On this very important date
Congratulations, friends!

Continue in the same spirit
And give people light.
Illuminate your home with happiness,
May success never leave you!

The year has flown by unnoticed,
And it seems like yesterday
You were the bride and groom
We walked all night until the morning.
Today we celebrate everything
Your chintz anniversary.
We sincerely wish you
Health, love and children!

Only a year ago your holiday was noisy,
The house was full of friends, guests,
Funny jokes, different songs,
And here it is - the first anniversary!
Let the world be huge, new,
And further, many years to come,
Let life seem honeyed to you,
Like this first sweet year!

Traditions of celebrating a calico wedding anniversary

On the first wedding anniversary, it is customary to carry out the following ritual: young spouses exchange cotton scarves, tie knots on them and pronounce a spell:

– Just as the knots we tie are strong, so are our words. Just as the wind, a reveler in a field, wakes up a cornfield, so joy and happiness will remain with us forever.

These handkerchiefs are kept in a secret place. It is believed that they become amulets for a young family and protect it from disagreements and quarrels. At the end of the ceremony, guests can congratulate the young family on their first year of marriage in poetry or prose.

Happiness shines on you all year long,
The best couple in the world!
Let in your family life
Everything will be better and more beautiful.

Well, the wedding is made of chintz,
The golden one will last longer,
So that after many years
The hot light warmed you with love!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
It’s not called calico for nothing.
On this bright holiday I wish you,
Love for many more years to come!
From the outside it seems so little -
Just a year... Happiness can't be counted in numbers!
So that it never fades away,
Let love live eternally in our hearts!

A year has passed since the wonderful date,
And you guys are so happy.
May everything be smooth in your life,
Well, let the two of you have a sweet time!

Today is your chintz wedding,
And we wish you good luck now!
Warmth and trepidation of relationships,
And bright, rosy moments.

Congratulations, bride and groom!
A year has passed - a year of sacred love,
We wish to live another two hundred,
So that you can do a lot!
So that years later, having noted them,
You loved each other more deeply
Children saw in your eyes
The same light of unquenchable lights!

Having exchanged festive dresses for chintz,
The family has grown up by a year,
And as befits all one-year-old children,
She stood up and walked on her own.
And let her walk confidently and boldly
Among other diverse families.
And may trust and tenderness help you
One day we will celebrate our centenary!

And now your first year has passed...
It may have been difficult for you.
A year full of happiness and worries,
It will be very difficult for you to forget.

Keep the flame of the hearth,
Treasure each other the same way.
And your feelings, as they are now,
You will carry it through time.

Anniversary... You've been together for a year now,
And may God protect your union.
Let there be no place for sorrows,
And love burns forever in the heart.

Be a support for each other
And always forgive each other.
Forgetting about grievances and disputes,
Carry love through the years.

A year has passed since that very date,
When love brought you together.
May there be happiness in your home,
Let love and tenderness reign in him.

Sorrows, troubles and adversity
Let them pass you by
And these joyful years
They will make you a strong family.

A year has passed since the wedding.
He had a lot of worries,
Rubbing in, getting used to it,
Quarrels, remorse, torment.
We were able to overcome everything
So you can do it in the future!
Congratulations on your first year,
I wish you happiness in your marriage!

Short congratulations on your wedding anniversary 1 year in prose

Happy Anniversary! Let your love strive for infinity, and let all your love be equal to zero. family problems. We wish you to overcome all life’s trials together and keep everything in your hearts the same tender feelings to each other!

A whole year has already passed since you officially became husband and wife, so you have some initial marital experience. I want to wish you to have as many happy, sunny and happy days. Try to always hear each other so that there are no misunderstandings between you!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family prosperity, prosperity and prosperity. May your path in life be pure and bright! And the main thing is that you love each other and appreciate every minute you live together.

It seems like just yesterday we were walking at your wedding, however, a year has already passed since you tied the knot. This anniversary is called calico. We wish you to remember this day and, after many years, gather us again at this table so that we congratulate you on your golden wedding.

How can we not have fun?
How can you not shout “Hurray!”
If a chintz wedding
It's time to celebrate.

Let wealth suddenly fall on you,
To go to Bali on weekends
Or go to Rome, for example, to pick up a couple of dresses.
Live in harmony forever and in great love!

It's a joy for us to look at you!
Eyes sparkle with love.
Be happy guys
Just like a year ago!

Let this be your chintz wedding
The beginning will be softness, warmth.
May there be joy in your soul,
And life keeps you from problems and evil.

Happy anniversary to your family,
Continue on your way, my dears.
You have lived together for many years.
May hundreds of victories await you in life!

We wish your family to be strong.
We wish you doubly love and health.
Let the family hearth burn with the sun
And with its light it disperses all darkness.

Let children's laughter sound in your home,
Touching us all with his enthusiasm.
Let happiness sparkle like star fireworks
And your home welcomes us all with comfort!

An important year of family life -
Your first year has passed.
It was recognized as the most difficult
I haven't outdone myself!

Calico wedding - a year has flown by.
He taught everyone a life lesson.
But you coped with everything, well done guys!
We sincerely congratulate you on this important date.

We wish you to always live in perfect harmony,
So that you have many obedient children,
And after - caring, affectionate grandchildren,
So that sadness and boredom do not come into the house.

Remember that feelings must be respected
Show tenderness and care more often.
Let your union grow stronger and love live.
Every day that you are together will bring happiness.

It's a chintz wedding today,
I congratulate you tenderly.
You've been together for a whole year already,
You are a wonderful family.

May you always be healthy
For each other, you are a support.
We are happy to see each other every day
And live richly!

Your very first year has passed.
Unity of hearts, birth of a family,
And let another 100 years pass,
In harmony and fidelity, in love.

In sympathy for each other every moment,
Sorrows and disappointments pass,
Luck will show you a bright face,
Development, wealth, prosperity!

Your union is one year old,
He's like a cute baby!
Dressed in bright chintz,
Wonderful strong guy.

While your wedding is made of chintz,
But I already have experience, and it will come in handy.
You have already learned to listen to each other,
May tenderness always reign in your souls.

You've been married for a whole year:
Enjoyed family life
And we went through a lot together,
And they realized what had happened.

Well now don't relax
And continue to live in happiness.
Resist difficulties
Try to believe and love.

Give in to each other more often
Start quarrels less often.
And remember that you are spouses,
That you can’t conflict!

Like chintz, smooth, very long
Let your life together run.
There were many victories along the way,
But life doesn’t allow you to be bored.

Happy chintz wedding, happy anniversary.
Let everything be glorious, let everything be in order,
Your love continues for another hundred years,
The hearth does not go out and the family is replenished.

I wish you deep feelings,
Understanding, warmth,
The atmosphere will be in the house
May you be comfortable and kind.

How fast time runs,
How the moments and hours fly by,
And now the year is coming to an end
Since your wedding spring

A year has passed since the wedding
You swore eternal fidelity
Like in a white, beautiful outfit,
You have stepped into a new life

But your love, as before,
Everything is also strong and durable,
After all, not on earth, but in heaven,
It is forever sealed.

You have lived your first year in life!
We've gotten used to each other, we've become attached!
And together, making plans ahead,
Go towards your mutual goal!

On your calico wedding day, I wish you
So that all your ideas and desires,
Entering the temple of your family life,
You have been given the joy of fulfillment!

You are in a series of running days
Know how to stop a moment
Return to the days of your spring -
And repeat everything all over again.
And so that your union is forever
I kept love and loyalty,
Never forget
The day that brought you together!
(I. Krivitskaya-Druzhinina)

A family year has flown by,
And the day of the chintz wedding comes.
We wish you love and only good deeds,
Let there be no quarrels and strife between you!

Let the home fire burn safely,
Carefully folded with two pairs of hands.
May he save you from troubles and sorrows,
Increased love and care in the family.

We wish you good health for years to come,
Good luck on your life's journey!

The year has flown by unnoticed,
And it seems like yesterday
You were the bride and groom
We walked all night until the morning.
Today we celebrate everything
Your first almost anniversary.
We sincerely wish you
Health, love and children.

Dear, good, dear,
Happy first wedding anniversary! May it always
There will be happiness and love from now on
Be with you for many years!

Let your path sparkle with joy,
With tender care for each other,
The path from modest and simple chintz
For the anniversary with bright gilding!

One year of living together
yours has been tested,
And this, dear ones, means
Love, loyalty
he was impregnated with you,
After all, we are celebrating a chintz wedding.

The calico year will live -
The husband gives his wife a scarf.
Even though he is white as a snowball,
This is a difficult scarf!
Don't think of him in vain,
Take a closer look:
There's an unclear ornament
Only happiness lies ahead!
There are no sad drawings there,
Only sun and love!
Wipe it often
Prepare your tears of happiness!

How thin is chintz
And the canvas is fragile,
And this wedding anniversary
symbolizes one thing:
What's your relationship
not so durable
And they roll towards
you have boulders of life.
But be friends when you are married,
Lend a shoulder to each other,
Don't wait for outside help
And be completely happy!

Ah, wedding, wedding! This festival
How much light it emitted!
And so solemnly and passionately
Mendelssohn's march began.

A year has passed, may the bird be happy
He always calls you with him,
And this roll of chintz of yours
It will bring you warmth of soul!
Let your heart burn in your chest,
Let love not burn out!

A year has passed since you started a family.
And two roads were connected into one path,
Souls were illuminated with tender love,
Which nothing can destroy!

Let the chintz, like a dove in the clouds,
Will bring happiness with a sparkle in the eyes,
Will give a sea of ​​tenderness and affection,
So that life is no different from a fairy tale!

Happiness shines on you all year long,
The best couple in the world!
Let in your family life
Everything will be better and more beautiful.

Wedding anniversaries mean
That hearts are bound by love,
Wedding anniversaries are celebrated
Two who did not betray the crown!
(A. Voight)

A year ago you said “yes”
Deciding to be together forever.

I remember a year ago,
The bride was beautiful
Eyes beaming with love
And there was little space in the hall.

Now you are a strong family
Your home is a full cup
And friends came to share
The well-deserved happiness is yours.

Having exchanged festive dresses for chintz
The family has grown up by a year,
And as befits all one-year-old children,
She stood up and walked on her own.
And let her walk confidently and boldly
Among other diverse families.
And may trust and tenderness help you
One day we will celebrate our centenary!

We lived a year in perfect harmony,
Pour a glass more.
A chintz wedding is cooler,
Than a centenary anniversary!

The first pancake is lumpy for many,
But this is not about you.
A year of new family life
It turned out - in good time!

You've been living together for a year
Tired of worries
Now you, I tell you,
A real family.

A year has passed like one day, rushed by,
Full of joy, hope and kind words.
A year ago your earthly paradise began.
Decorate your table with chintz.

To you today about boundless love
Everyone you meet generously says,
Let it be long, eternal,
May the Lord keep it for you!

Congratulations on your chintz wedding,
With all our hearts we wish you
Live in happiness, and in love, and in peace,
In a spacious sunny apartment,
So that it sounds for everyone
Both yours and the children's ringing laughter.
Keeping the holy law of love,
Live until the golden wedding!

Live cheerfully and amicably,
Argue if necessary
But know your business carefully,
That you can’t live without each other!
You've already walked together for a year
And we've already seen something.

Your wedding anniversaries
Congratulations, our dear ones,
Happy first anniversary - young,
And we wish to continue to live the same way,
Without facing pain and misfortune.

Let everything be fine and in agreement,
And grandchildren will be born in their turn,
Let love command all the time
And they always take each other prisoner!
(I. Yavorovskaya)

Here is the first anniversary!
I haven’t erased the feelings for a long year.
Warms friends too
Your never-ending fire!
We wish you a bright future life,
Like a cotton handkerchief,
Good deeds, glasses with friends,
Golden sons and daughters!

It’s like yesterday we were walking in a restaurant,
And the musicians played there for you!
Songs and dances, shouts: “Bitter!”
Games, gifts, there were so many of them!

A year has flown by, you are closer to each other,
Now they have become, and love is just as vibrant!
With happiness your eyes shine brighter,
Everyone congratulates you on your anniversary!

It's time to have fun again
And touch the holiday potion!
We wish you children in the new year!
May your family union be strong!

You lived together for a year,
Not more and not little,
For this we appreciate
We'll give you five points.
Keep it up guys -
And everything will be fine.
And know that it's not easy
Live until the big date!

Let them say, the hardest thing is
Spouses live together for the first year,
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary,
We wish you continued good luck.

So light, joyful, cheerful
May your life have a long journey,
No matter what he is, really, he is sophisticated,
Let it be easier to comprehend the essence.

No matter how you run around in your dreams,
We must honestly admit to you:
The material is good chintz,
If you see it, you have to take it.

An important factor in your life is -
Very important! - I would say.
Chintz is still not paper,
Natural material.

A whole year has passed since the wedding -
Once again, celebration, jokes, laughter.
We are sure that happiness awaits you,
Good luck and success!

We wish you to strengthen the union,
As a gift - a cotton handkerchief,
And in a year or two
We are expecting a son and daughter.

Well, tell me, how can I not get drunk?
Are chintz colors at your wedding?
Well, tell me, how can I not get enough,
So that the chintz doesn’t tear?

And don’t get old, and don’t get dirty,
And don’t shed, don’t rub,
And to be the way we love,
Beautiful, light and not rough!

Don’t ask me not to drink:
I have drunk and will drink for the chintz!

She is wearing a chintz vest.

A year has passed since you were married,
And your hearth has grown, become warmer,
And we are all very happy to see this,
Let's drink to the hosts and guests!

Champagne sparkles brightly!
The first year has already flown away.
He has a ribbon of light chintz

The fate will be your family.
Let the abundant river flow
In harmony, happiness, love.

Everything in our life is fleeting,
You will replace the chintz with linen.
We wish you to live a carefree life,
Varied like a chameleon.

And this ringing noise of glasses
For you guys, in your honor,
We will drink to the bottom for this date,
After all, living life is not crossing a field!

The whole year was a honeymoon for you,
Everything around seemed new.
And they opened this year
You are love's secret code!
If there were even disputes -
You've forgotten about them now
Once for the first anniversary
You invited your friends.
What do your friends wish for you?
Let the family be strong!
Every year - like the first year -
Let him bring only honey!

Plus winter and autumn,
Which I won’t keep silent about.
In a leap year,
Plus just a little bit more.

The chintz wedding came out,
Celebration of cotton fabric.
Oh, I wish I could splash some vodka
On the rolled out lip!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
It’s not for nothing that it’s called calico,
On this bright holiday I wish you,
Love for many more years to come!
From the outside it seems so little -
Just a year Happiness can't be counted in numbers!
So that it never fades away -
Let love live eternally in our hearts!

Champagne sparkles brightly!
The first year has already flown away.
He has a ribbon of light chintz
It flashed by so quickly for you.

Let it be just as easy and carefree
The fate will be your family.
Let the abundant river flow
In harmony, happiness, love.

Your family is exactly one year old today!
She is wearing a chintz vest.
A happy and difficult year passes,
The union of hearts becomes stronger.
Let the chintz wedding make you dizzy,
Will give fidelity, happiness and love.
May every day and every second
Love and joy excite the blood!

Only a year ago your holiday was noisy
The house was full of friends, guests,
Funny jokes, different songs,
And here it is - the first anniversary!
Let the world be huge, new,
And further, many years to come,
Let life seem honeyed to you
Like this first sweet year!

A year ago you said “yes”
Deciding to be together forever.
You united two into one destiny,
And all doubts were forgotten forever.
With a calico wedding, we lived a honey year,
So that you understand each other and value each other.
Let love bloom every year,
Without surrendering your union to adversity.

The first year flew by like a whirlwind,
It seemed like just yesterday
The marriage between you was concluded
With a timid stroke of the pen.
The first year was unusual
And strange to you,
But you did great
What made us happy!
Let your home become cozy
A heavenly place on earth,
We wish you with all our hearts
New additions to the family!

A year with you is both a moment and an eternity.
Life with you is full of love.
Forgive me for my stupid jealousy
And thank you for making my dream come true.
Let the Calico holiday be filled with:
The shine of gold and the softness of silk.
You are the best partner in life.
I love you dearly, bitterly!

How fast time runs,
How the moments and hours fly by,
