Inside, the police prevented a real tragedy…. The man saw a thin, pale face in the window of a neighboring house

Shrunken love

In psychology, there is such a term - “imprinting”, which refers to the process of fixing certain information in memory. That is, at the first meeting, we involuntarily fix in our brain the image of a new person (for example, the image of a jeans guy with a guitar in his hands and curly hair to the shoulders) and in the future we hardly perceive it in a different guise, in any case, we feel a certain discomfort under the vague name “something is not right”. Of course, you can reorient yourself, but not everyone succeeds. Especially if, in parallel with the imprinting, the so-called love at first sight arose.

“For my first husband,” says Marina, “I married out of crazy love. But, unfortunately, the relationship did not work out, and after a year and a half, Ilya left without getting my consent to a divorce. A few more years after that, I shuddered at every call or woke up from a barely audible rustle, hoping that it was HE returning. But the miracle, of course, did not happen, only once a lawyer appeared, sent by my husband to file a divorce, and I had no choice but to sign all the necessary papers.

Then I was depressed for quite a long time, I thought that with the loss of love my life was over, and the only thing left for me was work. Apparently, thanks to this, without being distracted by men, I managed to make a career. In the course of professional and official growth, I even managed to get married twice, but about no Great love in these cases, of course, it was no longer a question.

And then one day, at the presentation of my own book on economics, I saw HIM and was stunned. All these years, almost ten years, I kept in my memory the image of a broad-shouldered, fit, tanned athlete, and now in the front row sat some kind of “Hercules withered” of indeterminate age, with saggy skin that used to fit tight muscles. I was hurt to tears that for so many years I withered my soul with love for this inexpressive creature, which I barely recognized.

The next day, we still met, he called, sat in a restaurant, talked. It turned out that Ilya had been working somewhere in Africa for four years, fell ill with some kind of fever, and then lost weight dramatically. I listened to his story, empathized, but, frankly, I felt more sorry for myself. I had a feeling of some kind of substitution, abuse of my dreams and feelings. But even more I was afraid that he would offer me a bed, I really didn’t want to be with him the way he became now, but I didn’t have the strength to drive him away or leave myself either.

By the way, two of my other ex-husband they were not at all handsome with an excellent physique, but I got them right away and therefore did not feel discomfort. And here a dream crashed into reality, strangling my sexuality along the way. Apparently, Ilya understood or felt this and did not go for rapprochement. I am still grateful to him, although I can’t say that I finally got rid of love for him. ”

This story is not very original. Which of us, having met once former lover or the boy that I liked at school did not go cold with horror at the thought: “But we could then get married” or at least did not exclaim in amazement: “I kissed this one too?”. But the fright passes quickly and all that remains is to laugh at this episode. Much worse when exactly the same or even more in a terrible way your ex-boyfriend reacts to you. It's definitely not funny.

Shock is our way!

“After the birth of the twins,” Christina shares her memories, “I practically did not lose weight. Friends joked that not all of my children were accepted, and there were still a couple left inside. It didn’t bother me much - I was absorbed by the kids, except that I sighed sadly when my old dresses came across under my arm, which, compared with my new clothes, seemed just a toy.

But my husband could not come to terms with my watermelon-like stomach and methodically sawed me for being overweight. And every day the methods he uses to deal with my extra pounds became more and more sadistic. What was worth the mere nickname Freken Bok, which he awarded me! I'm not talking about separate bedrooms ... Resentments accumulated, accumulated. And one day I got tired of all this, I took the twins and moved in with my parents. The husband, flattering his adherence to principles, did not object.

I thought that my parents would support me, but they took the side of my husband and argued that in order to save the family, I could starve. The arguments which I cite, that I recovered not from gluttony, but as a result of hormonal changes, they didn’t take any action - just like, by the way, my references to fatigue and employment. But these were not all tests of the strength of my spirit.

My first love lived on the same landing of the parental house, burned out long ago, but left romantic memories. So, having met me once on the stairs, my former friend shied away so much that I thought that he would break himself against the wall. At the next meeting, about the same thing happened, he just ran away from me, although the only thing I claimed was the on-duty “Hi!”. After about three months, he got used to my size, began to greet me and sometimes even stopped to talk when I was walking near the house with a stroller. Each time our conversations became more and more frank - it turned out that we still have a lot in common. And so, in one of these conversations, I jokingly hinted at the continuation of the relationship and in response I heard a typical form of refusal, disguised as being very busy. On the same evening, I saw Oleg from the window, who was making his way from the car to the entrance with a long-legged girl of size 42 - the version regarding employment was confirmed. Sometimes Oleg came to me to drink tea, chat, and from time to time he slipped statements that “very small breasts are still better than very large ones,” etc. It was easy to guess whose garden this stone was.

Needless to say, physical transformation sexual partner does not always happen in the direction of improving quality. The reverse happens more often. But this, in principle, is not so scary when it comes to relationships “for a long time past days". Of course, I want to make a stunning impression on my former lover 10 years later, and `20, well, 30 (if you try very hard) so that he gets a shock positive, not negative. But this is a passing goal, a minor win to improve mood. It is much more difficult to undergo “figurative” changes, but to keep unchanged a good relationship married.

Male approach

Sometimes it’s better not to touch anything at all, not to break the situation, so that the boom, say, weight loss does not lead to a sexual revolution. It happens like this: you cling to one thing, and everything else will follow it - and all good intentions will come out sideways.

“Several years ago,” Zhanna says, “my husband and I got carried away with Italian cuisine and ate right up to the 50th and 52nd sizes. Otherwise, everything was fine, and we loved each other very much. But then one day, passing by a shop window, I saw my reflection in the glass and was horrified. I went on a diet hard, I thought about food all the time. The husband starved with great enthusiasm, but his fuse dried up as quickly as it arose. Anton began to cheat: he ate hamburgers on the street, drank beer, and secretly dragged food from the refrigerator at night. As a result, he even began to recover, and it was clear that he was suffering from the fact that he could not cope with his gluttony.

And soon his feelings on this occasion took on a generally strange and offensive form for me. He began to verbally tease me for my desire to lose weight, in a Mephistophelian style caustically discussed my figure aloud and, which is especially disgusting, began to behave unceremoniously in sex, mockingly calling me “slender”.

I tried to talk to Anton about our sexual relations and about relationships in general, and as a result I heard the following: “Everyone should do in life what he is good at: you lose weight, and I t ... yu,” he said and pushed me hard onto the bed. Here is such a turnaround, and I tried so hard for him, well, for myself, of course, too.

The “punishment” for one’s own failure (a diet is a serious test of the strength of the spirit) is often directed by a man not at himself, but at his partner, who is only to blame for having succeeded in tacit competition. How to put it in place? According to male logic sex is a suitable remedy for this case.

But the most important thing in this story is that if Jeanne did not attach so much importance to her weight, she would be all right with sex and family relationships. Hence the conclusion: it is important not how much you weigh, but how much it strains you and your partner. In this regard, keep in mind:

  • Most men do not like skinny and fat, ladies of "average weight" enjoy the greatest popularity.
  • It is not so much the size and volume that matters, but the shape. Yes, men love it big breasts, but shapeless and saggy, they are likely to prefer a smaller but “sticking out” one.
  • Cellulite harms your appearance and sexuality more than extra centimeters. A man will forgive you for excessive coverage of the hips, but “ Orange peel” on any volume of the hips will definitely not disturb his libido.
  • Cheerful bbw always has greater success in men, rather than an embittered lady who directs all her efforts to lose a few more kilograms.
  • No matter what size you wear, there is a male contingent for your category of fullness or thinness, which, first of all, likes exactly such young ladies as you.
  • Strive to maintain at least approximately your “weight category” throughout your life, so that one day you don’t have to change everything: wardrobe, husband, your own opinion about the benefits of thinness or fullness.
  • Follow the form, do not forget about the content. Your figure of the 44th and 54th size is just a bait. Consider that a fan of your forms has already been found and excited, but then, as they say, it's a matter of technology. Do you own it enough to keep it?
  • If everything is fine in your life, including sexual life, do not dwell on the shortcomings of your figure and do not strive to eliminate them at all costs. As you know, good is not sought from good. Put better accents on your merits.

Sex with skinny

When close to him in the classical position, you do not risk being crushed. There is evidence that thin people are more groovy and energetic than plump ones, and tend to make love for a long time, many times, starting all over again. Thin people have more sensitive areas on the body, more precisely, they are more accessible than full ones.

Bumping into his elbows and knees, you can "earn" bruises. With such a partner, you lose the opportunity to have sex on weight - even if he lifts you, he cannot hold you. According to statistics, most thin people have everything thin.

Sex with a fat man

A fat man will give you the initiative in bed with more pleasure than a thin one, and will allow you to "get over yourself." A fat man can be “turned over” much more actively - he has a lower sensitivity of receptors. Fat men almost always treat their partners with care, because they are afraid of harming them.

Fat people, straining, sweat great. Fat people get tired faster than thin ones, because in addition to the main load, they still have to make efforts all the time to keep their serious weight on weight. One awkward movement - and 100 kg fall on you. So, when choosing a pose, think about safety.

American policeman Mark Holst will probably not forget that call received on July 13, 2005. The caller reported a mystical, pale little girl peering out into the street from the window of a nearby abandoned house.

It was strange that no one had lived in the house for a long time. And to see a living child inside seemed crazy.

The officers immediately launched an investigation.

Mark Holst kicked down the door after knocking without waiting for an answer. What he saw plunged the experienced police officer into complete shock: rats feasted on garbage on the floor, the rooms were teeming with cockroaches, spiders, and old furniture and the bathroom seemed to be covered with age-old layers of dirt.

The strangest and most terrible thing is that in the midst of all this hell a child was sleeping! A pale 6-year-old girl in a torn shirt and dirty diaper sat on the floor, and seemed not to notice the hungry rats around.

"When I entered, she opened her eyes. Then she opened her mouth - apparently tried to scream - and crawled away like a crab into a corner. Hugging her knees with her hands, she suddenly began to make very strange sounds," says the policeman.

The baby's name was Daniel. Officers immediately took the girl to the hospital. At 6 years old, Danielle could neither walk nor speak - in terms of development, she was more like a 6-month-old baby. Is it necessary to say that maternal love this poor girl never knew.

We also managed to find out who Danielle's mother is. The woman was previously imprisoned for 26 hours, seized property and deprived of parental rights.

Danielle was incredibly lucky - after some time she was adopted by Diana and Bernie Learous, who always dreamed of a little girl. Baby who never knew parental love, incredibly quickly took root in new family made friends with their stepbrothers. Just very successfully accepted and entered the family.

Despite the joys of a new life, Danielle still has to deal with her old psychological wounds.

"She has panic attacks 7-8 times a day," Bernie says. "She eats all the time until she vomits."

And this caused the lock on the refrigerator - otherwise Daniel will immediately devastate everything.

Now the baby, who was once found in an abandoned house, is already 15 years old. She goes to a special school, is in a very close relationship with her new father. But until now, seeing women somewhat similar to her biological mother, Daniel rushes into a panic fear. "She's like a 2-year-old child in the body of a 15-year-old girl," Bernie says.

Adoptive parents Danielle believe that one day she will be able to start full life get married and have children. However, until now, every step towards the maturation of this unusual girl given with great difficulty. "She's like a roller coaster. You never know where it's going to take her," the Learouss say.
You can't help but admire the patience and love of Danielle's adoptive parents! One can only hope that their care will one day help this poor girl to begin a new life.

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US Police Officer Mark Holst will never forget the call he received on July 13, 2005. The caller reported a mystical, pale little girl peering out into the street from the window of a nearby abandoned house.

Nobody has lived in the house for a long time. The very idea that there could be a living child inside seemed crazy.


The officers rushed to the spot immediately.


Mark Holst kicked down the door after knocking without waiting for an answer. What he saw shocked the seasoned police officer: rats feasted on the garbage on the floor, the rooms were infested with cockroaches and spiders, and the old furniture and bathroom seemed to be covered with centuries-old layers of dirt.


The worst thing is that in the midst of all this hell, a child was sleeping! A pale 6-year-old girl in a torn shirt and dirty diaper sat on the floor, as if not noticing the hungry rats around.


“When I entered, she opened her eyes. Then she opened her mouth—perhaps she was trying to scream—and crawled away like a crab into a corner. Hugging her knees with her hands, she suddenly began to make some sounds, ”says the policeman.


As it became known later, the baby's name was Daniel. Officers immediately took the girl to the hospital. At 6 years old, Danielle could neither walk nor speak - in terms of development, she was more like a 6-month-old baby. Needless to say, this unfortunate girl never knew maternal love.


The police managed to identify the mother, who kept her child in an abandoned house. The woman was previously imprisoned for 26 hours, seized property and deprived of parental rights.


Danielle was incredibly lucky - after some time she was adopted by Diana and Bernie Learous, who always dreamed of a little girl. The baby, who never knew parental love, incredibly quickly took root in a new family, made friends with her half-brothers.


Despite the joys of a new life, Danielle still had to deal with the consequences for a long time. psychological trauma.


“She has panic attacks 7-8 times a day,” Bernie said. “She eats all the time until she vomits.”


The family even had to lock the refrigerator with a padlock so that Danielle would not empty it.


Now the baby, who was once found in an abandoned house, is already 15 years old. She goes to a special school, she loves her foster father very much. But still, at the sight of women who are somewhat similar to her biological mother, Danielle begins to panic. “She is like a 2-year-old child in the body of a 15-year-old girl,” Bernie says.


Danielle's adoptive parents believe that one day she will be able to start a full life, get married and have children. However, until now, every step towards growing up for this unusual girl is given with great difficulty. “She's like a roller coaster. You never know where it will take you,” the Lirouses say.

US Police Officer Mark Holst will never forget the call he received on July 13, 2005. The caller reported a mystical, pale little girl peering out into the street from the window of a nearby abandoned house.

Nobody has lived in the house for a long time. The very idea that there could be a living child inside seemed crazy.

The officers rushed to the spot immediately.

Mark Holst kicked down the door after knocking without waiting for an answer. What he saw shocked the seasoned police officer: rats feasted on the garbage on the floor, the rooms were infested with cockroaches and spiders, and the old furniture and bathroom seemed to be covered with centuries-old layers of dirt.

The worst thing is that in the midst of all this hell, a child was sleeping! A pale 6-year-old girl in a torn shirt and dirty diaper sat on the floor, as if not noticing the hungry rats around.

"When I entered, she opened her eyes. Then she opened her mouth - apparently tried to scream - and crawled away like a crab into a corner. Hugging her knees with her hands, she suddenly began to make some sounds," says the policeman.

As it became known later, the baby's name was Daniel. Officers immediately took the girl to the hospital. At 6 years old, Danielle could neither walk nor speak - in terms of development, she was more like a 6-month-old baby. Needless to say, this unfortunate girl never knew maternal love.

The police managed to identify the mother, who kept her child in an abandoned house. The woman was previously imprisoned for 26 hours, seized property and deprived of parental rights.

Danielle was incredibly lucky - after some time she was adopted by Diana and Bernie Learous, who always dreamed of a little girl. The baby, who never knew parental love, incredibly quickly took root in a new family, made friends with her half-brothers.

Despite the joys of a new life, Danielle had to cope with the consequences of psychological trauma for a long time.

“She has panic attacks 7-8 times a day,” Bernie said. “She eats all the time until she vomits.”

The family even had to lock the fridge to keep Danielle from emptying it.

Now the baby, who was once found in an abandoned house, is already 15 years old. She goes to a special school, she loves her foster father very much. But still, at the sight of women who are somewhat similar to her biological mother, Danielle begins to panic. "She's like a 2-year-old child in the body of a 15-year-old girl," Bernie says.

Danielle's adoptive parents believe that one day she will be able to start a full life, get married and have children. However, until now, every step towards growing up for this unusual girl is given with great difficulty. "She's like a roller coaster. You never know where it's going to take her," the Learouss say.

Thank you for your attention!

