How to celebrate the New Year with a young man. How to celebrate the New Year with a man

Time spent alone with your loved one is always a holiday! And if this time also coincides with the New Year, the mood becomes more joyful. If you decide to meet New Year together, take care in advance that both you and your loved one will remember it for a long time.

While preparing for New Year's Eve, it is worth remembering that:

  • you don’t need to prepare a lot of dishes; one hot meal, one dessert and a couple of salads are enough. If you plan to cook more, you will only get tired, and the holiday will not bring as much joy as you expect. Yes and eat a large number of it will be difficult for two people to eat;
  • study better together;
  • if you download a lot in advance New Year's songs and set it to sound like background, the apartment will become more comfortable. These melodies will help maintain the festive mood;
  • a must buy. Some couples decide to purchase a shared gift, such as something for the home. But a pleasant surprise to a loved one, even a small one, will make him very happy.

Options for celebrating the New Year in the company of your loved one

Holiday in home environment It will appeal to those couples who do not really like noisy fun. During such a family dinner, you can surprise your loved one with a pie baked with your own hands. But if you don't really like to cook, dishes ordered from a restaurant are also great. You can spend the whole night at home together, dancing, watching movies, and enjoying each other's company. Or you can join friends who are going for a walk closer to the morning.

If you are thinking about how to celebrate the New Year together, you will probably like the scenario of a Christmas fairy tale. If you rent a house outside the city in advance, you will feel like the heroes of a real fairy tale. New Year's story. Of course, this option will cost more, but positive impressions you will receive for life.

You can rent a hotel room for ski resort. If you decorate the room and order delicious dishes, you can have a great time festive night together, and go skiing in the morning.

If you don't love winter cold, but want to have a lot of fun during the New Year holidays, go to a hot country! Then you and your loved one can celebrate the holiday on the warm sand, sunbathing and eating fruit.

Unusual ideas for a festive night

If you've never spent New Year's Eve in the bathroom, it's worth a try! Decorate the room in advance by placing tangerines everywhere, arranging scented candles and New Year's figures. Don't forget about the music! New Year's Eve in warm water with foam is a great alternative to the traditional meeting at the table.

Those couples who don’t want to sit at home all night can be offered to become Father Frost and Snow Maiden for a while. Assemble a bag, putting candies, cookies, Christmas tree decorations there. Go out and congratulate people you meet on the holiday, give them gifts and good mood. Passers-by, especially children, will be delighted, and you will be doubly pleased, because you gave people a holiday.

If you want to spend the New Year together, ideas for a simple celebration at the table or in country house you may not like it. But on this magical night you can repeat your first date! Especially if you met in winter, you will be completely immersed in that atmosphere of falling in love. IN festive evening go to the place where your first meeting took place.

You decided to mark the main one winter holiday alone with your other half. The idea is wonderful, because, firstly, New Year - family celebration, which means your couple has a reason to create and maintain appropriate traditions. And secondly, with whom you meet, as you know, you will spend your time. Let's believe the folk signs and celebrate the New Year together with the man we love. Website " Sunny hands» will tell you how to organize unforgettable holiday. Perhaps after it you will want to celebrate all subsequent New Years only together, and this will become your main family tradition.

Rules for a good New Year

“New Year together. What could be more romantic? - you think when you agree to such an offer or make it yourself. But the holiday will only be memorable if you both really want to celebrate it together. When one would prefer to make a wish during the chiming clock in the company of friends and agreed to the New Year tete-a-tete solely in connection with the desire of another, a real holiday will not work. Proven personal experience. So don't put pressure on your partner. To make your relationship more harmonious, pay attention to the article “Why accept a man for who he is?” on the Sunny Hands website. That's why first rule happy holiday– a mutual desire to celebrate the New Year alone with the other half. And don’t be offended if your partner is not yet ready for such a step. Many men perceive this as an encroachment on their independence, as he told me about close friend. Therefore, don’t panic - he definitely loves you, he’s just afraid of a new level of relationship. Other men need an audience, a holiday for them is an opportunity to express themselves, and no amount of arguing and persuasion will convince him of the benefits of celebrating the New Year alone with you. You can force him, but both you and he are unlikely to enjoy the evening.

The key to a good holiday will also be your initiative. Both partners should participate in preparing for the event, but you will have to take on most of the responsibilities. It's like with a wedding - grooms for the most part don't care what color the tablecloths on the tables in the restaurant are. Their minds are occupied by global issues. For example, how to earn money to buy a car as a gift. About how your man can make money. So let them spend their energy in this direction while we prepare for the New Year! Keep your man informed about planned events, but do not ask his advice on any matter. The best New Year's napkins you can choose for yourself. Do you want your loved one to enthusiastically tell his friends about the past holiday? Be independent in preparing for it. This second rule, which you need to follow to organize an unforgettable evening.

All women dream of a perfect holiday. Therefore, long before the event, we think through the outfit, hairstyle, evening menu, gifts and want the man to appreciate every little detail. But our beloved defenders, as noted above, think globally and most often do not even notice that the patterns on the glasses and napkins are the same. You tried your best and want to hear enthusiastic compliments. And he sits and instead of praising you, talks about the new boss at work. You are offended, and are no longer even happy about the new car that your loved one gave you as a New Year's gift... Pay attention to third rule, although it may seem controversial to you - when organizing a holiday, be guided, first of all, by your taste. And don’t worry if everything doesn’t work out the way you planned. A man doesn’t admire you for your perfectly matched glasses and napkins. Don't know how to improve your relationship with your loved one? Read the article by Anastasia Gai "Admiration will make your family happy" on the Sunny Hands website.

Surprises will help make your holiday memorable. Even if you have been together for more than one year and it seems that you won’t surprise your life partner with anything, show your imagination. Have dishes on your table that you haven't cooked before, or choose an outfit that doesn't match your style. Always wear only short dresses? Buy something long and curvy. Please with surprises - fourth rule happy holiday.

Seeing off old year and meet the new one together!

After reading the first part of the article, did you decide that such a scenario is not for you and it’s better to go with a group of friends? But organizing a fun and memorable holiday that you will remember for a long time with a smile, and at the same time believing in a miracle yourself and giving a fairy tale to your loved one, is within the power of each of us. Please note the following recommendations:

— start celebrating the New Year from the very morning of December 31st. Try to finish all household chores the day before so that you can devote the last day of the outgoing year only to each other. Get enough sleep, take a bath with essential oils, have a leisurely breakfast, and then go for a walk, to the cinema or to the New Year's performance. After returning home, give your loved one a gift. Hide it... on yourself - in your clothing pocket, behind the elastic band of your stockings. Of course, if the size of the gift allows it. Play hot and cold. Let your spouse name where his gift might be hidden, and you answer only hotly or coldly. For each correct answer, reward him with a kiss;

- think about the idea of ​​a holiday. Classic version- Romantic dinner. Most likely, your man will choose just such a pastime. Invite him to deviate from traditional ideas about how to celebrate the New Year together. Perhaps you have been wanting for a long time
visit some country. Find information on how to celebrate the New Year local residents, and arrange a similar celebration at home. Decorate your apartment accordingly, choose outfits and prepare National dishes. Even try to give each other gifts similar to those given in the country according to whose traditions you celebrate the main winter holiday. Arrange pajama party. Give each other original pajamas, prepare light snacks and movies you've been wanting to watch. Let each of you choose a picture, but don’t tell the other about your choice until viewing. If you stopped at traditional dinner, show your imagination when setting the table, decorating the apartment, choosing gifts. It will be useful. The more non-standard solutions you come up with, the more interesting the holiday will be;

- take care of your outfit and hairstyle. Many representatives of the fair sex decide that they can celebrate the New Year at home and not in festive clothes. Don't join their ranks. Put it on Nice dress, do your hair and makeup. New Year's dress code must be adhered to
and your companion. Also approach the table setting. Place beautiful dishes, buy New Year's napkins, candles;

- let festive dinner will be easy. Limit yourself to salad, for main course – meat or fish, and instead of cake, make jelly. Be original when composing New Year's menu. Or cook dishes that are your date's favorites. Don't say in advance what
you will treat him on New Year's Eve. No matter what anyone says, the way to a man’s heart also passes through his stomach. So pamper your beau. Or you can buy various delicacies in a gastronomic boutique that you have long wanted to try, but were sorry for the money to buy them;

- Prepare a surprise for your loved one. Last New Year, one of my friends staged a show at home with her own participation. She signed up for school oriental dances and prepared several dances specially for the holiday. My husband was delighted. And from the idea, and from my beloved wife. Another friend made a family themed video for her husband. New Year's photos previous years. In general, use your imagination;

- write letters to the future. After 12 o'clock strikes, take a piece of paper and write down what each of you expects in the coming year for yourself and your family. Don't read each other's confessions. Seal them in a common envelope and put them away until the next New Year. This way you will set yourself up to implement your plans and create a wonderful family tradition;

— think over the entertainment part of the program. You can watch your favorite movie, old photographs, arrange dance marathon. Do not be shy! Select popular melodies (lambada, music from the dance of little ducklings, etc.), write their names on pieces of paper, put them in a box and pull them out one by one. Whoever gets which composition performs that dance! Or maybe on New Year's Eve you will want to go along the route where you walked for the first time. Dress warmly and go towards romance! Or organize a karaoke competition, just prepare a CD with your favorite songs in advance. After the chiming clock, you can go for a while to visit friends or relatives. If possible, find the costumes of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, buy souvenirs and go visit the guests without warning. Irina Kravchuk’s article “Unusual gifts, how can you please and surprise your loved ones?” will help you choose gifts for your loved ones. on the Sunny Hands website. Play wishes. Choose any game, for example, cities. The one who loses fulfills the desire of the other. If you want to dance, go to a nightclub after 12 o'clock. Just book a table in advance. Or you can grab a thermos of tea and tubing and go to the nearest ice slide. Fly with the breeze, and then hurry home to warm up and enjoy the festive dinner;

- if you have a dacha, go there to celebrate the New Year. Of course, provided that it is suitable for winter gatherings or if you are fans of extreme recreation. This could even happen in a country house. One of my friends, at the beginning of a romantic relationship with her future husband, received an offer from him to celebrate the New Year at the dacha. The girl had only been there in the summer before, and she really liked it. She was already imagining how she and her beloved were sitting on pillows near the fireplace, and he was declaring his love for her. The young man, apparently, also visited the dacha only in summer period, because the fireplace was unfinished and, accordingly, turned out to be not working, and the guys had to wrap themselves in everything they could find in the house. Fortunately, the cold night did not melt their feelings. Therefore, take care in advance about the suitability of the cottage for the New Year celebration. I think that any woman needs comfort and order in her home, even a country house. Go to the dacha before the holiday and clean it up. I remember
case with another friend of mine. She and her husband also somehow decided to make a wish while the chimes were striking at the dacha, they arrived there on December 31, and there was such a mess there that my friend, instead of covering festive table and listen congratulatory speech President, began to restore order. She and her husband managed to clink their glasses already at last words head of state. Take care in advance warm clothes And bed linen, beautiful dishes. Take it all to the dacha. Decorate it with garlands, Christmas tree branches, and if there is a tree growing in the yard (even if not spruce or pine), decorate it in a New Year's style. Take a book with you to the dacha and tell your fortune. Ask a question, name a page at random and read the answer. Or try this fortune telling - prepare cards with sayings at home famous people, place them in envelopes and mix. Take turns with your loved one, ask questions, pull out the envelope and read what fate promises you in the coming year. Pamper your favorite fondue - cheese or chocolate, and prepare mulled wine as a festive drink;

— make one common wish as the chimes strike. An hour before the New Year, discuss what is most anticipated for your couple. Say it together important words out loud while the clock ticks;

— arrange a home photo shoot. Record wishes and confessions on a video camera, and on December 31 next year start by looking at these posts. This could also be one of the family traditions. Create similar posts every New Year.

These are just a few options for how to celebrate the New Year together. The holiday scenario depends only on your preferences. Maybe you want to spend the whole New Year's Eve cuddling on the couch watching your favorite comedy, and at that moment you will be truly happy. After all, the most important thing is that your loved one is nearby. And with it you can go to an ice slide, or to a dacha with a non-working fireplace!

Sincerely, Oksana Chistyakova.

old folk sign reads: “As you meet magical holiday- New Year…". By paraphrasing it a little, you can get no less wisdom: “With whom you meet the joyful and anticipated holiday with great excitement, you will spend it with!” What could be more romantic than a real hug? loved one to the magical chimes!

The New Year is traditionally considered a time of amazing miracles and the fulfillment of cherished desires. Every girl's dream is magical New year's night and vivid memories of romantic impulses on long years. How about holding such unusual holiday Bright and original together with your loved one is triple tempting! The idea of ​​how to celebrate the New Year with a man depends on everyone special case on how dear he is to you, on your fantasies and real opportunities. Often, celebrating the New Year together is a catalyst for the seriousness of your relationship: whether it will be strong and long-lasting or doomed to transience.

If your couple was created recently and dreams of having a noisy, fun New Year's celebration, That the best way There will be a youth party with interesting competitions, quizzes with mini-surprises. In the carefree crowd of young people, lovers can have a great time if they do not plan to be alone on this magical holiday.

If yours allows financial opportunities, That New Year's trip for two by airliner to Paris, and then across the ocean to New York, will make your New Year not only unforgettable, romantic, but also fill your heart with boundless happiness. Time zones will give you double the pleasure of celebrating the New Year: in Paris, on Eiffel Tower, and then in New York in the famous Times Square.

The New Year could be a “gift of fate” romantic evening spent together by candlelight:

  • First, decide in what style you would like to hold this wonderful holiday: traditional or romantic, extreme or thematic.
  • In any case, prepare yourself a dazzling New Year's outfit For have a wonderful holiday. Charming simple hairstyle, a dress that emphasizes the curves of your slender body, shoes on high heels will make you look like a queen New Year's Eve. Only when going to the country house, to the village or to the roof of a high-rise building, you need to wear appropriate clothes and shoes, decorating yourself with a small but elegant piece of New Year's tinsel.

  • In preparing the menu for romantic meeting New Year's Eve together with your beloved should not be zealous with the number of dishes and strong drinks. It is better to discuss in advance what favorite light snacks, a couple of salads, fruits, wine and champagne you would like to see on the table. Can be purchased for young man A delicate surprise cake in the shape of a heart - it will not only be a great New Year's dessert, but will also tell your other half about your deepest feelings for him.
  • For those who like to celebrate their favorite night celebration “at altitude,” that is, on the roof of one of the high-rise buildings or on the balcony, you can prepare a table in advance with a small selection of dishes, champagne and decorated satin ribbon stemmed wine glasses. Huge world with bright lights, spread out at your feet, will create a feeling of cosmic happiness as the New Year approaches.

  • You can spend a New Year's Eve full of romance and unforgettable sensations by preparing a bath strewn with rose petals or scented essential oils. The bathroom can be decorated Christmas decorations, garlands, spruce branches. The radio will tell you when the chimes strike twelve times. Turn off the lights. Small candles placed around the bathtub, champagne in a bucket of ice, a dish of fresh fruit and various sweet “goodies” - a festive atmosphere that will create an excellent mood. And your favorite music and foamy bliss will make celebrating the New Year a true pleasure.
  • A young man can present a gift in an original way by dressing up as Santa Claus. A girl can become the Snow Maiden that night, impressing her “other half” with an outfit from a sex shop. Adult fun present new Year gifts“undressing” can turn this magical night into fireworks of love.
  • These days it’s easy to find training programs like STRIP DANCE or “Secrets of Seduction: Striptease for Your Loved One.” Having learned simple movements, you can surprise your lover by giving him an erotic dance. This night, full of magic and charm, is simply created for the magic of love.

"Golden Rule

There must be romance in every detail, in every surprise! Even a reserved table in a respectable restaurant or a quiet one cozy evening in a pleasant home environment, a barbecue festival in the country or noisy festivities in the main squares of cities should be filled with love and reverent attitude towards each other. This Magic night should surround you with pine amber, scented candles, chocolate, kisses and love confessions, with magnificent surprises to become bright, exciting and memorable.

Many people prefer to celebrate New Year in company. They think it's more fun this way. However, there are lovers who want to be alone on this night, but they are afraid that the holiday may turn out to be boring and unromantic.

For some, romance is a perfectly chosen restaurant, candles, expensive champagne in crystal glasses, quiet music and a sky full of stars. For others, it means being caught in a snowfall somewhere halfway to your goal, which will give you the opportunity to find yourself alone in silence, cut off from the whole world.

A little imagination and New Year's Eve can turn into an unforgettable fairy tale, imbued with a sense of romance. We offer an overview of options that will help replenish the collection of happy life memories.

1. Picnic under the stars

You don't have to sit at home waiting for the president's speech. If the weather pleases with soft snow, and your closet is filled with warm winter clothes, then you can celebrate the New Year on fresh air. Those who have a car can go to the nearest forest. However, there is always a corner of nature for pedestrians in any metropolis. The park is perfect for a winter picnic under the stars - fortunately, there are enough such areas with spruce trees in the city.

Like true gourmets, arm yourself with a basket of holiday delicacies. Cheeses, sandwiches, stuffed mushrooms, olives, tartlets with red caviar are suitable. And what would New Year be without champagne?! To prevent the magical bubbles from freezing you, you can pour hot mulled wine or tea into a thermos. Don't forget to provide yourself with Internet if you don't want to miss the cherished chimes. A Chinese lanterns, candles, crackers, sparklers will add romance and festive mood.

2. Classic by all rules

If visiting the nearest forest on New Year's Eve confuses you or doesn't fit into your plans, there is something completely opposite, but no less romantic way Celebrating the New Year together is a restaurant classic. Would you say it's corny? It depends on how you approach this issue. The main thing here is to find a place with a unique atmosphere, perhaps even choose one of the expensive establishments in the city (at least once a year you can afford such a luxury).

This could be a restaurant with exotic cuisine or a table in a cafe located in some high-rise building with a gorgeous view from the window. A cafe in the center, or maybe a cozy music bar where your favorite music plays. To match the atmosphere of the establishment, you can also present original gift to your other half. Show your imagination: even a small box with ordinary jewelry can be presented as a surprise dessert.

3. House in the forest

Candlelight dinner in a wooden house with a fireplace, fragrant live spruce, decorated beautiful garlands, a snowball fight, a clumsy snowman with a carrot instead of a nose, a waltz to the softly falling snow, light snacks, hot drinks and your favorite music. Why not romance?! Start the evening with words of love and a bouquet of fresh flowers - they smell especially nice in winter. And everyone has long known how to end such rendezvous. Don't have a country house with a fireplace? Not scary. You can use the services of a hotel with similar surroundings not far from the city.

4. Dream trip

Some people prefer to go to hot countries on New Year’s Eve and celebrate the holiday under palm trees, while others prefer to plunge into the European atmosphere of Christmas. But not everyone has the opportunity to leave. You can make your dream trip happen in your city. Google the services provided.

Surely a ride in a horse-drawn carriage is on the list. Dress up in 19th-century ladies' and gentlemen's costumes (available for rent). Let them ride you all night long the most beautiful places. Instead of a carriage, you can rent a limousine and drive through the streets at night, drinking pink champagne with strawberries. Along the route, you can plan a stop at an observation deck and from there look at the city lying at your feet.

5. The most romantic place in the city

Every city has its secrets. Unusual and Amazing places can be found even where you visit every day: cozy courtyards, sculptural compositions, parks, ancient estates, embankments or bridges. Find such a place. Perhaps it will be related to your acquaintance or something close to both of you. Have a party there.

It could be a cruise ship on which tourists travel in the summer, and in the winter it stays in the port and for one evening turns into a place to celebrate the New Year. Or maybe you don’t have to go far: the roof of your own house will become such a place. The main thing is not to be afraid of experiments and your desires.

Don’t be afraid to take risks and spend this night recklessly, but if you decide on the classics of the home New Year’s genre, you won’t go wrong either. After all, the main thing is bright, lively emotions and no one superfluous. Whether New Year's Eve will be magical depends only on you!

The New Year can be an incentive to improve relationships that are devoid of romance. Expert advice is in our video.

Together. What could be better? Outside the window, snow flakes are silently falling, firewood is quietly crackling in the fireplace, the soft skin spread on the floor exhales warmth and happiness, and in the kitchen there is a pile of dirty dishes left over from preparing culinary delights in the sink, a grease-splattered hob, light aroma burnt cakes from the oven... However, all this can be avoided. More precisely, leave only the first part with skins and snow flakes, and omit the domestic thriller with elements of culinary action.

So, in order to have a romantic New Year with the least loss for yourself, it is not at all necessary to give up home comfort and book a table in a cafe. Although, of course, there is such an option - for the laziest and most unromantic romantics. We will take a completely different path. First, let's decide what is the most important thing in the New Year? Naturally, there is a festive (in our case, romantic) atmosphere, the feeling of which makes the simplest things magical. Achieving its presence in your home is quite simple.

We decorate open shelving and shelves with decorative candles different sizes and shapes. A couple of candles in the shape of a cute snowman or an angel with snow-dusted wings wouldn’t hurt either. You can use and popular all over the world glass balls, filled with water, with wax snowflakes swirling inside them. But know when to stop - the apartment should not resemble a Christmas tree decorations store.

Using ordinary tape, you can decorate the ceiling plinth with several balloons in the shape of hearts, decorate with rain or tinsel. If the walls in your house are painted, then you can apply a New Year’s romantic applique made of self-adhesive colored paper to one of them. New Year is a holiday that we have loved since childhood, so why not be a little boyish and draw something like “Sasha + Masha = Love!” on the wall? and surround the inscription New Year's snowflakes, or create a whole picture in a free manner, telling about your joint happy life and about the plans you are making for the New Year? Something in the style of “The Lovers” by Marc Chagall or candy wrappers from chewing gum"Love is". It is worth noting that self-adhesive paper can be easily removed from the wall, and the pleasure you will get from joint creativity will be inexhaustible.

As for the Christmas tree, it all depends solely on your preferences. What will it be? Living forest beauty? Big faux Christmas tree from the shop? Miniature decorative Christmas tree, located on coffee table, or real spruce branches placed in a vase? It's up to you to decide. The main thing is that your Christmas tree brings joy. Decorate the Christmas tree branches chocolates in a beautiful wrapper, write your wishes to each other and declarations of love on cut-out paper snowflakes and also hang them on the spruce tree. Each warm word, spoken out loud or written on paper, each piece of sweet chocolate is small pieces of one huge happiness that you were once able to discern in each other and preserve.

Now let's move on to the New Year's table. New Year's dinner for two should be light, the kind after which you don't want to sit in front of the TV. soft chair fall apart and take a walk at night winter city, invite your beloved to dance or, having bought firecrackers at a stall, salute under the windows of the apartment and, holding hands, make a cherished wish to the cheerful roar of New Year’s “cannonades”. I think that heavy, time-consuming dishes should be excluded from the menu completely, creating it from light snacks, salads, fish or chicken dishes that can be prepared in advance easily and quickly, without bothering yourself with hours of standing in front of the stove and washing huge amount dishes.
Here are a few dishes that are easy to prepare, but look more than elegant on the holiday table.

Salad with tomatoes and cheese

4 medium tomatoes
2 sweet peppers
250 g cheese
½ cup sour cream or unsweetened yogurt

We cut the tomatoes into slices, the pepper into strips, add salt and pepper, season with sour cream or yogurt, and the gorgeous salad is ready. By the way, feta cheese can be replaced with Adyghe cheese. This will not make the taste worse; rather, it will take on a softer hue.

Egg balls with cheese

This dish always looks delicious, and even the least seasoned man in the kitchen can prepare it.

6 eggs
50 g butter
150 g cheese
75 g walnuts
dill greens
3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise

Hard boiled eggs, cheese and butter grate on a fine grater. Add mayonnaise, salt, pepper and mix thoroughly. Roll small balls from the resulting mass and place half of them inside each walnut, roll the balls in chopped dill (you can use nut crumbs instead of dill) and put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
I think that in one of these balls, instead of a nut, you can put a ring or a small pendant on your neck. I don’t know how practical this is, and how it will affect the girl’s dental health, but it’s undeniably romantic.

Burrito (8 servings)

This simple dish will add some Mexican passion to your relationship. Originally, a burrito was a wheat tortilla in which Mexicans wrapped a filling of meat and onions, seasoned with hot sauce. In our case, the burrito will be healthier and less spicy.

2 thin pita breads
300 g boiled or canned mushrooms
1 can canned corn
½ head of green lettuce
2-3 tbsp. mayonnaise
salt, pepper to taste

Cut each pita bread into 4 parts. In each of the “lavash” pieces we will put a filling of mushrooms, corn, chopped lettuce and mayonnaise, and roll up an envelope. The burritos are ready!
Note: you can replace canned corn with canned beans, mushrooms with pieces of boiled chicken, and add a little pepper mixture to mayonnaise.

Chicken chops

1kg chicken fillet
2 eggs
salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Chicken fillet should be cut into small pieces, lightly beaten, salt and pepper. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl, add salt, pepper, dried herbs if desired, and a little grated cheese. Heat the butter or vegetable oil(to taste), dip pieces of chicken fillet in the egg mixture, then in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides until golden brown. All preparation will take you no more than half an hour.

Fish rolls

As you know, fish cuisine is low in calories and good for health. In addition, fish cooks much faster than meat and, when handled correctly, looks very appetizing.

500 grams red fish fillet
500 grams white fish fillet
2 slices of white bread,
1 onion
salt, pepper and herbs to taste

Red and white fish fillets must be passed through a meat grinder separately. Onions, bread soaked in water or milk are also passed through a meat grinder and added equally to both minced meats, pepper and salt. Place a layer of minced red fish on cling film, sprinkle with herbs, and place a layer of minced white fish on top. Flatten the resulting “dough” using cling film roll into a fairly tight roll, cut into pieces and bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. I note that fish rolls are good both hot and cold.

Bunches of sweet grapes, juicy tangerine slices and chilled champagne will complement your menu and make it truly festive.

Romance in table setting - no less important detail in preparing New Year's Eve for two. Small candles in transparent candlesticks, neatly laid out cutlery, dishes made in appetizing cream colors, an elegant tablecloth in a large check, napkins carefully placed in silver ring holders - all this will look very cute. But sometimes you want the festive table, merging into the cozy intimate atmosphere of the house, not to separate the two loving people plates and glasses, and connected them behind him in the literal sense of the word. The best embodiment of such a desire could be a table with low legs or a large wooden tray with treats placed on it.

Landing on soft pillows or a fleecy carpet with a glass of champagne in hand, albeit not in front of a real fireplace with crackling wood, but in front of an LCD monitor broadcasting about what we have achieved this year and what is yet to come, or in front of a homemade painting created in a single burst of creativity and love, you will feel real warmth. Twelve o'clock will strike, and under the screams of the celebrating crowd outside the window, you will once again catch yourself on the most important thought - what bliss it is, this quiet happiness to be together. Together.

Svetalana Rozhdestvenskaya
