Find out what's wrong with your dog. How to tell if a puppy is sick

Dogs, like people, get sick various diseases. Sometimes these diseases are not dangerous, and sometimes require the direct intervention of a veterinarian. It can also be difficult to tell if your dog is sick or not. Dogs can't talk, so it's not an easy task for you to figure out what's bothering your pet. To do this, you need to monitor your pet's symptoms and behavioral changes. Be sure to check with your doctor if you think your dog is sick.


Part 1

External changes

    Pay attention to excessive salivation and bad smell. While it's not easy to brush your dog's teeth, you should because dogs have the same dental problems as humans. Excessive salivation and bad breath are signs that your pet needs to say goodbye to a few teeth. Visit a veterinarian for a more accurate diagnosis.

    Pay attention to the dog's cough. If the cough lasts more than twenty-four hours and prevents the dog from sleeping, it is a reason to visit the veterinarian.

    See if your dog has become more aggressive. When we are sick, we become irritable. Dogs are not much different from us in this respect. Of course, sometimes a dog can show aggression towards certain people or certain activities.

    Remain calm when noticing the wound and swelling on the dog's body. In dogs, this happens very often, so this is not a cause for concern. However, if you notice a change in the size of the tumor or if the wound starts to bleed, be sure to take your pet to the veterinarian.

  1. Part 2

    Changes in diet

      Watch to see if your dog drinks more than usual. Although it is quite normal that your pet will drink after active game or on a hot day, prolonged excessive thirst may be a sign of diabetes. Watch the dog's saucer to see if water remains in it or if it disappears faster than usual.

      • Eliminate excessive games or being outdoors on a hot day.
      • If you notice that your dog is drinking more than usual, contact your veterinarian.
    1. Watch your pet's appetite. Appetite changes, especially those that result in weight loss or weight gain, may indicate illness. Rapid weight loss or weight gain is a reason to see a veterinarian.

    2. Part 3

      Dog activity level

        Pay attention to how active your dog is. If we are sick, we feel sluggish and are in no hurry to get out of bed. If you notice that your pet has become lethargic, this may indicate that he is sick. Don't worry if your dog is tired after active play, watch for other signs such as drowsiness or general weakness.

        Pay attention to scratches. Of course, scratches are not always a cause for concern, but if you notice too many scratches, this is typical feature the presence of fleas, ticks and scabies. These diseases are not difficult to treat, but scratches can also mean that the dog has diseases. endocrine system or hormonal problems. Therefore, contact your veterinarian to find out the cause of scratches on the dog's body.

      1. See if you have difficulty climbing stairs. If your dog is having difficulty climbing stairs, then you should pay attention to this. This symptom may be due to hip dysplasia, arthritis, Lyme disease.

        • The sooner you treat Lyme disease, the sooner recovery will come, so see your veterinarian as soon as you notice symptoms, especially if your dog is still a puppy.
        • This symptom could indicate anything from dysplasia hip joints to Lyme arthritis.
        • The sooner Lyme disease is treated, the better the prognosis, so take her to the vet as soon as possible if you notice this symptom, especially in young dogs.

The latter are particularly dangerous because dogs are often carriers of these difficult-to-treat zoonotic diseases. Check which dogs carry diseases and how to protect yourself from infection.

A person can become a victim of these diseases if he does not follow elementary rules hygiene in contact with the dog. To avoid infection, it is enough to wash your hands after playing with it and avoid situations in which the dog can lick you on the face. It is also important to periodically vaccinate the animal.

What diseases do dogs carry?


Worms become "safe" only after 6-15 days have passed since the dog's bowel movement. However, soil-dwelling eggs can retain the ability to infect even after several years, so toxocariasis can also be transmitted through contact with infected soil.

Infection most often occurs in children who, after playing with dogs, do not wash their hands, kiss animals, and take contaminated objects collected from the ground and floor into their mouths.

How to protect yourself from infection? Situations in which the dog may lick the person's face or hands with their tongue should be avoided, as the eggs appear in the anus, which dogs often lick. Eggs are also present in the dog's stool, as well as on surfaces that the dog has touched with the anus (mainly the floor).

Leptospirosis (Stuttgart's disease, Weil's disease)

Human can get infected with leptospirosis only through contact with the urine of infected dogs. Spirochetes enter the human body through damaged skin and mucous membranes.

When infected, many organs are attacked, most often the liver, kidneys and nervous system. In the case of Stuttgart's disease, the bacteria L. canicola are located in the kidneys, for this condition are typical increased thirst, vomiting, hematuria, and bloody diarrhea. In the case of Weil's syndrome, the bacteria L. interrogans located in the liver, causing infectious jaundice.

To protect yourself from infection, you must follow the rules of hygiene and remember about the protective vaccinations of dogs.


Demodicosis ( Demodex canis) is a skin disease caused by spider mites that feed on waste products sebaceous glands hair follicles in dogs.

Is it possible to get infected demodicosis from a dog? These kinds of situations happen from time to time. This happens when the owner of a sick pet has a weakened resistance or other systemic diseases. The person is more susceptible to infection Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis.

The infection is manifested by local baldness of the head or purulent acne on the body.

How to protect yourself from illness? Follow basic hygiene rules and avoid direct contact with a sick dog, such as not allowing it to sleep in your bed.


The scabies mite easily passes from dogs to people, not only through direct contact, but also indirectly, for example, through clothing. In man symptoms of scabies are: a rash that itches a lot. A complication of the disease can be herpes zoster (a consequence of a decrease protective functions skin). In young children or allergy sufferers, the symptoms of scabies are fairly easy to confuse with an allergic reaction.

To avoid infection, you should observe the dog's coat, as well as wash your hands often and wash at high temperature clothes / underwear / bedding.


Dermatophytosis is a fungal skin infection caused by three groups of fungi (Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton) that feed on keratin, which is part of the human epidermis.

Dermatophyte infestation can occur through direct contact with an animal (eg, petting a dog). Signs of the disease are itching and redness on the skin, on which papules and vesicles with yellowish scabs appear. The nails and scalp can also be busy.

How to prevent infection? Stray dogs and other animals that can tolerate fungal infections and control the condition of your pet's coat.

During flu season and respiratory diseases pet owners are keenly concerned about whether humans can infect dogs.

A favorite is always near the patient: lies nearby, sniffs, licks the face of the sick person. The question arises: how great is the danger to our pets, and can healthy dog get the flu from a person?

First, let's try to figure out what the flu is. It's spicy infection, which is caused by the influenza virus that occurs in the respiratory tract. It is dangerous because it leads to complications, and sometimes to death.

Animals get sick in two ways:

  1. Infection occurs from viruses, bacteria, various fungi.
  2. Disease causes hypothermia with reduced immunity.

In our case, we are interested in the first way. When someone from the family gets sick, he becomes a breeding ground for the virus.

According to veterinarians, the influenza virus or other respiratory viral diseases are not transmitted from humans to their animals, just as dog diseases are not transmitted to humans.

Dogs have their own diseases. One of these was discovered in 2004 the canine flu virus. The symptoms are very similar to those of humans:

  • high temperature rises;
  • cough appears;
  • marked passivity and loss of strength;
  • no appetite.

If the dog is moderately ill or mild form diseases, only the upper Airways, in a more serious form, pneumonia also develops.

In most cases, dogs are characterized by a moderate form. However, because it is called pathogenic microbe, all dogs susceptible to the virus become infected.

Flu symptoms are expressed in a strong cough, sometimes even with vomiting, as if the animal was choking foreign body and it got stuck in my throat. Profuse mucus is discharged from the nose, and in sleep the coryza is aggravated to gurgling in the nose. Sometimes even discharge from the eyes begins. There is also an increase in temperature to 40-42 ° C.

The rate of spread of the disease is very high, especially in places where dogs congregate, so in order to avoid infection, it is best to avoid them. The source of the disease can be a person, acting as a carrier. This disease spreads by airborne droplets, is able to move through clothes and shoes, but a person will not get sick, and the probability that a dog will get sick is quite high.

Colds in quadrupeds are common and quite dangerous disease. From the pathological focus, the infection penetrates into other organs along with the blood flow. In this case, the kidneys, joints, and also the heart are affected. Treatment of a cold should be timely and carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Learn more about colds in dogs

We bring down the temperature with a cold in a dog.

The common cold is an acute respiratory viral infection.

This pathology is diagnosed in pets of all ages. The risk group includes dogs with reduced immunity. Often suffer from cold symptoms decorative rocks and animals of venerable age.

Older dogs are more likely to get colds.

The risk of infection from a person

The answer to the question of whether a pet can get infected from its owner is ambiguous. Many veterinarians believe that diseases such as acute respiratory infections, SARS and In their opinion, the causative agents of these pathologies in humans and tetrapods are fundamentally different in nature.

There is no clear answer to the question of whether a dog can become infected from a person.

But not so long ago, new studies were carried out. Some influenza viruses have been found to mutate. Changing, they easily adapt to new living conditions.

At certain conditions, the H1N1 influenza virus passes from a sick person to a dog.

The main provoking factors

Dogs showing symptoms of a cold With bad heredity . And also animals kept in bad conditions. If the dog lives on the street, then her illness is more severe.

Dogs living in poor conditions are more likely to get colds.

The main factors that provoke a cold in animals include:

  1. Communication with sick animals.
  2. The presence of worms, ticks or fleas.
  3. Lack of physical activity.
  4. The presence of tumors in the breast.
  5. The presence of tumors in the respiratory tract.
  6. Heart diseases.
  7. Mechanical damage to the sternum.
  8. Metastasis in the lungs.

How to recognize a cold and its clinical picture

When a dog has a cold, it coughs.

With a cold, all the tissues and organs of the dog suffer from oxygen deficiency.

Against the backdrop of exhausting physical activity becomes stronger. The pet gets tired quickly, sleeps more. Some dogs become restless. They can spin on their litter for a long time or hide from the owner.

Main symptoms

Fever is one of the symptoms of a cold.

The main features should include:

  • dry, hot nose;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • deterioration of the condition of the coat;
  • nasal discharge;
  • sneezing
  • cough;
  • fever;
  • trembling paws.

A dry, hot nose indicates that the dog does not feel well, and the body temperature is very high. The animal must be inspected and appropriate action taken.

Body temperature during a cold rises to 38-39 degrees. The coat fades, becomes disheveled, unkempt.

If the dog has a cold, then its behavior becomes lethargic.

Clear mucus flows from the nose. She must be clean.

Purulent or bloody impurities signal the development of another, more serious disease.

a rather serious symptom, indicating that the disease has given complications, is a cough. Usually this symptom signals that the virus has spread to the lungs and.

If the dog is very cold and she is diligently looking for a source of heat, she needs to be urgently shown to the veterinarian. This symptom indicates acute form viral infection.

When infected from a person

Strong thirst appears when infected from a person.

Signs of the "human" flu include:

  • the appearance of "respiratory" problems;
  • loss of appetite;
  • strong thirst;
  • giving up your favorite games;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the groin or neck.

How to tell if a dog has a cold

The owner is obliged to carefully monitor the dynamics of the state of the sick animal. If the dog gets worse over time, and the symptoms become more and more aggressive, then we are not talking about a cold.

You need to immediately sound the alarm when:

  • strong cough;
  • wheezing;
  • vomiting.

If vomiting occurs, then you need to urgently seek help.

This pathology requires immediate medical attention. If this does not happen, the animal will die.

Clarification of the diagnosis

The disease is diagnosed only in the vet. The doctor examines the animal, feels the lymph nodes, listens to the trachea, heart, lungs. But it also measures temperature, conducts laboratory diagnostics. Blood is taken from a sick animal for analysis. If necessary, other diagnostic methods are carried out.

To clarify the diagnosis, they listen to the dog's heart.

General rules for treating colds in dogs

The owner of a sick animal undertakes:

  1. Make sure your pet is safe and has access to water.
  2. Introduce vitamins into the dog's diet.
  3. Install normal temperature in the room where the animal is located.
  4. Limit walks as much as possible.
  5. Brush your pet regularly with a soft brush.
  6. Wipe the organs of vision and the nose of a sick animal with a sponge soaked in water.
  7. Make a place to sleep special cloth keeping warm.
  8. Animal small size can be covered with a blanket.
  9. Next to the pet you need to put a bottle of hot water or a heating pad.
  10. Regular combing helps to tone the dog's body. It can be alternated with massage manipulations.

During the treatment period, the dog must be kept calm.

For severely dry mucous membranes, the use of moisturizing drops is recommended.

Medical therapy

A sick animal is prescribed the use of:

  1. Amoxiclav.
  2. Cycloferon.
  3. Analgin.
  4. Dimedrol.

For the treatment of a dog, the drug Amoxiclav is prescribed.

Gamavit administered subcutaneously. The duration of the therapeutic course is 5 days. Amoxiclav is used 1 tablet / 24 hours. You need to drink the medicine for 1-2 weeks.

Cycloferon administered intramuscularly, every other day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 5-7 days.

If a high temperature is observed for a very long time, then twice a day are prescribed intramuscular injections Diphenhydramine or Analgin .

Do not give an animal medicines that contain paracetamol.

This drug is a poison for the dog's body.

Prescription of antibiotics

If the pet coughs heavily, which is accompanied by thick sputum and wheezing, he is prescribed antibiotic drugs. Usually assigned medicines wide spectrum.

Mastiet forte - effective drops into the nose.

The most effective antibiotics are Doreen and Volparen . Of all the drops in the nose should be preferred Mastieto forte .

What else can you give

It is allowed to give the pet expectorant drugs. Licorice root has a wonderful effect. If a virus has become a provocateur of the disease, then the veterinarian prescribes an antiviral serum to his four-legged pet. Most often prescribed "Vitafel-S".

Gamavit is an immunomodulating agent.

What can not be done!

You should not, unless absolutely necessary, resort to specific folk methods. One of the most popular "grandmother's" ways to fight a cold is to pour vodka mixed with honey into the animal's mouth. The purpose of this controversial method is thought to be blood thinning.

You can not use vodka with honey to treat a dog!

This method is only allowed when the dog's life is in serious danger. After that, the animal will need detoxification. It is impossible to carry it out on your own.

Preventive actions

During the cold season, it is advisable to wear a winter suit for a small dog.

Given that a cold can be fatal, it is very important to prevent the occurrence of this pathology.

  1. With the onset of cold weather, you need to put on special suits for a small dog. Shoes must be worn on the paws. Large animals should not be walked for very long. On the street, the pet should move as much as possible.
  2. If the dog lives in a booth, then with the onset of frost it is advisable to transfer him to the house . If this is not possible, then it is necessary to insulate his home.
  3. If the family already has a patient, then you need to limit the dog's communication with him. . You can't let her sleep in the same room with him.
  4. Having found signs of a cold, it is necessary seek help from a veterinarian as soon as possible

    The dog does not need to be fed.

    It is very important to constantly monitor the nutrition of the animal and its drinking regimen. You can not abruptly switch from food to "natural" and vice versa. The diet of a sick animal must be balanced.

    The calorie content of food should increase gradually. It is impossible to overfeed an animal or give it food by force.

    Video about runny nose in dogs

The common cold is a disease that most often develops in the autumn-winter period. Rain, bad weather, wet feet? You already feel overwhelmed, your nose squishes, and your throat starts to hurt. Many loving hosts who have pets at home are worried about whether a dog can catch a cold from a person. Especially often this question is asked by owners of puppies who have just undergone vaccination and have quite weak immunity. Let's look into this issue.

Understanding terminology

Dogs also get flu and colds. But the owners should not blame themselves for the fact that their pet is forced to undergo treatment. Ask your veterinarian if a dog can catch a cold from a human. He will dispel your doubts. But let's talk about everything in order. There are two options for the development of events:

  1. An animal becomes infected with viruses, fungi or bacteria from a similar organism and becomes ill.
  2. The dog becomes hypothermic if it swims in cold water or lives in an old booth in winter. The immune system weakens, and those bacteria that used to sleep peacefully on the mucous membranes begin to attack. This is how the disease develops. Moreover, this process can be rapid.

Man is friend to dog

It really is. But does it have anything to do with the first case? Can a dog catch a cold from a human? If someone in the family gets sick, is it necessary to isolate the pet and take it to relatives? Veterinarians say that influenza viruses and all other diseases that we call SARS and acute respiratory infections cannot be transmitted from the owner to the pet.

At the same time, the canine flu virus was recently identified. Its symptoms are very similar to the one we suffer from. That is why if it happens that a pet and someone from the family fall ill at the same time, then they mistakenly believe that they were struck by one ailment. To date, this topic has been well studied, when asked whether a dog can catch a cold from a person, experts answer in the negative.

Always together

When the owner falls ill, loving pet does not want to leave him. The dog lies nearby, constantly licks his hands and face, which causes natural anxiety for his health. Yes, the opinion of veterinarians is unshakable, but suddenly the pet is special. Especially if after some time the dog begins to show symptoms of canine flu. This is usually:

  1. Heat.
  2. Cough.
  3. Sneezing.
  4. Lethargy.
  5. Decreased appetite.

Agree, this is very similar to how SARS occurs in humans. And from that moment on, the owner has no doubts whether a dog can catch a cold or flu from a person. Of course, veterinarians are simply wrong. No, it's a coincidence. You and your pet have had similar illnesses.

Transmission routes

Indirectly, a person may be involved in the fact that his pet is sick. It can serve as a vector for canine flu. In this case, the owner himself will only be a carrier. For example, you came to visit friends whose dog got sick. Even if there are no obvious symptoms yet, pathogens can be spread by airborne droplets. With you, they will safely get home and become the cause of the disease of your pets.

In addition, the owner is responsible for the nutrition of the animal and the conditions of its maintenance. Therefore, speaking about whether a dog can get sick from a person with a cold, you can answer positively, but if the owner does not fulfill his obligations. If a pet eats poorly and sleeps in a draft, then a person can become the culprit of his illness.

Latest Research

It is unlikely that a veterinarian will tell a frightened owner about this, whose beloved pet is ill. But today, scientists are beginning to doubt that viruses are not able to adapt to new conditions and organisms. Of course, this does not happen overnight. They can't mutate that fast. But theoretically, a human virus may well adapt to life in the body of a dog with which a person has been living under the same roof for so long.

But to date, there are no proven experiments. Therefore, no veterinarian will confirm whether a dog can get the flu from a person. Perhaps, over time, a new strain will mutate, which will freely pass from pet to owner and vice versa.


We have already covered some of them. But there are a number of other factors that contribute to the disease of pets:

  1. Home lifestyle. The dog goes out in the morning and in the evening for five minutes to satisfy natural needs. In this case, the immune barrier of the animal is reduced. Even if the weather is bad, the walk is shortened, but not cancelled.
  2. Hypothermia. In cold weather, dress your dog, do not let it eat snow and ice, do not bathe in winter. If the dog lives on the street, then insulate the booth for the winter.
  3. Food. An unbalanced diet, especially in cold weather, leads to the fact that the body remains defenseless against infection.

Of course, the animal must receive preventive vaccinations.


Here rises another important question. Each owner has his own opinion about whether a dog can get SARS from a person. And if he is convinced that he can, he usually does not pay attention to the symptoms of the disease. It is believed that this is a slight ailment and it will pass by itself. In fact, consultation with a specialist is necessary, the development of complications is quite possible.

The doctor must listen internal organs, take a blood test, smear and urine. Based on these data, examination and history taking, he will already be able to prescribe effective treatment. Do not forget that nasal discharge, cough or fever are not always symptoms of the flu or a cold. Therefore, a doctor must make a diagnosis.


Only after the diagnosis, a specialist can prescribe the drug necessary in each particular drug. It is most often an antibiotic. In this group, "Vilprafen", "Dorin", "Amoxiclav" is assigned. Usually they are sold in a special pharmacy at veterinary clinic. From the first day of the disease, it is desirable to give antiviral drugs: Vitafel-S, Cycloferon. For better sputum discharge, expectorants are prescribed. It can be licorice root, coltsfoot. At a high temperature, "Analgin" with "Dimedrol" is prescribed. But not "Paracetamol", it is contraindicated in dogs.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, the question is not whether a dog can get the flu from a person (rotovirus or SARS - it doesn’t matter). There are no direct ways of transmission between us, humans have their own forms of viruses, and dogs have their own. But anyone can get sick. It will depend on how quickly the owner will respond, bring the pet for a consultation with a doctor and begin effective treatment. future life and health. Therefore, if you get sick, then it is not at all necessary to drive away loving creature. Let the dog be next to you, because together and get sick more fun.
