In what phase of the moon to cut a birch. Moon calendar

The growth and development of plants depends on the state of the moon, in what phase and sign of the zodiac it is. The influence of the moon on plants is great. It should be noted that with a waning moon, plant juices go into the roots, and with a growing one, on the contrary, they rise to the aerial part of the plants.

Moon phase calendar by months 2017

Lunar rhythms

When using the position of the Moon in gardening and horticulture, we will take the known patterns about its position on starry sky and its influence as a guide to action.

New moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon, phases of the moon, position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, rising and falling moon, lunar days- each of these concepts indicates a certain rhythm that occurs in nature, the culprit of which is the Moon.

Knowledge about lunar rhythms and their influence on all living things have been used since ancient times. If you want to succeed in gardening, do not refuse the help of the Moon.

Weeding or weed control during the waning moon

Eat effective method the destruction of mainly annual weeds in the spring before sowing or planting. It is as follows: for the first time, you need to dig up a garden bed or weed a plot with the growing Moon in the sign of Leo - this stimulates the germination of weed seeds. Then dig up again, weed with the waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn - this makes it possible to destroy the weeds that have already sprouted from the seeds. And then weed, loosen, dig in again after a while again with the waning moon.

In the summer, during the growing season of plants, weeding is best done during the waning moon, especially when it passes the sign of Capricorn. But here it is important not to damage the cultivated plants, as they will also die.

Landing based on lunar phases

Planting plants is best done with the growing moon. The best time for a transplant is when the Moon is in Virgo - during this period, the root system is very well restored and the plant grows quickly. These days, you can even transplant not only young trees, but also older ones. It is also good at this time to start rooting cuttings and chibouks of grapes.

Watering plants, what days

Watering can be carried out at any time, except for days when the Moon is in air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius), but it is better when the Moon is waning and in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Pruning trees and shrubs by the moon

Pruning is carried out with a waning moon. This is best done when the waning moon is in Aries and Leo.


The vaccination is carried out with the growing moon, preferably closer to the full moon, when the moon is in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. At the same time, the rootstock juice quickly rises into the grafted stalk or kidney and nourishes it - the grafting site quickly grows together.

In order to cure a diseased plant or stimulate the growth of a poorly developing one, it is necessary during the waning moon, in the fourth phase (last quarter), or better on the day of the new moon, pinch the top of a tree branch, in front of the bud, which will continue to grow and develop intensively. The same effect can be achieved by pinching plants when the Moon passes the sign of Virgo.


Fertilization is most effective on a full moon or a waning moon. Fertilizers penetrate well into the root layer of the soil, are absorbed by plants and do not enter the groundwater.

Days of Fruit, Root, Flower, Leaf

When the Moon passes the signs of the Zodiac Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - the period is called the "days of the Fruits", because the rhythms of the Moon have a special positive influence to the fruits.

When the Moon passes the signs of the Zodiac Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - the period is called "days of the Root", because the rhythms of the Moon have a special effect on the roots.

When the Moon passes the signs of the Zodiac Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - the period is called the "days of the Flower", because the rhythms of the Moon have a special effect on flowers.

When the Moon passes the signs of the Zodiac Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - the period is called "Leaf days", because the rhythms of the Moon have a special effect on the foliage.

How do you think this information can be put into practice? That's how! If, for example, we loosen the soil on the beds of lettuce always on the days of the Leaf, then it will grow more magnificent, more productive than we would do it on other days.

Carrots, beets, radishes and other root crops will be more successful if we not only sow them, but also weed them, loosen the ground in the days of the Root.

Tomatoes, cucumbers and beans will thank us the best fruits when we take care of them - we dive, weed, loosen the soil and the days of the Fruit.

Well, the days of the Flower, of course, are best used to care for flowers. By the way, flowers for bouquets should be cut only on Flower days if possible - they will stand in a vase much longer.

New moon

These are good days for picking fruits and vegetables for long-term storage, weeding, pest and disease control, pinching and pinching vegetable crops. Slow-germinating seeds can be soaked or sowed.

Full moon

This good time for loosening the soil around plants, weeding and collecting seeds.

I'm sure these tips will help you grow good harvest at lower labor costs.

From time immemorial, people have accumulated knowledge about the influence of the moon on the growth and productivity of agricultural crops. They were kept secret, and therefore most of these observations were lost. Only in the twentieth century astrologers different countries managed by common efforts to restore and expand this knowledge.

It is better to combine seasonal work in the garden or garden with the stay on certain days of the Moon in one or another sign of the Zodiac and with the phase of the Moon, since these factors have a significant impact on the growth and development of plants.

I already wrote that the duration lunar month is approximately 29.5 days. During this time, the Moon, making a complete revolution around the Earth, successively goes through four phases (new moon, first quarter, full moon and last quarter).

With the growing moon (new moon and first quarter) the most enhanced plant growth occurs, the juices rise up the stems to the branches and fruits.

With a waning moon, on the contrary, plants that bear fruit in the ground (“roots”), as well as most fruit trees and shrubs, since their fertility depends on a powerful root system.

As we approach the full moon plant life is activated.

But there is no better time to pick berries and fruits - at this time they contain maximum amount moisture and nutrients.

In the second half lunar cycle(full moon, last quarter) plants rest, save stored energy.

? You can do their transplant, pruning, grafting.

? It is also good to collect fruits for long-term storage.

? Closer to the new moon, take care of weeding and the destruction of pests in the garden.

Moon in different signs of the zodiac

The most favorable for transplanting any plants are the days of the Moon's stay in the fertile signs of Earth and Water:



? Fish.

For weeding, pruning and harvesting days are coming when the Moon is in the signs of Fire and Air:

? Aries,


? Twins,

? Scales,


It must be remembered that all types of work related to the growth and development of plants must be performed on the growing moon, and everything you want to get rid of, on the waning one.

The famous astrologer Alexander Zaraev writes: “There are a number of additional factors in addition to the influence of the phases of the moon, which must be taken into account when growing and caring for plants in order to get an additional increase in yield. Most an important factor is the influence of the energies of the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located at the time of planting or during various agricultural work, ”so the data below will help you succeed in your summer cottage.

Moon in Aries

Gives fast growth.

On the growing moon at this time is favorable:

To plant and sow everything that must grow rapidly and is intended for immediate use;

Plant and sow fruit crops, cultivate grain;

? graft fruit trees;

Collect berries and fruits for quick consumption, as well as medicinal and essential oil crops.

On the waning moon favorable:

? prepare the soil for sowing, plowing, loosening;

Weeding and mulching plantings;

Fertilize vegetables, fruit trees and cereals;

? destroy pests - apply spraying, fumigation;

Remove dry branches from fruit trees and bushes;

? cut grass for hay;

prepare firewood;

? dry and freeze vegetables and fruits;

Gather vegetables and potatoes for storage.

Moon in Taurus

Gives firmness at storage of fruits and good quality.

On the growing moon favorable:

Carry out winter landings;

Planting and transplanting bulbous flowers;

Plant trees, bushes, hedges;

? plant beans.

On the waning moon favorable:

Plant root vegetables;

Root seedlings;

Trim trees and shrubs, remove excess flowers;

Plow the land;

Fertilize flowers with weak root formation;

Carry out haymaking;

Lay for storage, preserve root crops;

Lay compost and manure heap;

Cut flowers for bouquets (they stand for a long time).

Moon in the sign of Gemini

On the growing moon at this time is favorable:

Plant and sow flowers and everything that puts out tendrils (strawberries, beans, etc.);

plant shrubs;

Dig the earth superficially and shallowly;

? graft fruit trees and plant them in the ground;

Collect medicinal herbs (flowers, seeds and leaves);

? dig wells.

On the waning moon favorable:

Weed and thin out plantings;

Dig the earth deep, plow, cultivate and mulch;


Spray fruit trees, remove excess shoots;

Harvest fruits, grains, root crops;

? dry vegetables and mushrooms;

Cut flowers for a bouquet;

Prepare firewood.

Moon in Cancer

On the growing moon favorable:

Plant undersized tomatoes, zucchini, squash, eggplant, melons, beans;

Plant and harvest what is not subject to long-term storage;

Plant and graft fruit trees, shrubs (viburnum, mountain ash, shadberry, sea buckthorn);

Perform drainage work, install piles and foundations;

? mow lawns and lawns.

On the waning moon favorable:

? water plants;

Plant, sow leafy vegetables (heads curl well);

Plant potatoes of early varieties, beets, carrots, radishes and radishes;

prune fruit trees;

Chop trees for crafts;

Make juice and wine.

When the Moon is in the constellation of Cancer, it is unfavorable:

Reproduction by roots;

Plant trees and plants that should grow in height;

Store and conserve;

Harvest hay and medicinal herbs;

? dig up root crops;

Collect berries and fruits for storage;

To harvest.

Moon in Leo

On the growing moon favorable:

Plant and sow plants that do not require much water;

Plant perishable vegetables, bush beans;

? prepare beds and lawns for planting;

Plant trees and bushes, plant fruit trees;

Collect medicinal herbs, sunflower seeds;

Cultivate cereals in wet fields;

Sow lawns.

On the waning moon favorable:

Weeding, fighting weeds;

Spray trees, mulch;

Trim dry branches, cut trees and bushes;

cultivate the soil;

Collect fruits for storage;

? dry vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms;

Prepare firewood and timber;

? mow hay (well preserved).

When the moon passes the constellation Leo, it is unfavorable to transplant horticultural crops, use artificial fertilizers.

Moon in Virgo

Attention! This better days for almost all work related to planting, transplanting and new plantings in the garden, field and forest.

On the growing moon favorable:

Carry out all types of work on planting, sowing;

Plant individual trees that should grow very tall;

? prepare beds and lawns for sowing (shallow), hilling;

Plant odorless flowers that are resistant to diseases (asters, dahlias, etc.);

Replant old trees, balcony and indoor flowers;

Plant bushes and hedges that should grow quickly;

Plant layering;

Sow lawns, lawns and decorative flower beds;

Tie up and support plants with poles;

Repair irrigation systems.

On the waning moon favorable:

Work with the land (plowing and cultivation);

Plant root vegetables;

? apply fertilizers for vegetables and trees;

Fight pests that live in the ground;

Fertilize flowers that do not develop roots well;

? remove manure and lay a compost or manure heap;

? mulch and spray trees;

? mow grass to slow its growth;

? put fence posts and props under trees.

When the Moon is in the constellation Virgo, it is unfavorable to plant seeds, plant head lettuce, collect fruits, store and roll.

Moon in Libra

Gives a lot of seeds, large pulp to fruits, beauty and aroma to flowers, plants - resistance to diseases and pests . On the growing moon favorable:

? sowing and planting flowers, blooming medicinal herbs, fodder and leguminous crops, cabbage, corn;

Planting stone fruit trees (plum, cherry, apricot).

On the waning moon favorable:

Fertilize flowers that do not want to bloom;

? mow the grass;

Harvest tubers and seeds for future planting and storage;

Plant root crops;

Cut flowers for a bouquet.

When the Moon is in Libra it is unfavorable to water the plants (the roots rot).

Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Gives plants resistance to infections, favorable for planting crops intended for long storage, gives a long stem.

On the growing moon favorable:

? sow and plant all kinds of herbs, leafy vegetables;

Plant and sow grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, melons;

Plant seedlings and seedlings in the ground;

Fight snails;

? plant fruit trees;

Perform soil loosening and watering.

On the waning moon favorable:


? water vegetables, trees, bushes, indoor and balcony flowers;

Do rejuvenating pruning of trees and bushes;

Fertilize flowers and lawns;

? preserve and ferment vegetables.

When the Moon is in the constellation Scorpio, adversely:

Plant potatoes, trees;

Harvest, herbs, dig up flower bulbs and root crops;

Propagate plants by roots;

Trim dry branches from trees and bushes;

? fell trees (bark beetle attacks).

Moon in Sagittarius

On the growing moon favorable:

plant and sow high-growing fruits and vegetables (beans, hops, grapes, honeysuckle, birch, maple);

Plant fast-growing (greens, onions, garlic, medicinal herbs;

Plant for seeds;

? sow hay grasses and cereals;

Collect fruits, berries, vegetables for quick consumption;

Trim dry branches of trees and shrubs in spring.

On the waning moon favorable:

cultivate the soil;

Fertilize vegetables, trees and bushes, cereals;

Fight ground pests;

Spray trees;

Collect fruits, dry and freeze mushrooms and berries, fruits;

prepare firewood;

Collect seeds;

Cut flowers for a bouquet;

Gather berries for quick consumption.

When the Moon passes the constellation Sagittarius, adversely:

? hill and weed (weeds grow quickly);

Plant lettuce (throws out the stem);

Treat damaged plants;

Disturb house flowers with tender shoots.

Moon in Capricorn

Gives strong stems, many fruits and seeds, beautiful flowers. Planted trees and bushes bear fruit for a long time. Increases resistance to frost, drought, pests and diseases.

On the growing moon favorable:

Plant trees and shrubs (gooseberries, currants), graft trees;

Plant winter crops, barley and buckwheat.

On the waning moon favorable:

Weed the weeds;

Plant and sow root crops, bulbs;

? apply fertilizers for vegetables, trees and bushes;

Fight pests that live in the ground;

Uproot, thin out plants, forest edges, hedges;

Cut branches and shoots from fruit trees;

? mow hay, put stacks;

Plow, loosen the earth;

Lay paths with slabs, sprinkle them with gravel;

? preserve, ferment and store root crops;

Cut flowers.

When the Moon is in Capricorn it is unfavorable to transplant flowers.

Moon in Aquarius

Not auspicious time for gardening and gardening, only the most necessary work should be carried out.

On the growing moon favorable:

Collect fruits, flowers, leaves and seeds medicinal plants.

On the waning moon favorable:

Plow and cultivate the land;

Weeding and weed control;

Fertilize flowers that do not want to bloom;

? pinch;

Pest control, fumigation and spraying;

Trim trees and shrubs;

Collect root crops and grains, preserve fruits and vegetables;

Chop trees (wood does not warp);

? install fences and snow guards;

? cut grass for hay.

With Moon in Aquarius adversely:

Plant seedlings and seedlings, they do not give roots, get sick and die;

? water the plants (rotting roots);

? sow seeds (they do not germinate);

Plant trees (grow gnarled).

Moon in Pisces

Gives a short stem in plants and root growth.

On the growing moon favorable:

Plant and sow leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach, celery, asparagus and Brussels sprouts), cucumbers, horseradish, pumpkin, strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes;

Plant seedlings in the ground;

? water vegetables, trees, bushes, balcony and indoor flowers;

? plant fruit trees.

On the waning moon favorable:

Plant potatoes and root crops;

? apply fertilizer;

? squeeze juices and make wine;

Chop trees for sawing and construction (do not warp);

? mow lawns.

With the Moon in Pisces adversely:

Plant trees;

Trim trees and shrubs;

? conserve and store;

Collect fruits and medicinal plants for storage;

Cut wood for firewood.

More than once it has been said that this work is best done by a specialist. It is better if a skilled person shows pruning and grafting techniques so that you can work on your own afterwards.

But not everyone who skillfully cuts knows what days are best to do it. Do not prune trees and shrubs during the growing moon, the time from the full moon to the new moon is the best.

Plants Focused on Direction vitality down, they will hardly notice the pruning and will easily transfer it if it is done during the waning moon.

The best days for fruit pruning are “fruit days”, days under the signs of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. The descending Moon is also favorable (time from Gemini to Sagittarius). In this case, the juices do not come out of the trees, because they are directed downwards.

The most inappropriate time to choose is the waxing moon and the days when the moon is in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The tree will lose a lot of strength, juice, the fruits on it will develop slowly or will not start at all in the year of pruning. Of course, the tree itself will not die, but it will suffer. It can die if you cut it on the full moon and on the days of Cancer.

Vaccinations, on the contrary, will be more successful with the growing moon. This is more delicate work than pruning, because it is not about destruction, but about the appearance of a new plant. To improve the variety, increase the endurance of the plant and not ruin your work, choose the right day. Vaccination is best done closer to the full moon in the "days of the fetus." The growing Moon will “drive” the juice and forces of the tree into a new shoot, which will allow it to take root and develop without difficulty. If you can’t guess the growing moon, focus on the sign of Aries.

What position of the moon is most favorable for agricultural work?

There are signs of the Zodiac that are literally created to work in the garden. And let the days when the Moon passes through them rarely fall, two or three days a month, be sure: everything that you have time to do at this time will pay for all the other days, even if you allow yourself to be a little lazy later ... To such auspicious signs belong to the sign of Virgo. Planting and sowing of any crops under the sign of Virgo are very successful, and the grafted cuttings take root, as if by magic.

In what other works is the Virgo sign favorable?

  • Feel free to transplant flowers and seedlings of vegetables - they will be healthy and beautiful;
  • In the fall, drop the layers of the necessary plants in Virgo during the waning moon - they will take root and quickly give roots;
  • Plant cuttings in the spring, with the growing Moon in Virgo, especially overwintered plants;
  • With the growing Moon in Virgo, you can sow the lawn, it will quickly rise and be thick. The sign of Leo is also suitable for this;
  • Not only manipulations with plants, but gardening in general is favorable these days. Repair inventory, install a fence, put props - the Moon will make them strong. Just choose a waning moon or a new moon for this.
  • You can do these days reorganization of the site;
  • Transfer to the days of the Virgin all work with delicate and sensitive plants.

What position of the moon is best for cutting trees?

Cutting down a tree is a big responsibility. It's not even about moral responsibility - everyone understands how hard it is: to part with a tree on a site for any reason. If this is a done deal, then you should think about later life wood, unless, of course, it burns out in the coming days in a fire or a bath ...

The moon in the same way affects the felling of trees, as well as all other events of our life.

There are several "lunar" rules for cutting trees:

  1. The days of the waning moon are most favorable for cutting and uprooting trees.
  2. If the tree is used to make furniture, cut it in the first eight days after the December new moon.
  3. If the wood will be used for handicrafts, cut the tree exactly on the new moon under the sign of Scorpio. For example, such a day was November 12.
  4. Cut a tree for firewood in October, in the first phase of the growing moon.
  5. To prevent future boards and logs from sewing, cut a tree in the sign of Pisces on the growing Moon.
  6. If you cut down a tree in November before the new moon, it will not crack.
  7. The tree that will be used for making tools is better to cut on February 26 on the waning moon, and it would be nice under the sign of Pisces.

At what position of the moon is it better to harvest, store and preserve crops?

It is a great pleasure for housewives to boast in winter even rows of jars with all sorts of goodies, ripe apples that keep the taste and smell of summer, fresh vegetables without a shadow of damage. Otherwise, what is the use of all our skillful hands, expensive fertilizers, endless days of work and worries? First of all, a garden and a garden should be for the joy of the owner, and only then - for the application of his physical, and most importantly, mental strength. So, let's harvest for joy and save it in at its best! And the moon will help us in this.

Do you want your grains, vegetables and potatoes to keep well? Store them on days when the Moon is in the sign of Aries. The most favorable time for this is the period from Sagittarius to Gemini, that is, the period of the rising moon. Such work depends more on the sign of the Zodiac than on the phase of the moon, but the fruits are more juicy precisely with the rising moon.

The moon will also take care of the jam, as well as all other homemade preparations - canned food, juice, dressings. And here it will be better if it is ascending

When harvesting garden and vegetable products, avoid the constellation Pisces, even if the Moon is rising. Everything that you collect under this sign should be used immediately. If you put vegetables in the cellar, put fruit in boxes, preserve, you risk getting only mold and sour jam in winter. The same thing awaits you if you make preparations in the days of the Virgin. This is an excellent sign for work on the site, but it is not worth harvesting, storing and processing crops on such days.

If you want to dry fruits, vegetables and herbs for storage, collect them during the waning moon. Even the care of the storage of vegetables and fruits must be done on certain days. If you wash the shelves during the waning moon, and even better - under the signs of Fire or Air, you can easily and permanently destroy mold and fungi.

Our planet Earth is filled with beautiful plants that not only nourish us, but also delight our eyes, bring aesthetic pleasure, and peace of mind. Plants, as part of the world around us, are very sensitive to external manifestations not only natural, but also to how the person himself relates to them. It is important to take into account everything when interacting with them - the seasons, the weather, the position of the Moon and the signs of the zodiac, what force is manifested in nature, rising or falling, and even more importantly, with what thoughts we interact with them. The love given to the plant will return to you with double strength, they will thank you for your care with their fruits and the beauty of flowering. Remember this even then Lunar tips will have extra strength and your harvest will be the best, and the flowers the most beautiful. Good luck))).



During the growing moon, when the moon begins to gain strength and the juices rush up the stems, branches and fruits, there is an intensive growth of plants. Any intervention in the life of plants should be careful not to cut or transplant them. Favorable planting of flowering plants, "tops" (eggplants, beans, greens, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, cabbage, tomatoes, strawberries, pumpkins, corn, sunflowers, etc.), as well as lawn and medicinal herbs, that is, plants that grow with the moon upwards and produce fruits and other edible parts above the soil surface.

As the full moon approaches, the most active phase of plant life begins.


The full moon is the time when the moon, filled to the brim with its power, transfers it to plants, this is the most active phase of their life, so it is advisable not to interfere in their growth, they can do everything themselves. Also, do not cut and transplant. The nutritional value of fruits and berries harvested at this time will be the highest. Therefore, harvest with joy and let it bring you a lot of pleasure.;)


The period when the moon goes to rest and plants rest. Their juices rush down to the roots. Since the slowdown in the vital activity of plants occurs, their activity decreases. Now the most favorable will be the help provided to them, you can do prevention, this is the most favorable time for transplants, pruning, vaccinations, fruit picking and other work. You can plant flowering, and decorative foliage plants. The waning of the moon is favorable for sowing and planting plants that produce fruits and other edible parts under the soil surface, the so-called "roots" (potatoes, carrots, radishes, beets, onions, Jerusalem artichoke, garlic, etc.), as well as most fruit trees and shrubs.

Closer to the new moon, it is good to weed the beds, destroy pests.


During this period, when the Moon has not yet begun to collect juices, it is not advisable to sow seeds, it will be difficult for them to germinate upwards. In addition, extra care should be taken when working with cutting and injuring garden tools.

On the days of eclipses, it is better to refrain from any work with plants.


When planting, sowing, and conducting preventive work in the garden, vegetable garden, floriculture most importance has an account of the days of Roots, Leaves, Fruits and Flowers. Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a particular day:

Fruit Days are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. These days the Moon has a special influence on the fruits. They are ideal for sowing and planting leafy vegetables on a young moon. With a flawed moon, they are especially favorable for planting root crops.

Days of the Roots- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Those days special meaning have for roots. The power of the moon acts in such a way that if you fertilize the soil, then the roots will begin to grow especially quickly. Therefore, everything that grows down needs care.

Days of Flowers- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. At this time, it is especially useful to deal with flowering plants. If the soil is fertilized on such a day, then the plants will have more flowers.

Leaf Days- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. In the days of the Leaves, the Moon acts with special force on deciduous plants. Therefore, it is very good to plant leafy vegetables.


The days of Fruits with rising power are the days of Aries.

Favorable in the days of Aries:

  • Plant everything that grows quickly and is intended for quick consumption;
  • With a young moon, twist fruit trees, sow grain;
  • Harvest grain and store grain for storage;
  • Plant fruit crops;
  • Fertilize cereals, fruit crops and vegetables (required for a debilitating moon or a full moon from April to September);
  • With a flawed Moon, cut fruit trees and shrubs;
  • Can be sprayed against diseases and pests;
  • Weeding recommended.


    Days of Roots with rising power are the days of Taurus.

    Taurus is one of the most fertile signs of the zodiac, it is suitable for planting any plants.

    Favorable in the days of Taurus:

  • Planting and transplanting all types of root crops (potatoes, beets, carrots, etc.), especially during the waning moon (if you did not have time to do this on the days of the Fruits). They are slow growing, but their fruits are especially good for long-term storage;
  • With the growing moon, sowing legumes, greens, cabbage, asparagus;
  • Plant trees, shrubs, hedges;
  • Formative pruning of fruit trees and shrubs;
  • Lay manure or compost in heaps (during the waning moon from May to October);
  • Fight pests that live in the ground;
  • Fertilize flowers with humus, especially those with an underdeveloped root system;
  • Make homemade preparations from root crops;
  • Harvest, it is stored for a long time.


    The days of Flowers, the transition point between rising and falling forces, are the days of Gemini.

    Favorable in the days of Gemini:

  • With a young moon, sow, plant and plant flowers and everything that curls, that is, gives a mustache;
  • Carry out weeding, spraying from diseases and pests;
  • Apply fertilizer to those flowers that do not bloom well.


    Days of Leaves with descending power are days of Cancer.

    Favorable in the days of Cancer:

    Planting moisture-loving (cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, sweet peppers, asparagus, cauliflower, white and red cabbage) and decorative leafy plants (lettuce, basil, tarragon, etc.), especially with the growing moon;

  • Planting currants, raspberries and gooseberries;
  • Grafting and formative pruning of fruit trees and shrubs, pruning plants and hedges if you want them to grow in breadth;
  • With the waning moon - planting potatoes, beets, carrots;
  • Sow or plant leafy vegetables (lettuce planted with a flawed moon has very good heads of cabbage!);
  • With a flawed Moon, fight pests living on earth;
  • Mowing lawns (best when the moon is young);
  • Water indoor and balcony plants.

    Not favorable in the days of Cancer:

  • For seed purposes;
  • Plant or sow plants that should become tall;
  • Trim dry branches from fruit trees and shrubs (with a young moon, especially in spring, but Cancer is especially harmful on a full moon!);
  • Make homework. Harvest plentiful, stored poorly.

    A LION

    Days of Fruits with descending power are the days of Leo.

    Leo is one of the most infertile signs, as it is the most "fiery", drying sign of the zodiac.

    Favorable in the days of Leo:

  • Collect heart herbs;
  • Trim dry branches from fruit trees and shrubs (with a flawed moon, for pruning in winter);
  • With a young moon, sow grain on wetlands, sow grass on lawns;
  • Sow and plant vegetables and fruits, but not water-loving (tomatoes, potatoes);
  • Plant perishable vegetables;
  • Move fruit trees (with a young moon in spring);
  • Recommended weeding, spraying from diseases and pests.

    Unfavorable in the days of Leo:

  • Use artificial fertilizers, as well as natural ones with dry soil;
  • Weed the weeds;
  • Salt cabbage (does not give the juice needed for sourdough).


    The days of the Roots with descending strength are the days of the Virgin.

    This sign plays special role in the garden, in the garden, in the field and in the forest. Since it is the best for planting and transplanting to a new place of almost any plant.

    Auspicious in the days of the Virgin:

  • To carry out landings - the earth at this time is such that everything rises wonderfully;
  • Plant individual trees for which crown height is important;
  • Plant shrubs and hedges that grow quickly;
  • Replant old trees (spring and autumn);
  • Transplant and plant balcony and houseplants they will get sick less;
  • With a young moon, sow grass on lawns;
  • Plant cuttings (with a growing moon, in the fall - with a waning one);
  • With the waning moon, pile manure or compost in heaps;
  • Apply any type of fertilizer to the soil (with a flawed moon);
  • Fight pests living in the earth (in autumn, with a flawed moon);
  • A suitable period for tillage, weeding, hilling, loosening;
  • Spray against diseases and pests;
  • Carry out formative pruning of trees and shrubs;
  • With the growing moon, it is suitable for planting berry bushes, strawberries, perennial flowers and medicinal plants. Plants planted at this time will be less sick;
  • Fertilize flowers with an underdeveloped root system;
  • Take out manure;
  • Install a fence.

    Unfavorable in the days of Virgo:

  • Plant a head lettuce (it will all go into arrows);
  • Make homemade preparations and lay the crop for long-term storage;
  • It is better not to plant garden crops, as the harvest will be small.


    The days of Flowers with descending power are the days of Libra.

    In general, this is a neutral sign, it does not affect either positively or negatively any work in the garden.

    Favorable in the days of Libra:

  • Favorable transplantation of plants, picking seedlings;
  • With the growing moon, a good time for planting legumes (peas, beans, lentils, soybeans), as well as cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbage;
  • Suitable for planting annual and perennial flowers, berry bushes, strawberries, as well as plums, cherries, apricots, pears and cherry plums;
  • With the waning moon, you can plant root crops and onions on a turnip;
  • High quality seeds;
  • Plant flowers and flowering medicinal herbs;
  • Fertilize plants that have begun to bloom poorly.


    Days of Leaves with descending strength are days of Scorpio.

    Favorable in the days of Scorpio:

  • Plant, collect and dry medicinal herbs;
  • Fight snails (with the growing moon, using eggshells);
  • Favorable pick;
  • Plant leafy vegetables;
  • Mow lawns;
  • Water indoor and balcony flowers;
  • Fertilize flowers and meadows;
  • With a growing moon, it is suitable for planting tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbages and other moisture-loving plants, as well as peppers, eggplants, greens;
  • To graft fruit trees and shrubs;
  • With the waning moon, plant garlic, radishes, radishes, onion sets, potatoes, bulbous flowers;
  • Rejuvenating pruning of old trees has a good effect;
  • The harvest is good. Long stored;
  • High quality seeds.

    Unfavorable in the days of Scorpio:

  • Fertilize vegetables;
  • Trim fruit trees and shrubs (especially in spring with a young moon);
  • Cut down trees ( Great chance appearance of bugs).


    Days of Fruits - days of Sagittarius.

    A turning point between rising and falling forces.

    Favorable in the days of Sagittarius:

  • Sow and plant fruits and tall vegetables (barley, beans, hops, etc.), as well as single trees that should grow quickly.
  • Trim fruit trees and shrubs (with a flawed moon in the spring);
  • Sow cereals;
  • In the spring, fertilize cereals, vegetables and fruits (required for a debilitating moon or a full moon!);
  • Fight pests living on the ground.

    Not favorable in the days of Sagittarius:

  • Loosen the ground and weed (weeds appear again);
  • Plant lettuce (arrows appear);
  • In general, it is better to refrain from landing.


    The days of the Roots with rising power are the days of Capricorn.

    Favorable in the days of Capricorn:

  • Weeding weeds (with a flawed moon);
  • Lay garden paths and put up fences (with a flawed moon);
  • Plant or sow root crops and winter vegetables;
  • Uproot, clear the edges and plant hedges (with a flawed moon);
  • Lay heaps in manure or compost (with a flawed moon);
  • Fight pests that live in the ground;
  • Feed and water flowers with a weak root system;
  • Preserve root crops (with a flawed moon, you can pickle cabbage; with a young moon, the fermentation process proceeds very quickly);
  • Carry out picking seedlings;
  • A good sign for planting before winter, as well as for planting perennials, trees, shrubs;
  • With the waning moon, it is recommended to plant root crops, onions on turnips, radishes, parsley, celery (root), bulbous flowers;
  • With the growing moon, plant greens, cabbage and legumes;
  • Suitable for grafting fruit trees, pruning;
  • Good transplants;
  • The harvest is not bad, it is well stored;
  • High quality seeds.


    The days of Flowers with rising power are the days of Aquarius.

    One of the most infertile signs. It is better to limit yourself to the most necessary things these days.

    Favorable in the days of Aquarius:

  • Pest control;
  • Spraying against diseases and pests;
  • Loosen the ground for weeding (weeds should be left for humus);

    Not favorable in the days of Aquarius:

  • Carry out a pick, because the transplanted plants will not take root;
  • Boarding is not recommended.


    The days of the Leaves with the strength of the rising Moon are the days of Pisces.

    One of the most fertile signs.

    The harvest that you have gathered in the days of Pisces must be used immediately.

    Favorable in the days of Pisces:

  • Plant leafy vegetables;
  • Water indoor and balcony plants;
  • Mow lawns;
  • Fertilize flowers;
  • Plant potatoes with a flawed moon;
  • With the growing moon, a good time for planting cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, horseradish, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbage, herbs, and raspberries;
  • With the waning moon - it is good to plant onions on turnips, radishes, carrots, bulbous flowers;

    Unfavorable on the days of Pisces:

  • Planting and pruning fruit trees and shrubs (with a young moon, especially in spring);
  • Make homemade preparations (use the entire crop at once). Harvest plentiful, stored poorly;
  • Do not use for seed purposes.