How to leave an adult woman with a young lover. Young lover: instructions for use

Even the most exciting and brilliant romance that breaks out between a mature woman and her young lover is often overshadowed by a cloud: when a woman older man younger, she begins to torment herself with thoughts that sooner or later her young lover will leave her.

Why do young men prefer older women?

According to family psychotherapist Ekaterina Kalieva, “the fear of an inevitable break increases anxiety and reduces self-esteem.

And this certainly affects the quality of the relationship. They become less warm and sincere, more distant.

If a woman is older than a younger man, in such a relationship the partner can actually start looking somewhere on the side for what he lacks in the family. That is, as we see, the difference in age has nothing to do with it: it is fear that has a destabilizing effect.”

The fear of an inevitable breakup is nothing more than a feeling of guilt returning to a woman for allowing herself to have an affair with a young lover.

Try to get rid of this unreasonable fear, put your desire to be next to the chosen one above social stereotypes, especially since they have long been outdated. Drive away from yourself to no one right feeling guilt and take full pleasure in convincing yourself that you have the right to it, no matter what.

Sometimes in a relationship, when a woman is older and her man is younger, she forbids herself to enjoy life calmly and begins to complex about what needs only to be happy.

Unfortunately, these complexes and doubts often create a lot of unpleasant moments not only for themselves, but also for their young chosen ones: women older than their men deliberately refuse love, and mutual, only because they don’t want to “spoil life” for their young lovers .

Women's mistakes

Fear of losing young lover or a husband, because of the difference in age, sometimes pushes a woman to commit truly stupid acts. Arranging stormy scenes for their beloved and sorting out relations with him, some imprudent persons now and then blame him for doing something or doing this, and not otherwise, just because she is old for him.

At the same time, the woman pursues a specific goal, hoping to make her life partner repeat once again: “What are you, dear, you are not old at all, and I still love you.” Perhaps, for the time being, a man will pronounce these words. If the woman is older than the man is younger, the lady's calculation is this case more than unfaithful: constantly reminding her beloved of her age, she will eventually convince him that she is really old for him.

Thus, a woman, deliberately undermining her happiness, gradually destroys it with her own hands. So do not provoke your beloved and do not inspire him with those truths that will later turn against you and play a cruel joke on you.

Another mistake that a woman makes when she connects fate with a young man lies in her attitude towards her chosen one. Many ladies seriously consider their companion an unreasonable baby, incapable of independent actions, and try to take care of him in every possible way. What can come of this, let's look at specific example when a woman is older and the man she likes is younger.

Alla was 36 years old when she married 24-year-old Alexei. She loved her husband so much that she did not allow him to rest from this love. From the very beginning, their relationship was far from perfect.

Alla, being a powerful woman, immediately took on the role of leader and began to literally give orders to her husband. Alla decided everything for her husband, right down to where he should go and with whom to communicate. She visited his office almost every day, so it got to the point that the employees began to laugh at him.

In the end, Alexei also ran out of patience, and he decided to ask his wife not to come to his office. Alla took this request in her own way: deciding that Alexei had a young mistress at work, she staged a scene of jealousy.

Since then, violent showdowns have become regular. Finally, Alexei found a way out of the impasse: once he went on a business trip and met another woman who became his mistress. Without thinking twice, Alexei decided to break off relations with his jealous and quarrelsome half, packed his things and left her.

What is Allah? She never understood own mistakes in a relationship where the woman is older and the man is younger, and considered herself a victim of infidelity. In a conversation with a psychologist, the woman concluded: “I always knew that my happiness would not last long. I counted on 10 years - and just 10 years we spent together.

All the mistakes of Alla, as they say, on the face. From the very beginning, she assumed the role of a vigilant guardian, who did not allow the young man to take a single step to the side. Eventually he grew up and rebelled. What should be the conclusion?

Even if a young man maintains a relationship when the woman is older and he is younger, or even decided to marry her for the very reason that he needed a wife and a second mother in one “bottle”, there will come a time when excessively intrusive maternal treatment will cause he has a negative reaction.

Why? Yes, because a woman similar behavior suppresses it masculinity, because whatever he may be, he just needs to periodically prove to himself and his beloved woman that he is a man.

So, if you want to maintain a long and cloudless relationship, do not teach him how to live and do not help financially. No matter how naive and inexperienced, in your opinion, give him the opportunity to feel like a leader in your relationship, and if you legal marriage and then the head of the family.

Even if you have had to sell or buy an apartment more than once throughout your life, organize a move, make repairs, etc., do not rush to give wise advice, at least sometimes pretend that you understand absolutely nothing about the issue under discussion, and shift its decision onto the shoulders of your chosen one.

Be sure that he will not only justify your trust, but will also be delighted that he managed to show himself not as a boy, but as a husband.

Alla's second mistake was that she was too vigilant and obsessive to protect Alexei from communicating with attractive and younger women than she, and generally did not let him go anywhere alone.

This is where the effect of the forbidden fruit worked: the more something is forbidden, the more you want it. Therefore, at the first opportunity to escape from the custody of his wife, Alexei took a mistress and hurried to leave for her.

Of course, when a woman meets a young man, the relationship must be very thoughtful. Alla, on the other hand, tried to constantly keep her husband near her skirt, and the boy had already grown up, and he was no longer satisfied with such an attitude.

If he had not gone on a business trip, he would certainly have tried to find another woman somewhere else. There would be a desire, but apparently, it already exists young man appeared. In addition, Alla herself spurred him on with constant scenes of jealousy, and this is her third mistake.

Perhaps Alexey did not dwell on the age of his wife, because he decided to marry her. But Alla herself persistently reminded him that she was older than him. As a result, her constant scandals, groundless suspicions that Alexey is cheating on her, and besides, real torture by love did their job.

Alexei could not stand all this and went to another woman. But he didn’t leave the “old woman”, but the hysterical woman and, excuse me for being rude, a woman with bad temper. So do not forget that when a woman is older and a man is younger, constant showdowns and scenes of jealousy are The best way push the man away and age differences they don't play a big role here.

A woman is older than a man - the psychology of relationships

Often a woman says to herself: “I'm too old for him. When we are together, we look like mother and son. This is terrible!". Indeed, it is not so easy to look younger than a man who is 10 or more years younger than you, however, if you keep yourself in shape, then it is quite possible to look, although not a peer, but not an older lady.

In a relationship, a man may say, “Don't worry about your appearance and don't try to look better than you really are. I love you just the way you are and will always love you.”

Perhaps these words really come from the very heart, but this is only in this moment. No one knows, even he himself, what he will say in 5 or 10 years, when time clearly imprints its mark on your face and body.

But there is no evil without good. Nothing keeps a woman in good shape like the realization that she, being next to her young companion, all the time needs to look appropriate and be, as they say, on top.

When a woman is older, a younger man, the constant presence, as it were, fills the woman with energy and makes her perceive everything that happens more optimistically. But do not forget that feeling young and being young are two different things.

Convince yourself that not only you, but in general every woman in the world has many potential competitors from among unmarried women who, in principle, may attempt to take away your chosen one.

A self-confident woman clearly knows that she is the best, so her husband or lover will not go anywhere from her. Remember that uncertainty gives rise to doubts, the latter cause the emergence of all kinds of fears, and it is they that make us do stupid things.

At all times, an affair on the side of a married woman is not approved in society. If her lover turns out to be a man much younger than her, then this usually causes a whole storm of indignation. unfaithful wife not only accused of breaking marriage vows, but also denounce her alleged sexual depravity. But, despite the flurry of criticism and ridicule against the lady who decided to join intimate relationship with a young man, many of the same age envy her deep in their hearts.

Romance with a young lover: the look of a woman

A young lover for a mature married lady is not only sex. With a man much younger than herself, a woman bogged down in the routine of habitual marital relations, has the opportunity to experience vivid romantic experiences. A young guy full of energy, capable of inventing unusual dates, which is unlikely to be expected from a legal spouse.

How to behave with a young lover in order to prolong the relationship as long as possible? We advise you to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Shorten your distance. You need to be on the same level as possible in your relationship. This is quite difficult to achieve even between peers, and when partners are separated by a significant age difference, the task is sometimes almost impossible. After all, often in a relationship where a woman is older, a young man can very quickly become a “son”, perceiving the love and care of his beloved as an obsessive patronage that must be got rid of at all costs. Conclusion: no matter how young your protégé is, remember that you are his mistress, not his mother.
  2. Respect his freedom. In most cases, if a young man enters into a relationship with a married woman older than himself, then most likely he wants a non-committal relationship. Therefore, having a husband, you should not demand an account from your lover, where and with whom he spends time in between your dates. In the end, if you do not demand a report from him and an oath of allegiance, then this will give you a head start over many other young girls who want to bind a man with obligations as soon as possible.
  3. Play on your nerves. It will be useful from time to time to give the lover a reason for jealousy. Only here it is important not to overdo it and be sure to take into account the characteristics of the character of the partner. After all, if you overdo it, then your chosen one can stop all communication with you because of this.
  4. Warm up his appetite. You can periodically refuse to meet with him to tease a little. Here, too, it is important to reasonably dose such manipulation so as not to turn him away from himself.
  5. Be unpredictable. This primarily concerns experiments in bed. Remember: routine main reason separation of partners big difference aged.
  6. Respect a man and celebrate his achievements, even the smallest ones. No need to behave like an omniscient aunt, whom no one orders. You can show your authority at work, and with it you have unique opportunity feel young and frivolous.
  7. Be close. Try to make sure that in addition to sex you are tied friendly relations. For strong and long-term connection it is important to become a support for a man so that he knows that any issue can be discussed with you. Believe me, it ties you tighter than a bed.

And what about the husband? How does the relationship with him change when a woman has a young lover? There can be two options here:

  1. The husband is not young, he spends most of his time at work. It is possible that he himself has a connection on the side, so the appearance of mature wife young lover does not cause in him a storm of indignation. AT similar situations Having a wife with a secret hobby has several positive aspects. First of all, a husband can be happy that now, instead of a disgruntled wife, every evening he will be met by a joyful rejuvenated sexually satisfied wife. This will not torment with jealousy and reproach for lack of attention.

In this case, the only thing that is required of you is to be as comfortable as possible for him and pretend that nothing is happening. If a past love not left, and for some reason you don’t want to divorce your husband, create all the conditions so that your coexistence becomes convenient for both of you. Let your union resemble a successful partnership. Save love and passion for your lover.

  1. Another situation is when a husband, having learned about the betrayal of his mature wife with a young guy, becomes furious, because, first of all, he is afraid of becoming a laughing stock in the eyes of relatives, friends and acquaintances. In this case, his ego will suffer. And it is quite possible that he will want to take revenge on both you and your protégé.

Here you have two options. First: break off relations with your lover, beg your husband to forgive you and try to become an exemplary wife. Second: prepare for difficult divorce. Therefore, it will be very prudent to plan escape routes in advance. You should also be prepared for the fact that your young chosen one will not be able to become a full-fledged support for you and after a while will prefer to simply step aside.

In any case, you need to understand that you won’t be able to hide the truth from your spouse for a long time, because an affair with a young lover greatly affects both the appearance of a woman and her style of behavior. And such changes are difficult not to notice even not the most perspicacious husband.

An affair with a mature married woman: a view from the side of a man

Some modern young men prefer to see a chosen one much older than themselves next to them. This is mainly due to the fact that in such a relationship a mature woman is less demanding and selfish. She manifests maternal care towards her young lover. Moreover, thanks to modern technologies in the area of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, sometimes a man does not immediately realize that his chosen one is much older than it seemed at first.

There is a type of men who subconsciously start relationships with mature married women. This often happens if a young person from childhood was shrouded in hyper-guardianship with a considerable amount of despotism on the part of his mother, grandmother or older sister. In his life, as a rule, there was no influence of authoritative men: father, grandfather or brother.

It is also quite possible that the authoritarian mother set her son on the fact that modern young girls are frivolous and materialistic. Therefore, it is not surprising that such young men feel much better near with an older lady.

Craving for an older woman is sometimes explained by the presence of certain complexes in a man and his low self-esteem.

But anyway, for young man connection with a mature married lady has a lot of positive aspects:

To the cons of relationships young guy with a mature married woman, the following negative aspects can be attributed:

  1. Lack of perspective. Of course, sex without commitment can be attractive to a man at a certain stage of the relationship. However, it is possible that subsequently the young man will be imbued with great and serious feeling in relation to his mature mistress, and then problems can begin for both of them.
  2. Threat of exposure. The husband of a mature lady, having learned about her affair with a young lover, may want to get even for the insult. In this case, the degree of threat depends on the capabilities of the husband.
  3. Excessive control. The physiology of women is arranged in such a way that they experience maternal feelings to one degree or another for any man younger than themselves. From here, unhealthy care can appear, sometimes turning into obsession.

Woman middle age who meets or is married to a young man, often becomes a source of ridicule, gossip and condemnation. Despite the fact that the public is not always ready to approve such an alliance, psychologists are sure that the age difference at which a woman is older than a man is quite acceptable if the lovers themselves are satisfied with their relationship.

However, they need to be prepared for a number of difficult tests. If they manage to go through fire, water and copper pipes, they will be able to assert the strength and sincerity of their relationship.

Relationship benefits for a woman with a young lover

For a middle-aged woman who has already had to see and learn a lot in life, to go through failed marriages, raise children, relationships with a young man will become like a breath of fresh air. Life will change markedly better side. Why? Let's try to answer this question.

Most best method rejuvenation

Despite the many problems of age difference, a woman will feel truly happy being in a relationship with a young lover.

According to sexologists, the true natural sexuality of a woman is revealed after 30-40 years. This is due to the fact that the body, which is already preparing for the extinction of reproductive function, is trying to provide a woman with last chance give a birth to a baby. In men, everything is different: their peak sexual activity accounts for 20-30 years. Therefore, there is no doubt that everything will be all right with the sexual sphere of a mature woman dating a young lover.

In addition, researchers have long discovered an unusual feature female body: regular sex is able to prolong his youth, which is sometimes quite difficult to achieve with the help of modern cosmetic procedures.

Exchange of experience and development

If a young man is not embarrassed possible problems age difference, then for him such a relationship will be no less useful. An adult partner will share with him her experience, not only sexual, but also vital, spiritual .

He can learn responsibility and independence only when his partner is older, if she is already wise and spiritually mature. With a young lover, such changes will not happen immediately, but an adult lover will help him become more mature and discover those aspects of life that are in young age many young men usually do not notice.

A woman with a young lover also acquires some knowledge, makes discoveries for herself, which, most likely, she could not make if she was in a relationship with a peer.

If age gap issues do not burden her, she will soon notice how their union enriches her and contributes to personal growth. She meets many realities younger generation, she is aware of youth trends, she becomes a more modern and interesting person. Undoubtedly, such changes will only benefit and help avoid a midlife crisis .

Problems that partners may face with a difference in age

Any relationship undergoes certain tests that either harden them or destroy them. It is especially difficult for couples with a large age difference.

The clash of values ​​​​of different generations

When meeting a young man and on the first dates with him, a middle-aged woman may at first not even notice a significant difference in age. However, even with a longer relationship, partners will increasingly face disagreements.

Such disagreements are the product of a conflict of different life-age values ​​and moral attitudes. In addition, the experience of a mature woman and the experience of her young lover will always be unequal, so from time to time they both will feel it.

To find a way out of the situation, a woman needs learn to sacrifice your own values and teach your young partner to make similar sacrifices. Not all couples facing age difference problems are ready for this, so in this situation it is important for each partner to decide for themselves how important they are to each other.

Do not forget that relationships should not be based only on sex. If their strength and longevity matter to you, you should clearly define for yourself what you expect from this relationship and who you see your partner as: a young lover or a loved one with whom you would like to share your life together.

Jealousy and fear of losing a young lover

Jealousy is characteristic of almost every woman. To "keep up" with young girls, a woman has to make a lot of efforts to look no less attractive than her potential rivals.

However, there is a way out even in this situation: perceive the risk of betrayal as a kind of incentive for self-improvement . Knowing that your young lover can at any time make a choice in favor of a 20-year-old rival, you will never allow yourself to relax, you will look great long years. Then, perhaps, the problem of the age difference will be solved by itself.

But, of course, such relationships require "iron nerves". Ask yourself the question: “Are you ready to close your eyes to the problems of the age gap and constantly fight to maintain a relationship with a young lover?”.

Facing the judgment of others

Also mature woman who is in a relationship with a young lover, you need to be prepared for negative public opinion. When meeting a man who is 10 (or more) years younger than you, you must understand that such a union will be perceived by many people in different ways. But if the problems of the age difference do not scare you, you sincerely believe in the strength of your union, public opinion should not play any role in your relationship.

If a woman is really happy in marriage, then the likelihood that she will change her spouse is extremely small. Behind this action, ladies are more often seen who are not satisfied with their personal lives in some way, or they simply have lost interest in their partner. If men tend to cheat in pursuit of new emotions, then female psychology many times more difficult.

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There are many reasons that influence a girl's desire to change, some of them: lack of regular sex, lack of attention and love from her husband, revenge, or simply a desire to make sure of her own worth. In most cases, women of mature age choose young guys. Such a lover increases the lady's self-esteem and gives her the desired attention.

Reasons for choosing a young guy

AT modern world after marriage, men devote less and less time to their chosen ones, do not improve relationships and do not want to maintain an idyll in the family. In this regard, girls do not feel desired and loved. There are a number of specific factors that can push a married woman to cheat:

  1. 1. Often, girls say that after several years, romance disappears from a relationship with their spouse. The husband is at work all the time and does not give his wife due attention and care. Instead of going somewhere together, he chooses to watch football in front of the TV. Such an attitude between people gradually alienates them from each other. A woman is often visited by thoughts of dating on the side in order to get rid of eternal loneliness.
  2. 2. The older a woman gets, the more she wants diversity in sexual life. And the young lover in this regard is very ambitious and ready for experiments, he has a lot of strength, desire and energy.
  3. 3. Husbands rarely think about how much work their wives do every day. Ready meals, a cleaned apartment, washed things - they take it all for granted. In fact, this routine of the same household chores is very exhausting for women. If the spouse does not try to somehow help, take on some responsibilities, then over time the girl develops apathy. To cope with this condition, she tries to find ways to change her life. In such cases, the lady pays attention to young people who understand everything and are attentive to her.
  4. 4. A woman, like no other, really needs care and affection. Her man should be a support and support in any situation. And if the husband is not the one with whom you can talk about everything and share problems, then she is looking for that person who will listen and substitute a strong male shoulder.
  5. 5. If the husband was the first to cheat, then the woman feels a great desire to take revenge on him in the same way, in order to show all the pain and disappointment that she experienced in this situation. A woman finds a young lover, thereby showing her husband that there are people who are ready to love, appreciate and protect her under any circumstances.
  6. 6. Sincerity is the key to happy and long relationship. And if this feeling is not there, then there is a gradual slow separation of the spouses, they communicate less and do not trust each other. Such "unhealthy" relationships also provoke the emergence of new connections on the side.

Positive qualities of the union

AT recent times the theme of married women and young lovers is very popular. Psychologists often hear questions about whether it is necessary to communicate with guys who are 10 years younger or more years, will there be common interests and what will come of it. And experts in this field almost unanimously agree that such a difference in age will ideally affect the relationship of partners.

Popular psychologists say that the dates of birth in the passport mean absolutely nothing, the relationship depends completely on other factors. It is possible to highlight some positive traits such an alliance:

  • Young lover - more sex. The biological clock guys coincide with the age of the chosen one, which will help both get maximum pleasure and maintain harmony in intimate life.
  • Noticeable to everyone known fact that next to a young guy, an adult woman turns into a girl - blooms, gets younger, prettier, becomes more interesting and attractive.
  • In such a relationship, there is no tension associated with plans for the future. Not an adult, often married woman, nor a young guy, do not want to tie the knot and have common children. A woman should not be afraid that she will be forced to divorce and many new problems will not fall upon her.
  • Youth is addiction. Such relationships are most often built according to the scenario of the lady. She knows how to achieve what she wants, and the young man, due to his age, unconsciously fulfills all her requirements. A woman receives passion, sex, support and tender feelings.

Feelings of women and lovers

Ladies choose such young lovers without even thinking about why they are so attractive that makes a woman spend time with a guy who is younger and more naive than herself. There is no special secret that reveals all the cards.

On a psychological level, a girl after 30 years of age feels more comfortable with a young guy, because he gives her freedom, is not so demanding, interesting, it is easier to adjust him “for herself”. And still not quite mature men eager to receive new experience, including sexual, to feel the whole range of emotions associated with relationships in the presence of a husband. In such a couple, true love rarely arises.

A married woman and a young man meet and communicate, spend time comfortably together, do not oblige each other to anything, feel light and carefree. It is for the sake of this lady that she finds a lover. The guy with his actions and deeds in every possible way increases the self-esteem of a woman, she feels needed.

Women of this age in the majority have already taken place morally, psychologically, and financially. They will not “nag” a lover because he earns little or does not help around the house, it makes no sense for them to annoy him. Relations on the side begin to make sure of their sexuality, attractiveness, to feel desired and unique. This is very important for a girl of any age, and husbands often forget about it, which leads to infidelity.

An unequal marriage is like moving to an exotic country: a kind of cross-emigration. Where countries are partners for each other.

Such relationships are always an adventure. It can turn out to be difficult to manage, unpredictable, unexpectedly expensive... But it is sure to be rich in discoveries and impressions. And if the union, unequal in age, is built correctly, both sides win and gain in it.

I’ll clarify right away: I’m talking about a voluntary connection of people who actively want to be together. Patriarchal Relations, dynastic unions, marriages of convenience - I do not touch on all this now.

“Unequal”, in my opinion, can be considered any relationship, the age difference between partners in which is more than ten years. Initially, it does not matter who is older: a man or a woman. But for simplicity, I will refer mainly to the format that better familiar to myself - when a man is older.

Young people are people too

There is a prejudice against young participants in our society unequal alliances. There is a belief that a girl can only date an adult man for money, or that she is emotionally flawed and needs a guardian lover who will allow her to remain a child as long as possible. In my opinion, such an attitude is deeply immoral and offensive, because it denies young people the ability of independent and reasonable choice.

If everything is in order with a person’s upbringing, the development of his personality depends little on age and is more tied to internal culture and character. social adaptation. For example, Einstein, at the age of 13, after studying scientific literature, decided to abandon the traditional belief in God and followed this choice until the end of his life. If we accept that from the age of 18 a person can positively influence the future of his country by voting, it is strange to deny him the ability to freely shape his personal life.

What can be a sincere motivation for a young man to start dating someone who is noticeably older than him? What does a young mistress gain in an unequal marriage?

1. Emotional stability

Youth is a time of unrest, self-doubt and continuous searches for how to realize oneself in life. Peers often exacerbate psychological problems each other, entering into an emotional resonance with a partner. An adult and experienced person is devoid of this shortcoming: he has been ill with the hardships of growing up and can often help his neighbors overcome these difficulties.

Often in such a situation, it may turn out to be not so much experience as the ability of the senior partner to look at the problem from the outside and advise the young partner on a non-obvious solution.

2. Good sex

Yes yes exactly! Before 28 good sex can not be. Both in women and in men. Everything that happens on a whim before this age in most cases is affectation, complexes or self-interest, which have taken on the appearance of sex. Until the moment when a young man or girl has an experienced mentor in his life who will be able to reconcile him with his body and show the fascinating and useful facets of sex.

3. Development and partnership

Progress comes from the experience of previous generations: if humanity were forced to learn anew from its mistakes every time, there would be neither progress nor historical development. An adult partner can help his lover develop and mature faster, not emotionally, but personally and professionally. How to get useful experience, similar in their effectiveness to this, I confess, I can’t immediately name.

And what does an adult lover get? After all, he, too, often becomes a victim of rumors: evil tongues love to talk about gray hair in his beard and a demon in his ribs, exposing him as a puppet of insane and reckless passion. What is wrong with this characterization? I must say that for an adult man, an affair with a young one is good choice from the point of view of rational interests. For some men, I would really recommend having young mistresses for therapeutic and even medical purposes. (Some women, by the way, too).

1. The motive to start over

Very often we have enough strength to try something new, but there is no desire and emotional readiness to start doing it here and now. An alliance with a person who is younger in age solves this problem. With his desires and indefatigable thirst for life, he ignites you, giving you the motive to set new goals for yourself. Surfing, sex in public places, wine tourism - all this can be done at 35, and at 40, and at 50 years old, but you yourself initially somehow don’t want to. You need an external stimulus - reckless and passionate, to decide on such a thing.

2. Getting rid of unnecessary memories

Rising in life to some - even intermediate - peak, we are overgrown with uncomfortable memories, affects, impressions... “If only you knew from what rubbish status resumes are born” - every second visitor of any fashionable metropolitan restaurant can say about himself. the main problem women of the same age are not at all in mythical wrinkling (a hail of frogs under the blanket to the one who said this), but in the fact that with them we remain ourselves. They feel the same way as we do, they sing the same songs, they read the same books. Next to them, you can only be a person with understandable successes and expected failures. A young lover allows you to forget all this: she has not yet made all the inevitable mistakes of growing up (and you hope that with your support she will not), she has not read much of what needs to be read, she is ready to be surprised at what has long become your usual everyday life . It's great colors of life: you're like in computer game, returned to the usual stage, rewarded with superweapons and superpowers.

3. Young develop

10 years of age difference is already enough for the interlocutors to feel each other as aliens: different cultural code, different language, different priorities. Challenge to line up with an alien friendship- that is also charging for the brain. This is great toning and developing - the need to adapt at any time or ask for hints to understand the motives of the interlocutor's behavior in the simplest everyday situation. And they also watch porn from an early age and decide on various experiments without the existential hardships of internal choice.

Even Plato in the dialogue "Phaedrus" told in detail why the philosopher should look for an object of love younger than years, citing as arguments about the mutual benefit of such unions thoughts that are close to my reasoning. Well, it should be noted that nothing has changed in European culture over the past millennia. So, we can advise some active critics from different camps to take voluntary unequal marriages how essential attribute our lives and stop being naive bigots.

As they say, all ages are submissive to love. And in any possible age combinations.
