How to make a sun applique from colored paper. Independent activities of children

DIY paper sun: master classes for children. Videos and step-by-step photos.

DIY paper sun

The sun is one of the ancient symbols, because without the sun life on our planet would be impossible. Since ancient times, people have welcomed the Sun in the spring, rejoiced at it, celebrated Maslenitsa, and baked round pancakes on Maslenitsa - symbols of the spring sun. They also made larks and grouse.

And the children and I will make a spring sun out of paper with our own hands. Let it bring smiles and spring mood to our homes!

In this article you will find five options - five ideas for making a paper sun with your own hands with your children:

  • Option 1. Sun made from paper palms.
  • Option 2. Sun made of paper folded like an accordion.
  • Option 3. Sun using origami technique (one-color and two-color).
  • Option 4. Sunny - paper card for the holiday.

Master class 1. Sun made from paper palms using applique technique

Tools and materials for making a do-it-yourself sun

To work you need:

How to make a sun out of palms with children

Step 1.

Trace your palm 4 times onto colored paper. Cut out the palms.

Step 2. Cut two circles with a diameter of 10 cm from yellow paper.

Step 3. Fold a piece of paper in half and make a lip template for the sun's mouth. Expand the template and see if this form suits us. You can attach the mouth detail to one of the circles of the sun and check whether you like this detail in shape and size.

Step 4. Glue the part of the sun's mouth onto the circle.

Step 5. Prepare the details of the sun's eyes:

- cut two circles or two parts from white paper almond-shaped,

- cut out of paper blue color two circles and stick them on the white eye blanks,

- cut out black circles smaller size and glue the pupils onto the eye blanks or draw the pupils with a black felt-tip pen.

Glue the eye blanks onto the circle of the sun.

Step 6. To design the face of the sun:

- draw in black or brown eyebrows, eyelashes, nose,

- Draw cheeks with a red or pink felt-tip pen. You can cut out circles and glue them in place of the cheeks.

- draw bangs.

Step 7 Place the cut out palms under the sun and try them on in a circle like rays. Trace a circle around your palms and cut off the excess. (You can do it another way: glue your palms to the circle immediately, without trying on).

Step 8 Glue your palms onto the bottom circle.

Turn the workpiece over and glue the top circle on top, on which we decorated the face of the sun. The sun is ready. Good luck in your creativity! Have a nice Maslenitsa week!

Master class 2. Sun made of paper folded like an accordion

Master class 3. Sunshine - paper postcard for Maslenitsa

Master class 4. One-color sun using origami technique

This sun is quite difficult to make. School-age children can do it.

Master class 5. Two-color sun: paper construction

The sun is easy to make, and such a craft can be made independently by older children preschool age, and schoolchildren.

You can make a paper sun and give it as a gift not only for Maslenitsa, but also for any spring holiday, these figures can also be used to decorate a room or kindergarten group.

We wish you pleasant moments of creativity with your children.


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How to save summer? Everyone chooses their own way. Some make jam, some collect shells, some take photographs as souvenirs. You can also make a picture with funny sunflowers. Their smiling faces will bring a ray of sunshine to any cloudy day!

Materials and tools for the master class "Applique "Suns and sunflowers""

We will need:
+ a piece of light green cardboard for the base
+ colored paper – yellow, orange, brown, green and red
+ checkered paper for templates
+ simple pencil
+ scissors
+ PVA glue
+ brush
+ six eyes with a flat base and a movable pupil (can be purchased at the store)


1. Transfer the outlines of the templates onto checkered paper and cut them out:

2. Using the “Center” template, we make three circles from brown paper:

3. Using the “Petal” template, cut out 16 parts from yellow paper and 8 from orange. Please note: where there is a central line on the template, you must immediately make a cut:

4. Applying glue to the edges of the cut, bring them together and get a curved petal. In this way we process all the petals:

5. After the glue on the petals has dried, glue them to the bottom of the “Center” part, forming a flower. There are eight petals for each center:

6. Making two yellow and one orange sunflowers:

7. While the flowers are drying, cut out leaves and stems from green paper. Leaves with even numbers must be made in duplicate:

8. Glue the stems to the green cardboard base, then add flowers and leaves:

Applications for children are one of the most favorite games and fun. But it’s by playing that the little ones learn! They gradually become accustomed to the world of colors and shapes. And they also get satisfaction from the fact that they themselves, with their own hands, can create beauty. And if parents want to help their child, we will give you ideas for appliqué made from colored paper.

What we can offer:

  • Schemes and stencils for applications different figures: flowers, animals, insects and fairy-tale characters.
  • Let's show you how entertaining they can be unconventional techniques applications.
  • And, of course, we will give you a lot of positive emotions! We are sure you will have fun with us!
And most importantly, all these children's applications for toddlers different ages. And in one year the child will be interested in playing, and the older one will enjoy this activity. Why? Because we have prepared a collection that includes applications for children with different abilities.

For the little ones

Who said, that plot application- it's complicated? Even the younger group can cope with some types of applications. Let's create now beautiful basket, and there are flowers in it.

What we may need for the application:

  • Colored thin paper;
  • Cardboard;
  • Pencil;
  • Stencils;
  • Glue.


Applications for the little ones are creativity, where the abilities of even the tiniest fidget are taken into account. And this example with the “hedgehog” is just right for toddlers who, by the age of three, still cannot cut and glue, but they will be great at participating in the work. How?

Volumetric ladybug

This application is perfect for children 3-4 years old. It is very easy to make.

Application execution sequence:

Flower meadow

This clearing is an application in younger group for children 4 years old. It can be any size and color. And several kids can work on it together at the same time. It is only important for each of them to indicate his area of ​​​​work.

Lesson in 3 stages:

Little funny chicken

Very original way to prepare it holiday cards. The application in the preparatory group will help with this.

You need to cut out the following parts:


Kids think abstractly; for them, such a trifle as the color or shape of a character does not matter if his image conveys child-like emotions. But how to make an application exactly so that the baby feels your soul mate? Here's a great example of this!

Meet Tsypa! Him:

  • Body - square;
  • Eye – 2 circles (black and white, and a little more white);
  • Beak - triangle;
  • The paws are also triangular;
  • The wing is a semicircle;
  • Tuft - crescent.

Now, trust the little one, let him choose what color will be! Explain what each figure means and why the bird needs it. Isn't that interesting? So, finding the right stencils for applications is already a game. All that remains is to glue everything together!


Let's complicate the task. We have to help the children learn how to make an applique panel. There are many details that are both a background and an independent part of the picture. The central part is the mischievous face of the smiling Sun.

Leave the work on your kitten's smile. Or you can print ready-made faces:

And start preparing yellow, golden and orange circles of different sizes.

We assemble a picture on a blue background.

You can stick circles in the form of rays, or in a circle, the main thing is to alternate their colors. The Sun itself will be placed in the middle of the panel.


Probably, a broken applique is the sweetest and most tender thing you can imagine. She just looks so fluffy that I can’t believe it was all created. A torn applique achieves this effect due to small uneven parts assembled into one composition.


These are not just flowers, but a structure that will stand. In this case, we will make all parts of the plant. The flowers themselves, leaves and stems. This simple application middle group The kids will get the hang of it very quickly.


We did with you Greeting Cards, an invitation to a celebration, paintings and even memories of your little one’s childhood. But now we will try to make a Christmas tree toy.

And since it consists of two bases and 16 circles, we print out templates for applications, this will allow you to quickly, and without delaying preparatory work, move on to designing a toy.

Read more about blanks. The basis is 2 circles of the same size, drawn as a figure eight. The additional circles are equal in diameter to those in the base.
We also need a rope 4 times the length of the base. And decorative beads.


Polyana is a multi-composition application in kindergarten for children 5-6 years old. Here we will get acquainted with models that need to be made first, and only then fixed to the base. Volumetric views applications are made in such an original sample.

Our base is blue cardboard. This is heaven. The sun is shining. The grass grows and flowers bloom in it. And butterflies and dragonflies flutter above them. All parts are made of accordion-folded paper.

A collection of applique master classes + interesting ideas

It's nice to know that things made by children different types applications, such as applique from torn paper valuable, or from corrugated material, – good memory. And irrefutable evidence that our little ones have talent. The child is developing. And we help him with this.

Master class with step by step photos.
Volumetric applique from corrugated paper and colored cardboard “Autumn Sun” for children 6-7 years old

Author of the work: Karakozova Mlada Vebertovna, teacher at the MADOU " Kindergarten No. 14 of a general developmental type", Syktyvkar, Komi Republic.
Purpose: master class is intended for children 6-7 years old, their parents, teachers preschool education. The application is intended: as a guide for GCD (essay short stories, tales about the subject), surprise moments, to form a group, music hall(For autumn fun); gift for friends, parents.
It is advisable to apply the application in September and October (when the weather is warm, clear and dry).
Work can be either subgroup or individual.
Target: teach how to make a three-dimensional applique from corrugated paper and colored cardboard.
- develop the ability to create a subject image;
- strengthen children’s ability to cut paper into long strips;
- consolidate the ability to fold paper with an accordion;
- strengthen the skills of neat cutting and pasting;
- develop a sense of color and composition;
- develop interest in the application;
- encourage creativity.
Preliminary work:
- reading: T. Marshalova “The Tale of the Sun”;
- watching the sun on a warm autumn day;
- solving riddles about the sun;
- looking at pictures and photographs sunny days in the fall.

Observation and conversation are carried out during a walk the day before the application.
Teacher: - Children, guess the riddle:
- What is this yellow ball?
Is he jumping through the forests after us?
The ray gilds the window,
They call him...

The sun smiles at me
It looked out the window.
A golden ray on my hand
Autumn gives warmth.

(V. Kireeva)

Teacher: - Children, look at the sky. What do you see there? ( sun, clouds).
- What sun? ( large, round, yellow).
-What does the sun look like? ( for a circle).
- Guys, we know that the sun has rays. What were they like in the summer? ( hot). Let's stretch our hands to the sun. And now, in the fall, what are they like? ( slightly warm).

The sun came out from behind the clouds,
He extended a beam to Katya.
Katya touched her hand:
- Here you are, sweetheart!

(M. Fabiansky)

Teacher: - The time has come for clouds and rain, gradually rolling towards the cold. Rarely, but sometimes the sun still peeks through the trees. The sun is tired and needs rest.

Warm, small circle...
Well, where are you going, my friend?

(R. Karapetyan)

And after summer, everyone (people, animals, birds) wants more warmth and to bask in the warm rays of the sun! The sun comes out from behind the clouds, and everyone’s mood immediately becomes happier: the sun’s rays shine through the colorful leaves, and this makes everything around so beautiful!

Teacher: - Let’s extend the pleasure of basking in the sun’s rays at least a little longer and make a sunshine? ( children agree).

For work we need materials:
- corrugated paper (yellow and orange color);
- a sheet of yellow cardboard;
- glue stick;
- simple scissors;
- narrow tape;
- plate, d-15 cm (it is not in the photo);
- remnants of self-adhesive film or colored paper (blue, black, gold, red);
- stencils (eyes, highlights on the eyes, nose, mouth), eyelashes (2 rectangles 2.5x3 cm).


1) Place the plate on a sheet of yellow cardboard, trace its outline and cut out a circle.

2) Cut a strip (5x35 cm) from yellow corrugated paper.

3) Glue the edges of the strip. You will get a cuff like this:

4) Making small folds, gather the cuff in the middle, slightly pressing the paper (corrugated paper holds its shape well). You will get something like this - a “skirt”:

5) Cut out 2 circles from yellow paper (d-3 cm). Glue a circle in the middle of the “skirt” (to secure the folds). Paste another circle with reverse side blanks. You will get a little “sun”.

6) Make 5 more “suns” in the same way. There will be 6 “suns” in total.

7) Glue the “suns” by the edge to the yellow circle. You will get the sun without rays:

8) Cut a strip of orange corrugated paper measuring 10x26 cm.

9) Fold the paper like an accordion and wrap it with tape in the middle. Straighten the accordion. You will get a bow like this:

10) Cut a strip of yellow corrugated paper measuring 17x25 cm. Fold it like an accordion. Wrap it with tape just below the middle. You will get something like this:

11) Glue the orange bow onto the yellow blank. It will work out Sun Ray.

12) Make 5 more rays in the same way. There will be 6 of them in total.

13) Glue a ray with wrong side to the sun without rays like this:

14) Glue the remaining 5 rays.

15) All that remains is to glue the sun’s eyes, highlights on the eyes, nose, mouth, you can also add eyelashes (cut black rectangles from one edge into strips, not reaching the edge of the paper and bend them slightly with your fingers - so that the eyes are more expressive), add freckles (their you can draw with an orange felt-tip pen), attach it to a magnet clothespin, and that’s it!

The sun is ready!

Let's look at the sun with different sides:

Let's look into the sun's eyes:

Let's look at the bows on the rays:

The sun extended
Your rays,
To my window,
On autumn days.
Looks so affectionately
And, warmed by warmth,
Still doesn't go away.
Know - you like the house!

(A. Teslenko)

The sun looked over the earth,
Each ray left a mark.
There is no more important thing in the world,
How to give warmth and light!

(V. Nesterenko)

In our group, Sunny decided to perch on a large blackboard:

Application options:
1) The sun can be made smaller or even larger in size.
2) The bows on the rays can be of a different color (yellow or red) and longer.
3) Eyes can be made green, brown.
4) Instead of bows, you can tie them satin ribbons suitable color.
5) The sun can be made without rays with bows. “Skirts”, in this case, can be either yellow or orange. You can alternate colors.

Summary of GCD for application with children of the senior subgroup

Topic: “The radiant sun smiled cheerfully”

Prepared by: Gerasimova E.N.
Educational area:"Artistic and aesthetic development."

OO integration: " Cognitive development", "Physical development"

Target: To develop an interest in creating an image of the sun using technology volumetric applique from strips of paper.



Arouse interest in creating an image of the sun using the technique of volumetric appliqué.

Improving skills in working with paper, scissors, glue.


Development cognitive interest to methods and techniques for working with strips of paper.

Development creativity, thinking, imagination of children.

Expanding children's horizons and vocabulary.


Cultivating accuracy, independence, and attentiveness when working with paper, scissors, and glue.

Cultivating interest and desire to complicate the content of the application.

Preliminary work:

Examination of book illustrations in collections of songs, nursery rhymes, folk tales in order to enrich impressions and ideas about the options for depicting the sun.

Material and equipment.

Yellow cardboard

Yellow paper with painted stripes (length 14 cm, width 1 cm)

Glue stick



Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle

What is higher than the forest

More beautiful than the world

Does it burn without fire?


Why do people need the Sun?

Children answer...

If there were no sun, then on Earth there would be no green meadows, shady forests and rivers, flowering gardens, grain fields; neither humans, nor animals, nor plants could exist. The sun is the source of life on Earth.

What words can describe the sun?

Children answer......

The sun is bright, light, warm, joyful, cheerful, spring, radiant, warming... .

Educator: Today I invite you to create your own sun. For work we need paper and cardboard yellow color, scissors, glue, markers. Their creative works We will do it using the technique - applique. To begin, we will cut a circle out of yellow cardboard.

But what is the sun without its rays? We will make the rays using the 3D applique technique using strips of paper. You and I must cut the strips of paper.

Cutting strips.

Now take a strip yellow paper and carefully bend it in half, without pressing the middle, connect its ends to form a droplet, secure the ends with glue.

Children do it on their own this stage work.

Well done. You have learned how to make rays for the sun. Now we need to glue them onto the circle.

But first we'll stretch our fingers

Finger gymnastics “Sun”.

Sunshine, sunshine

Take a walk by the river

(Move the fingers of both hands).

Sunshine, sunshine,

Scatter the rings.

(Quickly clench and unclench their fists).

We'll collect the rings
