How do you get rid of nail fungus. Is it possible to cure nail fungus: effective folk remedies and drugs

How can you cut off the top layer on yellow thick nails - and this will improve appearance? On the contrary - under the top layer there is a completely bumpy crumbling surface, even varnish from above will not help.

I read that there is a domestic analogue of imported tablets from the fungus-Irunin, it is cheaper. And outwardly, Exoderil helped me, smeared a nail, I had it for the first time in my life, I think that I picked it up in the gym, tk. doing yoga barefoot.

I'm trying to heal now

I had a fungus on all my toes and on several fingers. Nothing helped. I was cured only by Irunin.

I, too, was cured with irunin according to the pulse therapy scheme (it is in the instructions), exoderil was dripped onto the cleaned nail and some other antifungal ointment. The nail slowly grew back healthy. and it was such a deep fungus that even the sensitivity on the thumb disappeared.

Thank you Guest ╧ 14 of 01/28/10. Your recipe helped me. It really works, you just have to try. It took 7 months for everything. Before that, she was treated for more than 5 years. Good luck to all.

60. Lena explain, you were treated with tar soap with salt for 7 months?

Tablets Termikon, in a pharmacy 450-500 rubles per pack (14 tablets), one tablet per day for 3-4 months, depending on the degree of fungal infection. I really cured, and all sorts of varnishes, ointments, rubbing - utter nonsense. fungus okromya nail is still in the blood, so only pills. The tablet is absorbed into the blood quickly (2-2.5 hours), so if you drink a tablet in the morning, you can drink a beer in the evening. Yes, I forgot to say that after the course of treatment, my feet stopped sweating at all - I can walk all day in sneakers in the summer and no sweat or smell at all by the evening.

Well, finally I can write about the cure for this ugly disease.

On the toenails, for 2.7 years, picked up in the sauna with a weakened immune system. :(

There is a very effective composition, lamisil tablets, powdered, iodine, acetic acid, dimexide (for better penetration into the nail plate). This tool really helps. People, do not poison yourself with pills! Everything can be cured by external means, without poisoning the body, clogging the liver with all sorts of rubbish!

I read that baths with soda help, iodine, vinegar. So I’m thinking while I’m looking for a doctor, maybe folk ways try?!

Like a bath with soda, and testicles with vinegar never helped anyone, the fungus is treated with long courses of antibiotics while removing the affected nails, treating the feet with appropriate ointments, various baths and disinfecting shoes, carpets, floors, then you need to drink a course of vitamins and strengthen your immunity and it won't work in one go! Good luck!

Ah here is I was have two different doctors mycologists. Two different schemes treatment didn't help. I understand that the infection is walking in the tissues, and I can’t explain why it helped me that, on the advice of one soldier, (and they all got sick with a fungus in the barracks0 rubbed on a grater tar soap mixed half with salt. Even more salt. Then she diluted it with warm water to the state of slurry, applied it to the nails and glued it with adhesive tape. You have to keep it as long as possible. How sad it is not to wash your feet - the fungus loves moisture. I had enough for 3 days, then I washed my feet and re-applied this mixture under the adhesive plaster. In total, I did 6 times - the fungus disappeared. Now my nails are smooth and shiny.

Are you sure that after going through a serious course of treatment, only tar soap with salt helped you? skin. It is not necessary to buy expensive medicines, they always have analogues that are cheaper and no worse in properties. And to maintain the liver, you need to immediately take the medicine at the same time as the treatment, the doctor should have consulted about this.

PART 2: Further, into the resulting gaps, DROP the medicinal product on water based. I will explain why it is better to use an aqueous solution: Basically, the active ingredients of such preparations are water-soluble components (for example, naphthinine hydrochloride) and by applying them at the destination, YOU ensure that the specifically working substance hits the target without unnecessary delaying components. And we must remember that the propylene glycol contained in these preparations is an enhancer, a substance that serves as a conductor? for ingredients from the composition of the product. In cream compositions, along with active substances, emulsifiers, co-emulsifiers and thickeners of various nature are contained. which in some way delay the work delay the work medical composition. As a disinfectant for the treatment of slippers, socks and tights, you can use any means presented in special medical equipment stores for these purposes, or use 70% alcohol or soak in 6% hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine if nothing at all. procedure deep cleaning and removal of the affected tissue should be carried out regularly with preliminary and subsequent careful processing of the instruments used. Otherwise, you will re-infect yourself, as fungal spores are very tenacious. I hope it was useful to you. Your doctor Elena Anatolyevna.

Hello, during pregnancy I was in the hospital, and I picked up a fungus in my soul, went through the rest of the pregnancy, gave birth, and breastfed. Naturally, without touching anything, it did not heal in any way. Now I’m dripping exoderil, it’s been half a year already, it still doesn’t go away! Or very slowly! Tell me what to do next?))

I will try to answer: In your case, it is necessary to remove part of the affected nail before instillation. The fungus is very cunning and tends to build a dense tiled "roof" over itself, which makes the penetration of funds almost impossible. And when instilled UNDER the nail skin and the posterior nail roller, they should first be pushed aside with a sterile instrument and buried in the resulting gap. Don't get your feet wet often. Get rid of thrush, if it exists, and it would be good to smear the surface of the entire foot with a special CREAM, for example, lamisil, etc. Well, I have already written about the rest of the posts above.

By the way, Exoderil is a very good drug. In its true state, it should help. but the trouble is that it comes with only one control and can be massively faked, unfortunately.

I heard about the effective treatment of the fungus on the extremities of the feet - Lamikon tablets, Do the forum participants have any feedback about this drug?

I am not a doctor, but when I was fighting a fungus, I read and studied a lot of things, talked with doctors. the whole reason is that outside the fungus can be defeated by external means, but it will not be completely cured, because it will remain in the blood. so I had to sacrifice a little liver and drink a course of pills, since the liver is restored gradually, but this is already a 100% cure. it is the same as with chirias (boils). you can make lotions, compresses, smear with clearasils and all that, but this trouble is in the blood and besides how this muck cannot be completely removed from the body - nothing external will help

Thank you so much for recommending this tool. It really helps, and quite quickly, effectively, harmlessly, and also very cheaply. After reading about your case, at first I did not believe it, but nevertheless decided to check it out for myself. Although she has already started the treatment prescribed by the doctor: 3 courses of Orungamine, 1 tab. 2 rubles / day, 3 months in a row, 1650 rubles / month, 5000 rubles. for 3, and this is not the most expensive treatment. Moreover, the doctor immediately warned that the pills are very harmful, even a lethal outcome is possible, and in a month it is necessary to take a blood test. In general, I started drinking a course and went to this forum to read what they generally write about treatment with tablets. I read it and got upset. (((But your experience about tar soap and salt interested me very much! I did everything as you wrote: I bought tar soap, it is even sold in Oka! I mixed it with sea ​​salt, diluted with water and applied this slurry, and then sealed it with a tissue-based adhesive plaster (no other corns will keep this slurry on the nails.), In addition, it absorbs excess moisture and salt. True, it was enough for me to wear it for 2 days, then I peeled it off, washed it all off, dried it and applied it again. This method is also good because soap and salt softened thick diseased nails and it was easy to cut off regrown ones. Cutting the dry ones brought me great suffering! Three weeks later, the yellowness and thickening began to subside. Then, the slowly affected nails of the branch were cut off, healthy and pink ones grew in their place, though the rounding of the nails on the index fingers has not yet completely passed, but this takes time. I can only say one thing: my nails are now healthy, pink and not thick. It took the month of May to heal. This method of treatment is simply a miracle, I recommend it to everyone. It took 6 years of suffering to solve this problem in just a month! And I quit the course of pills when I saw the effectiveness of soap with salt. Most importantly, do not give up and you will definitely succeed.

Guest Well, I've been to two different mycologists. Two different treatment regimens did not help. I understand that the infection is walking in the tissues, and I can’t explain why it helped me that, on the advice of one soldier, (and they all got sick with a fungus in the barracks0 rubbed tar on a grater

lo mixed half with salt. Even more salt. Then she diluted it with warm water to the state of slurry, applied it to the nails and glued it with adhesive tape. maybe longer. How sad it is not to wash your feet - the fungus loves moisture. I had enough for 3 days, then I washed my feet and re-applied this mixture under the adhesive plaster. In total, I did 6 times - the fungus disappeared. Now my nails are smooth and shiny.

And after being treated by doctors, she took a total of 10,000 rubles to the pharmacy (pills are very expensive for a course of 3 months, varnishes, ointments) and everything helped a dead thermometer. Only the liver fell off, but the fungus remained. I think that if soap and salt doesn’t hurt the author, then it certainly won’t hurt. But all my girlfriends helped 100 percent. True, one applied this mixture

Maybe someone else will come in who is really cured with something and will help people.

alas, it doesn't work for everyone

Guest Well, I've been to two different mycologists. Two different treatment regimens did not help. I understand that the infection is walking in the tissues, and I can’t explain why it helped me that, on the advice of one soldier, (and they all got sick with a fungus in the barracks, I grated tar soap mixed half with salt. Even more salt. Then I diluted it with warm water to state of slurry applied to the nails and glued with adhesive plaster. Keep it as long as possible. How sad it is not to wash your feet - the fungus loves moisture. I had enough for 3 days, then washed my feet and re-applied this mixture under the adhesive plaster. In total, I did 6 times - the fungus has disappeared.Now the nails are smooth and shiny.

And after being treated by doctors, she took a total of 10,000 rubles to the pharmacy (pills are very expensive for a course of 3 months, varnishes, ointments) and everything helped a dead thermometer. Only the liver fell off, but the fungus remained. I think that if soap and salt doesn’t hurt the author, then it certainly won’t hurt. But all my girlfriends helped 100 percent. True, one applied this mixture

Maybe someone else will come in who is really cured with something and will help people.

From nail fungus-fukortsin and "Kanespor" ointment, smear every time after washing your feet.

I had a terrible fungus. Toenails can be said to be non-existent. Last year I decided to go to the doctor. He prescribed orungal tablets (expensive, about 2 thousand rubles per pack of 14 pcs.), But since there was not much money, I bought an analogue - Irunin, somewhere around 700 rubles. I drank 2 weeks, 1 tablet a day. Then after 2 months another course. A year has passed, the nails have gradually grown back, only one of the most harmful remains, and even then it has almost grown back)))

But the doctor immediately warned that these pills had a strong effect on the liver. I didn't feel any pain or anything though. Yes, and I decided that it is better to be treated once than to suffer all my life from smell, itching. Well, aesthetically, it’s a very ugly sight. In general, there was a fungus for about 13 years, probably.

I had a fungus on my big toe. I was treated for a long time, because at first I tried a bunch folk recipes, which did not give a result, and only after that she went to the doctor. I was prescribed mycosan and hardware nail cleaning. For 2-2.5 months, the nails fully recovered and I didn’t remember the fungus anymore.

I had a nail fungus for about 15 years, for sure, since May I started using exoderil (drops) - it began to pass, but a friend of the pharmacist advised me to drink flucanazole capsules from the fungus 1 capsule once a week. Now it's November - nails are completely healthy! I am still taking the treatment, I need to drink flucanazole for a year, exoderil for half a year, but I will also drip for a year, I am very afraid of a relapse of this infection!

Lamisil helped me, but in combination with ointment + tablets, only in this case, since I used only ointment before, there was no effect. Lapmisil in tablets is harmful to the liver, at the same time you need to drink something for the liver.

I have nail fungus since childhood. Thanks to my grandmother for letting me wear her slippers. Plus, to all the external beauty, the legs sweat, emit a wonderful aroma and itch ..

From sweating and itching, I was helped by a special powder, which I poured into shoes and socks. Called "Sweat and Foot Odor Remedy", GalenoPharm, gray little sachets, sold in a pharmacy. Baths with vinegar and soda also help.

I got rid of keratinized skin on the heels and near the fingers with a razor and pumice stone: once a week I shaved, grinded and smeared with hand cream. This is most effective in the summer when you can wear breathable open shoes.

From beautiful crumbling nails yellow color I got rid of cutting, scraping off the top layer of the nail, then everything grew back.

Of course, all this is not a cure, but the appearance improves significantly and discomfort is minimized.

And now I express my gratitude to the manufacturers of synthetic linings in leather boots .. Again I am struggling with all the delights of an aggravated fungus.

People, I ask for advice or just useful information, I have a nail fungus, it used to be only on my little fingers, today I saw that my nails thumbs began to turn yellow, psychologically I can’t tune in to go to the doctor, I know it’s stupid, but somehow it becomes unpleasant from one thought. I once talked with one doctor, she advised batrafen varnish, it didn’t help, now I’m thinking about how to treat, summer is coming, yes, and it’s disgusting for me, who knows, please tell me, I’ll go to the doctor, but only when I find a good one, thanks in advance for the answers.

Last year, in the summer, I hit my finger, and as a result, about nail bed festered, and then gradually the nail fell off, a new one began to grow. And then I noticed that it was somehow thickened and there was yellowing at the tip. At first I thought that after the injury it was deformed, but then I noticed yellowing and thickening on the other thumb. And over the autumn-winter, more and more and more, and now one corner of the nail began to peel off. In addition, my legs began to smell, although I wash my tights daily and my legs too. I always take care of my feet, often do pedicures, paint my nails and in the summer I love open sandals. but due to a finger injury, while she was treating suppuration, she didn’t go for a pedicure, but only to a surgeon and where she managed to pick up a fungus and, moreover, start it. I'm shocked by myself!

THE PROBLEM IS IMPORTANT AS NEVER. Therefore, I tried to collect more EFFECTIVE MATERIAL on this topic. I advise everyone who is "lucky" to face this problem download the book of Zhanna Vasilievna Stepanova - the country's largest mycologist - it is in the mailing list **, also go to the RADIO RUSSIA website - in the health program section in the Archive you will find programs for recording programs with Elena Malysheva " HEALTH" - for THIS Infectant and Disease. LINK HERE - // //

For me personally, a doctor prescribed a SYSTEMIC TREATMENT for the treatment of nails - RUMIKOS * + Exederil solution - I replaced it with EXODERIL cream with a wrap *- Because I thought it was more economical + TRAVOCORT CREAM // + Mikostop / FURTHER I have already finalized PULSE - CAM Therapy - Baths + SPECIAL DIET - also not superfluous to follow // FOR SHOE DISINFECTION - UPOO "Timson" is sold in pharmacies ** and nete, + soaking of all socks, things. special pesticides. Until the treatment has begun in full - I SHARE ONLY PLANS, WHAT I KNOW **

If funds allow - go to the capital - there is some kind of mycological center where the DNA of the Anthropophile-causative agent is isolated and, according to it, certain most effective drugs are prescribed according to the degree of resistance * Information found on -

whipped soap and salt and a little water in a blender according to your recipe, smeared it for three weeks, wrapped it with adhesive tape, salt swelled one finger and burned the skin around the nail, the fungus did not disappear, but spread even more (((not a single ointment helps, before that, I cured the fungus with pills - I drank them for half a year, every two weeks I had to go to give blood for chemistry (tests) I suffered, but cured it, but for a short time almost immediately picked it up again. heh..nya!

I bought all known and unknown ointments, varnishes, drops, powders for more than tens of thousands of rubles. (

I have been struggling with this order for 8 years, but to this day nothing has helped. I took oral antifungal drugs even worse, I don’t know, please help.

Fungus is generally very difficult to cure. I had such an experience - a nail affected by a fungus was reduced with the help of nailtimycin cream. In the clinic, such nails are generally removed, and this procedure is painful, not only physically, but also morally difficult.

I agree with you, I'm already suffering with him not the first time. At what the first time 2 months treated with all sorts of folk remedies. Now it has reappeared. Where can I buy this nailtimycin?

There is nogtimycin in the pharmacy, she took it herself in the nearest, most ordinary one near the house. I think it will not be difficult to find him, the main thing is to help!)

I really hope so, to be honest. Somehow I don't want to surgically fight. Is he expensive at all?

Inexpensive nailtimycin, when I bought it cost something about 130 rubles.

Ageris has such a team of specialists for about 16 years in this market. I think you should try your hand there.

Lamisil tablets every day for a year did not help. I smeared it with a cheap obsolete (as I was told) ointment, I’m not sure what’s right - Liniment Grizewulfina, sounding like, only this helped. Sore nails were removed not surgically, but with another equally outdated mask - Nogtivit. I found it in a small village by chance, I talked with my grandmother - she advised. I couldn't find it anywhere in Moscow, everyone was unanimously offering expensive drugs.

the fungus is difficult to cure, complex treatment is necessary: ​​internal and external, because. mushrooms live everywhere. For outdoor, I recommend a proven method: Indian onions. Rub every day 2-3 times a day the juice of the birdman (as it is called) into the nails and under the nails, as well as the soles of the feet and between the fingers. One day you will notice that the nails are no longer yellow, they gradually began to level out. The treatment is long, but worth it. And inside, use, for example, fluconazole or others, which the doctor will prescribe.

Fingernails grow at a rate of 1 mm per month. On the legs, almost two times slower. With successful treatment, they can be restored throughout the year. Provided that the procedure is carefully followed. For more speedy recovery nothing to hope for. If that suits you, please get in touch.

Can you give more details about your prescription, proportions, how to mix and duration of treatment. thank you in advance

I was treated with a similar composition, 6 months - and everything is fine. 10 years without recurrence.

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Fungus on feet infection, which is caused by pathogenic microorganisms localized on the skin, in the interdigital spaces and nail plates. It brings tangible discomfort and provokes serious complications. Let us consider in more detail how to treat a fungus on the legs in order to prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form and exclude relapses.

Causes and symptoms

The disease is caused by spores of Trichophyton rubrum and other yeasts and molds.. Under favorable conditions, they multiply rapidly, rapidly worsening the condition of the legs.

Doctors identify several factors that contribute to the development of pathogenic microflora:

  • weakened immunity;
  • excessive sweating of the feet;
  • shoes that do not fit;
  • corns, calluses, scratches on the legs;
  • chronic infectious and endocrine diseases;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • wearing shoes made of artificial materials that do not allow air to pass through;
  • flat feet.

Children are more susceptible to mycotic infection. Their immunity is not yet sufficiently formed, the skin on the legs is too thin, so the fungi easily penetrate the body and begin to multiply.

When the skin of the legs is infected, they quickly appear unpleasant symptoms. Most often, primary infection occurs in the interdigital spaces, gradually spreading to the foot. Many pathogens also affect the nail plates, causing the development of onychomycosis - nail fungus.

Pathology has several stages, which are characterized by certain signs.

The neglected form of the disease leads to the fact that a rash appears between the fingers and on the feet. Small dense bubbles often merge with each other. When they burst, weeping wounds remain in their place, which are very itchy.

Ways of infection

Fungal spores remain viable for a long time environment, so it is easy to contract the disease in the most unexpected places. But the most favorable conditions for their development are warm and high humidity. Due to this, people who visit:

  • pools;
  • baths;
  • saunas;
  • fitness centers;
  • beaches.

The fungus can be on any thing that is there, even if regular disinfection is carried out. Therefore, in such places it is necessary to avoid objects of common use and be sure to take a change of shoes with you.

Soldiers are under threat. Most often, soldiers in the army wear uncomfortable shoes that does not allow air to pass through. Because of this, the legs sweat, microtraumas appear, into which the fungus penetrates.

There are two types of infection. The first is a direct route through direct contact with the infectious agent while communicating with a sick person, caring for an animal, while walking barefoot on the ground and sand. The second - an indirect way leads to infection through objects belonging to infected people or pets.


In order for the treatment of the fungus to be successful, a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. The specialist will conduct a visual inspection, carefully examining the lesions.

For the correct diagnosis, it is important to tell the doctor about all anxiety symptoms and report on previously transferred mycoses and other diseases.

To accurately determine the presence of infection and the type of pathogen, the doctor must take blood, scraping a nail or skin for analysis. Laboratory tests should be carried out in without fail. There are more than 500 types of fungi that have a different threshold of drug resistance and require different treatment tactics.

The hospital should be contacted for any changes in the condition of the skin. Even slight peeling and itching between the fingers cannot be ignored. Otherwise, the disease will affect the foot, nails, and it will be more difficult to cure it.


Fungus on the feet integrated approach. The intensity of treatment depends on the type of infection and the extent of damage to the skin and nails.

The therapy includes medical preparations for indoor, outdoor use and meticulous hygiene. As an auxiliary method, the use of recipes is suitable. traditional medicine.


The treatment regimen should be prescribed by a doctor based on the clinical picture of the patient. For the treatment of adults, medicines in capsules or tablets, antifungal creams and ointments are used. Methods of struggle are aimed at eliminating pathological microorganisms and healing the skin. Medication should not be stopped until complete recovery.


Productive treatment of the fungus provide creams. They have a light texture and are quickly absorbed. When choosing a remedy, you need to take into account contraindications for use and follow the recommendations of a specialist.

The cream should be applied regularly, after thoroughly washing the skin with laundry soap and drying it.

Good results provide:


The choice of antifungal ointments is very wide. Before starting treatment should be excluded allergic reaction and others side effects. To remove the fungus, doctors recommend:

If fungal infection stop is complicated by a secondary infection and other means do not bring the expected result, the dermatologist prescribes ointments based on glucocorticosteroids.

Medicines quickly relieve inflammation and stop the disease at any stage, but have many contraindications. They must be taken strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding the dosage. Such ointments include Mikozolon, Triderm.

An effective remedy to remove all signs of fungus is salicylic ointment. It is a simple and inexpensive drug that can be used in two ways:

  • treat the affected area 3 times a day;
  • Before going to bed, apply the product under the bandage and leave overnight.

After compresses, the skin can be very flaky and peel off. It is easy to get rid of such manifestations soda baths(1 tablespoon of soda per 1 liter hot water). The procedure must be done every other day throughout the treatment.


To enhance the effectiveness of therapy, the use of external agents is often combined with internal medication. Tablets can greatly affect the body as a whole, so they should not be taken uncontrollably.

  1. Fluconazole. The drug belongs to the group of azoles and quickly stops the progression of the infection. The course of therapy lasts up to 4 weeks. In advanced cases, it can be extended for another 2 weeks.
  2. Lamisil. Tablets disrupt the metabolism of fungi and lead to their death. Long-term use of the drug can cause problems with stools, abdominal pain, lack of appetite. The duration of treatment is about 2 months. The product should not be used when chronic diseases liver and kidneys.
  3. Terbinafine-MFF. The drug belongs to the group of allylamines, which destroys fungi at the genetic level. Tablets well get rid of most pathogens and promote skin regeneration.

The list of antifungal drugs is varied. A dermatologist may recommend Ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Natamycin. The rules of admission are established by the doctor. You must strictly follow his instructions.

Folk remedies

You can achieve a faster recovery by using folk methods as an additional therapy. To get rid of mycosis of the feet, apply:

  • warm baths;
  • home ointments;
  • compresses;
  • lotions from medicinal herbs.

Before treatment, it is important to make sure that there is no individual intolerance to the components of folk recipes.

Ointments for fungus

Homemade ointments help to overcome the pathogenic flora.

Compresses and masks


Herbal rinses and lotions

Many medicinal herbs have a pronounced antifungal effect. For the treatment of mycosis of the feet, it is useful to use a healing collection.

You will need:

  • calendula flowers;
  • oak bark;
  • dried blackberries;
  • verbena grass.

Components must be mixed in the same proportion. Select 3 tablespoons of the collection, pour 500 ml of water and put in a water bath. Simmer for 20 minutes, cool and pass through the filter. Herbal decoction you need to wash the feet and toes 2-3 times a day and make lotions on the affected areas for half an hour.

Alcohol tincture of propolis helps fight the disease. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Moisten gauze in the liquid and apply to the feet for 30 minutes or wipe the affected areas with a cotton swab 3 times a day.


Stop fungus - insidious disease requiring serious treatment. To reduce the likelihood of infection, competent prevention is necessary. It is recommended to follow simple rules:

  • avoid high humidity;
  • do not try on someone else's shoes;
  • observe foot hygiene.

It is important to control sweating. To do this, you can use ordinary talc. In order for the skin to be healthy and not cracked, you need to regularly lubricate it with a moisturizer and make soda baths once a week.

In the process of treatment, bed linen should be boiled, socks should be changed daily and washed thoroughly in hot water. Manicure accessories needs to be disinfected regularly. To prevent re-infection, it is necessary to treat the inside of the shoe with table vinegar or rubbing alcohol.

In the human body, fungi cause diseases of varying severity, which are collectively called mycoses. Skin, nails, internal organs. Treatment is selected depending on the location of the disease and the type of pathogenic microflora.

Some types of fungi live in the human body as part of a healthy microflora. Such microorganisms are classified as opportunistic pathogens. Under favorable conditions, for example, with a decrease in immunity or during an exacerbation of certain diseases, they begin to actively multiply, attacking the body and causing various infections. Pathogenic fungi infect internal organs, skin, hair, causing serious harm to health.

Conventionally, all types of pathogens of mycosis are divided into several groups:

  • yeast;
  • moldy;
  • dimorphic.

Being in the body, fungi live in balance with the microflora, so they do not cause concern. The balance can be disturbed due to a decrease in immunity. Various unfavorable factors can contribute to this:

  • illness;
  • pregnancy;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • age-related changes;
  • taking alcohol and drugs;
  • severe stress.


Mycosis is a disease that develops due to the uncontrolled growth of pathogenic microorganisms. To protect yourself from infection, you need to understand the causes of the disease.

In the first place is the body's immunodeficiency. Weakening protective functions organism can occur due to various factors:

  • severe diseases that debilitate the defense system - AIDS, tuberculosis;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • the use of a local antiseptic that kills the natural microflora of the mucous membranes.

The second position is occupied by a high content of glucose. Blood with increased performance Sugar is a beneficial nutrient medium for the active reproduction of microorganisms. Sweet lovers are often prone to fungal infections. They also affect people with diabetes and disorders in the endocrine system.

Other reasons for the development of pathogenic microflora include:

  • failure of the hormonal background;
  • damage to the mucous membranes;
  • caries;
  • environment.

Along with listed reasons diseases, one should pay tribute to psychosomatics. It has been proven that frequent nervous shocks, stress, depression are sources of weakening of the immune system. The result of this may be the addition of a fungal infection.

Possible routes of infection

Fungal infection occurs different ways. Extreme care must be taken to avoid unpleasant consequences and long-term treatment.

In medicine, there is a classification of ways of infection with mycosis:

  • Alimentary. The fungus enters the body with food. Children are most often affected, an example of this is the thrush of the oral cavity in childhood up to a year. In advanced cases, microorganisms penetrate deeper into the digestive system;
  • Air. Fungal spores are capable of long time survive in the environment in anticipation of a favorable environment for reproduction. So spores are carried with dust over long distances and penetrate the human body by inhalation;
  • Contact. Transmission from a sick person to a healthy person is carried out through touch. The presence of injured skin is considered the entrance gate for the penetration of microorganisms;
  • Sexual. During unprotected sexual contact, fungi penetrate the mucous membranes and begin to multiply actively.

The first signs of the disease

In order not to start the disease, you should be aware of the initial symptoms of damage to the body by fungi. People often miss the first signs, after which the infection progresses and is less treatable.

Symptoms of damage differ based on the localization of microorganisms. Allocate surface infection (on the skin, mucous membranes, nails, hair) and systemic - damage to internal organs.

Symptoms of superficial mycosis:

  • discoloration of the skin, peeling;
  • growth retardation or hair loss;
  • thickness changes nail plate;
  • itching, burning.

Symptoms of internal infection:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, colic;
  • allergic rash;
  • frequent diseases of the ENT organs - sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • cystitis;
  • loss of appetite;
  • chronic fatigue, apathy.

On early stages it is possible to suspect the presence of an infection by the emerging diaper rash on the skin in the groin, armpits, and chest. Nails begin to exfoliate, turn yellow, thicken or become thinner. The mucous membrane of the mouth is covered with a dense white coating.

If untreated, the disease begins to manifest more severe symptoms:

  • persistent cough that is not amenable to medical treatment;
  • disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • development of acute renal failure;
  • fever.

Signs of foot fungus

Epidermophytosis - scientific name foot mycosis. Men are more likely to be affected due to wearing closed shoes.

Symptoms of the disease largely depend on the type of epidermophytosis:

  • Hyperkeratotic. It is characterized by peeling and itching of the foot, between the fingers;
  • Vesicular. It is considered the most severe form of the fungus, contributes to the occurrence of eczema. Watery blisters appear on the lateral surface of the foot, which spread to the skin between the toes;
  • Intertriginous. Outwardly similar to diaper rash. At the first stages, maceration of the horny layers of the skin occurs. Later, bubbles form, the top layer of the skin swells and begins to flake off;
  • Onychomycosis. The affected nail takes on an aged appearance, turns yellow. It begins to exfoliate, deform, break, cause discomfort when walking;
  • Candidal. The area between the toes is affected. Wet cracks with a whitish edging, burning, itching appear.

A healthy person becomes infected directly by contact with the affected skin of a sick person or infected objects in public places Oh. In showers, pools, public baths, extreme caution should always be exercised. IN nail salons You need to monitor the quality of tool processing.

Signs of nail fungus

Onychomycosis affects the nails on the hands and feet. First, an eczema-like rash appears, later the infection reaches the nail. A person experiences constant itching, burning. Nails change color - turn yellow, turn white, look loose, exfoliate and fall off. If treatment is not started on time, it may develop chronic form, from which it is difficult to get rid of throughout life.

Throat lesion

Pharyngomycosis is caused by yeast fungi, in rare cases molds.

Main features:

  • pain sensations;
  • dryness, perspiration;
  • the occurrence of wounds in the corners of the lips;
  • whitish bloom;
  • cervical, submandibular lymph nodes increase.

Signs of oral candidiasis

Infection occurs with a decrease in immunity during pregnancy, with diabetes taking hormonal drugs. The fungus irritates the oral mucosa, causing inflammation.


  • acidity increases;
  • mucosa is edematous, hyperemic, dryness is observed;
  • curdled plaque;
  • tongue, gums, cheeks are covered with ulcers;
  • gums begin to bleed;
  • Strong smell;
  • pain when eating.

Signs of intestinal damage

During meals, spores enter the digestive system in search of a favorable environment. The disease is promoted by reduced immune functions, the use of alcohol, junk food.

It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • constant swelling, pain in the abdomen;
  • the appearance of heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • dysbacteriosis joins due to pathological processes of decay and fermentation in the intestine;
  • watery stools with mucus present;
  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • general weakness, complicated by headaches.

Symptoms of otomycosis

Ear fungus is very easy to get. It is enough to visit the pool, borrow someone else's towel, headphones. Contribute to infection hormonal preparations and antibiotics used without medical supervision. They weaken the protective function of the body, and the pathogen begins to flourish.


  • unnatural discharge from the ear canal: yellow, brown;
  • pain during swallowing;
  • bouts of burning or itching in the ear;
  • swelling of the passage, feeling of a foreign object;
  • hearing is reduced;
  • formation of sulfur crusts.

The first signs of mycosis of the eyes

This rare disease leads to irreversible consequences - blindness. The causative agent affects the mucous membrane of the eye, eyelid, lacrimal sac, eyeball. The disease progresses at a high rate, so it is important to recognize it on early stages.

With mycosis of the eye, a person experiences:

  • itching and burning eyes;
  • discharge with purulent contents;
  • constant tearing;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • blurred vision;
  • eyelid seal.

Signs of a fungus in the female body

Thrush in women is a common disease that brings a lot of trouble. If left untreated, it is possible dangerous consequences- abortion, childbirth ahead of time. The disease can be transmitted sexually from a partner.


  • burning and itching in the genital tract;
  • cheesy discharge with a sour smell from the vagina;
  • swelling of the labia;
  • pain during intimacy.

Signs of infection in the male body

Men suffer from a fungal infection much less often than women. This is due to the physiological structure of the body. Often the disease is asymptomatic.

The man experiences:

  • itching of the glans penis;
  • feeling of discomfort during intercourse;
  • redness and swelling of the foreskin;
  • whitish bloom.

Treatment of mycoses

Treating fungus can be difficult. The scheme of drug treatment largely depends on the location of the pathogen. An important role is played by the degree of neglect, general state patient's health.

With severely reduced immunity, death is possible. This happens rarely, in cases of severe diseases associated with immune disorders - AIDS, oncology.

For localized lesions of the skin, topical preparations are used - shampoos, aerosols, ointments, creams.

With a disease covering a large area of ​​localization, complex treatment is required. Together with local funds assigned systemic therapy. The course of antifungal agents for oral administration is prescribed by the doctor individually, depending on the degree of damage. It usually lasts 4-6 weeks.

For more effective treatment joint therapy with pharmacological and folk remedies is prescribed.

Treatment of mycosis of nails

Fungal nail infection is best treated with early stage development. Having noticed the first signs of a fungal infection of the nail platinum - yellowing, loss of gloss, lamination, immediately consult a dermatologist. Advanced cases are extremely difficult to treat.

An untimely visit to a doctor leads to the fact that black, brown spots appear on the nail, it begins to crumble and disappears. To remove the infection, you will need long-term treatment.

Running cases are treated with a complex of external and internal means. Tablets are prescribed by a doctor, based on the patient's condition. They have a high toxicity factor, so you should strictly follow the instructions for use.

The fight against onychomycosis includes:

  • taking pills prescribed by a doctor;
  • grinding of the nail plate for better penetration of the external drug;
  • the use of a local antifungal agent - ointments, creams, sprays;
  • taking a vitamin complex to increase the natural protective functions of the body.

To cure Hard case mycosis sometimes resort to laser removal or grinding. The laser penetrates deep to the location of the pathogen and kills it. In addition to traditional medicine often used folk remedies.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has high antiseptic properties, helps to slow down the growth of microorganisms.

How to use peroxide:

  1. Make a steam bath, then remove the affected areas as much as possible;
  2. Soak a piece of gauze with peroxide and wrap the affected nail with it;
  3. Top with a plastic bag and tie with a bandage;
  4. Withstand 40 minutes;
  5. The procedure should be carried out twice a day until complete healing.

Iodine treatment

Iodine solution is known for its antiseptic properties. It is often used for the purpose of prevention, applying to the surface of the nails according to the following scheme:

  • before going to bed, you should steam your nails well;
  • apply iodine to the nail plate, grabbing the skin around;
  • after complete absorption, you can go to bed.

Tea tree celandine

A mixture of oils helps fight fungus well tea tree and celandine. To make a compress, they are mixed in equal proportions and applied overnight. Before the procedure, the nail must be steamed and wiped with hydrogen peroxide. The duration of treatment is about 3 weeks.

Foot fungus treatment

Timely detected fungal infection allows you to quickly cure the disease. Traditional medicine knows a lot of drugs that kill the pathogen and reduce the manifestations of the disease.

The most commonly used compresses are hydrogen peroxide. The agent is applied to the gauze and applied to the affected area. After 20 minutes, the compress is removed. A similar procedure should be carried out daily 2 times a day. The course lasts at least a week.

Celandine extract is a toxic substance. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor.

Baking soda also helps fight the fungus. Steaming baths, applications are made with it.

Laundry soap is used to treat the feet. It well cleanses the surface of the epidermis from the waste products of the pathogen that irritate the skin.

Treatment of ringworm

A common disease is mycosis of the skin. The classification of fungal infections includes several types that affect the epidermis. The causative agent is transmitted by contact through contact with clothing, shoes, household items of a sick person.

Medicines act on the fungus of the skin, stopping its growth and development. Together with immuno-strengthening therapy, antimycotic agents quickly help get rid of the problem.

To enhance the effect of treatment pharmaceutical preparations funds are used alternative medicine from herbal ingredients:

  • Garlic ointment helps prevent the spread of infection. It is made with fresh garlic and butter. Daily use ointment on problem areas of the skin removes the symptoms of the disease in 1-2 weeks;
  • In the treatment of scalp fungus, oregano oil is often used. The head is washed with shampoo with the addition of an extract. This helps to get rid of peeling and itching.

Treatment of a fungal blood infection

In cases of reduced immunity, the fungus can settle in circulatory system. To identify it, you need to pass tests, undergo an examination. The most dangerous fungal diseases of the blood are that they are difficult to treat, constantly provoke infection of various organs.

An important role in the treatment is the stabilization of immunity. Doctors prescribe immunomodulatory drugs, antifungal agents, antibiotics, vitamins. In addition to medical treatment, the patient must adhere to strict diet low in glucose.

Treatment should take place under the constant supervision of doctors. The fungus may be immune to some type of drug. Only a specialist can see the ineffectiveness of therapy in time and review it.

Treatment of fungus in women

Most often, women are prone to candidiasis (thrush). Its treatment consists of several stages:

  1. Antifungal drugs. Fluconazole-based tablets and local remedies are prescribed - ointments, suppositories;
  2. Probiotics. To restore the natural microflora, it is necessary to use internal and vaginal probiotics;
  3. Rebalancing pH. To finally get rid of the unpleasant consequences of candidiasis, you should put in order the acid-base balance.

At the last stage, traditional medicine recipes are often used. Douching with decoctions of chamomile, calendula allows you to remove inflammation, irritation from the vaginal mucosa.

Treatment of mycoses in men

An important role in the treatment of fungal infection in men is occupied by joint treatment with a sexual partner. The doctor prescribes both topical antifungal agents - ointments, creams, suppositories.

In cases of relapse, a tablet form of drugs is also prescribed. Recurrent infections indicate a decrease in immunity. Together with antifungal therapy, immunostimulating therapy is prescribed. During treatment, the patient must adhere to a low-glucose diet in order not to provide additional nutrient medium to the pathogen.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure.

Prevention of mycoses is very simple:

  • you can not use other people's things - towels, combs, slippers, household items;
  • in swimming pools, baths, saunas, the use of personal changeable shoes is mandatory;
  • keeping healthy lifestyle life, proper nutrition;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • during antibiotic therapy vitamin complexes, preparations with bifidobacteria;
  • combating excessive sweating of the feet.

Fungal diseases are quite common, and to avoid infection, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene. When the first signs of mycosis appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination and effective treatment.

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The causative agent of fungal diseases of the human body are pathogenic forms of fungi. There are about 200 types of harmful strains. They cause damage to the skin, nails, mucous membranes, organs and systems. favorable conditions- heat and moisture - contribute to the active growth and reproduction of the fungus in the human body.

Modern medicine and pharmacology can answer the question of how to treat a fungus. Antimycotic agents effectively fight the causative agent of the disease, reduce the manifestations of symptoms.

Features of the choice of a drug

Preparations for the treatment of mycosis are available in the form of:

  • tablets,
  • ointments,
  • creams,
  • aerosols,
  • candles,
  • solution,
  • sera.

They are produced on the basis of natural or synthetic raw materials. Their action is most effective when the causative agent of the disease is known.

Important. Since even the best fungal remedies are toxic to the liver, self-medication is unacceptable. Only a doctor prescribes therapy, according to the type of microorganism, the degree of mycosis damage and the state of the human body.

Local remedies for the treatment of fungus

Ointments and creams are prescribed at the initial stage of the disease. Their action is based on the accumulation in the layers of the epidermis of substances that act detrimentally on the mycelium. They have fungicidal and fungistatic properties. This:

  1. Exoderil. The active substance is naftifine. Available in the form of a solution and cream. Effective in the treatment of skin and nail fungus. Possesses triple action- antimycotic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.
  2. Zalain. The active compound is sertaconazole. It is prescribed for fungal lesions of the foot, nail plates, mucous membranes in patients over 12 years of age. It does not penetrate into the bloodstream, therefore it is used in the treatment of fungus in pregnant women.
  3. Clotrimazole with the active ingredient of the same name. Release form - cream in tubes, ointment, suppositories, vaginal tablets. The agent inhibits the growth of fungi, a high concentration leads to their death. It is used to treat diseases of the skin of the feet, folds, brushes, mucous membranes and the external ear.
  4. Griseofulvin with the same active ingredient. Suspension, ointment and balm for rubbing help to cure the fungus of the skin of the feet, nails and scalp. Do not use during pregnancy, lactation, liver and kidney diseases.
  5. Terbinafine. Available in the form of a cream, spray, ointment and solution. An effective remedy for the fungus of the skin, nails and head, candidiasis. The active substance - terbinafine is part of many antifungal drugs - Lamisil dermgel, Thermicon, Mikonorm and others.
  6. Econazole. The agent has an antifungal and antibacterial effect. The active substance is econazole nitrate. Produced in the form of cream, gel, suppositories, lotion, solution. It is used to treat mycoses of the skin, head, nails, pityriasis versicolor, vaginal candidiasis, otitis externa. It has age restrictions - from 16 years.
  7. Antifungal nail polishes Lotseril, Oflomelid, Batrafen, Lamisil. It is used as an independent remedy, and in combination with other methods of treatment. Their action is based on the suppression of the growth of fungi in the thickness of the nail, the destruction of spores. The film that forms on the surface of the nail plate prevents the access of oxygen. Contraindications - intolerance, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

External agents are applied to the site affected by the fungus, previously cleaned and dried (except for vaginal suppositories and creams), up to three times a day. The course of treatment is from 2-3 weeks to several months.

Oral fungus treatments

Even the most effective external preparations are powerless with running form fungus or systemic lesions of the human body. cure chronic fungal infections medicines in tablets and capsules taken orally will help.

These are broad spectrum drugs:

  • Orungal, Orunit, Irunin based on itrocoansol. Active against many types of pathogenic fungi. Inhibit the synthesis of fungal cells. Quickly accumulate in the skin and internal organs.
  • Fluconazole, Diflucan, Flucostat with the active substance - fluconazole. Heal different kinds candidiasis, dermatomycosis, systemic deep mycoses, onychomycosis of nails. The agent penetrates into all body fluids and accumulates in keratinized cells.
  • Mycozoral, Fungavis, Oronazole with active ketoconazole. Effective at deep lesions, large surface area, chronic course of the disease. Cure dermatophytosis, lichen, candidiasis and systemic fungal infections.

Important. Oral drugs are taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Dosage and regimens are indicated in the instructions. Along with the effectiveness of drugs have contraindications and side effects, so self-medication is strictly prohibited. The course of treatment is from 7 days to several weeks.

Folk remedies for the treatment of fungus

Traditional medicine offers remedies for fungal infections of the foot, nails, thrush caused by the microorganism Candida, depriving. Mycelium dies due to the activity of plant phytoncides. Oil blends stop the supply of oxygen to diseased tissues. Acidic or alkaline solutions change the acid-base reaction of the skin and mucous membranes, destroying many forms of mycoses.

The use of home remedies to fight the fungus is acceptable in the initial stage of the disease, with small lesions. In all other cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary. Comprehensive treatment with medications will bring faster and effective result. From folk remedies, they have proven themselves well:

  1. Foot baths. To clean and soften the skin of the legs and hands, baths with soda, salt, vinegar, and celandine decoction help well. Dissolve a small amount of the ingredient in warm water, immerse the limb for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, dry, apply to diseased areas healing cream, varnish or ointment.
  2. Compresses. The mixture is made up of vinegar, onion or garlic gruel, lemon and emollient oils. Corrosive substances, penetrating the skin, destroy the fungus. The mass is applied to the affected area for 10-15 minutes. In order not to call chemical burn, do not exceed the procedure time. Soothing compresses made from potato skins or kombucha can be left overnight.
  3. Rubbings and lotions. Apply aqueous solutions of potassium permanganate, juices of celandine and calendula, vinegar, iodine, hydrogen peroxide. Substances well disinfect and clean infected areas of the skin and nails.
  4. Ointments. The basis for them are glycerin, eucalyptus oil. The active ingredient is introduced - vinegar, essential oils tea tree, lavender, clove. The mixture is rubbed on sore spots. The product disinfects, relieves irritation, fatigue.
  5. Ointment based on birch tar has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. It is used for external treatment of fungus. Not indicated for pregnant women and people prone to allergies.
  6. Tampons and douches. Fungal diseases of the vagina are treated with douching decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort. Use solutions of hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, soda. In the form of tampons, oils of sea buckthorn, tea tree, decoctions of oak bark, chamomile are used. Before the procedures, you need to consult a doctor.

Treatment of the fungus with a laser

Laser removal of the fungus is used when other means are ineffective or there are contraindications to their appointment. The mycelium dies in the thickness of the skin or nail from high (up to 50 °) temperatures or lack of nutrition, since the laser coagulates the vessels.

The treatment is carried out in several procedures without anesthesia. Well tolerated by patients, does not cause discomfort. Sometimes combined with medication. Recovery occurs in 100% of cases.


Fungal diseases respond well to medical treatment. Modern drugs combine high efficiency with minimal harm to the body. A small infection with fungi is cured by folk remedies after consulting a doctor.

Fungus is an unpleasant infectious disease. There are many reasons for its appearance, but the main one is a weakened immune system. The initial stages of this disease can be treated with folk remedies.

It should be remembered that reviews of people are devoted to the treatment of nail fungus, but you should only read them, and the decision to use medicinal product or a folk remedy is accepted, nevertheless, by the attending physician. This article contains reviews of doctors about the treatment of fungus, as well as patients who have cured nail fungus.

How to cure a fungus, reviews

Andrey: - I picked up a fungus in a common bath. Since then I have stopped going there. Mazal different creams and used folk remedies. But nothing helped. I advise you not to waste your money. After all, it is difficult to get rid of fungi under the nails. At first, everything may pass, but the fungal pores will remain under the skin. Even the doctor said that ointments do not give the desired effect and help only in the early stages. Not bad helps "Canison".

Nikita: - From my own experience, I was convinced that the fungus is very difficult to treat. Better to see a dermatologist private clinic. In any case, testing will be required immediately. After that, the doctor prescribes treatment. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to get the effect of fighting the fungus.

Basil: “I've had a fungus for twenty years. It can be cured on the pulp. All you have to do is change your shoes. It is likely that reviews about the treatment of fungus with varnish or special ointments are left by advertising agents. Since it is difficult to meet a person who has cured his nails in one or two courses. Ten years ago, a doctor recommended Orungan. This remedy is available in the form of tablets.

Please note that such pills adversely affect the liver and are expensive. So I drank only one course, not three. But managed to cure the nails on the little fingers. I could not continue therapy due to circumstances. As a result, the fungus remained on the thumbs. The effect was noticed when the nails began to grow back. As a result, the fungus remained only on the thumbs after using the medication.

Today I can not take pills because of a diseased liver. In addition, they are expensive. Ten years ago, these pills cost $100. I carefully file my nails, and cover them with Batrafen. As a result, the fungus no longer grows. Periodically, the skin itches. In this case, I smear it with Clotrimazole. This the best remedy, which can be recommended to those who are thinking how to cure the fungus.

Olga: Alcohol tincture propolis helps to cure the fungus in 2 sessions. Just wet cotton pad and make a compress for the night. As a result, the skin will begin to peel off, but the fungus will disappear, and the nails will become stronger. It can be said that this remedy treats nail fungus well.

Ram: - In the process of treatment, it is important not to pick up the fungus again. Today on the Internet you can find a lot of useful tips on how to process shoes. It just doesn't help. Recently, a friend bought the Mykostop tool. As stated in the instructions, he processed the shoes. It turned out to be a scam. So he bought Mikostop in vain and poured it into his shoes. A few months later the fungus reappeared. Therefore, I can safely say that you can get rid of fungi by throwing away your shoes. After all, the processing of the inner surface is impossible without damage. Be sure to treat the nail plate.

Strizhen: - From my own experience, I was convinced that anti-fungal pills do not help. After all, it was possible to cure the fungus on the thumbs without pills. As a result, the nail plate fell off half. How to cure nail fungus the following means: Steam your nails and cut off the damaged part as much as possible. Next, cut the surface and smear the nail with Barizon. Apply the product according to the instructions. Don't forget to throw away your socks and slippers. Treat shoes by putting cotton wool soaked in vinegar inside the shoes, place them in a bag for a day.

Nata: - To cure the fungus that passed to the nails, she anointed him with "Fukortsin". Previously, this remedy was called "Costelanin". This drug works well, but it is poisonous. If you accidentally drop something on something, you will have to throw the thing away. Rub this tool on the nail plates regularly several times a day. After anointing the fungus with cream, put a plastic bag on top. The treatment of nail fungus should be approached responsibly.

Sergey: - It was possible to cure the fungus with the help of Lamisil cream. It contains the active ingredient terbinafine. Thanks to him, it was possible to cure the fungus on my legs that had been bothering me for 20 years. Now the nails look good. I wish good luck to everyone who is being treated for this disease.

Rimma: - My husband managed to completely cure the fungus that appeared in him after the army. To do this, he drank expensive potent drugs. However, he managed to recover after he got rich. After all, cheap Lamisil did not help at all. With his help, it was impossible to cure the disease.

Valeria: “Recently I started to have an ingrown toenail on my right foot. Everything healed after half of it was removed. After 14 days, the same thing happened on the left leg. As a result, the plate had to be completely removed. After 3 months, I noticed that the nail on my left foot had grown back. I had to remove it again. The doctor advised Triderm capsules. But such treatment did not give results. Advise, please, something!

Natalia:- After an unsuccessful manicure, I picked up a fungus. As a result, 4 nail plates fell off by half. Since she was breastfeeding a child, she did not go to the doctor. Having typed a little tea tree oil into the syringe, poured it under the nails for the night. It hurt at first. But then it started to help. The nails have grown.

And I: « Nails" - excellent tool. With it, you can easily get rid of the fungus. She also smeared her nails with Terbifin. This ointment is cheaper than Lamisil. Yes, and the composition is not different. Saw "Exifin". Prior to that, she suffered from a fungus for 20 years.

Silantieva: Tried unsuccessfully to get rid of nail fungus. But I realized that you should not choose cheap means. After all, lemon and vinegar will only burn the skin. The fungus does not feel them at all. So don't be fooled by such things. Only Nailexpert helped. After using vinegar, I had to treat neurodermatitis.

D.Ch.: - I managed to completely get rid of the fungus of the nail of the thumb with the help of ordinary vinegar essence. Before that, I had to try many means. Infected with a fungus in the pool. As a result, the nails turned white, they could not be cured for seven years. Thanks to my mom for suggesting using vinegar. At first, I smeared it daily after washing my feet.

The main thing is to do it carefully, without touching the skin. Convenient to use cotton swab. After waiting a bit, you may notice that a healthy nail has grown. When you notice improvement, reduce the frequency of application of the procedure. Treatments are required.

D.Ch.: - After the army, he suffered from nail fungus on both fingers. But pills and ointments did not help. This muck was cured with the help of vinegar. First, after taking a bath, he carefully cut off the nail plate with a razor. When everything was dry, I sharpened everything with a file as much as possible. I poured some vinegar into a small jar and diluted it with water. It was possible to select the required concentration by dipping fingers into the solution. I kept my fingers in it for an hour. As a result, the fungus was cured in a year.

Natalie: - People who use Nogtivit, please tell me if it is dangerous for this product to come into contact with the skin. Before that, I used the Mikospor nail kit. It has a different composition compared to Nogtivit. This tool is expensive, but it perfectly softens nails that have to be cut with scissors. So we managed to do without the scraper included in the kit. When the cream got on the skin, there were no burning reactions. Therefore, she generously applied the cream to the nail and sealed it with a band-aid. The course was carried out for two weeks. Further, clean nails grew. Only two years later the fungus reappeared.

Margo: - Mycotic agents for internal use are poisonous. Therefore, adequate doctors recommend using hepatoprotectors. Fortunately, now you can easily choose the right option for the price. The main thing is to use the funds wisely.

Natalia: - There were fungi on the thumbs. Black stripes appeared under the nail. I tried Exifin, Kanizol, but nothing helps. What can you advise?

DanielaSK: - Fungus - serious problem. I encountered this disease while still at school. Open sandals were not allowed. At first, the fungi struck the thumb, and eventually moved to the rest of the nails. I had to try many things. Including cream "Exoderil", varnish "Batrofen".

I lived with this filth for 10 years. It was possible to escape from the fungus thanks to the Internet as follows. First, take a bath with warm water. Dissolve a little laundry soap. The water should become soapy. Add baking soda to your eye. Next, lower your legs there for fifteen minutes. For the best effect, place boiling water nearby. Once the water has cooled, add hot water. This will help loosen up your legs. Then trim the affected legs as much as possible. Polish the surface of diseased nails with a file. Do not touch healthy nails. After the procedure, wipe the nail file with Exoderil and hide it.

Next, apply Exoderil to your nails. Please note that this solution must be used throughout the course of treatment. It is better to do this twice a day, namely: in the morning and in the evening. Then drink one capsule of Fluconazole. Repeat this procedure once a week. As a result, it was possible to cure the nails in six months.

Most importantly, never give up treatment. It must be regular. Do not stop being treated, even if a healthy nail has grown. Drink the medicine until the nail is completely grown back.

Danila:“Catching the fungus is very easy. This trouble can happen just because of an unsuccessful pedicure. Also, they face a problem due to putting on other people's slippers. You can catch this unpleasant disease in the pool. So, there are many options, because the nails are a fertile environment for the onset of the disease. It develops in the nail and does not leave the "familiar" places.

If you had to deal with a fungal infection, keep in mind that it will take a long time to be treated. It is cheaper to remove the affected nail, but many people cringe at such a thought. Next, treat the skin inexpensive cream. After such treatment, it will take a long time to recover, in addition, complications in the form of a bacterial infection are possible.

You can also treat your nails with external means. For example, "Exoderil" or "Batrafen". A good option is Loceryl. But "Lamisil" is not effective enough. It does not penetrate well into the nail and does not create a therapeutic concentration.

Gold:- The fungus on the nails appeared in 2009. Having grown my nails in the salon, I noticed that a fungus appeared on my nails. The nails began to peel off gradually. I haven't seen such horror in a long time. I had to pay dearly for going to the doctors. In addition, she was forced to buy various ointments and tablets. It did not affect the liver. in the best way. I also had to make patches.

I used folk remedies for nail fungus, for example, vinegar essence and Domestos. In addition, it was necessary to use mixtures of vinegar and different pills. This treatment continued for about seven years. I couldn't look at my hands. Not only were horrible nails, but also peeled off the skin. Recently, a neighbor came to visit. She saw that I was sitting and steaming my nails. A neighbor advised me to cut my nails and drip Formidon. As a result, it was possible to get rid of the fungus in a month using the indicated drug.

However, it should be noted that this aggressive agent for the treatment of nail fungus, drying and burning the skin. It is better to use an antifungal ointment after Formidon has been absorbed. If possible, avoid contact with healthy areas of the skin.

Olga: I have been suffering from nail fungus for a long time. Please tell me which is the best effective method in the fight against this disease. Not so long ago, she began to use the ointment "Nagtivit", "Urotropin" and carefully cut off her nails. Recommend, please, how to treat the fungus further.

Alina: - To cure the disease, I advise you to contact a dermatologist. My husband had a fungus in the army. After that, he didn't bother him. Faced with this unpleasant disease and the child. He almost died from stress, as a fungus appeared. So this disease is often due to the nerves.

Asya: - I advise you to be treated for an infection with folk remedies. Foot baths help a lot. You can add apple cider vinegar or oak bark to them. Alternatively, treat your feet with tea tree oil. If dysbacteriosis has become the cause of the fungus, first cure this disease, then you can proceed to local treatment. However, it is better to consult a dermatologist to find out the causes of this disease. He will recommend good medicines.

Darina: - With the help of folk remedies, it is difficult to treat toenail fungus. In the advanced stages of this disease, it is recommended to eliminate the nail plates. Will grow after treatment healthy nails. You can catch a fungus not only after visiting public places. Enough to make your feet sweat. After all, this is a suitable environment for the existence of the fungus.

Lara: - The fungus suffered for a short time, for several months. I used Suda for this. Also used "Uroderm". This drug enhances the action. So far this treatment is helping. Cut off half a nail. The new nail looks fine.

Julia: I experienced an ingrown toenail after giving birth. I had to suffer for six months. Only after that it was possible to find a remedy that cured the nails. She took a small piece of bandage, rolled it into a tourniquet and lifted the affected nail with a manicure stick. This is a painful procedure. So do everything slowly and put a flagellum.

Bandage your finger for a few days and change the tourniquet periodically. As a result, healthy nails should grow. Most importantly, do not cut them to the root. One millimeter should remain. The nail will not grow. Treat the so-called wild meat with dry potassium permanganate. Top with iodine.

When treating, be careful not to get the solution on healthy skin. Otherwise it will hurt. After treatment, the legs will be healthy.

Shredder: - I advise you not to treat the disease with folk remedies. After all, this serious illness. It's better to see a doctor. Himself managed to cure the fungus 3 years ago. Picked it up 10 years ago in a dorm. I went to the hospital when the fungus took over thumbs, and the rest of the fingers were completely affected by it. For treatment it was necessary to pay 15 thousand rubles. I had to not only take pills, but also give up alcohol. He was also forced to use an ointment to exfoliate diseased nails and varnish.

Tatiana: - For the treatment of fungus, I recommend combining varnish with antifungal tablets. Repeat the procedure until healthy nails grow back. Also adhere to the rules of hygiene and file your nails once a week after taking a shower. Throw away the scissors used before treatment. Change shoes or treat with vinegar. Do not drink alcohol while taking the tablets, so as not to reduce their effect. Detailed information can be obtained from a dermatologist.

Svetlana: - In the review I will tell you how I fought with bad smell feet, which appeared during the development of the fungus. I caught this disease after wearing someone else's shoes. Later I found out that this man had an unpleasant foot odor. However, he did not go to the doctors. As a result, I had to carefully observe hygiene and fight odor for several years.

I was forced to re-read many books and try out various powders. During this time, no one pointed out the smell of the feet, as she carefully adhered to the rules of hygiene. Do not forget to resort to the recommended means.

In addition, for washing used acetic acid. She filled a spray bottle with it and treated her legs with such a solution. The procedures were repeated twice a day. Also worked on shoes. At first I felt a burning sensation and tingling. Now similar symptoms missing. So this is the best remedy for fungal disease.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a moment as the use of soap. After all, alkali is necessary for the development of the fungus. You can read about barrier properties by lowering acidity on the forums. In any case, it is recommended to limit the use of soap and wash more often. cold water without fear of drying. Be sure to use deodorants.

Olga: - Saw "Nizoral", recommended by the doctor. After 6 months, a new nail grew, which made me very happy. A few years later, the symptoms recurred. I agree with those who say that the fungus is like cancer. I would like to hear from other people who have treated this infection. It will not be superfluous to exclude sugar from the diet. Also an excellent remedy for the fungus "Urotropin".

When answering the question of how to treat a fungus of the nail plate, you should give feedback from professionals. It will tell you where to go unpleasant disease. Dr. A. Myasnikov: - It is not ointments or tablets that help to cure nail fungus, but the implementation of the doctor's recommendations. The patient must adhere to the prevention and hygiene rules in public places.

In addition, I recommend wiping the nails with a solution of iodine in alcohol. Steam your nails first soapy bath. It will not be superfluous to make vinegar lotions for nails. I advise you to definitely treat shoes with chlorhexidine. This will help prevent re-infection. If you have this disease, you should contact your doctor immediately.

In addition, during my medical experience, I was convinced that compresses with a small amount of tea tree oil help. It will be useful to supplement the treatment with folk remedies. After the therapy is over, be sure to do a control microsporia. Before using the tablets, determine the type of fungus from the doctor and check if there is sensitivity to this remedy. Following the recommendations, you can cure the fungus of the nails on the hands.

Elena Malysheva: - I advise you to treat the fungus with Tinedol ointment. You can buy it on the official website. Most patients noticed that after 3 weeks of such treatment, the affected nails gradually get rid of the fungus. Among the advantages of such an ointment, I can name the presence of natural extracts in its composition. In addition, it does not contain hormonal agents. And there are no side effects of such an ointment to fight the fungus.

I was convinced from my own experience that 2 weeks after using such an ointment, the growing nails return to their previous state: it turns out to get rid of nail fungus. They become even and pink. In addition, the burning sensation disappears, the itching disappears. That's how I cured the fungus myself.

Anna Denisova: - How experienced doctor I recommend using medical varnish "Batrafen" for the treatment of fungus. It must be consumed within a month. In the first month, apply varnish every two days. For the second month, use this remedy once every three days.

An excellent remedy is Mikosan nail serum. It creates an unfavorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. The term of use depends on which area of ​​the nail is affected by the fungus. Each applied patient leaves excellent reviews about this tool. You can use Lamisil cream. It is prescribed in case of extensive damage to the nail plate. Apply this remedy twice a day. Before using the drug, wash your nails properly. This real money from this disease.
