Pit bull terrier - description of the breed, characteristics and photos. Rat-faced dog - breed

Source: thenypost.com
This ball of fur has remained a faithful protector of monasteries and houses in Tibet since ancient times. The dogs, with a thick protective layer and weighing between 45 and 80 kg, are adapted to the harsh winters of Central Asia.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Source: thenypost.com

Source: darkroom.baltimoresun.com
These dogs were developed in Scotland in the 1700s. The breed is a mix of the Skye Terrier and the Scotch Terrier (Scottish Terrier), giving the dog a unique appearance. Farmers and gypsies used it to hunt rats and badgers because short legs. The animal retains its rare status; only a few hundred units are registered annually.


Source: reddit.com
These furry animals are a cross between a Newfoundland, a St. Bernard and a Pyrenean mountain dog. The weight of an adult reaches 80 kg. According to legend, they were bred to produce a dog similar to the lion that adorns the coat of arms in hometown Leonberg, Germany. After World War II, only eight of these gentle giants survived.

Portuguese water dog

Source: greenfieldpuppies.com
These dogs are famous beautiful curls and amazing adaptability to water. They were originally bred on the Portuguese coast and were used to catch fish in nets, recover lost gear, and exchange messages between ships. The breed was on the verge of extinction in the 1930s until a wealthy Portuguese merchant began a program to breed them, although they remain rare.

Löwchen, lion dog

Source: dogwallpapers.net
Löwchen translated from German language means "lion dog". This is one of the rarest breeds on the planet, whose history dates back to 1442. The magnificent, elegant and loving dog accompanied the wealthy elite of France and Germany everywhere and can be seen in historical paintings and tapestries.

Brussels Griffon or Belgian Griffon

Source: 2.bp.blogspot.com
Belgian dogs are descendants of small terriers that were used to hunt rodents. Griffons are affectionate, adorable, curious, and are known for their facial expressions similar to human face. By the end of World War II, there were no griffins left in Belgium. The breed remains extremely rare.

New Guinea singing dog

Source: nasa.gov

Source: upload.wikimedia.org
The "Singing Dog" was completely isolated for over 30,000 years, discovered during a high altitude excursion in Papua New Guinea in 1950. As the name suggests, this breed loves to sing. They gather together and howl, making sounds unique to dogs. With fewer than 100 individuals found outside their natural habitat, they are virtually impossible to track in the wild.

Xoloitzcuintle or Sholo (also Xoloitzcuintli or Mexican Hairless Dog)

Source: xoloaus.com
Xoloitzcuintles have been around for over 3,000 years, with a history that can be traced back to ancient Mexico. They were domesticated early and used as hunting dogs. Mention of these animals is found in art objects of the Aztec and Toltec civilizations.

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

Source: upload.wikimedia.org
The wolfdog has existed since 1955, resulting from the crossing of German shepherds with Eurasian wolves. The dogs are obedient and friendly, like German Shepherds, and also maintain their wildlife and developed pack instinct.

Bergamasco Shepherd

Source: petzmag.com

Source: dogphotos.info
These herding dogs were bred for alpine climates and their developed thick coats do not shed and require surprisingly little attention. These large animals are obedient, observant and patient. They usually form close connection with their owner, although they can be shy in the company of strangers.

Vendean Basset Griffon or Great Vendeen Basset Griffon

Source: upload.wikimedia.org
The Great Basset got its extravagant name from the French aristocrats it accompanied on hunting trips. To this day it serves as an excellent companion and is distinguished by its short legs.

Lancashire Heeler

Source: 1hdwallpapers.com
You probably already guessed that the heeler is considered a descendant of the Welsh Corgi and the Manchester Terrier. The dog is not large, but strong and muscular, bred for herding livestock. Smart, cheerful and endlessly loyal pet.

Mudi (Hungarian Cattle Dog)

Source: all-puppies.com
Native to Hungary, these rare herding dogs are invaluable to their owners. Moodys are extremely smart, strong, brave and most importantly, loving. Their notable feature is their wavy coat, reminiscent of sheep's wool.

Russian Toy (Russian Toy Terrier)

Source: madabout-dogs.com
These elegant dogs were popular among the Russian aristocracy and did not spread outside Russia until the 1990s. With a height of 20-25 cm and a weight of 3 to 6 kg, they are close in size to a Chihuahua, have an athletic build and magnificent long hair in the ear area. upload.wikimedia.org
The Swedish Vallhund has been around for over a thousand years. It was originally bred for herding livestock in Scandinavia, catching rodents and guarding homes thanks to its deceptively ferocious bark. Centuries of domestication have created loving dog, which strives for human attention and praise.

Slovak dude

Source: tiptopglobe.com
For many years he protected and guarded herds of animals in Slovakia, as a result of which the Slovakian Chuvach turned into the guardian of his entire flock, including the human family. Under the thick, beautiful fur of these animals, there are well-developed muscles; the weight is mainly made up of muscles.

Neapolitan Mastiff or Mastino Napoletano

Source: nextdaypets.com
They may look menacing, but Neapolitan Mastiffs are 65kg of love. The breed was discovered more than 2,000 years ago in the Campania region of southern Italy. In the past, these dogs were used in Roman arenas for baiting animals, and currently they serve in the police and army, where their size and intelligence make them invaluable assistants.

Bedlington Terrier

The Pitbull, or American Pit Bull Terrier, is one of those breeds that is known for being bullying and intimidating. "Pit Bull" is not actually a breed, but rather a term used to describe the American Pit Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Some people believe that the American Pit Bull Terrier is the same breed as the American Staffordshire Terrier. But others think on the contrary that it is completely different breeds. However, the American Kennel Club recognizes the American Staffordshire Terrier, but does not recognize the American Pit Bull Terrier, although the latter is a much more common dog.

The sad and often undeserved reputation of a “bad” fighting dog has led to the fact that the pit bull has become legally prohibited in some countries and cities around the world. If you are a Pit Bull Terrier owner, then you should know that you may encounter dog-hostile people who are misinformed about this wonderful dog.

With proper socialization and training, the pit bull makes an excellent companion for children. He loves and respects his family members. American Pit Bull Terriers are loyal and truly loyal to their owners and will defend them to the death if necessary.

These dogs are very smart and easily learn almost all commands and tricks. They enjoy everything life gives them and love to participate in any family activity. Their mind remains "young" even in mature age, which makes them cheerful and cheerful dogs. Once you get to know this breed better, you will wonder how you ever lived without him.

History of the breed

The origins of the pit bull terrier breed can be traced back to the 19th century in England, Scotland and Ireland. The dog's ancestors were the result of experimental crosses between various bulldogs and terriers to create a powerful bull-baiting dog, a dog that would charge until the large animal was defeated. When baiting was banned in the 1800s, dogs were used in dog fighting. European immigrants gradually introduced the pit bull to North America and then to other continents.

The British Kennel Club recognized the dog in 1898, and a similar American club recognized the breed in the early 1930s, but under a different name, namely, the American Staffordshire Terrier.

Despite its dubious reputation aggressive breed, the pit bull is considered by many to be a friendly dog ​​with a good attitude. Those who encounter this breed and actively train and train it quickly become accustomed to it. IN Lately popularity of pit bull as domestic dog growing all over the world.

Pit Bull Sizes

The height of Pit Bull Terriers ranges from 43 to 49 cm, and their weight ranges between 20 and 30 kg.

Character of the breed

Pit bulls love people, their family, and their guests. They are confident dogs who are keenly aware of their surroundings. A pit bull is a watchdog and will always alert you to the presence of strangers, primarily to greet them.

Even though their love for people makes them bad guard dogs, their courage is unmatched and they will protect their family even at the cost of their lives.

Like many dogs, the American Pit Bull Terrier requires early socialization - familiarity with different people, places, sounds and smells. Socialization can ensure that the puppy grows into a trained and well-adjusted dog.


American Pit Bull Terriers generally have good health issues, but as with many breeds, they are prone to certain health conditions. Not all pit bulls can develop these diseases, but it is important to be aware if you plan to keep this breed.

  • Allergy. Allergies are quite common in pit bulls and usually develop to allergens. environment, such as fleas, pollen and dust. Food allergies can also develop, but are much less common. Allergies in pit bulls can develop to beef, rice, corn and wheat. Food allergies can cause severe itching and discomfort.
  • Dysplasia Hip: This condition can be very painful depending on its severity.
  • Hypothyroidism: dysfunction thyroid gland, which causes weight gain, deterioration of coat condition and some other problems. Hypothyroidism typically develops in middle-aged dogs and can be controlled with daily medications.
  • Heart diseases. Heart disease is relatively more common in pit bulls than in other breeds. These dogs are also characterized birth defects hearts. However, many dogs show no signs of the disease or only mild symptoms.

Expect to spend about an hour a day walking, playing, or otherwise interacting with your dog. Pitbulls need early learning obedience that will require reinforcement throughout the dog's life. Training is the basis for strong relationships with an American pit bull terrier.

Pit bulls do not tolerate cold well, so they are not suitable for long periods of time outside the house. Regardless of the climate, these dogs do best indoors. They become strongly attached to their family members and will suffer if left unattended. a long period time.


Pit bulls are recommended to be fed a diet of 2 to 2.5 bowls of quality dry food per day, divided into two meals. Nevertheless, required amount food for your dog depends on many factors, including age, metabolism, structure and activity level.

To prevent obesity, measure the amount of food your dog eats and feed him at a set time each day. A Pitbull should have a defined waist when you look down at it, and you should feel its ribs underneath the layer of muscle, but not see them. If the ribs are under a noticeable layer of fat, then he needs a diet.

Children and other animals

American Pit Bull Terriers love children, and, of course, not for breakfast. Tough, energetic, tolerant, they make ideal playmates. However, no dog of any size should be left unsupervised with children.

When no adult can control the pit bull, the dog should be kept in a confined area. Once your pit bull reaches sexual maturity, it will require especially careful supervision as it begins to try to become a "pack" leader.

Don't let children pluck your pit bull's ears and tail. Teach them respect for any dog, and not to approach the animal when it is sleeping or eating.

Because of their fighting heritage, some American Pit Bull Terriers retain a tendency to be aggressive with other dogs. However, from an early and correct socialization, such aggression can be minimized or completely eliminated, which is why most pit bulls are friendly to both dogs and cats. Just to be safe, they should not be left unsupervised with small pets.

Key Features

  • Pit bulls require early obedience training and socialization so that they can overcome their stubbornness and desire for leadership. at a young age. Their strength and stubbornness as adults can make relationships with them difficult.
  • The American Pit Bull Terrier is not suitable for those people who cannot pay enough attention to them.
  • Pitbull in in public places Must be kept on a leash at all times to prevent aggression towards other dogs. In the fight they do not retreat and fight to the end.
  • Pit bulls have powerful jaws, so they have a frequent need to chew. For chewing, toys that are sufficiently hard and durable are suitable for them, which they cannot swallow.
  • A Pit Bull will do best with an owner who can offer firm and fair training, but gentle and consistent discipline.

Pit bull puppies cost

The cost of American pit bull terrier puppies with a pedigree in Moscow and St. Petersburg averages from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles. It can only be more expensive adult dog which showed good results at competitions. Therefore, you should consider it if you are offered elite puppies for a larger amount.

Video about pit bull (American pit bull terrier)

These dogs cannot be classified as very affectionate and gentle pets. American Pit Bull Terrier breed was specially bred for dog fights, thinking with the appropriate characteristics: viciousness, endurance and agility, which were necessary for four-legged animals to fulfill their purpose.

However, pit bulls (as the breed is usually called for short), like all representatives of the canine family, are characterized by genuine devotion to their owner. To this quality, oddly enough, we can add: loyalty and tolerance when communicating with others, a good-natured disposition.

This name is literally translated: “fighting”, which has its own explanation, because dogs replaced bulls in the rings, the battles of which were prohibited at a certain point in history, although they were extremely popular.

The name was once also used: pitdog (fighting dog), which was more suitable for four-legged animals, but for some reason did not really catch on.

The breed originated in the Old World, but later fell in love with gambling Americans who loved bloody entertainment. The once super-popular dog fighting gave impetus to the targeted improvement and development of many breeds.

If it were not for human passions, then there would not have appeared american pit bull terrier. Dogs were brought to America around the end of the 18th century. But only a century later the breed was officially recognized.

Representatives are currently accepting it Active participation in various cynological sports competitions, where they demonstrate endurance, jumping ability, agility and the ability to perform complex tricks.

Interestingly, one of the representatives of the breed became famous with the title of champion, having proven his ability to tow a load exceeding his body weight a hundred times. Talking in more detail about the origin of the breed, one should delve several centuries into history, telling about the events that took place in England and its surrounding areas.

In those distant times, they were widely used for dog fighting. Their responsibilities also included hunting large strong men and guarding homes, which they coped with excellently.

But this type of four-legged helper was suitable only for the nobility, because keeping large sizes prohibited to English commoners.

Therefore, for their own needs, they selected smaller puppies from litters and bulldogs, crossing them with each other, which greatly contributed to the birth of extremely similar ones already in Tudor times, according to description, With American pit bull terriers today.

The dogs were distinguished by their insensitivity to pain, mobility, agility and fearlessness. These were bull terriers. The prefix “pit” in the name of their descendants appeared a little later, meaning in English a pit for bleeding, which is a direct allusion to the use of the breed.

The appearance of these dogs gives the impression of strength, strength and power; obesity is an extremely undesirable feature. The exemplary silhouette looks lean and lean, even the ribs should protrude a little.

Pit bulls have an attentive gaze, reflecting liveliness and interest in life. The animal's body is shiny and tough, the skin is dense with folds on the chest and neck. The head is shaped like a wedge, tapering towards the nose; the lips are adjacent to the jaws with closed teeth; eyes wide apart, slightly slanted.

At the owner's request, the ears are cropped. They are also distinguished by their long, muscular neck and shoulders; wide, cylindrical chest, tapering downwards.

A well-proportioned loin plays a huge role in movement, adding agility and grace, as well as flexibility in the hindquarters.

The length of the legs should be slightly greater than the width chest; hips, slightly sloping towards the horizontal, densely built; the pads on the paws are elastic; the tail is not particularly long, set low. Details appearance representatives of this breed allows us to consider photo of American pit bull terrier.

Care and maintenance

Pit bulls, due to their small size, take root in city apartments and are kept without problems. However, dogs need sport games. They and their muscular bodies are simply created for exhausting training and long walks, during which the dogs frolic on fresh air.

Caring for four-legged animals is not at all difficult. There is no need to bathe often. This is usually done a couple of times a year, and weekly combing and ear cleaning is also necessary.

But the main element of content is proper nutrition, on which it depends healthy formation bones and muscles of the pet, since american pit bull terrierdog extremely active and by nature, must be physically strong.

Here you need, first of all, meat. It is the main supplier of animal protein to the body, which ensures growth and protection from disease. It is better to give high-quality meat to adult dogs raw, because much of it is lost during cooking. important properties, are destroyed useful material and vitamins.

But if the product is in doubt, then it would be useful to give it a short heat treatment. Also important herbal ingredients nutrition and dairy products.

Many owners, avoiding unnecessary and tedious hassle, prefer to use canned and dry food. All this is not bad if such food does not cause allergies, attacks of which often occur in dogs of this breed.

During training, pit bulls learn new commands and perform difficult tasks with ease. First, a general training course is usually carried out. Then everything depends on the owner’s desires and inclinations.

Many of the representatives of the breed successfully acquire protective guard skills. The main thing to remember: raising pit bulls, teaching them unquestioning obedience based on trust, and socialization are strictly required.

Price and reviews of the American Pit Bull Terrier

Having made a decision buy an American pit bull terrier When looking for a puppy abroad, you should take into account that their import is prohibited in certain EU countries.

If the animal already lives in these countries, then their owner is required to sterilize their pet, and special permission is required to keep it. In Germany, the owners of such cars were literally strangled by inflated taxes.

As for the USA, at least this breed It is still popular there, but dog fighting is prohibited by law, and the breeding of fighting dogs is under strict control.

Pit bulls have survived a number of persecutions, but remain in demand, so it is possible to purchase a puppy by finding good nursery or using advertisements on the Internet.

Prices on American pit bull terriers quite affordable. It is possible to purchase a puppy without documents for 5 thousand rubles. But real purebred dogs those with excellent pedigree are, of course, more expensive. Often purchasing them costs amateurs no less than twenty thousand.

Public opinion, fueled by a series of media publications with colorful photographs demonstrating the particular danger of certain breeds, has an extremely negative attitude towards fighting dogs.

This also applies to pit bulls. Is it worth it, in this case, to take a dubious pet into your home? The decision should be made with full responsibility. As reviews indicate, the character of a pit bull depends entirely on the upbringing of the owner.

When handled inappropriately, aggressive tendencies develop and make themselves felt extremely quickly. But when making a judgment, we should not forget that these are active and inquisitive creatures that can bring, in addition to problems, a lot of joy.

Pit bulls are extremely suitable for athletic, active people. Games and communication with such pets greatly contribute to strengthening physical fitness. Skillfully trained dogs are always ready to unquestioningly carry out any commands of the owner.

Little pit bulls are extremely cute. And adult dogs, feeling their strength and power, are confident in themselves, their character is characterized by stability and wise prudence.

Choice American pit bull terrier puppies– it’s a very responsible matter. And here you should not rush, succumbing to the momentary impulse and charm of a charming cutie baby, but look through several litters, compare and consider the options.

The main thing is to decide on the purpose for which you are getting a puppy: will he be an expected champion of exhibitions or just a friend and protector? And, based on this, draw your own conclusions.

Death grip and terrifying appearance hide behind themselves a completely adequate and hardy dog. The American Pit Bull Terrier only turns into a terrible weapon in inept hands. An experienced dog handler will make a well-mannered and obedient friend out of a pit bull terrier.

Origin of the Pit Bull Terrier breed

The breed was obtained in America by crossing and bulldog. The breed was bred for fighting, but due to its aggressive nature, American pit bull terriers are banned in a number of European Union countries. At one time, the breed was persecuted by law in the United States, and breeders were severely punished for breeding these “killers.” The persecution was spurred on by terrible photographs of torn people to pieces, which were published in periodicals.

Despite negative attitude society, in many countries the breed is used by the police. The dog has a quick reaction and a keen sense of smell, easily finding drugs or explosives. The pit bull is an excellent bodyguard and a loyal dog until death.

Description of the breed

The Pit Bull Terrier is not recognized as a breed by the international organization FCI. This is due to the difficulty of giving an accurate assessment of the exterior and character of the animal. There are two lines of pit bulls:

  • terrier;
  • bulldog

American Pit Bull Terriers can vary dramatically in size and behavior. The dog is distinguished by perseverance, strong-willed spirit and a strong jaw. The breed is suitable only for an experienced dog handler with experience working with fighting dogs. Breeders describe the animal as kind and extremely clean. But kindness and devotion concern only the owner and his family. American Pit Bull Terriers treat others with great caution.

Breed standard (appearance)

The pit bull dog has a rather vague description. But the animal’s exterior should not go beyond the following framework:

  1. Head. Medium size and rectangular shape, flat on top, widening towards the forehead.
  2. Cheeks. Fleshy, convex, without hanging chins.
  3. Muzzle. Massive, has approximately equal length and width, can be with clear and smooth transition from forehead to nose.
  4. Bite. Standard scissor-shaped, jaws developed, powerful.
  5. Ears. Docked or left intact, raised high. Uncropped ones have drooping tips.
  6. Eyes. Slightly elongated, oval in shape, shallow set. Eyes can be any color, from light blue to dark brown.
  7. Nose. With a wide lobe, round, color from black to light pink, nostrils open.
  8. Shoulder blades. Well-muscled, widely spaced.
  9. Neck. Powerful, lean with developed muscles.
  10. Tail. Short, low, tapering towards the end, not curled.
  11. Stomach. Fit, skin of any color, almost bald.
  12. Breast. Medium size, with developed muscles.
  13. Hips. Powerful, with lean muscles.
  14. Paws. Medium, wide top, straight elbows.
  15. Wool. Short, guarded, tightly adjacent to the dog’s skin.
  16. Color. Various from marbled, brindle to white with black spots. The standard does not provide for any deviations; only merle is prohibited.
  17. Weight. Depends on the line to which the pit bull terrier belongs, from 11 to 36 kg. Standard male up to 28 kg, female up to 19 kg.
  18. Height at withers. Males are from 46 to 53 cm, females are more graceful and reach from 43 to 50 cm.

Character of the fighting breed

A fighting dog requires firmness and perseverance from its owner. American Pit Bull Terriers have distinct character traits:

  • Stubbornness in everything. If a dog decides to do something, then, despite all the persuasion and commands of the owner, it will definitely put it into action.
  • Playfulness. The breed loves various sports games outdoors and at home. He eagerly runs after a stick, carries a ball and heavy tires from a car.
  • The psyche becomes unstable after a year and a half. It is not recommended to leave small children and the elderly with the dog.
  • He cannot stand loneliness and constantly needs the company of his owner and his own kind.
  • Treat other pets poorly. Unfamiliar cats or small dogs may be torn apart or strangled for the sake of gambling.
  • Socialization is necessary from a very early age.
  • Treat with suspicion and aggression to strangers. If a stranger insists on communicating, the pit bull may become angry and even bite.
  • Difficult to train, therefore not suitable for people with weak characters and children.
  • Attached to the owner and proper education will be a reliable bodyguard and partner during long walks.

The dog lives well in city apartments, can be kept in a private house, but not on the street.

Pit bull care

Like any smooth-haired and urban breed, the American Pit Bull Terrier is easy to maintain. From puppyhood, it is recommended to accustom the dog to its place, which is equipped with a special bed or rug.

To properly maintain a dog, the owner should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Once a year the animal is washed with special shampoo or baby soap. The rest of the time after the walk, the paws and belly are wiped. It is not recommended to wash the animal more than once a year, as soap compounds wash away protective layer from the skin.
  2. There is no need to comb every day; once every few days, combing with a soft comb with bristles made of natural material is allowed.
  3. The dog's ears and eyes are wiped every three days. For the eyes, use a steep tea or a warm infusion of chamomile. Ears are disinfected using hydrogen peroxide or a special antiseptic.
  4. The dog has a cocky character, so during a walk it can damage its paws, skin, and ears. The animal is examined for damage, and the wounds are treated with an antiseptic composition.
  5. In the spring from May to early June, after each walk, the dog is checked for ticks. Once a year, a vaccination against piroplasmosis is given.

The dog loves long and active walks, lasting at least 3 hours.

The article makes it possible to learn as much as possible about the most famous fighting dog breeds, which allows you to understand how easy or difficult it is to deal with them. You should write about your experience with these four-legged pets in the comments.

Fighting dog breeds for apartment, house, small, small size, knee size, medium size

The most famous breeds Fighting dogs are the Alabai, American Bulldog, Rottweiler, Akita Inu, American Pit Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier, English Bulldog and Pit Bull.

From the list presented, the largest are pit bulls, and the relatively small ones are English bulldogs.

Despite such an aggressive purpose, with proper training the dog will never pose a danger to others. Disobedience and imbalance are manifested in four-legged animals by irresponsible and careless owners.

Fighting dogs are suitable for children or not, why they are dangerous

Any breed of dog can potentially be dangerous to children. Dogs of fighting breeds, with proper upbringing, can become reliable friends and even nannies within their family.

Nevertheless, it is better not to leave a tiny baby alone with a dog, and to explain to a child of a more conscious age how to behave with a dog in order to prevent the animal from displaying aggression.

Fighting dogs with a rat-like muzzle, elongated, long nose

A dog breed with an elongated, rat face And long nose called a bull terrier. Bull Terriers have a cheerful disposition, but nevertheless need a firm hand from their owner.

Standards for keeping fighting dogs, Russian law

The idea is not bad, but the law has raised many questions and dissatisfaction among animal owners.

Fighting dog breeds and their price, owner reviews, where to buy

With the advent of the Internet, buy a dog fighting breed will not be difficult. For the request “Buy a puppy” for the same boxer in any specific, albeit small city, you can receive 10-50 thousand offers.

On the websites of breeders of pedigree dogs, as a rule, information is provided regarding the cost of their pets, or a contact phone number is indicated.

Fighting dogs are rare breeds and their characteristics, the most dangerous and prohibited in Russia, which cannot be imported into Italy, equated to weapons

Rare breeds of fighting dogs are:
- Dosa Inu - she is the largest and heaviest fighting dog South Korea;
— Bully Kutta is a Pakistani mastiff with a dominant behavior, which is why it is not suitable for phlegmatic and inexperienced owners;
- American Bandog - a gladiator dog, so strong that it can even fight a bull.

Some dog breeds are so aggressive that they are considered weapons.

The greatest danger to people, as is commonly believed throughout the world and in Russia, may be the Caucasian and german shepherd, German Boxer, Dogo Canary, Chow Chow, Siberian Husky, Bull Terrier, Rottweiler and Pitbull.

In particular, in Italy the import, acquisition and breeding of Anatolian, Charplane, Caucasian, Portuguese and Central Asian shepherd dogs, American bulldog, Dogo Argentino, pit bull, Rottweiler and a number of other dogs was officially prohibited.

Fighting dog breeds that suit girls

It is better for a fragile girl not to get a fighting breed dog, as she is not always able to cope with it.

An athletic girl who is confident in her muscles and strength can have a mastiff, bulldog, bull terrier and Doberman. In such cases, dog handlers recommend adopting girls, as they are considered more flexible.

How to increase your dog's fighting qualities

Developing fighting qualities in a dog should be carried out with the help of targeted exercises that are designed to develop and consolidate the working qualities of this breed.

There are no guidelines or special literature published on this issue, since instilling aggression in animals is prohibited by law.

The article contains the most interesting information about this breed, as well as basic information about those dogs that enjoy the most...

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