Ecological project on ecology in kindergarten. Ecological projects in kindergarten

Pedagogical project on environmental education for older children preschool age(5 - 7 years old) "The world around us..."

No wonder children love fairy tales
After all, the fairy tale is good
What is in it a happy ending
The soul already feels.

Explanatory note
Each person being in early childhood listening to fairy tales. long centuries folk tales played the same role in human life as books, magazines, newspapers, television, radio, the Internet and other common sources of information play in our time.
The project enables the development of observation and analysis of phenomena, comparison, generalization and the ability to draw conclusions, creative thinking, logic of cognition, inquisitiveness of the mind, joint cognitive and research activities, communication and reflective skills, which are the components of a successful personality. Promotes the development of independent thinking, helping the child to build self-confidence and in their own abilities.
The project activity of both teachers and preschoolers significantly changes interpersonal relationships between peers and between adults and children. All participants project activities acquire the experience of productive interaction, the ability to hear another and express their attitude to various aspects of reality. A new round of interest in the project as a way of organizing the life of children is explained by its potential integrativity, compliance with the developmental education technology, and ensuring the activity of children in the educational process.
The relevance of environmental education of preschoolers is due to the fact that interaction with nature has a great psychological and pedagogical potential, which should be used in the process of environmental education, which allows it to become a factor general formation and personal development. The formation of the personality of the child, his upbringing begins with the education of feelings through the world positive emotions. It is the project activity that allows not only to support the children's initiative, but also to formalize it in the form of a culturally significant product.
To date, environmental awareness, respect
to nature have become the key to human survival on our planet. Ecological education of children is a huge potential for them comprehensive development. Bits of ecological knowledge obtained in
childhood, help the child navigate the surrounding reality,
understand it correctly. But most importantly, start conscious attitude to nature, to determine their place in it in the future.

Long-term project - from January to October (2016)

Objective of the project:
To show one of the options for an integrated approach in the education of preschoolers using the example of project and research activities and the importance of a diverse developmental environment for organizing work on a project.

Project objectives:
- Creation of conditions for development creativity in children.
- Involvement of parents in the implementation of the project.
- Education of a humane, emotionally positive, careful,
caring attitude towards the natural world and the environment in
in general.
- Formation of elementary skills to foresee the consequences of some of their actions in relation to the environment.

The project was built in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, taking into account the principle of integrating the educational field in accordance with age capabilities and specifics educational areas.

Project participants: Preschoolers 5 – 7 years old, Pedagogical preschool workers, parents ( legal representatives)

Development environment: Group rooms(Centers: "Laboratory", "Room of fairy tales", " sensory room”, “Ecological room”), music and sports hall, garden.

Materials and equipment: Turnip and other vegetables (for comparison), " Miraculous Pouch"(to determine the shape of an object by touch), scales, magnifiers, illustrations of turnips, costumes and attributes of fairy tale heroes for dressing up, figures of heroes for board games according to a fairy tale, materials for creative visual activity, turnip seeds, containers, equipment for planting and caring for plants indoors and in the garden, a geographical map, turnip symbols for attaching to a map, a video film, watching cartoons.

Literature: Fairy tales - “Turnip”, “Man and Bear”, N. Nosov “Turnip”, riddles, sayings, proverbs, nursery rhymes, poems, songs.

Project Implementation Plan

Teacher activity
Selection of equipment and materials
Motivating children to understand the integrity, value of the world around them. Motivation of children for cognitive and research activities
Conversation with children about what will be done within the framework of the project
Children activities
The emergence of interest in the natural world
Awareness and comprehension of the relevance and purpose of the activity, manifestation cognitive interest
Examination of illustrations, paintings
Reading and discussion of fairy tales, works, riddles, proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes
Working with a geographic map
Production of icons-symbols of turnips for placement on a geographical map


Teacher activity
Motivating children to cognitive activity
Activating the attention of children by including them in cognitive environmental activities, the formation of elementary ZUN in children
Children activities
Accumulation of information
Visual activity; Drawing, modeling, appliqué (origami)
Acquaintance of children with the taste of turnip. Turnip Dishes. History of turnip in Rus'.
Didactic games(“Wonderful bag”), Relay game “The fastest” (in the hall)
Learning poems, songs about TURP
- Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip" by roles. Independent acting out of a fairy tale in costumes
- Theatrical games with figurines of fairy tale characters
At home, plant a turnip with your parents and watch it, making records of the results
Watching the cartoons "Turnip", "Man and the Bear". Plot discussion
Watch the video "How the sprout appeared." Discussion

Preparing for the study and performing various studies
Examining seeds under a magnifying glass, planting seedlings, observing Turnip research:
- Shape, taste, surface, examining seeds through a magnifying glass, examining a root crop (a root - through it the plant receives water and food from the ground), leaves at seedlings. Turnip weighing
Turnip experiments:
- Place different vegetables in a container of water, find out which vegetables sink in water and which do not
- Cut the turnip into several pieces and arrange in different places: near the battery (where it is warm), when room temperature in a group and in a cold place (between the frames, in the refrigerator) - Children observe and draw conclusions
Soil research: examining the inhabitants - bugs, worms.
Soil experiment: “Is there air in the earth” (If we lower the earth into a transparent container with water, we see that bubbles appear - this is air, which means there is air in the earth (soil)


Teacher activity
Encouraging children to introspection and self-assessment of their activities
Help in formulating conclusions
Children activities
Harvest. Exhibition of works
Teamwork"OUR HARVEST" (application)
holiday event
Expected result:
1. Will be formed one system formation moral qualities the personality of a preschooler through environmental education based on the principle of continuity of all links in the educational chain.
2. A developing environment will be organized to promote the moral and environmental development of children.
3. A functional model of ecologization of preschoolers, a system of criteria and indicators for assessing the formation of their value orientations will be developed and implemented.
4. Will be designed didactic complex(summaries directly- educational activities, entertainment scenarios, didactic games, manuals)

Project on environmental education of preschool children "Become a friend to nature"

Environmental project: « Become a friend of nature»

Members project: children group, educator,parents

Prepared: Podluzhnaya Anastasia Viktorovna, educator

Relevance project:

Ecological education of preschoolers is an important and integral part parenting. Peace nature very rich and beautiful and all its splendor must be conveyed to the child. The child needs to early years suggest to love nature means to do good. Force children to think, over their actions and deeds

Under environmental education imply - direct contact of the child with objects nature, "live" communication with nature,animals,watching nature, practical activities for the care of plants and animals, understanding what they saw.

A huge role is played by both practical activities and classes in environmental education in educational process kindergarten. The sooner this work is started, the greater the pedagogical effect will be. Work on environmental education is very relevant today.

The project defines goals, tasks aimed at ecological education of preschoolers.

Goals project:

Formation of the beginnings ecological culture of younger preschoolers.

To instill in children a love for everything around them.

Create conditions for cognitive abilities preschoolers.

Learning by children living and not living nature.

Expand your horizons children.

Understanding the need to live in harmony with the environment.


form ecological views

Forming the foundations environmental education, development ecological consciousness, thinking

Build emotional responsiveness perception of the environment.

To form the ability to analyze the actions of people and their own, to do environmental findings.

Cultivate norms of behavior in nature and respect for her.

Give children ideas about what nature-our common Home for plants, animals and humans.

To make children understand what place a person occupies in nature

Promote the need environmental education of preschoolers among parents

Expected Result:

Conscious Right Attitude children to nature.

Development cognitive activity children

Development children sustained interest in representatives of the living world.

Intellectually - personal development children.

Assimilation by children of the necessary knowledge about the life of animals in the wild nature.

Involving parents in pedagogical process Preschool educational institution, strengthening interest in cooperation with kindergarten.

View project: group, short-term, cognitive-informational.

Integration of educational regions: cognitive development, socially communication development, physical development.

Pedagogical principles:




accounting age and individual characteristics children.


Preparatory stage:

Search work on the selection of illustrative material for topic: riddles, sayings, poems.

Examination of paintings, illustrations in books.

Listening to audio recordings "Sounds nature» ,voices of birds, sounds made by wild and domestic animals

Observations on living and non-living nature.

With the help of parents, we developed and supplemented the corner nature.

Implementation stages project

I. Classes of the cognitive cycle.

Basics ecology.

Theme: "Wild animals"


Expand knowledge about wild animals

Give an idea about the life of animals in the wild

Introduce characteristic features body structure of animals, habitat.

Develop colloquial speech, attention, memory, the ability to systematize the information received.

Bring up desire to take care of animals.

Basics ecology

Theme: "Living and non-living nature»


Give an idea of ​​living and non-living nature.

Learn to distinguish between living and non-living forms nature.

To consolidate the skills of research activities, the ability to conduct observations.

Ability to make simple inferences.

Bring up love and respect for objects nature.

Theme: Mushroom meadow.


keep learning children roll out columns from plasticine and connect them with parts from additional material.

materials: Four mushrooms of different colors and shapes, cut out of cardboard and cut in half vertically; shell walnut, plasticine Brown color, plank - lining.

Theme: « autumn trees and bushes"


keep learning children roll up small multi-colored balls of plasticine and flatten them with your fingers from the top.

Develop at children sense of proportion.

Inculcate aesthetic taste.

materials: Cardboard depicting the outline of a tree (trunk, branches, without a crown, plasticine of red, yellow, green, orange colors; lining board.


Theme: "Wild animals. Hare"


Teach children make a whole object from parts and carefully stick them;

Bring the product to desired image with the help of markers.

keep learning children do the job carefully.

materials: Cardboard blue color circles cut out of white paper (head, oval (torso, 6 elongated ovals (paws and ears, small circle (tail, glue, brush, napkins, oilcloth - lining, felt-tip pens.

II. Artistic and aesthetic development. The development of speech.

Reading fiction.

K. Ushinsky "Four Wishes",

V. Bianchi "Forest houses",

K. Paustovsky "Badger nose", "Hare paws"

G. Skrebitsky "Mitya's Friends".

Learning poems.

1. Yu. Kushak "Deer"

2. V. Orlov "Why does the bear sleep in winter"

III. Watching cartoons.

"Winter hut of animals", "Brave Bunny", "Teremok" etc.

IV. Observations

Seasonal observations (behind the wind, sky, trees, etc.)

Sounds nature(head of birds, wild and domestic animals)

forest sounds (rain in the forest, morning forest, etc.)

Song by D. Kabalevsky "Our land"

Music bdh "It is called nature» .

Outdoor games "At the bear in the forest", "The gray bunny washes", "Fox and Hares", "Hares and the wolf" etc.

Didactic games "To each his own place", "Everyone has their own pair", "Fly away, crawl away, swim away", "Who's protecting what?"

Finger gymnastics "The deer has a big house", "Under the mushroom hut house", "Between spruce soft paws", "For mushrooms", "Funny animals", "Bear", "Hedgehog and Drum".

Visual gymnastics, breathing exercises.

VII. Educator - parents

Advice for parents Ecological education of preschool children», « Ecological education of children in the family» .

VIII. Children are parents

Joint production of crafts from natural material.

Family walks in the forest, park, square.

Reading books about animals nature.

IX. Summarizing

Exhibition from natural materials

Exhibition of drawings children"How Animals Winter"

Presentation of the open lessons: "Winter hut of animals"

findings: The project It has positive result, not only in terms of information, but also social and communicative. Children learned to draw independent conclusions of their own and other people's actions. We received a sufficient amount of information about the life of wild and domestic animals. We learned about how animals adapt to life in the wild conditions of the forest. Also learned the need careful attitude to the environment around us. Have a stable representation of the rules of conduct in nature.

Related publications:

Project on ecological education of children 4-5 years old "Water is life" The project "Water is life" on the environmental education of children 4-5 years old. The purpose of the project: To form in children knowledge about the importance of water in life.

Synopsis of the GCD in the junior group of preschool age on environmental education "The economy of grandmother Varvarushka" Tasks: to fix with children different types transport, domestic and wild animals; develop children's memory logical thinking, fine motor skills.

Abstract open lesson on environmental education for children of senior preschool age. Topic: "How to recognize birds?". Content:.

Goal and tasks. Teach children to distinguish between living and inanimate nature. Clarify children's ideas about the properties of water and air and their role in life.

environmental education

Definition 1

environmental education- direction to preschool pedagogy to introduce children to nature.

In children at preschool age, through targeted pedagogical influence, it is possible to form the inclinations ecological culture, conscious and right attitude to natural phenomena and objects. Such an attitude is developed only under the condition of close contact and interaction of the child with the plant and animal world.

Definition 2

Consciously correct attitude to nature- this is a combination of the child's knowledge and active manifestations, in particular: interest in various phenomena nature, the desire to preserve nature and create right conditions for the life of plants and animals, an emotional response to any manifestations of the natural world, its beauty.

The correct attitude to the world around can be formed in children if they are systematically introduced to natural diversity, demonstrate a connection with the environment, involve in practical activities to maintain necessary conditions for the life of plants and animals, to provide an opportunity to observe their growth and development.

AT preschool period With the help of environmental education, the child is laid the initial understanding of the interaction of man with nature.

An effective way to implement environmental education is project activities. Environmental projects implemented in kindergarten, give rise to the formation of ecological culture in children. Such projects are built on the organization of the interaction of children with the nature of their immediate environment, the knowledge of what grows and lives nearby.

Ecological project "Birds of the native land"

Objective of the project: consolidation of pupils' ideas about birds, their way of life and connection with environment, as well as the role of man in the life of the bird community, drawing the attention of pupils to environmental protection, teaching children to be merciful.

Project objectives:

  • expanding the knowledge of pupils about birds native land;
  • observing the habits of birds;
  • familiarity with feeders and their purpose, methods of their manufacture from various materials;
  • to interest parents in activities related to nature protection and talk about the need for education in children conscious attitude to the world;
  • to teach children and parents to organize environmental activities;
  • teach pupils how to properly feed birds;
  • fostering a caring attitude towards birds and a desire to help them in winter conditions.

The project consists of three main stages:

  • preparatory, which consists in creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project, in particular: discussion with parents of the goals and objectives of the project, selection of literature, preparation of presentations; production of didactic games; organization of an exhibition of drawings dedicated to birds, production of feeders.
  • the main stage of the project, including the exhibition of feeders, choosing a place for hanging feeders, bird watching, feeding birds, designing propaganda posters calling for feeding birds in winter, creating and filling out a diary of observations.
  • the final stage, at which the results of the project are summed up, the awarding of participants and winners of the competitions.

Ecological project "Secrets of Water"

Objective of the project: clarification and expansion of children's ideas about water in various states, its signs, properties.

Project objectives:

  • create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in children;
  • expansion of children's ideas about the properties of water, its transitions to different states;
  • formation of ideas about the importance of water in human life.

Project implementation is to create the album "Secrets of Water", joint work children and parents in the form of drawings, applications, crafts, memorizing poems about water, reading stories and fairy tales about it, preparing and watching a presentation on the topic “Water”.

Short term project:

Promotionpurity and kindness in MBDOU DS "Korablik", Volgodonsk

Project motto: There is such a firm rule - "I got up in the morning, washed myself, put myself in order - and immediately put your city in order."

The main activities aimed at the implementation of the project:

1. Development of a plan for holding an action in MBDOU DS "Korablik" in Volgodonsk "Action of purity and kindness."

2. Holding a subbotnik together with teachers, parents and children on the territory of the kindergarten.

3.Holding joint activities aimed at the implementation of the project with employees, teachers, parents of pupils and children.

The most important result of our project is the formation of a real community of children, educators, parents who love their native kindergarten, making a feasible contribution to its cleanliness and prosperity!

Project principles.

The project is based on four principles:

Principle of differentiation- creation optimal conditions for self-realization of each participant in the project.

The principle of integrativity- implies close cooperation with the family, society.

The principle of individualization - individual approach to each project participant.

The principle of humanism- to see in the child a full partner, to take into account his point of view.

Stages of project implementation:

Stage 1 - preparatory.

Task of the stage: analysis of the situation; definition of its main goals: the formation of ecological consciousness, ecological culture, kindness and mercy as the basic qualities of a person.

Stage 2 - organizational: planning and forecasting future work

Tasks of the stage: greening of all sections of the program of education and training of preschool children; creation ecological environment in the preschool educational institution, involving all project participants in the upcoming creative work; development of work plans with teachers and parents on the formation of environmental education through environmental campaigns, selection of literature and information on the project.

Stage 3 - Practical activities.

The tasks of the stage: the formation of elementary environmental knowledge and ideas of educators, children and parents, as well as the beginning, the foundations of environmental education through the conduct of an environmental action.

Stage 4 - final.

Stage tasks: generalization of experience and determination of the result practical activities.

Forms of work on the implementation of the project with teachers:

Selection and study of literature on the topic;

Planning and forecasting future work;

Stand production " Underwater world seas and oceans";

Update panel "Flora and fauna Rostov region»;

Participation in the environmental subbotnik;

Forms of work on the implementation of the project with children:

Observations and ecological excursions;

 Creation of presentations, slide shows;

 informative reading;

 contests and quizzes;

productive activity;

 ecological, mobile, didactic, simulation games.

Final event.

Forms and methods of working with parents:

Consultations and messages environmental focus for parental corners;

Participation of parents in subbotnik;

Conducting joint ecological excursions;

Team work teachers with children

Interaction with family

    Viewing and discussion of the presentation "The enemy of nature is garbage!"

    Reading literary works: “Respect the work of others”, N.A. Ryzhova “How people offended the river” and others.

    Drawings of children "prohibiting signs" Viewing and discussion of the presentation "The enemy of nature is garbage!"

    Making crafts from waste material"Clean and play."

    Conversation "A beautiful city is a clean city."

    Competition for the best craft from recycled material: "Mom, dad, me - we work miracles"

    Photo booth using photos of the subbotnik "That's how it got clean!"

    Labor landing (subbotnik) for cleaning the territory of a preschool institution

    Acquaintance with folk wisdom: proverbs, sayings about caring for nature

    Exhibition "Nature and creativity"


1. Evdokimova, E.S. Pedagogical support of the family in the upbringing of a preschooler / E.S. Evdokimov. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005.

2. Zhernevskaya, T.V. The system of cooperation with parents as a condition for optimizing the environmental education of preschoolers / T.V. Zhernevskaya, L.A. Maltnova //Management of a preschool educational institution. - 2007. - No. 3.

3. Zvereva, O.L., Krotova, T.V. Communication between a teacher and parents in a preschool educational institution: a methodological aspect / O.L. Zvereva, T.V. Krotov. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005.

4. Martynovich, V.A. Introducing children 6-7 years old to nature: interaction with family / V.A. Martynovich //Management of a preschool educational institution. - 2005. - No. 2.

5. "We". The program of environmental education for children / N. N. Kondratieva et al. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2003.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Ship" Volgodonsk

(MBDOU DS "Ship" Volgodonsk)

Short-term environmental project:

"Conducting an actionpurity and kindness in MBDOU DS "Korablik", Volgodonsk"

Prepared by:

senior caregiver

Gorkovskaya A.A.


Ecological project "Birds of the spring region"

“From how childhood passed, who
led the child by the hand in childhood,
that entered his mind and heart from
the world around - from this to
depends to a large extent on how
today's baby will become a man.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Planet Earth is our common home, every person living in it should carefully and carefully treat it, preserving all its values ​​and wealth. Kindergarten today is an educational institution that provides sports and recreation, cognitive and speech, artistic and aesthetic, social and personal development of children. The environmentally oriented direction can be singled out separately, and at the same time it is integrated into each of the above directions, since it has a huge impact for intellectual, creative and moral education shaping modern educational personality. Most effective method implementation of the tasks of environmental education is the organization of project activities. Participation in environmental campaigns, subbotniks, work with environmental projects - unique opportunity for children and parents to prove themselves, to benefit the natural environment of their native land.
huge role in environmental education preschool children has a practical research activities in natural conditions. After all, in the process of children's research, the child receives specific cognitive skills: learns to observe, reason, plan work, learns to predict the result, experiment, compare, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations in a word, develop cognitive abilities. Therefore, children are given an additional opportunity to join research work, as a leading way of knowing the world around.
The novelty of our environmental project lies in the use of ICT. The main fact that ensures the effectiveness of educational - educational process, is the personal involvement of children and parents in eventful life. Using new technologies that are exciting for a new generation, this inclusion can be ensured. The project allows children and parents to do what they love and at the same time benefit the world around them.
Purpose: To consolidate the ideas of pupils about birds, and their way of life, about the connection with the environment, the role of man in the life of birds. To draw the attention of pupils and parents to environmental activities and teach them how to organize it. To educate the defenders of nature, to give ecological knowledge, to teach to be merciful.
To expand the pupils' understanding of the birds of our Udmurt spring region.
Summarize the knowledge gained by pupils when observing the leashes of birds.
To expand the understanding of pupils and parents about the types of feeders, how to make them from different material.
To interest parents in environmental activities, to bring to their consciousness the need to educate children in love and respect for birds, the formation of a conscious attitude towards the world.
Teach pupils to organize environmental activities together with their parents.
Teach kids how to properly feed them.
To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help in difficult winter conditions.

The relevance of the project.
The task of adults is to raise children's interest in our neighbors on the planet - birds, the desire to learn new facts about their lives, take care of them, rejoice in the knowledge that by sharing crumbs, you can save birds from death in winter. Give children basic knowledge about how to feed birds.
AT own work with parents to create conditions for communication of pupils with the natural world and for all possible assistance to our feathered friends.

Project participants:
Preschool children.
Parents, legal representatives of our pupils.
Doe teachers.
population of our neighborhood.

Project implementation period: September 2012 - May 2013.

Type of project: information - practice - oriented.

Stages of the project:

Stage 1: preparatory:
Creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project:
Discussion of goals and objectives with educators and parents;

Justification, prediction of ways to implement the project;
Selection of cognitive, fiction;
Guessing riddles, reading poems about birds;
Conducting discussions on the project;
Registration of consultations;
Prepare presentations "Wintering birds", "What are the feeders", "Migratory birds";
Making didactic games;
Design of didactic games;
Exhibition of drawings "Bird Cafe";
together with parents, making feeders from different materials.
Stage 2: Main (practical) stage:
Decor descriptive stories about birds;
The study of food for feeding birds;
Exhibition of feeders;
Choosing a place for feeders;
During the whole project feeding of birds;
Decor campaign posters"Feed the birds in winter";
Preparation of booklets, memos;
Observation of the behavior of birds on the feeders;
Creation of a diary of observations;
Daily filling of the observation diary;
Development and accumulation teaching materials, development of recommendations on the problem.
Stage 3: Final
Summing up the results of the project implementation;
Awarding of active participants of the project;
Organization of photo exhibitions: "Bird's canteen", "Such different feeders", etc.
Presentation of the project (coverage of work experience);
Coverage of work experience in the media;
Speech by the propaganda team.
An example of planning for one month.
- Directly educational activities
"Those Who Can Fly"
Purpose: To clarify and expand children's ideas about birds, their characteristics, features. Introduce interesting facts from the life of birds, to show their uniqueness. Cultivate a careful, caring attitude towards nature.
- Leisure "Evening of riddles" (senior preschool age).
- Examination of illustrations Examination of illustrations "Birds of the spring region."
- conversation International day of observing the autumn departure of birds - 23.09
- Birdwatching:
- what birds fly to the site (sparrow, crow, dove, ..)
What sounds do birds make?
How many legs do birds have and how do they walk?
- Reading
** E. Blaginina "Swifts"
** G. Snegirev "Birds of our forests"
** E. Nosov "Like a crow on the roof got lost"
** Y. Tuvin "Bird Radio"
** E. Charushin “Why does Tyup not catch birds”
** A. Tolstoy "Magpie".
** S. Vakhrintseva "Birds"
** G.Kh.Adersen "Wild Swans"
** V. Garshin "Frog - Traveler"
- Directly educational activity *** "Journey with a bird along the forest path" - drawing junior group
*** « fairy bird» - drawing based on the Gzhel masters.
*** "Bird family" picture image " caring parents» - senior group
*** "Birds of other countries" - "Ostrich - the largest bird on earth - preparatory group
- Outdoor games - "Birds in nests" and "Geese" - younger preschool age
- "Falcon and mother hen" and "Owl" - senior preschool age
- Inventing Think up a phrase related to birds for various sounds with older preschool children.
- finger game"Birds" - the first and second junior group
- Learning Learning tongue twisters
- Game exercises“Show the bird” (sparrow, crow, etc.).
- Dramatization of "Russian Folk Rhymes about Birds".
- Didactic games "Who lives where?", "Flies, swims, runs."
- Plot - role-playing game"Bird Hospital"
Listening Listening to the audio recording of "Voices of Birds"
*** Design of the folder "Bird Holiday" (scenarios and entertainment)
*** Design of the folder “With birds in all seasons” (summaries of directly educational activities)
*** Comprehensive compilation - thematic plan psychological - pedagogical work with pupils and narrow specialists
*** Consultation "Integration of educational areas as a means of development of preschool children"
*** Books - babies "Birds of our land" (A5 format) - riddles, poems, a story about birds.
Excursion to the library with children of preschool age
