How to stand cancer correct position.

Usually girls love it when a man comes up from behind, because this way they can fully focus on their feelings. And some do - experience an orgasm, only standing on all fours. However, in addition to pleasure, sex in a doggy-style position is also ...

1. Feel your chest dangling in the air

Feel and think: what if this leaves stretch marks on the skin?

2. Not knowing where to look

There are really few options: look at the bed, look at the walls - that's, in fact, that's all ... Boring!

3. Injure your knees

Even if you have sex, standing on all fours on the softest mattress in the world, your knees will not rub off into the blood - but they will still ache.

4. Injure your wrists

Same thing with knees.

5. Annoy the neighbors

Because sex in the back position is what makes any bed squeak non-stop. You can, of course, slow down and imitate snails, but then why do this at all?

6. Being unable to take the initiative

If you start moving back towards a man in order to show him your enthusiasm and willingness to work hard for a common cause, then this will only slow down his pace and break off the buzz.

7. Nervous about how you look from behind

What if at the back of my head strange shape like square? Or: what if a pimple popped up on your back? These and similar thoughts prevent you from truly relaxing.

8. Feel pain when a man goes too deep.

Sometimes it can be like hitting the cervix with a hammer.

9. Guessing: what is his face now?

It's really strange: to please someone and not see his reaction. What if the man is making faces now? Or picking his nose? Or bored looking out the window? Or sticking out his tongue and drooling? Brrr…

10. Making vaginal farts

In a position where the girl is on all fours, the male genital organ works like a pump that pumps air inside. It's normal that sooner or later the air loud sound comes back - there's nothing to be ashamed of. But still, how embarrassing!

11. Feel your neck stiff

If you have sex in the knee-elbow position too often, the neck stops bending normally.

12. Not seeing what is happening behind your back

But what if he called his friend to look, and he quietly entered the room with a camera? It is unlikely, of course, - but what if ...

13. Stay without clitoral stimulation

Theoretically, a man, even being in a position from behind, can throw his palm where it should be, but let's face it: a rare partner bothers himself with such altruistic actions ...

14. Constantly getting slapped on the ass

If it's light pats for warming up, they can even be pleasant. But when, in a fit of passion, a man starts whipping you like a serf, it can be very, very painful.

15. Be aware that your partner is looking straight at you in one place.

This fact is perhaps the most serious concern ...

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The “cancer” pose is also “knee-elbow”, she is “dog-like”, she is also “a man from behind”, she is also a “lioness”. A comparison of the position for having sex with a lioness came from Ancient Greece. In China, this position is called the “wedding of kingfishers”, and the glamorous youth for the “cancer” pose uses the English phrase “dog-style”, that is, doggy style.

This posture is for sexual pleasures is the most ancient, the most natural, the most common and the most beloved by most women, if the partner does not let you down.

What is this pose - "cancer"

To take the “cancer” position, the partner needs to kneel and rest her elbows on the plane that the couple has chosen for sex. The partner enters the woman from behind, either kneeling behind her, or standing on his feet if the levels of the partners are not the same. For example, if a woman took a doggy position on a narrow sofa or chair, then it would be better for a man to stand on the floor, adjusting his height to the woman and bending his knees.

The doggy position can be practiced by a couple without the use of a bed or sofa. In this case, the woman simply tilts her body forward to allow the man to penetrate her from behind. For a more stable position during friction, a woman can lean her hands against a wall, railing or corner of a massive closet. If the height of the partners does not match (usually the woman is shorter than the man and he has to bend his knees), then the woman can please both herself and the man by standing on high heels. This one looks insanely sexy.

How to stand cancer

Everything here is purely individual. You can stand "cancer", resting on your hands, or you can use your elbows. You can slightly spread your legs, or you can connect them completely. You can rest your head against the head of the bed or against the pillows, if you need to drown out the sweet moan, and sometimes the voluptuous cry. And can the partner even straighten up in order to dig into the partner’s lips in passionate kiss turning the body back. This is how it goes - the main thing is that the sex is from the heart. Correct or not, the physiology of the partners and their physical fitness will tell.

Where did such a name of the pose - "cancer" come from?

Version 1

“Crawled on all fours”, that is, on hands and knees, or “on four bones”. So they say about a person who is not able to move on his feet. The Russian word "karachki" in Ukrainian sounds like "crayfish". From here it went: “stand up dorsal”, “stand up with cancer”.

Version 2.

The “cancer” pose allows a man to control a woman’s body, wrapping his arms around her waist, hips, breasts or buttocks, putting his partner on his penis. And a woman can sit down herself, leaning towards the movements of her partner, as if moving backwards, as a cancer moves - it moves backwards. Hence the name of the pose - stand up or "give cancer".

What is good pose "cancer"

She gives more possibilities in sexual pleasures.

  1. It gives a man the opportunity to view a woman from behind, and for most men, the sight of a naked female ass is simply intoxicating.
  2. In this position, the man enters the woman deeper. And a woman can regulate his movements, moving away from her partner a little or, on the contrary, clinging to him more strongly.
  3. A man can freely caress the clitoris of his partner, in other positions this caress is sometimes unavailable.
  4. The “cancer” pose allows a woman to caress the male testicles by putting her hand between her legs.
  5. This position is the most favorable for the conception of a child, because during frictions a man's penis comes close to the uterus, and sometimes in a fit of passion and opens it.

Disadvantages of the pose "cancer"

In principle, there is only one drawback - the impossibility of a kiss on the lips, which is a sensual sign of the close relationship of partners. Although, the partner has only to straighten up and turn her face to the man, he will not miss the chance to bite into her lips that are thirsty for a kiss. True, for this you still need a good physical form lovers.

In real love relationships in general, and in the sex associated with them in particular, there is no such problem as standing cancer right or wrong. Because passion leaves no room for mathematical formulas and precise alignment of the knees and elbows, and love simply sweeps them aside, not noticing either the inconvenience of a narrow sofa or the danger high heels. The desire to possess each other, here and now, completely sweeps away everything existing rules even physical laws. There is only one rule in love - love while you can ...

I. and I filed an application with the registry office. Our wedding was to take place in two months. We still lived with our parents, each with his own, and therefore used every opportunity to meet.
I., in order to save some money for the wedding, got a job as a watchman at a construction site. He worked at night and studied at the institute during the day.

It was winter, cold, with bitter frosts and winds.
One evening, I. called me at work: “I'm on duty today, can you come visit? I'll give you tea." In his words there was an expectation and a promise of a pleasant meeting.
We so rarely managed to spend time together that I certainly agreed.

In the evening, having previously asked I. for directions, I went to him. I found the construction site itself surprisingly quickly, although it was located in a place that was not very familiar to me. But the search for the gatehouse itself was hampered by the fact that it was already completely dark on the street, and the entire construction site was illuminated by a single lantern. Everywhere lay some kind of construction debris, some kind of sticks and pieces of iron. I was frankly terrified, but I tried not to despair and still find the abode of I..

I don’t know how long I walked in circles, but suddenly I saw a beam of a flashlight and rushed towards it. It was I.. The time appointed by him has long passed. Without waiting for me, he went in search. I already had a tooth on a tooth from the cold and fear. I was extremely happy that I could finally be warm, next to my fiancé.
The construction trailer, in which there was a gatehouse, was securely hidden from prying eyes in the darkness of the night. I passed by it many times, but never saw it. The only window of the trailer looked out towards the fence. Quite stupid, considering that the watchman was supposed to watch what was happening at the construction site.
It was warm inside. There was a powerful heating element in the trailer, which perfectly heated small room. The room had two wooden benches, a chair and a small table, a nightstand with an electric stove on it. Yes, indeed, I. has already prepared tea for me. By the way, in order to keep warm.
He hugged me as soon as we entered, kissed my frozen cheeks and rubbed my cold palms, unbuttoned the buttons on my coat, but did not take it off and handed me a mug of hot tea. Took off myself outerwear.
With every sip of tea and with every kiss I. I felt warmer. I myself took off my coat, when I warmed up, pulled it over my head wool sweater. Immediately she felt the movement of air from the uncovered cracks, chilly moved her shoulders and dived into the arms of I., who, it seemed, was just waiting for this. We kissed for a long time standing up, his hands stroking my shoulders and back, fingers sometimes getting into my hair, bringing them into disarray. I pressed against him tightly with my whole body, feeling that kisses excite him, make him impatient. I myself was already excited. In a couple of months of our meetings, we learned to give pleasure to each other, we learned what a mutual orgasm is. We didn't have much luck with positions, because we didn't have places to meet. Therefore, we have learned well to have sex while standing, facing each other, since growth allowed. Never before have we used the pose of a man from behind, I was frankly embarrassed, as well as the words "pose of cancer." Perhaps we were both shy, trying to talk less and act more.
So this time, having appreciated the “conveniences” of this room, having tried to have sex while sitting and almost ruining the only chair, we somehow spontaneously approached small table, on which I immediately fell with my chest. I. entered me carefully, listening to my reaction. And I, listening to own feelings I suddenly realized that I like this pose. I forcefully leaned towards the movements of I., enjoying the depth of his penetration and the fury of the jolts.

I got hot. I was on fire and breathing this passion. I felt an orgasm approaching. And.. But my usual orgasm was not there. Despite all the charm of the act itself, the excitement was trembling at its peak, and it was ready to pour out in a refreshing wave, but some little thing was missing, the smallest thing for this to happen.
I. finished. I was satisfied and at the same time a little upset ...

The door swung open and in came the chief I..

We have not had time to put ourselves in order, although we have not undressed completely.
The confusion was terrible. I hurriedly buttoned up, pulled on a sweater, feeling a little more comfortable behind I.'s back. Then I grabbed my coat and hat and flew out of the lodge like a bullet, trying not to look the chief in the eyes.
I. had to take the whole blow on himself and had a long explanation with his superiors. He was saved by the closeness of the wedding and the temporary nature of the work. But the fine "for negligent attitude to their duties" still had to be paid

Pregnancy is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every woman. A period that is often accompanied not only by the joy of waiting for the approaching birth of a real miracle, but, unfortunately, by all kinds of sores and diseases that have come from nowhere. That's when prescriptions appear in the pregnant woman's card not only medicines, and incomprehensible positions of the body. One of the most commonly prescribed is knee-elbow.

It is doctors who call it knee-elbow, but among the people it is called simply and rudely - “cancer”. It is often recommended to expectant mothers in order to remove different kind congestion in the kidneys. The fact is that the constantly growing uterus compresses the ureters during pregnancy and it simply becomes difficult for urine to get into bladder. As a rule, doctors recommend taking this position once or twice a day for 20-30 minutes somewhere after the 20th week.

It is not at all difficult to take a knee-elbow position: you need to get up not on all fours, while it is desirable that the butt be above your head. In order for this to happen, you need to lower your head and shoulders as low as possible, but so that you are comfortable in this position.

To make it easier, you can put a pillow under your chest.

In the knee-elbow position, muscle relaxation occurs, the tone of the uterus decreases markedly. In this position during pregnancy, the load of the uterus on the kidneys is also greatly reduced, and, accordingly, the risk of edema is reduced. In addition, this position helps pregnant women who suffer from hemorrhoids: in the knee-elbow position, the pressure exerted by the uterus on the lower intestine is relieved.

It is also useful to stand in such an uncomplicated position also because, usually during pregnancy, the uterus squeezes large vessels, because of this, the supply of oxygen to the fetus significantly worsens - it is disturbed heartbeat during auscultation, and the knee-elbow position unloads uterine arteries and inferior vena cava. This improves fetal oxygenation.

The knee-elbow position during pregnancy also relieves pressure on the spine and abdominal cavity and most importantly, it helps and, as it were, tells the baby how to keep him busy correct position before childbirth.

Another undoubted plus of the knee-elbow position during pregnancy is the prevention of preeclampsia.

All the advantages of the knee-elbow position during pregnancy can be felt already in the second and third trimester, when the tummy takes on impressive dimensions and sometimes it seems that there is simply nowhere to put it. That's when it becomes easier to breathe, and the spine is unloaded, and much more blood flows to all organs.
