When to tell your parents about your pregnancy. T-shirt image

The fatal mistake of a pregnant woman is that she is the first to inform not her spouse, who is directly related to the conception of the child, but her parents or friends. Such an oversight can cause real offense to the other half. And it’s not that it was intended this way - it’s just that the new mommy was so overwhelmed with happy feelings that she couldn’t restrain herself and revealed her secret to the first person who crossed her path - a friend who accidentally called her on the way from the clinic, or her mother , who found herself at home after coming from the doctor. The fact remains, and the husband will be sincerely upset, especially if he hears about the joyful event from his parents, especially from his friends.

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So you need to hold back your violent emotions and wait for your loved one. Just wait, because about such important things don't talk on the phone. Similar situation does not happen every day and there is absolutely nothing ordinary about it. Therefore, any methods will do, but not the banal ones, like “Grisha, soon you will become a dad!”

Important! A pregnant woman owes nothing to anyone. Therefore, she decides when and to whom to tell about her situation.

And jokes aside, there are plenty of ways to acquaint your beloved with the sensational news:

  1. Belly ribbon. You can tell your spouse that there is a surprise for him and point to your belly, decorated with an elegant ribbon like a gift;
  2. Inscription on the belly. Write "Hi Dad" on your tummy. Or depict the word “PREGNANCY”, and below “1% loaded” and then free cells, simulating the subsequent “loading” of pregnancy to 100%. A good option for the future dad - a programmer.
  3. Or give it to him tank top or t-shirt with the inscription “I am the best dad”;
  4. The message can be sent in the form telegrams and contain the following text “See you in October. Your son.";
  5. Set of children's things, toys, clothes or hygiene items can lead your husband to the correct answer if you place all the items in the room when he arrives from work;
  6. Morning coffee. In addition, you can do this in the morning by serving your spouse coffee or tea along with a pregnancy test, tied with a shiny ribbon or packaged in a beautiful box;
  7. You can submit the image to him in the same form Ultrasound or booties, other children's accessories.
  8. Romantic dinner. Many women for whom this a real holiday, they want the same festive mood and for the man you love. When else can you announce what will appear very soon? long-awaited baby, if not for festive table in a romantic, intimate setting with candles?
  9. Cabbage. Place cabbage heads throughout the apartment. To my husband’s perplexed question, “What does this mean?” Calmly tell me that the doctor said that we will have a child, let’s look for him together.
  10. Paired T-shirts. Order T-shirts with the words "I'll be a mom" and "I'll be a dad." Wear yours and solemnly present the other one to the future dad.
  11. Surprise cake. Order a custom cake and ask that your family be “placed” on it - you, your husband and unborn child. Serve the cake for tea and wait for your husband to ask what it means.
  12. Older brother. If your family already has a baby, then prepare in advance a T-shirt with the inscription big brother ( elder sister) and ask your child to put on a T-shirt before dad arrives.
  13. Music. Choose a playlist of songs that contain the words “baby”, “child”, etc. and when you and your husband are at home, play the songs louder and watch your husband when he guesses everything.
  14. Poetry. You can announce that your loved one will soon become a dad in verse (send by letter, email, SMS...). This option will do, if your husband is away and you won’t see each other soon to tell the good news in person. It will turn out original and unusual. If you don’t know how to write poetry, it doesn’t matter; below we will publish a selection of poems with which you can tell the future dad the good news.

  15. Cubes with letters. From the cubes, put out the inscription “Darling, you will soon be a dad.”
  16. Balloons. Blow up a lot of balloons and write on them “Congratulations, you are about to become a dad.”
  17. Beanbag. Give your husband a rattle packaged in a box with a bow.
  18. Ultrasound. Do the baby's first ultrasound and discreetly put it in your husband's pocket or bag.
  19. Breakfast. Prepare breakfast for your husband and write the inscription “to the future dad” on the plate with food.
  20. Chalk drawing. Write under the window with chalk “Andrey, you will soon become a dad!”
  21. Cookie. Bake fortune cookies and leave them with a note “The best dad in the world, I will come to you in 8 months.”
  22. Kinder Surprise. Give your husband a Kinder surprise, and put a note inside that says “I’ll be out in 8 months.”
  23. Predictions. Calculate the approximate due date and ask your husband « Do you know what will happen on December 19, 2018? » , he will remember the alleged events for a long time and finally give up. And you tell him: « On this day we will become the parents of a beautiful baby.”

Important! The expectant mother needs to be prepared for her husband’s reaction, and it is often different from what the pregnant girl expects.

The expectant mother may be very disappointed in the man's reaction. And she will not be at all what her spouse expects. A man, before the meaning of what was said reaches him, will be taken aback, maybe even speechless for a while. So that a woman knows and is not offended once again, we can say that this is - normal reaction. This is later, when he realizes his position as a future father, there will be kisses, hugs, and being picked up, but not in the first moment after the fateful message. And a woman needs to be prepared for this. You shouldn’t push your hubby - let him slow down, think a little later woman will receive a double portion of love and gratitude.

However, there are times when you should not start this conversation:

  1. If a woman is angry or offended, you should not tell your man about your pregnancy; it is better to wait a little and calm down. There is no need to spoil such a wonderful moment for yourself or for him.
  2. If a man is driving a car, such news can cause an accident;
  3. Moreover, it is impossible to talk about such an important matter when the husband is passionate about or busy with something; this can always be done a little later.

The rest of the time, you can choose any way to inform your husband about your pregnancy in an original way. And you don’t need to wait for the instant desired reaction.

How to inform your parents about pregnancy in an original way

It is also important to please parents who will soon become grandparents. A similar approach is needed here. Mom and dad should learn about the imminent arrival of a child from their daughter, or from both spouses. If their son-in-law gives them this news, they may find it offensive. Then how to inform your parents about pregnancy in an original way?

The most suitable options:

  1. For this it is better to collect festive lunch or dinner, prepare delicious cookies, put a pre-set delicacy on a plate for father and mother, inside of which there will be notes with the text “The most best grandpa(or grandmother)";
  2. An unexpected gift. On the eve of the birthday of one of the parents, you can write a congratulation with the caption “ To the future grandmother(to grandfather)” or, having given a gift, promise another one - in 9 months;
  3. Table “waiting for the baby”. You can hint at your pregnancy by setting the table with a baby theme. Let the cake depict a stork with a bundle in its beak, a baby peeking out of cabbage, angels or children's toys, rattles, a stroller. Surely, such an abundance of children's items will interest parents, and they will understand their daughter's situation.
  4. Happy photo. Gather the whole family - you, husband, parents and offer to do something together family photo. When everyone is ready, instead of “smile,” say “Ah.” Name pregnant."
  5. Envelope with ultrasound. Come visit your parents and give them an envelope, tell them to open it, and you can film it. Place ultrasound images of the baby in the envelope.
  6. Letter. Write beautiful letter parents about their interesting position and give it to them when you meet. Ask to read it out loud in front of you.
  7. Cake. Come visit with a cake that says “Congratulations, you will soon become grandparents.”
  8. Pregnancy tests. Wrap your positive tests in beautiful packaging and give it to your parents.
  9. Booties. Give your parents small gifts with booties inside.
  10. Cafe. Invite your parents to a cafe or dinner and raise a toast to your future grandparents.
  11. Video call. If your parents live in another city and it is not possible to come, contact them via video call and show the ultrasound image on the screen.
  12. T-shirt. Come visit your parents wearing a T-shirt with the inscription “Baby One Lives Here.”
  13. A game. Play a game of truth or dare and tell the truth about your situation.

But it may also happen that the mother or father themselves already guess about the condition of their daughter. There may not be a surprise, but the news presented with love and humor will still be the most joyful in their lives. The most important thing is that the environment is warm and welcoming.

The husband's parents should also definitely learn the amazing news. If the relationship with them is not particularly warm, the spouse can take on this mission, but, ideally, it is advisable to talk about pregnancy together.

If your relationship with your parents leaves much to be desired

It is known that not all marriages are approved by the parents of the wife or husband. But, be that as it may, the spouses must inform about the heir in any case.

In this regard, you can use the advice experienced psychologists so that the meeting goes smoothly and negativity is kept to a minimum:

  • It is very important to choose the right time, then it will be easier to come to a mutual opinion;
  • If one of the parents was against the birth of a child, it is better to immediately prepare counterarguments and logical explanations - representatives of the older generation must understand that the intentions of the young spouses are serious and categorical;
  • There is no place for fear in such a conversation, the husband and wife must set themselves up for positivity and confidence in their beliefs - all the more likely the parents will be imbued with the same confidence, realizing that they will no longer be able to dissuade the young from taking a responsible step;
  • If the father and mother begin to give advice, they need to be listened to with respect without interrupting;
  • You should not raise your voice even when the conversation is heating up - only equanimity and reasonable calm will help avoid mutual reproaches and insults;
  • If the wife does not have supporters in someone else's family, she can pay a visit with one of her relatives who fully supports her point of view.
  • This is especially true if a young, inexperienced girl is pregnant - an adult will help her not to deviate from her convictions and not to become confused under the pressure of her husband’s parents.

If it concerns own parents, we must not forget that even the strictest father and mother, no matter how angry they are with their child, still love him, and anger is simply a reaction that passes off their experiences as his future fate.

In the experience of many pregnant girls, the initial anger and even unpredictable actions of upset parents very soon pass, giving way to genuine concern and even tears, and then the children have to calm them down. In fact, they dream no less about a grandson or granddaughter than a girl dreams about a son or daughter. Over time, the situation will normalize, and the previously irreconcilable father and mother will become wonderful grandparents.

With a vivid imagination and well-developed imagination, finding a way to inform your husband and parents about pregnancy in an original way will not be difficult. But you can always use the recommendations of those who have already pleased their loved ones with unforgettable news. The excitement and passions have long subsided, but there remains a bright memory of a happy moment that forever united dear hearts.

Why and how you can hide your pregnancy: video

Seeing for the first time two stripes on the test in the case of a desired and, especially, long-awaited pregnancy, the girls, out of happiness, forget about everything they can and fly as if on wings to tell their loved one the good news. However, this moment can be made more romantic and memorable - just use a little imagination.

I, like many, told my husband about my first pregnancy in the most banal way. The second time I wanted to be original. And in the third, I tried hard. So, the first thing to do is to calm down and try not to reveal your feelings, so that the surprise is truly unexpected. And then you can resort to one of the methods I described.

30 ways to announce your pregnancy:

1) Having learned about pregnancy, I calculated how long I was in weeks and looked into my pregnancy diary. And at exactly 5 weeks she asked: “Darling, do you know what day it is today?” He, of course, frantically begins to go through all the dates in his memory: when you met, when you got married, when is your birthday... And when is his “ search system” produces the line: “Nothing was found for your request,” you smile slyly and say: “Today our baby’s heart beat!”

2) At 10 weeks I took an ultrasound picture of the baby. Having calculated the MDR ( approximate date childbirth), I tell my relatives: “What do you think will happen on May 9, 2012? You didn’t guess!” I hand them the photo: “There will be one more person in our family!” Dads can hand over a photo from the 6th week of pregnancy, saying: “You guessed wrong! On this day we will become the father and mother of this little pea!”

3) I made special preparations for my third pregnancy! Taking a photo of the very first one positive test(unfortunately, I didn’t have the patience to wait until the second stripe became brighter), I made a collage in Photoshop. I placed the postcard on my computer desktop. She hid a camera nearby. When my husband came home from work and sat down at the computer, I photographed his reaction. And then on the first page of the baby’s photo album I made a comic about how dad found out about the pregnancy.

4) For relatives, I adjusted the postcard by photographing the test with already bold stripes near the pacifier, and adding romantic photos families with three children. I printed the card in large format and placed it in a large white envelope. They handed it over with the words: “You have a letter!”

5) Another option with a postcard: send it by mail or MMS to your phone, or send it as a message to social network. But it is important to be nearby when you receive the postcard to see the reaction.

6) In a special program (you can find one on the Internet), combine photos of you and your husband online and print the resulting portrait of your unborn child. Paste in Photoshop to yours joint photography, print it out and put it in an envelope labeled “Letter from the Future.” And drop it in your mailbox. And then ask your husband to look at the mail after work. Or put the photo in a frame and place it next to his cell phone or alarm clock in the evening so that he sees it in the morning. Or stick it to the bathroom mirror in the evening and write in lipstick: this is us in 1.5 years! If you are not friends with photo editors, you can resort to the help of specialists in a photo salon.

7) In the evening, place a huge head of cabbage in the refrigerator on the most prominent shelf with the following inscription: “Take me away from here in 8 months.” You can also put a positive test in cabbage leaves.

8) A slightly different option with the refrigerator: put cabbage, a jar on the shelf pickles, several packages of white chalk and a note: “Dad, finally buy your mom some vitamins for pregnant women! I don’t want to eat cucumbers and chalk for 8 months.”

9) “Darling, I have 2 news for you - bad and good. The bad news is that you won’t see me in the mornings anymore…. And the good one: I’ll be in the toilet at this time!” The information will enter his head and he will search his brain hard, but it will be worth it!

10) Dear, I have 2 news for you: good and bad. Bad – soon it won’t be on my finger wedding ring... (he begins to panic) Good - I’ll have to take it off, because... Pregnant women’s fingers swell!”

11) Put ultrasound from 5-6 weeks in a package of cabbage seeds. Serve it to your husband with the words: “Well, my gardener, let’s go grow cabbage?” With surprised eyes, he takes the seed package and looks inside. You: “And here is our seed! Harvest in 8 months!” Or: “And here is the one we will find in the cabbage! Harvest in 8 months"

12) Make a video of photos about your acquaintance, wedding, accompanied by gentle music, with text comments from you popping up. At the end of the video, the inscription “...And soon there will be more of us!” appears. with a photo of the baby or your ultrasound and test. It doesn’t take long to make such a video in the usual standard program “Windows Life Film Studio”.

So, these methods for you were from me. Here are the methods offered by other mothers:

13) Put the test in gift box with flowers, pacifier and booties.

14) Give a box with junior sergeant's shoulder straps (with two stripes) and children's buttons sewn to them.

15) Play the game 12 notes with him. Each note tells you where to look for the next one. And in the last note there is news or “treasure” (paragraphs 13,14)

16) Rename your number in his phone to the name “Stork” and send him an SMS: “I’m already flying! I’ll be there in 8 months.”

17) Place cabbage heads around the room in the most visible places.

18) write on your stomach: Dad, I’ll come out to you in 8 months.

19) Give a chameleon mug. When heated, news will appear on it in the form of text or photos.

20) Insert a note into the Kinder Surprise.

21) Order a T-shirt with the inscription “ Best dad!” and take him to the mirror

22) Order a cake with dough, storks, pacifiers.

23) Bake the cake yourself and put a note inside.

24) Glue a stork on the ceiling above his head. He will wake up and see.

25) Place in a row in the hallway: his pair of shoes, yours and small booties.

26) Order dinner at a restaurant for three. The guest is late, and the waitress brings a letter from him: “Sorry for being late, there are traffic jams in the sky. I'll be there in 8 months. Stork"

27) Take a camera, gather the whole family, and instead of “CHEEZ!” shout "I'm pregnant!"

29) Write with crayons on the asphalt under the window

30) And the last thing I can advise is to take a sex determination test (there are such ones already from 8 weeks) and hand it to your husband: “Congratulations! You will become a daughter’s dad!”

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Pregnancy is considered a joyful event in the life of every woman and girl. However, a delicate situation can also be disastrous for girls who are not prepared for adult life. The result unplanned pregnancy counts serious conversation with parents. Father and mother are worried about the well-being and health of their child, so they cannot always respond adequately. To present the news correctly, you must have psychological techniques and strictly follow the plan.

Step #1. Clear your thoughts

At the initial stage, it is important to immediately determine whether you are ready to become a mother. It is worth remembering forever that a lot of challenges await you ahead. You may have to combine raising a child with work and study, without counting on outside help.

You will forever lose your carefree youth, since the responsibility for a small life will fall on your shoulders. Parental everyday life is very difficult to survive, especially at the initial stage.

A child up to six months will be constantly capricious, will start to get sick, and you may simply get confused. The birth of a baby is not an exam at school or college. This step is very serious and responsible, it is important to prepare for it mentally.

When you are sorting out your own thoughts and deciding whether to keep your child or not, think about possible consequences abortion. Today, vacuum and drug interruption pregnancy.

Step #2. Prepare to talk with your parents

After making a decision (whatever it may be), you need to prepare for a conversation with your mother and father. Replay past serious conversations in your head, remember the reaction of your ancestors. What was she like at the moment you broke the shocking news?

Did your parents support you or scream at the top of their lungs? Was their reaction calm, wise? Start from previous events. Replay the conversation in your head over and over again until your speech looks perfect.

Think about your answers in advance possible questions ancestors They will begin to wonder who the child’s father is, how you plan to graduate from college/institute with a baby in your arms, what means you will live on, etc.

Step #3. Make an action plan

You can't present pregnancy as a Christmas present if you know it isn't one. You must have a specific plan that takes into account every detail. If you decide to keep your baby, sit down and think about how you will end up educational institution, where you will go to work, where you will live, etc.

Parents need to know that their daughter is ready for such a step, otherwise everything will end in scandal. Prepare yourself for an adult conversation, do not show helplessness, do not say “I don’t know what to do.”

Step #4. Find the right time to talk

Once you have developed a plan and selected answers to possible questions, proceed to the “X” moment. It is necessary to find a suitable time when both parents will be in good mood. Yes, you may overwhelm them, but there is no way around it.

If you notice that the ancestors are quarreling or not talking to each other, postpone the dialogue for another time. The same applies to moments when parents come home from work irritated and tired, do not aggravate the situation.

The right moment is the key to a successful conversation. Most suitable option- a family dinner where everyone is in a great mood.

Step #5. Start a conversation

While drawing up your plan, you probably replayed the dialogue in your head 10-20 times. The main thing is to start the conversation, then everything will go much easier. For example, tell your parents that you are going to tell them important news. After that, add “I’m pregnant!”, then shut up.

There is no need to chatter incessantly; mother and father must digest the information received. Yes, she will shock them, wait a while. When your parents are ready to talk, slowly begin to explain your decision, plans for the future, possible nuances. Answer questions clearly, don’t mumble, present yourself as a serious person.

Step #6. Keep calm

It is important to understand that no matter how gently you present unexpected pregnancy, parents will be in a state of shock for a long time. Don't be rude to them, don't raise your voice, don't be sarcastic, don't avoid answering. Express your thoughts calmly, defend your own decision if necessary.

Learn to listen, don't interrupt. As practice shows, the mother begins to react first. Listen to her arguments, discuss the pros and cons together. Let them know that you will be glad if the ancestors provide support.

Mom went to her room, closed the door and cried? Is your father sitting at the table, frowning? Reassure them and ask them to talk to you. Let your ancestors know that you understand the seriousness of the situation, but do not want to act differently.

Step #7. Express your feelings

If there are anxieties and fears, do not forget to mention them: “Mom, what would you do in such a situation? What will my friends say? Don’t keep your emotions to yourself while you still have time to deal with everything thoroughly.

If you decide to keep the child, inform your parents about the upcoming ultrasound. In cases where it has already passed, show them the ultrasound image and tell them that the grandson will appear in December/January (for example).

How to inform your parents about pregnancy: original ways

The presented options are suitable for those girls who have already crossed the threshold of 20+ and are ready to take responsibility for a small life. At this age, parents may be shocked, but most likely they will not insist on an abortion.

Method number 1. Shopping trip together
If you live separately from your parents, call your mom and invite her to go shopping on the weekend. Choose in advance shopping mall, which has boutiques for pregnant women.

Upon arrival at the shopping center, head to the selected stores, pulling your mother by the hand. Browse dresses, sundresses, jeans for pregnant women.

Consult with your mother, ask her opinion regarding this or that wardrobe item. At the same time, observe the reaction. When she understands everything and asks the long-awaited question, answer with a slight smile: “Yes, I’m pregnant!”

Method number 2. Family photo
This option is more suitable for girls whose parents have long wanted to have grandchildren. Give the news as a surprise at a family dinner. Gather all your family and friends (optional), have a meal, communicate, and have fun. At the end of the evening, ask everyone to stand nearby, parents should be in the center.

You'll be taking photos, so be prepared instead of the usual "Cheeeeez!" or “Let’s smile and wave!” say "I'm pregnant!" After a few seconds, press the camera button.

The reaction will be sincere, all faces will be captured in the photographs. If you wish, take a few photos; later you can laugh at the surprised face of each guest.

Method No. 3. Album with photos
Buy a photo album and print out the photos. All images are suitable: these can be photos from family holidays, birthdays, vacations, buying an apartment, etc. Try to print out enough photos to fill the album completely (about 25 pieces). Attach the ultrasound result to the center. After you give the gift, monitor the reaction. On the ultrasound picture you can sign “I’ll be there in 6 months!” (it all depends on the timing).

Method number 4. New Year's gift

If the news that you are pregnant is a joyful event, take advantage of any holiday. To inform parents, ideal option will be the coming New Year.

Buy gifts, wrap them beautifully, write on the cards: “Mom, you will soon become a grandmother!” or “Dad, you will become a grandfather in July!” Or you can write “I’m pregnant!”, based on personal considerations.

Matryoshka dolls (about 6 pieces) can be used as a gift. Take small leaf, write your news on it, place it in the cavity of a smaller doll. Wrap the present gift paper, put it under the tree or give it in person.

Method No. 5. Chocolate egg
In order to surprise your family and inform them about your pregnancy, you will need to buy one or two Kinder Surprise eggs. Print out the sweet gift, being careful not to damage the packaging. Take sharp knife with a thin blade, first heat it over a gas burner and then lower it into boiling water.

Take out the “yolk” ( Plastic container inside), roll up the ultrasound image and place the yellow box back. To glue the chocolate halves together, you need to heat them along the contour with a hot knife, then quickly press them. Once the chocolate sticks together, wrap it in foil.

It is quite difficult for young girls to tell their parents about pregnancy, and this is not surprising. For father and mother, a daughter will forever remain a little girl who must be protected. Prepare yourself mentally for the conversation, think through the answers to possible questions, and choose the right moment. Start speaking calmly, listen to the position of your ancestors, defend your decision.

Video: how to tell your mom about your pregnancy

Many women who have recently learned about their “interesting” situation find it difficult to convey this news even to their closest people. How to tell your parents about pregnancy, because their reaction to such a statement may not always be unequivocally enthusiastic. In most cases, pregnancy is a joyful moment in the life of expectant mothers and fathers, and for other relatives it also becomes pleasant surprise. And how future grandparents wait for their grandchildren! But not everyone and not always everything goes well. Therefore, the reaction of the older generation to such a statement from a daughter or son can be the most unpredictable. There are different ways to announce that you are expecting a new addition to your family in the near future; the main thing is to know the character traits of your parents and anticipate their reaction, and you also need to take into account the life circumstances that preceded conception.

Traditional methods

It’s easiest when the pregnancy is long-awaited and planned, and you are sure that the news about it will incredibly please all your family and friends. In this case, you shouldn’t be embarrassed or worried, but you need to say it directly, without any hints.

You choose the place and time yourself. You can do this at home in a narrow family circle. Or you can call all your family and friends for a dinner party, and then, during the conversation, solemnly announce to everyone that a toddler will soon appear in your family. And, of course, offer to celebrate such a significant event together.

Traditional methods are always effective. If you don't like being ordinary in your actions, it's time to show your imagination! It is the effectively presented news that will certainly make an incredible impression on future grandparents.

Treat your parents to meaningful sweets

Original ways

Themed dinner party

Prepare a delicious lunch for your family and friends. Invite your guests in advance so that everyone can attend. You can hint at the imminent birth of a baby using baked goods baby envelope, or it is possible through the dishes themselves and the methods of serving them - various vegetable and fruit purees, children's cutlery, children's bright and colorful table setting. Pay attention to how the guests reacted and whether they understood the hint.

Small souvenirs will leave no one indifferent - boxes with baby accessories, keychains with rattles, etc. And when one of the guests offers you a drink, politely refuse, arguing that alcohol is contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Give your dinner party favors that suggest pregnancy.


If you have already been to an ultrasound scan and have pictures on hand, you can frame them beautifully and place them in a frame, and write next to them: “We will have a new addition soon.” Give this collage when you unexpectedly visit your parents for a cup of tea, or festive lunch when it comes to its logical conclusion.

You can announce your news on another family event, the main thing is that everyone is assembled. Invite your family to take a family photo. And when you take pictures, instead of saying, as is customary, “Cheese!”, say “I’m pregnant!” (you can choose another phrase). The most interesting thing is that in the photo you will be able to capture the emotions of your loved ones, and this is priceless.

Make interesting collages about pregnancy

T-shirts with slogans

You can order customized T-shirts online. Order them for yourself and your spouse. You can, for example, make a drawing of a toddler on them with the caption “I’ll be a mother soon” or “This is what it looks like.” future dad" Come to a meeting with your family in these T-shirts - such a hint is unlikely to go unnoticed.

Visit your parents wearing a T-shirt with a design that hints at your pregnancy

At a family holiday

If the stars align so that your mom or dad will have a birthday soon, you can hint at pregnancy with congratulations. For example, give beautiful postcard, in which it will be written “Congratulations to the future grandfather”, “In nine months, wait for your gift”, etc.

Give mom (dad) a matching birthday card

Letter by mail

Make a copy of the ultrasound image and put it in beautiful envelope. It is advisable to first wrap the photo in a piece soft fabric, reminiscent of a baby's diaper. Or you can write a message from your unborn child.

Send a telegram on behalf of your future grandson (granddaughter)

Video: parents' reaction to the news of their daughter's pregnancy

Unfortunately, pregnancy is not always and not for everyone good news. It also happens that she does not fit into the plans of the expectant mother or the family as a whole. What to do in this case?

There are no specific methods or templates here. But psychologists give a number of recommendations that are worth taking into account. With their help, you can present your news calmly and without causing a storm of emotions on the part of your opponent.

Pregnancy is not a life drama of universal proportions, but the most important event in the life of every woman. Even if conception did not happen as planned, do not rush to act out of your hand and abandon the child, because life goes by quickly, and the dearest and closest person will always be with you.

Notifying your parents about this event is not so scary; it is important that they feel your sincerity. Don't be afraid to trust them. Their advice and support is incredibly important to you now.

  • First of all, you need to be sure that you really want to have a baby, only then will the parents believe it;
  • Choose an appropriate time to talk. Such news is not reported hastily;
  • There is no need to hide anything from your dad and mom - be frank;
  • It is necessary to prepare for the conversation in advance, think through all possible details and circumstances;
  • There is no need to be afraid of anything, tune in to positive emotions;
  • Parents are the closest people, so you can and should consult with them;
  • Under such circumstances, you must make decisions like an adult; your parents should see in them the position of an independent person who is aware of his actions;
  • Under no circumstances should you show negative emotions- burst into tears, scream, throw hysterics, and even more so reproach your loved ones for something. This will only make the situation worse. The conversation should be calm, the speech should be confident;
  • You can call a reputable lawyer to help you. Let your chosen one play his role, either his mom or dad, or your other relative (grandmother, aunt, sister), who can smooth out sharp corners and in right moment steer the conversation in the right direction.


It is very difficult to tell your parents about your pregnancy to the expectant mother, who herself has not yet become an adult. We are talking about teenage girls. But here, not everything is as scary as it seems at first glance.

Naturally, the most important role will be played by the relationship between you and your parents. You should not be of the opinion that your “ancestors” will immediately begin to scold you and will not understand your position. You can’t hide your pregnancy, and especially not from them.

Remember the immutable truth: your parents love you very much. This is what you should start from initially.

If you get along better with dad than with mom, let him know, and vice versa. Mom and dad are the closest and dearest people to you, so they will always be with you, under any circumstances, and will certainly help you in the fight against life’s difficulties.

Serious conversation with parents

Calm, just calm! There is no need to give in to emotions, be as restrained as possible, because with all your appearance you must show that you are an independent adult who is responsible for your actions and is ready to accept any reaction from your loved ones. After you announce the pregnancy, give them some time to recover from the shock. All parents want to become grandparents. Yours just need to get used to the idea that they will have grandchildren so soon.

Ask your sister or brother for help

If your relationship with your brother or sister is very warm and trusting, you should tell them this news. You can ask them moral support when talking with parents.


If you don't have the courage to have a serious conversation with your parents, try to subtly hint to them that you are having some difficulties. Spend a lot of time in your room, all your behavior should indicate what you are worried about. When will they notice this? strange behavior, then it will be the right time to tell them that you will soon have a baby.

A note

When it is difficult to decide to talk, you can notify your relatives about pregnancy in writing. The main idea that should be reflected in the note is your feelings and further plan of action. When the parents read the note, some time will pass before a dialogue takes place between you, but it will be calmer.

Invite your boyfriend to talk

If your young man fully supports your position to continue the pregnancy and is ready to help in the future, a completely rational step would be to invite him to a conversation with your parents. With him you will feel much more confident, because you will feel his support. It is in your interaction that the success of overcoming all the difficulties associated with pregnancy in adolescence lies.

Video: how to inform your parents about pregnancy if the expectant mother is a teenager

Regardless of whether you are married or single, regardless of your age - mature or teenage, all parents are always filled with joy when their children tell them that there will soon be a new addition to their family. But not all parents have this reaction immediately - some take time. So give them this time. Don’t worry, in your position it is strictly contraindicated for you to do this. Everything will work out for you and everything will work out, no matter how you inform your family about your new status. The main thing is to love little man, living there, inside, and your loved ones will love him just as they love you….

Firstly, the main problem is whether to speak or not to speak - after all, you win common sense should be resolved positively, because it only seems that you have not changed and those around you will not notice anything. All those who sewed themselves with such an illusion were sadly surprised unpleasant results in the form of rumors spreading at work, mysterious exchanges of glances between relatives, overgrown with fantastic details of gossip. In the end, when the secret becomes clear anyway, everyone’s grievances - parents, friends, relatives, acquaintances - cannot be avoided: does she really just not trust us with us, that she thought that we would not share her joy? This episode, in the end, is quite capable of complicating the relationship - this is one, two - you will lose the pleasures that your loved ones are ready to give you, for whom your pregnancy will be a joyful event. And even in the case of secret and obvious ill-wishers creeping into your ranks, open information about the desired pregnancy will demonstrate your self-confidence.

Secondly, if we talk, then when? A very common decision is to wait 12 weeks until the worst has passed. dangerous period pregnancy. This decision is quite reasonable if we are talking about colleagues and just acquaintances, but think about this aspect: it is quite possible that you will not feel very good - this happens, although not with everyone, and in this state it is very understanding, sympathy and support of loved ones are important, who, of course, need to be informed about your situation, at least so that your mother does not feed you pancakes oozing with butter or something equally tasty, but during pregnancy, to put it mildly, not too useful.

Now let's move on to the next one— we please the environment.

How to Tell Your Husband You're Pregnant

At first O content your story.

It is imperative to talk about pregnancy before - and the sooner the better. It is much worse if he finds out about the pregnancy from a third party, for example from his mother-in-law. Of course, a rather painful question about trust will immediately arise here, and finding a worthy answer to it will not be easy: most likely, such a situation will only worsen the mistrust, forcing your husband to doubt your sincerity. All references to the fact that this is “such feminine theme" usually don't work.

Now O form.

The advice of glossy women's magazines is to prepare, like in a beautiful movie, a romantic dinner by candlelight, during which you will inform your loved one that he will soon become a father, and expect that he will be speechless with delight, pressed takes your wife to your heart and so together you will dream of a bright future, in 99% of cases they are not only not justified, but, on the contrary, most often arouse great suspicion, unless, of course, you practice such dinners every day. Know that his phrases are like: “Are you sure?”, “How is this?”, “Exactly?” - are absolutely normal, so restrain your furious desire to immediately quarrel with him because of his insufficient enthusiasm. Even if the situation is ideal - you dreamed of a child together, prepared for pregnancy and now your dreams are ready to come true, a man needs time to accept this fact as accomplished, because after this many serious changes will occur in his life .

Of course, each family is completely unique in terms of relationships, everything happens differently for everyone, but in masculine nature nevertheless, there is something in common - in serious moments of life they do not like excessive pathos and are skeptical about the romance of “soap” series. Therefore, instead of pathos, it is better to have more irony and humor, even a test with two stripes tied with a ribbon, a funny SMS message. Reporting at a distance is a good move: he won’t be upset by what you think is an insufficiently passionate reaction, and he will have time to get his bearings and appear before you not confused, but courageously looking forward.

If your relationship with the future dad is uncertain, you still need to inform him about the pregnancy. In this situation, it will be difficult for a man, and do not demand instant joy from him. He will simultaneously need to make two important decisions: to part with single life and take care of the family. You shouldn’t appeal to his sense of duty - it’s better to tell him how dear he is to you and how you want to be with him.

So the psychological nuances described above will make your today's life much more interesting. In any case, no hasty conclusions: if at the first moment he did not strangle you in his arms with joy, this does not mean at all that he will be a bad father or does not love you enough.

How to tell your parents about pregnancy

Future grandfathers, like the future father, need additional time to comprehend their new status. Don’t worry, they will have nine whole months to do this, after which they will be proud of their grandson or granddaughter.

Should you tell your relatives about pregnancy?

This concept is multi-layered, as are relationships with them. So everything here is individual.

Relatives can mobilize and help as much as they can - not only with children's things, but also with connections, advice, etc., which, of course, may turn out to be excessive, but there will also be an abundance of joy, love and care.

You can tell your friends about pregnancy

You can absolutely count on complete understanding and solidarity of your friends. It is your friends who will help you hide your absence from the lecture, who will lift you into the transport at point-blank range to a passenger who does not notice your pregnancy and seat you, sympathize with toxicosis, prepare your favorite food and support you at a difficult moment. And they will even remind the husband how to treat a pregnant woman.

When to tell someone you're pregnant at work

At work, this news is hardly worth announcing early, since both male and female bosses are most often afraid of a pregnant woman. They try not to give her serious tasks and treat her as if she is seriously ill, from whom it is impossible to get rid of and who has to be endured. In addition, conversations constantly starting among the team on the topic of the upcoming birth quickly tire.

Although, on the other hand, a pregnant woman is treated much more humanely both in terms of lateness and in terms of work intensity and delays.

Should you tell strangers about your situation?

It is not at all necessary to tell everyone you meet about your interesting situation. But sometimes you can take advantage of pregnancy for your own “selfish” purposes: for example, at the traffic police, if you are driving, as well as in a queue or on public transport.

Summary: so intriguing new life And vivid impressions begin now - when you have informed the world: “I’m pregnant!”
