Calculate pregnancy calendar by weeks after IVF. Long-awaited pregnancy after IVF: term, signs, test, trimesters

In vitro fertilization is an assisted reproductive technology that helps couples with infertility of various origins to give birth to a baby. IVF is indicated for men with poor spermogram, women who have obstruction of the fallopian tubes or frequent anovulatory cycles.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that the fusion of the egg and sperm takes place outside the female body, and then, when the reproductive specialists receive a ready-made viable embryo, it is placed in the uterus. Despite the fact that the date of conception is always known, there are several ways to calculate the gestational age after IVF.

How to calculate the gestational age during IVF?

With natural conception, it is rarely possible to find out the exact day of fertilization, especially if the couple has an intense sex life. That is why, for convenience, doctors use the obstetric calculation method. With IVF, the exact date of fertilization is known, however, there are several ways to calculate the duration of gestation. How to correctly calculate the gestational age after IVF?

Embryonic term

Reproductologists use the embryonic method of calculating the gestational age. The date of fertilization is known exactly, because the fusion of gametes occurs artificially: in a Petri dish or by ICSI, when a spermatozoon is introduced into the egg using a microneedle. After the gametes are combined, the resulting zygote is placed in an incubator and kept at a certain temperature for several days. During this period, reproductive specialists monitor the development of the blastocyst and the formation of the embryo. Depending on the health of the woman, replanting is done on the 3rd or 5th day.

Based on the embryonic gestational age, a woman's pregnancy begins outside her body. She is implanted with a three-day or five-day embryo, which is also taken into account by reproductologists when calculating the timing. That is why doctors who did IVF to a woman prescribe an analysis for hCG as early as the 2nd week of gestation, while women who conceive a child in a natural way are tested at the 4th week.

obstetric term

Otherwise, the period for obstetric weeks is considered. This is a universal system, according to which there is a countdown in antenatal clinics (LC). Since it is difficult to establish the exact date of conception during natural fertilization, the first day of the last menstruation is considered the starting point of gestation. Thus, with the embryonic period, the discrepancy is 2 weeks.

When a woman after IVF registers with the LCD, the gynecologist calculates her pregnancy by obstetric weeks. Why switch to such a system, because with in vitro conception, the date of fertilization and the day of transfer are known exactly? This is necessary to avoid mistakes: no matter what medical institution the expectant mother applies to, her card will indicate the period according to the universal system for all pregnant women.

By obstetric weeks, it is convenient to calculate the expected date of birth of the baby. From the day of the last menstruation, 3 months are taken away and 2 weeks are added. The received day is the estimated date of delivery for women who have undergone IVF.

How to determine the gestational age after cryotransfer?

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The above methods for calculating the gestational age are the most accurate. After cryotransfer, the expectant mother falls under the close attention of doctors. She is obliged to regularly undergo a gynecological examination, do an ultrasound, donate blood and urine for analysis. These diagnostic methods allow you to find out the period of gestation of the baby, although in the case of artificial insemination they are auxiliary.

At a gynecological examination

An experienced gynecologist can calculate the gestational age during an intravaginal examination up to the day of conception. However, this method of determination is possible only up to 10-14 weeks of gestation. During this period of time, the development of the embryo occurs in the same way in almost all women, so errors are unlikely.

Starting from the second trimester, there are individual differences in the development of the fetus and the course of gestation. If the expectant mother goes to the same doctor all the time, then by changes in the size of the uterus, the roundness of the abdomen, he can determine the age of the fetus. An outside doctor will name only an approximate period, which may differ from the real one by several days.

At each examination, the gynecologist:

  • measures the circumference of the abdomen;
  • checks the mobility of the fetus;
  • determines the position of the fundus of the uterus.

In the later stages, he does not need to examine a woman on a gynecological chair, since the uterus is easily palpable through the abdomen. A vaginal exam may only be needed before childbirth to assess the condition of the cervix.

With the help of ultrasound

Ultrasound is a mandatory diagnostic method that is prescribed for all pregnant women. As a rule, expectant mothers do sonography three times - at 11-14 weeks, at 18-21 weeks and at 30-34 weeks. A woman who conceives as a result of IVF may need more frequent ultrasounds.

Up to 8 weeks of gestation, according to the results of ultrasound diagnostics, it is possible to accurately determine the age of the embryo. This is due to the fact that the size of the embryo at these stages is almost the same for everyone. After that, the main purpose of sonography is to monitor the development of the fetus and compare the indicators with the normative ones.

The fetometry method is necessary to measure the following parameters:

  • weight;
  • length;
  • coccyx-parietal size;
  • collar zone thickness;
  • biparietal size;
  • length of the femur, forearm;
  • circumference of the head, abdomen.

From the second trimester, the development of the fetus has individual characteristics. The main task of sonologists is to determine whether the indicators obtained on fetometry are within the normal range. The boundaries of normal results are quite wide, so it is difficult to calculate the gestational age from them up to a day.

Other Methods

One way to determine the duration of pregnancy is a blood test for the hCG hormone. Chorionic gonadotropin begins to be secreted after implantation of the blastocyst in the endometrium of the uterus - this occurs 5-6 days after cryotransfer. In the early days, its concentration is too low, so the analysis is prescribed for 4-5 obstetric weeks.

In the first trimester, the level of hCG rises rapidly and reaches its peak at 12-13 weeks, and then gradually decreases. This method is not a way to determine the gestational age, it can only be calculated indirectly, because the fluctuations of the hormone are too large and many factors influence its content, including multiple pregnancy, which is not uncommon in IVF.

Can the expectant mother independently determine how much time is left before the birth? One of the home methods allows you to calculate the remaining months until delivery by the movements of the baby. If the pregnant woman felt the baby pushing in her tummy, then the middle of gestation is already behind. Pregnant women usually feel the first movement at 19-20 weeks.

Pregnancy Calendar

For expectant mothers, mobile application developers have created the Pregnancy Calendar program. This is an indispensable assistant that informs about upcoming changes in a woman's body and allows you to approximately calculate the upcoming date of delivery.

All mom needs to do is download the app on her smartphone and enter the date of the last menstruation there. The program itself will calculate the day when you should expect the baby to be born. In addition, a pregnant woman can choose a specific week and receive the following information:

  • what tests are carried out during this period;
  • what happens to the body of a pregnant woman;
  • what organs have already developed in the fetus;
  • what is the height and weight of the baby.

It should be remembered that this program does not take into account the individual course of pregnancy, so the timing of delivery will be very conditional. The application cannot replace a doctor, but for a woman it is a good auxiliary tool.

Maintaining such pregnancy after IVF requires increased attention and vigilance from both doctors and their patients.

IVF: the course of pregnancy

Recently, in our country, the frequency of using such a method of overcoming infertility as in vitro fertilization (IVF) has significantly increased. This is one of the methods of assisted reproductive technologies, in which the fertilization of eggs previously received from a woman takes place outside her body: the word "extracorporeal" comes from lat. extra - "outside" and corpus - "body, organism". Subsequently, the embryo is transferred to the uterine cavity for further development.

Pregnancy after IVF requires a special relationship to the mother and the unborn baby due to the conditions of conception. Fortunately, most doctors understand this fact. Although such a child is physiologically practically no different from his peers, conceived in a natural way, observation of pregnancy after IVF should be especially careful, because parents often overcome many obstacles on the way to conception and the birth of a baby.
Such a pregnancy differs from the usual one in most cases only by the obligatory control of the woman's hormonal background and the appointment of certain hormonal drugs during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. Other tests differ only in the first trimester, when pregnant women after IVF examine various immune parameters. The remaining studies are carried out according to indications that may be present regardless of the method of fertilization. The only difference is that doctors, knowing that some complications during pregnancy after IVF are more common, prefer to prescribe a number of tests and studies for reinsurance, even if there are no direct indications for them.

Visiting antenatal clinics pregnant women after IVF usually differs only at the beginning of the first trimester, when you need to make sure that the initial development of pregnancy is normal. Basically, these concerns are taken over by doctors of IVF centers. After a short follow-up at the beginning of pregnancy, usually up to 6–8 weeks, the woman is offered to register with a counseling center in her place of residence. Patients who are ready to continue paying for pregnancy management often register at the centers where they underwent IVF.

In the future, the frequency of visits to the antenatal clinic in women with natural conception and after IVF does not differ. These visits are every 4 weeks in the first and second trimesters, every 2 weeks in the third trimester, and every week after 36 weeks of pregnancy. According to indications, regardless of the method of conception, the frequency of consultation visits may increase. Visiting specialists depends on the characteristics of the woman's health. As with normal pregnancy, after IVF it is mandatory to visit an otorhinolaryngologist, dentist, ophthalmologist and therapist, and other examinations of specialists are carried out if indicated.

IVF: the beginning of pregnancy

So, all the complex manipulations and procedures are over, and the happy couple finally sees two long-awaited stripes on the test. But the participation of physicians in the fate of pregnancy does not stop there. The expectant mother must strictly follow all the doctor's instructions, take the necessary medications and take all the prescribed tests on time in order to avoid danger to herself and the baby.

Early pregnancy after IVF is diagnosed based on the determination of the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the patient's blood on the 12-14th day after embryo transfer. 48 hours after this study, it is necessary to repeat the analysis to monitor the increase in the concentration of this pregnancy hormone: it should double, and at lower values, a miscarriage may be suspected. This test can also be performed during normal pregnancy, if the doctor wants to track the dynamics of the increase in hCG if the woman has previous frozen or tubal pregnancies, hormonal disorders.

Diagnosis of early pregnancy with the help of ultrasound (ultrasound) is carried out from the 21st day after the embryo transfer. This is a very important study, because it allows you to verify the normal attachment of the fetal egg, its size to the duration of pregnancy, the full value of the corpus luteum that supports the pregnancy, and most importantly, the absence of an ectopic pregnancy, which can occur as a result of IVF in a small percentage of women.

IVF most often occurs against the background of powerful hormonal support. When pregnancy the introduction of progesterone preparations, most often dufaston or utrozhestana, lasts up to 6-7 weeks. Several times the doctor prescribes a blood test for progesterone levels to adjust the dose of the drug. If necessary, taking progesterone preparations can be extended up to a period of 16-20 weeks. Supplemental hCG administration up to 12–16 weeks of gestation is often used. These drugs are not harmful to the fetus, because they are analogues of natural female hormones released while waiting for the baby.

The doctor also examines the content of the female hormone estradiol in the blood of the expectant mother. If there is not enough of it in the body, a threat of abortion and other complications may develop, so if necessary, the doctor will prescribe drugs containing this hormone, for example microfollin, under the control of its content in the blood. During normal pregnancy, the level of estradiol is examined only according to indications, and after IVF this analysis is done by everyone.

Sometimes women may have elevated levels of male sex hormones - androgens. With IVF, this is known in advance, since all the necessary tests are carried out for patients before the start of the IVF cycle. In this case, to reduce androgens, the doctor will prescribe adrenal cortex preparations - prednisolone, dexamethasone; otherwise, pregnancy may be complicated by the threat of interruption, impaired fetal development.

It is mandatory to study the hemostasis system in women - the ability of blood to clot and stop bleeding. Often pregnant women after IVF increased blood clotting and platelet activity; this is sometimes associated with immunological disorders that can cause infertility, as well as with the body's response to powerful hormone therapy during IVF. In normal pregnancy, the coagulation system is also examined, but after IVF, more parameters are evaluated and the assessment is wider. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe drugs that thin the blood or reduce platelet aggregation: chimes, heparin, rheopolyglucin, aspirin, - so that the blood circulation in the uterus and the developing placenta is sufficient and allows the pregnancy to develop normally.

Also pregnant women after IVF be sure to conduct a blood test for the presence of antibodies to hCG, lupus anticoagulant and antiphospholipid antibodies. The content of these substances in the blood is sometimes increased, most often this is due to the characteristics of the mother's immune system and can be the cause of prolonged infertility and miscarriage, which are often found in IVF patients. In a normal pregnancy, such studies are prescribed only if there are more than two miscarriages or missed pregnancies. The presence of these antibodies can lead to insufficient penetration of the fetal egg into the uterine mucosa, increased blood clotting, the risk of thrombosis, placental insufficiency, oxygen starvation - hypoxia - and progressive deterioration of the fetus. Therefore, if deviations are found in these analyzes, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment to improve the conditions of the baby's blood supply. Most often, hormones of the adrenal cortex and their analogues are used for this - prednisolone, dexamethasone and methylprednisolone.

Multiple pregnancy

One of the most common situations with IVF is engraftment of more than one embryo; then a multiple pregnancy occurs. It has been established that with IVF the number of multiple pregnancies is 30 times greater than with natural conception.

All women with multiple pregnancies should immediately be assigned to the high-risk group, since they are more often diagnosed with some pregnancy pathologies - the threat of termination, premature birth, etc. It should be remembered that multiple pregnancy is a double, and sometimes triple burden on the body. Therefore, if a woman wishes and if there are contraindications to carrying a multiple pregnancy on the part of the health of the expectant mother, an operation can be performed to reduce, or reduce, the number of fetuses, for which the optimal period is 9–13 weeks.

IVF: I trimester of pregnancy

In the first trimester, a woman should always listen very sensitively to her body, especially if pregnancy has occurred. after IVF, since complications in this group of women, according to statistics, are detected more often. The appearance of symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen, spotting or bloody discharge from the genital tract are unfavorable signs that should be reported to your doctor immediately. Perhaps the doctor will advise you to increase the dose of hormones or even suggest spending several days in the hospital to take the necessary measures to maintain the pregnancy.

It is very important to conduct a follow-up ultrasound after the relief of adverse symptoms in order to exclude a frozen (non-developing) pregnancy, which, unfortunately, can develop regardless of the method of fertilization due to various reasons, including fetal chromosomal abnormalities, maternal infections, hormonal disorders, etc.

Unlike natural pregnancies, women after IVF advanced screening of the first trimester is performed. In addition to screening ultrasound at 11–13 weeks of gestation, which is performed for all patients, regardless of the method of conception, and which determines the compliance of the fetus with the gestational age, the presence of nasal bones, the thickness of the collar space and other markers of fetal distress, all pregnant women after IVF should take a blood test for the content of pregnancy proteins PAPP-A (pregnancy-associated plasma protein type A) and the beta subunit of the hCG hormone. It is carried out for all patients after IVF, and during normal pregnancy - according to indications, which include the woman's age over 35 years, the presence of chromosomal diseases in the family, and signs of pathology by ultrasound. This analysis is currently performed from the 9th to the 13th week of pregnancy, but modern laboratories are trying to reach an earlier date for its conduct, since this study reflects an unfavorable course of pregnancy, so it is better for a woman and a doctor to find out about this as early as possible.

It is best to take this analysis immediately after the ultrasound: in this case, the laboratory will have the exact gestational age in weeks and days, as well as the size of the fetus, the thickness of its collar zone, which will help in calculating the individual risks of pathology for each pregnant woman and in assessing the test results. The risk calculation is carried out by a special program, which contains all the data obtained: the levels of beta-hCG and PAPP-A, the thickness of the collar zone, the exact gestational age, the weight of the woman. This analysis is very important because it allows you to identify patients who are at risk for the presence of chromosomal pathology in the fetus, in particular Down syndrome, the presence of placental insufficiency. But each pregnancy is individual, and the presence of an increased risk of pathology according to the results of this study only implies additional diagnostic measures to make a diagnosis. Such activities include expert ultrasound and chorion biopsy - the collection of a piece of chorionic villi surrounding the fetus, under ultrasound control for genetic research in a period of 9-11 weeks.

Very often, women undergoing IVF procedure have gynecological and somatic diseases, against which pregnancy occurred. Therefore, in the first trimester, it is important to carefully collect anamnesis from a woman, establish the presence of chronic diseases, refer the patient in time for a consultation with the appropriate specialist in order to prevent an exacerbation of the disease and complications during pregnancy.

IVF: second trimester of pregnancy

Screening is one of the most important aspects of pregnancy management. second trimester of pregnancy. It consists in a blood test for the level of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), total hCG and free estriol hormones, which significantly helps in the early diagnosis of chromosomal disorders: Down, Edwards, Patau, Klinefelter, Shereshevsky-Turner syndromes. This study also helps to identify some severe fetal malformations, such as anencephaly - the absence of the cerebral hemispheres, - non-closure of the anterior abdominal wall and neural tube, etc. This analysis is also called the "triple test", it is usually performed from the 15th to 18th week of pregnancy for absolutely all pregnant women. Sometimes, however, at the discretion of the doctor, only two indicators can be examined - without free estriol. In women after IVF, for a more accurate diagnosis, a study of the level of free estriol and, in some cases, inhibin-A (quadruple test) is usually used, but both during normal pregnancy and after IVF, these parameters are examined only at the discretion of the doctor.

At the second stage of screening, women with an increased risk of pregnancy pathology are identified, which will allow timely appointment of additional examinations and decide on the advisability of continuing the pregnancy. In the second trimester, clarifying methods can be expert ultrasound, including 3D ultrasound, sampling for amniotic fluid analysis - amniocentesis or cord blood sampling - cordocentesis, which are carried out under ultrasound control.

From the 20th to the 24th week of pregnancy for all women after IVF screening ultrasound of the second level is required. This term means that during this ultrasound, not only the mother's organs are evaluated, i.e. the uterus and the general structure of the fetus, ovaries, kidneys - the first level, but also the structure of all the internal organs of the baby, who himself is inside the mother - the second level. The state of the placenta, the blood flow in it is also assessed. This ultrasound is performed for all pregnant women, regardless of the method of fertilization, but for women after IVF it is recommended to be carried out more carefully and, if possible, with additional parameters, such as a study of blood flow - doplerometry - and 3D imaging, which is not done during normal pregnancy.

Among women after IVF somewhat more common are various pathologies of the placenta, usually associated with their gynecological and somatic diseases, so special attention should be paid to its structure. Often, early aging of the placenta is diagnosed, which, if left untreated, can lead to insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. Subsequently, ultrasound and dopplerometry - assessment of blood flow in the vessels of the fetus, placenta and uterus - in pregnant women after IVF is performed every 3-4 weeks, in contrast to women with a normal pregnancy, for whom the next ultrasound with dopplerometry will be done only at 32-34 weeks.

Important in women after IVF is the early diagnosis of isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI). This complication can occur for various reasons - both anatomical, including abortion, a history of childbirth, structural pathology of the cervix, and hormonal, such as a lack of progesterone. These disorders are often found in pregnant women with long-term infertility prior to IVF. Various methods are used to correct ICI. Surgical include suturing the cervix, mechanical - unloading pessary, and hormonal - the use of 17-OXYPROGESTERONE CAPROnate. These methods will help prevent late miscarriage and preterm birth, the frequency of which is somewhat higher in patients after IVF, although ICI can also occur with natural conception.

Prevention of placental insufficiency (FPI) and preeclampsia - a complication manifested by the appearance of protein in the urine, increased blood pressure and the occurrence of edema - is a priority for pregnant women after IVF, since previous infertility, hormonal disorders and the presence of gynecological and somatic diseases are risk factors for the development of the above complications pregnancy. In this regard, expectant mothers after IVF are more often prescribed courses of preventive therapy. Drugs are used that improve microcirculation in the placenta: CURANTIL, TRENTAL, RHEOPOLIGLUKIN, EUFILLIN, ASKORUTIN, and also reduce the tone of the uterus: magnesium preparations, GINIPRAL, PARTUSISTEN. Careful monitoring of weight gain, edema, blood pressure fluctuations, and urinalysis is mandatory. If signs of FPI or preeclampsia appear, the pregnant woman must be hospitalized in an obstetric hospital, where more detailed examinations are carried out and more intensive therapy is prescribed to help improve the condition of the fetus and mother.
Since at pregnancy after IVF miscarriages and premature births are somewhat more common, in the second trimester it is very important to inform your doctor about this at the slightest sign of an increase in uterine tone, who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

IVF: third trimester of pregnancy

AT third trimester of pregnancy close monitoring of the condition of the woman and the fetus continues. Courses for the prevention of FPI, preeclampsia and premature birth are being conducted. Unlike normal pregnancy, after IVF, doplerometry of blood flow is carried out - every 4 weeks and more often. In a normal pregnancy that runs smoothly, doplerometry may not be performed at all or performed once with ultrasound at 32–34 weeks.

After 34 weeks of pregnancy, you can monitor the condition of the fetus using cardiotocography (CTG). This study reflects the baby's cardiac activity, the contractile activity of the uterus and provides information about the onset of hypoxia - a lack of oxygen. According to the results of CTG, therapy is carried out aimed at improving the condition of the fetus and reducing the contractile activity of the uterus, usually this happens in a hospital setting. According to the indications and depending on the results, repeated CTG studies are performed every 1-4 weeks, in contrast to normal pregnancy, in which this study is performed once, and is repeated only when complications develop.

At 32–34 weeks of gestation, a third screening ultrasound is performed. It is made for all women, but for pregnant women after IVF it is especially important to assess the degree of maturity of the placenta, the blood flow in it, the correspondence of the size of the fetus to the gestational age. After IVF, premature aging is somewhat more often observed, and hence the weakening of the function of the placenta, intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus, most often associated with impaired blood flow in the placenta-fetus system. At the third ultrasound, all organs of the fetus, their structure are also evaluated.

If there are signs of threatened or premature birth that began before 37 weeks, the expectant mother should immediately call an ambulance for hospitalization in the antenatal unit, where the doctor will prescribe her a conservation therapy that will help prolong the pregnancy to a safe term for the birth of a child. Unfortunately, sometimes women have to lie in the antenatal ward until delivery, but such restrictions are worth the joy of meeting a healthy baby. At pregnancy after IVF According to statistics, premature births are more common, so these patients should be especially vigilant.

Childbirth after IVF

A very important aspect in women after IVF is psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth. Since the frequency of caesarean sections in the group of patients after IVF is higher than in the general population, doctors pay special attention to preparing for natural childbirth, setting women up for their favorable outcome. But in any case, expectant mothers after IVF should be hospitalized in the antenatal department for medical preparation for childbirth 2-3 weeks before the expected date of birth, since hormonal disorders that often accompany pregnancy after IVF may require correction and preparatory therapy for a successful birth.

Based on the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus, the course of pregnancy, existing diseases, anamnesis, the attending physician will choose the optimal method of delivery, but the desire of the woman is also taken into account in this choice, although it is not a priority. Currently, expectant mothers after IVF More often, a planned caesarean section is performed. This is due to the presence of multiple pregnancies, and with the age of the woman, and with the presence of chronic diseases, and with the condition of the fetus, and with long-term pre-existing infertility. But in any case, doctors always try to give the patient the opportunity to give birth naturally, since the act of childbirth contributes to the laying of the necessary physiological processes in the fetus, helps the child to gently adapt to the new environment, and contributes to the development of lactation. In addition, it is much easier for women to recover from natural childbirth. But if an operation is scheduled, then you should not be afraid of it: in modern obstetrics, the caesarean section technique has been worked out to the smallest detail.

In conclusion, I would like to note the important role of the obstetrician-gynecologist in the management of pregnancy after IVF and the need for a woman to be attentive to her condition, as a guarantee of successful pregnancy and childbirth after IVF. Only a trusting relationship between a doctor and a patient can help in the early diagnosis of incipient complications, improve the psychological mood of a woman during pregnancy and childbirth, and smooth out possible unpleasant moments as much as possible. If all the doctor's recommendations are followed, women after IVF have a high chance of having a healthy baby without compromising their own health.

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IVF is a method of reproductive technologies, which consists in the transfer of full-fledged embryos into the patient's uterine cavity. It is effective in 40-60%, in some women a positive result is observed even on the first try, although it depends on many factors. A successful IVF procedure is the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, the fact of which is checked 2-3 weeks after the manipulation. The gestation period with IVF does not differ from natural processes.

The first signs of pregnancy and their timing with IVF

After the completion of the in vitro fertilization protocol and the replanting of embryos into the uterine cavity, signs of pregnancy appear no earlier than after 2-3 weeks. This is due to the fact that for successful implantation, the embryo will need at least 2 days, in addition, the embryo can be fixed within 10 days, and this is a variant of the norm.

Then the process of placenta formation begins, hCG is produced, the hormonal background changes, and first signs of pregnancy:

  • Early toxicosis;
  • Hot flashes and feeling of heat;
  • Increase in basal temperature;
  • mood swings;
  • Changes in the mammary glands, etc.

The exact gestational age for IVF is determined at the time of detecting the level of hCG in the blood and based on the results of ultrasound.

Method for calculating the duration of pregnancy in IVF

Methods for calculating the duration of pregnancy in IVF do not differ from pregnancies that occur naturally. The gestational age after IVF is calculated from the first day of the last menstruation, if the cycle is irregular, then you can take the estimated day. Although it is worth noting that sometimes methods of long-term suppression of menstruation are used before artificial insemination. In this case, the gestation period after IVF will be calculated as follows: 2 weeks should be added to the day of embryo transfer.

Although the pregnancy that occurred after the use of ART belongs to a high risk group for the development of abnormalities, therefore, careful monitoring of the woman's health throughout the entire period is recommended, therefore, the gestational age after IVF is often calculated by specialists on their own.

In addition to the gestational age after IVF, many women are interested in the expected delivery date. There is several methods of calculation, the most popular of them:

  • Negel formula: from the first day of menstruation, count 3 months ago and add 7 days;
  • Mathematical: Normally, pregnancy takes 10 lunar months (280 days), so if you add 280 to the first day of your last menstruation, you get the estimated date of birth.

Other ways to calculate the duration of pregnancy after IVF

The duration of pregnancy after IVF can be calculated by the date of conception: conception is the moment of fertilization of the egg. Since a woman is implanted with embryos 48-72 hours after fertilization, and germ cells are placed in a special medium for a day, if these hours are removed from the day of embryo transfer, then an approximate gestational age can be obtained.

Often women cannot remember the exact date of the last menstruation, and indeed they cannot calculate any virtual days at all. In this case, the gestational age after IVF can be determined by ultrasound. The most reliable data are obtained during the first ultrasound - up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the fetus actively develops and grows. Specialists can calculate the proportions of the baby, show how his heart beats, give an overall assessment of his development. Based on the data obtained, the doctor sets the expected gestational age. If it differs significantly from that calculated earlier, then there may be some deviations, although the error may be 1-2 weeks.

Pregnancy after IVF can be calculated by the level of hCG. This hormone begins to be produced by the chorionic villi after successful attachment to the uterine endometrium. During the first trimester (first 12 weeks), the concentration of hCG increases every 2 days by 2-3 times. Then hCG begins to gradually decline. As a rule, hCG is determined to detect the fact of pregnancy, since the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the indicator depend on many factors: the number of fetuses, laboratory, preliminary preparation, etc. At the same time, each laboratory has its own standards, because its own reagents and materials are used to determine hCG. Therefore, it is a non-objective method.

The gestational age after IVF can also be calculated by an obstetrician-gynecologist by measuring special parameters (for example, the size of the uterus). The accuracy of this technique is not guaranteed, but it is mandatory to monitor the health of the mother and the unborn baby. It is worth noting that a gynecological examination is carried out only in the early stages, then other parameters are measured.

In any case, it is important to calculate the gestational age after IVF, not just to satisfy curiosity. Indeed, in our time, the development of deviations and violations of the course of the prenatal period, which can threaten the life and health of the mother and baby, is not excluded. The terms of pregnancy help during the diagnostic procedures of the expectant mother in order to adequately assess the state of her health and the degree of development of the organs and systems of the child. Thanks to modern advances in medicine and the development of technology, specialists can detect most intrauterine developmental abnormalities and pregnancy pathologies at an early stage, helping to prevent serious disorders and maintain pregnancy. In addition, they are highly informative, safe and in most cases carried out on an outpatient basis.

It is worth noting that some methods allow future parents not only to find out the due date in order to prepare for this important event, but even allow them to see the appearance of the baby, record its first movements, find out the gender, etc. This is possible thanks to modern diagnostic methods. Of course, this fact is not so important in a long-awaited pregnancy, but it makes its course more pleasant.

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During IVF, the resulting eggs are fertilized 2-6 hours after selection. It is from this day that the age of the embryo begins to be counted. To get an obstetric term, fourteen days must be added to the age of the embryo.

In addition to the method described, for a simpler calculation of the proposed date of the appearance of the baby, you can use the Internet resource developed for this purpose. Using it, it is necessary to indicate the date of embryo transfer in a special field and select the age of the blastocyst at which the transfer was carried out. The program that determines the date of birth will calculate when your baby is born. Nevertheless, one should not hope that the baby will be born strictly on a certain day. During the period of intrauterine development, events can occur with the baby that can delay or bring closer his birth.

In our online service, the calculation is as simple and fast as possible. To find out the day when your baby will meet you, enter the date of the transfer of the embryos in the specially provided field and select their age at the time of the transfer. As a result, you will get two numbers. The first one is accurate. It is calculated based on the fact that the child will stay in the uterine cavity for exactly 40 weeks. The second number is the spread of dates, which suggests that the baby may appear between 38 and 42 weeks.

An online pregnancy calculator will allow a woman to calculate the expected date of birth and determine the obstetric period.

Dates are set based on the first day of a woman's last menstrual period. For convenience, the table provides information for calculating the timing in women with the most common menstrual cycle length of 28 days. For women whose cycle duration is different from 28 days, the calendar will show only approximate dates.

Simply enter the first day of the last menstruation into the online pregnancy calculator, and your complete pregnancy calendar is ready! With the pregnancy calculator, you can also calculate the gestational age after IVF. But for this, two weeks will have to be subtracted from the date indicated by the program. The data will be approximate.

All patients without exception can use this pregnancy calculator. IVF differs only in the method of fertilization, but not in the process of bearing the fetus. After in vitro fertilization, the child develops in the same way as during natural fertilization through sexual intercourse.

Therefore, this pregnancy calculator after IVF can also be used, as well as after any other methods of reproductive medicine. However, you should note that there are obstetric and embryological weeks of pregnancy. With natural fertilization, the exact date of conception cannot be known, therefore, they are counted from the date of the last menstruation. It usually occurs about 2 weeks before conception.

At the same time, after IVF, the date of fertilization is precisely known: this is the day of embryo transfer. And far from always this date is preceded by menstruation - it may not be at all. Therefore, you need to count, given that conception occurred somewhere at the junction of the second or third obstetric weeks. The calculator does not take into account the duration of pregnancy after IVF, so you must make a correction yourself - subtract two weeks if you count from the date of actual fertilization.

What is an online pregnancy calculator for? Of course, the doctor should determine the exact gestational age and date of birth, taking into account the examination and ultrasound data, but often a pregnant woman wants to be aware of what is happening to her, how her baby is developing. You can get information about this using the pregnancy calendar, and here you need a calculator.

Information from the pregnancy calendar helps a woman not to worry about each new symptom, to be prepared for the fact that in one week or another, such changes in the body are possible and are not a pathology. In addition, she will know what dangers may arise at a particular stage of pregnancy.

The Pregnancy Calendar helps parents connect with their baby, they can know when they start hearing their voices and soothe them when they feel anxious. This is a very important step in helping to adjust to the feeling that they are now responsible for the baby. Psychological comfort is very important for a pregnant woman, especially if there were problems with conception. Any stresses and worries affect the hormonal background, and the calculator will help you find out the gestational age, get the most accurate information about its development.

1st trimester of pregnancy by week

  • According to the obstetric calendar, 1 week is equal to 2 weeks of pregnancy.
  • If a woman has a cycle of 28 days, then now there is a high probability of pregnancy.
  • The fertilized egg begins to move to the mucous wall of the uterus.
  • This is the second week from conception. Already from this period, the first signs of pregnancy may appear.
  • You have a delay and you suspect that you are expecting a baby. The embryo looks like a tadpole and has a primitive heart that has already begun to beat.
  • The size of the embryo is now 5-6 mm, but despite this, many changes are taking place in its body and it is growing every minute.
  • You are almost half way through 1st trimester. The child begins to form bones, and his facial features become more natural.
  • Eyelids appeared in front of the baby's eyes, and the tip of the nose became pointed. The fetus is now going through a very important period of nervous development.
  • The fruit is now about 2.5 cm long. His eyes have become larger and even a color pigment appears.
  • The most critical part of development is completed and the fetus is already 3 cm.
  • The size of the fetus in length is 5 cm. This week you can begin to feel the baby in the pelvic area - there will be a feeling of fullness, but you will be able to feel the first movements in at least a month.
  • From this week you may notice changes in your appearance - your hair becomes more silky, your skin is more delicate.
  • This week you have already had an ultrasound or are about to go to diagnose. The baby has formed connections between the brain, muscles and nerves. Do not eat "for two" and already start picking up clothes for pregnant women.

2nd trimester of pregnancy by week

  • You have already recovered by about 2 kg, and the baby weighs 60 grams. He already looks like a little man.
  • The baby weighs a little over 100g. The hearing aid of the fetus begins to improve - soon he will be able to hear you.
  • Particularly sensitive expectant mothers may already feel the first movements of the baby this week, which are similar to the fluttering of butterfly wings or intestinal motility.
  • Your child is growing rapidly. In the last 2 weeks alone, his weight has doubled and his height is 13cm. The baby still looks very thin. The baby may yawn and grimace.
  • The tummy begins to grow at a high speed and it may already be necessary to update the wardrobe. The baby weighs about 200g and he sleeps almost constantly.
  • You are almost halfway through pregnancy! Congratulations! The height of the baby is 14 cm and you, most likely, have already begun to feel his first movements. Most of the time, the baby is now sleeping.
  • The growth of the child reaches 20 cm, he already has short hairs on his head and nails on his fingers.
  • It's already hard for you to sleep on your stomach. Fruit weight - 310gr. The baby constantly swallows amniotic fluid and this is the first experience of digestion.
  • It's time to go to the second scheduled ultrasound and do anemia prevention. You may often feel tapping in the abdomen - this is the baby hiccuping.
  • The baby weighs 0.5 kg and it is already becoming a little difficult for you to do household chores with an enlarged belly.
  • The growth of the baby reaches 25cm, and its weight is about 600g. He already clearly distinguishes sounds, so talk to him more often.
  • It's almost 6 months into your pregnancy. In most cases, the baby is still in a breech position - but will most likely be in the correct position by birth.
  • During wakefulness, the child is already beginning to open his eyes. Monitor your diet and weight gain

3rd trimester of pregnancy by week

  • The average length of a child at this time is 37cm. The baby is already cramped in the uterus and it is growing even faster than before.
  • The 7th month of pregnancy has come. The child at this time is quite active - there is a lot of space in the uterus, but he is still small in size and there is where to turn around.
  • If you have adopted a position that is not comfortable for your child, then in response, he may begin to kick hard. Back pain becomes regular. The baby's weight is 1.4 kg.
