Why at 18 weeks of pregnancy. Changes in the cardiovascular system

At the eighteenth week, expectant mothers usually begin to feel the baby’s first movements, which look not so much like kicks, but more like “the fluttering of a butterfly” or “the crawling of a worm.” The size of the fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy increases by about 2 cm, and its weight increases by 50 g.

What happens at 18 weeks of pregnancy?

A woman’s hormonal levels stabilize, so she no longer feels bouts of irritability, short temper and tearfulness, and sudden changes in mood happen less and less often. The 18th obstetric week of pregnancy for the expectant mother is one of the most favorable periods of pregnancy.

As the uterus extends into the abdominal cavity and almost reaches the navel, the volume of the mother’s abdomen begins to grow. In multiparous women it bigger size, since their muscles and ligaments have been well stretched during previous pregnancies.

Unpleasant sensations at the 18th week of pregnancy associated with toxicosis usually disappear completely. However, for some, morning sickness may persist until delivery. It can be alleviated with a light breakfast right in bed.

18th week of pregnancy - changes in a woman’s body

Uterus for last week has increased even more, its size is similar to a small melon. The height of the fundus is 18-19 cm, the uterus is already several fingers below the navel. Its walls and ligamentous apparatus gradually stretch and enlarge; during the entire pregnancy, some of its fibers become 5 times longer.

The 18th obstetric week of pregnancy is accompanied by weight gain, which is about 3-6 kg. Weight gain is due to the growth of the uterus, an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid, as well as the volume of blood and lymph by 40%. In this case, the weekly increase should not be more than 400-500 g.

The size of the belly and the woman's body is rounded due to active process deposits of subcutaneous fat. To prevent the appearance of extra pounds, it is important for a woman to monitor her diet and weekly weight gain.

What happens in the belly of the expectant mother?

As the uterus enlarges, its pressure on surrounding organs and tissues and the load on the spine increases. This leads to painful sensations associated with pinching of the sciatic nerve, discomfort in the lower back and back. Some expectant mothers experience pain around the navel, which is due to the pressure of the uterus on it. A special bandage will help reduce discomfort and pain during this period, wearing which will prevent many other complications.

Feelings at the eighteenth week

The 18th week of pregnancy is characterized by interesting sensations associated with the baby’s first movements. The ability to feel the baby move depends on the physique and sensitivity of the expectant mother, the activity of the fetus, the placenta insertion, the presence excess weight. It is the latter factor that prevents many women from feeling the first tremors until 22 weeks.

Since the fetus at 18 weeks of gestation is still very small and quietly moves in the uterine cavity, such movements are more like “fish movement” or “bursting bubbles.” Their frequency is 4-8 per hour, but a woman can feel them only in a calm state.

Active movements during the 18th week of pregnancy may indicate a lack of oxygen. During its movement, the heart muscle is activated, which leads to increased blood supply to the baby’s organs and tissues. The child spends almost half of the time in a state of wakefulness, and the rest of the time sleeps. Usually the embryo moves in the evening.


Unusual sensations in the abdomen at 18 weeks are often accompanied by an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body. They should be slightly yellowish or greyish, milky or transparent color. The presence of bloody or purulent discharge- a reason to see a doctor.

The appearance of cheesy discharge can provoke a decrease in the immunity of a pregnant woman. At this time, the candida fungus, which is part of the opportunistic microflora of the vagina, is activated. Symptoms of thrush are white discharge with flakes, burning and itching.


An ultrasound examination at the eighteenth week may be performed as part of a second screening examination. The doctor evaluates not only the size of the fetus in the 18th obstetric week pregnancy - growth and weight, but also other parameters:

  • bone sizes (humerus, femur, tibia and forearm);
  • diameter of the abdomen and head;
  • location of internal organs;
  • structure of the brain and heart;
  • proper development of the baby and placenta;
  • amount of amniotic fluid.

Ultrasound can already accurately determine gender baby. The external genitalia in boys and girls are well formed. In addition to ultrasound, the woman is prescribed blood and urine tests and tests for two markers - NE and AFP.

What happens to the fetus at 18 weeks of pregnancy?

By the end of the eighteenth week, the fruit grows to 12-14 cm, and its weight increases to 150 g. It is similar in size to a mango. The proportions of his body become more correct, ossification of the skeleton continues, the phalanges of the fingers and toes complete their formation. An individual pattern was formed on the fingertips.

After the 18th obstetric week of pregnancy, the child already has a developed immune system, and his body produces its own immunoglobulin and interferon. This gives him the ability to independently resist infections and pathogens from the outside world, which prevents the risk spontaneous miscarriage or frozen pregnancy.

The fetus has well-developed hearing organs. While in the womb, he constantly hears sounds - heartbeat and the sound of blood. This is why after birth many children are reassured loud sounds. The child can already distinguish the mother’s voice, and also intensify his movements during music or conversation.

At the eighteenth week, the heart muscle is already sufficiently formed, so with an ultrasound examination, the doctor can determine the absence/presence of developmental defects.

The endocrine system continues to develop - the adrenal glands and thyroid function so intensively that, if necessary, they can partially cover maternal needs.

The brain also continues its development at the 18th week of pregnancy - the number of neurons increases, convolutions and grooves appear. A protective sheath is formed around the nerves, which accelerates the transmission of nerve impulses.

Increases muscle strength and tone. The fetus at 18 weeks is pushed harder against the walls of the uterus, due to which future mom can feel the first movements of her baby.


The risk of frozen pregnancy and spontaneous miscarriage is minimized, but a threat arises premature birth. A woman must carefully monitor her health so that the fetus will develop correctly. To prevent possible problems you should:

  • lead healthy image life;
  • stop drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • minimize the possibility of injury;
  • don't visit public places and exclude contact with patients;
  • refuse admission medicines.

Possible problems in the eighteenth week of pregnancy also include:

  • anemia;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • congenital malformations of the fetus;
  • immaturity of the fetus.


A pregnant woman's diet should be correct and balanced. In the first half of the day - dense, and in the second - light. Be sure to include soups, vegetable salads, dietary meat, fish and seafood in your diet. Highly allergenic foods, fatty, fried and salty foods should be avoided.

If constipation appears or worsens, it is recommended to use natural laxatives - beets, prunes, dairy products, drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach. Unlike medications they will not cause tension and “petrification” of the uterus.

Useful at this stage of pregnancy exercise stress(swimming, gymnastics, yoga, fitness). They strengthen muscles and increase tone, so you can get rid of discomfort in the back and lower back.

Pregnant women benefit from exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum, which will help the woman during childbirth.

With an enlarged belly, it is recommended that a pregnant woman sleep on her left or right side, since in this position the blood circulation remains physiologically correct and the child does not experience discomfort. A special bandage to support the abdomen will also be useful.

This is a great time to start training your pelvic floor muscles. “Kegel exercises,” which involve alternating relaxation and tension of the perineal muscles, are especially recommended. It will be necessary to relax these muscles during childbirth; their good tone is necessary to maintain pregnancy.

It is recommended to devote your time to pleasant things - visiting theaters, cinema, museums, reading, decorating your room beautifully and looking at beautiful things more often. Sound and beauty have certain physical properties. Providing positive impact on the vascular and endocrine systems of the child and mother, they contribute to the healing of the whole organism.

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18th week of pregnancy: what's happening?

By the 18th week, a woman begins to feel all the delights of her condition. Now you can forget about toxicosis, which did not allow you to live in peace for the entire first third of pregnancy. -18 weeks of pregnancy are characterized by good mood, the opportunity to lead almost the same usual way of life (but you can’t do your favorite fitness yet!). The only trouble darkening state of mind mothers - periodic bursts of fears and worries associated with the approaching due date. I don’t feel like sleeping during the day, my stomach isn’t particularly annoying yet – in short, you can enjoy life!

  • How many months is it now?
  • Belly at 18 weeks pregnant
  • Ultrasound at 18 weeks of pregnancy
  • Discharge
  • General recommendations

18 weeks of pregnancy: how many months is this?

It’s not difficult to make a simple calculation: the 18th obstetric week is equal to 4 months intrauterine life child. The 18th obstetric week of pregnancy means approaching the middle of the most pleasant of the entire period of bearing a child, the second trimester. Although there are still many trials ahead, the woman can already congratulate herself on successfully completing part of the journey: she realizes that now there is no turning back: soon her life will change radically, because a little more - and she will meet the long-awaited son (or daughter). This is a crucial time, a few more months will pass- and the baby will be born.

At this stage, the tummy can only hide from friends and strangers plump lady, who also loves to wear loose dresses. The uterus extends beyond the pelvis and is partially located in abdominal cavity. It can be felt just below the navel, so the woman herself can easily determine where the baby is without resorting to an ultrasound. Of course, the fetus is still very small, but its main systems and vital organs are already almost completely formed. Then their development will begin. To understand how the baby is positioned, you need to place both palms in a lying position along the protruding part of the abdomen on the sides. Light pressure on both sides allows you to determine the harder smooth surface under your hand - this is the back, soft with tubercles - the tummy with arms and legs.

18th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby

The expectant mother is interested in what changes the heir, for whose appearance she is preparing, is undergoing at this time. The baby looks like little man, which still has a disproportionately large head and long limbs pressed to the body.

What happens to the fetus? He can:

  • move;
  • make breathing movements, while capturing amniotic fluid;
  • sleep;
  • stay awake.

In this case, fetal movements can be felt by:

  • thin women;
  • pregnant with twins;
  • those who are experiencing more than their first pregnancy.

The child at this time has a thin reddish skin covering and there is a so-called “fluff” that will disappear after childbirth. It is also called lanugo - primary hair. Lanugo and vernix lubrication perform protective function and allow the lubricant to glide and “float” more easily in the mother’s belly.

The brain of the unborn baby continues to form, grooves and convolutions appear. The immune system is already “launched” but is not at all perfect. Therefore, a cold or flu can still negatively affect its development. But there is no need to panic in this case either. It's better to hold out in this case bed rest: for colds 3 days, for flu at least 7.

The phalanges of the fingers and toes are formed. The baby has an individual skin pattern. Development in progress endocrine system.

Fetal size at 18 weeks of gestation

Now the baby is very tiny: the child’s size can vary from 14 to 20 cm (length) and from 140 to 200 g (weight). In fact, this is not so little: try to imagine that you have a small melon in your stomach. Something like this will be the womb with the baby and amniotic fluid. 4 full months from conception is a decent amount of time! Ahead is the beginning of the 5th month.

Ultrasound at 18 weeks of pregnancy

Having dealt with the question: “18 weeks of pregnancy – what month is this?”, let’s move on to what studies the mother will have to undergo at 18-19 weeks. Often prescribed at this time. The best time for him the period is considered to be 17-18 weeks, but, in as a last resort, you can take the study a little later.

During an ultrasound, the doctor will look at how the fetus is developing at 18 weeks of pregnancy. During the study the following is carried out:

  • measuring body length, shoulder, femur, nasal bone;
  • heart examination;
  • study of brain development.

Does pregnancy at 18 weeks correspond to development as prescribed by norms? This becomes clear from the results of the ultrasound.

A baby's heart should function normally at 18 weeks of pregnancy, since the heart muscle is fully formed. Therefore, the doctor will be able to make assumptions as to whether the baby’s heart is healthy or if there are possible defects.

The doctor will also see low position placenta (if there is one), determine whether there is any tone of the uterus, offer to take a photo of an ultrasound of the fetus or a video of the entire study. Listen to the sound of your heart. He will tell you the weight and size of the fetus right away.

Have you been offered a photo? Agree – years later it will be very interesting to look at her! But the quality of the photo deteriorates over time, ask to save the video or photo in electronic form.

18th week of pregnancy: abdominal sensations

A woman who is attentive to her well-being will definitely note that she has new sensations. 18-19 weeks of pregnancy is the time that the baby most often “chooses” for the first movements noticeable to the mother. Of course, he was in motion before, but right now he has grown so much that a woman for the first time begins to clearly feel the presence in her stomach of something living a life independent of her. The 18th week of pregnancy is unlikely to be a time of rapid movement, but mothers often describe the feeling of “flying butterflies” or “bubbles” in the uterus. Active “kicks” are still a long way off, but the child has begun to assert himself! It often happens that the baby becomes active while the mother changes her body position or goes to bed.

“18 weeks pregnant: I don’t feel any movement!” – sometimes women say to the gynecologist in panic. Don't worry: everything is within normal limits. In thin women and those who are giving birth for the first time, the baby may make itself known only at 20 weeks.

If according to the ultrasound everything is normal, then there is no need to worry. Moreover, taking into account the fact that during pregnancy at 17-18 weeks, what sensations of movement may appear, except for the weakest? Perhaps the baby is actively moving while you are sleeping or very busy important matters, requiring maximum attention, and therefore simply did not notice the very first movements.

18 weeks of pregnancy - movements: what are they?

Having made sure on an ultrasound that the size of the fetus at 18 weeks of pregnancy is still very small, you can calm down, even if you do not feel the first movements. There will be no tremors, even weak ones, yet. Most women report "butterflies" or a slight tickling sensation.

Discharge at 18 weeks of pregnancy

The pregnancy period is accompanied heavy discharge– this happens to many women. In the second trimester, their number may increase: this is normal. After all, pregnancy at 18 weeks is active development fetus, so the blood supply to the pelvic organs is much stronger than during “normal” life. The consequence of this is an increase in the number of discharges. But a woman needs to monitor their color. Any change in their color (normally they are colorless) may indicate pathological condition. For example:

  • the appearance of infection;
  • risk of bleeding and premature birth (especially if low placentation is diagnosed);
  • increased uterine tone.

Increased humidity may constantly be felt in the perineum, which worries the pregnant woman. Sanitary pads for one day will help.

Has the discharge become cheesy and accompanied by itching? The first thing you might think about is thrush; it often accompanies pregnant women due to a decrease and change in the acidity of vaginal discharge.

Candida, the fungus that causes these unpleasant sensations, is not dangerous for the baby. But it cannot be left without treatment. As a rule, local forms of medications (gels or suppositories) are used so as not to harm the baby.

During this period, annoying nausea passes. And the woman, delighted to be rid of toxicosis, begins to feel increased appetite. It can absorb everything that is within reach, which means there is a risk of gaining excess weight. The development of the baby at this stage requires an increase in the mother’s weight from 3 to 6 kg - no more.

Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your diet, otherwise they may... The baby will be “overfed”, which will make childbirth very difficult for the mother and adaptation period baby after birth. Try to keep your meals small and varied.

Sex during this period is quite possible, regardless of whether it is the first or second pregnancy. The main thing is the absence of medical contraindications and the desire of the woman herself.

What should you be wary of? Suspicious signs such as:

  • pulling in the lower abdomen;
  • I have a stomachache;
  • lower back pain;

You should notify your doctor about these symptoms.

Most likely, these phenomena are caused by the growth of the uterus and a hormonal “storm”, softening of the tissues of the joints and ligaments, compression of the large veins of the small pelvis, but it is better not to take risks by waiting for it to “go away on its own”. In pregnant women with twins at this stage it is possible frequent urination, which is not surprising: the weight of the babies is not so small, so the uterus puts pressure on bladder, constantly annoying him.

At 18 weeks, the breasts are preparing for childbirth: they become heavy, and drops of colostrum may begin to appear. You need to wash it regularly with cool water, buy special bra. To support the stomach, which also already “weighs” something, it’s time to put on a bandage.

So, it's week 18. You already know the sex of your unborn baby, you have read a lot of literature about all stages of its development, and you have prepared a corner for the child in your home. Now all that remains is to wait, carefully keep a pregnancy calendar, noting all the changes in it, and prepare for the responsible role of a mother. In a few months the baby will be with you!

The gestation period of 18 weeks corresponds to the beginning of the fifth month of pregnancy according to the usual calendar, 4.5 months lunar calendar, 16 weeks of your baby's life. The 18th obstetric week is counted from the 1st day of missed menstruation, while fertilization occurs two weeks later.


At 18 weeks of pregnancy, sensations are associated with a rapidly growing belly, which begins to cause more and more discomfort. It becomes difficult to find a sleeping position, and the further you go, the more difficult it will be. Get used to sleeping on your left side; in this position, blood circulation is as physiological as possible, and it is easier for the baby to accept it in the uterus. correct position before childbirth.

Weight gain at 18 weeks is already significant and can be up to 6 kg depending on the woman’s build. As a rule, if you were underweight before pregnancy, you will gain more; if you were overweight, your gain will be less. When correctly calculating body weight gain, the body mass index before pregnancy must be taken into account.

Your breasts at 18 weeks pregnant may also be bothering you. Some women may already experience nipple discharge at this stage. They are yellowish-white and can stain laundry. There is no need to squeeze them out. Any manipulation of the nipples leads to a reflex increase in the tone of the uterus, if the doctor recommends preparing the nipples for the future breastfeeding, this must be done carefully. If there is a threat of interruption, this is prohibited.

The 18th week of pregnancy is generally very happy time. Your tummy speaks volumes about your interesting position, you feel quite well and are still very active. Enjoy this time.

Your condition

You now have an excellent appetite, you should restrain yourself, try to eat right. Nutrition at 18 weeks of pregnancy should be varied and very healthy. Pasta from dark varieties of wheat no more than 2 times a week, fresh vegetables and fruits, meat - be sure to exclude or at least limit as much as possible fried, fatty, salty and spicy. Don't eat a lot bakery products, avoid sausages, coffee, strong tea, soda and sweet juices.

Sometimes abdominal pain may bother you, or rather, it’s not pain, but just pulling sensations, especially when you take an awkward position. It is the rapidly growing uterus that stretches the ligaments. It's time to buy a prenatal bandage.

Sex becomes monotonous. There are only four basic poses available to you, and this introduces a bit of boredom. Side position, kneeling position, oblique position and cowgirl position. You feel uncomfortable on your back, you may even feel faint due to the fact that the uterus is compressing the inferior vena cava.

your child

The fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy weighs up to 200 grams and is about 20 cm long. If you are pregnant for the second time, you can already feel its movements. The size of the fetus is now such that its tremors and movements are beginning to be felt quite clearly, but even if there are no movements yet, it’s not scary, some expectant mothers recognize them only by the 22nd week.

At 18 weeks, the baby becomes very active, he can already hear perfectly and may be frightened by sharp sounds. This is the time to communicate with your unborn child, talk to him more often. Development of the central nervous system and the fetal hearing organ allows it to already remember your voice.

The baby’s bones are now actively accumulating calcium, he takes it from you, this can cause problems with the mother’s teeth, do not forget that a pregnant woman should see the dentist more than once. Be sure to include enough dairy products and cheeses in your diet, this will give you enough calcium for two, and fresh fruits and vegetables will provide enough vitamin C for its absorption.

Now the child periodically sleeps and is awake, sleep intervals are up to 4 hours. His organ of vision is formed, he can see light.

The baby's routine may not coincide with yours; often women feel the first movement at night.

Your tummy

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the belly rose almost to the level of the navel, and is now growing very quickly. Maternity clothes have become a necessity.

You may experience back pain and discomfort while sleeping. These are solvable problems. Bandages and gymnastics will relieve back pain; do not forget about comfortable shoes. Pillows make it possible to find comfortable poses For sleeping, special pillows for pregnant women are especially good.

If your lower back hurts, give it rest more often; it is very good to periodically take the knee-elbow position. This is also very beneficial for the kidneys, as it improves the flow of urine.

Sometimes some women feel like their belly is small, but this only means that you have strong abdominal muscles. At the 18th week of pregnancy, the uterus has already risen by 18 cm, and yet the tummy of most expectant mothers cannot be hidden by any clothing.

Analyzes and examinations

The pregnancy calendar at 18 weeks prescribes a scheduled visit to the gynecologist, a urine test, and if an ultrasound has not been done, it can be scheduled this week. Ultrasound at 18 weeks of pregnancy is one of the most exciting examinations.

During subsequent ultrasounds, you will no longer be able to see your baby completely, he will be too big, but now you can see how he moves, sucks his finger, and rolls over. Take a flash drive or disk with you, the doctor can record the examination for you, and it will forever remain a wonderful reminder of this time in your pregnancy.

A visit to the gynecologist will now always be accompanied by a measurement blood pressure, height of the uterine fundus, listening to the fetal heartbeat. Urine tests will have to be taken frequently, as there is a risk of developing late gestosis.

Possible complaints and problems

Many women experience a feeling of tugging in the abdomen at week 18; it is not pain, but simply discomfort. They are associated with stretching of the uterine ligaments, while the uterus itself does not become toned. Painful sensations are localized on the sides of it. The problem is solved by wearing a bandage. This also causes complaints that the lower back hurts.

If you are worried about nausea, the reason may be either that the enlarged uterus disrupts the functioning of the digestive organs, or that serious problems(headaches and nausea are common when blood pressure rises), be sure to consult a doctor.


If you are 18 weeks pregnant, your stomach hurts seriously, your uterus is toning, you feel painful contractions, you need to see a doctor. It is especially dangerous if brown or scarlet discharge appears, they indicate that termination of pregnancy may occur. Bleeding is an obvious symptom that does not need explanation, call an ambulance immediately.

Even on this later possible frozen pregnancy. If the death of the fetus is not noticed in time, the manifestations are the absence of movements, discharge from the genital tract, often also brown, and the body temperature may increase. Any unusual symptoms require consultation with a gynecologist.


18 weeks pregnant, twins require a lot of space. If the children are not lying correctly, the belly may not seem too big, but you can still quite clearly feel the difference, especially if this is your second pregnancy and you previously had a singleton.

In general, with twins at 18 weeks, the condition is no different from what other pregnant women feel, only because the uterus grows too quickly, the risk of miscarriage increases. Your doctor in antenatal clinic probably invites you every 2 weeks

Not every woman can feel the baby's movements at 18 weeks. This is not to say there is cause for concern. Doctors say that when normal course During pregnancy, the baby's movements are first felt by the mother between 16 and 22 weeks. Therefore, if there are no sensations by 18 weeks, it may be worth waiting a little longer.

Possible problems

Discharge at the 18th obstetric week

Vaginal discharge is important indicator health of women and children during pregnancy. To react in time and not miss dangerous moment, which can arise in a certain period, you need to know what is normal and what is pathology.

If you notice that the discharge on your underwear does not differ in any color and does not smell, then everything is in order.

But any changes in shade and the appearance of an unpleasant odor may indicate some internal problems. For example, it could be a vaginal infection that can have a direct impact on the life of the fetus. Blood from the vagina at 18 weeks cannot be caused by menstruation, which means running to the doctor so that the pregnancy does not end badly.


The 18th week of pregnancy can present unpleasant surprises in the form of pain to varying degrees intensity. Most often, a woman is bothered by stretching, which occurs due to stretching of the muscles of the uterus. An enlarged abdomen with its pressure causes discomfort and pain, radiating to nearby organs.

  • Lower back pain.
    If acute pain occurs, you should immediately see a doctor. There is a risk of exacerbation of kidney disease.
  • Stomach pain.
    An enlarged uterus and altered metabolism affect the process of food digestion. To avoid pain and heartburn, you must follow a diet and active image life.
  • Pain in the feet and calves.
    Most often occur due to a change in the center of gravity and increased load on lower limbs. Also, discomfort may appear due to swelling.

Pregnancy with twins

If during an ultrasound examination the doctor determines multiple pregnancy, the expectant mother should be doubly careful at 18 weeks. Both fetuses are actively growing, stretching the uterus and causing painful sensations. Both babies require nutrients that they get from their mother.

A woman needs to responsibly monitor her condition and regularly visit a gynecologist. You should create a menu healthy eating, to satisfy the needs of twins, as well as replenish resources with the help pharmaceutical drugs. In addition, it would not be a bad idea to do light fitness to relieve the back, which is experiencing double stress.

Necessary tests and studies

In the period from 18 to 20 weeks, doctors send pregnant women for a triple test - a study that includes three procedures:

  • alpha-fetoprotein protein test;
  • level analysis hCG hormone;
  • Free estriol test.

By ordering these tests, doctors are trying to find out whether the child has any genetic abnormalities. Based on the level of these hormones and proteins, experts determine whether the pregnancy is proceeding successfully and whether there is a threat of miscarriage.

Of course, in addition to the triple test, the pregnant woman must undergo a standard set of procedures provided for at 18 weeks. These include examination in a gynecological chair, delivery general analysis urine and blood, pressure measurement, determination of body weight, as well as the height of the uterine fundus. In addition, the gynecologist must listen to the child's heart beat.

Using urine and blood tests, doctors find out if there are diseases of the urinary or circulatory systems. While carrying a child, women often experience anemia, pyelonephritis and other diseases. Let us add that regular appointments with the doctor are a guarantee that exacerbations chronic diseases caused by pregnancy will be detected in a timely manner, which means recovery will occur quickly and painlessly.

Ultrasound of the fetus at 18 weeks of pregnancy

Around the same period pregnant woman is walking for ultrasound examination. This method Using a modern device, it allows you to take a photo of the abdomen at the 18th week of pregnancy and determine whether the child’s development parameters are normal. Ultrasound helps to identify many pathologies. For example, Down syndrome, heart defects, oligohydramnios or malpresentation placenta. In addition, the doctor will look to see if the intrauterine development pregnancy: takes measurements of body parts, clarifies whether internal organs.
