Active points on the face. Beauty points: acupressure and acupuncture for facial rejuvenation

Acupuncture points on the face are places for stimulation and health promotion. Facial rejuvenation is becoming an object of desire for many women and necessary procedure upon reaching a certain time frame. It uses various procedures that help to restore the elasticity and novelty of aged skin, remove defects. Currently, this area is dominated by various non-surgical lifting, which are able to give a pleasant result. All great attention attract acupuncture points located throughout the body and, with the right stimulation, allow you to regain your lost beauty, as is successfully used with. Consider the acupuncture points on the face, their location. How to use knowledge in the procedure of acupuncture face lifting.
Acupuncture zones on the face are located in in large numbers. We are primarily interested in the so-called points of rejuvenation, under the influence of which is achieved by all desired effect. Acupuncture points have long been widely used in Chinese medicine to treat many diseases and rejuvenate the body. You can stimulate the zones yourself with the pads of your fingers, exerting a certain degree of pressure on a specific area, or you can go further by contacting a professional and conduct an acupuncture lifting, during which the zones will be stimulated with acupuncture. This will give a much greater effect. Consider major acupuncture points on the face that should be affected. The Chinese have identified as many as 12 on the face, with which you can rejuvenate. Consider the main 5, here they are in front of you.

  1. It is located in the dimple at the crown, from where the hair diverges into different sides. Impact on this area helps to cope with insomnia, depression, chronic fatigue, increases blood circulation in the head, solves problems with migraines and blood vessels on the face. Press lightly on this point with the pad of your thumb and imagine that you are screwing in a screw, do 10-12 such rotations, rest 30 seconds, repeat 4-5 more times.
  2. It is located directly under the tip of the nose. It is a kind of center from which the threads diverge on the sides. Stimulation helps with swelling of the face, lacrimation, swelling of the face, rosacea, poor circulation. Put your index finger in this area. Perform pricking movements, as if instead of a finger, a needle. Repeat 20 times with emphasis. Do 3-4 sets with breaks of 30-40 seconds.
  3. There are two of these points, they are located in the center under each eye. When these zones are stimulated, blood circulation on the facial surface improves, bags under the eyes, dizziness, and eye fatigue disappear. For stimulation, put your middle and index fingers together, attach them with pads to one of the points. Make circular motions counterclockwise, as if you were holding a brush. Repeat 4-5 times ten strokes for each of the zones.
  4. Also two, they are located at a distance of 3-4 cm away from the tips of the lips. They are in a small hole, which allows them to be felt. The impact on these two points helps to increase the elasticity of the skin, its appearance, remove irregularities, roughness from its surface. To do this, simultaneously attach two thumbs with pillows to these areas. With light pressure, spread them apart, as if you are stretching your smile, fix the tension for a couple of seconds, and then return to their original position. Perform 30-33 times.
  5. It is located in the middle in the dimple under the lips, where the chin begins 5-6 cm down from the lower lip. The impact will increase the mobility of the muscles of the lower jaw. It will allow you to get rid of a double chin, emphasize the oval and correct features face, tighten the skin, relieve it of flabbiness. Attach thumb left hand with a pad to the point, push it inward, move it up and down, left and right. Repeat 20-22 times.
    The acupuncture points on the face described above are intended for daily stimulation in order to eliminate age-related changes face and slow down its aging. This cycle will take no more than 20 minutes. Brings general relaxation and peace. It is recommended to do a similar program every day at least once a day, if your age has already exceeded 30 years and you note unfavorable external and internal changes in your body.

Rooted in traditional Chinese medicine. This technique is based on the stimulation of our body in order to improve well-being and promote overall health.

In order to appreciate the results that acupuncture, it is desirable to devote time to it every day. Yes, constancy is required decisively in everything.

So you can naturally relieve tension, improve, reduce possible pain and just relax a bit.

That is, acupuncture will be very helpful if you suffer from increased tension or are experiencing stress.

However, it should be noted that this technique refers to traditional medicine(alternative). It is not intended to treat any disease, but can greatly alleviate their symptoms without causing any harm to the body (unlike many drugs).

If at some point you feel a headache or get too tired after a busy day at work, try it out and see for yourself how effective it is.

1. Acupuncture: third eye point

The point with the characteristic name "third eye" is one of the most famous. Especially when it comes to headaches or even migraines.

  • This point is located exactly in the middle between the eyebrows, above the nasal septum.
  • Pressing this point allows you to stimulate numerous blood vessels and, consequently, improve blood circulation and oxygenation of body cells (oxygen saturation), which in turn helps to solve various skin problems.
  • stimulate given point can be different:
  • The first way is the easiest. To you you just need to press on it with your finger and hold for 60 seconds.
  • The second way is more relaxing. Without removing your finger from the third eye point, make circular movements. Also, in principle, nothing complicated.

2. Point "Bamboo"

The bamboo point is associated with the nostrils. It promotes general relaxation, relieves stress, and also allows you to release Airways(to deal with nasal congestion).

  • In order to find this point in yourself, you just need to attach your index fingers to the inner corners of your eyes.
  • You will feel the bone of the eye sockets. This is a very sensitive place, the stimulation of which quickly provides good health.
  • To do this, you need to gently squeeze this point with your fingertips for a minute.

Avoid strong pressure. You may hurt yourself or temporarily interfere with your vision (white spots, hazy vision, or “flashes” of light may appear).

3. Point "Gate of Consciousness"

This point is located in the neck, just above the base of the skull. It is connected with the main muscles of our body: trapezius and sternocleidomastoid.

  • The benefits of this acupuncture point are numerous, so it's definitely worth a try if you get the chance (even better if someone can help you).
  • Stimulation of points called "Gate of Consciousness" relieves headaches and reduces the stiffness of the occipital muscles.
  • It is also good to use them for dizziness, pain in the eye area and ringing (noise) in the ears.

So, the person helping you with this acupuncture option should place their fingers at the base of our skull.

Then lightly press and hold for 5 seconds (pressing with your fingertips), then massage with bones for 3 minutes.

It is better if you lie on your stomach during this procedure.

4. Aroma point

What a poetic name - “aroma point” ... In fact, these are also two points, as in previous cases. They are located on the face on both sides of the nostrils.

The benefits of stimulating these points are not so numerous, but if you are wondering: it helps to relieve headaches and greatly reduce the discomfort associated with.

  • To do this, you will simply need to place your fingers on these points and massage them for 1 minute. Very relaxing!

5. Feng Fu Point (or "Wind House")

Another name filled with the magic of meanings. It is associated with a specific point on the neck. Feng Fu point: ice exposure for health!

Which of us women does not dream of eternal youth and beauty? We are ready to give any funds for the most expensive salon procedures- if only as a result to look fresher and younger, to have a blooming appearance. But who said that beauty and youth ALWAYS require sacrifice (in this case Is it time and finances?

Shia-tsu massage (shiatsu, shiatsu) - the famous acupressure(in translation - shi-finger, atsu - pressing - "finger pressure").

Its analogues are in Chinese (finger zhen), Korean practice (su-jok), in Indian Ayurveda (it is called marma therapy (marma - point). The main difference from the classics, you guessed it, is a point effect on biologically active points organism (tsubo), which gives an amazing result. them on the human body there are about 700, each responsible for a specific organ, and the totality of such points makes up the "meridians" through which the life-giving energy Qi circulates (according to Eastern healers).

The points are usually located between the muscle bundles, on the tendons, in the joints, in the depressions of the bones, in those places on the arteries where the pulse is felt.

Eight meridians pass through the face and they form a very dense energy network.

The meaning of the method is to, without shifting or stretching the skin, press the soft tissues to the bones. We squeeze the nerve endings and improve the condition of the muscle.

By acting on the tsubo point, we give the muscles a certain load, bringing them into tone - and thus control the formation of wrinkles: nasolabial, above the upper lip, around the eyes, form an oval of the face, improve skin color. Besides, in the area of ​​​​the face and head there are large channels responsible for the work of vital organs.

Why Shia Tsu?

Point self-massage of the face improves blood circulation, promotes smoothing of wrinkles and prevents their formation, relieves puffiness, keeps the skin healthy and radiant, improves skin color and makes it more dense and elastic.

And all this in a natural way (including the processes of self-healing of the body), without special costs time (maximum 15 minutes per day!) and finances, subject to REGULAR use for at least a month.

In addition, due to the effect on biologically active points, shiatsu stimulates the work of all organs and systems and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

Efficiency is time-tested! Results will be noticeable after 3-4 weeks!

So let's find our magical beauty points and get down to business.

How to find points

Very important point , as this is the key to the effectiveness of the procedure. How as a rule, the points are located in small depressions under the skin and are slightly painful when pressed.

Consider a few nuances:

  • Press on each point for only 3-6 to 10 seconds.
  • At the same time, a slight pain or warmth should be felt at the place of touch, but painful and discomfort should not occur!
  • You can press with one (index or thumb) or two or three fingers (index-middle-ring).
  • If the points are paired, they need to be massaged simultaneously with both hands.

And further:

  • It is advisable to do the procedure in the morning, after you have cleansed your face and applied a moisturizer to the skin: the effect will be stronger, plus you will feel pleasant warmth and a charge of vivacity.
  • You can apply a little oil to the skin instead of a cream grape seeds or wheat germ to enhance the effect.
  • After the procedure, it is desirable to make a nourishing and softening mask.
  • Keep in mind that acupressure is strictly contraindicated in areas of damaged or inflamed skin!

The eyes are our most problematic, why hide, area. By regularly working on the points listed below, you will make delicate skin the eyelids are elastic, smooth, and the eyes are shiny, bright and attractive. Don't believe? Check it out!

  • The first important point - the "third eye" - is 1 cm up from the bridge of the nose (between the inner ends of the eyebrows). You need to press hard enough on it. She is also massaged when out of the nose there is blood, flu, runny nose, headache.
  • The following points relieve swelling and swelling, add shine to the eyes, relieve eye strain, improve vision - they are located in the hollow at the inner corners of the eyes. If they are carefully massaged for 3 seconds in three sets, you will immediately feel their beneficial effect.
  • A very important point is located in the middle of the eyebrow directly above the pupil (located, as it were, in a hollow between two tubercles). It takes the pressure off your eyes. Influencing it helps a lot if you read a lot or work at a computer during the day, as well as with myopia.
  • From " crow's feet» effective stimulation of a point located at a distance of 1 cm from the outer corner of the eye to the temple
  • Another important points are in the middle under the cheekbones at the level of the middle of the pupil
  • It is very useful in the end to walk with light pressure movements along the upper and lower edges of the eye orbit (especially pay attention to the point under the eye one transverse finger below the lower edge of the orbit, on the pupil line - it also helps with dizziness).

You need to massage all the points for about 10 seconds each, you can do it in three approaches.

To have a charming smile and forget about nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the mouth, regularly massage the following points:

  • in the center under lower lip. With its help, you can also remove swelling of the face, toothache (in the lower jaw), massage of this zone is also used for paralysis of the facial nerve.
  • Against wrinkles near the mouth: with the tips of the middle and index finger massage the corners of your mouth for 30 seconds.
  • With three fingers (index, middle and ring) of both hands, placed in a row on the upper lip, we do 4-5 pressures. This exercise prevents vertical wrinkles ok lip. By the way, the point under the nose - if it is intensively massaged - is able to "bring back to life" after fainting.

Anti-wrinkle points on the forehead

To avoid premature mimic wrinkles on the forehead and smooth out the already acquired ones, it is enough not to frown, not to grimace and apply the following exercises:

  • pressing with middle and index fingers two hands, smooth the forehead from the middle to the temples for 30 seconds.
  • An important point is one transverse finger above the eyebrow at the pupil line. By massaging it, you will help yourself with dizziness, pain in the frontal part of the head, night blindness and trinity neuralgia.
  • The point at the temple at the end of the eyebrow - its stimulation also relieves fatigue.
  • Point 3 cm up from the outer corner of the eye
  • It also helps to simply massage the forehead from the middle to the hairline.

Points from wrinkles on the neck

The neck immediately gives out the age of a woman, so she should be given Special attention by daily massaging certain points:

  • A point 2 cm down from the angle of the lower jaw (also helps with bronchitis, coughs, cramps of the glottis, laryngitis, glossitis).
  • The point between the collarbones (jugular notch).
  • A point located at the bottom of the back of the head in a notch.
  • Neck massage: reverse side massage with the left palm (reception - stroking) right side neck for 1 minute, then with the right palm - the left side.

Tips and contraindications for Shia Tsu

And more useful points for maintaining overall health:

  • In the center of the inner part of the chin is an "anti-stress" point. In an unexpected stressful situation press thumb to this point.
  • To increase immunity, it is necessary to press periodically on the area around the kneecaps.


It is worth refusing facial massage:

  • if the integrity of the skin is violated (dermatitis, allergies, acne, pustules, etc.);
  • if there viral diseases(for example, rashes of herpes);
  • if intracranial pressure drops sharply;
  • if there is rosacea (dilated vessels);
  • in any acute conditions of the body as a whole;
  • with individual intolerance beauty massage.

Every woman wants to keep her youth and beauty as long as possible. In an effort to prolong the desired youth, women are ready to give any means and resort to any cosmetic procedures. However, beauty and youth do not always require huge funds and a surgical scalpel.

There is a fairly effective and very cheap way to help prolong youth and beauty. This is the activation of points of youth on the face.

Youth points on the face are biologically active points that trigger the processes of regeneration and restoration of skin structures. The active impact on these points gives an amazing result, which improves blood circulation, smoothes wrinkles and enhances the lymphatic drainage effect.

There are about 700 points on the human body that are responsible for different organs and systems. There are more than 25 biologically active points on the face, by acting on which you can improve the condition of the skin. In addition, you can prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, improve complexion, make the skin more dense and elastic.

How to find points of youth on the face?

In order to eliminate skin problems with the help of acupressure, you need to know not only where the biologically active points are located, but also what they are responsible for. Accuracy plays the main role here: after all, by stimulating the wrong point, you can achieve the exact opposite effect. Therefore, first of all, you should find and remember the location of the active points on your face.

In order to find active points on the face, you need to go to the mirror. Carefully observing our reflection, we pay attention to the following zones:

  • two points on the walls of the nose at the inner corners of the eyes are directly called points of youth, they improve vision;
  • two dots on the outer corners of the eyes;
  • two points under the eye (right and left);
  • a point in the center of the bridge of the nose (between the eyebrows), called the third eye, the activation of this point improves blood circulation, stimulates the pituitary gland and regulates endocrine processes in the body;
  • two points in the center of the eyebrows;
  • two points on the temples (the line of the beginning of hair growth) help improve vision, improve blood circulation in the brain, relieve tension from the muscles that are located nearby;
  • two points in the recesses under the wings of the nose, when stimulated, improve the sense of smell, help to quickly cope with a cold and improve the condition of the teeth;
  • two points located at the end of the earlobes, they are easy to feel if you open your mouth - the resulting recess and there are active points, with their stimulation, you can improve hearing, work vestibular apparatus and relieve the tension of the masticatory muscles;
  • two points under the cheekbones (central position);
  • point under the nose;
  • two points in the corners of the mouth;
  • the point on the chin is responsible for the elimination of toxins;
  • point under the lower lip;
  • one point under the cheekbone on the left side;
  • point between the collarbones;
  • point in the dimple at the back of the head.

Types of influence on biologically active points

Depending on the problem to be solved, there are different ways impact on biological points.

You can influence biologically active points by the following methods:

  • acupressure;
  • acupuncture;
  • vacuum effect;
  • thermal impact.


Acupuncture is a fairly complex procedure that requires great skill and experience. The essence of the method is the introduction of thin small needles under the skin. This method allows you to stimulate and adjust the work of all organs and systems. During acupuncture in aesthetic purposes you can improve complexion and tighten skin turgor.

There is also a method of electroacupuncture, which uses a weak electrical impulse. The role of needles here is played by electrical impulses different lengths.

Vacuum exposure

This method is based on the good old cupping method. The vacuum principle for the face works on the same principle. This method smoothes wrinkles, rejuvenates the skin, normalizes metabolism, tightens pores and improves complexion. The vacuum method affects not only the surface layer of the skin, but also inner layer subcutaneous fat.

thermal effect

This method involves a thermal effect on biologically active points. It is carried out in two ways:

  • contact;
  • distant.

The contact method implies the direct effect of the heat source on the active point, with the distant method the heat source does not come into contact with the point. Thermal procedures remove toxins from the body, strengthen and rejuvenate the skin.

When carrying out thermal methods of activation of biologically active substances great importance has the experience and qualifications of a specialist conducting the procedure. If you do not calculate the correct exposure time, you can get serious burns to the face. The thermal method of exposure can be carried out at home on your own, it is not so difficult. For example, Thai massage hot herbal pouches.


For facial rejuvenation all over the world use Asian technicians point massage.

As a rule, this is:

  • chinese finger massage zhong;
  • japanese shiatsu massage;
  • Indian Marma Therapy.

The above methods of massage are distinguished by a specific technique.

Let us dwell in more detail on acupressure, which can be done independently, having studied the location of biologically active points on the face well.

How to activate youth points?

First you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin from decorative cosmetics then put on it nutritious cream. It is also recommended to do light massage By massage lines to warm up the skin.

Acupressure is done with the index fingers, but in no case pulling or stretching the skin, but simply pressing the soft tissues with the fingertips to the bones of the skull. In order to make sure correct definition points, they need to be carefully felt with your fingers, since they are located in small depressions on the bones of the skull. When you press on biologically active points, there is a slight soreness or pleasant warmth, but not sharp pain or discomfort. The activation time of each point is no more than 5 seconds. Activation of biologically active points affects the nerve endings, which gives the muscles a load, forcing them to work. When exposed to paired points, movements are made simultaneously. For example, the activation of points above the eyes occurs simultaneously, as well as the impact on the points in the corners of the mouth and on the points on the outer and inner corners of the eyes.

In this case, it is necessary to observe some nuances:

  • you should press on the point for no more than 5-10 seconds;
  • in the place of pressure should be felt light warmth or mild pain;
  • no discomfort should be observed;
  • you can press either with one (index or thumb) or with two or three (index + middle + ring) fingers;
  • paired points are processed simultaneously;
  • the procedure is preferably carried out in the morning, after cleansing and moisturizing the skin of the face;
  • you need to massage your face on a nourishing or moisturizing cream, but you can also use wheat germ oil, grape, corn or linseed oil instead of a cream;
  • after the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing softening mask to the skin;
  • activation of youth points is not carried out in case of violation of the integrity or inflammation of the skin.

The activation of youth points always begins with the treatment of the inner corners of the eyes.

Indications for carrying out

The procedure is shown:

  • persons with flabby, atonic skin;
  • at dull color faces;
  • with deformation of the oval of the face;
  • in the presence of deep wrinkles, jowls and ptosis.

Of course, the activation of the points of youth will not relieve the patient of all skin defects, some problems need a more radical solution, but to improve the complexion, make it fresh and toned, restore the skin relief, smooth out wrinkles is quite within the power of acupressure.

Contraindications to the procedure

  • inflammatory processes on the skin (acne, acne, rosacea, rosacea);
  • infectious - viral diseases on the face (herpes);
  • hypertonic disease;
  • allergy;
  • after peeling or dermabrasion;
  • after using fillers;
  • with intracranial pressure;
  • for any chronic or acute diseases in organism.

How to activate eye points

It is well known that the eyes are the most beautiful part human face. They are able to convey a whole range of feelings and emotions. However anatomical features structures of the skin around the eyes contribute to early appearance wrinkles and folds. Regular exposure to the points of youth will help to shine the eyes with a mischievous brilliance of youth. In addition, by acting on the points around the eyes, you can relieve their fatigue, tension, swelling and swelling, as well as improve vision. Biologically active points of the eyes are located in the hollows on the inner and outer corners of the eyes. If you press on them for 5-10 minutes, you can immediately feel relaxation and peace in the eye area.

Important points of influence are the middle of the eyebrows, which are located directly above the pupil. They are located in a hollow between two hills. Massaging these points helps relieve stress after long work at the computer, reading and myopia.

Stimulation of points located at a distance of one centimeter from outer corner eye to temple helps to effectively eliminate the so-called "crow's feet". Also, stimulation of the points under the cheekbones at the level of the middle of the pupil will help improve the skin around the eyes. And massaging along the upper and lower edge of the eye orbit helps to remove headache and dizziness. The points are processed for 10 seconds each, in three passes.

Activation of points of youth on the forehead

In order to prevent the occurrence premature wrinkles on the forehead and smooth out those that have already appeared, it is necessary to stimulate important point, which is one finger above the eyebrow at the pupil line. In addition, massaging this point can relieve headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and eye strain.

Another active point is located at the temples at the end of the eyebrows, its stimulation prevents the development of "crow's feet", and also relieves stress and fatigue. Smoothing the forehead, from its middle to the temples, with the index fingers of both hands, you can prevent the development of vertical wrinkles on the forehead. By activating points that are three centimeters above the outer corner of the eyes, the development of bags and swelling under the eyes can be prevented, as blood circulation and lymph outflow improve. By stimulating points that are in the middle of the hairline, it is possible to prevent the formation of transverse wrinkles on the forehead.

Activation of points of youth in the cheeks and lips

Nothing ages a woman like the presence of deep nasolabial folds on her face. They give the face a mournful, eternally tired look. In order to prevent their appearance or to make the nasolabial folds that have already appeared less pronounced, it is necessary to regularly activate the points in the center under the lower lip. Stimulation of this point can also relieve swelling of the face, paralysis of the facial nerve and toothache of the lower row of teeth. By pressing on the points near the mouth across the vector of the formation of the nasolabial fold, it is possible to achieve skin alignment and smooth wrinkles.

Using the index, middle and ring finger both hands press on a point that is above the upper lip. By activating this point, you can prevent the appearance of vertical wrinkles on the lip, and stimulating the point under the nose can prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip and nasolabial folds.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that stimulation of biologically active points on the face can not only pleasantly transform the appearance and improve the condition of the skin, but also have a beneficial effect on the state of the body as a whole.

With age, every woman, seeing the first wrinkles on her face, begins to think about how to improve skin condition. Someone is running to plastic surgery, someone uses non-surgical, but no less effective methods. One of them is a point effect on the skin of the face. So where are the points on the face for massage for rejuvenation?

Since ancient times, facial massage for the purpose of rejuvenation has been used in different countries world and always had zealous fans. Therefore, we will consider in this article what types of it are, and learn about bioactive points that allow you to restore facial skin.

There are many types of massage in the world with different names, it should be noted that they are based on general technique using bioactive parts of the face.


This technique was developed by Chinese experts. It is based on the division of the facial area into several parts, where each corresponds to some part of the body and is responsible for its health. For example, by massaging the forehead points, you can improve the blood circulation of the brain, and rubbing the bridge of the nose will respond favorably to the cervical spine.

This Chinese technique allows you to restore human health in all parts of the body, to give firmness and elasticity to the skin of the face. In order to achieve massage procedures positive result, experts recommend doing them 2 times a week.


The Japanese method of massaging the bioactive points of the face has state license and is a popular form of therapy. Its action is aimed at activating the work of epidermal cells, with the help of which cleansing takes place. energy channels Qi. The technique stimulates the regenerative processes of both the skin of the face and the whole organism. It has been established that acupuncture points on the face (according to the acupuncture method) correspond to bioactive points.

Where are bioactive points located on the face?

Consider where the main points of youth are located on the face:

How to perform a cosmetic facial massage

Cosmetic facial massage plays an important role, especially for women with aging skin. With its help, the first wrinkles are removed, blood circulation increases, the skin acquires firmness and elasticity. Massage of the facial skin is performed before applying the cream. Thanks to its action, the skin warms up and easily absorbs cosmetic preparations.

A positive result from the massage procedure will be displayed not only on the face. Its action will be felt by the whole organism:

  • sleep will improve;
  • the mental background will be restored;
  • spirit will appear.

Before proceeding to massage procedure, you need to do the following:

  • put a bandage on your head to hide your hair;
  • wash hands thoroughly with soapy disinfectant;
  • study all active points of the face where the procedure will be performed;
  • do massage while sitting in front of a mirror.

Facial massage for rejuvenation involves the implementation of circular movements in specified places with the help of light pressure with your fingers. At the same time, it can be performed by pressing on one point, or it can pass along the line where certain points are located. Acupressure involves pressing a point on the face for rejuvenation for 30 seconds, after which pressure is applied with a rotational movement: 9 times in each direction. One point should be massaged for no more than 3 minutes. The result of the procedures will be noticeable and palpable after three sessions.

Execution features

  • from the central part of the forehead, the fingers move to the temples;
  • from the nostrils the fingers move towards the temples;
  • from the corners of the lips in the direction of the auricles;
  • from the center of the chin, the fingers move towards the earlobes.
  1. Procedure for putting on and taking off any cosmetic mask or cream is performed in the same direction as the massage.
  2. After massaging all points of the face, light tapping is carried out with the fingertips in the same directions. It is allowed to lightly and very gently tap on the muscles surrounding the eyes.
  3. If the surface of the forehead is covered with large wrinkles, then massaging movements (smoothing and patting) should be performed both along the forehead and across it.
  4. Saggy double chin massaged quickly and intensively.
  5. After massaging procedures, the cream is removed from the face with a paper handkerchief. In the case when a person needs to immediately go outside, then a thin layer of powder is applied to the face.

How often do you need a facial massage?

In the first week, massaging procedures should be performed every day for 7 minutes. Then their frequency decreases, but to maintain normal tone, you will need to massage your face once a week.

Contraindications for cosmetic facial massage

Along with many positive characteristics cosmetic massage, you need to know what may appear and negative sides. Therefore, before proceeding with a facial massage, you need to get the advice of a doctor.

If a person has skin observed inflammatory process, a herpes infection has manifested itself or there are warts, then experts do not advise performing massage procedures.

Regularly caring for facial skin, doing massage, we can forget about early wrinkles and significantly smooth out age. The uniqueness of acupressure lies in its ease of implementation and amazing effect not only on the skin of the face, but on the whole body.
