How to flirt with the guy you like. During direct communication

Nobody teaches the art of flirting; we learn to flirt on our own since childhood. Almost subconsciously. Now, pay attention to how the girls behave in kindergarten, attracting boys.

There is always a “first guy” in the group, some Vanechka, with whom everyone is in love fair half babies. Flirting and flirting with him, each one “pushes aside” other rivals, being sure that Vanka will definitely marry her.

But in at a young age The coquette comes to the realization that not everything is so simple, and “Vanka” cannot be bought with a toy. But you can attract attention in other ways, although this requires a special science of seduction. Well, shall we study?

“It’s too early for you to think about boys, you need to think about studying!” - almost all girls heard such a terrible phrase from their parents in high school. The most stupid phrase. The girl is thinking about studying, but nature still takes its toll - she has a strong desire to please guys. And here is some kind of study.

Mothers should teach the girl at this time feminine tricks, and not knock the crap out of her head. Without mommy, she will drive it there herself. The first tears and hidden diaries are a sign that the girl has matured.

This is where I would like to sit down with my daughter and talk to her about how to learn to flirt - from gestures to communication. The girl will soon become a girl, and if she behaves incorrectly during flirting, men may not perceive her behavior the same way. And from there comes the label on the girl as a “young slut” and other public press.

Visual flirting

Everything that a man can perceive with his eyes, looking at a girl flirting with him, is visual flirting. Clothing, gestures, gaze, facial expressions - nothing will go unnoticed. By the way, a man experienced in the subtleties of seduction will quickly understand what a woman wants - just to please her or to immediately drag her into bed.

Dressing correctly

If you are going to a party to meet new people, you, of course, choose your outfit. Visual flirting is not communication by correspondence, here you should be in all your glory. What you wear will definitely influence the course of events, so:

    A modest woman dressed in a gray turtleneck sweater, jeans and boots solid sole won't have much success. There, at least build a skyscraper with your eyes, but against the backdrop of your shining evening dresses to her friends she will look like a gray mouse.

    Sexy clothes certainly seduce men, but the main thing here is not to overdo the details. A neckline that barely covers the nipples and a miniskirt that shows off her panties is an aggressive call for sex. This outfit is only suitable for a one-on-one date.

    By the way, don't be offended, ladies. curvaceous, but if you can barely pull on all the short “skinny” clothes, then there’s not much that’s sexy here. Very reminiscent of this outfit for sausage on the counter, covered with twine. And women with a flat figure look ridiculous wearing a tight dress.

    Men are very attracted to women who dress not so much sexy as erotically. With a hint of sexuality. Long Dresses to the floor, emphasizing the roundness of an impeccable figure, open shoulders, tastefully selected accessories - these are the nuances of seducing men.

    Color matters too. Need golden mean- not flashy tacky colors or dreary gray tones, but a bewitching color. For example, red - it always attracts attention.

Still from the movie “Pretty Woman”

arrow_left Still from the movie “Pretty Woman”

Makeup, hairstyle, body decoration

When communicating visually, a man cannot help but notice how you look externally. Even if after flirting it came to love night, then you will take off your clothes, but what you will remain is an important point.

    If you don’t wear makeup at all, and instead of your hairstyle you make a “mouse tail” - you will lose greatly. You don’t have to rely only on natural beauty; it still needs to be emphasized.

    “Screaming” makeup is already old-fashioned, and moreover, it is most often deceptive. If you wipe off your makeup before sex at night, you don’t know how a man will behave. Perhaps he will run away. And older ladies generally look ugly under an aggressive layer of makeup. If you don't agree, read it and maybe you'll change your mind.

    Piercings, tattoos, Botox and outrageous hairstyles appeal to some categories of men. But, for example, a tattoo cannot be erased like makeup in order to be completely renewed, and everything else does not go away without a trace.

    The best thing is everything in moderation. Classic makeup is what you need for flirting and seduction. The main thing is the sparkle in the eyes and a dazzling smile.

Gestures and facial expressions

Surprisingly, even gestures are included in the science of “How to flirt correctly.” Japanese geisha they taught such subtleties as, for example, how to pour tea for a man: the movements of the hands are smooth, graceful, despite the fact that only the wrist can be shown “from nudity”. And how much hidden sexuality!

But when flirting, gestures and facial expressions occur subconsciously, there is no need to make special faces. At the same time, the guys feel that they are being hunted. Here's how it happens:

    You straighten a lock of hair, tilting your head. In this way, the girl subconsciously calms herself down and at the same time demonstrates her attractiveness to the guy.

    You throw your head back and touch your neck and face with your fingertips. Again, these are gestures of seduction. Pay attention - photographs of models are simply replete with similar positions of the arms, neck and head.

    IN ordinary life alone, you can drink coffee the way you want - holding the handle of the coffee mug with all your fingers and sipping. But next to the person with whom you are flirting, everything transforms, the little finger imperceptibly sticks out, the rim of the cup barely touches the lips.

    Shoulders are another “flirty” part of the body. You either press one shoulder to your chin, making a languid look, or straighten out, showing off your chest. There seems to be nothing special about this, but in fact the flirting is just gushing out.

    If you Beautiful legs, then you will definitely “put them into action.” You throw one on top of the other and shake your shoe on your toes. And then you get up, all like that, and walk away, swaying your hips - how can you not look after him?!

    Your facial expressions are always lively: from surprise with eyebrows up to laughter with your head slightly thrown back. And you also wrinkle your nose with a smile if your counterpart tells you something not entirely decent. Or you pout if you pretend to be offended. You don’t really notice it, but your boyfriend clearly understands - “this girl is hitting on me.”

    Voice timbre is very important. Well, there are flaws in it: too squeaky or, conversely, low. Or the woman has a stutter or a lisp, which will not be noticeable in correspondence. It is in vain that such ladies neglect the services of a speech therapist, because “repair” of voice and speech is needed in the same way as the services of a dentist and cosmetologist.

    A pleasant voice calms a man and decorates a woman. Languid and affectionate - exciting. But even if the voice is normal, some women still try to make mistakes: they either swallow the words, rushing through a conversation, or stretch them out, or generally specifically set the timbre of a first-grader girl. Nothing is good for flirting.

    When flirting with a man, the most important thing a woman should do is listen to him! Light, graceful gestures (for example, stirring a cocktail with a straw or straightening a curl) will not be out of place. The main thing is not to turn around, wring your hands or yawn, distracting your attention. Therefore, you need to listen eye to eye.

    If you need to insert a couple of phrases, they should be short and on topic. If there is something very funny in the dialogue, then restrain yourself from laughing loudly, as if you were almost choking. Leave this habit for a group of friends.

    You speak yourself - control both timbre and expressions. In combination with cute facial expressions, it will sound and look harmonious. When flirting in person, try to keep your distance even when whispering. When leaning towards your interlocutor’s face, do not disturb his “biofield”. If he starts to push away from you, it means you are still violating him.

    If flirting has turned into outright temptation, then touching the hand, lightly stroking the fingers of the interlocutor comes into play. If it pleases him, he will respond in kind. This means that you did everything right in total.

Flirt on the Internet

If you have an interest in a pen pal on the Internet, then this is generally an uncultivated field for flirting. Even if you have an ordinary appearance and a figure of dubious beauty, then it is through correspondence that you will benefit, for example, by the ability to communicate vividly, which will interest a guy.

    You don’t initially have to post a photo of yourself on social media if you’re not photogenic or shy. Although for such cases there is Photoshop. Or simply, as an option, an avatar with some kind of cat.

    Thanks to the search engine, it will not be difficult for you to be intellectually developed. She Googled information on a topic that interested him, and rushed to shine with her intelligence and intelligence.

    More witty humor. It is thanks to this feeling that many conclusions can be drawn about a person. If you correspond on social networks, then from your “wall” you can understand what kind of girl you are and what you are interested in.

    When communicating, do not give away information about yourself completely - some intrigue should still be present. Let him find out about you from other sources. Phrases for flirting should be teasing him, like, let's play “cat and mouse” and you yourself will guess what I am like.

    There are no words - there are emoticons. Again, they are like examples of a “guessing” puzzle. By the way, thanks to such flirting, a guy can “little by little” find out what you really are like. And then, if everything suits him, then you can safely go on a first date.

Finally - an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the superpower to “read” men. It’s like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man and you immediately know everything about him and understand what’s on his mind. You could get any man and have ideal relationship and I would hardly read this article now in search of a solution to my problem.

And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you can’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a candidate of psychological sciences, and her technique has helped many girls find ideal relationships and feel loved.

If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 seats specifically for visitors to our site.

Many modern girls and women reach dizzying heights in their careers, receive academic degrees, and improve their appearance to glossy standards. However, in personal life they remain unfulfilled. It's all due to ignorance of how to flirt with a man. Flirting is win-win game, allowing you to get close attention the opposite sex, and sometimes rekindle the flame of love.

What is flirting?

Synonyms for the word “flirting” are coquetry, courtship, love game. This is the ability to attract the attention of the opposite sex. The most can be used various methods or a combination of them:

The ultimate goal of coquetry is considered to be to enter into a sexual relationship, less often in love relationship. The art of flirting with a man has centuries-old history. The last queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, was famous for her particular popularity among the opposite sex. They say that men were ready to give up their lives for just one night spent with her.

Cleopatra was endowed with enormous charm, a bewitching voice, skillfully emphasized her advantages, loved to use various aroma oils. The second example is the famous film actress Marilyn Monroe. Despite her extremely tragic fate, she perfectly mastered the art of flirting and drove many people crazy with her appearance and manner of communication. famous men. It is believed that the ability to flirt is natural quality women.

Rules for flirting with a man

Flirting is a game with its own subtleties and rules. If a woman knows them, then at least she is guaranteed interest from a man. So, how to flirt with a man correctly:

  1. Smile. A smile gives a man a red light for further communication and shows a woman’s openness and friendliness.
  2. “Shoot” with your eyes. Stare at the man for a few seconds, and then lower your eyes in embarrassment.
  3. Use sweet scents. Smell is of no small importance.
  4. Violate personal space. Approach the man at a distance of 30-50 cm.
  5. Use interesting accessories, details in clothing. Many men like translucent panels in the chest, abdomen, back or hips.

Flirting with a man, example:

  1. Unfamiliar girl and guy at the supermarket shelves. She: “I advise you to take this coffee (pasta, milk, etc.). What real men need." Second option, she: “I’ve been waiting for you here for a long time. Help me get the can of cream from that shelf over there. Please"
  2. . She: “You are so versatile. I wonder what you'll surprise me with next time" Or: “I have a dream. But I'll tell you about it a little later. For dessert". Another option: “I have a tempting idea. As soon as I get to know you better, we will definitely do this."

Important. Flirting is a game on the edge. Intrusiveness, annoyingness, swagger are beyond the line. Try not to cross it. Be moderately restrained in your emotions and behavior. Send only “dressed” photos. Choose an outfit that will show off your assets to a man without exposing you.

Author's advice. The key to success in flirting with a man is self-confidence. If a woman realizes her attractiveness, then she does not need any rules or schemes. To feel on top and learn how to flirt with men, tidy up your appearance, buy a new dress and just start a dialogue with a suitable candidate. As soon as you see his admiring glance, the ability to flirt will turn on by itself.

Flirting in correspondence

Today social networks are more popular than ever. According to statistics, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram, VKontakte, and dating sites are used by every 3 city residents to communicate with the opposite sex. And if in personal communication a woman can use absolutely any subtlety of seduction, then in correspondence her capabilities are limited.

SMS flirting with men is built on ambiguous phrases, expectant pauses, seductive photos and humor. For those who have never practiced flirting over the phone, such games can cause certain difficulties. To avoid mistakes, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for conducting flirtatious conversations. So, how to flirt with a man by correspondence:

Before you begin correspondence, you must clearly state your purpose. What emotion or action do you most desire? Perhaps you want to arouse jealousy or provoke a man to desire meet. Be prepared for the fact that a man can really fall in love and begin to conquer on all fronts. This can get you into serious trouble if you're in a relationship and just want to have some fun.


Sometimes our imagination refuses to work in the right direction. In such cases, you can use examples ready for SMS flirting with men:

How to learn to flirt with a man? First of all, you need to forget about seriousness. You should be light, slightly ironic and a little mysterious. Try on the role of a mysterious temptress or a flirtatious laugher. Use SMS to flirt with a man if you are embarrassed to say some things in person. Play and flirting are an important component of any relationship. This is the source positive emotions, the same stick that fuels the fire of love and passion for many years.

Marina, Kataysk

The ability to flirt is inherent in a woman by nature. Some people don't know how to put these skills into practice. There are those who even consider flirting to be the prerogative of men. Oh, how wrong they are... Bewitching, flirting, seducing, pleasing - this is an enjoyable game for both sexes, in which there are no losers... if you do everything right! Read about how to flirt with a guy and masterfully use “feminine tricks” in our article. It's easier than you think!

Where to begin?

All you need is this positive attitude, smile, confidence and subtle hints about tender feelings. Before you charm someone you care about, get familiar with flirting techniques. They work flawlessly.

Show him your interest

Before that, decide: why do you want to flirt with him? If this is for the sake of unwinding a little, then you don’t have to try too hard - and it will bite. If you want to develop a relationship, you will have to make some efforts.

Guys are not clairvoyant... Girls have intuition that gives them clues. But it’s difficult for a guy to understand whether he likes him until she gives clear sign. Of course, there is no need to write love slogans on the asphalt under the window or walk around with a banner. Show interest in him with a gentle look, a smile, or simply ask “How are you?”

Glance is the main weapon

A key flirting tactic is creating eye contact with the object of your desires. It works anytime, anywhere as long as the guy is near you. Just don’t look at him as if you see right through him (men are shy people). You want to flirt with him, and not stare into his body...

Look into his eyes and then shyly look away. If your image is far from modest, then just glance playfully and fleetingly in his direction. There is a good universal trick: look straight at him until the guy catches your eye. Then hold eye contact a couple of seconds, smile and look away. This kind of play with the eyes will definitely bear fruit.

Smile at him

Proven fact: a smile makes a girl even more attractive! So don't neglect this weapon when flirting. And anyway, how to flirt with a guy without smiling? A lady “depressed”, you must admit, is not very pleasant to look at. A smiling girl attracts attention, radiates mood and positivity. Any man will immediately be on alert!

Advice: but don’t overdo it here either. You shouldn't smile at all 32 if you have problems with your teeth. Sometimes raising the corners of the mouth is enough. Practice in the mirror - for starters. A smile should be fleeting and not constantly present on your face. Laughter for no reason... well, you know it.

Find a way to see each other more often

How to flirt with a guy if you don't see him? That's right, no way. To cross paths with the object of your affection more often, find sophisticated reasons for meeting. Walk the dog in the park where he hangs out with his friends. Or walk past his desk in the office on your way out. The main thing is that it looks natural! Don't go too far, otherwise he will think that you are following him.

Laugh at his jokes

Even if it's not very funny. Show your partner that you are interested and comfortable with him! There is no need to cackle loudly to attract the attention of passers-by. An unobtrusive laugh will not only flatter him, but will also make you more attractive in his eyes (we already talked about smiling above).

Let him feel like a witty and fascinating interlocutor. If he weren't like that, you probably wouldn't want to be with him.

Touch him

Overcoming the touch barrier is one of the main ways to properly flirt with a guy and win his affection. Look for the smallest reasons to touch him: touch his arm when he makes a funny joke, adjust his collar by lightly grazing his neck with your fingers, put your hand in his palm while watching a horror movie, or cling to him out of fear. But they immediately gave up! To begin with, the contact should be short-term.

Watch his reaction. If it is positive, then you can apply this technique several times. If he holds your hand on himself or takes it in his palm, your game is a success!

Look your best

Men love with their eyes - this known fact. And this is the honest truth! Don't wear it on yourself short skirt, a sweater with a neckline or high heels. It will be enough to be well-groomed and neat clothes, pleasant makeup and beautiful strands hair. You yourself will feel better when you know that you are irresistible!

Wear clothes that make you comfortable. You can't go wrong with skinny jeans or favorite dress. Be different, experiment with hairstyles and colors in your outfits.

Draw attention to your body

A little exposed flesh is a turn on. Draw attention to own body you need to be careful, unobtrusive and subtle so as not to seem approachable. A little openness sometimes works instead of a thousand words. But remember: easy!

Pretend that your shoulder is aching. Massage it and rub the skin, “accidentally” taking off the strap of your top. If a guy offers to give you a massage, then consider it your small victory. He took the bait! If you are in a restaurant or cafe, lick your lips so that he can see. This will attract attention and make him think about kissing.

Don't go too far. There is no need to jump in front of him in a bikini and twirl your cleavage in his face - this looks like a sign of desperation. Be confident and relaxed!

Say nice things to him

Girls who expect compliments from men only towards themselves commit big mistake. Guys also love to be praised. Make him feel special, show him that you value his qualities highly and pay attention to his merits. Notice important details, the smallest details!

How to flirt with a guy correctly and make the compliment even more pleasant:

  • To add mystery and intimacy to a compliment, lean closer to him and whisper pleasantries.
  • Does he play guitar well? Tell me how you felt when you heard him play. Compliment his level of virtuosity. He is a football player? Go to his match and share your impressions of his goal or successful pass.
  • When you give a compliment, try to look him in the eye and smile.
  • Don't say no from pure heart- pretense is always visible. Give compliments from the heart! One sincere praise is better than 100 false phrases.

Tease him sometimes

This is an amazing technique on how to flirt with a guy the right way! But it must be used wisely. Let it be small and insignificant teasing, reminiscent of a compliment, but not an insult. Everything should be in in a humorous manner and not touch on personal topics: family, work, appearance. This manner of communication will show him that you have a sense of humor. A girl with a sense of humor is priceless.

Flirt in messages

Everyone spends a lot of time on social networks, so don’t miss the opportunity to flirt here too! How to flirt with a guy on the Internet? Write to him casually, when he’s not expecting him, something funny. Or share an interesting post. Don’t write long and boring messages, avoid topics “about the weather” and other banalities. Be interesting conversationalist to make him smile.

While waiting for the attention of the guy you like, you should think about how to speed up this process. The basic techniques in such a sensitive issue are known and tested a million times. It would seem that everyone knows how to flirt with a guy. But the result is not always pleasing.

This happens because each person is an individual: what looks natural to one may seem like an obsession to another. Conversely, if they are too modest, the opportunity to receive long-awaited attention may be missed.

A woman is ready to flirt with anyone as long as others pay attention to it.
Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Grey

How to flirt with a guy?

Signs of attention aimed at attracting a guy’s attention can be divided into several groups:

Eye contact

focused gaze;
sign language;
use of bright elements of appearance.

Tactile contact

touch in the process of communication;
assistance in maintaining appearance
friendly handshake.

Community of interests

defending a similar position;
working on one assigned task;
joy as a result of achieving one result;
study in one profile;
similar hobbies, the desire to master certain abilities.

During direct communication

talking on the phone;
work in one team;
the first step towards;
compliments in the presence of colleagues or friends;
a certain understatement in the relationship (if it has already begun);
interest in his friends, companies in which he likes to spend time.

During communication on social networks

online discussions;
supporting each other in the form of likes;
writing reviews about reports, photos, videos;
subscriptions to general channels, accounts in in social networks, groups.

The list of possible areas of intersection can be continued. In this case, you need to learn:
  • You shouldn’t rush the process of becoming interested in each other: not all guys are ready for this right away;
  • When using certain methods, it is necessary to objectively evaluate: does this look offensive, does it infringe on his sense of self-worth?
  • Do the chosen methods of attracting attention run counter to his character traits, upbringing, and lifestyle?
  • Pay attention to the little things. Often it is from them that you can read a guy’s reaction to your signs of attention and evaluate how pleasant it is for him; Shouldn't we change tactics?

How to flirt with a guy via text

Human communication is an ambiguous thing. Sometimes the most a short word can say more than a long tirade. And vice versa.

Before you start flirting with a guy, decide whether you want to look like a carefree chatterbox or a sophisticated lady. Behavioral tactics in both cases have their own characteristics.

So, bombarding the object of your adoration with text messages with insignificant phrases in some cases will mean that you are constantly thinking about him, you want to know his opinion. This is suitable for men with a limited social circle or just sociable, cheerful guys.

The opposite contingent - taciturn, serious young people accustomed to peace - will be intrigued by your laconic hints, ellipses at the end of the SMS.

Praise is effective. An example of a flirting SMS to a guy would be the comment: “Wow! Everything is so simple for you, but I kept wondering how to do it?” or “You have so much charm and eccentricity that it’s worth learning from!”
If you are afraid of getting into trouble with the correct presentation of your thoughts, use safe emoticons or other pictures. The emotions they characterize will speak for themselves.

You should not “shower messages” if, after receiving several, the guy does not answer. Perhaps you were unable to arouse his interest and need to change tactics.

Flirt on VK

Today young people, and not only them, are spending their free time in social networks. The VK site has long been a participant Everyday life, in which there are friends and enemies, negative and positive posts, reviews of posted materials and, of course, advertising.

It’s very easy to understand his interests, tastes and views by looking through a guy’s personal page. Next is a matter of technology. Try to “swim on the same wavelength with him.” Where possible, demonstrate unity of views or unite in condemnation of something. Writing on the wall, participating in discussions on topics of interest, making comments and participating in surveys are effective.

Knowing how to flirt with a guy on VK, you can count on:

  • the emergence of new common interests;
  • meetings at advertised events;
  • exchange of opinions about a particular event;
  • getting to know his lifestyle, habits, views and opinions.

Eye contact

Girls often wonder how to learn how to flirt correctly with this or that guy.

This can be most clearly represented as follows:

  1. When communicating with a guy at close range, you can hold your gaze on him longer than usual and express delight or surprise with your eyes. A wink is a more decisive step, which must correspond to a certain situation. You can look from a distance (then the glance turns out to be fleeting, but frequent) or “eye to eye.” Shy people feel uncomfortable with the second option and may begin to avoid such moments. Looking from a distance is a more universal option, although at first it may go unnoticed.
  2. You can draw attention to yourself using spectacular clothes, pleasant smell, beautiful hair, graceful gait, appropriate demeanor. This point also includes such enticing gestures as licking lips, shaking hair, wearing clothes with a low neckline, casually showing through the piercing on the navel, and others. At this stage, many people use the techniques of “accidental collision”, “asking for directions”, “wrongly dialing a telephone number” and the like. Such techniques work quite effectively, but they are not so easy to play sincerely.
  3. Body contact (from a greeting handshake to slow “white” dancing at parties). According to psychologists, soft touch has the power of exchanging energy. If the biological fields “match”, the touch will have the desired continuation. In this case, you can touch the guy’s hand or shoulder in the process of greeting or discussing any issue. For girls who are brave in spirit, there is an option to lean on the shoulder of the chosen one when laughing or suddenly surprised.
  4. Find ways where the possibility of intersection is maximum. For example, walking with animals, visiting common sections. In other words, you need to catch each other's eyes as often as possible.
Whatever case is chosen, true friend There will always be a smile, and, if appropriate, then laughter. Positive people always have the right to count on interest shown in themselves.

Proper flirting with a guy: how to master it?

If you decide to win the attention of a guy with with the help of the lung flirting, it’s worth engaging your imagination. Moments when it will have an effect sometimes arise unexpectedly. Therefore, you must always be fully armed.

Possibly for the occurrence mutual interest One open smile or a soft touch is enough. The main thing in such moments is sincerity and frankness.

It is quite possible that the flirting will need to be extended; not all men are so understanding. If your initial signs of attention did not come across “cold”, it is worth continuing: try to establish communication and trusting relationship. Use direct and indirect signs of attention.

Get him interested in your thoughts and plans. Remember universal rules how to flirt with a guy is not enough. The result will depend on your observational imagination.

What flirting methods can you suggest? Did you receive desired result as a result of their use? Share. Perhaps they will be useful to someone.

On this page of the site for bitches, will talk to you about coquetry. Female coquetry- this is an incredible weapon, which has been used by real bitches for hundreds of years, and from this use it not only does not become dull, but only becomes sharper.

Its beauty is that even the most intelligent and perspicacious men, who know everything about coquetry, cannot avoid its enchanting influence. Science is still silent about the reasons for such a profound impact of coquetry on the psyche of men, but this does not prevent women from using it.

Learn, allow yourself to use This women's weapons and it will help you with ease:

  • meet a man;
  • hold a man;
  • marry;
  • preserve the flair of sexuality in the family;
  • maintain self-esteem by attracting increased male attention.

Technique No. 1, also the main one: look at men, smiling, and a little more than usual

It may be difficult for you to flirt the first time, not easy the second and third time, but after several days of training and it will be difficult to stop you. Moreover, this technique, as it may seem, imposed from the outside, will become your nature, and you will forget that you once did not succeed. The simplicity of this technique not at all does not negate its effectiveness. If at first it seems to you that coquetry does not work, then know that this is nothing more than your illusion.

The main property of coquetry is the accumulation of its effect. Once you start flirting, you may immediately become disappointed, because the effect may not appear immediately. Keep flirting with looks and smiles and your efforts will pay off. Why not right away? Yes, because the effect of your coquetry depends on the psychology of those at whom it is directed - men.

A man, due to his psychology:

  1. He may not immediately notice that your interest is directed at him - after all, he, as a rule, does not have your amazing intuition...
  2. can digest information for a long time: while he weighs all the possibilities on the clumsy scales of formal logic...

A man can experience your flirtatiousness several times before he realizes that he might be interesting. You may even forget that you were making eyes at him, and he suddenly “accidentally” will appear near you and start courting you. Consider that you were not flirting in vain, and this belated courtship is his response to your persistent coquetry.

It wouldn't hurt to turn your attention that coquetry has effect accelerators, which you can choose according to the situation:

  • alcohol;
  • sociability;
  • Lack of time.

Technique No. 2: spice up your smile with interest in the man and anticipation of something pleasant

From this reception there will be a sparkle in your eyes, which attracts men so much and will distinguish you from women tired of life, smiling on duty to a specific man, but as if into the space in front of or behind it. The girl at the checkout in the supermarket also smiles at everyone and can even look into their eyes, but it’s hardly worth looking for interest in this look. Flirting correctly is giving a man hope for joy, understanding and something more.

Foremost enemy of coquetry– these are habitual wrong thoughts about men and about yourself..

  • “I’m smiling at him radiantly, but all he’s thinking about is sex, the way he looks, as if he’s undressing.”
  • “I smile at you, of course, however, you are still not the man of my romance.”
  • “Smile - don’t smile, look - don’t look, nothing will come of it anyway.”

These and similar “wrong” thoughts can nullify all your efforts to attract men, since “read” by them from your face. You need to flirt with genuine interest in men.

Trick #3: Prep your hair

Having mastered techniques No. 1 and No. 2, try to connect this action. In order to be flirtatious using it, you just need to get used to it preening your hair as if by chance in the presence of men approximately every fifteen minutes.

When a man looks at a woman smoothing her hair, he involuntarily mentally connects to the process and gently and excitedly runs his hand through her hair. Imagination, fueled from the outside, can take him far in his thoughts...

I straighten my hair, and all the men around me also mentally stroke my hair!

Technique No. 4: practice several options for answers to standard questions from men when meeting in advance

Unfortunately, not all men are inventive, but this does not cancel them good features and qualities you should learn from different materials. It is experienced Don Juans who have a good tongue, but the price of such an acquaintance is small.

You don’t need some rake, but a completely serious and promising young man with whom you can not only have a pleasant time, but also, perhaps, stay close for many years.

You you should think of witty responses to stereotyped men's questions like: “Girl, I think I saw you somewhere...”. You can answer without losing your dignity, and at the same time, continuing to flirt, but with the help of the words: “Maybe in a dream? However, I remember you too... Whose dream was this: mine or yours? Such an answer will lead him off the usual boring paths of acquaintance, show your intelligence and sense of humor, and awaken his imagination for more witty words and actions.

That's all the tricks. As you can see, nothing complicated, just repetition simple techniques and patiently waiting for the impression to be made. If you think that simple things cannot be effective, then you are deeply mistaken. Apply the techniques described, continue to flirt and improve your flirting technique, and soon you will be convinced that this is a truly simple and reliable weapon, the same as a Kalashnikov assault rifle. There are so many modifications and developments of slot machines in the world, and this slot machine has been the best-selling in the world for many decades. And why? Yes, because it is simple and reliable.

Remember the main thing: coquetry is a woman’s second nature. Be flirtatious always and everywhere in everyday life: at home, on the bus on the way to work, in the store, on a walk, at work. Flirtat on important business meeting, finally: here, like nowhere else, coquetry is yours female trump card in too men's world. Believe: men will definitely be at your feet.
