How to stretch shoes at home: steam, ice or alcohol? Which is more effective and safer for stretching shoes. How to stretch shoes at home - tips that work! How to stretch leather shoes at home

Bad buy

I am sure that every person has come across the fact that the purchased pair of shoes, which fit so perfectly in the store, ends up being a little tight. I don’t want to return the new thing I already loved so much, but I don’t really want to rub my legs either. Therefore, you need to know a few tricks on how to stretch shoes at home. By learning some rules, you can correct some of the flaws in the purchased pair and wear it with great pleasure. Only stretching the shoe in length should in no case somehow spoil it.

How to stretch shoes at home, method number 1

This method is quite simple and very common among our population. In general, you need to smear the inside of the shoes that you are going to stretch with alcohol, or, if there is no alcohol, vodka will easily replace it. The next thing to do is to put it on your legs and again moisten it with the same intoxicating liquid from above. And in such a “wetted” state, you need to walk for several hours. And what is important - do not lie or sit. Thus, in addition to stretching the shoes, you will soften them significantly.

How to stretch shoes at home, method number 2

The most primitive way, which is probably known even to children. You need to break in your shoes with a wet sock. Only woolen socks are suitable for this, as they are thick.

They must be soaked in warm water and put on the foot, then put on the shoes that you want to stretch, and walk like this for several hours. The result will not keep you waiting, the purchased pair will no longer rub your legs.

How to stretch shoes at home, method number 3

This method can only be used for leather shoes. The essence of this method is to pour boiling water over a couple. Next, you need to drain the water, and as soon as the shoes have cooled down, they must be put on and worn until they are completely dry. It is better not to experiment with other materials, as they simply cannot withstand this stress. At best, they will be stained; at worst, they will be unusable.

More options

There is also a special stretch for shoes, which you can buy in a shoe store or in special departments of a supermarket. Most often it is available in the form of a spray or foam. But in this case, you need a special stretcher that looks like a wooden leg.

In general, you need to apply the purchased product to the shoes and put them on a stretcher, or in extreme cases, break them in yourself. You can also use wet newsprint, which is tightly stuffed inside and left to dry completely. Another option: take a towel soaked in hot water, wrap a pair of shoes in it and leave for a while.

If the pair of shoes you bought while walking began to cause inconvenience, there is no need to panic and rush to the store to return the purchase. Use the methods described above and you will be able to wear your purchase without problems. But remember that if the shoes are made of artificial materials, then it is better not to use methods that use boiling water or any other aggressive liquid.

Often a pair of shoes, which seemed quite comfortable when first tried on in the store, turns out to be tight and stiff.

How to stretch shoes at home?

Consider a few simple, affordable, and most importantly safe ways.

Stretching shoes at home: is it possible?

You can’t let things go by themselves, because tight shoes are not only uncomfortable, but also harmful to health. Already after the first hours of wearing, expect the appearance of corns, corns and pain in the legs. Of course, in most cases, unsuitable shoes can be returned to the store. But it is important to have time to do this before the warranty expires. In addition, if you managed to walk in a new thing along the street, then returning it will not be easy.

Models made from natural materials lend themselves well to stretching. With artificial materials, the situation is more complicated, but you can experiment with them. Rubber and cloth shoes are not stretchable. The first material is too hard, and the second, after stretching, will immediately lose its presentable appearance. It also doesn't make sense to stretch out a shoe that is obviously small. Any pair can be increased no more than half a size.

How to stretch shoes at home: methods

Among the mass of ways to stretch shoes, the simplest and at the same time the most famous is the usual wearing around the house. Instead of slippers, it is enough to walk around the house in a new thing for a while. The first days new shoes are worn for 2-3 hours a day. But we should not forget about health, especially if such wearing causes tangible discomfort. In this case, one of the following methods will help you.

Alcohol treatment. Moisten the inside of the shoes with alcohol (vodka and cologne are also suitable). Then immediately put on your shoes and walk around the room in them until they stretch enough. You can also use a simple stretching cocktail. Mix alcohol with water in equal proportions. Using a spray bottle, spray the shoes with the resulting solution. Then put it on and walk around in it for at least 20 minutes. The option with a solution is considered more gentle, which means that it can even be used for patent leather boots.

Under no circumstances should suede shoes be treated with alcohol. She will immediately fall into disrepair. Therefore, some craftsmen recommend replacing alcohol with beer. But this eccentric method, if it does not leave stains, will give the shoes a very distinct aroma.

Boiling water treatment. Run hot water over the shoes to soften the leather. It is important not to overdo it though. Walk in the shoes until they take the desired shape. Many even prefer water to alcohol. But this method is only suitable for products made of thick leather that can easily withstand high temperatures. It is better not to subject patent leather or, even more so, leather substitute to such tests.

A more gentle way is to soak a rag in hot water and wipe the inside of the shoe with it. For greater safety, it is better not to allow large amounts of water to get inside, because the liquid can easily deform the leather insoles.

Even rubber shoes can be stretched with boiling water. True, only if it is made of polyvinyl chloride. To soften such boots, you need to pour boiling water into them. When the water has cooled, it must be drained and quickly put on boots. After a few minutes, climb into a basin of cold water with boots and wait a few minutes until the shoes get the desired shape.

Steam. This is a very good tool for stretching products made of genuine leather. Bring the shoes to a boiling kettle and hold them over the steam for several minutes. It is necessary to remove shoes when droplets of moisture appear on the skin. Then put on the toe shoes and walk in them for at least an hour.

wool socks. This method is suitable even for winter shoes. It is enough to squeeze into shoes in thick socks, and then heat it up with a hair dryer. Then walk around the house in boots until it reaches the desired size. Some craftsmen suggest wearing wet socks, but this is fraught with health problems.

A similar method is suitable for patent leather shoes. Warm up the shoes from the inside with a hair dryer and immediately put them on a tight sock. However, be careful, because if you overexpose the hair dryer, the varnish will lose its shine. In addition, this procedure requires regular repetition.

Wet newspaper stuffing. Before stretching your shoes at home, hold your boots over the steam, then stuff them with wet newspaper and leave to dry completely. It is important that drying takes place in a natural way, without heating devices. Otherwise, you risk deforming the products. If you exclude the use of boiling water from this method, you can safely stretch shoes made of suede and patent leather with it.

Laundry soap. This simple remedy will help stretch your faux leather shoes and boots. Rub the product well from the inside with soap, after 5-6 hours remove the remnants of the detergent with a damp sponge, put on socks and walk in shoes until it is completely dry.

ice packs. You will need 2 bags ¼ filled with water. They will need to be placed inside the shoes, which are then put in the freezer. Wait until the water freezes, then remove the steam and after the water has melted a little, remove the bags. Patent leather products cannot be stretched in this way.

Castor oil. Stretching with castor oil is also considered effective. With this tool, shoes should be processed from the inside. Then it will be necessary to walk around in shoes for a while. The oil will soften the shoes, after which they should take the necessary shape. True, the described method can hardly be called convenient. After it, you will need a thorough cleaning of shoes from oil.

Petrolatum. The named tool will help stretch leatherette shoes. Treat the product with it from the inside, and after 3 hours, remove the remaining Vaseline with a napkin. Then walk in your shoes for about 30 minutes.

Corn. This method is well suited for those who want to stretch their shoes in the instep. Pour the prepared grain into the shoes, and then lightly fill it with liquid. Overnight, the grain will swell and do its job. After pouring out the grain, wear leatherette products for about an hour.

Vinegar. To expand the boots, treat them from the inside with a 3% solution of vinegar. This will help soften shoes that squeeze your toes. At the same time, it is treated outside with another means intended for stretching.

Paraffin. This is another gentle method that is suitable for patent leather and suede shoes. Rub the inner surface of the shoes with paraffin and leave them in this state for 10-12 hours. Potato skins can be used the same way.

How to stretch shoes at home and not ruin them?

The ideal way out is to give a tight pair to the workshop. Here it is stretched with the help of special blocks. To professionals, they are known as shoe stretchers - wooden blocks made to fit the shape and size of the foot. Such tools can be purchased at a specialized store.

If this is not possible, then the use of a special tool will solve the problem no less quickly. It is enough to purchase the desired spray and treat tight shoes with it. Then the shoes should be worn for as long as the instructions say. You can even purchase a tool designed for a specific material. For example, for nubuck it is easy to find a special stretching foam. If you are the lucky owner of expensive branded shoes, carefully study all the available recommendations for choosing a brand of spray.

For those who are seriously thinking about how to stretch shoes at home, There are a number of important points to be taken into account.

None of the above methods will expand the shoe in length, only in width.

After stretching, natural skin loses its natural fatty lubrication. The skin can become brittle, so it is better to apply a special cream to the shoes. This is especially important if a hair dryer was used for stretching.

Extremely careful handling requires shoes made of thin leather. They can not be frozen and treated with boiling water. The same goes for patent leather. If handled incorrectly, it will lose its luster and become covered with cracks.

Nubuck products require a special approach when stretching. Neither greasy creams nor alcohol are suitable for this material, since stains will remain on the surface. It is best to just wear such shoes around the house. The properties of nubuck in most cases allow shoes to break over time.

When using water to stretch shoes, remember that it softens the leather, but if not properly dried, it can ruin its texture. Water and suede are bad allies. On suede, water provokes the appearance of faded spots and generally spoils the material.

Do not rush to use hard methods. Perhaps a natural posting will suffice. Although this is the slowest, but at the same time the most efficient method. Shoes deform to the shape of the foot.

Keep in mind that after dinner, the legs swell. So at this time you are likely to avoid buying shoes that are too tight.

Extreme stretching methods should be used only in case of urgency. If the task can be postponed, we stretch the shoes with the utmost care.

Today we will share with you the secrets of how to properly stretch shoes at home. The article will include the following items:

    How to stretch shoes at home with ice and frost
    To do this, pour water into plastic bags, tie them tightly and put them inside the shoes. Next, the shoes are placed in the freezer or on the balcony if it is very cold outside. Wait until the water is completely frozen, thanks to this, the shoes will quickly stretch and take on a shape that is comfortable for you. Unfortunately, genuine leather shoes can crack after this procedure, so it's best not to experiment.

    How to stretch shoes with warmth
    Slip your uncomfortable boots over a thick woolen sock and then heat your shoes with a hair dryer on high until you feel warm. As soon as the boots and socks are warm, you need to break them in - walk around the apartment as long as possible until they cool down. You can not carry out this procedure with leather shoes, as it can crack and become unusable.

    "Grandfather methods" of stretching shoes
    Stuff as much wet newspaper as you can into your boots, then wait until it is completely dry. Take out a newspaper and check if the boots have stretched to a comfortable size for you. There is another way in which you need to be very careful. Pour 100 milliliters of boiling water into the shoes and pour it out after a few seconds, and then put it on and walk around the apartment at a slow and fast pace.
    The "cowboy" way is also very relevant, just add a lot of whole grains to the shoes, fill in the right amount of water, and then leave for 12 hours. In the morning you will see that the grain is swollen. Take all the grain out of the shoe and put it on, then break it in until it is completely dry. But this method is also unsafe, since walking in wet shoes is not recommended, so do not wear shoes for more than 30-60 minutes.
    Don't risk it if you're going to stretch your suede or leather shoes. It can crack, become covered with white spots, burst, and so on. It will be even more offensive if the shoes were very expensive. It's best to keep your receipt and exchange your shoes if you've recently purchased them. Also, don't forget that suede and leather shoes become harder after being submerged in water.

    The alcohol will help stretch your shoes well!
    Take cologne, water and alcohol in equal proportions and mix. Next, wipe the uncomfortable shoes inside and out with this mixture. Do not get carried away with wiping the outside, you need to process only the toughest places. Most shoe stretchers contain alcohol, but in varying proportions, so this method is very effective. But you should not get carried away with wiping with alcohol: the paint will begin to crack and dry out, the color of the shoes will change, cracks may appear, and so on. Thus, winter boots can also be processed, but very carefully.

    Oil, vinegar, paraffin will also help us!
    If you have not worn shoes for a long time, you can use vegetable or castor oil. Vaseline can also be used to stretch. In the same way as with alcohol, treat the shoes, and then walk around the apartment in it. After one or two hours, you need to wash off the oil, be sure to thoroughly clean the shoes. The method is harmless to natural leather, artificial leather can also be processed. Sometimes leather shoes creak while walking, lubricate the sole with a thin layer of castor oil, and when it dries, the creak will disappear.
    To increase the size of the shoe, you can wipe it with a 3% solution of vinegar, of course, inside. But don't risk wiping the outside of your shoes, because vinegar is just as harsh a chemical as alcohol.
    The most gentle method is rubbing with paraffin. Rub the inner lining of the shoe with a candle, and then leave it overnight, you can remove the paraffin in the morning. But such stretching will not help to expand the heel of the shoe; for this, the back part is treated with alcohol, and only after that it is rubbed with a thick layer of paraffin.

    What are shoe stretching sprays?
    Many people are afraid for their shoes and do not want to expose them to chemicals, as this can lead to unforeseen consequences. In such cases, it is better to purchase a special spray in a shoe store. The best sprays are now produced by the following manufacturers: Oke, Salton, Twist, Duke of Dubbin, Silver, Salamander and Kiwi. You need to apply a small amount of spray to the place where the shoes rub the most. Woolen socks and shoes are then put on to break and stretch it. Be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions before applying the product.

    Cinderella's dexterous hands were able to put a glass slipper on her stepsister's foot. But what to do if there are no such craftswomen among your acquaintances, the prices in the shoe shop are exorbitant, and the shoes are mercilessly tight, rubbing corns, pressing on the “sixth finger”? How to stretch your own shoes at home? There are many recommendations. We will discuss the pros and cons of each.

    Let's dot the "i": first, let's talk about products made of genuine leather. Lacquer, suede, nubuck, artificial material require a special approach, we will talk about them separately.

    It is better not to experiment with cloth slippers, oilcloth clogs: you can tear the fabric, deform the edging, damage the seams.

    Chinese "consumer goods" is not at all intended for bold experiments. As a result of the efforts made, it will fall apart before the end of the season.

    Real leather products

    To get started, read the instruction manual. The manufacturer indicated: "protect from moisture"? Do not soak shoes in soapy water or pour boiling water inside. It won't lead to anything good.

    Often chemicals are used to stretch tight shoes. On a small area, pre-test any substances that you are going to use. Otherwise, instead of an expensive model, you risk getting an indefinite shade, stains, paint smudges, white spots.

    Keep in mind that even magic will not help you to reduce an overstretched pair.

    First of all, make a foot pattern. For convenience, mark problem areas (valgus, thumb, heel) with a different color and add a couple of millimeters to them.

    Choose a suitable block, wooden or plastic. Adjust it to the shape of your leg as much as possible. Mark areas of discomfort, build them up with leather masks or rubber pads, using glue or tape. The surface must be flat, without bumps and pits!

    No matter what the homegrown masters say, you will never be able to turn a size 36 into a 39 or even a 38. “Breaking” is possible by a maximum of half a size.

    Aerosols against corns

    The easiest way to stretch shoes at home is to buy stretchers (foam, special liquid) in the store. Plentifully saturate the discomfort zones with them, put on shoes, walk around the room for about 20 minutes until the chemicals are absorbed. If necessary, repeat several times.

    The method is good because even if you can’t solve the problem, at least you won’t spoil the thing.

    When buying, read the labels on the can. Aerosols for natural materials can be too aggressive for suede, useless for leatherette.

    Minus: the most expensive way, since aerosols are not cheap.

    The "drunk" method

    You can stretch shoes at home with alcohol diluted in half with water. Vodka, glass cleaner will do. You will need cotton pads. Wet the cotton wool, wipe the shoes abundantly from the inside. Alcohol evaporates quickly, so we immediately put the “patient” on the block. Let it sit for a couple of hours, or better all night. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

    Sometimes it is advised to dance in "spirited" shoes. In the dance, the foot bends, taking on various positions, causing the product to stretch at different angles.

    Wet sock method

    We moisten dense terry or woolen socks with warm water, wring out, put on, put on shoes. A soapy solution will make things easier.

    We repeat what has already been described in the previous case - we dance or use a block (having previously pulled socks on it). The skin expands under the influence of heat, taking the desired shape.

    Cons: few people will enjoy dancing in wet socks for an hour. Not suitable for suede, most leatherettes.

    "Therapy" with a hair dryer

    You can stretch shoes at home with heat. We turn on the hair dryer, put on our shoes, direct a jet of hot air onto the shoes, warming up the desired areas. Shoe cream will save you from drying out.

    Cons: takes quite a long time, not suitable for varnish.

    cold method

    Packages (preferably not cellophane, but more dense, for garbage), we place one inside the other. Gently insert, straighten them inside the boot, fill with water, trying not to wet the outside of the shoe. Shaking the bags, evenly fill the entire volume with liquid.

    To keep the shape, tie the laces, fasten all existing zippers. We put it carefully in the freezer, with the sole down, without squeezing, as the ice “block” can deform the shoes.

    "Treatment" is performed for at least 8 hours, for example, all night. Under the influence of cold, the water will expand, stretching the "small size". In the morning, you can not immediately remove the ice from the boots in order to preserve the edge, not to stretch the seams. Let stand at room temperature until the ice melts slightly.

    Minus: it is impossible to control the stretching process. Together with problem areas, the entire product will stretch.

    Method of "Seven cereals"

    At home, you can stretch your shoes with grits. We choose one that absorbs water well, for example, buckwheat. We fall asleep inside and fill it with water. When exposed to moisture, the grain will expand, causing the skin to stretch. This is one of the most popular and easiest ways.

    Minus: the method is ineffective, suitable only for light summer shoes made of thin, well-stretched leather.

    Castor method

    Perhaps one of the most troublesome and inconvenient.

    It is necessary to abundantly soak the outside of the boots with castor oil. The bigger, the better. Let the product stand for a while. When the oil is completely absorbed, repeat the procedure several times. Then we do the “steaming”! You can cover the "patient" with a cloth soaked in boiling water, hold it for a while at room temperature. The skin should become soft, pliable, which will facilitate its stretching.

    Similarly, you can stretch shoes at home using glycerin. Some dyes do not withstand contact with it, then the dyed skin will become stained (carry out a "tolerance" test beforehand!).

    Minus: an oily liquid, as well as glycerin, fills the pores of the skin, violating its aerobic qualities and hygiene. It will be difficult to fix such a defect.

    Model products

    How to stretch leather shoes at home, if we are talking about a model, expensive thing?

    Moisten the inner and outer surface of the shoes with a toothbrush with ordinary water, insert the block divided across the inside. Drive a spacer between the parts, which will push them in the right direction, and stretch the product. After the procedure, dry well at room temperature for 2-3 days. Avoid overdrying to maintain the rigidity of the form, as well as the inherent elasticity of the skin.

    Similarly, you can help yourself when the shoes are tight due to the high instep of the leg.

    Minus: for an ideal result, at least minimal experience, professional skills, as well as a set of pads from which you can choose the right style are required.

    Stretching in length

    We select a narrow block. The skin is able to stretch in only one direction at a time: millimeters in length are taken at the expense of width. To “build up” the length, use the method with a block only! For example, you can use the "drunk" and castor methods, "therapy" hair dryer.

    Please note that the block must completely repeat the shape of the sock. Branded shoes will require rounding. An excellent result will give an imitation of the configuration of the thumb.

    You can "grow" short shoes by a maximum of half a size.

    high rise

    Often, due to the high rise, it can be difficult to find the right shoes for yourself. We have already given recommendations on what to do if boots or boots cause discomfort for this very reason (see the "Model Products" section).

    You can also buy special mechanical stretchers and ask the seller to explain how to use them.

    Lacquered "shoes"

    Small lacquerware is easier to sell or trade than to solve the problem on your own. The varnish will not tolerate high temperatures, it will begin to bubble, peel off from the base. Under the influence of cold, cracks may appear. Paint does not like chemicals. What to do?

    Try wearing wet cotton socks and walking around the room. You will have to repeat it many times.

    Suede, nubuck or velor

    First, figure out what is in front of you: natural or artificial suede, nubuck, velor.

    Good quality artificial suede is almost indistinguishable from natural. You can determine it by the unusual smoothness of the canvas: "real" suede is not perfectly smooth - pores and small scratches are visible. If you hold your hand, the pile will lie in different directions.

    Natural suede

    Fragile material, requires delicate handling. But suede products are easily broken in. It is enough to walk around the house with shoes on for several evenings in a row. To enhance the effect, put on wet socks and wait until completely dry.

    Caution: moisture adversely affects suede, white spots may remain on the painted surface!


    Nubuck is a chrome-tanned and polished cowhide. This material is stronger than suede, but less elastic. Stretch shoes at home in this case, try with wet newspapers. Clog shoes tightly with them, wait until the moisture evaporates.

    Nubuck, like suede, does not like water. There is a high probability that stains and stains will remain on the outside.


    A special kind of dressing pig or goat skin. In appearance, it often resembles velvet. Some types of velor (facial velor) resemble nubuck.

    • If velor shoes are too small, treat them with an alcohol-containing composition (cologne, vodka, alcohol diluted with water), insert pads or put them on your feet.
    • Another "alcohol" option is to fill the shoes with vodka or beer and put on shoes.

    It is impossible to wet velor with water, stains and stains will remain. Use mechanical stretching with care - the material is very fragile.

    You should not experiment with chemicals, use only special stretchers.

    "Pseudo" skin

    How to stretch shoes at home if they are leather substitutes, leatherette, etc.?

    Not all artificial leather is stretchable. If the base is fabric, it is useless to pull it. Before you leatherette, reminiscent of rubber (often used for shoe tops). Then you're in luck.

    1. We put on a block. We direct a powerful hair dryer to the impact zone, but not higher than 300 degrees, in order to heat, but not melt the boot. It is better to cover artificial leather with a wet rag (not synthetics), it will not allow the product to overheat. Do not forget to grease the “grown up” shoes with cream.
    2. Boot tops can also be stretched using the "cold" method (see description above).
    3. Another way involves using fresh potato peels. It is necessary to fill the product with them until it stops and leave to dry at room temperature away from heat sources. Among other things, this is a great opportunity to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the shoes.
    4. If it squeezes the toes, it is advised to use vinegar. It will soften the inner surface and contribute to stretching.
    5. The next way. Rub warm paraffin on the inside of shoes. From heat, it will begin to expand, and then harden. In the morning, when the product "remembers" the dimensions given to it by the paraffin form, clean the shoes.
    6. A hard and calloused back is recommended to be rubbed with laundry soap or paraffin.

    Very often, people are faced with the problem when, when buying leather shoes at home, you realize that they are too small for you. Often the reason for this is that you do not have enough time in the store to fully understand whether a pair suits you or not. Sometimes the reason is that it becomes small, as the legs swell, and your usual size is no longer enough for your legs to be comfortable.

    Particular difficulties arise if leather shoes become out of size, since such material is not easy to stretch. Today we would like to tell you how to stretch leather shoes at home.

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    HOW TO STRETCH SHOES? Stretching our own shoes. Stretch shoes at home.

    How to break in new shoes in a couple of minutes?

    There are situations when, when ordering shoes in online stores without trying them on, you can miscalculate with the right size. Or your best friends, relatives decided to surprise you and gave you chic, expensive shoes that you have long dreamed of, but the size did not fit. In such a situation, asking for a check is inconvenient and throwing away such beautiful, and even new shoes, simply does not raise a hand. Today we will reveal to you a few secrets on how to stretch leather shoes without damaging the product.

    The first piece of advice is not to rush into stretching your new leather shoes right away. If you start stretching it in advance, later it may become too big for you, and you simply won’t be able to wear it, as it will fall off.

    Very often, products that are made of real leather stretch themselves over time and become the same size as your leg.

    How to stretch genuine leather shoes at home?

    If, nevertheless, over time, your shoes have not stretched, we bring to your attention the most popular ways to stretch them to size.

    The easiest way is to purchase a special tool called stretch foam.

    How does it work? It is necessary to carefully apply the product inside the boot. After that, put on your shoes and walk in them until the inside is completely dry. Some, in order to increase the effect, put on additional terry socks. In this method, the most important thing is not to overdo it, as you can simply ruin the product.

    If you do not have a special tool at hand, this is not a problem. Using regular castor oil, you can stretch your leather shoes quite strongly. To do this, take a boot and apply castor oil inside with a cotton pad or plain cotton wool in those places that need to be stretched. This method is considered very effective, so it is worth trying it.

    How to stretch non-leather shoes at home?

    Many people advise using steam to stretch the shoes. This method is quite effective, but it should be used very carefully, because if it gets on the material itself, the steam can simply ruin it, and you will no longer be able to wear your shoes. Therefore, steam should only get inside the boots. After steaming your shoes, put on your shoes and wear them for a while.

    How to stretch leather ballerinas?

    Hot water - an assistant in stretching leather ballet flats

    Ballet shoes are the favorite shoes of many girls, they are worn from spring to autumn. They are very comfortable, stylish, and the foot is very comfortable in them. Many prefer leather ballet flats, as the leg does not steam in them and breathes. Misunderstandings happen when ballet flats are a little oversized, and good shoes are not cheap, then there are several ways to stretch them.

    1. The easiest way is with hot water. In order to get the desired effect, take ballet shoes and heat the water to boiling water. After that, carefully pour the ballet shoes with boiling water and drain all the water after a couple of minutes. It is worth noting that this method cannot be used for shoes that are made of artificial leather, since the material simply cannot withstand such hot water and will break apart.
    2. The second no less popular is the method of stretching ballet shoes with the help of ordinary medical alcohol. Take a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad, moisten it well with alcohol and completely wipe everything inside the ballet shoes. After that, put on thick woolen or terry socks and walk around in ballet flats for a couple of hours. If you do not have alcohol, you can replace it with any alcohol-based liquid, such as vodka or perfume.

    How to stretch shoes at home from leatherette?

    It is not always possible to buy real leather shoes, but the problem when a pair is small and cannot be returned happens with artificial shoes. There are several ways to stretch leather shoes in length by size:

    1. The first way is to use ordinary paraffin. Take the shoes and grease well inside around the entire perimeter. After you have lubricated everything well, leave it overnight. In the morning, use a tissue to remove the paraffin.
    2. The second way is universal. It can be used with any type of footwear. To do this, you will need cold water and two bags without holes. Pour water into the bags so that when you place the bags inside the shoes, the liquid is distributed throughout the insole. After that, put the pair in the freezer. Leave your shoes there for one day. After that, take out your shoes and leave for an hour. Remove the bags from your boots, but don't do this right after you've taken your boots out of the freezer.

    How to stretch faux leather shoes at home?

    Shoes made of artificial leather can be stretched in the same way as shoes made of any other material. The simplest is to simply stuff the shoe with newspaper. First, dampen the newspaper with water and completely fill the boots with it.
