How to choose skates for amateur skating. Children's skates for figure skating: how to choose the right one

Skating on the ice surface is not complete without skates, but choosing them is not so easy. There are different types of such shoes: hockey, walking, curly. Before choosing, you need to study the characteristics and advantages of the models.

These shoes are bought for dancing and performing various elements on the rink, universal models are used by both professionals and amateurs. When buying, you need to consider the material, features of the products. Skates with a wide block, with flat feet, will help relieve tension from the legs.

Boots Features

Shoes are equipped with high and thin boots with laces, heels. Inside, they are filled with foam inserts, lining with the ability to adapt to the foot, but without fleece or fur filler. For an indoor ice rink, the lack of insulation is not considered a disadvantage, but skating outdoors in winter will be cool, especially on your feet. Therefore, it is better to choose a walking option.

Boots have several types of stiffness, the toughest of which are used for riding with dangerous tricks and jumps, protecting a person from injury when in contact with the surface. This view is not suitable for amateurs.

To determine the stiffness, it is necessary to compress the top of the shaft. If the material holds its shape under pressure, then these are rigid products.

Blade Features

They are characterized by a rather long straight part, contributing to easy skating on the rink. The bend of the blade affects the comfort, stability of the shoe. The greater the curvature, the better the stability on the ice surface. If the skater will constantly do rotations, turns, it is better to consider an option with less curvature. Such skates differ from other types in sharp teeth in front of the blade, allowing you to stop and perform complex elements. For beginners, this feature will not be useful, and they will not cling to the ice.

Much depends on the steel from which the blade is made. High-carbon material is sharper, lighter, and rust-resistant, but it costs more. Alloyed, low-carbon steel is heavier, corrosion quickly forms on it, so products need constant care.

How to measure figure skates

Ski boots must be put on, laced and walked in for about 3 minutes. If the shoes dangle or press, then you need to lace up. The heel should be pressed against the back of the product, and the leg should be tightly wrapped around the bootleg. Sports equipment is suitable if a person is comfortable following these recommendations.

Who will suit figure skates

Universal skates are suitable for the performance of simple elements, amateur riding. Standard models are more affordable compared to the walking option. Universal type is suitable for indoor warm skating.

For lovers of fresh air and for those who like to make figured elements on ice, it is worth taking a closer look at walking shoes.

Which walking models are better

The walking look is the best choice of skates to start skating. It has another name - shoes for the skating rink, which are resistant, soft, warm.

Boot features

Compared to skating shoes on ice, the walking look has softer, lower boots. Not all models are equipped with an insulated boot inside, which, if necessary, is removed and dried. Lacing can be standard or with Velcro, clips. Sometimes there are options with synthetic inserts that help fix the leg for ice skating.

Blade Features

Walking type has a straight edge, a large radius of curvature. Thanks to this, the shoes are much more stable, but not maneuverable. They are great for crowd riding. The teeth are not present on all models, but there are fewer of them, and they are higher, not allowing them to hook on the surface.

What skates to buy for hockey

These shoes are designed for playing hockey, allowing you to glide faster on the ice surface.

Boot features

The boots of such models are longer, stiffer compared to walking ones. It is fastened with long laces, providing a good hold on the foot. The interior is filled with a soft inner base, foam padding.

amateur models

The shoes are soft for comfortable learning to ski, and the toe is made of plastic to protect the fingers from injury. It is worth noting that other parts of the leg are not protected from blows in the amateur version due to the softness of the tongue and the side area made of cheap synthetic materials.

Products cannot be customized, although they are available to beginners.

Semi-professional models

This type is designed for hockey players. The skates are well protected thanks to a reinforced tongue and side panels with reinforced ribs. Often there are thermal boots inside, made of a special foam that adapts to the player's foot. Expensive models are provided with a chamber with air and pumping, which, when pressed, automatically inflates and deflates.

Blade Features

The front and back do not touch the surface, so only the middle part of the shoe is used for hockey. The blade is made of alloyed material, and manganese, nickel, chromium gives it rigidity. It should be completely smooth, without damage, cracks. A tall blade will last longer and will last for more sharpenings. Semi-professional models have a sharp carbon steel edge.

How to measure hockey

Hockey equipment has a different size grid compared to regular shoes, each manufacturer has its own parameters. In the right size boot, the foot moves so that the heel is pressed against the back. Fingers need space, they should not rest against the sock, but it is not recommended to buy a size larger. Skates are also divided in width:

  • ordinary (R, D) - standard shoes;
  • narrow (N, C) - already from the first type by 6 mm;
  • wide (W, E) - wider than the standard type by 6 mm.

The width of the foot is determined at home and in a specialized sports store using a unique ruler.

How to choose skates for a child

You need to purchase skates for your baby in a special store. You should not save on shoes, because the simplest models will not protect you from injury and quickly become unusable. But the view is not suitable, because the child's leg is growing rapidly. Skates should be measured on a warm toe, the leg should be comfortable. For the smallest, it is recommended to buy boots with hard cuffs, because at this young age the ankle still needs to be supported. It is necessary to learn how to properly lace up shoes so that the foot does not dangle and the baby feels comfortable.

What skates should beginners choose?

If you are interested in which skates are best for beginner adults, then they should have a securely attached blade. The rivets do not stick out, and the skate is free of defects and does not dangle. It is better to choose a boot a little looser, because at first you will have to put on a warm sock to avoid freezing.

How to care for skates

Proper care of the skates will help to increase their service life, to avoid the appearance of rust.

  1. After rolling, the blade must be wiped dry.
  2. The resulting rust is quickly removed with grease.
  3. After training at home, the skates should be put in a warm place, and after half an hour they are wiped.
  4. Equipment is not recommended to be stored in a case or bag without ventilation.
  5. Twice a week, the clamps of the screws on skates of the type (Snow Maiden) are lubricated with petroleum jelly and grease.
  6. To avoid scratches on the blade, they should be placed in sheaths. In the absence of a cover, you need to walk on the wooden floor on your toes, without stepping on the nail heads.
  7. Before sending sports equipment to the closet, inside they are stuffed with newspapers, and the leather of the boots and runners are smeared with shoe polish and grease.

Rating of quality skates

The information above will introduce you to the types, class and care of skates. Now it's worth considering a list of the best manufacturers:

  1. One.4. This is a model for hockey players of different levels of training. The main advantages of the skates are durability, light weight, good protection, rigidity, and a tongue of a unique shape. Here you will often have to change only the lacing, which is of low quality.
  2. Princess Kid Sports collection. Genuine leather shoes are specially designed for girls. For young skaters, skates are presented with an interesting design. Among the advantages, one can single out a high-quality blade, an interesting pattern, riding comfort, leg support. The only negative is the careful fitting in the store.
  3. Laval. Produced for skaters of the middle and beginner class. Advantages: leather boots, unisex, durable use, anti-corrosion blade coating, comfortable. The only negative is that for some time the boot will adapt to the foot.
  4. Super 103 Sakurai. Parts of the population of young and adolescent age have been developed, which are distinguished by reliable support of the legs, excellent protection from the cold, lining and comfortable insoles. When tying shoelaces, someone's help is required.
  5. K2F.I.T Ice. The walking option is perfect for beginners in ice skating. Shoes with a soft boot are perfectly fixed on the foot, have a comfortable fastener and a fascinating design.

These recommendations will help you navigate how to choose, and men. This also applies to walking and hockey options. Ice skating shoes should be purchased at a sports store, where a consultant will answer all your questions and help you find the appropriate size and model.

One of the most popular ways to spend time in winter is ice skating. Many people, going to the skating rink, rent equipment. This is reasonable if you ride infrequently. But if you spend a lot of time on the rink, then you should consider purchasing your own pair. This is where a lot of problems arise: which skates to prefer, but what to look for when buying, how to choose the size and what is the rating of the best skates for ice skating? All these questions concern the future owners of sports equipment.

Surely many paid attention to the fact that the shoes of athletes differ depending on the sport. The skates of figure skaters, speed skaters and hockey players are very different. And this applies not only to the appearance, but also to the very design of the skates.

Skates are produced in three main types: for hockey, for figure skating and for speed skating. In some classifications, it is also proposed to separate children's models and recreational skates, which are used for amateur skating in parks. To understand the question of which models are suitable for a novice athlete, let's look at the features of each type of ice skating shoe.

Hockey skates

This sport is quite traumatic and very aggressive. Therefore, shoes for him are made with the maximum possible protection of the athlete's limbs. It should also protect against blows with a club, an opponent’s skate, hitting a puck and other troubles. Therefore, hockey skate models are made rigid from special synthetic materials. They are equipped with rigid inserts in places that need to be protected more than others.

The toe of such skates is always made of hard plastic. Such a hard boot has a number of advantages: it supports the ankle and foot well and keeps the legs in the right position.

There are other requirements for hockey models. They must provide high speed to the athlete and not limit his ability to maneuver. In this regard, hockey models have a short radius of curvature and are made without teeth on the blade. This protects against clinging to the ice during sharp and dangerous turns. A smaller area of ​​contact between the athlete and the ice provides high maneuverability, but at the same time it complicates the task of maintaining balance.

Summing up, it can be noted that hockey skates are the best choice for a beginner only if he intends to continue playing this sport. For already trained athletes, hockey skates are quite suitable. They make it possible to develop high speed, do not limit the freedom of maneuver.

Read more about hockey skates in one of the episodes of the Galileo program:

Figure skates

These models are distinguished by a long straight blade that protrudes about 2 cm beyond the heel. There are sharp teeth in the front of the blade, which make it possible to perform various tricks and jumps. But at the same time, the teeth cause a lot of inconvenience to beginners who are not yet able to stand confidently on the ice. They catch all the irregularities of the ice of street rinks and are the cause of many falls. Otherwise, it is figure skates that are considered to be the best option for beginners.

The boot of such skates is made of leatherette or genuine leather. This material allows you to avoid numerous injuries due to the rigid support of the ankle. But such material makes the boot too thin, it is simply cold to ride on the street in a big frost on such skates. To some extent, thermal underwear helps to solve this issue. Figure skate boots are usually made high and laced throughout. This allows you to easily control the degree of fixation of the joint.

pleasure skates

These models do not have any manufacturing standards. The appearance of such skates can be similar to figure skates and hockey skates. A distinctive feature of walking options is a soft insulated boot. The blade of these skates resembles curly ones, but the teeth will not be as large and sharp or may be completely absent.

If the blade is more like a hockey blade, then their degree of rounding will not be too large. Pleasure skates are designed for leisurely skating and enjoying the process, not for learning complex pirouettes or racing the puck.

Walking shoes are very comfortable. They are softer than sports models. The clasp can be classic lacing or like roller skates - buckley. In the latter case, there will also be plastic parts on the soft boot. Such boots are usually insulated so that you can ride in severe frosts. On the other hand, a soft boot does not fix the ankle so well and makes it impossible to perform complex maneuvers.

Children's skates

For kids, skates are equipped with a blade of increased width, which gives additional stability. Some models even have double blades. Such models are recommended for children under the age of 5 years. After the baby gets used to the rink, it is recommended to replace the children's model with a regular one. Parents often buy sliding skates for their children. Outwardly, they look more like amateurs, but their boot is made of plastic. They can vary by 3-5 sizes.

If the child will not just ride for pleasure, but develop in sports, then it is better to immediately purchase the right skates. They can be larger in size, but not more than 1 size. Otherwise, the boot will hang on the foot, which creates the conditions for injury.

What skates do you choose?

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How to choose skates

If you have decided on the type of skates, it's time to go to the store to try on and buy. It is very important to buy skates after trying them on. This is the only way to decide whether this pair suits you or not. Don't forget to bring a pair of thick woolen socks with you to wear when you ride outdoors.

Criteria for choosing figure skates

Traditionally, figure skates are considered to be female models. Before buying, be sure to put on a pair and walk around in them for a few minutes. Rate your feelings. The boot should not be very tight, at the same time, the foot should not hang out in it. Shoes that are too loose do not fix the ankle well and reduce stability.

The back of the boot should press the heel, and the ankle should be tightly covered by the shaft. If all these conditions are met, and at the same time you feel comfortable in boots, then you have found your pair of skates.
Video tips for choosing figure skates from a trainer:

What are the best walking skates to buy?

If you are going to skate for pleasure and do not intend to play sports professionally, then recreational skates will be an ideal option. These models are suitable for both children and adults. In addition, they use bright and beautiful designs. Many recreational skates have an insulated boot that can be pulled out to dry if necessary.

The criteria for choosing recreational skates are the same as for figure skates. You should feel comfortable in them, and the boot should fit your foot snugly.

What skates to buy for hockey

Hockey skates are more suitable for men. At the same time, they are all divided into amateur, semi-professional and professional models:

  • In amateur skates, the boots are soft, they are suitable for beginner athletes. Of the protection elements in these models, only a plastic toe is provided, which protects the fingers. Also, there is no additional adjustment of the boot.
  • Semi-professional skates are bought for ice hockey by people who often play and want to improve their level. It provides better protection with a rigid tongue and reliable support on the sides, which is provided by stiffeners. Some models of the semi-professional class have special features for adjusting the boot to the anatomical features of the foot.

When choosing hockey skates, you need to consider that they do not fit standard shoe sizes. Therefore, they must be measured. In a suitable boot, the foot should be comfortable. The back of the boot should press the heel tightly, but the fingers should not be pressed to the toe, but only lightly touch it.

Boots for hockey skates also differ in the width of the block. Therefore, if the boots fit you in length, but not in width, then you should just try on another pair.

How to choose skates for a child

Toddlers who are just starting to get comfortable on the ice are ideal models with two blades. These skates are stable and the child will feel confident on them. Then you can purchase a regular model with one blade. It is best to choose figure skates for children that allow you to fix the ankle well.

When trying on, be sure to put on thick woolen socks for your child. Ideal when an adult's finger can hardly be inserted between the boot and the heel. Too tight shoes will be uncomfortable when riding, and in free shoes, the risk of injuring the ankle increases.

The value of what size children's skates start with is Russian size 28. At the same time, keep in mind that for beginners it is permissible to buy skates 1 size larger than necessary. For young hockey players, skates must be bought a size larger than necessary. For ordinary pleasure skating, children can be advised sliding models that change along the length of the boot by 3-5 sizes.
Video tips for choosing children's skates:

Rating of quality skates

After considering the main types of skates, their features and selection rules, it will not be superfluous to find out which popular models are currently leading the market. This will help you make the right choice and take into account which company is better to buy skates.

Bauer Supreme One.4

These skates belong to models for hockey, they can be recommended for athletes of any level. The boot is made of high quality nylon, and the inner lining is made of microfiber with water-repellent properties. In these skates, the athlete feels confident on the ice, thanks to the tight fixation of the leg and reliable protection on the sides. Ultra-light foam inserts provide protection and support to the ankles.

For an optimally comfortable position of the foot while skiing, a special heel support and tongue are provided. Additionally, it is worth noting a high-quality sole made of pressed plastic, as well as a glass with a high-quality metal blade.

Bauer Supreme One.4


  • little weight;
  • boots have fairly good rigidity;
  • durable;
  • create excellent security;
  • tightly fit the leg;
  • the tongue has an anatomical shape.


  • The laces need to be changed as they are of poor quality.

The average price is 3900 rubles.

These skates are for girls. The top on both sides is made exclusively of genuine leather. This contributes to better heat retention. The blades are made according to certification standards from high-quality stainless steel with anti-corrosion treatment, they retain sharpening for a long time. The boot has an elongated shape and perfectly supports the child's ankle during skiing, which is useful for preventing injury.

The boots are decorated with a stylish pattern, which is sure to be appreciated by young skaters. The lacing at the top is finished with hooks for perfect leg support. The medium-hard last allows you to feel comfortable when riding even with a thick toe.

Princess Kid Sports Collection


  • comfortable model;
  • Beautiful design;
  • natural materials;
  • excellent leg support;
  • Blades made of quality material.


  • must be carefully tried on when buying.

The average price is 3230 rubles.

This model for hockey creates a feeling of comfort even in severe frosts. This is facilitated by an insulated inner lining and plastic parts that are resistant to low temperatures, which was used in the manufacture of the boot. The main part of the boot is made of high quality combined synthetic material. The material is impact resistant and protects the athlete's feet well. To fix the ankle there are special inserts that additionally provide protection against stretch marks.

The insoles have an anatomical structure, foamed plastic was used to create them. The block has a comfortable shape, which makes it easy to maneuver.


  • anatomical shape of the insole;
  • high strength;
  • insulated interior;
  • toe protection from impacts;
  • cute appearance.


  • there is no anti-corrosion coating of the blades.

The average price is 3845 rubles.

GRAF Super 103 Sakurai

These ice hockey skates are designed for boys and teenagers. The upper part of the boots is made of high quality combined synthetic fabric. The inner part is made of microfiber and provides soft support for the foot. The bow has reinforced protection against low temperatures. The insoles fit snugly to the feet and have the ability to adapt to the anatomical features of the wearer.

GRAF Super 103 Sakurai


  • warm and comfortable lining;
  • reliable leg support;
  • insoles have an anatomical structure;
  • protect well from frost.


  • Need help tying shoelaces.

The average price is 3845 rubles.

For beginners in figure skating and middle-class professionals, this model of figure skates is the most acceptable. Boots in this model are entirely made of genuine leather. Over time, they take the form corresponding to the athlete's foot.

For comfort, special softening inserts are made on the inside of the boot. The lining absorbs moisture well. The lacing is designed with a special cutout designed to prevent the formation of wrinkles and creates the most correct positioning of the foot while riding.


  • leather boots;
  • convenient anatomical structure;
  • anti-corrosion coating of blades;
  • have a long service life;
  • suitable for male and female athletes.


  • it takes time for the boots to adapt to the shape of the foot.

The average price is 840 rubles.

This walking model will be an excellent option for beginners. The boots have an insulated lining on the inside and an elastic tongue, which creates comfort when skiing with minimal stress. Boots have an anatomical structure, which allows you to support the ankle joint. The model is equipped with Velcro instead of the usual lacing, which allows you to quickly remove and put on skates. On the outside, a special plastic insert is made to additionally fix the ankle.


  • comfortable clasp;
  • cute design;
  • soft and warm boots;
  • excellent ankle support.


  • small by one size.

The average price is 840 rubles.

This is a walking model for women, it is lightweight, which allows you to unload your legs. This model has a nice appearance in white and gray tones. The boots have soft padding and provide good ankle support. All this creates convenience and comfort when riding.

The boots are laced up with laces and there is also a Velcro strap at the top of the boot.


  • light weight;
  • nice appearance;
  • comfort and warmth while riding.


  • require careful handling.

The average price is 3990 rubles.

Spine Rittberger

The main advantage of this model is a democratic price, which does not compromise quality. The shoe last has an anatomical shape that takes into account all the features of the female legs. The laces are secure and allow you to quickly lace up your boots. The sole is made of plastic, which creates great stability, but on the other hand does not protect from the cold.

Spine Rittberger


  • low cost;
  • comfortable;
  • fasten quickly;
  • quality blades.


  • warm socks must be worn.

The average price is 840 rubles.

On sale there is a fairly extensive range of skates designed for athletes of different levels. Therefore, choosing the right model is not difficult.

What skates do you like?


First, before you go to the store, you need to decide for what activities skates You need. If you are going to ride seriously, devoting time to training every day, then you need expensive professional equipment - there are such skates from 600$. But if you only plan to ride for a couple of hours on the weekend, then you don't need them.

For family skiing, choose simpler models. Hockey has always been popular skates. Due to the great adhesion to the ice surface, they can quickly and soon develop high speed. In addition, hockey skates made of high-strength alloys, hold the ankle well and protect the foot from possible impacts. curly skates designed with the performance of various elements: rotations, etc. Walking or amateur skates- a great option for leisurely skiing, for example, with.

Going to the store for skates, be sure to take woolen socks with you, in which you will skate. It is necessary to select the size of the skates, taking into account both the length and the width of the foot. Some brands have a special - the completeness of the block. Keep in mind that European sizes differ by 1.5-2 from domestic ones, so pay attention to the size chart, which is available in almost every store. The shoe should sit tight enough so that the leg does not dangle, but at the same time, in no case squeeze the foot, do not rub. If during the fitting you feel at least a little discomfort, try wearing skates half a size smaller or larger, as discomfort will increase noticeably during riding.

When it comes to skate quality, materials and design, it's best to choose skates with quick-drying insoles and a tongue with a hole in the middle for the lace to keep the tongue out of the way. It is also good if there are special pads in the boot to protect the foot from bruises and damage.

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Useful advice

Be sure to lace up the boot correctly during the fitting to better feel if the size fits you. You need to lace up from the bottom up, a little weaker in the toe part, a little tighter in the instep area. The topmost hooks should also be tightened a little looser for more comfort.

Many look with admiration at the performances of the figure skaters. Still, it's not just a beautiful dance, but also high technique and rather complex sports steps. Therefore, figure skating has become a favorite sport for many Russians. If professional figure skating starts from childhood, then an amateur can always make it his hobby. The most important thing in both cases is to choose the right skates.


The upper of the boot is most often made of leather. It perfectly stretches, keeps warm and at the same time takes the anatomical shape of the figure skater's leg. Professional boots are more rigid and are made of several layers of leather.

Comfort during skiing depends on the lining, so when choosing

Skates are special boots with steel blades rigidly attached to them for sliding on a smooth ice surface. Their choice is made in accordance with the purpose of operation. Depending on whether you need skates for outdoor activities at the rink, mastering the elements of figure skating or practicing in the hockey section, the selection criteria will vary.

Not only the comfort of movement on ice and success in sports, but also health depends on the competent selection of skates. An inappropriate model can cause excessive stress on the joints and even injuries. To choose the right skates for ice skating, you need to know the differences between models designed for different styles of skating.

According to their purpose, skates are divided into recreational (amateur) and sports. The latter, in turn, are divided into:

  • hockey (intended for playing hockey),
  • figure skating (for figure skating),
  • cross-country (for speed skating).

Amateur (recreational) skates also come in different types. Some of them are more suitable for running on ice and amateur hockey battles, others for mastering the elements of figure skating.

Sports types of skates for ice skating have their own characteristics, dictated by the tasks and conditions of their operation. In addition, the level of their manufacture can be different - from inexpensive to elite (for professionals).

The main difference between professional and amateur is the ability to replace blades. This is due to the fact that with intensive use, the metal wears out faster than high-quality boots inherent in expensive sports models. The quality and comfort of shoes in this sport is valued above all, so it is much more profitable to change worn out blades than to buy a new model.

Amateur models are cheaper and, as a rule, are not used as intensively as professional ones. Therefore, their blades are attached to the sole with an integral connection and cannot be replaced.

Features of hockey models

Hockey skates must provide a solution to two critical tasks:

  • Speed ​​and maneuverability of movement;
  • Protection of the legs from the blows of opponents' skates, pucks and sticks.

To provide protection from stick strikes and high-speed puck hits, hockey boots are made from tough polymer materials with impact-resistant inserts. They have reinforced toes and heels, protective tongues. The foot in them is rigidly fixed in the correct position, the freedom of the ankle is regulated by distributing the lacing force.

Hockey blades have an arcuate shape, due to which high speed and maneuverability of movement are achieved. Due to the relatively small rounding radius, the contact area between steel and ice is minimal. Therefore, the player experiences a minimum of ice resistance when sliding, and nothing prevents him from maneuvering. Providing high maneuverability has its downside - without sufficient experience on hockey skates, it is difficult to maintain balance.

Hockey skates vary in purpose. There are models for field players and goalkeepers. Goalkeepers have a greater degree of security, but do not provide such high maneuverability.

When choosing hockey skates, you need to consider the conditions in which they will be used. Professional models are designed for indoor ice arenas, their boots do not have insulation, and the material is not designed for operation at air temperatures below -5 ° C, it cracks in more severe frosts. If you plan to play hockey outdoors, then you need to choose from insulated amateur options that can withstand frost down to -20 ° C.

Models for figure skating

Figure skates have a small heel and look more elegant than hockey skates. The blades are longer than the sole, with a less pronounced rounding than hockey blades, 4 teeth are located in their front part, allowing you to rise “on tiptoe” and perform various elements of figure skating.

The large contact area between the metal and the ice surface provides good stability and makes it easy to maintain balance. But this advantage only works on perfectly smooth ice. In the presence of irregularities, the teeth cling to the slightest protrusions of the surface, which causes loss of balance and can cause falls. Therefore, the choice of sports figure skates is recommended only for skating on well-prepared ice.

Boots for figure skating are sewn from genuine leather in 2-3 layers, or from a special leatherette, they do not have insulation inside. High lacing allows you to fix the foot well. By adjusting the lacing force, you can ensure the correct position of the ankle. If you need to choose figure skates for outdoor use, then they need to be tried on with warm socks.

Speed ​​skating models

Modern cross-country skates appeared 20 years ago. The current ones differ from their outdated predecessors in that their blades are movable relative to the boot. They have a swivel joint with the toe part, and the back part constantly changes its position when running, either separating from the sole, or returning to it under the action of springs.

Skating blades have the longest length and the largest radius of curvature of the sliding surface compared to their other types. Boots are low, leaving the ankle free, made of multi-layered carbon covered with leather.

Walking models

Amateur skates are not subject to the strict requirements of sports disciplines, so their models are very diverse. When deciding which skates to choose for skating, decide on your goals. Among walking models, there are more suitable for playing hockey, similar to hockey, but with less rounded blades. There are also skates for performing simple curly elements, which differ from sports skates in a smaller protrusion of teeth or their complete absence.

Shoes of walking models, most often, are made of inexpensive and lightweight materials - leatherette, polymers. Inside they have insulation, the legs in them are soft and comfortable. However, due to the lack of rigid fixation of the foot, extreme skating is fraught with injury. They are not in vain given the name of walking - they are designed for calm skiing. Trying to perform complex elements or play hockey at high speeds is not recommended. Walking models are not suitable for sports. Performance-oriented on-ice training requires specialized models.

Children's skates

For the youngest children, stable two-track models are offered. For children who have already got used to the ice, there is a wide choice of "dimensionless" models with single blades, the size of which is adjusted as the feet grow in the range of 3-5 cm. If the child is involved in sports, then a choice of sports skates is necessary - hockey or figure. It is not recommended to buy sports skates for growth. Due to the poor fixation of the foot in a loose boot, the child is at an increased risk of injury.

General selection rules

Each type of skate has its own selection criteria, but there are general rules:

  • The choice should be made taking into account your needs and the conditions in which you will ride.
  • Buy from trustworthy places. The goods must have a quality certificate, prices should not be too low.
  • Check your blades. They should be attached exactly along the central axis of the sole, have a matte sheen, and not bend under the weight of your weight.
  • When choosing skates, try them on with the socks you will wear them with.
  • It is important to choose the right size skates. The shoe should ideally fit the foot, not dangle, tightly wrap around, but not squeeze it in any place.
  • In addition to shoe sizes, there is the concept of completeness. If the model turned out to be narrow in width, ask for a copy of a larger fullness.
  • After putting on your skates and carefully lacing them up, walk around in them, do sit-ups and other simple exercises. You should be comfortable, your feet should not fall to the sides.
  • Try on several pairs and choose the one that suits you best.

The most common question is how to choose skates for beginners. For those who start classes in sports sections, the trainer will give the most correct advice on choosing skates. And for those who decide to go skiing at an amateur level, you can use the recommendations from this article.


After buying skates, as a rule, their blades need to be sharpened. Blades must be sharpened by a professional using special tools. Different types of skate blades are sharpened differently.

The blades of figure skates are sharpened with a semicircular groove in the middle of the sliding plane. The result is a support surface in the form of two sharp ribs at the edges. Depending on the type of sports skating (single, figure, dancing), the depth of the groove may vary.

Hockey blades are also sharpened according to the sport. Bandy is characterized by straight sharpening, without a groove. For ice hockey, sharpening varies depending on the solution of the tasks facing the player. For different types of players and different rinks, a certain type of sharpening may be optimal.

The blades of cross-country skates are sharpened strictly at a right angle and polished to a mirror finish, since the results in this sport largely depend on the quality of the metal sliding on the ice.


For proper fixation of the foot and safe skiing, lacing of boots is of great importance. It is best to use strong and elastic nylon laces. In the area of ​​​​the fingers, it is not recommended to tighten the lacing too much so as not to disturb blood circulation. In the instep area, it is necessary to lace up as tight as possible, fixing the tightening with an additional knot. In the ankle area, you need to try to firmly fix the heel with lacing in its place. Above the ankle, the laces should not be pulled tight so that the top edge does not restrict movement when the ankle is bent.

Tips for choosing the right skates can be summarized as follows: when choosing, first of all, you must be guided by safety considerations. The safest are skates that firmly fix the foot inside the boot, with blades that correspond to the condition of the ice surface and the level of skating skill.
