Inject vitamins for the face. Beauty injections and facial injections

With the development of cosmetology, many opportunities have appeared for ladies in the form comprehensive care taking care of your body, eliminating certain skin imperfections using cutting-edge methods, which can include both gentle and more intensive methods.

Women's intense struggle with signs of aging has led to the development of a number of procedures and complexes for the face, which are injections. Although this method involves penetration through the skin barrier, it is quite effective and fast-acting.

Injection cosmetology involves the introduction of various substances that have a specific effect on the skin and eliminate problems for a long time.

Hyaluronic acid

The procedure for introducing this substance by injection has been carried out for quite a long time; it has become very popular among the fair sex for its highly effective action. This is not surprising, since this acid is capable of:

  1. reduce the amount of fine wrinkles and the depth of more significant ones;
  2. correction of facial contour (chin, cheekbones), eyelids and lips;
  3. increase the elasticity of the skin of the face, hands, neck, décolleté;
  4. get rid of skin imperfections (acne, post-acne) and rejuvenate it, anti-rosacea properties appear.

For the above purposes, different concentrations of the drug are used, and the depth of administration also varies. The effect is usually noticeable after the first procedure. In this case, the drug Reneall or Princess Rich can be used.

Active influence is aimed at the following processes:

  1. activation of regeneration, skin elasticity, synthesis of intercellular substances;
  2. optimization of antioxidant protection;

For optimal action peptides to problem areas, you can select targeted remedies:

  • for reconstruction of the dermis;
  • for whitening;
  • for immunomodulatory and anti-edematous effect (Timalin);
  • for botulinum-like effects.

You can also use it to get rid of recent acne scars, heal inflammatory processes and heal wounds. Modern fillers contain peptides as the main active ingredient.

Popular for use by women over 35 years of age. A popular drug is Aquashine, which contains both peptides and hyaluronic acid, as well as coenzymes, amino acids and vitamins. And Laennec has a similar effect, but is a hydrolyzate of the placenta. These drugs are administered under the skin by injection.

Vitamin injections

Treatment of many skin problems can occur by oral administration skin vitamin with a different spectrum of action, eliminates many cosmetic problems. If there is a lack of vitamins inside the body, skin problems will become noticeable, which can be expressed in the form of:

  • redness, peeling, increased work sebaceous glands, acne, freckles, etc.;
  • a sharp increase in the number of wrinkles, sagging skin, gray skin, swelling under the eyes and dark circles under them, acne marks;
  • enlarged pores and the appearance of blackheads.

Everyone possible problems problems that may arise due to a lack of these elements cannot be listed. The missing vitamins that are individually needed will be selected by a qualified cosmetologist. Can be prescribed as in pure form(injections of ascorbic acid or vitamin C), and as complexes (a cocktail of necessary vitamins, minerals, for example, zinc).

Popular and missing vitamins for the skin are vitamins A, E, C, K, group B. They best helpers in the fight against imperfections, if they are injected under the skin using injections. The course is carried out in 3-5 sessions, once every year or two. Can be used upon reaching 25 years of age.

Vitamin injections can cause Negative consequences, especially if you are allergic to one of their components.


A new-fangled remedy for combating many skin imperfections, capable of exhibiting anti-aging properties. Ozone therapy is used as one of the components of a skin care complex; it may include facial massage, placental masks, and peelings. Ozone procedures are carried out in 5 – 10 sessions, the number is determined by a cosmetologist. The possibilities of this therapy are:

  1. rejuvenation and care;
  2. combating acne;
  3. anti-rosacea and anti-burn effect;

Ozone therapy does not have any period of effectiveness, since it is of a healing nature, and not temporary cosmetic. Widely used even from adolescence.

It is also used for figure correction.


Almost all of the above options for “beauty injections” also have contraindications, if present, you should refuse to use them. Are they harmful? Not if you follow a few rules. Namely, do not apply for the procedure if:

All possible negative consequences or contraindications for each facial injection procedure are discussed individually with the specialist who will conduct the session. The consequences of neglecting the rules can be varied: from peeling and redness to purulent rashes and itching.

Video: 9 reasons not to get beauty injections

Several years ago I was recommended this procedure to nourish my skin after frequent flights. Let's figure out who is suitable for mesotherapy?

  • To those who have .
  • For those who often fly on airplanes.
  • For those who smoke.
  • For those who want to get rid of age spots.
  • For those who have problems with acne or post-acne.
  • For those who are dissatisfied with the condition of their skin depending on the season (spring and autumn are considered the time of vitamin deficiency).

This includes vitamins, so first the cosmetologist takes an anamnesis and finds out if you have allergic reactions to certain substances. Then, after analyzing age characteristics skin and main tasks, selects an individual complex.

How it all happens (personal experience): The mesotherapy procedure took a few minutes and, despite concerns, turned out to be painless. Before the injection, an anesthetic gel was applied to my skin, then a vitamin solution was injected under the skin with a syringe with a very thin needle. The sensations are not the most pleasant, but tolerable. In my case, the emphasis was on the whitening complex with fruit acids in the composition.

Expert opinion. Lyubov Eskova, cosmetologist:

Skin aging begins after 24 years, so mesotherapy is used as early as 25. Depending on the components, mesotherapy nourishes, moisturizes, fills the skin with amino acids and minerals, and stimulates rejuvenation. If a person does not have allergies, then we usually use a complex that includes more than 20 vitamins. Almost all complexes include hyaluronic acid. It varies in density depending on the client’s age: than older age skin, the denser the preparation should be.

What happens after the procedure (personal experience): Yes, hylauronka was also part of my complex. The thought of aging skin is not very happy, but at that moment I was most worried about whether the marks would remain, since I was getting ready for work the next day.

Red dots remained at the injection sites, which disappeared two hours after the procedure. Luckily, there were no bruises. The cosmetologist did not recommend applying concealer or makeup right away, so it’s better not to plan anything on the “mesotherapy day.” If you make injections in the spring or summer, during the period of active sun, then immediately after the procedure apply a cream with a UV protection factor of at least 30.

Expert opinion. Lyubov Eskova:

The redness usually goes away within an hour or two, and bruises, if treatment with ointment is started on time, disappear within a week. Mesotherapy is carried out in a course of 7 to 10 procedures, once every 7-10 days. Further according to indications: once every 3 months or once every six months. As a result, skin tone improves, blush appears, and the skin becomes more elastic. Thanks to mesotherapy, it begins to produce its own hyaluronic acid.

Effective or not?

After the first session, I was very happy: it seemed to me that the result was already there. The skin began to look fresher, the pallor was gone.

Before and after the procedure

But it was short term effect. It only took hold after the third session. In total, I did five sessions and repeated mesotherapy a year later.

Advantages of the procedure (according to personal feelings):

  1. nasolabial folds become less pronounced,
  2. the skin under the eyes is more toned and elastic,
  3. complexion is more even.

Overall, there was a feeling of denser, more hydrated and youthful skin, although there were no radical changes in appearance, but the complexion became healthier and more radiant.

By the way, mesotherapy is also used in the neck, décolleté and hands. But I don’t plan to carry it out in these zones yet.

Disadvantages of the procedure (for me personally): not a very long lasting effect. That is, I violated the recommendation of specialists and repeated the procedure after a year, and not after 6 months. In general, as always, we come to the conclusion that beauty requires sacrifice and means.

Possible contraindications. Specialist consultation required

Briefly about mesotherapy

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the face is its dressing room. And so that the contents of the latter do not deteriorate with age, you need to start taking care of it as early as early age. Ideally, up to 25 years of age to create a springboard for further improvement of appearance. Although these indicators are individual and, in many respects, genetically determined.

First and main factor, which determines how the face looks is nutrition. It's not just about consumption the right products, but also about additional sources of nutrients.

Cosmetologist's comment. Everyone needs nutrients, regardless of age. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to get enough nutrients from foods alone, and the body will not be able to absorb them at once. As well as stocking up for the future. Combination proper diet and special cosmetic procedures are the most optimal way not only to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, but also to prevent various age-related diseases. What procedures are best for the body as a whole and facial skin? Definitely vitamin injections. In cosmetology, this procedure is called mesotherapy.

This procedure is often compared to magic. And this is not surprising, since after just one injection under the skin you can easily say goodbye to 10 years.

Mesotherapy was first offered to the general public in the late 50s of the last century. Its founder was the French doctor Michel Pistor. It was he who suggested this name. The revolutionary technique allowed hundreds of women to gain a second youth in a short time. If earlier it was necessary to use antibiotics for such an effect, then from now on beautiful skin was the merit solely natural ingredients– extracts medicinal plants, beneficial acids, important microelements.

The benefits of facial injections with vitamins

Vitamin complexes for the face have many advantages compared to antibiotics or other skin care products. They are:

  • Speed ​​of achieving effect. The difference between the original skin condition and the new one is noticeable after the first procedure. However, for a longer lasting effect, cosmetologists recommend doing similar procedures at least 5 times with a break of one to two weeks.
  • Range of action. Many vitamin masks have a positive effect on facial skin. However, they are far from effective vitamin injections. The latter are aimed at eliminating bags and circles under the eyes, reducing puffiness, tightening the skin, accelerating the synthesis of collagen (the protein responsible for skin elasticity).
  • Strengthening the skin's natural protection from the adverse effects of environmental factors. Ultraviolet radiation is considered the greatest harm to facial skin. Thanks to vitamin injections, pigmentation and flaking caused by direct sunlight are not scary.
  • Prevention of inflammatory processes. Even with proper nutrition the skin of the face can be damaged by a rash; it can peel and itch. Thanks to properly selected vitamin cocktails that are injected under the skin, the likelihood of developing inflammatory diseases, acne, acne and other consequences of disruption of the sebaceous glands are reduced to almost zero.
  • Less traumatic and painless.
  • Possibility of application both locally and regionally. Vitamin complexes can be administered both to a specific area, for example, in the forehead, and throughout the body. It all depends on the initial indicators of skin condition and needs.
  • No traces. During the procedure, a vitamin cocktail is administered pointwise. All traces of punctures and slight swelling disappear within one hour after the end of the procedure.

In addition to all of the above, vitamin injections have a good effect on water-salt balance. This reduces swelling and speeds up the process of removing excess fluid. And also vitamin complexes have an antioxidant effect. They prevent the formation of free radicals (active molecules that provoke the development of oncological diseases).

Cosmetologist's comment. Beauty injections based on vitamin complexes can be used starting from the age of 20. Before the procedure, you should definitely consult with your doctor - he will confirm or deny the compatibility of the procedure with the medications or other vitamin complexes you are taking. In addition, despite the enormous benefits, vitamin complexes are not suitable for everyone. And only a doctor can tell you about this. Even if there are no obvious problems with the skin of the face, for the purpose of prevention, mesotherapy should be performed at least once six months. After the procedure, blood circulation accelerates, which means the cells receive more oxygen and nutrients. It depends on these indicators appearance skin.

Types of vitamin injections for the face

The most popular vitamins for facial skin are: , , , , group B. The treatment course consists of 3-5 sessions (sometimes 8-10 procedures may be required). As a rule, doctors recommend taking such courses no more than twice a year. You can start giving injections at the age of 20, but most doctors advise not to rush into it until at least 25.

The combination of cocktail components may be different. The most popular are cocktails based on extracts of healing plants (ginkgo biloba, witch hazel), hyaluronic and glycolic acids, microelements (zinc, selenium, calcium, magnesium).

Best effect for the face is achieved with one procedure per week.

However, even this useful procedure there are some contraindications. They are:

  • chronic skin diseases during exacerbation;
  • hypertension of the 3rd degree;
  • postoperative condition;
  • kidney problems (nephritis, renal failure);
  • cholelithiasis;
  • pregnancy in last trimester;
  • lactation period;
  • poor blood clotting (hemophilia);
  • oncology, diabetes, heart failure.

You can learn more about mesotherapy from the video below.

Facial injections - modern method, allowing you to make your skin beautiful and prevent the appearance of signs of aging. Creams, masks and others cosmetic products are able to care only for the surface layer of the epidermis, since the barrier layer of the skin does not allow the components of the composition to penetrate deeper.

But the drug for facial injections, using a needle or cannula, penetrates as deeply as possible, affecting both the formation of collagen and the maintenance required level skin hydration, and even the shape of the nose, chin and cheeks.

Skin care

There are a large number of drugs intended for injection skin care. Their composition is combined in most cases by one component called hyaluronic acid. Injections for the face with this substance are as safe as possible: it is produced by the human body, combining great amount functions, one of which is the attraction of water molecules. IN at a young age When the body produces acid in sufficient quantities, the skin is elastic and hydrated from the inside.

After the age of thirty, the production of the substance slows down, so it is advisable to do hyaluronic injections for the face. Sometimes the substance is used in its pure form, sometimes vitamins are added to the composition to promote rejuvenation, regeneration, and removal of pigmentation. This procedure is called biorevitalization, and injections with vitamins are called mesotherapy.

As a rule, such cosmetic procedures need to be performed at least twice a year. The procedure is especially relevant after summer season when the skin is damaged by intense ultraviolet radiation and requires hydration and regeneration.

Expression wrinkles

When anti-aging injections for the face are discussed, first of all, Botox and Dysport are meant. These two drugs are absolute analogues of each other, the only difference is the country of origin and the price.

The main substance of Botox and Dysport is botulinum toxin, a substance that blocks muscle movement, ensuring its rest for 4-10 months. The skin over the immobilized muscle is smoothed out.

For a long time, Botox was used only in the forehead, bridge of the nose, and outer corners of the eyes. But new cosmetology significantly expanded the capabilities of the drug: with its help you can make upper lip plumper, botulinum toxin injections in the area between it and the nose, smooth neck with injections into the platysma, eyelids raised with superciliary injections.


In order to make lips fuller, the chin larger, and the cheekbones higher, fillers are used. They are gels that are injected into the deep layers of the skin and remain there for a year to several years, depending on the composition.

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid differ from the composition for biorevitalization in their density. The denser the gel, the higher the chance of creating “ sculptural effect" Fillers with a dense consistency are perfect for contour lines and cheekbones: such gels do not spread, do not migrate into other tissues, retain their effect longer and disappear evenly.

Injections for the face are somewhat different from the composition for lip augmentation and changing their shape. As a rule, most manufacturers create special composition to change the shape of the mouth, which, on the one hand, will preserve the naturalness and softness of the lips, on the other hand, will not allow the composition to migrate down or weigh down the corners of the mouth.

A facial injection preparation based on hyaluronic acid is not the only option that a cosmetologist’s patient can choose. Such compositions are preferable for those who want to experiment with their appearance and check how suitable the “new” ones are for them. plump lips or large cheekbones. If you are not satisfied with the result, it will disappear on its own within a few months without outside intervention, or within a few hours after the introduction of hyaluronodase.

Radiesse is a popular filler based on calcium hydroxyapatite. Despite the fact that hyaluronic acid is considered the safest due to the fact that the immune system a person does not perceive its molecules as antigens, the drug "Radiesse" also extremely rarely causes rejection.

Its density makes it possible to form a more precise sculpture of the cheekbones, cheeks, chin, and even nose. On average, its effect lasts 2-3 times longer than the effect of drugs based on hyaluronic acid. Therefore, Radiesse, the price of which is usually slightly higher, is economically justified due to the long-lasting effect.

Face lifting and sculpture

It cannot be said that facial injections are strictly classified, and modeling with fillers is carried out separately from filling deep wrinkles. With the help of contour plastic surgery, significant skin lifting can be achieved. Cosmetologists have long used the destruction method by introducing filler into the cheekbone area, due to which the skin tightens and smoothes out wrinkles.

Previously, when fillers were applied directly under the wrinkle, the effect of a “heavy”, tired face often occurred. In addition, the filler migrated over time under the influence universal gravity, creating "jowls" if it was entered into large quantities and did not have time to split completely before the moment of migration.

If the filler is made of hyaluronic acid, it not only changes the contours of the face, but makes the skin more hydrated due to the effect of attracting water molecules to the filler. When the skin is hydrated so deeply that no moisturizing component can penetrate the barrier layer, the face looks younger and fresher.

Methods of drug administration

There are three main ways in which beauty injections are given. The main one is the administration of the drug through a needle. It allows you to accurately distribute the drug locally in the area where it is needed. Moreover, most of the drugs are produced by manufacturers already complete with a special needle.

Less commonly, facial injections are performed using a cannula. Outwardly, it is similar to a needle, but it does not have a sharp tip with a hole, but a rounded one, and the hole through which the drug enters is located in the side of the device. Due to the blunt end, it is non-traumatic, which means that the rehabilitation period after visiting a cosmetologist’s office is reduced several times.

And finally, biorevitalization and mesotherapy can be carried out using a mesoscooter - a device in the form of a roller with needles various lengths and thickness, which “drives” the applied drug into the skin. The advantage of a mesoscooter is the ability to use it at home, although a professional device used to perform procedures in a salon or clinic is much more effective.

Indications for the procedure

Today, beauty injections have become an integral part of effective and safe personal care. Modern cosmetologists do not consider certain limits for a person’s age, after which they can begin to introduce hyaluronic acid, fillers and Botox. The main thing is the direct indication for the procedure - wrinkles, dry skin, etc.

Biorevitalization can be performed at any age, but, as a rule, injections are not required at the age of 18-20. But if there are marks on the skin sunburn, consequences improper care, aggressive chemical or mechanical peelings, biorevitalization or mesotherapy can also be performed on a patient aged 18 years.

Dysport and Botox eliminate expression wrinkles, which can appear at any age. The drugs are absolutely safe, but regular use The body develops resistance to botulinum toxin, which means that the dose of the drug will have to be increased each time until even the maximum dosage ceases to be effective. Usually this period of time takes 20-30 years, that is, a girl who began using Botox to smooth out wrinkles at 20 years old risks remaining completely disarmed before the oncoming signs of withering by the age of 50.

In this regard, cosmetologists advise delaying the start of using botulinum toxin until at least 30-35 years. Although statistically the threshold for starting to use Dysport and Botox is growing every year.

Fillers for contour plastic surgery are performed according to indications. But, as a rule, any cosmetic injections for the face are used only after the patient reaches 18 years of age.


Before performing facial injections for wrinkles, you need to make sure that your health condition can withstand the stress of outside interference.

First, you need to examine the skin at the injection site: inflammation, scratches, abrasions, and acne are contraindications to the procedure. The doctor must also find out the patient’s medical history: whether he has done similar procedures before, whether there have been any complications or allergic reactions.

There is also absolute contraindications, which strictly prohibit any injections for the face:

  • cancerous tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • mental illness;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • autoimmune processes;
  • HIV infection;
  • any pathology in the active stage.

A relative contraindication is the period of menstruation in women. It does not affect the outcome of the procedure, but can complicate it by increasing the healing time of the skin and increasing bleeding.

As a rule, cosmetologists do not require health certificates from patients, but it is still better to visit a therapist before deciding to take advantage of injection cosmetology, take a clinical and biochemical analysis blood, full analysis urine.


The main complication when carrying out any cosmetic procedure is a subjective discrepancy between the patient’s expectations and the result. Really obvious problems occur less often: migration of the gel, penetration of infection along with the drug, allergic reaction.

The advantage of fillers and hyaluronic acid is the ability to remove it from tissues at any time using the enzyme hyaluronidase. It is impossible to remove Botox, but its effect is short-lived, so very quickly the flaws of the procedure will cease to be noticeable, and the face will begin to look the same as before.

Statistically, complications occur if a low-quality product was used or the cosmetologist does not have sufficient qualifications or the necessary education. Therefore, when choosing a doctor and a clinic, you need to pay attention to the competence of doctors and quality certificates of all drugs used, and not to low prices, promotions and discounts. A cosmetologist who performs injections must have a medical education.

Cost of procedures

The amount that will have to be left at the beauty salon depends on the drug chosen, the quantity used during the procedure, and the pricing policy of the clinic itself.

For example, Dysport, the price of which is slightly higher than the cost of Botox, is 200-230 rubles per unit. How many units will be required in specific case- the doctor determines. To eliminate wrinkles on the forehead, you will need at least 30 units to correct “ crow's feet"- 10-15 for each eye, for raising eyebrows - only 5-6.

Sometimes the need to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead requires the introduction of the drug into other areas in order to maintain facial symmetry. Thus, the price for Botox and Dysport is determined only at an in-person appointment.

The price of fillers, as a rule, is slightly higher than compositions for biorevitalization, since the filler actually replaces surgical intervention. For Radiesse the price ranges from 15 to 40 thousand rubles, depending on the amount of the drug. But it is important to understand that installing a chin or cheekbone implant will cost several times more, and the operation itself, performed under general anesthesia, will be much more dangerous and will require a long rehabilitation period and hospital stay.

With the development of cosmetology, many opportunities have appeared for ladies in the form of comprehensive care for their body, eliminating certain skin imperfections using cutting-edge methods, which can include both gentle and more intensive methods.

Women's intense struggle with signs of aging has led to the development of a number of procedures and complexes for the face, which are injections. Although this method involves penetration through the skin barrier, it is quite effective and fast-acting.

Injection cosmetology involves the introduction of various substances that have a specific effect on the skin and eliminate problems for a long time.

Hyaluronic acid

The procedure for introducing this substance by injection has been carried out for quite a long time; it has become very popular among the fair sex for its highly effective action. This is not surprising, since this acid is capable of:

  1. reduce the number of small wrinkles and the depth of more significant ones;
  2. correction of facial contour (chin, cheekbones), eyelids and lips;
  3. increase the elasticity of the skin of the face, hands, neck, décolleté;
  4. get rid of skin imperfections (acne, post-acne) and rejuvenate it, anti-rosacea properties appear.

For the above purposes, different concentrations of the drug are used, and the depth of administration also varies. The effect is usually noticeable after the first procedure. In this case, the drug Reneall or Princess Rich can be used.

Active influence is aimed at the following processes:

  1. activation of regeneration, skin elasticity, synthesis of intercellular substances;
  2. optimization of antioxidant protection;

For optimal action of peptides on problem areas, you can select targeted products:

  • for reconstruction of the dermis;
  • for whitening;
  • for immunomodulatory and anti-edematous effect (Timalin);
  • for botulinum-like effects.

It can also be used to get rid of recent acne scars, cure inflammatory processes and heal wounds. Modern fillers contain peptides as the main active ingredient.

Popular for use by women over 35 years of age. A popular drug is Aquashine, which contains both peptides and hyaluronic acid, as well as coenzymes, amino acids and vitamins. And Laennec has a similar effect, but is a hydrolyzate of the placenta. These drugs are administered under the skin by injection.

Vitamin injections

Treatment of many skin problems can occur by introducing vitamins with a different spectrum of action into the skin, eliminating many cosmetic problems. If there is a lack of vitamins inside the body, skin problems will become noticeable, which can be expressed in the form of:

  • redness, peeling, increased work of the sebaceous glands, acne, freckles, etc.;
  • a sharp increase in the number of wrinkles, sagging skin, gray skin, swelling under the eyes and dark circles under them, acne marks;
  • enlarged pores and the appearance of blackheads.

It is impossible to list all the possible problems that may arise due to a lack of these elements. The missing vitamins that are individually needed will be selected by a qualified cosmetologist. They can be prescribed both in pure form (injections of ascorbic acid or vitamin C) and as complexes (a cocktail of essential vitamins and minerals, for example, zinc).

Vitamins A, E, C, K, and group B are popular and so lacking for the skin. They are the best helpers in the fight against imperfections if they are injected under the skin. The course is carried out in 3-5 sessions, once every year or two. Can be used upon reaching 25 years of age.

Vitamin injections can also cause negative consequences, especially if you are allergic to one of their components.


A new-fangled remedy for combating many skin imperfections, capable of exhibiting anti-aging properties. Ozone therapy is used as one of the components of a skin care complex; it may include facial massage, placental masks, and peelings. Ozone procedures are carried out in 5 – 10 sessions, the number is determined by a cosmetologist. The possibilities of this therapy are:

  1. rejuvenation and care;
  2. combating acne;
  3. anti-rosacea and anti-burn effect;

Ozone therapy does not have any period of effectiveness, since it is of a healing nature, and not temporary cosmetic. Widely used even from adolescence.

It is also used for figure correction.


Almost all of the above options for “beauty injections” also have contraindications, if present, you should refuse to use them. Are they harmful? Not if you follow a few rules. Namely, do not apply for the procedure if:

  • there is an allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
  • inflammatory processes occur in the body or there are viral diseases, oncology;
  • pregnancy and lactation, blood diseases;
  • problems with the nervous system (epilepsy).

All possible negative consequences or contraindications for each facial injection procedure are discussed individually with the specialist who will conduct the session. The consequences of neglecting the rules can be varied: from peeling and redness to purulent rashes and itching.

Video: 9 reasons not to get beauty injections
