How many men like fat women? Gentlemen prefer "crumpets"

You don't have a model appearance, don't rattle your bones when you walk, is your weight far from 60 kg? Do you think that men will never pay attention to you? And in vain! Today we will share men’s opinions about which girls guys like more, fat or thin. You will learn why plump ladies attract and repel the opposite sex, what exactly men like about them, and how to interest “ powerful of the world this."

No matter how offensive it may be, absolutely all guys evaluate first appearance potential soul mate and only then inner world. And first of all, their gaze falls, of course, on the figure. According to statistics, 75% of guys choose thin ones and only 25% prefer ladies with a body.

But one cannot help but take into account the fact that each representative of the stronger sex has his own idea of ​​well-fed and skinny girls. Approximately 65% ​​of men believe that women weighing 65-70 kg and height from 165 to 175 cm are not fat at all. In their opinion, they simply have appetizing roundness and curves.

According to male opinion, thin people should weigh at least 53 kg, less - they are no longer skinny, but anorexic. But they can be called complete when their body weight reaches 80 kg or more.

Who is attracted to voluminous ladies?

A young man can pay attention to magnificent lady not only because of his “taste” preferences, but also because the instinct of reproduction speaks in him. When he sees plump breasts and rounded hips, he instinctively thinks that the lady is successfully carrying and giving birth to a child.

Libido often plays a role. Chicks eat as much as they want, which is why men believe that they are relaxed in bed too. There is also an opinion that they will feed their lover well, and this is what almost every man wants.

Another reason lies in the fact that donuts are always smiling and in good spirits. good mood. Therefore, chubby people certainly won’t throw tantrums and scandals.

Here are the types of men who are attracted to plump women:

  • those wishing to compensate their short stature and thin physique;
  • Very overweight men those having problems finding a slim lady;
  • hardworking, kind young people who love to spend a lot of time with their families;
  • villagers or people from the village, accustomed to hearty meals;
  • lovers of round shapes.

It is these men who most often choose plump women.

Which men are repulsed by fat people?

Taste is the deciding factor in this matter. Many people are crazy about long slender legs, flat stomachs And elastic pop. And now, according to our survey, there are 91%. At the same time, only 15% of guys like small breasts, the rest prefer a full bust and voluminous buttocks without cellulite.

Fashion cannot be ignored either. Now the trend is athletic, toned, slender bodies. Thin girls adorn the covers of all glossy magazines and star in celebrity videos and advertisements.

What attracts men to curvy women?

The bodies of donuts, as 73% of those surveyed answered, attract representatives of the stronger sex with their seductive curves. But still, no one likes cellulite and looseness. There is nothing wrong with this, because even those who have extra pounds can become fit.

Character is also very important. “Cumpies” are unlikely to point out their partner’s shortcomings or criticize him. They will love him for who he is and will not complain about his weight.

How to get a guy to like you if you're overweight

If you want to date a young man who is weak in front of slender ladies, there is only one option for an overweight lady - to lose weight. To do this, first of all you need. Here are all the details. But in no case do you torment yourself with diets, just adjust your diet and exercise. You can go to . In this article you will find the basic rules for classes.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You'll get step by step plan 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

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If you need to lose weight dramatically, it is necessary. Here you will find several video tutorials and effective exercises. At the same time, it is important. In this article we told you why all this is harmful and how to forget about them. And don't forget. Read here about water regime, nutrition, training, timing.

It is also worth remembering that you need to take care of yourself at any weight. You should always have perfect manicure, hands are business card every representative of the fairer sex. Hair and face should also be in absolute order.

Style is also very important. Avoid clothes that are too tight. Don't wear bright outfits, choose beige, gray, black colors with a light print or decor. Buy yourself some nice shapewear underwear.

Unpleasant comments for chubby girls in this video, but something to think about:

And most importantly, in order to please a guy and make him fall in love with you, you must get rid of all your complexes. It is also important not to confuse obesity with obesity; these are completely different concepts.

Agree, I’m already tired of reading how much Kate Middleton saved on another tweed coat and how much Meghan Markle spent on yet another suede pumps. Our stars and style icons, whatever one may say, are closer, with all their fashion trash, misunderstanding of Parisian trends and purely Russian tricks (in transparent tights - on stage, and in a fur coat with feathers - on Sardinia).

By the way, Sardinia is one of the favorite vacation spots of Ksenia Sobchak, the trendsetter of style and fashion in secular Moscow. You may like her or not, she may even infuriate you. But she dresses superbly, successfully walking out in her own way masterpieces from the most fashionable Western brands.

And if another battle of dresses happens, because Ksyusha came out again in something already worn by someone - guess who wins? So we’ll find out where the most outrageous Russian woman goes shopping socialite and how much he spends on his images.

This laconic set of trousers and a jacket in discreet brown from the Alexander Terekhov collection reduced Sobchak’s budget by exactly 116,800 rubles. Mansur Gavrila leather loafers for 32,600 rubles successfully round up the sum

But this elegant pleated dress from Roseville doesn’t really put a dent in your wallet. A blouse to go with it Maison Margiela for RUR 19,954

The Marni coral coat looks cool, and its price is the same - R213,000. For stylish Balenciaga pumps, if you want the same ones, you will have to pay RUR 59,950.

Everything else is small stuff: a blouse from Armani for 9,100, a skirt from CALVIN KLEIN a little more than 53 thousand rubles and - the highlight of the image! – Christian Roth glasses for RUB 25,130.

By the way, sometimes Ksenia dresses for free. As a popular public figure, the most famous brands they often offer her to “showcase” new items completely free of charge, solely for the purpose of maintaining her status as a style icon, and for the sake of promoting the brand, of course.

5 warm looks for those who are tired of the black down jacket

A black down jacket is, of course, a classic, but how long can you wear it? This is far from the only practical and warm option. What about parkas, insulated coats, jackets, sheepskin coats? Not everything came together like a wedge on the black down jacket! We have collected several cool ideas, which will enliven your winter wardrobe and teach you to love this time of year.

Colored fur

Some people think that it is already going out of fashion, but in fact it is not an anti-trend at all. Why don't we add a little color to our February routine? Draw attention to yourself and cheer up yourself and everyone around you. And if you add fun accessories to such a jacket, the effect will be simply mind-blowing.

Metallic shine

Another easy way to dress like fashion bloggers and establish yourself as a true style icon is to try on a metallic look. Such outerwear is very self-sufficient in itself, so you can choose the most laconic company for it. This will make putting the kit together a lot easier, won't it?

In light colors

If you want to be brighter, you don't have to use bright colors. Sometimes the best solution for this there will be clothes in light colors. Just imagine how you will stand out against the ladies dressed in black! Impractical, but very stylish.

Fashionable sheepskin coat

If you still associate a sheepskin coat with a teacher junior classes Marya Ivanovna, then it’s urgently time for you to get rid of these outdated views. Because a sheepskin coat is not only warm, but also very stylish. Moreover, today you can find styles to suit every taste.

Classic in red

Red isn't for everyone, so when it comes to... outerwear, we suggest making a choice in favor of a deep and rich, but more discreet burgundy shade. This is especially for those who want to be brighter, but don’t want everyone to turn around.

Winter and spring are not at all a reason to wrap yourself in boring and gray clothes. Stay feminine and creative and everyone will be at your feet.

“Her soft and inviting forms, covered only with thin cold silk, attracted his gaze, sliding over the juicy bulges and smooth depressions of her body. He dreamed that she would always be there..."

Reading another novel about eternal love, girls often ask the question: “What exactly did the author of the next bestseller imagine?” After all, today modern girl through the eyes of fashion publications, looks thin, without visible bulges, and the concept of a bust is limited to volume chest around 90 cm, and it doesn’t matter whether the mammary glands are developed or not, the main thing is to maintain the proportions! But what about plump or fat people who, looking at photos of modern beauties, feel inferior, and moreover, how can they meet the love of their life in this case?

This topic, especially relevant in recent decades, excites the minds of the entire female population of the planet. What should she be like to be liked? stronger sex, and do men really prefer us? To answer, it’s worth going back several centuries...

Fat women in human history

The eras of skinny people can be counted on one hand. Among them are Ancient Egypt, where Nefertiti was considered the standard of beauty - refined and fragile, the Rococo era in Europe, which was reminiscent puppet show- girls tightened their waists to the point of impossibility, giving excessive volume to the “soft spot” with the help of wide skirts. The beginning and end of the 20th century chooses thin people as its standard, in the first case “comrade girls”, in the second - tall, excessively thin people with bulging pelvic bones, without pronounced breasts.

  • Greece was captivated by the beauty of the goddess Aphrodite; it is worth looking at the surviving statue - rounded hips, a protruding tummy, small breasts, ribs and collarbones hidden under fat.
  • The Renaissance was captivated by the famous Venus, who emerged from the depths of the sea. Her beauty consisted of broad shoulders, big hips, healthy and blooming appearance.
  • The Baroque era has been admired since full hips, small breasted and jade skin.
  • During the times of romanticism, plump, with busty and shoulders, rounded, glowing with a healthy blush and cheerfulness.
  • In the early years of the 20th century, men valued healthy women, with voluminous shapes, a bold look and a healthy glow. Russians were especially valued at that time - an example of the preferences of the male population is the painting “Merchant's Wife at Tea”.

Having analyzed the above information, we can safely conclude that you and I have almost always been the cause of sleepless nights and exploits of males of all times and eras. Psychologists, including the famous Sigmund Freud, tried to explain this behavior.

Instinct has never been canceled

The psychologist, as you know, explained almost all human actions by instincts and libido - he subconsciously chooses a woman suitable for the role of the mother of his children in the future, evaluates her appearance from the outside quality production offspring, where the body’s fat reserves play an important role, wide hips And full breasts. And everything that the young stallion does is rather a tribute to fashion. The fact remains that men mature age increasingly prefer overweight people, and not because they have no choice, but because it is important for them expectant mother, and not a “model” with an always bad mood and stress. Now let’s answer the question why men choose obese women:

  • Seductive bulges and depressions please the absence of protruding bones - it is pleasant to the hands and eyes.
  • A woman with pleasant shapes, who does not deny herself the amount of food she consumes, behaves similarly in bed. In addition, they will take good care of a man, putting another piece of juicy steak and a portion of crispy potatoes on his plate.
  • A good mood and a smile are always present on the faces of plump girls, which, in their opinion, guarantees the absence of scandals, bad mood, and most importantly - the hated “No, I have a headache, I’m tired!”
  • According to men, there is no need to be afraid of criticism from obese women; it is safe and warm to be with them.

What happens in order to do happy man you need to be cheerful, have a few extra pounds, cook deliciously and generously, perceive a man as he is. That's the whole secret of happiness! Finally, let’s remember a few names with extra pounds:

Katya Zharkova - famous model

Crystal Renn - the model who captivated Jean-Paul Gaultier

Queen Latifah is a singer who has no plans to lose weight

Larisa Dolina is a famous singer who realized that pleasant shapes are not only beautiful, but also necessary for successful career, and the list goes on and on. Dear readers, nothing is impossible and weight is not an obstacle to success!

Good afternoon, our dear readers! Our article is devoted to the question,do men like fat girls ! We will talk about what kind of figure men consider ideal! And should a fat girl go on a diet to become attractive to men?

What kind of girls do men like - fat or thin? For our article, we conducted a survey among men! Read our article about the real preferences of men!

Fullness or thinness - do men like a fashionable figure?

Any fashion at all times puts everyone under the same brush. If severe anorexia is in fashion, it is believed that only emaciated skinny women are attractive to men. New trendfull hips. It is automatically assumed that only a voluminous butt can attract the male gaze.

But it sets the fashion narrow circle of people! People who chase not life itself, but fleeting passing aesthetics! And believe fashion trends, which change too sharply and often are already considered unfashionable. This paradox arose from the conflict between fashion and reality - the parameters of a woman’s “ideal” body are incompatible with health.

And the tastes of men often do not change until the end of their lives! And some people actually have to lie to others and themselves about their preferences because they are not “fashionable.”

Statistics output:men like fat peopleand thin women in a 1:1 ratio! Moreover, men are looking for a girl who is slender, like from the cover, mainly to show her off to friends, and not for personal happiness.

Fat or thin - what kind of girls do men like?

Men who love fat peopleor thin women, they say with one voice: a woman should love herself! And be relaxed both in communication and in bed. If a man is satisfied intimately, he will not look for figure flaws in the woman he loves. And if she evokes respect from those around her with her speech, then weight ceases to play a role at all!

Only the men admitted that rarely anyone likes a swollen figure. Elastic fullness when under pink elastic skin you can feel a dense layer of fat, a wide rounded butt and, of course, voluminous soft breasts - and on average up to 85 kg with a height of 1m 68 cm is not visually perceived as excessive fullness.

But if the body is loose, if the skin hangs down flabby folds, the limp chest dangles from side to side, and the stomach seems to be swollen, then even 1 extra kilos will be perceived as a serious shortcoming. With such a figure, it is better to remain thin. A man can forgive a swollen body only to the mother of his child. And not longer than a year after childbirth.

Men like fat girls - reasons

The reasons cover all areas of life. Some plump people have no idea thatGuys like fat girlsboth aesthetically and subconsciously! And that only the girl’s embarrassment prevents the guys from appreciating all her charm!

A plump wife means wealth in the house

A real man is a breadwinner! And if his beautiful wife is skinny, then even with a constantly full refrigerator, the man may feel like he can’t cope with the house. What brings home little or not what is needed. The more he feels this, the more often he thinks about children. After all, if my wife looks exhausted, then I won’t even be able to feed the children!

And some jealous people, in order to “protect” their lady, try to feed her on purpose. Like, I love her just like that, but other men won’t pester her!

Overweight woman cooks well

This is sometimes not the case. But mostly plump girl and she loves to eat delicious food and pamper her man with hearty food. And which man would not rejoice at the borscht on which the caring hands of his beloved worked?

Kindness and good quality

As psychologists say, the rumor that skinny people are meaner than plump people is often true. Everything depends on the person, of course, but food causes joy hormones to be produced. Women who love to eat simply have more of these hormones. And fat girls don’t like to find fault, because they know that they themselves are not a fashion ideal. And they forgive shortcomings in men more often than skinny women.

Family and Children

Instinct persistently forces a man to look for a mother for his offspring. Sometimes a man's views change depending on his desire to have children.Do men like fat people?ladies or not, but more volumetric forms during such a period cause more sexual desire. A man unknowingly begins to feed his beloved more high-calorie foods. All in all, plump lady looks healthy and ready for pregnancy.

Character of a woman

If a man is looking for character in a woman, then harmony fades into the background. Or on the third.Do guys like fat people?girls for possible relationships, usually clear after 25 years. A mature men, unless they are trying to compensate for complexes or maintain status, everyone is more inclined to choose more voluminous ladies. Who look more faithful and responsible.

How can a fat woman find a man for a relationship?

Just like skinny!Fat woman Maybe meet a manin the same places as any other! And a theater, and a park, and a cafe, and a master class on wood carving! Although you need to make an impression a little differently.

Open outfits are suitable for slender people, but plump women can indulge in a moderate neckline. Flashy colors of clothes look vulgar - you need to choose suits in moderate tones. And the shoes should only be comfortable - a fat woman who hobbles gives the impression that she is not healthy. Ideally, these should be shoes with low, stable heels.

Flirting and flirting should be more smoothed out than in the case of a thin woman. A full body already looks more impressive, and you need to compensate for this with ease in behavior.

Smile and communicate with pleasure is a must! Cheerfulness is a necessary decoration for your face! By the way, costume jewelry is almost always complete, so feel free to complement your outfits with beads or bracelets.

And of course, self-love. Attractiveness appears when a woman values ​​herself. Don't be shy about your shapes - they are beautiful because nature thinks so! And don't listen to crazy European fashion designers! The beauty of models is for one season, but yours is for centuries! Make sure of this by visiting any art gallery!

Do men like fat girls: conclusion

From this article we learned:

  1. Do guys like fat girls?
  2. Why do men like fat women?
  3. How a plump woman can attract a man

The main thing is that your sense of self is correct. You are beautiful both externally and internally! And the graceful lines of your body are just a dream for some men! So allow yourself the pleasure of being desired!

Be happy! And see you again!

Many representatives of the fair sex are trying to figure out why men don’t like fat girls and what type they choose in the end. And according to research, thin girls still win. What's so special about them?

Why choose thin people?

It turns out that stereotypes that accompany the human population almost all their lives play a role here. For example, this is the constant flashing of information in the widespread media that calls for supposed beauty standards - 90-60-90. Accordingly, once in the head, these thoughts produce their results on a subconscious level. Initially, regardless of any personal qualities, a person is judged by his figure. But this is probably not entirely correct. Every person, in addition to physical characteristics, also has a soul.

What about the soul?

Of course, if there is a need to have fun, then personal qualities are not particularly considered here. But to create family hearth The other half is definitely not chosen based on the figure. So why don’t people like fat girls if they are kind, beautiful, and ready to give happiness? opposite sex? After all, if skinny is even one of the most wonderful representatives planet, but having a terrible character, a black soul, with her none of the men can long period time to be around.

What's happening in modern life, why don't men like fat girls? Experts believe that this issue still needs to be resolved individually and at a psychological level. After all various situations happen in life. Not all fat girls are unhappy. All you have to do is look at others and you want to live. It’s as if they are imbued with positive emotions from within, which are transmitted to others. And this category of girls, despite their considerable weight, is of interest to the opposite sex. Moreover, they live carefree and do not even plan to lose weight. It turns out that it’s not a matter of weight after all.


Why they don’t like it Considering this topic, we can conclude that the culprit is complexes that take a person hostage from the inside and do not allow them to calmly enjoy life. After all, this constant struggle is exhausting nervous system, and sometimes very seriously. Therefore, every beauty, puzzled by the question of why men don’t like fat girls, needs to decide what is her priority.

If you are absolutely satisfied with the current state of affairs, then, in fact, no action can be taken. But if this problem haunts you and is constantly tormented by the question of why men don’t like fat people, then in such cases it is recommended to take care of your body. IN modern conditions You just need to choose the necessary program to get an amazing effect. Here you can consider a good and high-quality diet or a specific sports program, or perhaps combine them. It is advisable to seek help from a professional nutritionist to select individual courses. Massages and wraps in Lately also became popular.

Using even one of these methods, you can achieve what you want and never again wonder why men don’t like fat girls. After all, self-esteem in most cases increases significantly after undergoing procedures. And keeping it at the desired level will not be difficult.


Social networks have recently entered people's lives very tightly. And there it is shown everywhere what a girl and a woman should be. It’s as if no one needs the other options. Girls model appearance, With perfect figure, shown all around: in commercials, in films, on pages various groups. And scientists have long proven that male body is able to actively perceive the information that surrounds him and is repeated several times. Accordingly, this external imposition does not allow fat women to be happy and find their soul mate. There are, of course, exceptions to the rules, but in most cases this is exactly what happens.

Remember: in the whole world you cannot find at least one female representative who would be completely satisfied with her figure, beauty, and personal qualities. No ideal people, but there are those who stand confidently on their feet, with good self-esteem, and prospects for development. This is what we should strive for.

Envy of friends

So after all, why don’t men like fat girls? There is a category of men who choose a companion with ideal external data in order to arouse the envy of friends, acquaintances and even passers-by. Others thereby plan to hide their complexes behind their fair half and raise their status. Not to judge, but it seems to be like this beautiful element not entirely pleasant.

Comes from childhood

Why don't men like fat women, and where does this dislike come from? Ever wondered this question? As it turns out, it comes from childhood. Everyone has visited at some point kindergarten, school. And it is at this stage that such an attitude towards fat people is formed. Constant name-calling, inventing various nicknames, negative actions to expel them from the general team. In this situation, both sides suffer. The first is what negatively affects later life, the second - from a feeling of guilt, if, of course, the term “conscience” has a place in the current actions of this category.

Why don't men like fat girls? Also, close relatives of the fair sex can influence the attitude towards fat people, which originates from childhood. For example, a mother, in the presence of her son, may complain about her figure, which does not meet the standards. And also constantly search various ways weight loss, explaining what a woman should have. This is already the deposition of information and standards in the brain, which in the future can lead to negative attitude to fat people. And as a result, this man’s choice will be a beautiful, slender girl, regardless of her character. After all, this all works automatically, on a subconscious level. Relationship with full people will forever be deprived of any feelings. But following established stereotypes is a blow to psychological state most fat women. And it is quite difficult to cope with the resulting complexes. WITH strong character, of course, women will survive everything and forget. Others may need specialist help.

Just like a mother

There are also other nuances that raise the question of why men don’t like fat women. According to the research, it became clear that guys, as if automatically, choose a companion who is similar to his mother. So if she slim woman, then his girlfriend will be the same. And accordingly, the attitude towards fat people will be neutral or negative, he simply will not notice them.


Now it’s clear why men don’t like But what can you do so that such a question does not interest you, and you are satisfied with yourself? Learn to take care of yourself and your body. Remember that you don’t need to torture yourself, otherwise it will have a bad effect on your well-being. You need to learn to accept yourself as you are. And reducing your body size will in no way make you instantly a good man. It is recommended to learn the rules of communication, forget about unnecessary complexes, develop abilities for which there is a craving, learn to enjoy every moment, and, of course, you need to love life. Know that your soul mate will definitely be wandering around the planet, and your figure will not be so important to them, but rather your personal qualities!
