So different – ​​cosmetic water for the face. Which thermal water is better to choose?

Beneficial features waters have been known for a long time, so today no one questions it invaluable contribution in weight loss, rejuvenation and restoration of health. All processes occur in the body with the participation of water, including metabolism, elimination of waste and toxins. It has a beneficial effect on all internal organs, as well as on the skin, making it elastic, smooth and fresh.

Beneficial properties of water for skin

Healthy skin always looks attractive and well-groomed. Improper functioning of the body negatively affects the condition of the skin. In particular, wrinkles and dryness may appear prematurely, and skin color may change. It turns out that the cause of such failures may be a simple lack of water in the body.

Benefits of water for skin:

  • cleansing the body;
  • prevention of premature aging;
  • getting rid of swelling.

The most important quality of water is its ability to cleanse the body. It removes impurities, allergens, toxins that negatively affect the condition of the skin. Thus, the body is naturally renewed.

Premature appearance of wrinkles, dry skin, deterioration of its tone - the reason for all this may be hidden in a lack of water. It's not for nothing that it exists a large number of cosmetic procedures aimed at enriching the skin with moisture. According to experts, to obtain the highest effectiveness of moisturizing procedures, it is necessary to act simultaneously from the outside and from the inside. In other words, they recommend drinking water and also making special moisturizing masks.

On a note! No matter how strange it may sound, water relieves swelling and does not contribute to its appearance.

It turns out that excess fluid begins to accumulate in the body not because there is a lot of it, but quite the opposite. Moreover, drinks such as coffee or tea are not considered water at all. When a woman makes such an unequal replacement, little of the required fluid enters the cells, which disrupts the processes occurring in them. As a result, swelling appears. The skin becomes sluggish, bags are often visible under the eyes, especially in the morning. Thus, the cause of edema is not excess water.

How to drink water to improve skin condition?

Support water balance important for women with any skin type. If it is dry, water will moisturize it and make it more elastic. For those who have oily skin, they often form acne, it is also necessary to replenish the body with moisture. Job sebaceous glands may be disrupted due to lack of water. As a result, the pores cannot clean themselves and a shine appears on the face. To facilitate the functioning of the body, it is recommended to drink about seven glasses of pure water per day. still water so that the entire body (and skin in particular) is cleansed.

As you know, to replenish fluid volume, you need to consume as much water as it is released from the body. From this we can conclude that the norms of water balance are individual for each woman. On average, it is recommended to drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day. Of the total volume, only a small part reaches the skin, however, this has a beneficial effect on its health.

As experts say, every woman's day should begin with a glass of clean water. It should be drunk on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. This will help launch digestive system and will provide her with stable work for the whole day. Optimal solution– drinking 2 liters of water per day in combination with a moisturizer to be used at night.

In addition, it is recommended to swim in ponds more often. You don’t have to dive headfirst, you can just plunge into the water a couple of times. In such places, the air is saturated with moisture, which will benefit every organism. Women with oily skin should periodically visit the bathhouse, which also has a beneficial effect on cleansing the pores.

High-quality water is the key to beauty and health

Today, the quality of tap water leaves much to be desired. It contains harmful impurities that accumulate in the human body and negatively affect health. Even a regular filter does not help get rid of them.

It is much healthier to use water from natural sources, for example, Biovita. It is advisable that it does not contain salt, since it tends to retain moisture in the body. Also, don't use sparkling water.

Silicon water plays a significant role in maintaining health. You can make it yourself or buy it in a store. In the first case, you will need a mineral that can be purchased at a pharmacy. It's pouring clean water taken from natural sources. It is silicon that releases beneficial substances, thanks to which the infusion becomes “healing”.

The second option is to buy a finished product. Experts recommend using Sulinka mineral silicon water. She's different high quality, does not contain harmful impurities, is suitable for treatment and daily use. Silicon water can be used not only internally, but also for washing.

The benefits of water for skin health: rules of consumption

  • don't drink too much cold water, it is desirable that it be warm or almost hot (ideally, temperature indicators water and body must match);
  • it is better to drink table water or silicon water, which contains useful substances optimal;
  • It is not recommended to boil water, especially for too long, since under the influence high temperatures its beneficial properties decrease.

Thus, if you restore the water balance of your body, you can improve your own health, which will have a positive effect on your condition. internal organs and skin. Drink quality water and shine with natural beauty!

How much water do you usually drink per day?

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PhotoElf magazine presents to you an amazingly healing elixir of beauty based on living water. We want to reassure you right away - you won’t have to pour 2 liters of water into yourself a day. We will now take only two glasses of water, but we will change its structure so that it turns into a healing elixir, and we will begin to use it according to a special scenario.

Healing water with a modified molecular structure and positive energy- living water for the face, it rejuvenates the skin well and is extremely useful when taken orally, but you need to know a few tricks of its preparation, which Foto-elf cosmetologists will now tell you about.

HOW to turn ordinary water into living water?

In order to make living water out of simple water, we will now change its structure and fill our water with positive energy. This is not difficult to do. After all, a liquid is capable of changing its properties depending on the information received. This is not fantasy, but a scientifically proven fact; we have posted information about the magical transformation of water here: “”. So, let's begin the sacrament :)

Fill two glasses plain water and place them next to the computer. Drinking from a tap (don’t forget to filter), bottled without gas, or better yet, from a well or spring is suitable. Play the audio track “Tibetan mantra for rejuvenation” or another similar healing melody.

After the water is saturated with the influence of the mantra, its molecular structure will change (see photo). This is how you get living water for your face.

This is not a computer graphics effect, but a real shot of a water molecule. Water modified in this way has amazing restorative and rejuvenating properties. This cosmetic product will not replace any advanced cream. And the effect of use will be noticeable very quickly. You will very soon believe in the power of a face mask made from living water, seeing the results it gives.

Using living water for beauty

We have prepared two glasses of water that can work miracles. Drink water from the first glass immediately after preparation in leisurely sips. And the liquid from the second must be frozen. A mold for making ice cubes (preferably with round cells) will do. As soon as you fill it with water, hurry up and immediately put it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator (useful for facial skin).

IMPORTANT! After listening to the “rejuvenation mantra,” water should not hear other sounds and expressions. Since it will lose the acquired structure, its healing properties and turns into normal drinking water, losing its healing effect.

We will use the frozen cubes for the mask. In addition, it is advisable to drink at least one glass of laced water per day. More is possible. It’s just that you won’t be able to prepare it in reserve.

Living water for the face works wonders!

To create each new portion of life-giving water, turn on the “rejuvenation mantra” immediately before preparation and use. When drinking beauty water, you need to completely relax and during this time free yourself from thoughts about unfinished business, problems, in general - throw off all the negativity (or at least try to do it).

Dedicate these few minutes to your transformation. Imagine how every cell of your body becomes healthier, how your facial skin becomes younger, saturated with healing moisture, how strength appears with every sip. Thank the rejuvenating water for these miracles.

Living water mask

  • 2-3 ice cubes(those that you froze earlier)
  • several cotton wool circles
  • cotton or linen napkin

Accept comfortable position on the bed. Try not to communicate with anyone for 10-15 minutes, but devote time only to yourself, your beloved. Place two frozen cubes in a small bowl to let them thaw a little. Don’t throw out the melted water, it will come in handy later. We take one cube and begin to gently move it over the skin of the face and neck (you can also massage the décolleté area). We act slowly, because facial skin care requires a careful, careful approach.

The procedure may be somewhat unpleasant due to exposure to cold, but do not stop. All cubes should gradually melt during rubbing. Remove excess moisture from the skin by blotting with a towel. Next, take a cotton wool disc and dip it in melt water and wet the face, eyelids, and neck well.

Facial massage

Tap your face with your fingertips to ensure complete absorption of water. Then using another cotton pad, once again moisten your face generously with life-giving moisture.

Take a horizontal position and cover your face wet wipe, lie down for about 5-7 minutes. Try to relax as much as possible, without thinking about anything at this moment.

For the first time after the procedure, you may experience mild burning and itching. This is natural and should not cause concern and means that living water for the face is beginning to effective work for skin rejuvenation.

A face mask made from living water will restore the upper layers of the skin and transfer samples of the ideal molecular structure to the cells responsible for maintaining its elasticity and firmness.

By using a life-giving mask daily, within a week you will notice that your facial skin has become significantly younger. An hour after the procedure, you will be able to feel the process of regeneration of the epidermis. On a surface skin a slight chill will be felt, and inside - pleasant warmth. After a few days, a more significant effect will be visible. The skin on the cheeks and chin, on the forehead will be evened out, the neck will become like a swan’s :)

Like this simple methods, without the use of expensive creams and complex ingredients, you can improve your skin, acquire a blooming complexion, excellent health and confidence in your irresistibility. Using water for beauty will transform any woman, while being completely accessible means for every representative of the fair sex.

The magazine “Facial Skin Care” sincerely wishes all its readers to remain irresistible at any time of the day, never lose heart, boldly face new trends, always remaining beautiful and self-confident Ladies, for whom no everyday storms are scary!

Your facial skin will say “thank you” for using living water, and we at PhotoElf say “thank you” for using the recipes that we carefully select for you, taking into account our experience traditional medicine and the competent opinion of cosmetologists.

And here please read the opinion of Professor Neumyvakin about magical properties living water.

Not everyone spends their summer on the shores of bodies of water, large and small. And everyone wants to distance themselves from the stuffiness, dust and smog. With the help of thermal water and facial sprays, you can take a refreshing shower at any time.

What are the types of facial sprays?

The ancient Romans were the first to discover thermal springs. They lie deeper than mineral ones, therefore they are cleaner, and the content of useful microelements in them is higher. The ancestors appreciated the find and set up hospitals on the shores of mountain lakes. In the 15th century, Europeans began to take underground water inside. True, not for the sake of quenching thirst, but for the treatment of gastrointestinal and vascular diseases. The doctors decided who, when and how much to drink: the drink was sold in pharmacies with a prescription. Finally, in the middle of the last century, thermal water for facial care appeared. And after it - sprays, mist, makeup fixatives.

It turns out that not all facial waters are the same. The most common - now familiar to everyone - thermal and mineral. Different manufacturers extract water from different sources, so the composition of the water differs. Some have more calcium, others sodium or selenium. Those that contain a lot of salts reduce the secretion of sebum, while low-salt ones, on the contrary, are suitable for dry skin.

New generation products are mist or mist. They are based on mineral or ordinary purified water, but enriched with all sorts of useful additives (essential oils, plant extracts, glycerin). Each performs its own function: moisturizing, removing redness, treating inflammation.

Finally, there are special sprays that fix makeup. They make the makeup long-lasting, preventing it from spreading in the heat or smearing from touching the face.

How to apply thermal water

With the start of the holiday season, thermal water is found in most travel cosmetic bags. Tired citizens take out fresh juice on board the plane and spray it on their faces. Again and again. This is the path to nowhere, both in heaven and on earth. Without additional moisturizing components even pure water from high mountain sources in ecologically clean areas will simply evaporate from the surface of the skin, thereby making it drier than before.

Correctly apply water or spray - from a distance of 10-15 cm. In this case, you can draw a circle or figure eight in the air with the bottle. Another option was suggested to cosmetologists by perfumers: you need to spray a cloud in the air and enter into it. The most important thing is not to wait until the spray on your face dries completely. A minute or two after application, excess should be removed with a napkin. This rule is especially true in the open sun, since the drops are small magnifying glasses and can cause a burn.

Five ways to use thermal water

1. For freshness

Place your face under a thermal shower whenever your skin requires freshness: in a hot or air-conditioned room, during or after cosmetic procedures (peeling, cleansing, injections), sunburn.

2. For extra hydration

Spray the mist onto cleansed skin. While your face is still wet, apply a moisturizer or mask. Thanks to this, moisture and useful components Both products will penetrate deeper.

3. For the effect of “skin like a child’s”

The child's skin is moisturized, elastic, blooming. To achieve the same effect, you will need thermal water. And a lot. Apply it after every step of your skin care and makeup routine: after serum, moisturizer, primer, foundation, decorative cosmetics. The skin should be saturated with life-giving moisture, but not wet.

4. For a wet finish

Don't know how to get rid of a dense powdery finish that emphasizes wrinkles even where there are none? Spray your face with mineral water from a spray bottle. This way you will get rid of dull dullness and get healthy glowing skin in return.

5. To extend the durability of makeup

Apply over the finished makeup in the same way as on a “naked” face: spray, wait a couple of minutes, blot with a napkin. Do not bring the can closer than 10 cm, otherwise the makeup may float. It is convenient to moisten a brush with the same spray to apply shadows wet.

Thermal water and facial sprays: site selection

Thermal water from the depths of the Auvergne volcanoes restores, soothes, enhances natural protective properties skin. Contains minerals necessary for skin health: calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, silicon.

This water is for sensitive skin rich in the natural antioxidant selenium. The microelement instantly moisturizes and eliminates discomfort, and when regular use prevents skin aging.

Facial beauty water Caudalie

In this publication I will tell you about how great benefits of melt water to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin. After all, water is a universal cosmetic skin care product.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers tried to use rain or melt (from snow) water to care for their skin and hair. But nowadays we can’t be sure environmental safety such water. IN modern conditions In life, we usually use tap water and, unfortunately, rarely boil it for water procedures.

Tap water often has high hardness. Look inside your kettle and imagine how much damage you are doing to your skin with such water. Therefore, I recommend that you tone it down a little tap water, adding soda to it (0.5 tsp per 1 liter of boiled water).

In the last few years professional cosmetologists became seriously interested in melt water. The benefits of melt water invaluable for skin and health in general.

Properties of melt water for skin rejuvenation:

  1. Melt water acts on skin structures as a biostimulant.
  2. For some time it retains the ice crystal lattice.
  3. The structure of the melt water molecule is identical to the structure of water molecules in the cells of the human body.
  4. Melt water is easily incorporated into human tissue and stimulates metabolic processes in the skin.

By washing your face with melt water, you stimulate skin cells to renew and collagen and elastin fibers to restore. Melt water improves your complexion, making it fresh and youthful.

You can read about homemade methods for preparing melt water on many health websites or watch educational videos on YouTube. The only thing I would like to add is that it is not as troublesome as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to decide to pamper yourself and your skin with water with an ideal (relict) crystalline structure.

Melt water can serve you both as washing water and as a tonic instead of tonic. It is important to know that after melting water, the skin does not tighten or dry out, although this does not mean that you do not need to use a moisturizer.

Melt water can be used to prepare decoctions from medicinal plants, then freeze again in special ice containers and use for light massage face cubes of frozen broth. This procedure has an excellent effect on the skin of the face, neck, and breasts, tightening it and stimulating cell renewal.

Be always young and beautiful like Spring!

IN Lately thermal water has gained great popularity. Now it is used not only as health treatment for the body, but also for the beauty of the face.

What it is

Thermal water is, roughly speaking, the same mineral liquid, but from underground sources, where it is constantly heated. As a result, when it is removed, it still remains warm and retains many useful substances, such as iodine, magnesium and calcium.

It becomes indispensable when you need to quickly moisturize your facial skin with makeup applied or in any other cases.


The main thing when choosing this water is to always pay attention to the composition. It is important to make sure that no harmful elements are added to the product, which will definitely not help your skin, but can also cause harm.

For example, water packaged in plastic bottle, can quickly lose their healthy vitamins and become unusable, so manufacturers often season it with preservatives. And this significantly reduces the quality of thermal water and increases the possibility of allergic reactions.

If the packaging is sealed and metal, then the product in it can retain its beneficial properties for up to a year.


Thermal water is:

  • Isotonic. With a neutral acidity level, it can soothe and relieve any inflammation and irritation. Good for any skin, but, most importantly, for sensitive and irritation-prone skin. Gives moisture, protects, has an antibacterial effect and mattifies;

  • Hypertensive, with a large amount of mineral salts. Good for oily and mixed skin. Copes with inflammation, including acne, dries the skin, soothes;

  • Hypotonic, having a low salt content. Ideal for dry skin. Heals wounds, has an anti-inflammatory agent, makes the skin soft and creates a feeling of cleanliness and comfort;

  • High in selenium. Protects the face from aging, heals, soothes, and copes with inflammation. Suitable for any aging skin;

  • With plant additives or essential oils . Depending on the exact composition of these products, they can have deep treatment for all skin types. The good thing is that you can choose a product for specific problems or needs.

Beneficial features

An indisputable fact is that the benefits of thermal water lie in its naturalness and high content valuable substances. But there are several other points according to which it is useful.

  • Removes excessive dryness of the skin. For example, when it’s a hot day on a sandy beach and the whole body is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, or after a session in the solarium. Be that as it may, the use of thermal water will not only moisturize the skin well, but also protect it;
  • It also protects the face from other weather influences., for example, wind, snow, cold and so on;
  • It is good to use both before applying cosmetics and after. After all, this will help the skin refresh and create the appearance of an even layer;
  • Improves blood circulation on the face. This results in the cells receiving more oxygen, and the skin becomes renewed and youthful;
  • Excellent effect on cleansing the skin of oil and greasy shine;
  • If you use this remedy regularly, it eliminates acne and other rashes;
  • Due to the beneficial substances contained in thermal water, it improves the complexion quite a lot.

Even more about the benefits of thermal water in the next video.


IN modern cosmetology thermal water is used in many products for dry, normal and oily skin faces. And also sold separately, in full in kind. For convenience, this is a bottle of spray, the contents of which can be sprayed on the face at any time, as well as carried with you.

Advice from cosmetologists on how to use thermal water They agree on one thing - if you use this product regularly, the skin will acquire a completely different color and will feel completely different. There is another way to look better - apply water to your skin before applying any other cosmetic product. Then desired effect will increase twofold.

How to use it correctly

Thermal water should be sprayed on the face from a distance of about thirty centimeters. After application, you need to let the skin dry and blot the residue with a napkin or cotton pad.

It is good to apply the spray before using day and night cream - this will enhance the effect and the skin will look even better. Water can also be used as the final step in cleansing the face, after peeling or scrub. It is also often used instead of tonic. You can replace it with the effect of masks or prepare them yourself at home.


Thermal water can now be found in any store. As a rule, it is sold in the form of a spray, because it is much more convenient to apply it to the skin and take it with you. But you can also cook it yourself. The advantage of this method is that you will definitely be confident in the naturalness and quality of your product.

And the cooking method is extremely simple. You just need to take good sparkling mineral water and leave the bottle open overnight so that everything harmful substances came out of it. After that, for ease of use, pour the water into a spray bottle - and your homemade moisturizer is ready.

Important detail: If you plan to apply water over your makeup, it's worth getting a spray bottle with fine holes that sprays your face with a sort of mist of water rather than droplets.

If you want more variety, you can make water with additives.

  • Decoction. You can add it to water for additional care, and all you need is to know your skin type. For example, for fatty suitable for skin mint or sage, chamomile will do for normal, and dry ones will receive excellent care with linden. Add a large spoon of herbs to 200 milliliters of boiling water, turn it off after a minute and let it brew. Add to water at a ratio of 70 to 30.

  • From summer dryness honey will help. Add a quarter teaspoon of honey to 100 milliliters of thermal water and mix thoroughly. Honey will provide nutrition and hydration.

  • Lemon juice will help regulate skin oiliness. Therefore, if you encounter such problems, add a teaspoon of lemon juice to 100 milliliters of water and the fat content will go away.

  • Essential oils. The recipes here are endless, you can combine them however you like, they will still nourish the skin and fill it with aroma. True, they are not so easy to dissolve in water. Honey will come to your aid sea ​​salt. If you mix any oil with them, it will dissolve easily.

Remember one thing: additives are good, but you need to understand that you should choose those substances that smell pleasant to you and do not cause irritation. Otherwise, leaving will not bring you any pleasure.

And now a video - a recipe for making thermal water.

Popular brands


French thermal water contains a high silicon concentration. And its presence, in turn, helps strengthen capillaries, improve blood circulation, and protect against external influences, strengthens the immune system and eliminates the bad effects of free radicals. Contains almost no salts, so it does not dry out the skin.

It is good at softening, soothing and generally reduces the effects of itching, irritation, and so on. Revitalizes and restores skin. Good for children as it is very gentle, but also suitable for sensitive dry skin.

The volume is usually 50, 150 or 300 milliliters. The cost is around 500 rubles.


One of its kind, isotonic thermal water can replenish salt in the body, as well as maintain the composition of blood plasma. Roughly speaking, this solution is very close to the composition of our blood. When using, it is recommended not to wipe it off your face, but to let it absorb.

Soothes, moisturizes the skin at a mineral level, gets rid of dehydration, improves immunity and protects against natural influences like wind, frost or heat. Suitable for children and even newborns, and even just for dehydrated or inflamed skin.

Volume from 50 to 300 milliliters. The price is around 250-850 rubles.

La Roche Posay

Volume 50, 150 and 300 milliliters. The average price reaches 500 rubles.


I am the

Successfully fights external damage and stress, as well as the effects of environment. Perfectly moisturizes, nourishes tired skin with freshness and cleanliness. This product is the so-called “two in one”, so it not only takes care of the skin, but also helps remove makeup at the end of a hard day.
