How to remove tan spots on the face. Traditional methods for removing tan

The tan does not always lie beautifully on the skin. even color. It happens that the face tans unevenly, peels off, and freckles or age spots appear. Wearing bangs sunglasses also results in light patches remaining on the skin, while the nose or cheeks may become sunburnt. How to quickly remove tan from your face? You can resort to the help of beauty salons, but you don’t always have the time and money to visit them. There are effective home remedies for lightening your skin.

How to quickly remove tan from your face?

How to remove tan at home?

Return to facial skin natural color can be done using homemade masks, lotions or various available funds cosmetics.

Face masks with whitening effect

Here are some easy recipes.

1. Cucumber mask. Grate the cucumber and mix with the white of a raw egg. Apply to damp skin cleansed of cosmetics and leave for 10-15 minutes. You can cut the cucumber into slices, but then the effect will not be so bright.

2. Honey and lemon mask. Mix honey and lemon juice in equal quantities, spread the mixture over your face and leave for 15 minutes. Afterwards use moisturizer.

3. Parsley mask. Grind a large bunch of parsley in a blender, add rich thick sour cream. Apply the mask to your face for 15-20 minutes.

Facial lotions

To quickly cope with the task of removing a tan in a couple of days, you can wipe your face with lotions.

1. Parsley lotion. Pour boiling water over chopped parsley in the proportion of 6 tablespoons of greens per glass of liquid. Leave for a day, strain, wipe your face throughout the day.

2. Lemon lotion. Cut the lemon into small pieces along with the peel, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for a day, strain. Do not use when dry, sensitive skin faces.

Cosmetical tools

You can avoid going to a beauty salon if you have cosmetic arsenal products that can be used at home. These include creams with a whitening effect; they contain fruit acids and accelerate the regeneration processes of the upper layers of the epidermis.

How to remove tan from skin? This is a question many people ask. The tan does not always come out perfect and even. Tell me, have you never sunbathed in a T-shirt, glasses, flip-flops? Exactly! This happens all the time, especially when the insidious sun just begins to warm you with its warm rays.

What about the consequences of self-tanning? Not all of these products are applied evenly; walking in the form of a leopard is not the most pleasant experience. Let's then figure out how to get rid of tanning on your face and body at home.

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Method 1

Traditional methods- the most effective and proven. Ordinary yogurt can help you cope with an unsuccessful tan. This is very affordable way, because yogurt is sold in any grocery store. To get rid of a tan, you need to lubricate your body and face with this every night before going to bed. fermented milk product, you can do this with a cotton swab or gauze. The curdled milk should be left on the body for 20 minutes so that it dries and is absorbed into the skin.

After the time has passed, wash everything off with cool water. Curdled milk will not only whiten your skin, but will also help narrow enlarged pores and remove greasy shine and smooth out small wrinkles.

Method 2

An equally effective way to quickly remove a tan is to use potato juice. It's very simple: you just need to grate it raw potatoes and lubricate the skin with this paste, making sure that the juice remains there. You need to sit with this “mask” for about 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water. Of course, this is not a one-time procedure. You will have to do such masks for several days in a row, or even a week, to achieve desired result. For greater effect, you can add lemon juice to potato juice.

Method 3

Citrus fruits - lemon, grapefruit - are good for skin whitening. Citrus juice should be mixed with honey, yogurt, sour cream, since it is used in pure form it is not allowed. The resulting mixture is applied to the face and body and left for 15-20 minutes. In addition to whitening the skin, this excellent product will help soften it, make it firm and elastic, smooth out wrinkles and fill it with nutrients. By the way, if you crush citrus peels and mix them with the same ingredients, you will get another excellent mask for removing tan.

Method 4

Green parsley has long been used as a remedy for freckles. It also works great on unwanted tanning. To do this, pour a tablespoon of parsley into a glass of boiling water. The mixture must be infused until the water cools. The resulting infusion is filtered using gauze. You need to wipe your skin with this product as often as possible. By the way, you can also make a decoction based on parsley. You need to boil it for about five minutes. You can make compresses with this decoction. Parsley is very wonderful at brightening the skin, removing swelling and even getting rid of acne.

Method 5

White clay (kaolin) is used in cosmetology as part of many masks; it is no less effective in reducing inflammation, whitening the skin and getting rid of acne and facial wrinkles. You can prepare it at home great mask based on it.

  1. One tablespoon of white clay should be mixed with cucumber juice or parsley/strawberry/strawberry juice.
  2. The resulting mass should be quite thick.
  3. It is worth adding lemon juice to the general mixture.
  4. The resulting mask is applied to the face and body and left for 15-20 minutes.
  5. After this, it must be removed with lukewarm water.

Method 6

For those who like it harder, there is another one. You need to use a variety of scrubs and gamages as often as possible. Choose depending on your skin type. Washcloths are an invariable assistant in this matter. If you rub your body with special purpose, the top layer of the epidermis will come off along with the boring or unsightly tan. By the way, these procedures perfectly improve blood circulation, body function and speed up all metabolic processes.

Method 7

Cucumbers are an excellent bleach. Of course, it’s difficult to cover yourself with sliced ​​cucumbers and lie still; at most, this can only be done for the face. But there is a way out. Use cucumber lotion. You can buy it at any cosmetic store, or you can prepare it at home very quickly and easily. To do this, cucumber juice is mixed with 0.5 vodka. Wipe your body and face with this lotion twice a day. After use, it is best to put this product in the refrigerator.


Many girls love to sunbathe. Some people prefer to wear a tan all year round, and even in winter they visit the solarium. This is not surprising - a tanned body looks more fit and slender, tanned face- It has even tone, and a pleasant procedure lifts your spirits. But it happens that tanning is undesirable. When a tan is already on the skin and it turns out that it is not suitable, the question arises: how to quickly get rid of a tan at home, painlessly and effectively? If unsightly spots remain on your face after tanning, then the question: how to quickly remove tan from your face at home so that no marks remain becomes very relevant. The solution to these issues is great importance, since the consequences of unsuccessful tanning will be visible to others.

How to quickly get rid of a tan at home (from the face and body): folk methods

During summer period every woman tries to give her skin beautiful shade tanning But unfortunately, this does not always work out. If this suddenly happens, then do not panic, as there are several effective ways, thanks to which you can learn how to quickly get rid of a tan at home and apply any of the methods on yourself.

  • Add one fresh grated cucumber to the lemon juice. The prepared mass is applied to the face and body for 20 minutes. Then the mask is washed off with warm water without cosmetics. This procedure can be repeated daily until the skin tone becomes the same;
  • You need to add lemon juice to any homemade mask for face. Mix a tablespoon of sour cream with olive oil and chicken yolk. Add the juice of half a small lemon. Blend to a homogeneous consistency using a blender and apply to the skin of the face and neck area. Rinse off with warm water after 20 - 25 minutes. There is no need to apply cream to your face after this mask.
  1. Ground coffee. To remove tan from the entire body, you need to use scrubs and peels. Can buy ready-made product, for example, shower gel-peeling. Or you can cook it yourself. An effective and fast-acting remedy is ground coffee. Coffee cake, which remains after brewing coffee, is added to shower gel. After the first dose water procedures With a coffee scrub, the tan will noticeably fade, and after the next shower it will disappear completely. You can use coffee in your shower gel regularly, coffee scrub cleanses the skin well of impurities and dead cells. As a result, the skin becomes velvety. Plus, the subtle aroma of coffee makes this procedure very pleasant;
  2. Sea salt. To whiten your skin using sea salt, you will need coarse sea ​​salt and a washcloth in the form of a hard mitten. The essence of the procedure is simple - you need to accept hot bath to prepare the body for peeling. Then get under the shower, put on a shower mitt and, scooping salts into it, rub your entire body well, especially the most tanned areas of the skin. After the procedure, take a shower and thoroughly rinse off any remaining salt, dry yourself with a towel, apply nourishing lotion or body cream. Salt peeling is not suitable for everyone.

It is important to know! Any type of peeling is aggressive influence on the skin. After sunbathing, its sensitivity is especially high, so it is recommended to exfoliate at home no more than once a week.

People whose blood vessels are located close to the surface of the skin, have injuries, wounds and skin diseases, as well as diseases of blood vessels and veins, are contraindicated for this procedure;

  1. Dairy products, which are no less effective at removing an unsuccessful tan. To do this, you need to slightly warm up kefir, sour cream or yogurt and apply a thick layer to the areas of the skin where you want to remove the tan. After 20 minutes, wash off the applied mixture with warm water. This mask can be applied several times a day until the desired result is achieved;
  2. Apple vinegar. It must be exclusively natural origin. Before purchasing, you should carefully read the instructions for its composition. It should not contain flavorings or preservatives. To whiten skin, vinegar must be mixed in a 1:1 ratio with boiled cool water. Then it is wetted in the resulting solution small towel or a napkin from cotton fabric and placed on the face;
  3. Bath procedures. The simplest and effective method, in which you don’t need to know many ways to quickly get rid of a tan at home, is to go to the bathhouse, taking with you a scrub for the whole body, a hard washcloth and a pumice stone for the feet. During bath procedures, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin of dead cells using a scrub, for example, ground coffee. Thus acquired chocolate shade it will go away much faster. If you regularly perform cleansing bath procedures, then the natural skin color will not be slow to appear.

Any of the listed methods will allow you to find the answer to the question: how to quickly remove tan from your face at home and get desired effect without problems, pain and additional difficulties.

The need to quickly remove tan and whiten skin arises fundamentally different situations. The seductive bronze skin tone is considered incredibly sexy, and now it is back in fashion, despite the recent craze of most girls for aristocratic pallor.

When does whitening become necessary?

Sometimes it happens that the tan can be uneven, which significantly worsens the aesthetic perception of the face. For example, if a woman sunbathed with glasses, white streaks remain in their place, and the rest of the face acquires a chocolate tint (especially if there is a tendency to rapid sun exposure).

Another case is that you have overextended your time in the sun or tanning salon and are now suffering from excess flaking of your skin. As a result, uneven shades formed on its surface, which are urgently needed. "sweep".

Or maybe you just don’t want to be tanned, and suddenly decided that this interferes with your attractiveness?

Then we will tell you how to get rid of tan at home. Quite aggressive procedures performed in outpatient clinical or salon conditions. If your skin is sensitive, or you are against radical chemical peels in principle, try getting by with the procedures home cosmetology.

So, how to quickly remove tan at home?

Lemon juice in the fight for “aristocratic pallor”

If you are looking for ways to remove tan from your face, the first and simplest thing that can help you is regular lemon juice. Of course, it is very important that it be natural - in this case it will not work lemon acid, diluted with water in certain proportions.


Citric acid, like any other organic acid, in principle, can quickly remove from the skin the very pigment melanin synthesized during any insolation (both natural and artificial). To whiten your skin with it, you can practice regular peeling. To do this you will need freshly squeezed juice of one lemon and cotton pad. First, draw liquid onto the swab, wetting it generously.

Why start treating the surface of your face using circular massage movements. Skin in mandatory must be thoroughly cleaned with foam or gel (or better yet, a special tonic or lotion) before performing this procedure. It should be performed every evening, just before bed. There is no need to wash off lemon juice from your face, since it is absorbed quite quickly and does not harm your epidermis in any way when used superficially.

Essential oil

If regular concentrated lemon juice doesn't seem right to you best solution your task, you can use essential oil lemon. It has pleasant smell and optimal structure for application to the face. But it’s better to mix it with the base vegetable oil, for example, grape or apricot kernel. Approximate proportion – three drops of essential concentrate per tablespoon base oil. You can also apply this composition to the skin overnight, instead of cream.


How else to quickly get rid of a tan by using lemon juice?

You can try the following mask:

After this procedure, it will not be superfluous to tonify the face using ice from herbal infusions or decoctions, especially those plants that also have a bleaching effect.

Parsley: how to use it to remove tan?

Parsley is not only a well-known herbal concentrate ascorbic acid, but also a famous lightening agent. With its help you can get rid of unwanted tanning, freckles and age spots. The product should be used either in the form of a decoction or in concentrated form (juice).


Parsley juice is a more effective remedy. How to wash off a fresh tan with it? You can freeze it and use ice for your face wash and morning routine. "cryomassage". If you begin to carry out such a pleasant and uncomplicated procedure every morning, very soon you will get rid of the tan, which in this moment is unacceptable to you. Skin lightening after using parsley appears almost immediately. However, in order to completely remove residues "bronze" from the skin, you may need anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months, depending on how severe the tan is.


If you use a decoction of parsley root or leaves, you should not expect an immediate effect from its use. The juice works much faster. However, as you understand, when preparing juice you will have to "tinker", especially if you don’t have a juicer at home and you do it manually (that is, using a meat grinder).

The decoction is made like this:

Since this product is the softest of all listed, you can carry out "washing" them several times a day. You can also freeze it and treat your face in the morning with ice cubes from this decoction (in this case, you don’t have to decant or throw away the cake, but use it when freezing).

Nourishing mask with whitening effect

Many women wonder how to whiten their face from tanning so as not to harm the skin, but rather, nourish and moisturize it? Nothing could be easier!

For this purpose, you can use a mask based on cucumber pulp. It is especially relevant in the hot summer, as it can deeply saturate the skin with life-giving moisture and protect against overexposure ultraviolet rays.


To make the cucumber stick better to your face, it is advisable to grate its pulp using a grater with any size perforations. It’s a good idea to mix the pulp with the protein. chicken egg(or two proteins quail eggs). You need to keep this composition on your face for at least half an hour, and the anointing procedure itself should be done on a daily basis until the skin acquires the desired shade.

There are many ways, and even ready-made cosmetics, with which you can quickly and safely lighten your skin tone.

Please note that home care products and remedies do not work instantly, so you will need patience to complete what you started.

But using home remedies will be more beneficial for general condition skin. But if you need to remove your tan urgently, consult a cosmetologist. He will offer you superficial acid peeling, series professional masks or photo correction.

The main reason many people visit the beach is to achieve a beautiful bronze shade, which has been considered desirable and fashionable for many years. But, unfortunately, the effect of sunbathing It doesn't always turn out exactly the way we would like. How to get rid of a tan? Let's try to answer this question.

How to get rid of a tan using folk remedies

It is difficult to disagree with the fact that the safest and at the same time effective means that will help get rid of tan - these are natural products. Here are some of the simplest options.

1. How to get rid of a tan using potato juice . So, take raw potatoes, rub them, lubricate the skin with the resulting gruel, the main thing is not to drain the juice. Then, wait ten to fifteen minutes, after which we wash the pulp off the body with cool water. Naturally, you shouldn’t count on getting instant results, because potato juice will help get rid of unwanted tanning in a couple of sessions.

2. Lemon juice is considered equally effective.this remedy will help get rid of tan. But it cannot be used in its pure form. Therefore, lemon juice must be mixed with yogurt, tomato or cucumber juice. Apply this product to your skin for fifteen to twenty minutes and rinse with warm water. Usually the most effective result It is obtained when yogurt, tomato and cucumber juice are mixed.

3. Also, in order to get rid of tan, you can use cucumber. This product will help lighten the skin. First, you need to wash your face thoroughly with warm water to remove excess oil and dirt, then wipe your body and face. massage movements cucumber, not forgetting to renew the cut. This rubbing must be continued until the cucumber is finished.

4. How to get rid of a tan using white clay . Take a tablespoon of white clay (kaolin), mix with a small amount of cucumber or diluted lemon juice. Apply the mask for 5-10 minutes, rinse with water. The mask has a strong whitening and exfoliating agent.

How to remove tan using cosmetics

If you wish remove tan , then different gommages and scrubs will help you in this matter. Here you can use absolutely any cosmetic products that will be ideal for your skin type. Besides, good result They provide washcloths, but before using them you need to thoroughly steam the skin in a sauna or hot bath. Such procedures will ensure the removal of unwanted tanning, significantly improve blood circulation, and this has positive influence for restoration processes.

As for scrubs, they help exfoliate dead skin flakes that form as a result of tanning. Using this cosmetic product, you will be able to remove the tan much faster.

Go to section: Facial skin care, cosmetology: homemade masks, natural cosmetics, peeling

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