27 lunar day for hair cutting. Negative impact of the day

To make your hair grow healthy and beautiful after a haircut, try to choose to visit a hairdresser auspicious days. Such days are easy to determine by the lunar haircut calendar.

The condition of our hair is influenced by 4 factors:

  1. The position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac
  2. Lunar days
  3. Moon phases
  4. Days of the week

The days of the week have the least impact on the condition of the hair and their importance is not always taken into account. To visit a beauty salon, you need to choose days when all or at least most of these factors will have a beneficial effect on hair cutting.

The lunar haircut calendar for September can be viewed here:

Moon 09/27/2018 (Thursday)

19 lunar day
Moon phase: Decreasing in the 3rd phase
Zodiac sign: Taurus ♉
Moon illumination: 95%

Next full moon: 24 October 2018 19:44
Next new moon: October 9, 2018 06:46
Distance to the Moon: 385593 km, middle moon

The influence of the moon on a haircut

Moon in the sign Taurus ♉

Today 09/27/2018 you can cut your hair. A haircut made during the period when the Moon was under the influence of Taurus, for a long time will keep desired shape that will grab the attention of others. Cutting the strands will saturate the hair with essential nutrients, they will become much stronger and thicker. This beautiful time for cutting split ends - in the future, the hair will grow back healthy.

19 lunar days

By shortening the length of the strands on this day, you can attract longevity. Hair cutting today will strengthen the immune system, help you easily get rid of the diseases that have arisen and contribute to the emergence of increased interest from the opposite sex.

Decreasing in the 3rd phase

According to the lunar calendar of haircuts, this is the period when you can experiment with new colors, if you wish, you can dye the strands in different tones. If you are disappointed with the result, do not worry - the paint will wash off in just 1-2 weeks. Procedures for strengthening and improving hair during the waning moon will quickly give positive effect, but the hair cut today will grow back for a long time.


Sign of Jupiter: an auspicious day, a visit to the hairdresser will establish relationships with others, and you will quickly find a solution to existing problems. social problems. On this day, it is recommended to cut their hair for those who feel unhappy and believe that they are haunted by failure. In this case, a haircut will make you more popular and successful. People born on Wednesday should avoid shortening their hair.

Excellent day!
Auspicious day for updating hairstyles

27 lunar days allow you to get a lot of valuable information by providing selfless help. This is self-education, spiritual search. He helps to lift new level their awareness, thanks to which it is possible to discover the essence of things and learn many secrets.

Description of the day

On the 27th lunar day, the soul resonates with the mind, and therefore you get the opportunity to find the right answers to all your questions. And your own intuition will help in this.

The great wisdom of your kind opens before you, and, turning to the roots, you will be filled with the power of your ancestors. For this reason, funerals, funeral rites are held today and long-gone relatives are remembered.

Now is a good time to educate yourself. On this day new information digested easily. But at the same time, one should not indulge in laziness. Scientific expeditions, travels, as well as trips will be successful. The main thing is that their goal is to gain new knowledge or the desire to find a spiritual path.

Since the characteristic of 27 lunar days is associated with the element of water, work with it will be very successful. You can take a boat trip, any water procedures and if on the street snowing or rain - thank the Universe for them and go to Fresh air. It will clear the mind and energize. The power of the water element is very powerful, and it will definitely bring you a cottage.

However, if you concentrate spiritual search exclusively on itself, then the lunar day will have a negative impact. Self-admiration is forbidden today, and therefore try to look in the mirror less often. Otherwise, you risk developing an inferiority complex. You should also not pay attention to domestic aspects.

Let go of your thoughts, allow yourself to look wider - you will be surprised, as you will understand that behind every event and phenomenon there is a hidden meaning. And what was previously a mystery to you, today will become clear and understandable. And do not forget to make a wish - it will surely come true. Give an outlet to your energy, and it will certainly improve the course of your affairs.


The value of 27 lunar days for business is very high. Do not plan important transactions for today. The only thing that will give positive result is an organization charitable foundation. You can start the development of a project whose activities will be aimed at helping those in need, sponsorship, donations and any socially useful work are also allowed.

In other areas of activity, you will fail. Any financial transactions will become unprofitable. Today you should set the course for good deeds, and they will definitely return to you in the form of the favor of fate.

And in order not to harm your business, just look at the lunar calendar. For example, the moon in May 2018 calls dates such as 1, 10.14, 15, 24 favorable for financial transactions.


Medications on this day it is not recommended to take, if not urgent need. This is due to the fact that on the 27th lunar day, medicines have a strong by-effect which will negatively affect health.

Today development is possible allergic reactions, the lymphatic and circulatory system. Keep away from cold and drafts.

For health, any water procedures will be useful, and therefore it is worth planning a trip to the sauna, bathhouse or just taking a bath. Wherein cold water do not use and do not bathe in reservoirs in which there are springs or cold springs.


On the 27th lunar day, it will be easy to make acquaintances with those who are authority for you, as well as with older people. And when talking with each new person, it will seem to you that you have known him for more than one year. This is a great opportunity to look at yourself and relationships in general in a new way. If you used to also quite calmly make contact with new people, you were wondering what they think about, how they live, now you can feel real expanse. And for beginners, this time will allow you to do the so-called work on mistakes and finally learn how to make acquaintances right on the street.

However, you do not need to be too persistent and immediately invite a new acquaintance / acquaintance to your home. After such a bold proposal, your interlocutor will immediately have doubts, and his trust in you will be undermined. And despite all the ease today in terms of new acquaintances, the romance that has begun will not become long - the relationship will become obsolete in a few months.

This day is good for carefree love, in which there will be no nagging, jealousy, conditions or anything like that. You need to spend it in peace of mind. And if you recently quarreled with your soulmate, then 27 lunar days are the most in the best way suitable for reconciliation.


Playing a wedding today is recommended for those couples whose relationships have been tested by time. At the same time, it is desirable that the holiday is not too noisy. This evening it is worth gathering only the closest people at the table, celebrating it quietly and calmly. This will become a guarantee of a lasting union, and the spouses will carry their love through life.

And if your relationship is harmonious, and you want to seal it in marriage in 2018, take a look at the lunar calendar. 27 days fall on January 14, February 11, March 14, April 13, the moon in May favors marriage on the 12th, in June - the 11th, in July - 10, in August - 9, in September - 7, in October - 6, in November - 5 and in December - 4.

27 lunar days are considered ideal for the first wedding night. And since they are aimed at spiritual enrichment, then intimacy should reflect this - include the practice of tantra in it, today the merging should be filled with feelings.

At the same time, making love near water or in water is not recommended. This can negatively affect your health, especially the genitourinary system.


Conception from 26 to 27 lunar days will give this world a person whose main qualities will be tenderness and kindness. He will devote his life to caring for loved ones, experiencing the deepest affection for them. He will be reluctant to visit various kinds of trips to camps and other children's institutions - it is always better for such a child at home.

But kindness should not be abused, since the intuition of these people is curled quite strongly. Feeling the slightest manipulation, a person born on the 27th lunar day will immediately change his attitude towards you and withdraw into himself.

Characteristics of people born on the 27th lunar day

On the 27th lunar day, seekers are born. They are constantly in search of truth and try to unravel the mysteries of this world. They make excellent spiritual mentors, they are able to give good advice around and gladly share own experience and knowledge.

Those born on the 27th lunar day are not tied to stereotypes and do not live in illusions. They like the changes and surprises that fill their lives. Such people love to travel, they are considered romantics and dreamers. It is difficult for them to sit in one place. At the same time, hermits are often found among them, which is associated with the inability to manage finances. They hide from the world mainly because of debts.

Conflict born on the 27th lunar day is not typical. They are capable of expressing strong emotions, but at the same time always remain in a relaxed state. They have a well-developed intuition, which helps to accept right decisions. Such people are close to mysticism and everything connected with it, they often become healers or psychoanalysts.

The main task is to implement spiritual potential and complete self-confidence, otherwise bad habits and doubts will prevail, which will lead to disastrous consequences. Having a kind soft disposition, they are characterized strong word, which is brought to life, even if it was uttered in passing.

People born on this day are often equal. They are noble and attractive to members of the opposite sex. They have a fairly strong sexual energy, which is why the number of connections is relatively large. But at the same time, they always strive to find that same spiritual love.

The 27th lunar day in May 2018 falls on the 12th. And those born on this day should remember that they will benefit water element. Serious physical exercise. Under the ban - the use of alcoholic beverages.

Esoteric aspect

Today, practices aimed at uniting with the world and charity will become very effective. Thanks to the latter, a deep understanding of everything that happens will come.

Rituals are also productive, thanks to which it will be possible to summon spirits. Communication with representatives of different elements and light forces will give a huge boost of energy.


When the 27th lunar day begins, you should avoid mirrors and other smooth surfaces, looking at which you can see your own reflection. According to signs, this will cause trouble.

Dream interpretation

Dreams that you dream become a reflection of your relationship with the outside world. And in order to correctly interpret the symbols you see, just trust your intuition. It is important to use the information received correctly. It can be a real revelation, the destruction of illusions.

Dreams on the 27th lunar day are the cry of your subconscious, which is trying to reveal reality as it really is. Perhaps you are so mired in your past that the present moment simply ceased to exist. But it is important to always be here and now - this is what life is. Moreover, the dreams of this lunar day point to things that should be urgently parted. They interfere with you not only today, but will become superfluous in the future.

Now, thanks to dreams, you have unique opportunity conduct detailed analysis their failures and correct all mistakes. And in order to correctly understand the symbols that have appeared, which you are intuitively unable to cope with, refer to the dream book of the waning moon.


A haircut on the 27th lunar day will be useful. It will bring charm to your image and distinguish it from the rest. will be especially successful model haircuts. Since the moon is waning on this day, hair will grow slowly, which will keep it attractive. appearance for a long time.

Today you can also dye your hair. It is worth choosing a shade that will be radically different from yours. natural color. That's how you attract streams positive energy, which, in turn, will give well-being and help improve health.

practice of the day

Thanks to a deep connection with the cosmos and maximum intuition, you can change your attitude and get a more colorful picture, and the following practice will help with this.

Choose a time when no one will disturb you. Sit down, take comfortable posture- better sitting, so that the energy can pass through a straight line of the spine. Relax and close your eyes. For a few seconds, listen to your breathing, but do not influence it. Just watch from the sidelines. This will help you let go of the chaotic flow of thoughts. Then turn your attention to the region of the heart, listen, feel your inner self. Do not analyze, do not invent anything, just take the incoming information, follow its natural course. Try to feel the space energy level and dissolve your consciousness in it.

Spend 5-7 minutes in this state. At the end, cover your face with your palms and mentally wash it, then open your eyes. After this practice, you will be able to feel a surge of strength and peace.

Do you know what haircuts are in fashion now? We will tell you - the same as ten years ago, just stylists come up with some new feature every year, place new accents, always relying on different things. It is difficult to understand this diversity, but still it is possible and necessary to single out the best. We present to your attention 30 haircuts that you simply cannot help but try!

1. Kare with bangs

If you have straight hair, then this haircut is for you. After all, it will emphasize the shine and smoothness of your hair, and by changing the styling, you can create every time new look according to the occasion.

But owners of curly hair should not ignore this haircut! Waves will only emphasize your love of freedom!

Kare looks great regardless of hair length

2. Kare without bangs

A beautiful haircut that looks great on both straight hair and wavy hair. You can twist your hair in or out, straighten it, style it in a “triangle”, whip it into a creative mess. Show your imagination! Consult with a hairdresser who will tell you which length and shape suits you best.

3. Classics of the genre - the good old bob with clear contours

Yes, this haircut still does not lose its relevance, and if you have not tried it yet - urgently correct the situation! Moreover, with a bob you can look elegant and feminine with hair of any length.

4. Add texture: soft bob and bob

If you lack romance, feel free to choose this haircut, especially since there are a lot of variations of execution. And no one will suspect you in the absence of romance!

5. Haircuts with elongated side strands

You can make strands of one or different lengths, straighten hair, emphasizing the haircut lines, make careless styling… Experiment!

6. Trendy haircuts you should try: oblique bangs

Hairstyles with bangs on the oblique are still in fashion. And no wonder what else will add such mystery to your image?

7. Grunge

If you like to look catchy, bright, extravagant and stand out from the crowd, then you simply have to try the Grunge style haircut. And if you suddenly need to turn into a more modest person, nothing prevents you from removing the increased “shaggyness” by pinning your hair.

8. Down with symmetry!

Yes, asymmetry is back in fashion, doesn't that make you happy?

9. Trendy haircuts: cascade

Do you think the cascade is hopelessly outdated? Are you wrong? This haircut stubbornly does not give up its positions, remaining the most popular for decades. If you haven't tried it yet, then do it now. What if someday the cascade will give way to something new, and you will not have time to enjoy the variety of styling?

10. Graduation

Great option for wavy hair but if you have straight hair, don't despair! You, too, can "play" with this haircut. Tousle your hair with a styling product or highlight individual strands with wax.

11. Fashionable haircuts: focus on bangs

You can add sophistication to the image by straightening the bangs, or choose a hooligan look, but then emphasize the individual strands of the bangs or just tousle it.

12. Fashionable haircuts: “Whistle everyone upstairs!”

13. Trendy haircuts you should try: add some volume!

This is now more relevant than ever, so do not forget to ask your hairdresser to give you such a haircut. The shorter the haircut, the easier it is to add volume to the head.

14. Trendy haircuts for curly hair

If you have curly hair, it's time to start showing it off to the world! Fashionable short hairstyles will emphasize your every curl, you just have to catch admiring glances.

15. Trendy haircuts: androgynous style

Do you think this style is only for sports girls? Try! With this hairstyle, you can look great in an evening dress.

16. Increased shaggy

Deliberate negligence is back in fashion, and it's in your favor! Ask your stylist to cut your hair just the way you want it to look like you just woke up. Styling such a hairstyle takes a matter of seconds. Process a little wet hair mousse, try to dishevel your hair, feel free to add chaos to them. You are ready for exploits!

17. Warlike Mohawk

If you are a strong, independent girl, then you simply have to surprise others with a fashionable haircut! And stylists from all over the world have tried so that you have plenty to choose from, admire.

18. Trendy Haircuts: Punk Style

If you adore avant-garde style and you like to be the center of attention, then take a closer look at the Punk style. Haircuts are a bit like the previous ones, but here the length of the hair at the back of the head is minimized. You can also style it in the form of a mohawk or make yourself a “good boy” by combing your hair forward like a bang.

19.Back to the 80s

Sometimes the new is the well-forgotten old, right? Why not remember vivid images 80s, the haircut of that time was characterized by short hair on the sides and back and long hair on top. With this fashionable haircut, you will definitely not go unnoticed.

20. Trendy haircuts: retro style

21. Not for the lazy - "Cessun"

A haircut that either appears on the horizon or disappears into oblivion is back in fashion. Yes, styling here should be especially thorough, but if you are not afraid of difficulties, then you just have to try this haircut!

22. Aurora

Do you think it's the same cascade? You are mistaken, the Aurora haircut, unlike the cascade, suits absolutely all girls! Yes, and a kind of hat you can put as your heart desires! Conclusion: must try!

23. Short pixie

This haircut came into fashion a few years ago, but is still at the peak of popularity. Have you decided to follow suit yet? Hollywood beauties mercilessly parting with long curls? Maybe worth it?

24. Pixie for medium length hair

Pixie is not a synonym short hair, so feel free to run to the hairdresser to get an ultra-modern haircut!

25. Put on a hat

Actual haircut of the new season, which is a sin not to try. True, it does not suit you if you have a round or square face.

26. Garcon, garcon!

The haircut that Twiggy gave the world is back with a triumphant march. And not surprisingly, this haircut is suitable for both business women and young hooligans, it all depends on the styling.

27. Shag-ay!

Ideal haircut for thin and sparse hair allowing you to increase the volume of your hair. If you have such a problem - try Step-whack!


“Creative” is characterized by shaved hair, and you can do it both on one side and on both sides, or “cut off” only the hair on the back of the head.

29. "Puff" haircuts

Add layers to your hair to make it appear thicker. You just have to do it at least once and be surprised at the resulting volume!

30. Trendy haircuts: made in Korea

Korean fashionistas offer to follow their example and make chic haircut for medium hair.

If you're hesitant about a trendy haircut, here are some inspirations from around the world!

The third phase of the waning moon is characterized by a gradual fading of activity and a decrease in the level of energy in the world around us. This is the time when the processes in the human body begin to proceed more slowly. Therefore, in this lunar period, procedures with hair will slow down their growth.

Getting a haircut during the third lunar phase, you can keep healthy and beautiful external state hair, but at the same time slow down their growth. This is suitable for those who have made a haircut fit in all respects and who want to keep it longer. When changing the length of the hair in the current period, their roots are healed and strengthened.

The third phase of the waning moon is great for experimenting with hair - it will not last long, so you can try to embody even the most daring ideas. This applies not only new styling either curling, but also coloring. The result will not last long and wash off very quickly, so you can try new shades.

The waning of the lunar disk does not favor hair care either. Healing masks and nutrients will not have their full effect and the money will be spent, most likely, in vain.

Cutting hair on the waning moon can reduce defensive forces body and weaken its sacred ties. Therefore, a trip to the hairdresser should be treated with caution so as not to attract failure.

Positive influence of the third phase of the waning moon:

  • a haircut in the current period will improve the condition of the hair, strengthen the roots, the hair after it will grow back very slowly;
  • the coloring produced during the third phase will wash off very quickly, which makes it possible to try experimenting with new shades.

The negative impact of the third phase of the waning moon:

  • it is not recommended to cut off the hair if it is necessary to grow it quickly, as this procedure will significantly slow down their growth;
  • it is desirable to postpone the improvement and nutrition of hair for more late time- now the procedures will not give a full result;
  • when cutting hair given period can weaken the body's defense against negative influences.

Moon in Leo

When the Moon is in Leo, there is a favorable period for changing the length of the hair. Focusing on the lunar day and adding to this the influence of Leo, life will change for the better. The condition of the hair will change, things will go up, success will not keep you waiting.

It is better to cut hair on the growing Moon in Leo, very quickly you will see the result of the haircut:

  • successful painting and chemistry;
  • the condition of the hair will improve, become lush, silky;
  • growth will intensify;
  • hair styling comes out easily and elegantly.

During this lunar period, you can get rid of bad luck if you go to the hairdresser. For those who want lush and very curly hair, now it’s worth doing a perm for light curls. The positive influence of Leo on appearance corresponds to his bright nature, lush mane. Not only a haircut will bring the desired result, apply masks on your hair during this period, take healing baths.

In astrology, the phase of the Moon in Leo is considered one of the most favorable periods for cutting hair, signing contracts and starting new relationships, playing sports and going to the cinema. Depending on the day of the haircut, you can see how they tune cash flows, relations between partners will improve, things will go uphill. The Moon in Leo brings success and activates potential. It is worth looking at the days in this phase to achieve the desired result and a favorable haircut.

The influence of the lunar day

20 lunar day

The 20th lunar day, although it is the time big changes and accomplishments, they are not suitable for visiting a hairdresser. If today you change the length of your hair, your mood and appearance will upset you for a whole lunar cycle. The structure of the hair will change, resulting in a lifeless and dull look to your hairstyle.

Experiments with styling and changing the image will also adversely affect the health of the hair and worsen external image. It can ruin your mood and even cause mild depression.

It is not recommended during this lunar period any changes in the structure of the hair - coloring, curling, lamination. This will not give the expected effect, the result will be much worse than ruining your mood and your reputation in the eyes of your inner circle, which can lead to quarrels and conflicts.

Hair manipulations carried out on the 20th lunar day will not have the best effect on both the condition of the hair and health in general, but will also bring failure to your business. Any changes at this time can cause conflicts and quarrels, spoil the mood up to depression.

Negative impact of the day:

  • this period is not suitable for haircuts, the owner will not like the result;
  • a new hairstyle at this time will have a bad effect on health and can cause emotional distress;
  • coloring is also not desirable, the resulting shade will differ from the desired one and will quickly wash off.

Influence of the day of the week

Flowing under the influence of the militant and active Mars, this day of the week is ideal for solving cardinal problems and major changes. It is especially important to know what day of the week you were born, because your luck on this day will be a hundred times stronger.

Any hair treatments on the second day of the week will be more favorable. Haircuts on this day are very successful, transforming the appearance and giving vitality both hair and its owner. The hairstyle will please you and those around you for a long time. healthy shine and energy.

Tuesday is the perfect day if you feel tired or discouraged. Calling on vitality and activity is not so difficult - just go to the hairdresser and waste physical forces will recover.

It is not recommended to go to the hairdresser for a transformation on Tuesdays only for those who are afraid to bring novelty into their lives or who avoid excessive activity. Also, people born on Friday or Monday should reschedule their visit.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation on 10/1/2018 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or login.

Characteristics of the Moon on October 27, 2018

On the date 27.10.2018 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waning moon". This 18 lunar day V lunar calendar. Moon in the sign of the zodiac Gemini ♊. Light percentage The moon is 92%. Sunrise moon at 18:51, and sunset at 10:19.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 18 lunar day from 18:20 10/26/2018 to 18:51 10/27/2018
  • 19 lunar day from 18:51 10/27/2018 until the next day

The influence of the moon on a haircut October 27, 2018

Moon in the zodiac sign Gemini (±)

Moon in sign Twins. general state hair under the influence of this sign will not change. A haircut today will accelerate hair growth, but the hair will become naughty, this will practically not affect the quality of the hair, but the hair itself may begin to curl.

Hairstyle today should be light, airy, do not make it too heavy decorative elements better to avoid them altogether.

The day is suitable for curling, including chemical, hair coloring, toning.

18 lunar day (±)

October 27, 2018 at 12:00 - 18 lunar day. a haircut today will help strengthen your charisma, give strength and health. It will especially affect the lungs. Today the moon is waning and if you want to keep your hair longer, you should cut it.

It is worth painting in the color that you had in the most successful period of your life, in the period that you would like to return.

In the hairstyle, it is worth focusing on the bangs, this will attract wind energy.

Today is the day when you can see or feel what will happen in the near future. Today it is worth gathering your will into a fist, doing only balanced and correct actions, not succumbing to emotions, especially negative ones. Take care of your hair and try to please them today. And perhaps in the near future you will find a pleasant surprise.
