Charitable Foundation Children's Village. Review: Children's villages sos scam or not

CHILDREN'S VILLAGE - SOS is a special, as close as possible to the family, long-term model of raising orphaned children, successfully existing in 132 countries of the world for more than 60 years.

Here they are trying to return to the child what fate has taken from him, what is necessary for his full-fledged physical and spiritual development: mother, brothers and sisters, security, warmth of the hearth and confidence in the future.

Unlike orphanages, in Children's Villages - SOS never separate siblings, and children who have reached the age of 15-16 are not left to the mercy of fate, but go to a structure unique for Russia - Youth Houses - SOS, where they help to get a profession, find a job and solve housing problems.

The activities of the Sos Children's Village are based on 4 principles formulated by the great Austrian humanist Hermann Gmeiner, the founder of the SOS Children's Villages:

1. Mom of the Children's Village - SOS is a vocation, a way of life and professional work. The woman who chose the most women's profession lives with children, brings them up, leads household like all other moms in the world.

2. Every child has brothers and sisters in the Children's Village-SOS. 6-8 children live and are brought up in SOS-family different ages. Having matured, they leave the village, but do not sever ties with their home.

3. The house is one of the most expensive places in the life of each of us. And that child can be truly happy who constantly feels the warmth and care of his family, knows what family traditions and hassle.

4. Children's Village-SOS is 12-14 family houses and at the same time - a bridge in the world providing reliable adaptation of children in society. The village is not isolated from the outside world. Children go to regular schools, kindergartens, clubs and sport sections, music schools, and when they get sick, they visit the local doctor together with the SOS mother. Their communication with peers is not limited. The Children's Village is open to friends and guests.

Children are accepted to the Children's Village in cases where their return to native family seems impossible. However, in many cases, it is possible, through the provision of preventive assistance, to resolve crisis situation in family. The support provided to families is an activity in the best interests of the child. Therefore, around the SOS villages around the world, which are a kind of core social projects, there are programs and institutions that support low-income families, single mothers and other socially unprotected categories of citizens.

We should talk about the SOS children's village in Vologda. This material has been on our shelf for a long time, the first time mothers from it came to us back in July. We visited them in August. But, somehow everything was postponed and postponed. Either I left for the elections in Moscow for two weeks, then we waited for an answer from the director of the SOS Village, who promised us more detailed information according to the documents. But unfortunately they didn't wait. Meanwhile, the situation causes concern, since they came up with a reorganization in the Village. And this news about the dead boy makes me write something. Pay attention to the problem.
Since we can’t imagine the director’s opinion now, it seems that there was a dialogue, but there is no result, I’ll tell you about mine. So I'll start, and then we'll see and continue.

So we have in the country interesting project on the transfer of children from orphanages to families.

The project is great in my opinion. So we ourselves went out and looked at how the kids live, in what conditions. Families bring up 3-5 children each, there is a mother, there is also an “aunt”, an assistant to the mother. Children go to Kindergarten and school, that is, in general, live normal life. Strikingly different from orphanage.

Separate cottages for one or two families.

General administration building

The territory of the village is common, the houses are not separated from each other

There are places for sports

There are also sponsors

True, they say that the principle of purely Russian partnership was used for the first time in the Vologda village. In this connection, the problems of financing are more acute than in Russia as a whole.

But the houses are still well-appointed and comfortable.

Both for children and for parents are equipped with everything necessary

If something is missing, then sponsors and patrons gradually buy what they need

So what, the reader will ask, do you want? Like live and be happy.

Ah, not everything is calm in the Danish kingdom. Next, I will express my opinion on the current situation.
There was an idea to change the format of the village, to transfer all children to foster families. That is, now, “mothers” are essentially educators, and “aunts” are assistants to the educator. At the expense of the Children's Village, they are paid a salary, and accordingly they have all social guarantees. In principle, this is such a mixture of family and orphanage.
But, we all know that the country has adopted the so-called "Dima Yakovlev Law" or "anti-Magnit Law", whichever is more convenient for you, that's not the point. The bottom line is that under this law, adoption in foreign families was significantly limited in the country. While promising that we have our own potential. We will not discuss here what the deputies and the President have done. The point now is that they now need to get out of the situation. And what helps to make a good face when bad game? The correct answer is statistics!
After all, if summing up the results of 2013, it turns out that the adoption of children has dropped sharply, then the result of the “anti-Magnit law” will be on the face, and far from in favor of current government. What did these people come up with to improve the statistics? In our case, they came up with the idea to transfer the format of the Children's Village-SOS from mixed to purely foster. Well, just imagine what glorious reports you can write: in 2013, the number of foster families within Russia increased dramatically. Despite the forecasts of the White Ribbons, the situation with the “Dima Yakovlev law” caused a big upsurge among Russians. I'm exaggerating, of course, but that's about it. The authorities will not be able to admit their mistakes, well, the current one is not capable of this.

In general, it was proposed in the Vologda Children's Village-SOS to all mothers to “voluntarily” register their children in foster family. Everything would be fine, in principle, the children are already like family, but that's just a snag. After all, if before labor contract with the Village, and the houses belonging to it were provided by definition. Now mothers were offered to conclude a lease and a service agreement. Just imagine, they tell you that you are obliged to take three to five children to a foster family, while you have no guarantees for living. What if they kick you out of the cottage tomorrow?! Of course, the leadership promises that everything will be fine. But only to my request to show this contract, I have been waiting for an answer for a month and a half. As well as on a service agreement and conditions for further cooperation foster family with the village administration. Although it would seem that it is easier than giving an opportunity to assess the legal side of the issue. After all, this is what scares expectant mothers. Uncertainty!
At the same time, the administration takes an interesting position on the issue of refusal of "mothers" to go to a foster family.

So I'm just asking: What if they refuse?
They answer me: Then we will consider the issue of terminating the contract with them and will look for other mothers
I continue: That is, you will hire other “moms” after breaking the connection with the children that has developed over several years? To hire new ones under the current conditions of the SOS Village and immediately start convincing them that they should take the children into a foster family? And where is the concern for children? Where are the thoughts of them psychological state?
Answer: You know, a decision has already been made at the very top, we are receiving instructions from both the Russian SOS Village and the Department of Education.

Yes-ah-ah-ah, I will not reproduce non-printed words that arise after such a dialogue. Here it is immediately clear that the adults simply started their non-childish games around the village and the children, and the latter do not bother them much.

So what to do? And this is the question I would like to ask myself. But I think that the most important thing should be children, their well-being and peace of mind. They have already suffered in this life, because they all got to the Village from orphanages or dysfunctional families. Let the adults agree among themselves.
But I have a simple opinion. Is it necessary to destroy what is already working well? What has already proven its worth? Want to play around with reorganizations and reforms? Play elsewhere. Do not arrange games with children and their fates!

to be continued…

- Do you think they are scammers or not?

Pros: There are no pros to cheating. You need to include your head. Self-post this camp with gifts and things for children.

Cons: Cheating in a brazen way

Children's villages I want to start a little with a preface, so that it is clear what it is and where it takes its roots from. The organization of children's villages was founded immediately after the Second World War in Austria, for those children who were left without parents and lost them during this terrible war. Founder Hermann Gmeiner, he planned 3 children's villages in Austria and he managed to build them. Today, there are 134 countries where these children's camps exist, and all over the world there are 550 villages with the status of SOS and more than 1,500 thousand different programs for children who are left in a difficult life situation. It is good that there are such programs and such people who are engaged in this activity, I bow to them for this difficult work.

In Russia, there are also children's villages, they appeared many times later than in Austria, already in 1994. In the city of Moscow there is their office and for all necessary questions and you can contact them for help. The first permanent village in Russia appeared in Tomilino in 1996, and today there are only 6 villages in Russia, a drop of the ocean, as they say, compared to the whole world. There are children's villages in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine.

Yes, in Russia with children's villages, a very complex and dubious question arises whether everything is really cash, which are collected from charity, go to the accounts for use with the use for the children of our country in the village.

This is certainly worth looking into.

I just read this information from one woman who faced such a situation in which a volunteer from the children's village sos came to her and offered to monthly with her wages transferring the amount of money to the foundation of the children's village sos and also all its employees at work, the woman doubted very much, since children are still very serious and responsible.

A volunteer from this organization called the Children's Village Foundation insisted and waited for a response. Of course, the woman doubted whether the swindler was standing with such wishes about making a profit by fraudulent means. Of course, you need to be extremely careful on what basis you can give your honestly earned money and it is not clear to whom to transfer it to the account and where will there be a guarantee that they will get to the village for children, for their food, clothes, shoes, leisure, games, entertainment, education, communal needs and more. So there can be a lot of lines in this organization of Russian villages with children and money is really needed. But there will always be cunning and greedy people who want to use their logic and deceive really honest and friendly people who live according to their conscience and always want to help children from the camp.

My personal opinion on this whole matter, if you want to help these villages in Russia, then you need to adhere to the following logical rules and common sense, namely:

Do not fall for the tricks of scammers and swindlers and you will be much smarter than them. Good luck to everyone and don't forget to help the children.

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Theft and fraud in Tomilino IOWA (Iowa) School of Heroes for orphans of the Children's Village-SOS 27.02.2018 Children's Villages - SOS Keys to new settlers: a house for orphans was handed over in Tselinnoye Orphans will be protected from apartment scammers

SOS Children's Villages) is the largest international charitable organization supporting orphans, children left without parental care, and children who are at risk of losing their families. The abbreviation SOS in the name of the organization is an abbreviation of the phrase " social support" (eng. social support), which also corresponds to the international designation of the SOS distress signal and symbolizes the urgent need of the most vulnerable members of society, children, for help and protection.

SOS children's villages - an alternative to orphanages

Children's Village-SOS is a unique, as close as possible to the family, long term form education of orphans and children left without parental care. This model has been successfully operating for 60 years in 132 countries around the world.

Unlike most state orphanages, which are designed primarily to solve the problem of "maintenance" of orphans, SOS Children's Villages create conditions for happy childhood, comfortable growing up and effective social adaptation children whose return to their families is not possible.

The SOS children's village is 11-15 houses united in a mini-community, in each of which 6-8 children of different ages live together with an SOS mother. How in ordinary family, SOS-mom cares and educates children and teaches them everything that she knows herself and that they will need in independent adulthood: from cooking and cleaning around the house to budgeting and shopping. This seems self-evident - if you do not know that most of the graduates of state orphanages have no idea about life, the rules of behavior in society and money. In orphanages they live "with everything ready", and in adult life come in completely unprepared.

Children from SOS Children's Villages go to ordinary kindergartens and study at ordinary schools, which contributes to their adaptation to society at an early stage.

Another important difference Children's villages-SOS from orphanages - attention to the child's biological family. First, siblings are never separated, as is often the case when orphans of different ages are placed in orphanages. Secondly, children's connections with the biological family are maintained: relatives can visit them in the SOS Children's Village and spend time with them.


The first SOS Children's Village opened in 1949 in the city of Imst (Austria) for children who lost their parents during World War II. The founder of the organization Hermann Gmeiner (1919-1986) said that if he managed to build at least 3 SOS Children's Villages in Austria, his life would not be lived in vain. Today, in 133 countries on all continents, there are more than 500 SOS Children's Villages and another 1,500 various programs and projects to help children in difficult life situations, including during humanitarian disasters, strengthening the family and preventing social orphanhood.

The initiator of the creation of this institution in Russia is Elena Sergeevna Bruskova. In the 1970s, while a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda, she ended up in Austria. It was there that she first visited the so-called children's village. She was immediately struck by the striking contrast between happy faces children who live in a “family” consisting of a mother, several aunts and dozens of brothers and sisters of different ages, and Russian orphans who leave the orphanage with a clear attitude that man is a wolf to man. First, she wrote two books about the pedagogical phenomenon of children's villages she saw, then she made a series of television programs. Later, the first like-minded person appeared, a simple rural teacher [ who?] . In the future, all the funds and documents for the construction of the first village were quickly collected. There was no refusal from any official.

Village arrangement

The corridor system turns ordinary orphanages into barracks, for this reason the village consists of several cottages. One family lives in each such house - "mother" and 6-8 orphans. Also, each of the two houses has "uncle"- nanny, mother's assistant.

In order to become a "mother" of the children's village, that is, to take responsibility for several children living in one of these institutions, special introductory courses take place, which last 7 months. First, a woman is offered to work as an aunt. Women are paid for their work in caring for children and have days off. Mom and aunt replace each other on weekends and during holidays.

So that the houses do not look the same and monotonous, the mother of each house receives money in her hands and buys everything for the house herself. This is her house, she equips it.

Some Baby SOS villages offer vacations for tourists in order to raise funds. One such village is located in the picturesque region of Caldonazzo in Northern Italy.

SOS Children's Village is a charitable organization; exists solely at the expense of sponsors, however, it accepts not only monetary donations, but also clothing (children's furniture, Appliances etc.).

By country


In 2011 the Children's Village-SOS Tomilino will be 15 years old. During this time, 62 pupils came out of here into adulthood. 17 of them already have their own families, many of them are raising their kids. Five were educated in Moscow universities, 54 graduates received a special professional education. They all happily return in their family houses to mother, brothers and sisters. To the question: "What is the Children's Village-SOS Tomilino for you?", they answer: "Native home and family."

Six "Children's Villages - SOS" have already been created in Russia: in Tomilino (near Moscow), in Lavrovo (Oryol region) (in Orlovsky district Orel region), in Pushkin (near St. Petersburg), in Kandalaksha (Murmansk region), in Pskov. In Vologda, the SOS children's village opened on May 22, 2012. .

The honorary role of the ambassador of the Pushkin village SOS is performed by Andrey Arshavin. .

The Russian Committee "Children's Villages - SOS" is a member of the international charity organization SOS Kinderdorf International, which provides assistance to children in 132 countries around the world.


There are two "Children's Villages - SOS" in Belarus, the first of which was created back in 1995.

On a fundraising trip for the benefit of the SOS organization, June 30 - July 1, 2010, the Swiss delegation, which included figure skater Stephane Lambiel, visited the children's village in Bến Tre. The visit of the two-time world champion caused a lot of emotions among the children. He played with them and showed various elements of figure skating.


In August 1994, the National Association "SOS Children's Villages of Kazakhstan" began its work on the initiative of the First Lady of Kazakhstan

I want to devote my today's review to a new type of fraud under the guise of charity - volunteer organizations " Children's villages-SOS".

The layout of this wiring is quite simple. In the city center, right on the street or in a shopping mall, a pretty volunteer girl approaches you, dressed from head to toe in the uniform of some charity organization. You are told pitifully about another sick child and about 100,000 millions for his treatment in clinics in Israel or Germany.

Everything is as usual, but: these volunteers will not take money from you. But instead, they will ask you for ... all the details of your bank card. Donate if you want, donate if you don't. But we would like to understand how effectively we work, so we will simply keep track of everyone who has learned about our project and thus decided to support it. And in order not to waste your time, we will not record all the data. We will simply take a picture of your card on our tablet computer. On both sides, along with all codes. Or they offer to make a charitable donation in the form of a small auto payment, which will be deducted from your card every month.

Of course, experienced users bank cards, on such a stupid divorce, they will never be led. But older people are very easy prey for such imaginary volunteers.

Even in traffic jams, volunteers love to hunt by knocking on every car and asking for money. In the 90s, this is how ordinary beggars hunted, and now this is such an imaginary charity. They also like to sell some penny trifle (such as a ball or a flag) for fabulous money. who also go to charity. Familiar students moonlighted as volunteer promoters, they were paid hourly. But even they never knew where the money was going. Since the organization does not have any office, they agreed on work by phone or the Internet, met with the head on the street. And they were paid a salary as a percentage of the collected money. And the rest of the money just went to some stranger's uncle's pocket. And I strongly doubt that with this money he donated at least a ruble to sick children.

I myself have encountered these comrades. We also had people walking around our office center (until the guards kicked them out) and pretending to be employees of the organization "Children's Villages-SOS" and extorting money. But in fact, these people are not employees of this charitable organization. When I told them that we ourselves would transfer the money to the details of the "Children's Villages-SOS" indicated on their official website, they told me that there would be a tax and the amount would decrease. So tell us your credit card number or give us some cash. We then called the "Children's Villages-SOS" they said that they do not have such volunteer pickers. I was just in shock, how can you profit from someone else's misfortune.

Although I will make a reservation that the described technology is far from always a fraud. Perhaps we are talking about the so-called "direct dialogue" - that is, a method of attracting supporters through face-to-face communication. This technology will use charitable organizations around the world for several decades. In our country, it was tested by WWF and SOS Children's Villages. Convinced of the effectiveness of the method, Children's Villages launched a full-fledged program, which is already being implemented in eight cities. Their list and details of the organization can be found on their official website. But be careful, watch where you donate your money, so as not to fall for the bait of scammers.

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