What does the phrase love mean in French? What does it feel like to love someone

History of photography

The French, on the contrary, do not celebrate Christ on Easter, but always on weekdays. I saw it in the subway, in cafes, on the streets, everywhere. Drawing of Koka Mud for Illustrated Russia, April 1936. Koka Mud /MAD is the pseudonym of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Drizo (1887-1953). Parisian weekly Illustrated Russia. 1936. April. Issue No. 16 (570), page 05.

On Easter drawing 1936 - loving French in the perception of a Russian emigrant. Did the cartoonist Mockingbird create Coca Mud? Since the 20th century is the century of photography, we will consider the issue using documentary and photographic means.

True, in such delicate matters as kissing, documentary filming, upon closer examination, could turn out to be staged, as, in particular, follows from. The court demonstrated that the photographer and LIFE's lawyers were correct in avoiding photographic interference with privacy citizens. The fact that paid models sometimes appeared in the frame, and not “real” kissing couples, does not change the essence of the matter at all.

Where it is staged and where it is real life is not important. 26 love and about photographs from France 1930s-1973 by famous photographers:


1926(?) / 1932-1933(?). Photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004). France. Normandy. Maritime Seine. Dieppe. [On the Magnum photos website it says 1926, but I have doubts - at that time Henri was 18 years old and it seems that he was not involved in photography then] / Henri Cartier-Bresson. France. Normandy. Seine-Maritime. Dieppe. 1926.


1932-1933. Photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson. France. Normandy. Maritime Seine. Dieppe / Henri Cartier-Bresson. France. Region of Haute-Normandie. The Seine-Maritime "department". Town of Dieppe. 1932 or 1933.


Photographer Brassaï (1899-1984) / real name Gyula Halász (1899-1984) / Au jardin du Luxembourg. Paris. 1930s. Brassaï


Photographer Brassaï. In the bistro / Brassaï. Au bistrot, 1930-1932. Brassaï. Mairie de Paris. [Format 3311 x 4421 ]. via


1944(?). Photographer Robert Doisneau (1912-1994). Love and barbed wire. Paris. An occupation. Liberation. On the Atelier Robert Doisneau website, no date / Robert Doisneau. Amour et barbelés. Paris: Occupation, Liberation.


1944. Photographer Robert Doisneau. Liberation of Paris / Robert Doisneau. Libération de Paris, 1944. via


1945. Photographer Robert Doisneau. American soldiers. Tuileries Garden / Robert Doisneau. Soldats américains, jardin des Tuileries. 1945


1948. Photographer Edouard Boubat (1923-1999). Children of Montmartre / Edouard Boubat


1949. Photographer Willy Roney (1910-2009). On deck / Que Paris est beau depuis le pont du bateau-mouche. Willy Ronis. 1949


1951. Photographer Robert Doisneau. Tête à Tête, Paris 1951, Robert Doisneau


Circa 1950. Photographer René Maltet (1930-2000). Luxembourg Garden. Paris / René Maltête. Jardin du Luxembourg, 1950. René Maltête via


1952. Henri Cartier-Bresson. Bois de Vincennes. Paris. 12th arrondissement / Henri Cartier-Bresson. France. Paris. 12è arrondissement. Bois de Vincennes /The Bois de Vincennes park. 1952. Magnum photos


1952. Henri Cartier-Bresson. Bois de Vincennes. Paris / Henri Cartier-Bresson. FRANCE. Paris. The Bois de Vincennes park. 1952


1952. Photographer Robert Capa (1913-1954). France. Deauville. / Robert Capa International Center of Photography. France. Deauville. 1952


1952-1953. Henri Cartier-Bresson. Schoolchildren and a couple look at Paris from Notre Dame / Henri Cartier-Bresson / Henri Cartier-Bresson. France. Paris. 1952-1953. Schoolchildren looking from the top of Notre-Dame cathedral at the Seine River. Magnum photos


1954. Italian photographer Gianni Berengo Gardin (born 1930). Paris / Gianni Bérenger Gardin. Paris. 1954


1955. Willie Roney. Quai des Tuileries. Willy Ronis. Paris. 1955


1955. Henri Cartier-Bresson / Henri Cartier-Bresson FRANCE. Paris. 1st arrondissement. View from the top of Notre-Dame. 1955. Magnum photos


1957. Photographer Robert Doisneau. Maurice Baquet and the stone muse / Robert Doisneau. Maurice Baquet et la muse de pierre, Paris. 1957


1950s Photographer Zdenek Vozenilek (1929-1981). Lovers in Montmartre / Amoureux à Montmartre…, dans les années 50.

To the question “Love me in French...” - how does it mean to love in French?! given by the author Lyusya Crimea the best answer is with French delights 😉

Answer from Iriska Solntseva[guru]
passionately slobbery))

Answer from Bear AUSISRM[guru]
as in Russian

Answer from Answer Incorrect[guru]
Apparently, that’s what doggy style is called.

Answer from Vladislav Khalezin[guru]
if you can't speak German

Answer from Yotary Wise Bear[guru]
firstly, French women love men, and they love them quite sincerely - they just try to find something good in everyone. Perhaps this is why in France you will not encounter what is commonly called a war of the sexes: women really want to find a mate or, according to at least, a pleasant interlocutor. They argue, they flirt, they enjoy communication - and this is what attracts men so much.
The differences between representatives of both sexes and even the irreconcilable contradictions between them only turn on French women. “A man is a completely different calico than a woman,” friends of French women born in another country often hear. “If you have nothing better to do, work on yourself, it’s never superfluous, but don’t try to change your man.”
Flirting is the basis of all basics. This is the life-giving source that feeds French society. Young, old, feminists, man-haters, flower girls and bank directors flirt - absolutely everyone. The sexual overtones of such behavior are perceived not as a call to decisive action, but as an integral part of female image- a man should not forget that next to him is a real femme fatal.
By the way, while flirting with a man with all her might, a French woman may not want to see him the next day - simply because she didn’t like him, so slightly frivolous behavior does not yet mark the beginning of a whirlwind romance.
French women are mysterious and unpredictable. Deborah Olivier recalls: “Once I met a charming young lady, only 13 years old. Sandrine was madly in love with a boy named Pierre. One day, during our conversation with her, she picked a chamomile growing nearby and began to pick off the petals, saying not at all what I expected to hear.
The usual “spell” sounds something like this: “Loves - doesn’t love, spits - kisses, presses to your heart - sends you to hell.” Sandrine said something completely different from this: “He loves me deeply - only partly - passionately - madly - not at all.” Even at such a tender age, they have their own views on everything, including traditional girlish fortune-telling. This is how French women feel about love."
The further you go, the more interesting it becomes. The Frenchwoman will never reveal her cards. She won't tell the whole story of her life in five minutes, like on Oprah Winfrey's show. You won't even know from her where she bought that amazing skirt, let alone who she's sleeping with. The Frenchwoman carefully keeps her secrets, shrouding herself in a haze of mystery, and this has a stronger effect on men than a decoy on a drake.
Another valuable quality natives of France is that they do not make excessive demands on their men. Simply put, they do not expect anything supernatural from marriage. Prince Charming on a white horse and love to the grave - this is not what they breathe. The Frenchwoman boldly throws herself into routine Everyday life with all its difficulties and stresses and solves problems as they arise, and does not amuse themselves in their spare time by building castles in the air.
Aging gracefully is also a skill, and French women have already mastered this to perfection. A woman, in their opinion, is beautiful not in appearance, but in age and experience. In addition, they know how to enjoy life. The universe will not collapse if a woman relaxes a little - that’s the whole story. Tasty food, fabulous sex, fine wines and interesting friends- life is full of pleasant things and it’s stupid to limit yourself to this.
Why are there almost no women in France? overweight? It’s very simple: while enjoying dinner in a restaurant or at home, they are nevertheless able to say “no” to a delicious chocolate eclair. After all, willpower is another integral character trait of a femme fatale.

The French have always been considered subtle people. Therefore, to love means to love subtly, exquisitely, giving Special attention romance and mutual pleasure in relationships.

The first way to express your love in French came to Russia French Kiss. This is a kiss using the tongue, when the partner, during the kiss, pushes his tongue into the other’s mouth and makes caressing movements.
However, the tongue in love in French is used not only for the lips and tongue of the partner.

In Russia it is generally accepted that the French are free and liberated in sex. So the expression to love in French implies receiving all kinds of sexual pleasures without embarrassment or complexes. Such pleasures include long sexual foreplay and mutual oral sex. Passionate morning sex, like coffee, in the French understanding, should be hot, slightly spicy, with fresh notes.

As for the courtship stage, in French love the man is always a gentleman and the woman is a lady. But as soon as they are both in bed, all decorum is thrown away along with their clothes. The roles change one by one, the script does not follow a specific plan. A man and a woman improvise with one common goal - to experience unique one-on-one moments.

How to learn to love in French

To learn to love in French, you don't have to go to Paris. It is enough to catch the spirit of France, feel its subtleties and traditions and find in yourself qualities worthy of the French. You can surround yourself with the aroma of French perfume, buy a bunch of lace lingerie, enjoy croissants every morning and not get the desired effect.

Refinement, inner freedom and a thirst for novelty should be your allies. Study yourself, your body, your partner’s body, ways to give pleasure to yourself and others, and love in French will seem like an inexhaustible source to you vitality.

Women can discover the French in themselves by reading the sayings of French style icon Coco Chanel. Let men reveal the secrets of charm and masculinity, imitating Alain Delon or the Musketeers.

There should be no rush in love in French. Stretch out the pleasure of communicating with the opposite sex, like tasting French wine. There should be gallantry, play, and intrigue in courtship. In sex, the aftertaste is important - sweet remnants, gratitude for the fireworks of passion.

The main highlight French love- is to love yourself and life in all its manifestations. Love as best you can, and life will reciprocate.


  • How to say I love you in 87 languages

Statement that life given only once, true in any case. Even if you believe in the theory of transmigration of souls, you must remember that there will be no other life like this. To learn to love life you need to start living here and now, in the present moment. When you start living with memories or bright dreams about the future, you lose yourself in real life.


Start by being grateful for what you already have. Write down everything you have achieved to date that makes you proud. Can you describe your successes in, in the family, in creative activity, in sports, the most important material acquisitions. Describe your positive skills and character traits. Now thank yourself for all this life, ourselves, the creative forces of the Universe. Write down new achievements and successes in your diary, and start each morning with gratitude. By focusing your attention on the positive aspects, you will increase your income and learn to appreciate life and rejoice in it.

Do one thing every day that brings you joy and mental satisfaction. When you wake up, think: “What can I please myself with today?” This could be buying something you have long dreamed of, a trip to a beauty salon, chatting with friends, going to the circus with the whole family, watching interesting film, listening to music, doing a hobby or just going for a walk fresh air. When you concentrate on loving yourself and the people around you, you set yourself up for pleasure. Try to smile more often and enjoy the current situation. Find joy in those things that previously seemed ordinary to you.

Be able to forgive yourself and other people for the pain caused, unseemly actions and words. Resentment, remorse, regret about the past prevent us from enjoying what we have in the present. Focusing on negative aspects life, constantly thinking about the bad, we stop loving life and poison our own existence. Forgive yourself first and mentally ask for forgiveness from those people you have ever harmed. If possible, do it in reality. Then forgive those who have harmed you. Say calmly: “I forgive and release you with love.” When the heavy burden of the past ceases to weigh on you, when you seek joy and thank yourself for all its manifestations, you will learn to love life.

In trying to learn how to kiss in French, many resort to completely in different ways, some kiss their hands, others practice in front of the mirror. Everything is done to make the kiss perfect. In order to understand what French kissing is and learn it, you need to follow some rules.

Breath and mouth freshness

Remember, good oral hygiene is required. Brush your teeth regularly, rinse with refreshing solutions or chew mints. chewing gum. You should not eat foods with pungent odor or flavor, such as onion or garlic. At the critical moment, your breath should be as fresh as possible.


French kiss is enough intimate process, if you've never used it before, you may be tempted to resist and avoid getting too close. Relax, start with touching your lips, then explore each other's front teeth with your tongue and finally move on to the main thing - contact of tongues. French kissing can turn into an “aggressive”, more passionate form, be prepared for this and enjoy the sensations. Be careful to only use the front of your tongue and do not touch the root (back) of your tongue, as this may cause discomfort.

New sensations

French kissing is not a formulaic action. Don't be afraid to experiment, take into account each other's preferences and make the kiss as enjoyable as possible. Feel free to discuss it and tell each other what you like and what you would like to change.

Philosophers and poets of all times never tire of reminding us that the most important thing for everything on Earth is nothing other than love. If there is love in your heart, then you feel peace and harmony. Loving and feeling loved is the greatest happiness. But what does it mean to love? How does love manifest itself?

What does it feel like to love someone

Love is next driving force for many actions, immediately after survival. And is it possible to imagine one without the other? Love is a comprehensive feeling that can be directed at one person, or can be present in the heart as a way of perceiving the world.

Loving means the ability to forgive. Everyone makes mistakes; no one, not one saint of all the world's religions, was characterized by sinlessness. But love knows how to forgive and accept a mistake. This means that you need to be able to forgive not only other people, but also yourself.

To love means to accept the object of love as it is. Love is only possible in the present tense. It is not true if you say to yourself: “I would love this person if he did this or changed in this way.” This is not love. Yes, sometimes this feeling is broken by the reefs of someone else’s character and life’s troubles, but as long as there is love, you accept even shortcomings.

To love means to believe and trust. Even previous experience advises otherwise. Even if your heart was broken, true love makes you feel as if this past did not exist, as if you have a new heart that does not know the bitterness of insults, deceptions and defeats.

It is not for nothing that they say that it is not because of the essence of people, but in spite of it. It turns out that almost every person, upon closer examination, has so many shortcomings, and relationships with him promise so many difficulties that there is no doubt that love happens despite these circumstances.

What is not love

Love and infatuation are not the same thing. Falling in love is passionate, fast, impulsive, it burns, not warms. Falling in love can be interesting, but it can also leave ashes in its wake. Love is what always makes life better.

Loving does not mean turning a blind eye to a person’s shortcomings. On the contrary, love sees everything clearly and clearly. And still he stays, without running away in panic.

Love does not cripple a person. Real true love, on the contrary, contributes to the fact that all the traumas and experiences that a person has received over the previous time are healed and forgotten.

Love is not a gift. This is not manna from heaven that descends from heaven and promises long lasting happiness. If you are lucky enough to meet true love, take care of her. Work on your relationship, don't let the bad sides of your character affect this feeling. Prevent circumstances that are trying to destroy your love.

Many people have to deal with such a concept as improvisation in life. It's usually familiar creative people(musicians, vocalists and dancers).

Theater. It is believed that improvisation originated from. For example, the same folk lullabies that a mother came up with for her child are also improvisations. Impromptu, often found among the works of great composers of past years, also belongs to the genre of improvisation.

Theatrical improvisation is the game of actors to create a stage image, action and text during a performance, but not according to a pre-created script.

Improvisation and dance is undoubtedly one of the oldest species creativity. Basically, all compositions and dances were invented for various festivals and rituals. On this moment Dance improvisation is taught in art colleges.

What does it mean to improvise?

If you put on music and try to come up with moves, then you are improvising. If you know how to play an instrument even a little and you are trying to compose a melody, then you are improvising. Actors inventing scenes and portraying various options games, also improvise. All art is built on improvisation, since if it did not exist, art would not develop and would become a frozen branch of activity. If there were no improvisation, then today music, theater, dance, etc., would not be so famous and popular.

Finally, it is worth noting that improvisation was and remains accessible to every person. If you want to learn how to play the instrument, or any other instrument, then you should start with improvisation. It is improvisation that will help you realize your creative ideas, learn to select music by ear and come up with beautiful melodies. The main thing is to save or write down your improvisations, otherwise you may simply forget what you came up with. It should be noted that improvisation remains so only until it begins to be constantly performed in the same form in which it was invented.

Video on the topic

"French women don't have complexes in bed!" - boldly declares the host of the most popular radio program in France about sex, Jessica Falour. Every day thousands of letters with the most intimate questions arrive in her name, and Jessica gives professional and comprehensive answers to them. Believe me, she has a lot to learn!

I remember the day when my man whispered in my ear after special caresses: “You are brutally sexy.” I was so surprised that I even laughed - I thought he was laughing at me! Actually, I'm a little thin, not very beautiful and not very happy own body. But the truth is that my partner makes me feel very good – desirable, seductive and full of desire.

I stopped laughing and saw in his eyes that he was not joking and that he actually saw me like this. For him, I really was “brutally sexy,” the one with whom love was beautiful, inexhaustible and exciting. And I thought that he was a good lover! In the end, the main thing is that we found each other, that our desires and our bodies coincide... Zhanna.

I like this word from Zhanna - “coincide”. This is where the salt lies – when everything matches! You feel good together, you have fun, you are interested in each other, you are attracted to each other, you want each other, and your bodies confirm this. This can happen to anyone, at any time, in any situation. And it seems to me that the only necessary precondition should be the ability to listen to yourself and your feelings!

In the end, I only see two types of really bad lovers. They are so busy with themselves that they do not even think about taking into account someone else, his attractions and pleasures. There’s nothing special to say about this, except perhaps – start all over again! And there are others who have so little confidence in their capabilities that it seems as if their body lives separately from themselves, and then they are not able to come into contact with another body, are not able to feel their own emotions and the emotions of others, are unable to put their own desires into words and gestures...

These problems are not insoluble! To get out of a dead end, you need to want it and find ways to do it. Find good man– an experienced lover, Pygmalion or therapist (why not?) who will guide you on the right path. good lover, bad lover– in the end it’s not that important. But I am sure that the more you try, want, try, the better you will be with each other.

Sexual attraction is natural, but sexuality is not innate. It is known, lives, transmitted, shared. This is what makes her so passionate, so life-giving! You must dare to enter it with curiosity and a taste for the game, even if you are scared. It is never easy to approach another, to let him come close to you, to feel each other and to take the risk of meeting. This is how unexpected surprises happen when you are willing to take risks! But, of course, you shouldn’t take unnecessary risks: whatever the circumstances, a condom is necessary in any case. And we must not forget about this!

"I don’t know how to begin this delicate issue: I have never dealt with oral sex. This does not mean that I have no desire, on the contrary, it impresses me. But I'm afraid that I won't be able to, that I'll look ridiculous, and my friend will understand that I'm doing this for the first time. So every time I find a reason to move on to something else. But this is already starting to put pressure on me and my friend too. In my opinion, this is starting to seem more and more suspicious to him. I would like to somehow get out of this situation, which is becoming more and more absurd. But I don’t know how!” Lucille.

What Lucille experiences, who is under the impression that she is the only woman in the world who finds herself in similar situation, actually very banal! Imagine if we started talking about filleting and other types of sex that might impress someone like Lucille, causing her to simply panic. I wanted to answer her when she called me that she was not alone in her problem. She has a man with whom she has intimate relationships, and he is probably the very person who will help her in the best way!

Who knows better than he how she needs to act to please him? Who can guide her, show her, explain her? Who can be there for her and teach her? Making love means also being able to talk to each other! I understand that some people are embarrassed to discuss such things. But if you have already chosen your partner, it is always better to explain to him your feelings or concerns when problems arise.

If Lucille had put herself in her partner’s shoes for a couple of minutes, she would have seen that it is touching and very sexy when one says to the other: “I don’t know how to do this, but I want to, teach me.” And often the first time is the most the best gift to your loved one! When the moment comes when everything inside says “yes”, and the only thing holding you back is the fear of seeming awkward and funny, let yourself go!

If you lack self-confidence, at least trust your ability to choose the right person to be with you. If necessary, use the Internet, this treasure trove of free and confidential information, where you will find any explanation, accompanied by beautiful drawings! Take your time. Let your desire mature instead of nipping it in the bud and avoiding the experience. And when the right moment comes, find cute and funny words to let your partner know that you need their help to overcome this obstacle!

Developing sexuality in yourself is also about getting off your beaten path, listening to your desire and following it, regardless of what they say around you. Do not take into account theories like “should you go to bed on the first night?”, “how to be sure to have an orgasm?”, “ten ways not to pass for a whore” or “what to do to look like a good lover.”

I will only say one thing: “Be yourself!” And further! We become sexy primarily when we are ourselves, but at the same time respect the basic social norms the world in which we live. And we trust ourselves enough to calmly move forward in life. For the most part, the result is much less complex than anything we can pile on. And it would be good not to lose sight of the fact that, despite all the little troubles and big questions, love is, first of all, pleasure, pleasure and more pleasure!

"Jessica! I need some advice from you: how to awaken our libidos - mine and my husband? We love each other very much, but we stopped touching each other like we used to... However, every time this does happen, it is very great. Only this happens less and less. I can’t say that we really miss it very much (we both always lead enough rich life), but we think that this is not very normal and it may end up harming our little family. Karina."

It's time to see Dr. Freud. He had the idea to combine in one Latin word libido, which means “desire,” the entire complex system sexual desire and the energy it evokes... or does not evoke. And he spent most of his life explaining that if it were that simple, everyone would know it! Some people still have a hard time realizing that libido is a very complicated thing, and explain that skillful stimulation of the penis or clitoris is quite enough to start the whole machine, and, they say, there is nothing to talk about here.

Sometimes they are right. Attentive and exciting caresses with a soft or firm hand, tongue, mouth or all at once, with the addition of other parts of the body that can only come to mind, are enough to awaken the dormant libido. And most likely the reasons for this sleepy state not dangerous: either fatigue or depression; worries that leave no room for anything else; the ever dulling routine of daily life; loss of your former form... The problem is mainly that you have stopped paying attention to yourself. In this case, down with laziness and boredom! The time has come to shake off the dust from your love life!

Libido does not tolerate habits and routine. A pair of beautiful sheets, candles; a lovingly furnished dinner; new underwear; weekend for lovers; a date in a good hotel, even if it is two steps from your home; going out to meet new people; a love letter dropped into a box on the way to work; unexpected message to mobile phone; love story; picaresque game; cloud of pink petals; unexpected surprise... Anything is possible if it serves to interrupt the measured flow of life.

However, be careful and take this path slowly and lovingly: I’m not sure best place To find new ideas, you will find sex shops or red light districts - just the opposite. The accessories that fill these stores are intended rather for lovers whose desire has not faded at all and who together decide to take new turns in their relationship, sometimes quite fascinating, for which they come to shop.

But for a couple whose desires have become dulled, such a sharp “awakening” risks being destabilizing... Sometimes simply shaking off the dust from the usual flow of life is not enough. Something else haunts me, something hidden in my head, or maybe in the distant past. My magic recipe: be sure to talk about it with each other!

“Love me in French!” - is sung in a famous song. And I can’t help but want to think and understand what secrets are hidden in this expression and how applicable they are to the Russian soul.

The concept and methods of love in French

The French have always been considered subtle people. Therefore, to love in French means to love in a refined, refined way, paying special attention to romance and mutual pleasure in the relationship.

The first way to express love in French came to Russia with the French kiss. This is a kiss using the tongue, when the partner, during the kiss, pushes his tongue into the other’s mouth and makes caressing movements.
However, the tongue in love in French is used not only for the lips and tongue of the partner.

In Russia it is generally accepted that the French are free and liberated in sex. Likewise, the expression to love in French implies receiving all kinds of sexual pleasures without embarrassment or complexes. Such pleasures include long sexual foreplay and mutual oral sex. Passionate morning sex, like coffee, in the French understanding, should be hot, slightly spicy, with fresh notes.

As for the courtship stage, in French love the man is always a gentleman and the woman is a lady. But as soon as they are both in bed, all decorum is thrown away along with their clothes. The roles change one by one, the script does not follow a specific plan. A man and a woman improvise with one common goal - to experience unique one-on-one moments.

How to learn to love in French

To learn to love in French, you don't have to go to Paris. It is enough to catch the spirit of France, feel its subtleties and traditions and find in yourself qualities worthy of the French. You can surround yourself with the aroma of French perfume, buy a bunch of lace lingerie, enjoy croissants with cocoa every morning and not get the desired effect.

Refinement, inner freedom and a thirst for novelty should be your allies. Study yourself, your body, your partner’s body, ways to give pleasure to yourself and others, and love in French will seem to you an inexhaustible source of vitality.

Women can discover the French in themselves by reading the sayings of French style icon Coco Chanel. Let men reveal the secrets of charm and masculinity, imitating Alain Delon or the Musketeers.

There should be no rush in love in French. Stretch out the pleasure of communicating with the opposite sex, like tasting French wine. There should be gallantry, play, and intrigue in courtship. In sex, the aftertaste is important - sweet remnants, gratitude for the fireworks of passion.

The main highlight of French love is to love yourself and life in all its manifestations. Love as best you can, and life will reciprocate.
