How to surprise that you are pregnant. How to tell your husband about pregnancy in an original way: an overview of ways, interesting ideas and recommendations

Many girls want to please their husband by learning about the long-awaited pregnancy. Very soon, a man and a woman will become newly-made parents. However, before looking ahead, the wife must inform her husband that he will soon become a father. Some girls prefer to say a hackneyed phrase like: "Honey, I'm pregnant!" or "Honey, you're going to be a dad!" Others wish to break the news in a more informal setting, presenting the pregnancy as a surprise. Consider the most interesting ways, highlight the main aspects.

Method number 1. Quest

An interesting way to report pregnancy is the organization of a mini-quest for a spouse. Start in the morning, send a message to your husband on the phone: "Come home, we are waiting for a note ...". When a loved one returns from work and reads the message, it should say “Look in the chest of drawers!”.

The husband looks into the drawer and finds a message on the sheet: "Something interesting is waiting for you under the pillow ...". You can continue endlessly, the essence is the same - intrigue your partner with messages, but do not drag out the quest so that the man does not get bored.

Particular attention should be paid to the last note with the words "Darling, I'm pregnant!". The main thing is to make sure that the spouse does not find her before the rest. You can have the end message point to the linen closet that holds the baby booties. The cherished words are attached to them.

Method number 2. Gift for the New Year

If you found out about the pregnancy on the eve of the New Year, you can tell your husband about it with a gift under the tree. Choose and pack a present for your spouse, pick up a postcard with the words "I love you!", Write your news inside. Attach a message to the top of the gift. The method is suitable not only for the New Year, but also for birthdays, as well as for any other holiday.

Matryoshka dolls (5-7 pieces) can become the second gift option. Write on a thin strip "Honey, I'm pregnant!", Then place the leaf in the smallest nesting doll. Pack it in a box, attach the test, put it under the tree.

Method number 3. Reaction to the photo

The option of such presentation of information is suitable for couples for whom the birth of a child was desired. Capture the most joyful news on your camera. The reaction to the picture cannot be called fake, since the photo will be taken at the time of its occurrence. To start the manipulation, invite relatives and close friends to visit. Ask them to sit or stand next to their spouse for a group photo.

Since you will be the photographer, get ready to shoot. At this time, say "I'm pregnant!" instead of the usual "Smile!". Literally after 1 second, press the camera button, take one or more pictures. After the time has passed, you will laugh for a long time, considering the surprised and joyful facial expressions on the faces of the guests.

Method number 4. Improvisation

The method is suitable for couples who have an excellent sense of humor and at the same time really want a child. Come up with an eccentricity for yourself to be funny. You can create a “paradise” in the room by wrapping yourself in a sheet or wearing a swimsuit. Take 1 kg. ice cream, put a plate with smoked herring (preferably bitten) next to it. Install an umbrella, a kind of deck chair or hammock, wait for the husband to appear.

When the faithful cross the threshold of the room and say with surprise: “What are you doing?”, Answer him in a nonchalant tone: “You know, my love, I am pregnant! And pregnant women, as they say, have their own quirks! If the spouse has a sense of humor, the situation will come out funny and touching at the same time.

Method number 5. Shopping

Agree with your husband that you will carve out one day for shopping. State that you want to update your wardrobe, but do not say exactly what things you are going for. When you arrive at the mall, head straight for maternity wear.

Then pull the man by the hand, start looking with lust for dresses, sundresses and underwear for ladies in position. With a serious face, ask your spouse how he likes this or that style, whether this jacket suits you, etc. At the same time, observe the reaction of the faithful to your actions. Stay in the store for so long until what is happening reaches the betrothed.

Method number 6. Pregnancy test

What could be clearer than two stripes on a test? The question is rhetorical, but such a gift must be presented correctly. Give your spouse a present for a birthday, February 14, New Year or any other holiday. You can purchase a jewelry box, then place the test in it and tie it with a beautiful ribbon. Funny but simple.

Of course, such gifts should only be made if the faithful are aware of what a pregnancy test looks like. For example, if before that you tried to get pregnant for a long time, and then each time you waited for two strips with trepidation, while being next to your spouse.

Method number 7. romantic dinner

Call your spouse while he is at work. Let them know that you will have dinner with an important person tonight, so the man needs to be fully armed. When setting the table, place three pairs of cutlery and crockery. Next, choose one of two options for how to tell your husband about the pregnancy.

The first thing you can do is write a note saying "Daddy, I'll be late, I'll fly back in 7-8-9 months!" (depending on the term). Next, place the message in an envelope and put it on a plate for the third guest. Especially creative young ladies are advised to draw this phrase with gouache on their stomach, but do not use markers or felt-tip pens.

After you sit down at the table, the spouse will begin to wonder who the third mysterious guest is. Do not rush to reveal your cards, warm up his curiosity every minute, answer evasively. When you see that the man can't take it anymore, lift up your t-shirt or let your husband open the envelope meant for the late guest.

Method number 8. ice cream free

Ice cream can be a dessert or any other dish of your choice. The event scenario is as follows: go with your spouse to your favorite restaurant or cafe, let him order (this is the main condition!). Make sure the husband has ordered the dishes, then immediately go to the ladies' room.

On the way, catch the waiter, arrange with him that the employee bring a delicious cake or ice cream to your table. Naturally, the spouse will begin to resent, claiming that he did not order this.

The waiter should make it clear that today the institution is running a promotion for future parents who are provided with a delicious dessert for free. After that, the man will be dumbfounded, but pleasantly surprised. Of course, you will pay for the treat later, the moment itself is important.

A few more ideas...

  1. Photo album. The method is suitable for those ladies who have already done an ultrasound scan and can boast of a picture. Create an album with photos for your husband, print out the most memorable images. Anything will do: your wedding, a joint vacation, buying a car, walking with pets, etc. Put all the pictures in an album, it is important that there are about 25-30 photos. This will make viewing more interesting. In the middle or at the end of the album, insert an image with an ultrasound, follow the reaction.
  2. A message from a stork. Make sure that the man gets a message from the stork himself. While the faithful will sleep (night, late evening), take his smartphone, rename your name to "Stork". After that, lie down to rest, and in the morning send a message from your phone with the following content: “I flew out! I will be in 7-8 months, wait!
  3. Sexual undertones. Put on stockings and garters, do your hair, makeup, go for a manicure and pedicure. Light candles, arrange a bed, order dinner from your favorite restaurant. Start seducing your beloved with erotic dances, set a rule that says - “Do not touch with your hands!”. After the husband is very aroused, gently tell him that you are pregnant. If the child is long-awaited, amazing sex is provided for both of you.
  4. "Kinder Surprise". Get a Kinder Surprise egg, carefully remove the wrapper from it. Wet the knife in boiling water so that the blade is well heated. Now cut the chocolate along the seam, remove the toy. Put a test or a note with the words "Darling, I'm pregnant!" in the yellow box. Then fold the two halves into one whole as follows: heat the knife again, heat the edges, then immediately connect the chocolate together. Wait until it sticks together, wrap.
  5. Recording under the window. Buy a stencil or get ready to write by hand. Take care of a spray can or a can of paint, a brush, and gloves in advance. Write under your windows “You will soon become a dad!”, while be sure to specify the name of your husband so that he understands who the message is addressed to. In the morning, go down to the yard, stand next to the inscription, call your spouse and ask to look out the window. He will be pleasantly surprised if the inscription is clearly visible.

It is easy to tell your husband about pregnancy, if you show ingenuity and patience. Make a gift for him for the New Year, come up with a quest with notes, create a family photo with surprised faces. Improvise, go shopping for expectant mothers together, present a pregnancy test in a beautiful package. Arrange a romantic dinner for three, ask the waiter to bring "free" ice cream.

Video: how to talk about pregnancy

The first impulse is to run, hug her husband or call, write, call to quickly tell about everything. But perhaps you should come up with a more original way to tell your husband about pregnancy, because this stunning news is one of the main things in your life with your husband. Here are a few ways to help make that impression:

1. If you knew about everything in the early morning, and the husband is still sleeping, take lipstick and write on the mirror in the bathroom: “Soon you will become a dad!”. Surely the spouse will not even need a cup of coffee that day to really wake up.

2. Another "morning" idea. Write a note to your husband, discreetly put it in your spouse's pocket before he leaves for work. Soon, very soon he will call you! You will remember this moment for a long time.

3. Take an envelope, put your baby photos with your husband in it and write: “Which of us do you think he will look like? Congratulations….".

4. Buy a pair of booties, put them in a smart box, put them in the closet on the shelf of your husband so that he discovers a new thing himself, or give your spouse a gift after a good dinner.

5. If you got pregnant shortly before the holiday (February 23, New Year, Birthday), wait a bit with messages, it's worth it! And on X-Day, put your test in a festive box and give it along with a gift. Guess what surprise you have prepared will be the most important?

6. If you have already managed to visit a gynecologist, take tests and do the first ultrasound, put the first “photo” of your baby in the envelope.

7. If you and your husband are planning to visit, go shopping or go on vacation, ask unexpectedly: “Darling, do you mind if the three of us go?” Your husband will spend a few moments understanding the meaning of what was said, but by your joyful face, he will soon understand everything.

8. Order a stylish T-shirt with the inscription: "The best dad in the world" and present it to your husband in a beautiful package.

9. How to inform relatives? You can just call, or you can invite them to visit, cook delicious meals, take a camera and invite everyone to take a photo as a keepsake. When everyone calmly and naturally sits down in their places, tell them suddenly instead of cheese: "I'm pregnant !!!" Believe me, you will want to print this photo in a large format and enjoy it all your life!

P.S. By informing your husband about your pregnancy in this way, you take responsibility for his fainting, high blood pressure and emotional instability. There are contraindications. If your pregnancy was not planned, it is worth starting a conversation about the child from afar: noting a few days in advance that you have a slight delay, that you want to eat something unusual - so your husband will begin to "suspect something" and will be mentally prepared for such an important message.

Stocking up on ultrasound scans

This method was amazingly played up by the heroine of the film "Taxi-3", who decorated the walls with ultrasound pictures mixed with pictures of cabbage and storks. And although such hints did not tell her lover about anything, this does not mean that all other men will be immune to such a method of conveying information.

So, a bedside table with booties placed on it and an ultrasound scan, or a tray with traditional coffee served to the spouse in bed, will look eloquent. By the way, this can also become a kind of message that in the near future it will be your husband who will take care of you in this way.

Does your loved one have a birthday? We give a test

This Suitable for couples who are having trouble conceiving a child. If some kind of holiday is approaching or even better the birthday of the future dad, you can give him the test itself, on which two long-awaited stripes are clearly visible. For such an expensive gift, it is better to choose beautiful packaging and a ribbon. The husband will immediately understand when he sees the test, because he has already had to wait for the second strip to appear many times. This option will be more original if the gift is delivered by courier. You can add a bodysuit, booties to the test.

Free bonus from the institution

Here is another way if you are thinking about how to inform your husband about pregnancy in an original way. You need to warn him in advance about the upcoming trip to your favorite restaurant (it is quite possible to replace it with a nearby cafe). In the institution, give him the opportunity to place an order. Then, with peace of mind, go in search of the ladies' room. And most importantly, do not forget to ask the waiter to bring some kind of treat (ice cream or cake) to the table a little later. To the surprised spouse, the waiter must explain that the restaurant is holding a promotion and all future parents receive a treat for free. Of course, the costs will have to be reimbursed, but that's not the point.

For those women who are interested in how to tell their husband about pregnancy in an original way, the restaurant option can be beaten in another way. To do this, lunch / dinner at the institution is ordered for three persons. The waitress comes over with a note from a late guest: “Sorry. You can't get through the sky because of traffic jams. See you in eight months." And the obligatory signature at the end: "Your stork."

We organize a quest

The beginning of the conceived quest can be a sent SMS message with an approximate text: “You will see a surprise at home, look for a note on the table.” The husband who came home in the found note will find another indication: "Now look under the pillow." After completing this task, he will receive the following message. Women's imagination is limitless. He will find the most cherished phrase in the last message: "Honey, we are expecting a baby."

Another option, may be an indication in the last note of the place where a pre-purchased T-shirt with the text is hidden: “For the future father”, “For the best dad in the world”.

Let cinema art help: how to tell your husband about pregnancy in an original way

Romantic and sensual natures who prefer to arrange their story about pregnancy beautifully can resort to this method. It is enough to ask your spouse to watch a movie together in the evening. Such a romantic melodrama is chosen in advance, in which there is an episode where the heroine confronts her beloved with the fact of her own pregnancy. The main thing is to react in time and at this moment take your beloved by the hand and put it on your stomach. If at the same time you meaningfully look into his eyes, then he will certainly understand everything ...

Pregnant women are weird

In this case, the fantasy should not even be stopped, and complete improvisation will come in handy. You can wrap yourself in a sheet or change into a swimsuit (regardless of the time of year), hoist a beach umbrella over your favorite chair and arrange an indicative eating of ice cream or fruit (based on your finances and taste preferences). To the question of the faithful who entered the room: “What is happening to you?” - as nonchalant as possible to answer: "Didn't you know about the quirks of pregnant women?".

Ordering a cake

How to tell your husband about pregnancy in an original way if he has a sweet tooth? There is only one way out - to go to the pastry chefs and order a real culinary creation with an inscription like "We are happy parents" or "Now you are dad." You can decorate the cake with the figures of both parents, the baby. The product can be made in the form of one of the items of children's use.

Go shopping and malls

Let your loved one accompany you supposedly to choose new clothes. Just do not need to specify in advance what kind of store it will be. Come with him to the place where they sell clothes and goods for pregnant women. Purposefully approach any clothes for pregnant women, examining them carefully and seriously, contact your husband for advice: what suits you best, what looks better on you. At the same time, pay attention to his reaction.

Kinder surprise help

How to tell your husband about pregnancy in an original way with the help of Kinder Surprise? From the purchased egg, you need to remove the wrapper and divide it into two parts. Then carefully remove the toy from the container, fold the dough and fasten the egg again. Instead of a test, you can attach a note.

You can also combine the idea of ​​how to inform your husband about pregnancy in an original way, with cleaning the closet and emptying the shelves. This is done exclusively with the spouse. To his puzzled question about unplanned cleaning, you need to report that you are preparing a place for children's things. As a variation of this method, you can use a note left on the husband's shelf in the closet: "Dad, prepare a place for my things."

Poetic variant

Any woman can tell her husband about pregnancy in an original way in verse. It is enough to recall your previous poetic experience. If there is none at all, you can turn to friends or, in extreme cases, copywriters for help.

SMS from a stork

While the faithful have their own affairs, you can do a little magic on his mobile. By going to the contact list, you can change your name / nickname to the word "Stork". The rest is a matter of technique. You will only have to send SMS to the husband who went to the office: "Wait for me."

Choosing the right moment

So, we talked about how to tell your husband about pregnancy in an original way. In conclusion, here are some tips:

  1. The news of the upcoming event should be reported without haste, only in this way the husband will understand how important it is for a woman and a joint marriage.
  2. A woman must take control of this news into her own hands. The disadvantage of other options is that for the future father they can be perceived as an expression of distrust on the part of the wife, her unwillingness to discuss the most intimate with him. This offends the man, causes a negative attitude towards the event on his part.
  3. Having decided to give your husband a pregnancy test, you need to be sure that he is familiar with this subject firsthand.
  4. You should be more careful about choosing a day for such a message: if a spouse has an important work event planned that day, then he will not be able to experience real joy, but you may not encounter the reaction you expect.
  5. Despite the abundance of technical means, this is not the best way to deliver a message. Calling, sending SMS, e-mail - this means depriving yourself of the opportunity to see a direct response to the joy communicated, how the expression of the eyes changes, which are not able to deceive.
  6. You should not choose the moment when a man is driving: after all, he can react unexpectedly: from an impulse to hug and kiss to an attempt to brake sharply.
  7. Each woman is better than others familiar with the character of her man, and therefore she will choose the approach to the message taking into account him: after all, someone is delighted with humor, someone likes a more serious attitude.

The most important thing to remember is that, no matter under what conditions the husband hears about his new status, he will remember this day forever.

-Darling, come on, if a girl is born, then we'll call Ksyusha, and if a boy - Vlad?
- Oh… I forgot! I bought a pregnancy test yesterday...

What other SURPRISES?
In my first pregnancy, I didn’t even think about the question “How to tell my husband about pregnancy?”. And in general, about the fact that pregnancy can be reported in some interesting way and even make a surprise. Somehow it was not before. Although we were planning a child, I was still so shocked by the positive test that I immediately told my husband: “Igor! Pregnancy test! There are 2 stripes! I don't know, I'm not sure what it all means. We still need to check, perhaps ... ". True, the husband still shed tears.

In the second pregnancy, I wanted to make a surprise. And I started to invent it a few days before the test showed two coveted strips. True, it turns out, they say that you can know about pregnancy in advance. This time I knew too. I don't know how, I just knew...

How to tell your husband about your second pregnancy

It was Father's Day. I timed a surprise for him: I made a photo presentation (slide show) called “Dad can”. I inserted photos into the presentation, where only my husband and son were in the frame. And I chose, of course, the most “cruel” pictures:

Well, in the last frame, a happy son, a positive pregnancy test, my frightened face and the inscription “Repeat?”. Dad, by the way, was happy to repeat.

20 Ways to Tell Your Husband You're Pregnant
I am now 26 weeks pregnant with my second pregnancy and my husband, of course, has long known about it. As are my loved ones. And yours? If you yourself just found out that you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy and are thinking about how to please your spouse, here are a few ways. I didn't invent it, the internet did. I just chose the most interesting, in my opinion. Well, I've added a few things here and there. I hope you like them too.

1. Presentation. Since I started the article with her. You can use a photo or video presentation. There are a lot of variations here. It all depends on your skills and desires.

2. Puzzle with your image or inscription. If you already have a child, you can put together this puzzle with him and dad.

3. Mug chameleon , on which the image changes / appears when heated. I would write short and clear: "Dad". You can immediately order yourself with the inscription "Mom". And drink tea together.

4. Just report casually. Here are some examples:

5. A table for three.
Call your husband to a restaurant and say that you will have a guest with you. And who is it - surprise. The table is set for 3 persons. Who are you waiting for, do not say. Half an hour later, a waitress comes up (by prior arrangement) and hands her husband a note with the words “Your guest is late and asked me to give you this.” The note reads: “Sorry for being late, there are traffic jams in the sky. I will be in 9 months. Stork." You can make an inscription on the envelope, and put a pregnancy test in it.

6. Photo session. Arrange a romantic photo shoot and at some point give your husband an appropriate gift or just say that you are pregnant. The main thing is that his reaction will immediately be filmed by a previously informed, professional photographer. There is a popular video on the Internet where a young couple went into a booth with an instant photo, and when they started taking pictures, the girl highlighted a piece of paper with the inscription BABY, and the guy's reaction was immediately captured in the photo;).

7. Throw a pacifier in your jacket pocket. Simple, fast, clear and unexpected.

8. Gift with courier. The gift option with a bodysuit, booties or a pregnancy test is very popular now. Or all together. They are just beautifully put into a gift box. I think this option will be more original if it is brought by a courier.

9. A set for a real man. I really liked this set. Take one large beautiful box and put in it a note " A set of a real man"And 3 smaller boxes. With numbers 1, 2, 3 and put in them:

10. "Dad, buy vitamins!". Put a jar of pickles, several packages of white chalk and a note on the shelf in the refrigerator: “Dad, finally buy mom vitamins for pregnant women! I don’t want to eat cucumbers and chalk for 9 months.”

11. Morning greeting.
Morning. The husband wakes up. And above it, “We will have a child”, “You will become a dad” or ... for which there is enough fantasy and strength in the night. The main thing, jumping on the bed, is not to crush your husband.

12. On asphalt. Write with crayons on the pavement under the window. For example: Plato, you will soon become a dad! Pretty risky way. Especially if there are a lot of Platonovs in the entrance.)) You can ask your husband to look out the window and immediately confess, or you can not say anything, and then write an SMS: “Did you read my message under the window? What do you say?". The main thing is to make sure that he sees this inscription.

13. Cake with an inscription.
Great option for sweet tooth.

14. Kinder Surprise. Take a kinder surprise, carefully print it out, pull out the toy, and instead of it, put a note about pregnancy and carefully seal it back. If you already have a child, you can give him a kinder surprise with dad. To open everything together. But then it is better to leave the toy. 15. Free shelf. You can defiantly and emotionally start emptying the shelf in the closet with your spouse. When a man asks why such rearrangements, tell him that your baby's things will be stored in this box.

16. Dad, make room. Another variation of the previous method. You can just leave a note on dad's shelf in the closet "Daddy, make room for my little things! I will be in 9 months ”For persuasiveness, you can put a pair of booties or socks.

17. Advent calendar for husband.
If you found out about pregnancy on the eve of the New Year or your husband's birthday, or any other holiday, you can make some kind of Advent calendar. A lot has been written on the Internet about what an Advent calendar is and how to make it. Its essence is as follows: for example, you give your husband a week before his birthday "Calendar" in the form of multi-colored bags of surprises (see photo below). Each bag is labeled with a date to open it. Each bag contains a surprise. Every day is different. You can dilute the gifts with some task for every day (as is done in the real New Year's Advent calendar for children). Of course, you should not force your husband to make an application from colored paper, but why not kiss your wife. Immediately, warn that the birthday present itself is in the last bag with the date of his birth. Well, instead of a gift or with it, put a pregnancy test, booties or just a note “You will soon become a dad!”. There are a lot of options for the Advent Calendar and surprises for it, just choose and make the option you like the most. The most difficult thing here is to endure this week and not let it slip.

18. Phonebook. While your boyfriend is in the shower or busy watching your favorite show, take his mobile phone and change your name to "Stork" in the contact list. When the husband goes to work, send him an SMS with the inscription: "I'll be there soon, wait."

19. T-shirt with a slogan. A fairly popular way is to give dad a T-shirt with the words "Best dad in the world" written on it. This option, in my opinion, will be more interesting if you give a T-shirt not to dad, but to relatives: "The best aunt in the world" or "The best grandmother in the world."

20. Fortune cookies. You can order cookies with an individual inscription. In each write "You will soon become a dad." You can make a few things with "The inscription "You will soon become a mother." More than one husband eats this cookie))).

The main thing is the content
In conclusion, I want to give a few clarifications:

1. If you decide to invest a pregnancy test as a gift, you must be sure that your husband knows what he looks like and will not twist an incomprehensible thing in his hands in bewilderment.

2. Do not tell your husband about pregnancy on a responsible day for him (negotiations, interviews, meetings, exams, etc.). By doing this, you deprive him of the opportunity to truly rejoice and risk not seeing the reaction that you expect.

3. All people are different. One will like it if the news is presented with humor, while the other will prefer a more serious approach. I am sure that you know your husband best of all and will be able to choose the most suitable method for him.

And most importantly, remember that no matter under what circumstances you tell your husband about your pregnancy (at home, in a restaurant, as a surprise, just with words or did a test together), believe me, your husband will never forget this day! After all, the main thing here is not the presentation, but the content.

More pleasant events and surprises for you!

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Pregnancy is the most wonderful event in the life of every woman, so make it an occasion for a real celebration!

How to prepare?

Reporting such a significant event is always difficult, so you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. Be patient and prepare carefully by following these guidelines:

  • First, you need to choose the right moment to announce this news. A man should be in a good mood and not very tired. If you see that a man is very angry today or he has had trouble at work, then you should not shock him with this news now. He has enough stress for today. It is worth a little delay with the news. When the spouse is in high spirits, you can tell him about your joy.
  • Tell your husband first, and only then your parents and friends. And even if your husband is not next to you now, and you really want to share the joy with your loved ones, then restrain yourself, because the first person to know about your situation is your boyfriend. A man will be stunned if he finds out about your pregnancy not from you, but from relatives.
  • Prepare a pleasant atmosphere. Remember what your husband loves, what places make him happy. This is where you can tell your spouse your news. Or prepare a romantic dinner with his favorite dishes. It is important that this event is associated with him with joyful moments in everything.
  • Use nice words for your spouse. First, tell your husband that you are very happy that he is with you. Well, then let me know that the fruit of your love will soon be born. Hug him and tell him that he will be the most wonderful father in the world.
  • Don't be afraid of his reaction. Even if the news is unexpected, it does not mean that it is unwanted. If a man, after your message, fell silent and went into himself - do not be alarmed. Do not start to hysteria, because for him it is a shock. Give him time to be alone with himself, and sort things out. After a while, he will definitely get in touch with you. And then already, you can calm him down, and say what you wanted.

Important! Don't delay with the news. The sooner the husband finds out about the pregnancy, the better.

TOP 7 ways to tell your husband about pregnancy?

Many women want to tell the good news to their husband in an unusual and original way. So that this moment will be remembered by the spouse forever, and cause bright positive emotions. News can be reported in a variety of ways.

Method number 1. original

  • Buy a gift for your spouse, pack it beautifully, and also put a postcard inside the gift with the inscription "We will have a baby" or "I will soon give you a son or daughter."
  • Unbeknownst to your husband, rename your phone number to the word Stork. Then send him a message with the text “I'm leaving soon. Wait in 9 months"
  • On your tummy, write "Here's a baby" on your tummy, and invite your spouse to take a shower with you.

Method number 2. handsomely

  • Have a candlelight dinner. But just cover for three. Let the third be a set of children's dishes - for your future baby. Put also a bottle with a nipple, and the husband will immediately understand everything.
  • Make a video of your most touching and romantic moments of life together, add gentle music. And at the very end of the video, let the inscription “Soon there will be three of us” appear, attach an ultrasound of the baby or a test to it.
  • Order a beautiful cake with storks, a baby and a corresponding inscription.

Method number 3. Interesting

  • Buy a book "Future Dad" or "How to Be a Good Parent". Instead of a bookmark, put a test in the middle of the book. Give your spouse this gift, and carefully observe him.
  • Make a collage on the Internet, which will consist of: a photo of your test, an ultrasound of the child and your photos. Next, put the collage, in the form of wallpaper, on the desktop of your spouse's computer.
  • Organize a dinner for three in a restaurant, but do not tell your spouse who will be the third. And ask the waitress to bring a note to her husband from the third guest. Well, in a note, write: “Sorry for being late. Just traffic jams in the sky. I'll be there for the summer. Stork"

Method number 4. Surprise

  • Prepare pies for your loved one, and in one of them put a note with good news. Just don't forget to mark the secret pie. And make sure your spouse doesn't eat your surprise.
  • Before going to bed, tie a red ribbon with a huge bow around your tummy, and tell your husband that you have a surprise for him. When it's time to undress, take off your robe and point to your stomach with a bow.
  • Buy a kinder surprise and carefully put a note "We will have a baby" in it.

Method number 5. unusual

  • Gather your loved ones together and invite everyone to take a photo together. Become a photographer yourself. When you take pictures of the word “We are smiling”, replace it with “I am pregnant.” And only after these words, take a picture of your loved ones. Thus, you will capture the reaction of relatives and their first emotions and faces in the photo. This photo will make you smile. And when the baby grows up, be sure to show him too, and do not forget to tell her story.
  • Make a quest. Lay out in the apartment or in the place where you like to walk - notes on which write where the next note is. And on the last write the treasured news.
  • Order a chameleon mug so that when it heats up, your news appears on it.

Method number 6. Cool

  • Order cookies with an individual inscription. And on each write: you will soon become a dad, the best dad, super dad, etc.
  • Make a paper timer with the words "We will become parents in..." and hang it in a prominent place in the house. You can even buy a real timer with a similar inscription.
  • Put a head of cabbage in a prominent place in the refrigerator with a huge inscription: "Take me out of here in 9 months"

Method number 7. creative

  • There are servers on which they make the game themselves. The main feature of the game is that at the very end of it, the necessary image appears. Write on this image the inscription "Congratulations, you will soon become a dad!" and attach a photo of the doctor's certificate of your pregnancy. Let your spouse play this super game.
  • Order a T-shirt with a creative "Best Dad" slogan and present it to your spouse.
  • Ask the courier to deliver a holiday package to your husband's name. Put a pacifier, test, and booties in it.

If your spouse prefers a serious approach to everything, then you can simply tell him the news at home, in a relaxed atmosphere, without any creativity.

If, on the contrary, your partner is a creative person and loves friendly gatherings, then you can prepare a theme party. Invite good friends to it. You can decorate the apartment in a childish style. Let papillae, angels, rattles decorate your interior. Then your joy can be shared not only by your husband, but also by your close friends.

Choose the option that suits you the most. Proceed from what your husband loves, what he is interested in, what temperament he is. The most important condition is that you are close to your spouse at the moment when he finds out about your pregnancy.

What could be the consequences?

The period of pregnancy is quite difficult - quivering and exciting. And so you want the guy to be there, support and protect in such a significant period, but situations are different and it is important to be prepared for different outcomes ...

If a loved one, having learned about a child, takes you in his arms and circles around the apartment, then it seems that there is nothing more beautiful in the world. Yes, this is every woman's dream. But, everything has its time. And not all dreams have come true now.

For a man, a woman's pregnancy can be extremely stressful. And he can not immediately rejoice at the pregnancy of his woman. A parade of thoughts, questions and doubts may begin in his head: how are we going to live now? are we ready for a baby? where to find an additional source of income?

It is very important for men to know and realize that he will be able to provide for his wife and child on his own. If so far he does not have such an opportunity, then he will be nervous and tense. All his thoughts will be occupied with this question. Therefore, he may react negatively to the news of his wife.

  1. Do not immediately throw tantrums and threaten your spouse. This will not change the situation, but only aggravate it, and alienate the man from you. He may be frightened of your tantrums and close in on himself, and perhaps even want to be alone.
  2. Give him time. He must independently realize his responsibility, put his thoughts in order, and decide how to proceed. Pregnancy can really change your life. He must be ready for this.
  3. After your man has calmed down and realized everything, you can support him. Help him believe in himself, tell him that everything will be fine with you, that you believe in him! Over time, a man will get used to the idea that he will soon become a dad, and everything will come full circle.

It also happens that a man escapes responsibility and does not want a child. Perhaps he is not really ready for a child yet, or maybe he does not want one from you.

  • In any case, you must understand one thing, that this child is given to you from above. It is you who bear it, give birth, and feed it. Men are not given such a gift. And this is no coincidence. After all, a mother is the most important person for a child. Only a woman can give a child everything that is needed.
  • Understand that you are very necessary and important to your child. You can handle everything, and without the unlucky dad. If you sincerely want, expect a child, then he will be desired by you and your loved ones, and this is enough. And the child will have a father. After all, the real father is not biological, but the one who raised the child.
  • Remember, a child cannot keep a man, it will not bring happiness. Life itself will put everything in its place. Therefore, enjoy your pregnancy, this sweet and quivering state. Very soon, you will give the world a new life, and fulfill your main purpose.
