Kolyada on the eve of Christmas is a wide carnival. Oh yes, here's the carnival

A nation that does not know its past has no future. Authorship of this famous phrase different historians attribute either to Plato, then to Aristotle, then to Socrates ... But from the one who first uttered these wise words, their essence does not change. It is the knowledge of one's history, traditions, acceptance native culture makes us a unique people. That is why it is so important to remember the traditions of your ancestors and implement them today. The celebration of the ancient Slavic holiday Maslenitsa can be attributed precisely to such forgotten pages of our history. For a long time rituals, songs, poems and other elements of the celebration pancake week were artificially ousted from the consciousness of our people. Fortunately, today we live in the years of the historical and cultural revival of the nation and are gradually implementing the forgotten, but such wise customs of our ancestors. For example, we enjoy teaching funny texts ritual songs, ditties and carols, which are on Maslenitsa and Forgiveness Sunday sang the Slavs. Increasingly, in Russian kindergartens and schools on the eve of Shrovetide week, children learn short poems dedicated to the celebration. And the housewives are happy to bake delicious pancakes all week long to please their loved ones with a delicious ritual dish. Next, you will find songs, poems, carols, ditties on Maslenitsa with texts for children and adults that will help you feel the incredible atmosphere and touch the history of this holiday.

What ritual and folk songs are sung on Maslenitsa 2017 and Forgiveness Sunday by adults and children

The celebration of Shrovetide week is conditionally divided into two parts - the Narrow Shrovetide and the Wide Shrovetide. First three days of the week Narrow Maslenitsa(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) were considered preparatory to the meeting of the holiday. And although the housewives had already begun to bake pancakes, wide festivities with songs, carols, ditties began on the Broad Maslenitsa, which lasted from Thursday to Sunday. What kind ritual songs did adults and children sing on Maslenitsa and Forgiveness Sunday? Variety. Moreover, depending on the day of Shrovetide week, the Slavs sang ditties, ritual songs, carols. So, on Thursday, which was also called Razgulyai, when wide folk festivals and games began, they sang ritual songs associated with them. For example, one of the main traditions of this day was jumping over a fire, which was often sung about in songs. Also on Thursday evening they caroled and therefore sang carols. Friday and Saturday were devoted to visiting, so the songs and ditties these days were cheerful and funny. And in Farewell Sunday, which was among the Slavs the day of memory of their ancestors, they sang ritual funeral songs. Now you know when and what ritual songs adults and children sing on Maslenitsa 2017 and Forgiveness Sunday, and you can join this ancient tradition.

Folk and ritual songs with texts for Maslenitsa for children and adults, video

It is better to start learning traditional songs for Shrovetide for children and adults from folk and ritual texts. It is they who can bring you as close as possible to the authentic celebration of Shrovetide week and convey the whole flavor of this Slavic holiday. This does not mean that Orthodox songs, poems and carols do not need to be studied. They just appeared much later and cannot fully convey the whole meaning and atmosphere of Maslenitsa. Therefore, further we have prepared for you folk and ritual lyrics for Maslenitsa for adults and children. They can be used for both school performances, amateur performances or for home celebration. And to make it easier for you to learn the lyrics, we offer several videos with the performance of songs for Maslenitsa.

And we are waiting for Maslenitsa, wow!

We will see the beauty of spring, wow!

Oh okay, okay, we'll see

Oh okay, okay, we'll see!

2. Our Shrove Tuesday, wow!

She is a dear guest, wow!

Oh wow, wow, honey

Oh wow, wow, honey!

3. She doesn’t walk on foot, wow!

Everything goes on a C grade, wow!

Oh, okay, okay, driving around,

Oh wow, wow, it's moving!

4. She has black horses, wow!

She has young servants, wow!

Oh wow, wow, young people

Oh wow, wow, young people!

5. They see off the winter, wow!

And treat spring with pancakes, wow!

Oh okay, okay, treat

Oh l hell-l hell, treat!

We'll bake hot pancakes for ourselves!

We don't care about blizzards and frosts!

If there is a frying pan, we are not afraid of the cold!

Because hot pancake is the best food!

Yes Yes Yes Yes! This is the best food!

Hello Maslenitsa! Give us oil!

Today we are tired of porridge and cabbage soup!

You pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, drag on the table!

And instead of a towel, a beard will come in handy!

Yes, yes, yes, yes - a beard will come in handy!

It's not a mouse squeaking, not frost crackling,

In a frying pan, pancake after pancake sizzles!

Oh, damn it, damn it, it's long - there's only one yellow mouth!

Oh, damn it, damn it, it's long - there's only one yellow mouth!

Well, eat a pancake, so that spring comes!

Well, eat a pancake, so that spring comes!

We have not eaten pancakes for a long time,

We wanted pancakes

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Our elder sister

Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

She baked food

There are probably five hundred.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

On the tray she puts

And she brings it to the table.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Stay healthy guests

Here are my pancakes ready.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Folk funny ditties with texts for children and adults on Maslenitsa, video

Imagine Russian folklore impossible without ditties. It is these funny and uncomplicated songs that largely determine the benevolent and cheerful nature of our people, their traditions and hospitality. Chastushki are an integral part of many folk holidays, including Maslenitsa. It was with folk funny ditties (see the texts below) that adults and children met the coming spring and saw off the winter on Maslenitsa. Chastushkas sang together during folk festivals, evening gatherings and caroling at Shrove Tuesday. In conjunction with bright costumes, comic entertainment and noisy entertainments, ditties helped the Slavs perk up after cold winter and begin to rejoice at the first signs of an approaching spring warmth. Next you will find folk funny ditties with Maslenitsa texts for children and adults that will help you plunge into the traditions of the celebration.

We begin to sing ditties,

Please don't laugh.

There are a lot of people here

We can get lost!

My friend and I were walking

The mountain was covered with cheese,

All covered with pancakes,

Topped with oil!

Wide Maslenitsa,

We praise you

We ride on the mountains

We eat pancakes!

Spring is not spring

And parted with the winter

I baked pancakes

And you refused.

Like on a butter week

Pancakes flew from the table

And cheese and cottage cheese

Everyone flew under the threshold!

Girls, the butter dish is coming!

Who will ride us?

Petrushka in the yard

Sivka disappears.

Maslenitsa - white-legged,

Stay with us for a while

For a week, for a day,

For a single hour!

Come on, come on

For ruddy pancakes.

This Maslen week -

Be happy like us!

I'm ready for Maslena

Eat 50 pancakes.

I'll eat them well

I'll try to lose weight.

Bake, godfather, pancakes,

Yes, to be magnificent.

This Maslenya week -

You can eat too much.

The Martians have arrived

They were satisfied.

Their plates are not empty

And full of pancakes.

I ate the fifth pancake

My skirt broke.

I'm going to sew up a skirt

To eat pancakes again.

Have fun playing, harmonica,

Shrovetide, don't be sad!

Come spring soon

Drive winter away from us!

We stop singing ditties

Until another evening.

You sit until the morning

When there is nothing to do.

Merry and delicious Shrovetide to you!

Wide Maslenitsa,

We praise you

We ride on the mountains

We eat pancakes!

Spring is not spring

And parted with the winter

I baked pancakes

And you refused.

We begin to sing ditties,

Please don't laugh.

There are a lot of people here

We can get lost!

My friend and I were walking

The mountain was covered with cheese,

All covered with pancakes,

Topped with oil!

Like on a butter week

Pancakes flew from the table

And cheese and cottage cheese

Everyone flew under the threshold!

Girls, the butter dish is coming!

Who will ride us?

Petrushka in the yard

Sivka disappears.

Maslenitsa - white-legged,

Stay with us for a while

For a week, for a day,

For a single hour!

Ritual carols and poems for children on Maslenitsa 2017 and Shrovetide week, texts

The most fun and wild day of Shrovetide week is Thursday. It was on Thursday that the Wide Maslenitsa began, and with it any homework ended and entertainment began. On this day, our ancestors sledded down the hills, drove around in a crowd on horse-drawn sledges, burned bonfires and jumped over the fire, took snow castles. Most of these entertainments were available to young people and adults, but children on Thursday, in addition to snow games, still went caroling. In the texts of ritual carols and poems for children on Maslenitsa and Shrove Tuesday, as a rule, we are talking about pancakes that kids beg for their songs. But also in the carols there are congratulations on the onset of Maslenitsa and good wishes the owners of the house. As in Christmas carols, they wished for Maslenitsa good harvest, prosperity and health. Below you will find examples of texts of ritual carols and poems for Maslenitsa 2017 and Shrovetide week for children.

Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out!

Hang on to the white birch!

They said: Maslenitsa is seven years old,

And our Maslenitsa is seven days old!

Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out!

You are for the oak, hook on to the deck!

Oh, they said - our Maslenitsa

seven years old,

And just at Shrovetide

Seven days.

Oh, Maslenitsa-deceiver!

Cheated, tricked

Didn't let go!

How did the caroling guys go,

Grapes, my red-green!

Carolers, all factory workers,

We sought the court of our master,

Lord's yard at seven versts,

At seven versts, eight pillars.

In the middle of the yard, in the middle of the wide,

There are three towers

Three golden-domed towers.

In the first tower there is a red sun,

In the second teremu, asterisks are frequent,

The master himself is in the house, the master in the tower,

Mistress in the house, mistress in high,

Young girls in the house are like nuts in honey,

Grapes, my red-green!

Thank the owner, on bread, salt and salary.

Grapes, my red-green!

Fed, watered, let out of the yard,

Grapes, my red-green

Masleny week has come,

Was at the godfather for pancakes.

The godfather had a sister,

Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.

I baked six piles of them.

Seven cannot eat them.

And four sat down at the table,

Gave space to the soul

looked at each other

And ... everyone ate pancakes!

Funny short poems for children on Maslenitsa 2017, including texts about pancakes

Among the variety of forms of folklore for Maslenitsa, it is worth highlighting funny short poems for children, including those about pancakes. It is the tradition to read funny poems in 4 lines on Maslenitsa is ideal for young children. With its help, it is easy to expand the child's knowledge about Shrove Tuesday, which for most modern kids is associated exclusively with eating ruddy pancakes. Due to the small volume and funny content short poems about Maslenitsa will be able to master even the smallest pupils of kindergartens. But for schoolchildren, you can already choose poems and more authentic ones, in which the rituals and history of Shrovetide are described with humor. A selection of funny short poems for children on Maslenitsa 2017, including texts about pancakes, will help you instill the traditions of this holiday in the younger generation.

And Maslenitsa-pale-legged,

Stretch a little -

At least a week, at least a day,

At least for a day, at least for an hour.

Like Shrove Week
Pancakes flew out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Shrovetide, treat!
Give everyone pancakes.
From the heat, from the heat - take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

Shrovetide has come to us

Bringing joy to people

Well, we will come with pancakes,

Celebrate the holiday with you!

Last winter days

Lives not alone:

We all follow her

We wish you a rest!

And now we are waiting for spring -

Already traces of it are visible!

Let it warm us with you.

With Shrovetide! And with Spring!

Orthodox and folk verses for adults on Maslenitsa 2017 and Forgiveness Sunday

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', almost all pagan holidays Slavs were eradicated or distorted. But it was not possible to completely destroy the tradition of celebrating Maslenitsa. After numerous futile attempts to ban festivities, Orthodox Church the decision was made to reduce public holidays up to one week and combine Maslenitsa with the celebration of the Christian week of Cheese Week. Thus, in addition to folk verses for adults, Orthodox verses appeared on Maslenitsa and Forgiveness Sunday. And though the church still disapproves pagan rites with the burning of an effigy and fisticuffs, Maslenitsa is no longer under such a strict ban. You will find a selection of Orthodox and folk verses for adults on Maslenitsa and Forgiveness Sunday below.

Maslenitsa - pancake,

Maslenitsa - fat-eater,

Maslenitsa - obirukha,

Shrovetide is a scam.

Cheated, tricked

Brought us to the post!

I took all the pancakes!

Gave a radish a tail

On the great post.

We ate it - the belly hurt.

And we rolled Shrove Tuesday,

And we did not see her in the eye,

We thought: carnival for seven weeks,

But Shrove Tuesday is seven days ...

Maslenitsa beckoned

Planted for Great Lent.

Bitter radish offered

And that radish is bitter to hell.

We are waiting for you at Maslenitsa!

Let's meet with a butter pancake.

Cheese, honey, kalach,

Yes, cabbage pie!

The Great Fast awaits all of us,

Eat for good people!

Walk all week

Eat all stocks.

And the Forgiveness Day will come,

We are not too lazy to bow,

Come Sunday -

We will ask for forgiveness

To remove all sins from the soul,

FROM with a pure heart meet the post!

Today we rejoice -

Today is the farewell to winter,

With pies and pancakes

In the noise of a cute mess!

Sledges are flying down the hill,

The eyes of a girl are burning

Songs, dances and festivities

What a day in a row!

This is Shrovetide

Miracle - Shrovetide,

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts

And we cordially invite:

Throw all worries

Come to visit,

Straight to our front porch

Come see us for Shrovetide!

Farewell, farewell, Our Maslenitsa!

I congratulate you today

Happy Sunday, difficult

It is called Forgiven

Light, kind and holy.

I want your forgiveness

Ask with a pure heart

So that with a calm conscience,

Russians folk songs, poems, ditties and carols for Shrovetide for children and adults are an important part of the celebration of this ancient Slavic holiday. Without them Maslenitsa would not be so fun and provocative! That's why again In preparation for the celebration of Maslenitsa 2017 and Forgiveness Sunday, do not forget to learn a couple of funny songs or short poems, and not just bake delicious pancakes. Moreover, you now know which ritual songs, carols and ditties are sung on Maslenitsa thanks to our selections of texts and videos.

Shrovetide came to us from pagan ancestors. It is celebrated between February and March, seven weeks before Easter. Since ancient times, this holiday has been considered one of the most reckless, accompanied by a mass of rituals and traditions. Songs, ditties and carols - Maslenitsa could not do without them.

The most common custom that has survived to today, is considered cooking pancakes. They have ritual significance. A round ruddy pancake is associated with the sun, which shines brighter every day, marking the arrival of spring. And, of course, the ceremony of treating pancakes is accompanied by many jokes and carols:

My friend and I were walking

The mountain was covered with cheese,

All covered with pancakes,

Topped with oil!

My son-in-law uninvited

Came running for a meal

But he also made a mistake

He did not master all the pancakes.

Greeted Maslenitsa with great joy both in pagan times and after baptism. main meaning this holiday is the beginning agricultural work. It may not be so relevant at present, but still this old Slavic holidaygood reason for fun.

Fun for Maslenitsa

With each passing day, the festivities gained strength. The main fun started on Thursday, and Sunday was the climax. They were entertained in different ways, but most often the games were aimed at showing strength. Tug of war, climbing a pole, running on stilts were popular. At the same time, the stormy support of the audience was very important, who with might and main sang songs and shouted ditties and carols in honor of Maslenitsa:

For a loved one for a handkerchief

The guy climbs on the sixth.

And the sixth is doused with water,

That's why it's icy.

In trials, the lads are standing,

And in the cooking of the girls are brisk -

Sweet pancakes are baked

Meals are served.

The people are smiling

Leads a round dance.

That's Maslenitsa,

Good Shrovetide!

However, the competition was not always harmless. Often, the guys participated in fisticuffs, which then turned into terrible forms and led to injuries and deaths of the participants.

Horse riding and sleigh rides were especially popular. Young guys bought horses especially for Maslenitsa, dressed them in the best harness. They liked to tie logs to the sleigh, and put the ringleader in the sleigh, supplying him with wine and pies. The peasant sang songs, and the people picked up, following after the sleigh.

Sleigh rides continued from Thursday to Sunday. Young people, children and adults took part in them.

There was a ritual to roll grandmothers through the fields on Monday after the celebration of Maslenitsa. This was done so that, as our ancestors said, "flax was long."

The end of the holiday

The peasants sang throughout the celebration, during each ceremony. Even if the words were sad in the song, they were still pronounced lively and provocatively. But Maslenitsa was coming to an end, and it was accompanied by sad songs. Young girls went out into the street and sang about the hard life with their husband's parents and about longing for their relatives. On Sunday, it was customary for everyone to ask for forgiveness. Also on this day, walking away the winter kindled bonfires on the hills. The holiday ended with the burning of a straw effigy:

With the coming of Sunday

We ask everyone for forgiveness.

Our good intentions

Cause admiration.

Goodbye to all the people

Shrovetide will be set on fire.

Burn up quickly

Maslenitsa is one of the brightest, funniest and most fervent holidays preserved from pagan times to the present day. Since ancient times in Rus', during this reckless period, people heartily had fun at home and on the street, went to visit each other, ate hot pancakes, visited fairs, arranged comic competitions for dexterity and strength, played outdoor games, built snow forts, rode horses, danced, read funny poems and of course they sang short ditties, Russian folk carols and ritual songs about Maslenitsa. In the texts of these unpretentious works, people sincerely rejoiced at the passing of a harsh winter, praised spring and the beginning of a fertile season, wished abundance and abundance to relatives and friends. family happiness in the coming year.

Finished the oil week big Christian holiday- Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, adults together with children went to church and prayed to God for the remission of sins, and then apologized to all relatives, friends and acquaintances for voluntarily and involuntarily inflicted insults. In this way, people cleansed their hearts from sinful desires, and their souls from negative thoughts.

What songs are sung at Maslenitsa-2017 in Russia - folk texts

Like any other Slavic holiday, Maslenitsa is not complete without songs. They reflect the deep meaning of the celebration as fully as possible: farewell to the fierce winter, inviting spring and the most sincere joy at the birth of a renewed world. But in addition to ritual songs on Maslenitsa, it was customary to perform funny carols, folk ditties and various refrains. Moreover, each of these works was timed to coincide with a specific day and a special oil tradition.

    • "Meeting" This is the name of the first day of Shrovetide week. At this time, women from the very early morning go to their parents' house and bake pancakes. Men gather in companies, build snow fortresses, make a stuffed Maslenitsa and install it in the central square of a city or village. All these actions are accompanied by laudatory songs praising the beginning of the festive week.

And we met Shrovetide,
Met, soul, met,
We visited the mountain
Pancake lined the mountain,
They filled the mountain with cheese,
They poured oil on the mountain,
Watered, soul, watered ...

    • "Fun"— the second day of winter celebrations. It is dedicated to going on a visit and eating pancakes with various fillings. Young guys who have not yet met their love spend brides' bridesmaids, flirt with girls and sing beautiful love songs about love. In turn, the young ladies flirt with the suitors and arrange ritual fortune-telling, trying to determine the name, character and appearance of the future spouse.

"ZAGRYSH" careless - TUESDAY joy.
All walk, frolic came out as one!
Games and fun, and for them - a reward:
Girlish smile and ruddy pancake!

    • "Gourmet"- a day of great, plentiful treats. Mother-in-law wake up early in the morning, cook from the most best products luxurious, lush pancakes and invite your favorite sons-in-law to visit. You can not refuse the invitation and the meal too. The son-in-law is simply obliged to eat the maximum number of pancakes so that his wife's mother does not hold a grudge. For this big day funny, perky, playful songs about pancakes and about the relationship between son-in-law and mother-in-law are suitable.

Oh chickens you chickens
Kochet young,
You are golden combs!
Why don't you sing early
Don't wake up my son-in-law.
The son-in-law walks with the mother-in-law,
Son-in-law's mother-in-law tortures:
“What, son-in-law you son-in-law,
Dear son of guests,
Tell me the whole truth
What is cuter in the world:
Ali father-in-law, Ali mother-in-law,
Ali is a young wife,
Ali dear mother? -

"Mother-in-law dear for greetings
A young wife - for advice,
And mother dear
Sweeter than the whole world."

    • "Walk around"- the crown of Maslenitsa and the moment of active street festivities. Everyone from young to old comes out of the house, participates in noisy games, dances, dances, plays snowballs and storms ice fortresses, rides down hills, jumps over bonfires and sings short peppy carols in which they glorify the wide Maslenitsa.

Oh you, Maslenitsa is entering the yard,
The wide one drives into the yard.
And we, girls, meet her,
And we, the Reds, meet her.
Oh you, Maslenitsa, stay for a week,
Wide, stay with another.
Maslenitsa, I'm afraid of fasting
Wide, I'm afraid of fasting.
Oh you, Maslena, the post is still far away,
Wide, the post is still far away.

    • "Teschiny evenings"- the moment when the son-in-law arranges a plentiful treat for the mother-in-law in his house. Traditional pancakes are baked by the hostess of the house, but the rite tells her to use kitchen utensils his mother. Having eaten sweets, the mother-in-law and the father-in-law thank the youth for the invitation to the holiday and sing songs wishing well-being, harmony and family happiness to the home of their children.

We are waiting for you at Maslenitsa!
Let's meet with a butter pancake.
Cheese, honey, kalach,
Yes, cabbage pie!
The Great Fast awaits all of us,
Eat up, people!
Walk all week
Eat all stocks.
And the Forgiveness Day will come,
We are not too lazy to bow,
Come Sunday -
We will ask for forgiveness
To remove all sins from the soul,
Meet the post with a pure heart!
Today we rejoice -
Today is the farewell to winter,
With pies and pancakes
In the noise of a cute mess!
Sledges are flying down the hill,
The eyes of a girl are burning
Songs, dances and festivities
What a day in a row!
This is Carnival
Miracle - Maslenitsa,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we cordially invite:
Throw all worries
Come to visit,
Straight to our front porch
Come see us for Shrovetide!

    • "Zolovkina gatherings"- a cheerful and frivolous period of oil week. On this day, young boys and girls dress up in best clothes, gather in large companies, exchange gifts, honor newly married friends and sing healthy songs.

We have not eaten pancakes for a long time,
We wanted pancakes.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes!
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes!
Put pancakes on a tray
Bring it to the threshold!
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes!

    • "Seeing Shrovetide"- the closing day of the promenade week coincides with the great Christian holiday - Forgiveness Sunday. In the morning, believers visit churches, repent of their sins and ask for God's blessing, then apologize to friends and relatives and, in turn, grant forgiveness to both friends and enemies. In the evening, an effigy of Maslenitsa is burned on the central square of the settlement and melodious farewell songs are sung.

And oily, oily-polyzuha!
She licked pancakes and stoppers, -
On plates, on plates.
And we saw off our oil,
It’s hard, but they sighed for her:
“And butter, butter, come back,
Stretch until the Great Day!

Folk songs for Maslenitsa-2017 for children

Introduce children to history, culture and folk traditions his country today has again become very popular. But in order for a sincere interest to awaken in a child, they do it in an unobtrusive, game form. To get to know ancient rites and the rituals of the Maslenitsa week are the best fit, because at this time you can enjoy delicious pancakes and learn folk songs about Maslenitsa.

We have not eaten pancakes for a long time,
We wanted pancakes
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

Dissolved in a new pot,
Pancakes went for two hours.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

My elder sister
Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

She baked food
There are probably five hundred.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

On the tray she puts
And she brings it to the table.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

Stay healthy guests
Here are my pancakes ready.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

And we are waiting for the carnival,
We wait, my soul, we wait.
We'll see cheese and butter in our eyes,
We'll see, my soul, we'll see.
Like a green oak on a hill,
Greenery, soul, greenery.
And Vanyusha, my friend, is young,
Young, soul, young.
Our Maslenitsa, be happy
Be happy, soul, be happy.
Our pea be rolling,
Be resilient, soul, be resilient

Wide Shrovetide!
We praise you
We ride on the hills
We eat pancakes.
Hey, Maslenitsa-kuroseika,
Give us a good show!
- Butter, Butter,
Have you seen Gorasenko?
-A Goraska in a red cap
On a black horse
waving a whip,
A horse is dancing under it.
Like Shrovetide Week
Pancakes flew from the oven
And cheese, and cottage cheese -
Everything flew over the threshold.
We had fun!
You will get it too!

Short poems for Maslenitsa-2017 for children in kindergarten

Today Maslenitsa is celebrated not only in family circle or work groups, but also in children's educational institutions. In kindergartens on occasion have a nice holiday they hold bright, themed matinees, and with the kids they learn short poems about Maslenitsa and the traditions associated with it. Usually these rhyming works consist of one or two verses, they are very easy to remember and perfectly perceived by ear. The only thing that is required from educators and parents is to explain to children the meaning of some Old Russian words that are often found in texts.

I want to wish you
In this carnival
Brightly live and live,
The best in the world.
And good luck to you now
I sincerely wish
So that every day and hour
Live without despair!

Shrovetide has come to us
Bringing joy to people
Well, we will come with pancakes,
Celebrate the holiday with you!

Here comes Carnival!
Madam-boyar Maslenitsa!
With cheese, butter, and pancake
And ruddy pie!

Beautiful short poems for Forgiveness Sunday-2017 and Maslenitsa

Shrovetide week ends with a very significant Christian holiday - Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, people go to church in the morning and ask God to forgive their sins and give a blessing, and after the service they turn to friends, acquaintances and relatives with a request for forgiveness. Someone at such a moment says a few simple phrases in his own words, while others prefer to apologize in a more unusual, poetic form and read beautiful short poems about Maslenitsa and Forgiveness Sunday to relatives and friends. Sincere melodic lines touch to the depths of the soul and warm hearts in the most frosty and harsh winter month.

About grievances
All offenders
With this you can
What is God
Forgive you!

God teaches people to forgive
And don't hold a grudge
Mercy open up
FROM good heart pray.

To be unforgiving
Live with a clear conscience.
Forgiveness Sunday
Give out congratulations!

A bright holiday is coming
Calls to forgive each other.
Sunday brings happiness
The Lord will save us from bad weather.

May there be light in your house
May the joy last for many years.
Let the warmth of love in the soul warm,
Let the fire of hope not smolder!

Ritual ditties on Maslenitsa for children - text and video

To celebrate Maslenitsa in the garden or primary school learn simple, short ritual ditties with children. Kids remember their texts very easily, and then they perform them with great pleasure during a festive matinee.

Shrovetide, Shrovetide,
Let's enjoy pancake.
Drive the blizzards away from us
Ride on the carousel.
Melt the cold ice
May spring come soon!

The cat walked, sat, lay,
Long waited for the carnival.
He sang songs, hissed, sniffed:
"Not winter, but chaos!"
battery under the window
He warms the cat with warmth!
And he hopes that - here!
Spring will come soon!

Mother spring is coming, open the gate!
The first of March came, spent all the children
And behind him - and April opened the window and the door
And as May came, walk as much as you want!
Mother-spring is walking through the fields-forests alone
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is forbidden
And the third time we will not miss you!

To make the song number look more saturated, spectacular and bright, it is worth agreeing with the parents and picking up interesting folk costumes. They can be rented from a party and party agency, or you can make your own from suitable materials. Children will be very pleased to perform in front of their parents and guests in real stage outfits, and they will be able to fully feel the colorful emotions and joyful festive mood. You can see how this works in practice in the video clips below.

Funny Russian ditties for Maslenitsa for adults

Funny and frivolous Russian ditties for Maslenitsa are especially popular with adults. These incendiary verses with ambiguous allusions and frivolous content are sung at the table in close friendly and kindred companies. Folk art this kind brings special piquant notes and an element of some playfulness into the atmosphere of the holiday. However, if children take part in the solemn meal, it is better to refuse ditties of such a plan. Toddlers are not yet able to correctly understand some phrases and may well ask adults to explain unfamiliar words. Childish spontaneity will put older generation in awkward position and make you feel embarrassed, and these are not at all the emotions that a person should feel during a bright, cheerful and dynamic holiday.

I love pancakes with herring
Wash them down with tasty vodka.
True, later in the evening
I look like a scarecrow!

My mother-in-law made me:
Eat a mushroom pancake
But I still lived a little,
I'm not ready to die!

Spent on Shrovetide
We fisticuffs,
I defeated my husband
After all, I have a frying pan!

Short carols for Maslenitsa-2017 for children

They have been caroling in Rus' since the most ancient times, and not only at Christmas, but also at Maslenitsa. Throughout Cheese Week, including the day of Forgiveness Sunday, children and young people walked around the yards in large companies, praised the owners of the houses, wished well-being in their families and, to the delight of others, sang short ritual carols, funny ditties, perky poems and cheerful Russian folk songs about Maslenitsa. In peppy holiday texts, they sincerely rejoiced at the end of winter and the onset of a new fertile season, called for spring and asked the hosts not to skimp on treats and immediately regale the carolers with delicious hot pancakes.

teen teen,
Give me a pancake
Butter piece!
Aunts, don't be stingy
Share the buttercream!

Like Shrove Week
Pancakes flew out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Shrovetide, treat!
Give everyone pancakes.
From the heat, from the heat - take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

Wide-eyed Maslenitsa!
We praise you
We ride on the mountains
We eat pancakes!

Maslenitsa is an ancient Slavic holiday that has come down to us from the depths of pagan times. According to tradition, it was customary to carry out carols on Maslenitsa. With the advent of Christianity in Rus', the Maslenitsa holiday gradually acquired religious meanings. The time of the celebration was timed to coincide with the beginning of Great Lent and began to depend on the day of the celebration of Easter. According to ancient tradition, Maslenitsa is usually celebrated for a week. Saying goodbye to the winter and meeting the long-awaited spring, people visit each other, eat pancakes and burn an effigy.

Into the depths of centuries

In ancient times, a carol was a song performed during a ceremony or ritual. On a certain day of Shrovetide week (usually on Thursday), people, armed with various musical instruments went from house to house and sang carols. At the same time, the hosts certainly had to treat the “singers” with sweets or wine and receive a thank-you song in response to hospitality, which was the key to further longevity and well-being of the hosts. Nowadays, carols have no former sacred meaning, but do not lose their relevance among children, especially in rural areas. In many towns and villages, there is still a custom to organize caroling for children. The child dresses up and walks around the neighboring houses, singing carols, for which he will be rewarded in the form of sweets or coins. In the cities, Maslenitsa is no less fun. The noisiest festivities can be seen on the main square of the city, where a huge dressed-up effigy of Maslenitsa is installed. Round dances are danced around him, treats are distributed and various competitions, That is joyful event for both children and adults.

Shrovetide chants

Shrovetide songs include not only carols, but also ditties and jokes, in which Maslenitsa, as a symbol of the outgoing and fairly boring winter, was often ridiculed and endowed with negative traits. There are even cases of obscene expressions in the texts of Shrovetide carols. Maslenitsa is a celebration of abundance, so all sorts of delicacies are mentioned everywhere in the songs. The text of the carol below illustrates this very clearly:

We treat you well!
with pancakes
with loaves,
With dumplings!

The carols describe in detail the amusements that the jubilant people indulge in: sleigh rides from the hills, round dances and dances around a straw effigy.

A feature of the carol is interjections that convey the emotionality of the song and the unique folk flavor: “lyuli”, “leli”, “ai”, etc. Shrovetide songs can be divided into two conditional groups: songs with which Maslenitsa is greeted, and songs with which it is escorted.

In some texts, Maslenitsa is called the mistress and giver of blessings, while in others they are scolded and accused of all sorrows. And this is not surprising, because with the end of Shrovetide week began strict post. But, despite the difference in semantic content, all Shrovetide carols are sung equally joyfully and provocatively.

You fooled us, you bastard!
left us
For sour kvass
For lean cabbage soup,
For hungry meals.

Seeing off Maslenitsa is accompanied by a commemoration of the dead (this is why pancakes were baked, and not at all because pancakes are a symbol of the sun), as well as Christian tradition ask for forgiveness before Lent (Forgiveness Sunday). Here, cheerful motives give way to sad melodies.

So, newly married girls sang mournful songs, through which they complained about their life in new family and separation from home, where there is no way to get because of the flooded rivers. Nevertheless, the main motif of Shrovetide songs is joyful expectation warmth and future fun.

Seven weeks later
There will be a bright day
Let's celebrate Easter
Let's color the eggs

Shrovetide of the 21st century

Today, Maslenitsa has lost its former meaning.

Carol, carol.

And sometimes carols

On the eve of Christmas.

The carol came

Brought Christmas.

Christmas carol came

On the eve of Christmas.

Give me a cow


And God forbid that

Who is in this house

Who is in this house

The rye is thick for him,

supper rye;

Him with an ear of octopus,

From the grain of his carpet,

From half-grain - a pie.

God would give you

And living, and being,

And wealth

And create for you, Lord,

Even better than that!

carol is a song traditionally sung at Christmas.

On carnival

Wide-eyed Maslenitsa!

We praise you

We ride on the mountains

We eat pancakes!

Oh, we sent Shrovetide,

They urged, lied, urged,

We made cheese with butter,

Started, lyoli, started,

We covered the mountain with pancakes,

Covered, lyoli, covered,

Topped with oil,

Watered, watered, watered.

As from cheese the mountain is steep,

The mountain is steep, lyoli, the mountain is steep,

And from the oil the mountain is clear.

The mountain is clear, loli, the mountain is clear.

And snow is falling on the mountain,

Snow is falling, pouring, snow is falling,

And mothers call us home

They call home, lyoli, they call home.

And we don't want to go home

I don't want, lyoli, I don't want,

We want to ride

Ride, lyoli, ride,

From the mountain to the fir tree.

To the fir-tree, lyoli, to the fir-tree.

Our pea is all rolling,

Everything is hot, loli, everything is hot,

Our grandmothers are grumbling,

Grumpy, loli, grumbling.

They mutter day and night,

Everyone grumbles, lyoli, everyone grumbles.

They lie on the stove, they all talk about us,

“Who would not come to us, would not bring something,

Gogolechek, gogolechek, lyoli, gogolechek.

Or a piece of cheese, or a bar of soap.

Gogolechek, gogolechek, lyoli, gogolechek.

Shrovetide song - a song that was performed during the Maslenitsa rite.


    Where cabbage soup, look for us there.

    As the prince is thin, so is the dirt.

    Perhaps yes, I suppose - brothers, both lie down.

    The devil gave Aviron defense - an owl and a raven.

    Perhaps we will only live, perhaps we will die.

    Avoskal, avoskal and even doavoskal.

    Baba was angry at bargaining, but bargaining does not know it.

    Babi age - forty years.

    Sheep ram is standing.

    Endure troubles, have a stone heart.

    Without money, sleep is stronger.

    Shchi is not thick without cabbage.

Proverb - a short, stable in speech, rhythmically organized figurative utterance, which has the ability to use polysemy in speech according to the principle of analogy.

I agree to the publication.

Tkalenko Ekaterina Valerievna

    age: 23;

    Zaporozhye region, Vasilyevsky district, with. beams;

    teacher-organizer in KZ Dneprorudnenskaya gymnasium "Sofia";

    folklore repertoire recorded from the words of their students, as well as from various trips to the regions;

    uses folklore works in the process of work;

    folklore material is transmitted in an arbitrary conversation with others;

    Address: s. Balki, st. Ivana Franka, 17.

Kupala rite

(“... when I was in western Ukraine, I was told various rituals, and I even managed to visit one of them ...”)

Usually the ceremony takes place on the bank of the river, the headquarters, in a forest clearing, but with the obligatory presence of water.

All the action begins to take place on June 6 in the morning. Teenage girls gather somewhere in the field and make a doll that looks like a witch. When they have made this doll, they carry it to the village and sing songs. There, in the village, the boys are already waiting for the girls. They rush to the girls and try to take the doll away, after which they tear it to pieces to the screams of the girls.

The main part of the holiday begins in the evening. As a rule, all children and elderly people come to this holiday. The smallest participants kindle a small fire, over which they then jump.

Then the action moves to a forest clearing or to the river bank. There, the girls make the so-called "Morena". To do this, cut a large branch from a cherry tree, on which there are three knots: one for the head, and the remaining two for the hands. The whole figure is decorated with flowers, multi-colored ribbons and beads. All this goes with the song.

After that, one of the girls puts a wreath on her head and carries the made stuffed animal to pasture, and the rest see her off and sing songs again.

Having reached the shore, the girls pour a small pile of sand and begin to dance, guess, etc.

Then, the girls pick flowers and weave wreaths for themselves while they sing. Young men join the girls and light torches. Then, all together go for firewood.

Around the fire, all those gathered sing songs. When the songs stop, then the young men begin to jump over the fire in order to be cleansed by the “Kupala fire”. Over time, the girls join the guys. Also, sometimes they jump in pairs.

According to custom, before jumping over the fire, the guy removes the wreath from the girl and puts it on his head, and puts his headdress on the girl's head. Having jumped over the fire, the couple passes around Kupala and stands behind the rest of the participants in the game. There is even a sign that if the couple does not disperse after jumping over the fire, they will soon get married.

When the fire begins to die down, the girls surround, so to speak, Kupala crowned with wreaths, and sing a farewell song.

After the farewell song, the girls begin to dismantle Kupala: all decorations and wreaths are removed from it and taken as a keepsake.

rite a set of actions legalized by tradition, performed at a sacredly regulated time, place, and aimed at achieving a goal.
