Light postcards for February 23 for children. Ordinary and interesting do-it-yourself postcards

In anticipation Defender of the Fatherland Day the urgency of the issue grows exponentially. The most valuable gift for men will be a thing made with a pure heart, with your own hands. In this article, we will tell how to make a postcard by February 23.

The main thing in the article

Postcards for February 23 to paper kindergarten: photo ideas and instructions for implementation

In kindergarten, kids are just beginning to develop creative skills. Homemade holiday cards for dads, grandfathers or brothers can be for kids. Depending on the age of the children, you can offer the following gift cards that children can make themselves.

For the little ones
The smallest ones can give dads a drawn postcard. It can be brush strokes with different colors or finger painting. Relevant postcards with the palm of the baby. The main thing is that the teacher or mother should sign the children's creativity, and the kid will be happy to present a hand-made gift to dad.
For the middle group
Children from the middle group not only draw, but can also handle glue, so they can be offered to make an application as a gift by February 23. If the kids have already learned how to handle scissors, then let them cut out the details for the future postcard on their own. If they do not yet have such skills, then prepare the necessary blanks for the composition in advance. The application can be folded in the form of a rocket, ship, tank or car.

For the senior group
Children from the older group can prepare different postcards for February 23. The following options will look great:

  • Drawn postcard.

  • Application.

  • Creativity using semolina, which is glued on glue and painted in different shades.

  • One of the new directions is compositions from napkins.

Any of the options will look great and inconspicuously please the defender of the fatherland, who will receive such a homemade postcard as a gift.

Postcards for Defender of the Fatherland Day to school: photo instruction

We offer primary school students to make postcards in the form of medals. They can be simple or complex with many elements.

Simple gift medal
We prepare the following tools and necessary materials:

  • template for a medal;
  • decorative parts;
  • colored pencils or paints;
  • scissors;
  • lace or ribbon for a medal.

Medal for February 23 in origami technique
To make such a gift you need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • green colored paper in two shades;
  • scissors;
  • glue (preferably in a pencil);
  • string or ribbon.

How to make a DIY card for dad: templates and photos

You can make a postcard for your beloved dad with. The idea is original and not difficult to execute, so even a child can cope with making such a gift.

To work you need to have:

  • colored cardboard;
  • paper (blue, red, white);
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • glue, for children it is better to take in a pencil.

Now you need to make the following blanks:

How to make a three-dimensional postcard for February 23?

There is nothing difficult in gluing a three-dimensional postcard. We describe its step-by-step production. The main element of the postcard will be the boat. For a voluminous boat, blue colored cardboard should be prepared. This will be the base. Next, fold a sheet of white paper in half, make a boat according to the template.

Line designation:
________ - cut lines;
_ _ _ _ _ _ - fold lines.
For decor, you can use the following patterns.

Now it only remains to decorate the resulting postcard by gluing the prepared decor.

A gift card can be with any three-dimensional element. So, for example, you can make an interesting option with an airplane.

Application cards for February 23: instructions for making

For postcard-application, you need to prepare the following:

  • colored cardboard, which will be the basis of the postcard;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Now to the process of work:

You can make another application with a boat.

Postcard-shirt for February 23: how to do it yourself?

There are many options for folding a card-shirt. Its manufacture and color are not limited. The photo below shows two ways to fold such an unusual postcard as a paper shirt.

Cool postcards for February 23: photo ideas

Postcards with congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Children's cards for February 23

The kid can give his dad or grandfather a postcard with congratulations, made with his own hand. A postcard with a tank is perfect for children's performance. For its manufacture will need:

  • cardboard base;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick.

Initially, you need to print stencils for the tank.

Transfer the details (elements) to colored paper according to the template. Let the child cut them out. Parts of the tank must be glued onto pre-prepared cardboard. Postcard is ready! You can also use felt or any other suitable material.

How to make a video card for February 23?

Today, even a schoolboy can make a video postcard by February 23rd. All you need is a phone with a camera.

Video postcard can be:

  • in the form of changing pictures or photos for a song;
  • just a recorded video of congratulations.

After such a postcard is finished, it can be written on a flash drive, which you can give to the defender of the fatherland, or it is quite possible to send such a congratulation through social networks.

Making beautiful cards for men for Defender of the Fatherland Day: video

Handmade cards are always a pleasure to give and receive. By February 23, you can cook several different postcards and crafts made by hand. You can make them yourself or with children and give them to dad, grandfather, uncle, friend, colleague.

To date, the holiday of February 23 has ceased to simply be a holiday for military personnel. On Defender of the Fatherland Day congratulations to all the men you love.

To make a card or a gift, you need to prepare a few details, but first you need to think about the design, about what exactly you would like to do.

In this master class, you will learn how to make several types of cards and gifts with their own hands.

DIY crafts for February 23. Origami shirt

To make a paper shirt you will need rectangular sheet of paper any color.

You can also choose shirt size. When choosing a size, you need to take into account several details: the ratio of the length and width of the rectangle is 2:1; the sides of the shirt after it is assembled will be 2 times smaller than the sides of the rectangle.

* You can try to fold an origami shirt first, using a regular sheet. Thus, you will learn where and how you can avoid mistakes when making a direct gift.

1. First you need to fold the rectangle in half, but along and not across. Next, you need to unfold and bend the edges of the paper to the middle (see picture).

3. Prepare your sheet face down again. Once again, fold the corners to the fold lines you just made. This time you do not need to unbend these small corners.

4. Now fold the top of the sheet with the folded corners in the part of the paper where the edge of the sheet intersects with the fold lines of the corners.

5. The next thing to do is to fold two ribs towards the middle of your paper shirt and make the sleeves (see picture) while holding the ribs with a finger of one hand.

6. You have made the sleeves and now it's time to move on to the collar. You may have already guessed that the collar needs to be started from the other end of the folded rectangle. To do this, fold the bottom edge of the sheet so that the collar is about 2 times shorter than the sleeve.

7. Turn over the folded sheet and make the corners of the collar.

8. Finally, fold the resulting sheet so as to align the edge with the sleeves and collar. Straighten the corners of the collar and use glue to secure them.

You have made the base of the shirt. Move on to decoration. Add buttons. You can also add a corner of a handkerchief, a bow tie or a tie.

How to make a paper tie for your shirt:

Using an origami shirt as a base, you can easily decorate your postcard. You can make a large shirt and use it separately as a gift.

You can also make several small shirts in different colors and attach them to one postcard.

DIY postcard frame for February 23

On any holiday, the most important gift is a reminder that the man you love is important to you. For this, a handmade gift is what you need.

If you know how to knit, then here is one idea for you - a knitted butterfly.

And if you are not inclined to knitting, then you can prepare such a colorful postcard frame that not only looks original, but is also very easy to make. In principle, anyone can make such a frame.

You will need:

Wooden photo frame 10x15

* It is better to choose white color. And if you have a dark-colored frame, you can repaint it in a light one, using white acrylic paint and a sponge.

Colour pencils

Glue hot gun

* It can be replaced with a transparent strong adhesive.

Colored paper (in the form of a square), for the manufacture of a boat or airplane.

1. Prepare a light frame, and pick up colored pencils of the right size.

*To paint the frame with white acrylic paint, dip a sponge into the paint and gently spread evenly over the frame. Then leave the frame to dry.

* Pencils need to be selected so that they look beautiful on the frame.

2. Glue the pencils to the frame using a hot glue gun.

3. Draw a postcard and make a boat that you need to glue on the postcard, and glue that in turn to the frame.

Cool congratulations on February 23

Men also like sweets, and therefore you can cook and decorate chocolates beautifully.

You will need:

wooden skewers

colored paper

Double sided tape

Multi-colored thick cotton threads

PVA glue

Two wrapped chocolates


Side cutters for cutting skewers

1. To make a sail, you need to cut out an isosceles triangle from paper with sides equal to 10 cm and a base of 12 cm.

2. Fold the triangle in half and insert a piece of skewer into its fold. Make sure that the end of the skewer protrudes only 1 cm above the sail.

3. Now you need to glue the structure using PVA glue.

4. Stick double-sided tape along the entire length of the chocolate bar.

5. On the other side of the adhesive tape, remove the protective film and glue the mast with the sail as shown in the picture.

* The mast must be pressed between two chocolates.

* You can decorate the mast with colored paper flags!

Congratulations to the boys on February 23. Photo frame "Order"

With this gift, you can reward your hero for all his merits. Such an order, made by hand, is suitable not only for an adult man, but also for a little boy. And most importantly, he will be pleased.

You will need:

Cork stand for hot

Thin plexiglass

Satin ribbon (color blue, width 4cm)

Cardboard (heavy paper)

Metal ring (2pcs)

Acrylic paint (gold color)

colored paper

Eyelet 0.4 cm, 1 pc (you can do without it)

PVA glue

glue gun


1. Using PVA glue, prime the cork hotplate and paint over it using gold acrylic paint.

2. Cut out an eight-pointed star from cardboard or construction paper, large enough to fit the cork stand as shown in the picture.

3. The star now needs to be covered with two layers of acrylic paint.

4. Use the glue gun to connect the base and the star. In this case, the recess in the stand should be on the outside.

5. Prepare the plexiglass and cut out a circle from it, the diameter of which should be 0.1 cm larger than the diameter of the stand. Thus, you will ensure a good fixation of the plexiglass in the photo frame.

6. Using a universal punch, make a hole in one of the arms of the star.

7. Insert the eyelet, which also needs to be fixed, using the same punch, but with a special nozzle for installing eyelets. Insert a metal ring into the hole.

8. Prepare a satin ribbon, thread it through the ring and make a bow.

9. Now you need to glue the second metal ring on the back side. It will be needed for fasteners.

10. It's time to decorate the rays with triangular elements made from colored paper.

Do-it-yourself gift for February 23. Keychain - shoulder strap.

In this master class, you can learn how to make a military attribute with your own hands and give it to a man. Namely, you will learn how to make a felt keychain, with embroidery as a decoration.

You will need:

Burgundy felt (thickness 0.1cm)

Green felt (thickness 0.5cm)

Mouline threads (different colors)

Copy paper

Eyelets 0.4cm (quantity 2pcs)

Chain ring (as part of a keychain)

Universal Punch

1. Find a picture of a soldier. Use carbon paper to transfer the design to the felt.

2. Slowly pull the felt over the hoop. Use the "simple double-sided stitch" technique and try to embroider a picture on felt. Next, you need to remove the hoop and cut out the image, while leaving allowances of 1.5 cm.

3. Prepare a green felt and cut out 2 parts from it in the form of a small shoulder strap (both should be the same size). Now you need to make holes on both parts. To do this, you need to install the nozzle on the punch, and punch.

Use a special nozzle to fix the eyelets. You can also try to process this hole by hand - just wrap the edges with threads of a suitable tone.

4. With the help of a blind seam, tediously sew the felt with embroidery to one of the blanks made from green felt.

5. As for another workpiece, here you need to make a slot in the form of a window.

6. For now, fold all the pieces, and sew by hand using an over-stitch.

7. The top part needs to be decorated. To do this, sew it with red threads.

8. Insert a chain with a ring into the hole.

Poems from February 23

  • We congratulate you today
  • From February 23
  • This holiday is very important.
  • And it was not invented in vain.
  • May your spirit be healthy
  • You are the defenders of the country!
  • Be her strong support
  • And always faithful in everything!
  • You are a man, which means you are a protector!
  • Your family hearth and peace,
  • Like a strong granite wall,
  • You shield yourself from adversity.
  • Be wise - the mind is a match for men.
  • Wisdom is more precious than a crown.
  • Not the sage who is higher in rank,
  • He is higher in rank who is a sage.
  • I want to congratulate my beloved
  • I am from February 23,
  • I can't leave you
  • You are the best for me.
  • Congratulations, beloved husband,
  • Happy February 23rd!
  • Always be fearless
  • Also, love me.
  • good health,
  • Many happy days
  • And a fun feast
  • And good friends!

Very soon there will come a holiday for dads on February 23rd. Every child wants to congratulate their beloved dads, grandfathers or brothers on this men's holiday and make a gift with their own hands. We offer unusual ideas on how to make simple postcards for February 23 with your own hands in kindergarten.

Postcard with carnations

  • Thick colored paper under the base of the postcard;
  • Pieces of colored paper for flower stems;
  • Shavings from a colored pencil of red color (yellow can also be used);
  • PVA glue;
  • Markers or markers.

First you need to prepare the buds for the nails. To do this, take a red colored pencil and make a few shavings with a sharpener. Connect the ends of the chips and glue, you get a flower. Make a bouquet of 3 flowers. Cut out stems and leaves from colored green paper.

Prepare the base of the postcard from thick colored paper. Bend in half and glue the finished carnation flowers on the front. Inside the card, write kind words of wishes for the holiday. Such beautiful postcards for February 23 can be presented to dad or grandfather.

Postcard - boat

To make such a postcard you need to prepare:

  • Thick colored paper for the base of the postcard;
  • Colored paper in white, red, blue;
  • PVA glue (you can use a glue stick);

  • It is necessary to prepare all the details of the composition of the boat for the postcard.
  • To do this, cut a white boat in the shape of a trapezoid.
  • Also cut out 2 pipes and 2 clouds from white paper.
  • Cut out rectangles from red paper to decorate pipes and a boat.
  • From blue paper, cut out the windows on the hold of the boat in the shape of a circle.
  • Cut 2 long strips from blue paper and fold over a pencil to make wavy strips.
  • Assemble the boat: stick windows, a red stripe on a white base; glue pipes decorated with red stripes.
  • Fold thick colored paper in half.
  • Open the postcard and mark the location of the details of the composition.
  • Bend the base of the boat about 1 cm and glue the finished boat to the postcard.
  • Glue 2 clouds
  • Apply glue in parts to the bottom of the postcard and glue wavy strips on them, you should get three-dimensional waves.
  • The finished postcard can be signed with beautiful words.

Postcard - mug

To make such a postcard you need to prepare:

  • Thick cardboard of red color (you can optionally any color);
  • Colored paper in white, blue, yellow;
  • Colored markers or felt-tip pens;
  • PVA glue (or glue stick);
  • Satin ribbon.

How to make a postcard with your own hands:

  • Cut out a mug shape from colored cardboard.
  • Cut out a blue cloud, white birds, a parachute and a gift from colored paper.
  • Decorate the gift with a satin ribbon.
  • Arrange all the elements of the composition on the mug shape and glue it with PVA glue or glue stick.
  • Ready postcard to sign from February 23.

Postcard - uniform

Adults will like original postcards with Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can make them easily and quickly, without applying special skills.

For a postcard you need to prepare:

  • Thick colored paper;
  • colored paper;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • White sheet of paper;
  • Buttons 2 pcs;
  • Glue stick.

How to make a postcard - a uniform with your own hands:

  • Cut out a tie, a pocket, a corner of a scarf from colored paper.
  • Draw a tie with a pattern (optional).
  • Fold thick colored paper in three and bend the edges.
  • On the resulting back, put a white sheet for congratulations inside and fix it with a glue stick.
  • Glue a finished tie on top, a pocket with a corner of a handkerchief.
  • Glue buttons on the right side.
  • The uniform for the holiday on February 23 is ready.

Postcard - tank

To make such a postcard you need to prepare:

  • White sheet format A-4
  • Black round buttons 30-35 pcs;
  • Brown oblong buttons - 15 pcs;
  • colored paper;
  • PVA glue.

How to make a postcard - a tank with your own hands:

  • On a white sheet, mark the locations of the details on the postcard: tank, green grass, cloud, sun.
  • Draw a tank template with a pencil.
  • Lubricate the drawn template with PVA glue.
  • Paste the template with black buttons: the top of the tank, wheels, gun.
  • Paste the caterpillars with brown buttons.
  • Cut green grass and stick on the bottom of the postcard.
  • Cut out a cloud and a sun, stick on top of the postcard.
  • Sign the card with warm words of congratulations for the holiday of February 23.

Volumetric postcard

Beautiful voluminous postcards for February 23 for children with their own hands will appeal not only to dads and grandfathers, but to brothers and friends.

For a bulk postcard, you need to prepare:

  • Thick blue paper for the base of the postcard;
  • White paper;
  • PVA glue (or glue - pencil);
  • Felt pens (or markers);
  • Picture template.

How to make a voluminous postcard:

  • Cut out the details of the picture from the finished template.
  • Bend the blue sheet in half - this will be the postcard itself.
  • Glue all the details of the picture with PVA glue (or glue stick).
  • Fold the white plume of smoke from the plane onto a pencil and stick it in 2 places: at the end of the plane on one side of the postcard and the end of the plume on the other side of the postcard. Get a volumetric loop.
  • Use felt-tip pens to paint the pilot's face.
  • The card can be signed with the holiday of February 23.

Picture template for a three-dimensional postcard

Holiday card - painting

For such a postcard you need to prepare:

  • Multi-colored felt (or velvet colored paper);
  • Decor for the composition: white buttons, yellow satin ribbons, white wavy braid;
  • Picture frame;
  • PVA glue.

How to make a postcard for February 23 with your own hands:

  • Cut out the base of the picture from the blue felt.
  • Cut out the sun from felt, glue rays from satin ribbons.
  • Cut out a cloud of felt, stick white buttons on them.
  • Cut out a boat with sails, decorate the sail with multi-colored ribbons.
  • Glue white waves to the base of the boat.
  • Glue blue water from colored paper onto half of the base of the picture.
  • Glue all the details on the prepared base of the picture: a cloud, the sun, a boat with waves.
  • Place the picture in a frame.

Beautiful postcard from plasticine

You can make such a postcard for February 23 with your own hands very easily and quickly. From plasticine, make the tricolor of the flag: white, blue, red. Blind from plasticine 23. Apply all the details of the composition from plasticine to the white base of the postcard from velvet paper. A beautiful and original postcard is ready.

Postcard - star

The simplest postcard from February 23 in a couple of minutes. Cut out a star template from colored paper, paste over or paint the star in red. Sign a card with kind words of wishes for the holiday.

Postcard from February 23

It takes a little time to make a postcard for dad on February 23. The most important thing is colored paper, scissors and glue.

It is necessary to cut out all the details of the pattern from colored paper and stick it on a beautiful thick sheet. For the base of the postcard, you can use bright colors: purple and yellow. Even the smallest children in the kindergarten can make such a postcard. Do not forget to write congratulations on the holiday on February 23 on the card!

Hi all!! Not far off is the men's holiday on February 23. And we have already begun to prepare for it with you. So, we sorted out which original ones can be prepared on this day, and also considered gift options in the form of. Today I want to continue the theme of needlework and see what cards can be made for our dads, grandfathers and brothers.

Of course, most often, our children delight their dads with original souvenirs, so I will have a selection for children of different ages, both for kids and older. It will be useful for adults to read and choose what they can do together with the children.

It's no secret that all postcards are made of paper and cardboard, using different techniques, and they also add materials such as napkins, sparkles, and inscriptions. The result is very good crafts that will please anyone.

Let's take it in order. And to begin with, consider creative works made of paper, white and color))

In most cases, the work is done in the form of an application. For children of younger preschool age, it is necessary to make blanks in advance, which they then, under the guidance of an adult, simply glue. Or, if the guys know how to use scissors, give them a little cut.

See what work can be done here. Decorate the front side with a thematic picture, but on the wrong side, glue a poem or sign a wish with your child.

  • A simple application with a boat. Cut out the details and pasted on a colored background.

  • A slightly different version with seagulls.

  • Prepare planes in advance. Then it remains to glue them together with clouds of equal paper.

  • In this form, use cardboard as a base.

  • Here, cut out the symbolism from colored paper and carefully stick it on the base.

  • Here is a crepe paper helicopter or you can use felt. It also looks very impressive.

  • See what funny bottles with a surprise. A wave is easy to make from curly scissors.

  • More airplanes, only for bulk crafts, clouds can be made from cotton wool.

  • The option is more complicated using the quilling technique and torn paper appliqué.

  • And here, print out the background with clouds in advance, stick it on cardboard and first glue a two-color ball on top, then a plain one, but only the middle, wrap the edges.

  • You can also include not only gluing, but also drawing.

Well, let's show you how you can make the most popular type of craft for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

We will need: a sheet of cardboard, colored paper, PVA glue, felt-tip pens and paints.

Manufacturing process:

1. First color the template and cut it out. When cutting clouds, keep in mind that one cloud must be cut with scissors in a spiral to the middle (2).

2. Fold a piece of cardboard in half and open it again.

3. So, on the right side of the base, glue a spiral cloud, and after applying glue to the wrong side of a small cloud, close the card and hold it for a while so that the spiral sticks to both sides of the card (4).

4. Open the product. The plane must be glued so that the tail is 1 cm higher than the glued middle of the spiral cloud. Decorate the background as you wish or according to the template.

5. Fold the craft and unfold it again. All is ready!!

Like you can make a gift, only with a typewriter inside. Save and print templates!! I think everything is clear how to make such a product.

We make postcards from colored paper and cardboard at school

  • Volumetric postcard with a tank, a rocket and a star. I have already described in detail how to make such a product in an article about. So if you are interested, you can read.

  • But such an interesting emblem, it is better to make a star convex.

  • Do not forget about the marine theme with bulging sails or waves.

  • By the way, it’s very cool to make military equipment using the origami technique and stick it on the base. For example, you can fold a regular or two-pipe.

  • But look what a spotted plane made of equal paper rises on a glued base-a cloud of cardboard.

  • Well, a beautiful boat with scarlet sails. It is very easy to do: cut the waves in a wave, glue the boat in strips on top of each other, and twist the sails and glue only the edges.

I also found an excellent folding option with wishes inside. Here I share with you the video, everything is told in detail and shown. I really liked the idea, such a bright and unusual congratulation is obtained.

Step-by-step process of making a gift for dad from daughter

And it’s over, all dads who have daughters expect special crafts made by their own hands from their princesses.

If you have a daughter, then I suggest that she show the idea of ​​​​making such an interesting voluminous postcard, which I found on one site, you will actually see its name on the templates below.

We will need: printed templates, glue or thin double-sided tape, voluminous tape, red, blue and white ribbons, eyes for toys, white yarn, scissors.

Manufacturing process:

1. First, print out the background and cut out the templates. Depending on the gender, we cut out either a skirt or pants.

2. Tape the shoes and pants to the boy.

3. Stick on the T-shirt and tuck your hand into the slot.

4. Make hair out of yarn and glue it on your forehead.

6. Glue the stars on a bulky double-sided tape and write a wish inside.

I think any child will like to make such a product, and dad will be pleased to receive it. do you agree with me??

How to make a postcard for February 23 from napkins

And if you have accumulated a lot of bright, multi-colored or plain napkins, then this is very useful. Now I'll show you what you can do with them.

First, think over the plot, and then tear the napkins into small pieces and twist, glue them onto the base of the invented product.

  • That's what tanks you can create !!

  • The background can be painted with paints, it will turn out even brighter.

  • Here's the parachute option.

  • Or a traditional airplane.

  • Or a boat.

Such work is done very easily and simply, and also quickly. So get creative with the kids!! Enjoy great pleasure!!

Postcard in quilling technique "Tank"

And the next option is a win-win, as it is done in just 10 minutes. And you will need a minimum of materials. But the craft, as always, will be incomparable and on topic !!

We will need: colored cardboard, white and colored paper, glue, toothpick, curly scissors or a stapler.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take colored cardboard and fold it in half.

2. These are the blanks you should get.

3. Print out the inscription and cut it out. Also cut out a rectangle from white paper, slightly smaller than cardboard. Decorate the edges with curly scissors or a stapler. Glue on the front side.

4. Take green paper or special quilling paper. We need 7 strips. Two wheels from one strip, two wheels from two glued. Spin the wheels.

5. Glue the finished wheels together, and wrap around the perimeter with a strip and secure.

6. For the cab, glue three strips and twist into an oval, glue the tracks on top.

7. Twist the "eye" out of dark green paper and glue it too.

8. At the toothpick, cut off one sharp edge and wrap it with a thin strip of green, securing it with glue at the end.

9. Connect the cannon to the tank.

10. Glue the tank on a white base, and inside you can sign or stick a congratulation as usual.

Here is what beauty can still be made using this technique:

I just wanted to create such wonderful works with my daughter !!

Master class on making postcards for February 23 for kindergarten and elementary school

Now I offer two more amazing gifts to choose from. The first, unusual and strict, and the second - with a military theme.

Well, are you ready for needlework?! Then let's go!!

  • Shirt with a bow

We will need: A4 color cardboard, pastel colored paper, bright colored paper, bow pasta, gouache, thin and thick brushes, glue stick + PVA glue.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take the pasta and decorate it with a thin brush. Let them dry well.

2. Cut out a 10 x 9 rectangle from colored paper. Fold it in half to make a 5 x 9 rectangle.

3. At one end of the rectangle draw a line 1.5 cm from the edge, and on the other side draw another line 3.5 cm from the fold. You should end up with a small rectangle. Cut it off.

4. Extend the cut by 1 cm. Expand the sheet and fold the collar of the shirt along the finished lines.

5. Bend the shirt again, draw the sleeves and cut out. Expand the workpiece.

6. Now assemble our product. Take the cardboard and fold it in half, glue colored paper on it. Next, glue on the shirt and bow tie. Glue the remaining pasta as a decoration next to it. Your masterpiece is ready.

By the way, you can also draw buttons and a pocket with a thin brush, for example.

  • ship

We will need: colored paper, colored cardboard, a simple pencil, regular and manicure scissors, a ruler, glue - a pencil, compasses or round objects.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take the cardboard, fold it in half. On the front side, use a compass to draw a circle and carefully cut it out.

2. Draw a boat on brown cardboard and cut it out.

3. Now draw waves on white and blue paper, cut it out too.

4. Take the cardboard and cut out a triangle from it. It is desirable that the cardboard be double-sided, if you have a regular one, then cover the non-colored side with colored paper.

5. Stick everything on a cardboard base, but glue the triangle on one side and bend the other. You can complement the composition with clouds or seagulls.

I wonder which postcard you choose?! Write if it's not difficult!!

Video on how to make a postcard for February 23 using scrapbooking technology

Are you familiar with the scrapbooking technique? To be honest, I met her recently. It turns out that this is a very amazing and simple technique, and what souvenirs you get out of it)) I suggest you see everything with your own eyes, I think you will certainly want to repeat everything.

In fact, there are a lot of varieties of such postcards, hammer in the search and see everything for yourself. If there is no time, then I suggest ideas that I liked.

  • Typewriter with a letter

  • Star variant

  • Numbers and military equipment

  • Such a calendar, you can also make it in the form of a magnet

Agree that the products look like a store, it looks very nice.

Funny postcards for Defender of the Fatherland Day with your own hands

Well, in the end, a small photo selection for men who are not devoid of a sense of humor. Yes, children need to diversify creativity))

  • Fashion shirt or sportsman

  • You can use comic characters

  • Ideas with photos

  • And I really liked this composition, so gentle and romantic. Great gift idea from wife for her sailor

I hope I've been helpful and interesting. I wish you all positive, love and miracles!! And be sure to write in the comments if your kids make such gifts ?! Or give the choice to purchased souvenirs?! I still think that it is useful for children to make products themselves and surprise their parents.

A postcard is a great gift for the Defenders of the Fatherland Day. In this article you will find a selection of templates and detailed tutorials on making beautiful and original congratulations for dad, grandfather or boy. Some of them just need to be cut and glued, others need to be drawn, and others need to be folded and decorated.

We have collected postcards for you that will be appreciated by both the military and those who have served for a long time or did not even serve at all. In a word, any man will be very pleased to receive such a congratulation. Making postcards for February 23 with your own hands is very simple, so even children can handle this task.

Postcard from pasta for dad

Let's start with a master class for children - a great option for elementary school or kindergarten. We offer several options for postcards from pasta and cereals. These postcards are good because they do not need to be drawn for too long, and therefore even the smallest children can handle them. Any dad will be happy to receive such a fun homemade card for February 23rd.

We will need:

  • white or colored cardboard;
  • colored or decorative paper;
  • glue or plasticine;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, peas) or pasta of any shape;
  • paints (gouache, watercolor or any other).

If the child is small, help him make a drawing and use plasticine to attach the cereal to the cardboard. If he already knows how to make some paper crafts and work with glue, it is preferable to use glue.

Fold the cardboard in half or cut out a rectangle to decorate. If you are working with pasta, you need to paint them immediately, if you are working with other cereals, you can paint them later. How to work with some types of cereals, you can read in our article.

A simple decor in this case will be enough. Cut out two rectangles: one from newspaper, the second from paper, make a mustache and a bow tie from pasta.

Add congratulations. If a child knows how to draw, a postcard for February 23 can be made very interesting. For example, dad can be presented with a ship filled with cereals.

First, a drawing is applied, and then it is filled with grits. Add colors, write nice words.

Craft for the little ones - the word "PAPA" and the number "23". Write the word on the cardboard in large letters and roll up plasticine sausages. To fill it, decorate with peas or buckwheat.

Help your child make an airplane (this is a very useful and exciting activity for children). Color it in, write "From February 23!" and paste it on a postcard.

All the presented examples of homemade postcards can be changed and supplemented with any thematic decor in the form of stars, planes, tanks, etc.

Postcard in quilling technique

This is a very beautiful way to make a custom postcard for February 23 with your own hands. Any man will appreciate the effort you put into her. A quilling card is one of the best options to congratulate your beloved man, dad or grandfather. Stylish, original and tasteful.

We will need:

  • several strips of colored paper;
  • cardboard for the base;
  • transparent glue;
  • white cardboard;

If you don't have a special quilling needle, you can make your own. To do this, take an ordinary sewing needle with a large eye and bite off its tip with scissors. Insert the game with a sharp end into any wooden base.

The postcard begins with the preparation of a drawing and details for quilling. Cut the paper into strips no wider than 0.5 centimeters or less. Twist the parts with a needle, simply by passing it along the strip. Form shapes with your fingers. We have already told you how to twist parts using the quilling technique.

We draw the desired image on the cardboard: the inscription "February 23", a tank, an airplane, etc. We spread it with cardboard strips, gluing them on the edge with transparent glue. While they do not hold very firmly, but when filled, they will stand up “tightly”.

We fill the space with twisted details.

An excellent postcard in the "military" style will turn out in the form of a tank.

You can put the numbers one after the other.

Whatever you choose, attach the elements with transparent glue. Add congratulations - and the card is ready for February 23!

Postcard-shirt or military uniform

We offer step-by-step instructions, having mastered which you will learn how to fold a postcard in the form of a jacket and a shirt with a tie or a military uniform. Choose the first option if your man is far from the army, and the second, if vice versa. Such a card can also be offered to a child as a craft for dad.

We will need:

  • white cardboard;
  • colored cardboard;
  • satin ribbons;
  • buttons and beads;
  • any decor;
  • Super glue;
  • needle with thread.

Choose the color of paper according to what and for whom the postcard will be. If you want to make an imitation of a military uniform, take dark green paper or khaki cardboard, otherwise use cardboard of any color.

We cut out a “shirt” from white cardboard in the form of a rectangle. Then cut out the collar. The colored cardboard blank should be 2.5 times larger.

We place the “shirt” in the center and make bends in the form of a smell of a uniform. Bend the top corners to make a collar. The shirt also needs to be folded over to form a collar.

We put a ribbon in the center of the shirt - this will be our tie. To make a knot for it, we will use a bead. It's better to sew it on. We fix the tie with glue.

Glue a small piece of tape to a narrow white cardboard strip - this is a pocket and a future handkerchief. We will glue it and drape it.

Inside the shirt we write a holiday greeting for the Defender of the Fatherland Day. We supplement the jacket with buttons or stars, if it is a uniform. We glue the pocket, we make the rim with a felt-tip pen.

In the assembled form, congratulations are not visible on the postcard. If necessary, you can write additional wishes on the inside of the uniform. For example, many put poems on a gift that can be read with a full turn of the jacket. Any man will be pleased to receive such a homemade postcard for the holiday: you can immediately see how much soul has been invested in it.

Postcard with a voluminous boat

This simple card can be made by a child for dad. However, even crafts for a husband in this style would be appropriate. It will be a great addition to any gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

We will need:

  • blue cardboard;
  • White paper;
  • glue stick;
  • red and blue markers.

Blue cardboard is an imitation of the sea. To make the postcard more interesting, we will put it: bend it in half and make two folds inward so that it stands. You can lay an additional lining on the bottom to make the structure more stable.

We make a boat out of paper. Detailed instructions on how to do this can be found in our article on simple origami techniques.

Glue the boat to the cardboard. Add waves from paper.

We cut out a rectangle for the flag and several seagulls from white paper. With felt-tip pens we tint the flag and the boat itself.

Postcard for February 23 is ready! Congratulations can be written on the other side of the craft. And inside the card you can put a small gift or something tasty.

Volumetric postcard with an airplane

Another way to congratulate dad on February 23 is a voluminous postcard with an airplane. It is all made of paper and glued quite simply. A child from elementary school will cope with this master class on their own, but children from kindergarten will need a little help here.

We will need:

  • blue cardboard;
  • white paper;
  • blue paper;
  • paper of any bright color;
  • glue stick.

Cut out some clouds from white paper. We make a circle from blue paper, and then cut it out in a spiral 0.5 centimeters thick.

Draw an airplane on colored paper. Separately, we make the wings, glue them. We glue the clouds completely, the spiral is behind the center, we glue the plane to the center.

Fold the card in half. Congratulations can be written between the glued elements.

Such a voluminous postcard will appeal not only to dads and grandfathers, but also to boys. This is a great idea for congratulating classmates.

Bonus: video tutorial

This is a very simple voluminous postcard for February 23, which you can do with your own hands in just 5-10 minutes. Such a congratulation looks original and very beautiful. Take a look at the short video tutorial and get down to business - you definitely can't go wrong.

Choose any of the presented postcard making master classes, they are all good for congratulating men of various ages and statuses. Use the traditional colors of the Defenders of the Fatherland holiday, add interesting details and write the most sincere congratulations. Representatives of the stronger sex will be very happy with such signs of attention!

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