Folk remedies for soft heels. Which heel mask will get rid of cracks and make your feet soft?

If women try to look after the beauty and youth of their face and body, devote a lot of time and money to this, then for some reason not everyone looks after the skin of their heels.

But on the feet it is a large number of nerve endings. And our appearance and health depend on how well we take care of our feet.

Many women have the problem of rough skin on their heels, some even have corns, calluses and cracks.

If you don't want your feet to turn into... sandpaper, then quickly find out how to quickly make your heels soft and smooth at home, without resorting to expensive salon procedures.

In addition, when doing a pedicure in some untested salon, no one guarantees your safety; you will not be sure that after the pedicure you will not get fungus.

There may be several reasons for this:

At home, the following methods will help you cope with roughness and dry heels:

  1. Foot baths– they perfectly soften the skin.
  2. Scrubs– effectively exfoliate the top dead layer of skin.
  3. Masks– nourish the skin, saturate it useful elements, make it soft and beautiful.

Baths for rough heels

If the skin on your feet has become rough, foot baths can help restore its smoothness and softness. Let's look at the top 5 effective recipes heel baths.

Contrast baths

Place in one bowl hot water, and the other cold. Alternately move your feet to one container or another.

Contrast baths perfectly tone, improve blood circulation, relieve fatigue from the legs, a feeling of heat from the heels, and reduce swelling.

Take 3 liters of water into a basin, add 5 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, place your feet in the container, sit for 15 minutes.

Clean skin, rinse, wipe dry, apply to skin nutritious cream.

Apple cider vinegar perfectly softens heels, fights mycosis and onychomycosis, and prevents cracking and peeling.

Sea salt baths

Take 200 g for 2 liters of hot water sea ​​salt when it dissolves, you can add a little cold water . Lower your legs to your ankles and sit in the bath for 15 minutes. After standard procedure: working with pumice, applying nourishing cream.

Salt foot baths soften the skin on the heels, improve blood circulation, and remove bad smell, prevent sweating.

Sea salt is also good for nails - it strengthens the plate and prevents it from becoming brittle and splitting.

Take equal quantities and brew the following dry herbs: chamomile, rosemary, mint.

Pour the broth into a bowl, add warm water for volume. Immerse your feet; the duration of such a bath can be 20 minutes.

Don't know how to make your heels soft? Only with regular care can you achieve smooth, pink skin stop like a baby.

Boric acid baths

What to do if cracks begin to appear on the rough skin of your heels? First you need to steam your feet in hot water, so the skin will become softer and local blood supply will improve.

Then add to warm water boric acid(5 g per 1 liter). You can wash your feet with a decoction of St. John's wort.

After the foot bath and before using the mask, it is recommended to use a heel scrub. It will help quickly remove the upper stratum corneum of the skin, make your heels smoother, and give them a beautiful pink tint.

Any scrub should be applied to pre-steamed skin. Now let's look at what folk remedies will help to carry out perfect skin peeling:

  1. Coffee. Take 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee, 1 tsp. sea ​​salt and 2 tbsp. l. olive or sunflower oil. Mix all ingredients until a thick paste forms. Apply the mixture to your heels, rubbing it in thoroughly.
  2. Sea salt with honey. Mix 2 tsp. salt with 1 tbsp. l. honey Scrub your feet with this mixture. This scrub perfectly exfoliates the skin, removes roughness, and relieves inflammation.
  3. Orange peel. It should first be dried and then turned into powder using a blender or other kitchen appliance. Add a little olive oil to the orange powder. Apply the thick mixture to your heels and massage them for 10 minutes.

How to treat your heels to make them smooth and soft? No less effective than baths are foot masks. It is advisable to do them immediately after the bath.

Foot masks must be made from fresh products; you should not store the prepared product in the refrigerator, otherwise it will lose its properties. medicinal properties. Foot masks perfectly soften the skin, saturate it with vitamins, and help get rid of cracks and calluses.

To prevent the skin on your heels from becoming rough quickly, give your feet rest more often. Get a massage, take off your socks, lie on the sofa with your legs thrown up.

What to put on your heels to make them soft? Products from the refrigerator will come to the rescue:

If there are deep cracks in the heels, then using homemade masks is prohibited..

In this case, you should resort to special medicinal ointments and creams that promote skin healing. And only after the cracks have healed, you can begin to soften the skin of your feet using masks.

You can quickly improve the condition of the skin on your heels only if you haven’t caused the problem too much.

If the skin has become very rough, corns and calluses have appeared, then you should try hard to make your heels smooth and soft.

We reviewed the most popular recipes for the beauty of your legs. The main thing to remember is that you should take care of your feet regularly, this is the only way to achieve soft and healthy skin. And homemade masks, scrubs and foot baths can help you with this.

Hello dear readers. Today I want to talk about heel care. I will share with you interesting recipes masks.

I think everyone can choose a mask they like. This is both care and benefit. Taking care of your feet and heels is very important, just as important as taking care of your hands, face and body. Self-love means taking care of your body. In summer, our heels especially need care. To keep your heels tender, soft and smooth, you need to spend time with yourself. You can, of course, get pedicures regularly. But also take extra care of your heels. Moreover, it's summer great time, it’s time for berries, fruits and vegetables, there are so many things you can use straight from the garden for your face and heels.

How to properly care for your heels?

The most important thing is that care should be provided both in summer and winter. After all, it happens that with a lack of vitamins, heels can crack even in winter. Although in fact, there are quite a few reasons for cracked heels. Used for foot care various means: herbal baths, oils, softening creams and masks for heels.

And the most important thing in proper care is to remove rough skin. I’ll say right away that you shouldn’t use a razor or blade for this. This procedure may lead to negative consequences, from wounds to infections.

The basis of proper care is applying masks to the skin of the feet and heels. Masks can be made from natural and fresh products. Such masks soften the skin, promote healing of cracked heels, and saturate the skin with vitamins.

Very important point. You should have a separate towel for your feet, as well as for your face. And after using a foot file or pumice stone, use a heel sanding file.

It is also recommended to steam the skin of your feet before applying masks. Most often I use warm water and baking soda. You can use soda-soap or herbal baths for legs. Then clean your skin with pumice and start applying masks.

Homemade heel masks

Foot masks are very easy to prepare, the most important thing is to spend a little time for yourself. As vitamin masks You can use masks made from berries, fruits and vegetables. After all, if notches appear on the skin, this may also indicate a lack of vitamins.

Lemon for heels

Another interesting recipe for heels. Feet should be washed and dried with a towel. Cut off a slice of lemon. We use half a slice on one heel, and half a slice on the other. Rub your heels with lemon, or your feet. Then be sure to pat your feet dry with a towel and apply cream to the skin.

Lemon eliminates unpleasant foot odor, nourishes and softens the skin. Lemon is a storehouse of vitamins and useful substances. But if you have deep cracks or wounds on your heels, then you should not use lemon.

Orange masks for heels

The orange needs to be cut in half, some of the pulp removed and placed on the heels like “caps”. Leave for about 15 minutes. Then rinse your heels with water and clean with a pumice stone. You can grind orange pulp and apply it to your feet and heels.

Strawberry mask for heels

The strawberry mask perfectly softens the skin. The acids contained in strawberries soften the skin and are very easy to remove with a pumice stone. To prepare this mask, fresh strawberries need to be mashed and applied to the skin of the feet and legs. You can put bags on top. Leave the mask for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with water. Clean your heels with pumice stone. This mask helps in a natural way remove the rough layer of cells on the heels.

Well, don’t forget to lubricate your skin with foot cream. Such a wonderful recipe strawberry mask for feet, a manicurist and pedicurist shared with me today. I think that I will definitely try this foot mask as soon as strawberries appear en masse.

Potato mask for heels

Very interesting option potato mask. The mask softens the skin and promotes the healing of microcracks on the heels. For the mask you need to take one potato, wash it and peel it. Grind finely into a paste. Add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of olive oil to the chopped potatoes. Mix the mask and apply to your heels and feet.

You can prepare a double portion of the mask. Leave the mask on for about 15-20 minutes. Apply the mask after a foot bath. And also don’t forget to use nourishing foot cream.

Flax seed masks

Flax seed also has a healing effect. This mask promotes the healing of microcracks on the heels. Flax seed can be bought at the pharmacy. Pour a couple of teaspoons of flax seed into 200 ml. boiling water and shake until it becomes a thick jelly. Strain and add a spoonful of natural honey. Lubricate your feet and heels with this liquid, leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse with water. Don't forget the cream.

Mask with olive oil and honey

You can prepare a wonderful mask for your heels, which consists of natural honey and olive oil. Moreover olive oil you can replace it with any other (sea buckthorn, rosehip oil, St. John's wort oil, calendula oil, etc.) these oils have an excellent healing effect.

Mix in equal quantities natural honey and oil. Apply to your feet and heels and leave for fifteen minutes, maybe twenty. After this, rinse the mask thoroughly with warm water.

Mask with yolk

A mask with yolk has a wonderful effect. Only it is best to use country eggs. Separate the yolk from the white. We only need the yolk. Add a spoonful of any to the yolk vegetable oil and a spoonful of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to one and the other heel. You can wrap it in cellophane and top it with a bandage. Leave for fifteen minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water.

Remember that if there are cracks on the heels, especially deep ones, masks should not be used. I recommend using creams and ointments that promote heel healing, and then you can make masks.

Homemade heel masks good alternative purchased heel products. After all, all the products are very simple and affordable. The skin on your heels after the masks will be smooth and soft.

To look attractive, you need to pay attention to any, even the most seemingly insignificant detail. Many women try to carefully monitor the condition of their face, neck and hands, since these parts of the body are in plain sight, but most beauties pay attention to their legs, especially their heels, only when the season begins open shoes. In fact, heels need constant care, because rough, cracked skin not only looks unattractive, but also causes a lot of inconvenience when walking. In order to wear beautiful clothes without embarrassment summer shoes, feeling comfortable and confident, you can turn to a specialist for help, paying a significant amount for the service, or even better, learn how to take care of your heels yourself at home.

Why does the skin on my heels get rough?

Before looking for a solution to the problem, you need to determine the cause of its occurrence, that is, in order to tidy up your heels, you need to find out why the skin on them can become rough, dry and crack.

  • One of the most common reasons is the lack of proper heel care. If you do not regularly use pumice stones, scrubs and other cleansers, the layer of rough skin will thicken over time, resulting in painful calluses, corns and cracks.
  • The second reason is a lack of vitamins, in particular vitamin A (retinol), which plays an important role in the formation of tissues and promotes the renewal of epidermal cells.
  • Also, the shoes you wear matter a lot. Tight and uncomfortable shoes (boots or boots) can also cause rough skin on the heels.
  • In addition, the presence of a fungal infection cannot be ruled out. If regular heel care does not bring results, but at the same time there are unpleasant symptoms- sweating feet, itching and burning, you should definitely consult a dermatologist.
  • One more possible reason dry skin on the heels may be diabetes and other endocrine diseases. In this case, painful cracks often form on the feet, which are difficult to treat.

If you want your heels to always look attractive, try to approach solving problems comprehensively: watch your diet, maintain hygiene, and regularly perform various cosmetic procedures, which are based on cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the feet.

Heel care rules

Realize self-care taking care of the skin of your feet is not at all difficult, but in order for all your efforts to be crowned with success, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • IN warm time years, it is advisable to lubricate the skin on the heels with any softening cream before going outside.
  • To increase blood circulation in the legs, you should regularly massage your feet using moisturizers. cosmetics. To do this, you can use both store-bought cosmetics and homemade ones prepared using natural products.
  • To care for your heels, it is recommended to take baths with the addition of herbal decoctions or essential oils. Such procedures relieve fatigue from the legs, improve blood circulation and soften the skin.
  • It is not recommended to remove rough skin from the heels with a razor or metal grater, as this can seriously damage the skin. Instead, it's better to do warm bath and carefully remove the stratum corneum with pumice.

Foot baths

One of the most effective ways To soften the skin on the heels, there are foot baths that can be done using special devices or just in a bowl of hot solution. Baths can be herbal, soda, salt and others, depending on their purpose.

Softening herbal bath

Mix equal amounts of chamomile, St. John's wort and sage (one tablespoon each) and pour boiling water (200 ml). After a quarter of an hour, strain the finished broth and pour into a bowl with hot water. Soak your feet in the bath for about twenty minutes. After the procedure, lubricate your heels with nourishing cream.

Bath with white wine and linden blossom

Pour 300 ml of white wine into an enamel pan and place on water bath. Once the wine is hot, add a tablespoon of linden flowers (dried) and cook them for ten minutes. Pour the prepared solution into a bowl and soak your feet in it for about fifteen minutes. After the procedure, treat problem areas pumice stone, and then wipe the skin with warm vegetable oil.

Apple cider vinegar bath

Add three tablespoons of vinegar to a bowl of hot water. Keep your feet in the bath for no more than a quarter of an hour, then gently massage your feet with a brush and use a pumice stone if necessary. Rinse your feet with cool water, pat dry with a towel and rub your heels with a softening cream. Such procedures allow you to soften even very rough skin - your heels become soft and tender.

Bath with milk and laundry soap

Grate the soap (a third of the bar), pour boiling water over it and stir until the soap is completely dissolved. Pour the resulting solution into a bowl of hot water, add a glass of milk and a tablespoon table salt. Mix everything thoroughly and put your feet in the basin for half an hour (if necessary, add hot water to the container during the procedure). Dry your feet with a towel and apply cream to your heels. This product, when used regularly, helps prevent the formation of cracks in the skin.

Green tea bath

Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of green tea and cover the container with a lid. Strain the finished tea leaves and pour into a bowl of hot water. Soak your feet in the bath for twenty minutes, and then treat the skin with pumice. Green tea perfectly softens the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Heel masks

Another very effective means To combat increased dryness of the heels, there are homemade masks that you can prepare yourself. Masks should be applied to skin that has been previously steamed and cleansed of dead particles. It is advisable to carry out the procedures before bedtime at least twice a week.

Onion mask

This easy-to-prepare product prevents cracks and softens and moisturizes the skin on your heels.

  • 1 raw onion;
  • 50 g honey;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.


  • Grind the pre-peeled onion in a blender or grate it.
  • Add honey and oil to the onion pulp and mix thoroughly.
  • Apply the prepared mixture to problem areas and wrap cling film and put warm socks over it.
  • After thirty minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water.

Lemon mask

This product softens rough skin and promotes the healing of cracks.

  • 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) lemon juice;
  • 50 ml almond oil;
  • 30 ml kefir.


  • Mix all the ingredients in a ceramic bowl and apply the finished composition massage movements on your heels. The duration of the mask is twenty minutes.
  • After removing the mixture, lubricate your feet with any nourishing cream.

Honey mask

This home remedy Great for treating chapped feet. It is advisable to carry out the procedures at least twice a week, although the result may be noticeable after the first use.

  • 30 g thick honey;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • 50 ml strawberry juice;
  • 1 raw egg;
  • 1 tablespoon of wheat flour.


  • Mix the egg with flour and butter.
  • Add the remaining ingredients to the resulting mixture, mix again and apply the finished composition to the heels, leave for at least twenty minutes, and then rinse with water at a comfortable temperature.

Mask with zucchini and red currants

This product is best used in the summer, when the skin is especially susceptible to roughening and cracking. The zucchini mask replenishes the lack of nutrients in skin cells, moisturizes and softens the feet.

  • 1 young zucchini;
  • a handful of red currants;
  • 30 g vegetable oil.


  • Rub the berries through a sieve.
  • Grind the zucchini along with the peel in a blender and mix the resulting pulp with currant puree.
  • Connect ready mixture with oil and grind until smooth.
  • Take two pieces of gauze and fold them in several layers.
  • Apply medicinal composition onto tampons, apply them to your heels and wrap your feet with film.
  • After twenty minutes, rinse off the mask with water.

Homemade scrubs for heels

For effective cleansing heels and removal of dead skin in problem areas special scrubbing agents are used, which, like masks, can be prepared at home.

Orange peel scrub

Dry the orange peels in the oven and then grind them into powder using a coffee grinder. Pour a tablespoon of the prepared powder into the bowl, pour the same amount of vegetable oil into it and grind the mixture until smooth. Massage the mixture onto your heels for five minutes. Rinse off the scrub with water and apply moisturizer to your skin.

Oatmeal scrub with sour cream

Mix two tablespoons oatmeal(small) with one spoon of sour cream and the same amount of liquid honey. Apply the finished mixture to problem areas of the skin and massage for several minutes. This remedy relieves irritation and prevents the appearance of cracks.

Almond and olive oil scrub

Grind a handful of almonds in a blender and mix with two tablespoons of olive oil. Beat into the resulting mixture 1 egg yolk(raw) and grind the mixture until smooth. Rub the prepared mixture into your heels with massaging movements for ten minutes. Rinse your feet with cool water and apply nourishing cream to problem areas.

Any home remedies, if used correctly, can provide your heels with complete care, the main thing is to carry out similar procedures regularly, not occasionally, and then you can achieve amazing results.

Feet need the same careful care as your face, hair or nails. However, practice shows that many girls forget about this before the start of the open shoe season. How to clean your heels at home? What tools help quickly and effectively solve the problem? This is what today's article is about.

With the arrival of summer, rough heels become a huge problem for many girls and women. Closed shoes are giving way to flip-flops and sandals, in which the heels are always visible. And the rough skin in this place looks unattractive, giving rise to stranger the impression that the young lady’s feet are deprived of care and attention.

Folk remedies for rough skin on the heels

Undoubtedly, the beauty salon master will fix the problem within short term, after all professional help provides maximum effect. But the salon service cannot be called affordable, which makes this option unacceptable for many young ladies.

Fortunately, there is no need to run to the nearest beauty salon; you can clean your heels yourself at home. Folk remedies that are accessible and as safe as possible for health will help with this. The main thing is to understand the intricacies of their use and study the algorithm for carrying out home procedures.

  • Hydrogen peroxide . Make a solution by mixing one part hydrogen peroxide with six parts warm water. Treat your heels with a gauze swab soaked in the solution for 5 minutes, then clean the softened skin with a pumice stone.
  • Soda. Soda solution is ideal for steaming feet. Pour hot water into a bowl, add soda at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of liquid. Immerse your feet in the liquid for 15 minutes, then remove the layer of dead skin with a nail file or brush. After the procedure, treat your heels with moisturizer and put on warm socks.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid . Mash 10 tablets acetylsalicylic acid into the powder, add a glass of vodka and stir. Pour the mixture into a bottle, seal tightly and leave for 3 days. Before going to bed, soak a piece of gauze in the prepared solution, apply it to your heels, put on socks and go to bed. In the morning, remove everything, clean and moisten.
  • Vinegar. Will help remove a layer of rough skin and restore acid-base balance. Apply it to your heels soaked in vinegar. cotton pad, secure with cling film and put on socks. After 3 hours, remove the lotions, and treat the heels with pumice and moisturize.
  • Pumice. Pour warm water into a bowl, add a little liquid soap and stir. Soak your feet in the liquid for 15 minutes. When the heels are steamed, treat problem areas with pumice, making light movements. If a burning sensation occurs, complete the procedure. Moisturize your skin with cream and put on socks.

Video tips

The recipes discussed have repeatedly proven effective in practice. Despite this, Before use, make sure that the provided folk recipes components do not cause allergies.

The best products to buy

If your heels do not receive optimal hydration, they become dry and hard. And since this part of the leg plays the role of a shock absorber, with regular stress the skin first peels off and then cracks. As a result, walking becomes painful.

Not only folk remedies, but also pharmaceutical drugs, which are mainly represented by ointments.

  1. Scholl. To get the expected effect from using a Scholl file, wash and dry your feet before the procedure. Process with smooth movements. After cleaning, remove dust from the surface of the heels with a brush and treat the skin with moisturizer. To keep your heels tender and soft, use this roller file regularly.
  2. Glycerol. To soften your heels, prepare a working mixture. To do this, first mix 30 grams of oak bark and chamomile and pour a glass of boiling water. Add a tablespoon of glycerin to the broth and stir. Rub the product into your feet, put on cotton socks and go to bed. In the morning, rinse with warm water.
  3. Radevit. This ointment provides an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates the recovery process. Additionally relieves itching, reduces the level of keratinization, moisturizes and softens the skin.
  4. Flexitol. The drug provides a multifaceted effect: makes the skin elastic, eliminates irritation, provides an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates healing deep cracks.
  5. Gewol. The cream nourishes, moisturizes and heals skin covering on the heels. Additionally, it eliminates unpleasant foot odor due to fungal diseases and provides an analgesic effect.

I note that the Scholl roller file is recommended to be used with extreme caution by people suffering from diabetes. Their vessels are located too close to the surface of the skin, so it is better to consult a doctor before using the device. The device is also contraindicated for people who have injured skin on their heels or have fungal diseases.

Video instruction

If systematic heel care does not solve the problem of rough skin, visit a dermatologist. Perhaps this cosmetic defect is an echo of a serious internal disease.

Why does the skin on your heels dry out and crack?

Even in in good condition The skin on the heels is inferior to the skin on the face and palms in terms of softness. When it begins to get rough, it not only has a bad effect on the beauty of the legs, but also brings discomfort.

Don't worry too much about this. It’s better to pay a little attention to your feet, and within a few weeks your heels will become soft and beautiful again. To speed this up, it is crucial to determine the root cause of the problem.

  1. Vitamin and mineral deficiency . If the body receives few useful substances, this slows down the regeneration process. As a result, the heels become dry and cracked. In this case, it is recommended to review the diet and enrich it with vitamin foods.
  2. Overweight . The problem is often encountered by people suffering overweight. It is not surprising, because the heels, feet and toes receive excessively high stress. Therefore, you will have to work on your body and lose a few extra pounds.
  3. Field of activity . Often the problem is professional in nature. We are talking about people who are on their feet all day long. These are postmen, sellers, sales representatives and other professions.
  4. Uncomfortable shoes . In pursuit of beauty, girls often wear fashionable shoes with heels, then dry and cracked heels - by-effect. Heels also look ugly on people who like to walk barefoot.
  5. Fungal diseases . They themselves bring a lot of discomfort, and rough skin on your heels and an unkempt appearance is far from full list inconvenience.
  6. Various diseases . Often the problem is caused by problems with the kidneys or endocrine system.

As you can see, there are many reasons. So that the recovery procedure appearance and heel health is completed successfully, solve the problem by determining its cause. If you ignore this stage, a relapse will not be long in coming.

How to prevent rough skin on your heels

If you manage to get your legs in order, make sure that they always remain that way. And remember, the key to success is timely and proper care complex, consisting of several stages.

  • Cleansing. Remove dirt, dust and traces of sweat from the surface of your heels to prepare for further procedures.
  • Steaming . Dry and hard skin is difficult to remove. What to talk about high risk damage to the epidermis. It is better to steam your heels in warm water with the addition of essential oil.
  • Exfoliation . During this step, remove any rough skin from your heels. Sanding files, folk remedies and store-bought cosmetics will help with this.
  • Additional care . Having gotten rid of defects, strengthen the epidermis with a compress, mask or special cream.

For getting best result Perform home treatments regularly. It is recommended to clean the top layer of skin daily using soft detergents. It is better to steam your feet and remove dead scales twice a week.

Are you tired of rough, cracked heels, do you want to see perfect heels? There is a solution, and You can bring your heels to perfection at home, it is not necessary to contact specialists. This procedure will not take you much time; after 10 minutes you will not recognize your heels.

This method will help make your heels as smooth as a baby's. It all depends on the severity of the problem; the more advanced your heels, the more procedures you will need (maximum 3).

In order for your heels to sparkle with beauty and purity you will need:

- cream (any, but it’s better to use fat cream, I use baby cream)
- a brush for cleaning heels (not pumice, but a brush like in the photo), it costs a penny, by the way, it can be found in fixed-price stores.

— Using cream without first cleaning the heels of rough skin is useless.
- Do not use a razor to cut rough skin. As a result of these actions, skin growth occurs with a vengeance, since you also cut off a good layer of skin.
— You should not carry out the procedure of cleansing your heels after a bath, when the skin is steamed, since along with the rough layers, you also remove a healthy, good layer of skin.

Procedure for cleansing heels in 10 minutes:

Lubricate your skin with cream and walk around with it for 5 minutes or just lie down. The cream will help soften the skin.

Then wet the brush and shake off excess water. The brush should be slightly damp, but not wet.

Use this brush to treat dry heels. Please pay Special attention, heels must be dry, with wet ones you will not get desired effect. In just a couple of minutes you will see that the old, rough skin begins to roll into lumps and falls off. If the rolling of the rough skin has stopped, lightly wet the brush again and repeat the procedure. Three to four sets will bring your feet into ideal condition. After a shower, lubricate your skin with cream and relax.

If you were unable to cleanse your skin the first time, then repeat the procedure for a couple more days, but as a rule, in 1 procedure you can bring the skin of your heels to ideal condition.

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