Congratulations to a man on his 60th birthday in his own words. Festive portal anniversary-na-bis.rf - everything for your anniversary

Dear hero of the day, congratulations on your 60th birthday! I wish you health, love, good luck, kindness! Be happy! We want you to believe in own strength, stand firmly on your feet, constantly move forward. And may luck accompany you not only in your career, but also in your personal life!

I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary! On your 60th birthday, I want to wish you an unbridled desire to love and appreciate every happy moment that life brings to you! May such moments last a lifetime and always delight you! I wish you the best health in the world! Let no obstacles stand in your way, because there is still so much to be done! Let every moment in life bring only happiness, only sincere heartfelt laughter and good luck! I wish you love like the sea, I wish you such happiness that would capture you and never let you go! Congratulations on your 60th anniversary, on your anniversary! Happiness and warmth to you!

My dear hero of the day! Once upon a time you too looked with some embarrassment at those who celebrate their big anniversary. It seemed to you that he was 60, he was an elderly and respected man, he had earned the right to rest... And then suddenly this number crept up on you - 60! And you are still young at heart and full of strength and energy, you are ready to move mountains on your way, your soul sings, and your heart is full of love for your loved ones. So 60 is not that scary and not too much for something like this active person, How are you. I wish you not to lose optimism and vigor, may your health not fail you, and may your loved ones always delight you with their love. Happy anniversary, dear!

Our dear man, we hasten to congratulate you on your wonderful round date, happy anniversary, happy sixtieth birthday! On this significant day we wish you omnipotence, might and career growth, but at the same time we wish not to turn up our noses and not forget our friends! May this anniversary not be the last in your life!

A wonderful person, with kind soul and with my heart I would like to congratulate you on your anniversary today! You are already sixty years old, but your soul is no more than twenty! After all, that sparkle in your eyes that glows reflects your rich inner world! Let your life turn into a bright journey.

Happy 60th birthday wonderful man, a wonderful father and husband, dear grandfather and valuable employee! We wish you sparkling happiness, true prosperity, sincere love and fulfillment of all desires!

Dear hero of the day! Congratulations on your anniversary! As the American writer Edward Bok wrote: “ Real life a person begins at fifty years of age. During these years, a person masters what true achievements are based on, acquires what can be given to others, learns what can be taught, clears what can be built on.” Let your true achievements help your loved ones, and let yours wise advice– will be useful for friends and grandchildren!

Dear hero of the day, just good man, today we would like to congratulate you on your sixtieth anniversary! I would like to tell you that life, although not easy, you are walking your path with dignity, defeating all obstacles and obstacles! Keep it up, and know that many people look up to you.

The most golden birthday boy, we sincerely congratulate you on the same golden date, on your 60th birthday! May your home be a full cup, may there be peace and prosperity in it, may your loved ones always be near. We wish you today to receive welcome guests, to receive wonderful gifts, listen to kind and sincere congratulations!

On this such a wonderful day, I first of all want to congratulate you, dear hero of the day, on the sixtieth anniversary of your life. Let everything in your life turn out exactly as you want, as you plan. May you not encounter sadness, bitterness, or disappointment on your road. And every day will be light and bright.

Today I am happy to congratulate better man Happy anniversary. You won’t be given sixty years in any century, well, forty at most. Because you are always positive, energetic and cheerful. So may God grant you good health and inspiration every day.

Happy sixtieth birthday! We can confidently say that we came to the anniversary of a person with a generous soul, in whose eyes a sparkle sparkles and these eyes are always cheerful and kind. You are an energetic, fearless person, and not only in moments of danger, but in general, in life, i.e. never a passer. We wish you good health, fulfillment of your plans, peace and prosperity, self-confidence, hope for a worthy future and, of course, love. We wish you to be courageous, strong, reliable. Only with this set of qualities will your family feel completely safe next to you, as if behind a stone wall. And so that life does not pass by as a solid gray cloud - bright events, positive, emotions, joy, beauty!

Our dear hero of the day! Fate has gifted you friendly family, devoted friends, the years, adding, left only pure ones, sincere relationship, and the adversities of fate did not overshadow the beauty and taste of life. Through the years, love, sincerity and purity in the soul have been carried, everything unnecessary has been eliminated, and only what is real remains, what is needed for simple human happiness. There is something to look back on, something to remember, something to live with. Years pass, only bright moments remain in the kaleidoscope of Life. We wish that your whole life seems like a holiday, and that problems and minor troubles are not noticed at all. Health to you, our dear hero of the day, and longevity!

In a day have a wonderful anniversary and celebrations in honor of your 60th birthday, I sincerely and with admiration want to congratulate you! I have known you for a very long time, your life’s journey has passed before my eyes! You have always admired me with your optimism, perseverance, ability to overcome difficulties and achieve the desired result! And, at the same time, you have always been and remain an open, friendly, responsive person to whom people are always drawn. You find mutual language with relatives, friends and subordinates, regardless of their age and position. You are young at heart and soul, and that’s wonderful! I wish you health, happiness and new achievements!

Dear sixty-year-old hero of the day (like a fifteen-year-old captain!)! We understand everything very well, and your joyful smile will in no way hide from us some cunning flashing in your eyes. Consider this an official warning: if, starting from tomorrow, You are hoping to somehow reduce the density, intensity and regularity of communication with us, don’t even think about it! There are very few people like you on this ball, and that’s why we appreciate and love you very much! Continue to give us the joy of communicating with you, do not let us miss a single opportunity to receive wise advice and valuable instructions from you, wash us with a generous flow of your experience and knowledge. Happy anniversary, dear! Happy birthday!

I always knew that you amazing woman! Kind, beautiful, sympathetic, with a flexible mind and wonderful charm. And today I see that you still know secret secret, which any representative of the fair sex would like to have. Many sages and wizards tried to comprehend this secret, and fate revealed it to the most worthy - you. What is this secret? It's a secret eternal youth. And most importantly, it not only helps you maintain your beautiful physical fitness, but also allows you to always remain a young soul. I wish that your loved ones always appreciate the kind of woman who is next to them!

Our dear man! You are the closest and most beloved, the most caring and restless. Behind your attention and God has already rewarded you with care: he has given you a wonderful family, a gentle loving wife, children who respect you, wonderful grandchildren. You are not deprived of friends, each of whom is ready to do everything for you. It seemed to God that this was not enough, and he also endowed you with a good job - most importantly, it brings you pleasure, and not just money, although the latter is very important. So let us all thank God for not abandoning Hard time such a good person that he led you through life - let him continue to do so. And we just wish you good, good health!

Sixty years is a time when all worries and troubles are behind you. I wish the hero of the day to enjoy the fruits of his working career for forty long years and enjoy the successes of his children and the wet pants of his grandchildren, and then successfully retire to a well-deserved retirement.

I would like to honestly say to the hero of the day, “It was not easy to work with you, Furthermore- hard! But, if I were to choose a travel companion on a long journey, I would choose you. So, I’m ready to endure another forty years. I wish you a cheerful mood and good travel companions in life! Happy anniversary to you, happy 60th birthday!

There are concepts over which time has no power - duty, professionalism, responsibility, the spirit of creation. And all this applies to you. Respect is not yet subject to age. Please accept our sincere respect and wishes to remain who you have been for us all these years, the person you want to follow and with whom you want to work. Happy anniversary to you, happy 60th birthday!

Dear grandfather! You are 60 today, which means there are many reasons to be happy! Ahead new stage life - a well-deserved rest. The children have grown up, the grandchildren are growing up, which means you won’t be bored. We wish you good health, good spirits and simply human happiness. May every day bring a lot of joy. We love you very much and will always be there for you!

On this day there are puddles up to your knees, on this day all the nightingales in the area sing, on this day it is easy and fun to live in this world, when it is clear that your friends are real, that your children will provide you with a happy life, that your grandchildren will give you a second youth! The day you turn 60 is so important, that’s why you are a happy person! Happy anniversary!

6:0. It is with this score that you win everything you want. No one can compare to you and your success. To beat fate “outright” is a talent that only you fully possess. Thank you for your optimism in life and spiritual responsiveness. Happy holiday: happiness, health and everything that you have not yet achieved, but will definitely achieve!

60 years comes this cozy home not often, we want this anniversary birthday to bring you only wonderful, good memories, to be surrounded by devoted friends who have been by your side all your life and have never betrayed you, we wish that your health does not fail, and that your heart hums in your chest like a fiery engine!

(Name), I sincerely want to congratulate you on your anniversary. Let this important date will bring you a lot of luck and open up new opportunities for you. May joy and happiness always accompany you, and may failures pass you by. Happy holiday to you!

The holiday that you usually celebrate on a grand scale has arrived. Today is your 60th anniversary. I want to sincerely congratulate you and also wish you all the wonderful things that can happen. You have had fruitful and productive years. For sixty years you have achieved enormous success in your work, risen through career ladder, you built a family, acquired grandchildren. I think now is the time to enjoy being with your family, but you shouldn’t work in such an incredible mode. I wish you to learn to relax. You really don’t know how to spend time on yourself because you want to devote all your time to work. I wish you good health, wellness and many reasons to rejoice. You will still need to raise great-grandchildren, so gain strength. Wish you good mood on this significant day!

I want to sincerely congratulate our dear hero of the day on his sixtieth birthday. First of all, I want to say that for me you are an example of a person who knows how to achieve his own goals. We all know what a difficult life you had, how hard you worked. We know how many times you've had to start over clean slate, but you did it! I want there to be no more trials in your life, so that you can devote yourself to your family, which has supported you in recent years, which gave you strength when things didn’t work out. On your Anniversary day, I want to wish you only everything that you yourself dream of. Just don’t dream about a job, because you’ve already achieved everything that millions of people can dream about. I wish you a wonderful holiday, lots of positivity and joy. May everything be wonderful for you.

On this wonderful day, I want to congratulate one very important person for me on his Anniversary. You know how much love I have for you. You know that I will never tire of thanking you for all the help you have given me, for your support and advice. I want to congratulate you on your sixtieth birthday and also wish you good health. I look at you and understand that for complete happiness you only need good health. Therefore, I really want your well-being to improve soon, so that you can enjoy every day of your bright and interesting life. But it is your work that affects your health, so we all want to wish you to devote more time to yourself and your family. You have already established your work, so there is nowhere to run and rush. I wish you only the most positive things.

I want to congratulate our dear hero of the day on his sixtieth birthday! I know how long you have been waiting for this holiday, because you wanted to gather all your family and friends. But at the same time, sadness is still felt in your voice. I want to tell you right away that you should under no circumstances pay attention to age. These are just some numbers that do not play any decisive role in your life. You started working when you were still a teenager. And everyone said that you shouldn’t do this, that due to your age you won’t succeed, but it worked! You have become incredible successful person, who has vast experience behind him. I want to wish you and further success, although in to a greater extent I want you to spend more time with your family. The work will wait, trust us. I wish you to spend your Anniversary joyfully, so that every moment will be remembered.

Our dear hero of the day, I don’t have enough words to express all our respect for you. When a person enters such a serious age, one would only like to wish him health. Over the course of sixty long years, you have managed to achieve everything you dreamed of in your youth. Already at the age of twenty you knew what you needed from life, and now you are already content with all of it. We can say that you did everything right, and now the time has come to simply enjoy all these benefits. On your Anniversary day, I want to wish you only everything that you are dreaming of now. Just don’t let it be related to work, because all your thoughts are now at work. Spend better time with your family, go for walks more often, travel, play with your grandchildren, because they need your communication. I wish you a great mood, a lot of joy and positivity!

I want to sincerely congratulate you on your Anniversary! 60 years is a significant date that certainly needs to be celebrated on a grand scale. I already know you long years, so first of all I want to wish you patience. I know how much you love to set yourself difficult tasks, and then gradually achieve them, surprising everyone around you. I don't know if you need this now, but I believe that now is the time for you to spend it with your family and friends. These are the people throughout recent years supported you, gave you strength and set you up for the best outcome of the event. I think you should thank them now. I wish you good mood! Today is such a wonderful holiday, so try to remember every moment. And from tomorrow you will no longer work in the same mode as before.

Several years ago we celebrated your fiftieth Anniversary, and then you had fun until the morning. Let's see how the holiday goes today, although I can already see that you are still in the mood for combat. festive mood. I want to congratulate you on your sixtieth anniversary and wish you everything you need to feel happy man. You have already achieved a lot, but some remain important points. For example, your health! It is good health that I want to wish you, because with such a rhythm of life it is impossible to stock up on health. I want the smile to never leave your face, so that you learn to spend time with benefit for yourself. Start running in the morning, but not just for work, but just for yourself. You will see that your health will improve, and your family will simply stop recognizing you, in a good way, Certainly.

If you want to express congratulations on your 60th anniversary in your own words, then you should know a few basic rules for writing congratulatory words. First, you should completely abandon templates. No one is interested in listening to wishes for love, health and good luck. Everyone is tired of this, although no one advertises it. You need to be a little more original. Use your imagination and see what comes of it.

Secondly, you must be sincere. A little flattery won't hurt, but don't get carried away with it. Otherwise, your words may sound false, and you cannot allow this. You may not give a hundred compliments, but you will be honest with the hero of the day. And he is guaranteed to appreciate this honesty very highly.

Third, try to make it sound natural. Create an improvisation effect so that the birthday person thinks that you are speaking from pure heart, rather than delivering a memorized speech. It will be better this way, believe me.

Well, fourthly, if you don’t know what to say, then it’s better to use our help, and don’t let things take their course. In this section you will be offered a lot of options for ready-made congratulatory words that will help you not to lose face!

Great date required great congratulations! We wish excellent health! Good luck! Great victories and great laughter! We wish you to achieve a lot more, may the road be great, great! And our hero of the day is as handsome as anyone, he is cheerful, handsome and, of course, excellent!

An anniversary is a time to accept warm congratulations from family and friends. 60 years is not only experience and years, but also respect, merit and wisdom. I wish you to always be in harmony with yourself, in prosperity and happiness with your loved one, in joy and care for your grandchildren, in peace in moments of rest. Health to the body, youth to the soul, sparkle to the eyes. Have a good day birth!

Dear friend, today is your anniversary, you are crossing the threshold of your sixtieth birthday. I'm very pleased to see you next to me happy wife, joyful children and grandchildren. Your family loves and appreciates you, and that is truly the most important thing. On this day I would really like to say thank you for the years of faithful and devoted friendship. Your home has always been open to me and I have always appreciated that. I want troubles and problems not to knock on your door, let them simply not find their way to your porch, let there be happiness, joy and health at the table with the whole friendly family. You deserve to live out your years of wisdom and maturity with the love, respect and support of your family. Sixty years is so little, because you still have many plans that definitely need to be brought to life. I believe that you will succeed. Happy birthday.

There are concepts over which time has no power - duty, professionalism, responsibility, the spirit of creation. And all this applies to you. Respect is not yet subject to age. Please accept our sincere respect and wishes to remain who you have been for us all these years, the person you want to follow and with whom you want to work. Happy anniversary to you, happy 60th birthday!

Great date - 60 years! Most of the way has been covered, but youthful daring, even youthful ardor, lives in the heart! Congratulations on your anniversary and I wish that no health troubles will prevent you from being happy and wonderful every day. So that your flying gait tells everyone around you that you have youthful strength, enthusiasm and the joy of being! I wish you strong authority at work, and warmth and love at home! Happiness and health to you, your children and grandchildren!

IN calendar year there may be many holidays, but the most special and solemn day is the day mother's birth. Could anyone be more important in this world, only your dearest hands, and the most loving heart. Today we sincerely congratulate you on your next milestone anniversary and wish you to remain cheerful, cheerful and the happiest. Mommy, take care of your health, get plenty of rest and laugh. Don’t worry about problems or bad weather, everything will definitely pass, because the most important thing is what you have loving family. For us, you are a real sun in the window, which will warm you and hug you in any weather. Don't get older beautiful soul Mommy, gray hair is just a little thing. Mommy, surround yourself with good people with whom you will have fun and comfort. Don’t be sad or nervous, because everything will be fine. We will definitely help with this. Happy Birthday dear!

Congratulations on the anniversary! I would like to wish you all the best and all the brightest things that can come to mind. To the body - good health, to the soul - peace and balance, to the heart - love and happiness. Let everything work out exclusively according to your scenario. Happy holiday!

Is sixty years a long time? On rights best friend Birthday girls, I can definitely say that at this age you can and should enjoy every minute. The children are already grown up, they come to visit with pleasure and give their mother warmth and care, the grandchildren with great joy climb into their arms and ask to tell a fairy tale. There is so much love and tenderness shining in their eyes that it becomes the best and most important gift in life. Dear friend, I really want the sun to always shine in your house and have warm weather. Just let them knock on doors good people, true friends and family. I want you to learn to take time for yourself and relax quietly while doing your favorite knitting or reading. Fill your every day with body, light and communication with loved ones. This is the only thing that really matters in life. Happy birthday my friend!

Thirdly, try to make your congratulations sound natural. Create the effect of improvisation so that the birthday person thinks that you are speaking from the heart rather than making a memorized speech. It will be better this way, believe me.
Well, fourthly, if you don’t know what to say, then it’s better to use our help, and don’t let things take their course.

With all my heart I hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary! A wonderful date that easily reminds you of the value of life, of a long journey filled with many events and different people, as well as a wealth of experience! I wish you good health and long years!

Feel free to answer any question
Do you have any answer?
But behind natural modesty
Hiding your authority.

Elegant, neat -
Both in clothes and in business.
Your work is hard, immense
You know, not in words.

Smile when you meet
You tell a joke - and lo and behold,
Life becomes similar
For a funny joke.

May good luck accompany you
To you in desires, deeds.
Let adversity, misfortune
They will be smashed to smithereens.

I sincerely congratulate you on your 60th birthday and wish that the color of your strength, energy, vigor and beauty does not fade, that life continues to be cheerful, kind, and interesting. May you be 60 years old and never know any sorrows, may harmony and love reign in your yard, home and heart!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts on achieving a wonderful life anniversary date at the age of 60, which you approach as a wise, accomplished, accomplished person. We wish you good health, active longevity, passion for life, love, warmth and kindness from people close to you.

Congratulations on the anniversary! I would like to wish you all the best and all the brightest things that can come to mind. To the body - good health, to the soul - peace and balance, to the heart - love and happiness. Let everything work out exclusively according to your scenario. Happy holiday!

We wish you now:
Stay the same brave
And this makes us all happy,
And wait for the weddings of great-grandchildren!

Let me congratulate you on your anniversary,
Give this verse as a gift.
How sixty? I believed you that way.
I'm sure you're no older than thirty.

Who's kidding? What do you? I'm quite serious.
You need to be set as an example for girls
And it’s never too late for us to grow old.
Yes, what are you talking about? What kind of pensioner is this?

You are young, vigorous and energetic,
And the beauty has not faded over the years.
I wish you success in your personal life,
Health and warmth.

You are sixty today -
A wonderful age for a man.
And let your years fly by
And there is no reason to worry.

A great date requires great congratulations! We wish you excellent health! Good luck! Great wins and great laughs! We wish you to achieve a lot more, may the road be great, great! And our hero of the day is as handsome as anyone, he is cheerful, handsome and, of course, excellent!

Happiness, joy, love
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!
Life is just beginning
I know that for sure!

Dear, my beloved man,
Happy anniversary!
60 is here,
I wish you light and joy!

So that they would be afraid, even close,
Bad weather is coming to us!
Let's let happiness in very quickly,
After all, you need to reach your dream!

Congratulations on the anniversary,
My dear man.
Become richer, healthier,
May success be with you.

I wish you the best
In these sixty years.
To have enough happiness,
There were no enemies around.

Congratulations on your 60th birthday. I sincerely wish that the passing years become not a mark of age, but just a period of wisdom and experience. May good luck always walk beside you, may the sun of happiness and goodness constantly shine for you.

Congratulations on your anniversary, on your brilliant 60th birthday. I wish that the youth of the soul does not disappear anywhere, that luck in life always smiles, that loved ones love deeply, that joyful and cheerful emotions give inspiration.

We wish you to enjoy life,
Surprise all your loved ones with drive,
Know neither grief nor sadness.
On new anniversary call us!

Time flies by,
But the view is still clear,
I congratulate you warmly,
You are sixty today.

I wish you strength and vigor,
Bright thoughts and long years,
Your grandchildren dote on you -
The best grandfather in the world!

Don't get sick, don't become limp,
And don’t let your body become decrepit,
Fill with deep meaning
There's still a third of your life left.

Stay a good guy
And a man anywhere,
To age calendar
They never gave it!

A wonderful age - 60!
It's not that easy to live through.
We wish you to live like this
At least until 90 years old.

With family, with friends
Let there always be only joy,
And a string of new days
Will give you long-awaited rewards!

Let happiness rush into your home
And it will fill it to the brim,
Let laughter and songs be in it,
And the angel will fulfill all your wishes.

Our years fly by like birds,
Leaving an indestructible mark.
Now you are already sixty,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.

May you in all your ways,
Protects the light of the home.
Pleases the attention of relatives,
Respect for loved ones and friends.

And, probably, there are no words more valuable,
What are the words of love in these moments:
Be always lucky and healthy.
Live in this world until you are a hundred years old!

A great date requires great congratulations! We wish you excellent health! Good luck! Great wins and great laughs! We wish you to achieve a lot more, may the road be great, great! And our hero of the day is as handsome as anyone, he is cheerful, handsome and, of course, excellent!

Sixty years special date, Anniversary. When it's full life experience, and wisdom. When it seems sad, but also fun at the same time. Today we all want to congratulate you on this significant day. We wish you personal victories, good health and happiness.

From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on your 60th birthday and wish you strong strength and brave ideas, excellent health and good health, a friendly family and happy holidays, indestructible happiness and bright hope.

I congratulate you on your 60th birthday, because this is a wonderful date of happy dawns and good deeds. I wish you to remain strong and cheerful, enjoy new meetings and victories, easily let go of all worries and grievances from your heart, enter a new day with interest and inspiration.

Congratulations on the anniversary! I would like to wish you all the best and all the brightest things that can come to mind. To the body - good health, to the soul - peace and balance, to the heart - love and happiness. Let everything work out exclusively according to your scenario. Happy holiday!

My beloved daddy! Happy Birthday to You. Thank you for your endless support, love and for always being there. After many years, I always want to remain a little girl for my beloved dad. Good health and good luck to you.

Dad, you are the bravest, the bravest, the most strong dad in the world! We love and value you! You are the best! Happy holiday!

Daddy, happy birthday! I wish you good health, joy, happiness, success in work, prosperity, Have a good mood, optimism. Always remain as energetic, cheerful, kind, caring. May your family always be next to you, and may you be surrounded by love and attention.

Dear daddy, we wish you a happy birthday! On this glorious and significant day, accept from all our big family heartfelt congratulations and most warm regards! May every new day bring a sea of ​​smiles, an ocean positive emotions and a storm of delight!

Something in Lately Poetic rhyme does not develop at all, and prose in the form of writing does not require strict adherence to poetic rules. In order to congratulate the hero of the day on his sixtieth birthday in a beautiful and original way, you should know him at least a little.

Agree that absolutely stranger It’s very difficult to congratulate as expected. Ideal option will be if
In solemn prose you will use not quite ordinary phraseological units with a touch of not vulgar, but subtle humor.

This is exactly what my friend did when congratulating his bosom friend’s father on his sixtieth birthday. Expensive
Markovich. My grandmother liked to say that at the age of 60 a man gets his second wind, while the first has not yet lost its strength.

Today we celebrate not only
Your anniversary, but also the damn speed with which
You have reached such a respectable age. My grandfather, living next to his beloved grandmother, never allowed him to be called grandfather.

So let it be at 60 years old
You will feel at your best forty-five, remembering that at this age “the berries are just blooming.” I would like to
I wish you that in the next 60 years you will have
Your third wind has opened.

Good health, happy longevity and spiritual youth that makes you want to live so much. The originality and beauty of such a congratulation lies in the unusual play on words, in which a shade of subtle pathos can be traced that cannot offend the hero of the day.

We wish you to sum up the results more than once. You raised children and see how your grandchildren grow up, take care of your great-grandchildren, and then sit down to write your memoirs. I wish you health, full life, energy and unshakable faith. With day

Precious woman, I really want to be with you today and give you everything that is most precious in this life.

Dear, congratulations on your Anniversary, on this significant round date!
May the boundaries of your circle of possibilities go far beyond the circle of your desires, may all your dreams come true, and may love and happiness always surround you!

Darling, accept the most sincere congratulations to your
Let this holiday become a memorable milestone in your life, and the memories associated with it be the most pleasant, joyful and bright. I wish you health, love, joy and prosperity!

Dear (name)!
We hasten to congratulate
you with wonderful date in your life. You are young and beautiful, may all the flowers of the world be at your feet today, and may the birds of the sky sing
Your femininity and uniqueness!

Happy holiday!
Always remain as blooming as you were the day you turned eighteen.

Congratulations on your anniversary!
Still ahead at sixty!
The main thing is to be more energetic and faster
Go towards your goal quickly.
We wish you comfort in your home,
So that there is peace and tranquility in the family.
Let there be rubles and currency,
And joy always flows like a river!

Anniversary, such a date!
Not much, not little

Happy 60th birthday, congratulations and I want to wish wide possibilities to meet all needs. Let your health not fail you, and your mood always remain wonderful. May loved ones always be there, and may good luck accompany you in everything. Blessings, warmth and love!

You are sixty today! We hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you a lot of light, kindness, joy, and warmth. Do not know adversity, sadness, grief. Let life be full pleasant surprises. We wish you health, good spirits, longevity, prosperity, happiness, and prosperity.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your 60th birthday. I wish you good health and true happiness, family happiness and strong love, prosperity in the house, warmth and comfort, wonderful mood and good luck on your way.

Dear, wise and beautiful woman, happy 60th birthday! On your anniversary, I want to wish you to remain as young, beautiful and interesting. I wish you an inexhaustible sense of humor and the best health! May everything you want with all your soul and heart come true in life!

Dear birthday girl! Today we want to tell you that we appreciate you for your hard work, responsibility, and ability to love and forgive deeply. We sincerely wish you excellent health, every success, happiness, kindness and mutual understanding in the family, peace and prosperity. Happy 60th birthday!

Happy anniversary, congratulations to the most dear woman! Let what was glorious in life be repeated, again and again bringing joy and happiness. And let everything bad go away and be forgotten. I wish you many, many more years to live serenely, enjoying life!

Today I would like to congratulate you on wonderful holiday beautiful woman! Happy 60th birthday! We wish you to maintain the same high state of spirit, the same feeling of happiness and joy for many years to come! Peace, goodness, good luck and prosperity to you!

I want to congratulate you on your anniversary -
You turned 60 today!
Although we, alas, are not getting any younger,
But we will ask you to wait for old age!
We didn’t love, we didn’t go out enough,
You and I haven't done enough yet.
So may life give you opportunity
Feel young again!

Happy anniversary,
At 60 special years
I wish you a lovely woman
Never know troubles
For the best to happen
May you always be lucky
Joy settled in my heart,
Happiness has not let you down!

Happy Anniversary, dear!
Sixty wonderful years
You live without knowing melancholy
After all, you couldn’t be happier!
Children and grandchildren are grateful
For the welcoming warmth,
For your dear hands!
It’s bright for all of us!

Happy 60th birthday to you!
I wish you health from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you never to be sad,
I wish love to catch passion and tenderness!
I wish that there is always an answer to everything,
From now on you take advice with wisdom,
But this is no reason to grow old from now on,
A best time get younger at heart!

My dear friend,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy such a wonderful anniversary,
I wish you health and happiness!
Wealth is your sixty,
Let the glasses clink,
Emotions of magical moments
I wish you a happy birthday!

Dear hero of the day, congratulations on your 60th birthday! I wish you health, love, good luck, kindness! Be happy! We wish you to believe in your own strength, stand firmly on your feet, and constantly move forward. And may luck accompany you not only in your career, but also in your personal life!

Today I would like to congratulate a wonderful person with a kind soul and heart on his anniversary! You are already sixty years old, but your soul is no more than twenty! After all, that sparkle in your eyes that glows reflects your rich inner world!

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Several years ago, when we celebrated your birthday, you promised to arrange cool holiday on the occasion of your 60th Anniversary. And now we can safely say that you have achieved your goal, you have organized wonderful holiday. I would like to wish you a great mood on this special day! I have no doubt that you will be able to achieve great results in the future projects that you are currently developing. You are the type of man who never stands in one place, who develops, who strives for more. Although you have already achieved significant results, you don’t even think about stopping. I wish you health, happiness, love and all the most positive and bright things. Your life should be filled with joyful moments and happy events. Happy Anniversary to you!

Today I want to congratulate our dear hero of the day and wish him everything that a person needs for happy life. For men, happiness has its own characteristics, so I wish you exactly what you are thinking about now. You are turning 60 years old, but at the same time you look so young that many are surprised when they find out about your age. I want to wish you a great mood, many positive emotions, many joyful moments. May everything on this special day go exactly the way you want. May your family always look forward to seeing you after work, may your grandchildren delight you with their successes. Surely, they take your example, they want to be like you, so don’t let them down. Although you don’t let them down anyway. Wish you have a great day, cool and happy holiday. May your health always be good and your happiness endless.

I want to sincerely congratulate you on your Anniversary! You are turning 60 today. Just imagine what a significant part of your life you have lived. Of course, this is a small reason for sadness, but at the same time, look back at the past. You have achieved enormous success, managed to do everything you dreamed of when you were just a teenager. You can be proud of yourself, and we certainly admire you. There should be many responsible and purposeful men like you in our world. I wish you to spend your holiday today in such a way that you will have something to remember later. We promise that we will have fun to the fullest, because such an Anniversary must certainly be fun and interesting. I wish you a great day, a lot of positive emotions and positive energy. You have always had a perky character, so have fun and relax.

A few months ago you promised that you would celebrate your Anniversary in a big way. You kept your word and had a great holiday. In general, I want to note that you always do exactly what you promise. You know how to keep your word, always help your neighbors, and support them in any situation. All this speaks about the qualities of a real man. I want to congratulate you on your Anniversary and wish you exclusively everything that you yourself dream of. Let no anxieties and troubles bother you, let there be no conflicts in your life. Over the 60 years of your life, you have achieved significant results. But this is not the limit! There is still before you whole life, which will be no less rich and beautiful. Let everything in your life be the way you want it. Never be sad or worry, because you have such an army of support.

Today we will celebrate the anniversary of one wonderful person which for many of us is important person. Although it is worth noting that not just for many, but for everyone. you played special role in the life of every guest who came today to congratulate you. We all appreciate everything you do for us. We sincerely wish you health, happiness and success in all your endeavors. Today you turn 60 years old. It would seem that the most difficult years left behind, you managed to do everything you dreamed of. But you don’t even think about stopping at the achieved level, because there is still so much unknown in the world. I wish you to achieve all the goals that you now set for yourself. I wish you great success, which you will share with us. We still have a lot to learn from you, so we will follow your example in everything. Happy anniversary!

I want to congratulate you, our dear hero of the day, on your special holiday. First of all, I want to say that you look great. You are turning 60 years old, but I can safely say that it is impossible to determine this. I want to wish you a great mood, because on such a wonderful holiday it shouldn’t be any other way. Never stop there, because you have great potential. You can achieve anything you want, you just have to want it. Although I think that you have already become convinced of this in 60 years. I wish you good health, our dear hero of the day. May prosperity always reign in your family and may there be complete mutual understanding. You are a wonderful family man, a real man, who is worth emulating. Let your the holiday will pass as fun as possible.

Today's hero of the day is a person worth emulating. You belong to that category of men who never back down, don’t stop there, and don’t like to talk about the topics of their personal life. We really look up to you because we understand that we all need to learn from you. I want to wish you a great mood, because today you will have a great holiday. At 60 you can show real example how to have fun. I want to wish you good health, a lot of joy, a lot of happiness and love. Your family is your support, and you are your family’s protector. I wish you never to be sad, because you already know how to deal with problems. Always remain as you are now. Our world needs such wonderful men.
