Transit of Mercury on the Sun Conjunction. Transit aspects of pluto to the planets of the natal chart

Mercury is a fast planet, its macrocycle is 17.34 years, its microcycle is about 88 days. Mercury informs the planets through which it passes a certain air impulse, turns on the energies of communications, making the planets to some extent conductors. A person in contacts and connections becomes active and energetic. Associated with Mercury: the intellectual life of a person, contacts with other people, signing contracts and papers, fast travel, communication of any kind.

Negative transits of Mercury give discontact, increased talkativeness, discomfort from communication (annoying calls and visits, slander, disagreements, scandals in transport), the difficulty of expressing Your thoughts. For people of intellectual labor, this is not the best time to concentrate the mind.

Favorable transits give a quick grasp of information, a mood for a new one, increased mental activity, the ability to concentrate, good memory, stable ties, successful signing of important papers, a good period for commerce.

Transit of Mercury across the Sun

At best, a person in contacts and connections becomes very active and energetic. He shows himself well in his profession, he has creative activity, self-confidence.

In the worst case, there is a dispersion of intellectual energy, overwork due to connections and contacts, unnecessary, mediocre mental activity appears.

Transit of Mercury on the Moon

At best, during this transit, light, superficial, but emotional contacts, intuitive perception of various problems, innovations. There may be revelations of some secret deeds.

At worst, empty chatter; a person collects or spreads rumors. These days, the best thing is a game, deceiving someone. The person himself is surrounded by deceit, gossip, rumors, omissions, conversations behind his back.

Mercury transit on Venus

At best, during the days of this transit, a person makes good acquaintances, contacts with the opposite sex, romantic adventures, games, and friendships. Curiosity appears; a person cognizes beauty, harmony. He receives support from loved ones, material assistance. This transit is related to the 2nd house and brings auspicious acquisitions, especially money, such as borrowing without return.

In the worst case, various kinds of conflicts occur with a person, negative acquaintances are possible, as well as defamatory connections.

Transit of Mercury on Mars

At best, this transit brings a person a sharp flash of business and mental activity. This is a good period for trading, for concluding contracts and for noble risk-taking.

In the worst case, sharpness in manifestations, fear, militancy, wandering, quarrels and disputes, danger on the road, limb injuries are possible.

A person can be active where he is not asked.

Perhaps mental overexcitation and cerebral fever.

Transit of Mercury on Jupiter

At best, during this transit, a person succeeds in planning well, long-term projects are nurtured, he becomes executive, obedient; awakens interest in religion, philosophy, he contacts with foreigners or people of a different culture, feels the need to expand his horizons, shows curiosity.

In the worst case, a person receives anonymous letters discrediting documents. During these transits, it is dangerous to be away from home, for example, on a business trip. Contacts with superiors also have very unpleasant consequences at work.

Transit of Mercury on Saturn

At best, this is a good, but difficult transit. With it, a person increases accuracy, accuracy, prudence, attention to detail, trifles, seriousness, rigor, consistency.

In the worst case, it brings discontact, timidity and coldness in communication, distrust of people, a clear opposition to mental activity, the inability to establish the necessary connections, cooling relationships with partners, contention, including with loved ones.

Mercury Transit Uranus

At best, transit carries a person original ideas, adventurous aspiration, contacts, changes, sudden turns, meetings with unusual people, intuition, desire to live in a new way, inventions, improvements, originality, creative imagination, unexpected winnings, help from friends. During this transit, it is very good to start a cycle of learning something new.

In the worst case, during this transit, there is a danger in contact with equipment: while driving, in an airplane; movements are generally undesirable. A person has capriciousness, delusions, dreams, chimerical plans.

Mercury Transiting Neptune

At best, transit gives creative imagination, poetry, intuitive perception of the world; possible manifestations of telepathy, clairvoyance, premonition. A person can become a prophet for a while, he has a temporary insight.

In the worst case, a person has an uncontrolled line of behavior, infantilism of thoughts, verbiage, capriciousness, seduction in contacts; he is overcome by illusions. At this time, it is better not to deal with water, in particular, do not swim.

Mercury Transiting Pluto

At best, transit gives a person greater activity, composure, a deep psychological gift is manifested, a tendency to reveal secrets. Good transit for public activities, because there is an ability to convince, composure in speech, while hypnotic power comes from words and thoughts, which makes it possible to influence others, conveying their beliefs to them. There is an intellectual field of strong charge; a person is capable of many contacts at the same time.

In the worst case, transit makes it possible for a person to be subjected to the control of others (zombie). Transit is bad for contacts with more strong people. Some people may have sleepwalking.

Transit Merck

Transit - Business

A long period of mental stress and anxiety, irrational intellectual costs. Mental difficulties, problems with education, training. The ability to perceive knowledge is weakened, problems with memory, the ability to concentrate, and the ability to productive mental activity are possible. Increased irritability and sarcasm. Difficulties in business, anxiety in connection with the receipt or expectation of secret information, information. You may receive bad news. The problem is the disposal of joint capital, as well as corporatization, taxes and duties, debts, inheritance, alimony. In general, an unfavorable period for almost any kind of business and intellectual activity, for researchers, writers, journalists, intermediaries, businessmen, managers, dealers, etc., as well as for any movement. Unpleasant events in the team, perhaps an expression of protest. Breakdowns of equipment, means of communication. Beware of fraud, deception, forgery, slander, intrigue.

Transit - Health

The risk of occupational diseases or injuries increases, the danger in transport, when moving, from explosions. You should also be wary dark places and criminogenic areas, communication with suspicious personalities. A completely inappropriate period for surgical intervention, as well as examinations, any kind of scan. The possibility of diseases of the intestines and lungs, damage to the limbs.

Transit - Love and family

Changing the style of relationships with younger relatives, problems in communicating with brothers or sisters, as well as neighbors or friends. Relationship breakups are possible. Beware of quarrels, outbreaks of jealousy, assault. There is a desire to resolve issues by force. It is possible to receive bad news or secret information about someone close to you. sexual problems, unpleasant conversations. Updating questions of inheritance or alimony, as well as debts, taxes, insurance. Their decision is not in your favor. Change of residence and various movements, trips can bring trouble.

Let us analyze what the transit of Mercury through various planets and their aspects means in astrology.

Transit of Mercury through the Sun

Compound; favorable aspects of transiting Mercury with the Sun

Spiritual activity is activated, resourcefulness and dexterity, sensual and physical mobility are enhanced. Good for written work and correspondence, logical thinking appears, correct conclusions, a clear form.

Good for business and trade, for literary activities, for trips, business trips and short trips, for love and marriage (for love), for family evenings, for exchanging thoughts with other people. Increases perception and sensuality, sensitivity and impressionability, the ability to create and create. Auspicious day for family and housing affairs.

Unfavorable aspects of the transiting Mercury with the Sun

Bad for all of the above. Short-term emotional tension and nervousness. Confused, chaotic thinking. Strong dependence on mood. Incorrect behavior and unreliability. Mental disorders and illnesses (if such an aspect is present in the radix), interference of temper and character, in speech and conversation.

Spiritual weakness, unstable feelings. Reason and desire are in the full power of the senses. Cunning and cunning, greed, anger, malice, the desire to criticize or deceive, cheat are intensifying. Misunderstandings with women, bad mood. Possibly a stomach disorder.

Transit of Mercury through Mercury and Venus

Transit of Mercury through Mercury and its aspects

Favorable aspects of transiting Mercury with Mercury

Good for congresses and meetings, conferences and congresses, for scientists and artists, for people of free professions, for writers and literary workers, journalists and correspondents, representatives of the press, for workers in the economic and commercial sector, for important enterprises, for joint work and cooperation, for important agreements, the conclusion of agreements and contracts, for alliances and associations, for love and marriage, weddings (especially for love), for family evenings, for written work, for mental work, for advice and consultations for treatment and relaxation, for vacations and cultural entertainment, for scientific research and inventions, for occult studies, for scientists and artists, for everything beautiful that elevates the senses and gives rise to the joy of the soul. Joyful mood, praise, gifts, new acquaintances.

Unfavorable aspects of transiting Mercury with Mercury

Bad for all of the above. Bad mood. Disappointments, delusions, unpleasant visits and letters.

Transit of Mercury through Venus and its aspects.

Beneficial aspects of Mercury transiting Venus

Intensive scientific, business, commercial activity. Mental energy, fighting spirit, great desire to practice, move, work. Good for science and literature, technology and trade, travel and travel, for legal issues and surgical operations, for business life and private enterprise, for trade and crafts, for industry, for mental work and relations with foreign countries, for study and for written work and correspondence for sports activities, for proposals and negotiations, for business trips and short trips, for financial matters, various references and information, for new cases, new plans.

Transit Mercury conjunctions with Venus

Bad for all of the above. excessive mental energy and strength, martial and fighting spirit. The desire for aggression, disputes and quarrels, conflicts, grumpiness, harshness, frankness, sarcasm. Haste, haste, rashness. Errors at work. Nervousness, irritability. It is necessary by all means to remain calm and not allow yourself to be provoked into unseemly acts.

Transit of Mercury through Mars and Jupiter

Transit of Mercury through Mars and its aspects

Compound; favorable aspects of transiting Mercury with Mars

Good days for people of science and art, free professions, for writers and literary workers, journalists and correspondents, representatives of the press, for workers in the economic and commercial sectors, for written work and mental work, for advice and consultations, for scientific research and inventions. May coincide with the days of professional success. Good for everything related to the interests of the profession and work.

Unfavorable aspects of transiting Mercury with Mars

Bad for all of the above. Bad mood, unwillingness to think, unsuccessful contacts, unpleasant visits, unpleasant trips, bad news. Arguments with friends, anger at work.

Let's analyze what the transit of Mercury through Jupiter and its aspects means in astrology

Compound; favorable aspects of transiting Mercury with Jupiter

Good contact with the environment, a strong influence on the spiritual and intellectual plane, on study, examinations and mental work, on various tests and tests of a scientific and technical nature, on hearing court cases, on negotiations, agreements and contracts, on speeches and conversations, on the next plans and intentions, for the completion, conclusion, completion of business, studies, classes, etc.

Good for trade and industry, buying and selling, for science and technology, for diplomacy and economics, for propaganda and agitation, for legal problems and jurisprudence in general, for financial matters, for planning holidays, vacations, travel, for investment and scientific research, for sports and tourism, for meetings, conferences, for negotiations, unions, marriages (especially by convenience), for executives, for connections with foreign countries and foreigners, for metaphysics and the occult. Good mood, job satisfaction, good acquaintances

Unfavorable aspects of transiting Mercury with Jupiter

Bad mood, pessimism. Criticism, slow implementation of new plans, loss due to old people and past mistakes. Accidents or enmity. Bad for all of the above. All the above deeds or occupations will bring only losses and damages. Erroneous actions with unfavorable results. Organic damage to the liver or gallbladder (if there is such an aspect in the radix). Conflicts, headaches.

Transit of Mercury through Saturn and outer planets

Let's analyze what the transit of Mercury through Saturn and its aspects mean in astrology

Transiting Mercury conjunct Saturn

A good day for mental and scientific work, for literary studies; there is deep thinking and the ability to concentrate, a clear mind, a sober mind and controlled feelings. Perseverance. Good contacts with older people. Bad day for love.

Favorable aspects of transiting Mercury with Saturn

Good contemplation and ability to create. A good day for scientists and writers, popularizers of scientific problems, good for mental work, for home and family, for the acquisition or agreement on real estate or land. Deep thinking, consciousness and feelings. A good day for contacts with religious people, church leaders, older people.

Unfavorable aspects of transiting Mercury with Saturn

Decrease in productivity, complications with the environment. The ability to adapt, lightness, mobility and agility are drowned out. Bad mood. There is a short-term depression, contradictions and disagreements, obstacles, delays, inhibitions. Extra worries and troubles, annoyance and anger, disappointment. Arguing with older people, offended pride, a tendency to stinginess. Headaches, malaise. Inclination to drunkenness.

Let us analyze what the transit of Mercury through Uranus and its aspects mean in astrology

connections; unfavorable aspects of transiting Mercury with Uranus

Nervousness, mental agitation and agitation, headaches. Mania of violence and coercion in relation to duty and action, speeches and conversations, disputes, quarrels, etc. There is impetuousness and fury, haste, haste and recklessness. You can expect trouble because of letters, agreements and contracts, because of signatures on documents, etc.

Inability to concentrate and do business. Critical day for travel and movement. Unfavorable or interrupted negotiations, discussions. Bad for business and trade, for new plans. Disputes and quarrels, disagreements and scandals, disputes and discussions. Accidents at work, in transport, in aviation. Fires, disasters. A critical day for scientists, for scientific research.

Favorable aspects of transiting Mercury with Uranus

In-depth knowledge, creative power. Growth and increase in spiritual activity and foresight. The desire to organize something, to move, to act. Only positive, original thoughts and ideas, plans and intentions come to mind. Energetic and impulsive activity. A good day for mental work, it works excellently and influences scientific and research work.

The abilities for creativity and creativity for inventions and discoveries increase and intensify, interest in spiritual problems, in science, in metaphysics and occultism, in art and technology, increases. New acquaintances and friendship, connections and contacts with interesting and original people. On this day, it is good to be inspired and inspire others.

Good for resolving legal issues, statements, business relations with foreign countries, for the press, correspondence, publishing in a publishing house, agreements and negotiations, for buying and selling, for solving industrial and economic issues, for vacation and treatment, for marriage (especially "by convenience" ).

Let's analyze what the transit of Mercury through Neptune and its aspects mean in astrology

Transiting Mercury conjunct Neptune

Increased sensuality and sensitivity, sensations and impressionability. Lability of the body, soul and spirit. Various manias and passions, habits and skills are intensifying. Changeable mood. Sincerity and frankness are drowned out. There is a tendency to deception, fraud, slander. Self-deception and falsehood. Unrestraint, instability, groundlessness. Depression, nervousness, unsystematic thinking.

Favorable aspects of transiting Mercury with Neptune

Creative power, new plans. A penchant for illusion, psycho and clairvoyance, for everything occult, metaphysical and otherworldly. Feelings, penetration and representation are refined. The power of fantasy, imagination increases. Good for communication with foreign countries, for writing work where a lot of imagination and invention are required, for private enterprises and health promotion, for trading with foreign countries.

Unfavorable aspects of transiting Mercury with Neptune

Danger threatens while traveling in transport, on the street, on the water. Explosion hazard. Bad for communicating with foreigners. Theft. accidents or illnesses. natural incidents. Fear of deceit, fraud and slander.

Bad for agreements, alliances and associations, for concluding agreements and contracts, for long-term investments, for news and information, for the press and correspondence, for disputes, polemics, for visiting financial and insurance institutions, for political activities. A critical day for people in leadership positions and high positions.

Let's analyze what the transit of Mercury through Pluto and its aspects mean in astrology

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts Pluto

An aspect of a crisis, an accident. Trouble at work, on the street or in a public place. Deception or fraud. Excitability and irritation, the spirit of contradiction and confrontation. The extraordinary power of suggestion exerted on the masses through oratory. Changing circumstances, position. Depression, nervousness. Damage to communications, roads, telephone, telegraph.

Favorable Aspects of Mercury Transiting Pluto

Creative power. Influencing the masses with great conviction. It is good to use this day for politics and the national economy, for business life and processes, for the implementation of one’s immediate goals, for finance and trade, for written work, science and technology, for atomic and space research, for recreation and health promotion, for the acquisition of which or, for meetings and discussions, for reviews and negotiations, for applying for studies, for the implementation of extraordinary plans. New acquaintances, new friendship.

Unfavorable aspects of the transit of Mercury with Pluto

Accident, various troubles. or obstacles and difficulties in new searches and trials. Bad for scientific research and legal issues. Bad for movement, travel, travel, for art and healing, for recreation or entertainment, for sports, negotiations, for the conclusion of agreements and contracts, for work and new enterprises, for cooperation, teamwork, science and technology, for space exploration. Damage to communications, roads, phones. Crises, crimes, sabotage and sabotage.

Let us analyze what the transit of Mercury through the Ascendant and its aspects means in astrology

Compound; favorable aspects of transiting Mercury with AS

Strengthening spiritual dexterity, agility and skill, liveliness, mobility and activity. Some changes and changes are possible. The clarity of logic and the sharpness of criticism, the desire to create and create, to exchange information and knowledge, views and opinions, and various experiences are increasing. Improving memory, I want to follow and observe everything, conduct scientific research, rationalize something, or even invent.

I want to perceive and register everything, process, process and pass on. There is eloquence and a desire to speak out. Spiritual expansion is intensifying, penetration into the field of science and technology, art and music.

The ability to be inspired and inspire others is enhanced. A wealth of thoughts and sound understanding appears, spiritual originality or even genius C, depending on the planets with which Mercury is associated in the radix). Implementation of plans. New acquaintances and connections.

unfavorable aspects. transiting Mercury with AC

Bad for all of the above. Mistakes, communication difficulties, disagreements.

Let's analyze what the transit of Mercury through the Meridian and its aspects mean in astrology

Compound; favorable aspects of transiting Mercury with MC

Professional success, thirst new work; the ability to easily adapt to all life circumstances. Often a lot of public attention, appreciation, approval or criticism. You can expect various changes, changes, rearrangements in the field of profession and work, in science or trade. Activity corresponding to talent and talent is vividly expressed, a rich and vast spiritual expanse and wisdom are created.

The intellect deepens, the scientific character and solidity, the ability to concentrate are enhanced. There is a desire to mediate and compare, to use and realize, to count, to evaluate and think, to think and multiply, to doubt and fear, to speak and write, to argue, to find fault and criticize, but always to act.

Adverse aspects of transiting Mercury with MC

Unwillingness to work, deterioration of mood, anger, disagreement.


1.2.1. Transit of Mercury through Aries

At this time, communication is sharply activated. People seem to remember the existence of each other and begin to look for someone to tell about their grandiose ideas and their problems, since at this time the most priority topics for conversation are personal. People without much thought come into contact, can interfere in someone else's conversation. The volume of speech and pitch increase, command notes appear in the voice. These days, few people do not come across teachings on what and how to actually do it. Everyone knows how to do it, but not everyone does it, because activity at this time often comes down to talking about it. Mercury in Aries is a fiery tribune, he will tell with inspiration how everything will be fine when the idea comes to life, and he will speak so passionately and convincingly that he will definitely find supporters of this idea, who, in fact, are destined to “raise virgin soil”, because he himself will go further with banners and slogans, a support group and a crowd of idle onlookers. These days you can often meet barkers who loudly propagate something, and since at this time people quickly light up and make decisions impulsively, they do not suffer from a lack of attention.

The speed of perception and processing of information at this time increases, which is very favorable for brokers, correspondents, and everyone for whom it is important to get information first. People at this time are greedy for sensations, they strive to immediately pass them on, not embarrassed that the news may turn out to be exaggerated. Work is often hampered by impulsive decision-making, throwing from one extreme to another, and conversations. People these days like to make comments, and since they don’t particularly choose words and say what they think, disputes, quarrels and squabbles often flare up. This is especially evident in public transport, when an accidental push can cause a chain reaction and end in a general scandal and even a brawl. In the heat of the moment, no one remembers how, in fact, it all began, everyone subconsciously uses the opportunity to shed the accumulated discontent and irritation. Of course, only those who have a problematic Mars in their natal chart reach hand-to-hand combat, the rest are limited to verbal skirmishes. People tend to express their personal opinion at this time, which, of course, is the most correct and reasonable. Often the main motive for statements is the desire to somehow stand out. Here, as usual, when it comes to Aries, extremes are possible: either a person, simply out of principle, defends his position to the end, even understanding her weakness, or can change it in an instant. Trips at this time are made on impulse, an idea came to mind - it's done: "let's go, and then we will decide what to do."

With negative aspects, impatience for the opinions of others, posturing, cleverness can be manifested. People can grab on to one thing, then another, it is difficult to concentrate on one thing. Loss of interest in business dramatically reduces productivity. If the thought jumped to another subject, it is very difficult to get back to the unfinished business. People can find fault with words, hear in other people's words a threat or a desire to offend, humiliate. At the same time, they themselves can be sarcastic or rude. They can also brag, exaggerate their merits, while allowing themselves disparaging statements about other people.

1.2.2. Transit of Mercury through Taurus

At this time, the picture changes dramatically. Hotness and impulsiveness are replaced by equanimity and prudence. You can't seduce anyone with slogans and heated speeches, people need specific information. They emotionally react only to news that relate to objects dear to their hearts or the opportunity to earn money. Everything else is taken with caution, people tend to disbelieve rather than accept anything on faith. If they are assured that they are telling the pure truth, they will still be on their guard and will not fully believe. Therefore, it is very difficult during this period to push new ideas and innovate. People prefer to work the old fashioned way. If they are forced by order to change the usual rhythm of work, add new elements to the process, or replace an employee with a job different from their usual range of duties, they begin to get nervous, confused, and people who have natal Mercury in Taurus may generally begin to panic . Before doing something unusual or accepting what is offered to them, they must think carefully, weigh and try. At the same time, they cannot be driven and annoyed, because of this they generally cease to think. If things get stuck, they should just be left alone so they can sort things out on their own. Workers at this time become slower, but also more attentive and patient, due to which they make fewer mistakes. This is a good period for calculations, reporting and other small and tedious mental work. Despite the regularity and slowness, the work is often done faster than with Mercury in Aries due to the fact that with Mercury in Taurus there are almost no mistakes, texts are sometimes written straight away, which is almost impossible with Mercury in Aries: due to haste and impulsiveness fingers are often misplaced.

There is another undoubted plus of this period: people are not inclined to conflict. If they feel that the situation is tense, they retreat, but this does not mean that they agree with the opponent or the situation at that moment. Taurus is one of the most stubborn signs, therefore, during the passage of the sign of Taurus by Mercury, you should not try to convince someone, to some extent everyone becomes stubborn and intractable. If you offer them something too hot and assertive, and even more so put pressure on them or ardently seduce them with something, they get scared and refuse, without even listening to the end of the offer. And if there was a refusal, then it would be almost impossible to reach an agreement.

Also, people at this time are not inclined to share the secret, preferring to keep their thoughts and conclusions to themselves.

The number of spontaneous trips at this time almost disappears. Any idea to go somewhere is weighed, carefully considered: if there is no hope that it will bring practical benefits, then this idea will be more likely to be rejected than accepted.

The negative aspects are manifested in the fact that people become stubborn, distrustful, often touchy, it is often difficult for them to express their thoughts. The new causes stupid rejection in them. On the one hand, people at this time become intractable and suspicious, those about whom they say that they “can’t interrogate snow in winter”, on the other hand, they can be tempted by a bribe and give out secret information.

1.2.3. Transit of Mercury through Gemini

Mercury enters its sign, breaks free. People become mentally liberated, they crave news, communication with their own kind, become curious, inquisitive. The old women occupy all the shops so as not to miss significant event if it suddenly happens in the district. News literally falls on people, but it is mostly one-day news that is of interest for a day or two, a maximum of a week, and then is forgotten. These days people easily get in touch, become more talkative. Topics are always found, which is facilitated by the events that take place this month and about which they talk and argue a lot. In principle, anything can become the subject of conversation, as long as the need for communication is satisfied. At meetings these days, no one is bored, they are often dragged out, since each speech gives rise to new speakers, long debates and disputes are started, interrupted by bursts of laughter due to the remarks of jokers. The disputes that arise during the passage of Mercury through Gemini are radically different from those during the passage of Mercury through the sign of Aries. Unlike Aries Mercury, when people speak and argue in order to declare themselves, to prove their case, with twin Mercury, it is not so important for people who says what, as long as it is interesting and informative. In general, these days they like to play with words, play good jokes on each other, arrange practical jokes. The information does not touch them as much as at other times, almost everyone accepts the rules of the game.

Despite the fact that information these days is grasped literally on the fly, it is quickly forgotten. This is how the Mercury memory works: it remembers only what is important, and the secondary simply erases from memory (to be precise, it displaces deep into the subconscious, because in fact, as you know, we don’t forget anything, any moment of our life through hypnosis can be "raised" in the smallest details). Attention is scattered these days, people become restless, easily distracted by the slightest changes in environment, which is why it takes a lot of time to learn something. Due to the fact that at this time the craving for knowledge increases, people can enroll in various kinds of courses, often in company with someone or on the advice of friends or relatives. Decisions are made quickly and easily, and all is well as long as Mercury is in Gemini. As soon as he leaves it, the courses begin to lose students one by one, although this can happen even with Mercury in Gemini. While interesting, people still attend classes, but as soon as in-depth presentation of the material or practical exercises that require the efforts of the mind, body or soul, they quietly disappear. Gemini Mercury does not like to bother. As well as being responsible for the truth transmitted information, therefore, any information received at this time should be subjected to additional verification.

Trips these days are made without much thought and plans, people are made lighter on their feet. Leaving, as usual, in the morning for work, in the evening they may end up in another city. Contacts are made easily on the road, conversations can be stormy, but after getting off the train, people immediately forget about their fellow travelers and what was said.

With negative aspects, people become talkative, fussy, scattered, restless. They can easily change their minds, backtrack on their words, or quit before they're done. Often they dodge work or answer, manipulate people, juggle facts, twisting them in a favorable light for themselves. You can face dishonesty, deceit, hypocrisy. Rumors, gossip, criticism, fraud, theft are possible.

1.2.6. Transit of Mercury through Virgo

This transit excludes empty talk and idle pastime. People reminisce about tasks and responsibilities, begin to work hard or search hard for a job. Sensations and passionate speeches no longer make the same impression as before. At this time, specific and clear information is valued, which, even though it comes from trusted sources, is double-checked, sometimes more than once or collected from different sources, analyzed and compared. In general, at this time people become biased, they don’t believe a word, they don’t give in to emotions, they act within the framework of instructions and clearly fulfill their duties. Thoughts are busy with work or health, conversations also revolve around these topics. There are usually no unnecessary conversations at this time, but business contacts become disproportionately larger. This is a very good time for serious meetings and meetings, planning, reporting and all sorts of information, as well as for inventory, putting things in order, all sorts of checks and fine-tuning of fine technology. That is, for any work that requires concentration, patience, perseverance, increased attention and even corrosiveness. Since at this time people notice something that at other times passes by their consciousness, they begin to change something, improve it. It is important to stop here. Firstly, as the proverb says, “the best is the enemy of the good”, and secondly, you can forget about why all this is being done. In other words, the big ceases to be seen behind the small.

Between people at this time there is some detachment, even officiality, outwardly everything should be decent. In any situation, they try to remain calm and reasonable. This is especially evident in the official environment, in relations with strangers. Although people become more demanding and critical at this time, with positive aspects, open quarrels usually do not reach, but with negative conflicts, conflicts are possible.

Trips at this time are either business or medical indications, for example, to a sanatorium, to a specialized resort.

Negative aspects give excessive criticality, partiality, pickiness, pettiness, grouchiness. Fussiness, lack of concentration, absent-mindedness, heartlessness, verbalism, unwillingness to admit one's mistakes are not uncommon. Communication can become demonstrative and often comes down to a formal "fulfillment of duty" in relation to a partner, close people, and others.

1.2.7. Transit of Mercury through Libra

Tired of tediousness and formalism, people begin to strive for spiritual communication. They are looking for someone with whom they can have a good time, or someone who can be useful. Categoricalness and exactingness fade into the background, and friendliness, tact, and politeness come to the fore. For people at this time, human relationships are very important, they seek understanding themselves and try to understand other people, so they become soft, compliant and patient. They have the prudence not to express their point of view to the end and listen to the opponent, build their conversation in such a way that the partner is comfortable.

Negative aspects give indecision, the desire to avoid conclusions, bias, partiality, a tendency to intrigue. Arrogance, emphatic disregard for the statements of others, deliberate opposition, violation of generally accepted rules, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, intrigue, impartial statements about someone in his presence or behind his back are possible.

1.2.10. Transit of Mercury through Capricorn

Illusions and dreams were left behind. Everyone returned to the sinful earth and solve serious issues, most often related to work, profession and career. Only specific information is accepted, answers and suggestions are concise and to the point. There is no time to waste time on extraneous conversations, everyone is busy with business. The joker at this time may not be understood and not accepted, therefore, in order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to tune in to a businesslike mood, and, if possible, show your competence and professionalism. Communication takes place mainly on business, people do not have a particular desire for idle talk, they prefer at this time to think about their plans for the future and develop a strategy to achieve their life goals. If not, then it's time to think about it. In general, when communicating during this period, people feel some kind of barrier between themselves and the interlocutor. It is very difficult to call people to frankness these days. Irrelevant questions are simply ignored. It may seem that a person is offended or dissatisfied with something. News at this time is perceived quite coolly, nothing is taken for granted, important information and information received in the process of work is checked or clarified. Violation of the work schedule can threaten the loss of a job. The desire to circumvent the law and the established order causes resistance, the violator will be quickly put in his place. It is also difficult these days to get consent to anything, but once a promise is made, it is more likely to be kept. It is good at this time to declare yourself as a professional, to think about opportunities for career development take refresher courses. It is also favorable for publications in special professional editions. Trips, in order to be useful, must be purposeful.

Negative aspects can cause suspicion, pickiness, anxiety. People can be skeptical, distrustful, callous. You can encounter indifference, formalism, bureaucracy, swagger. Subservience, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, irresponsibility, slovenliness are also possible.

1.2.11. Transit of Mercury through Aquarius

This is the time when maximum freedom in the field of communication is manifested. Even shy people loosen up at least a little, become more spontaneous. The panic fear of some people before the authorities, which these days can demonstrate their “closeness to the people”, disappears. This unity is especially pronounced at various kinds of joint informal meetings, when subordinates see that their formidable bosses are fond of something else besides professional affairs, and can freely communicate with him on abstract topics. These days, people are beginning to be keenly interested in novelties in all areas of life and activity, modern technologies, frontier and innermost sciences, etc. They are happy to communicate with the carriers of this knowledge, trying to join them themselves. Moreover, these days it appears more information about this, it is often possible to join a society.

At this time, thinking goes beyond the usual, paradoxical ideas often appear, plans can suddenly change. People don’t particularly resist this, because subconsciously everyone wants and waits for changes, these days it literally feels that something unusual, disturbing the mind, is about to happen. Often, events do not keep you waiting, and then the atmosphere explodes, everyone begins to excitedly share their impressions and freeze with delight, they say that this is it, what they were waiting for happened, although they often didn’t know what they were waiting for, but now it happened and everyone now knows that exactly this. For many, insights or insights come these days. Ideas are generated especially well when people are in a group, collective thinking “works” well these days. During this transit, the world often learns about new discoveries and unusual inexplicable phenomena, for example, that scientists have discovered a new species of animal, although it was believed that all the fauna living on earth had long been taken into account and studied.

Relationships also include something new, people begin to notice in a partner what they did not notice before, they become especially attentive and observant. It is easier to make acquaintances, and if common interests are suddenly discovered, then time simply stops its course. There is a desire to hit the partner's mind with something unusual, which often succeeds. Although there may be surprises and misunderstandings. In any case, during this transit, people have to be surprised more than once. Trips are often sudden, although collective trips or for research or humanitarian purposes are also possible.

Negative aspects can make people want to stand out, shock others. This can be expressed in outrageous, pretentious manner of expressing one's thoughts. The less the listeners understand what is being said, the more pleasure the speaker experiences, feeling almost like a genius. There may be buffoonery, mockery, pranks out of place or rather evil. Sensations turn out to be exaggerated, connections are unstable. Old relationships can crumble.

1.2.12. Transit of Mercury through Pisces

During this transit, outer activity subsides, but inner life is activated. People are immersed in their own thoughts, remember, analyze the events that have occurred, their feelings, their own and other people's actions. Some insignificant message can sit deep in the mind and a person will think about it for a long time, as if trying to decipher the special meaning inherent in it. People in general at this time are mystical, it may seem to them that what is happening to them and others is happening for a reason, that there is some kind of secret intent in this. In the process of deliberation, a series of associative connections arises, which leads far from the beginning. This can go on indefinitely, as the pictures before the mind's eye rise one after another. From the outside, this may look like lethargy, lethargy, indifference. Such self-absorption often interferes with the performance of work duties, as it leads to absent-mindedness and slow reactions. People can respond to questions or appeals inappropriately, as if responding to their inner thoughts. But they can answer as if some kind of truth has been revealed to them, or, unexpectedly for everyone, present an idea that will help solve a problem that has been fought over for a long time. These days, you should especially carefully listen to your inner voice, intuition will quickly tell you the right move than conscious calculations.

Something subtly changes in relationships between people. They either become closer, spiritual, and then people trust each other with their secrets, or an invisible wall lies between people, they move away from each other, as if trying to become invisible. An attempt to attract a person who is in such a floating state usually ends in failure, he will find a way to quietly get out of the situation. But still, it should be borne in mind that during this period people become more suggestible. Even if it seems to them that they resist and do not accept what they are told, the information settles somewhere in the depths of the subconscious. Later it may surface, but already under the flag of its own thoughts and ideas. Often these days, many seek support and ask for advice from spiritual people or those endowed with the gift of foresight, they want to penetrate the veil that hides the invisible world from us.

Negative aspects increase absent-mindedness, a tendency to dreams and fantasies, give insecurity, a tendency to deceive. Sincerity and frankness cannot be expected. People can complain about failures, show down, put pressure on pity. On the other hand, they can be overly talkative, which hides their inner restlessness and indecision, they can dodge and dodge. Promises are most often not kept, people are cunning, hypocritical, answer evasively or shamelessly, but lie quite convincingly.


1.4. Transit of Mercury through the fields of the horoscope

1.4.4. Transit of Mercury through the IV Field of the horoscope

Indicates intellectual activity related to home and family affairs. There is a lot of communication in the house: guests come, letters, the phone rings more often. There may be news concerning family members or news from parents who can give some small assignments. It is not uncommon for a person to work from home for reasons of their health or the health of one of their parents. Or he takes work home. At this time, there is a need to buy something for the house, and small trips related to family needs are also possible. Often there are changes in the house, for example, a small rearrangement, the arrival of a relative. Moving to another apartment often falls on this transit. This time is favorable for making inquiries in archives, drawing up documents related to land plots, real estate, agriculture, gardening, rental issues, as well as to start an archaeological expedition.

Negative aspects make it difficult to communicate with family members, make fuss, worry about the state of affairs in the family or with parents. Possible family quarrels, differences of opinion, lack of understanding between family members due to irritability, suspicion, excessive criticality. There may be unplanned changes in the house that disrupt the usual rhythm of the family, for example, the departure of one of the parents or another family member. A person can temporarily move to another place of residence. Danger of fraud, loss of important papers, gossip, fraud.

Often bring changes to the house. Someone from home may leave or, conversely, relatives may come. These days, news from relatives may come or parents will visit. A person has to fulfill some orders of parents or family members, make inquiries or draw up papers related to real estate. A change of residence also often occurs during this transit.

Unfavorable Aspects

News concerning parents or family that may be unpleasant for the person. Quarrels, quarrels, misunderstandings in the family. A person tries to insist on his own, not particularly listening to the opinions of loved ones. There may be troubles associated with the house and family, problems with papers related to real estate.

Conjunction and favorable aspects

Lots of little chores around the house. Lots of family talk, guests can come. A person remembers his parents or they remember him. It is good these days to visit your parents or visit your native graves. Cleaning, rearranging the house on the initiative and under the guidance of the owner of the horoscope, shopping for the house. Relocation is possible.

Unfavorable Aspects

Fuss, unforeseen household chores, problems with one of the family members or with parents. Nervousness, nervousness, squabbles and quarrels with household members. Bad news concerning household chores or family members. Relatives may suffer from excessive pickiness and criticality of a person. You should not draw up documents, buy real estate or anything for the house, especially household appliances.


Actualizes the issues that are "managed" by natal Mercury.

Favorable Aspects

During this period, ideas often appear, problems related to family affairs are discussed, a person discusses plans with family members, and exchanges information. Lots of conversations, visits from relatives and friends. Possible trips to family affairs. Letters or news may come concerning family members or the home. A person asks parents for advice or handles paperwork related to real estate, family traditions, ancestors.

Unfavorable Aspects

Nervousness, a feeling of anxiety, absent-mindedness, suspiciousness, distrust are possible. Misunderstandings, conflicts in the house. It becomes difficult to clearly state your ideas to relatives, to defend your point of view, as family members do not hear each other well. High probability of bad news. Often the need to go somewhere on family matters, which violates plans. Possible breakdowns of household appliances, interruptions in communication, loss of necessary things. You should not take trips, draw up paperwork, move.

Conjunction and favorable aspects

Favors relationships with parents and members of their own family, especially with younger sisters and daughters, helps to find with them mutual language to come to a common opinion on family matters. A person can receive support from loved ones, praise, a gift or material assistance. There may be good news concerning family members. These days should be used for buying things for decorating and improving the house, for spending time together with the family, receiving guests, and home parties.

Unfavorable Aspects

Bad mood, unpleasant letters or guests. Lack of understanding with loved ones, conflicts, disagreements, disappointments. There may be gossip concerning family members or parents. Slight financial difficulties due to frivolous spending. For example, due to rash purchases of things for the home that were not really needed or turned out to be too expensive. Not a good day for entertainment, house parties.

These days, a person becomes irritable, unrestrained in words, sharp, critical, caustic, even aggressive. Not surprisingly, relationships with family members or parents are strained. Possible recrimination, noisy quarrels with breaking dishes, in especially severe cases, it can reach assault. Often at such a moment a person decides to divorce. Risk of accident to any of the family members, although the person himself should be careful with fire, hot water, weapons, sharp, prickly, cutting tools or moving mechanisms. Breakdown of household appliances, theft of property, robbery are possible.

Favorable Aspects

Usually indicate increased mental and business activity. A person cannot sit still, he definitely needs to do something, and since his energy is directed to the house and own family, then all this results in the beginning of repairs, the movement of furniture and other work around the house or on personal plot. A person tries to involve all family members in his stormy activities. Those who fail to evade work have to listen to lectures on how and what to do, and obey commands and instructions. A good time for home-based mental work (study at home, writing, etc.), as well as for crafts. Favorable for making various kinds of inquiries, straightening papers related to real estate, as well as for discussing family plans.

Conjunction and favorable aspects

At this time, a person develops friendly relations with parents and members of his own family. Disputes and disagreements subside. It's time to work together to solve family problems. Guests may come from far away. This transit stimulates household chores, favors work at home. There are opportunities to bring your ideas to life. These days are good for negotiations, signing agreements and contracts, especially if they are related to real estate, as well as for receiving guests, engagement, marriage, moving, starting construction, buying and selling housing or land.

Unfavorable Aspects

They bring a pessimistic mood, minor setbacks, difficulties in communicating with family members and parents. Or, on the contrary, excessive optimism, unreality of plans, reassessment of one's capabilities. Clashes with family members on ideological or religious grounds, and vehemence in expressing one's opinion are not ruled out. It is better to postpone the adoption of important decisions, especially if they relate to real estate, property, family members, parents, and important papers and documents should not be executed or signed. Bad news may come, one of the family members may become the object of attacks, gossip, gossip, and defamatory publications. Unexpected guests from afar are possible. You should not be away from home at this time or take any trips, moving. A bad time for court cases, seeking legal advice, especially when it comes to real estate or property.

Conjunction and adverse aspects

This is the time to take stock and develop new plans for the home. A person thinks more rationally, prudently, he feels responsible for his parents and members of his family. Realism and practicality the best helpers at that time. Support from parents or other elderly people is possible, including material support. Good for moving to a new place of residence, for meeting, communicating or negotiating with the right people in your territory, as well as for marrying an older partner or a widow (widower), divorced person. Favorable for cases related to the sale and purchase of land, real estate - houses, cottages, apartments, farms. Often at this time there is an interest in history, archeology, anthropology, and the sale and purchase of antiques.

Unfavorable Aspects

At this time, relations with family members, with parents are difficult either because of employment, or from a desire to be alone. A person either speaks not to the point, or closes in on himself. Resentment, annoyance, chagrin, disappointment, up to depressive states are possible. Often quarrels, misunderstandings, strife with loved ones, more often older people. Homemade people can load a person with their problems, which makes him irritated by the desire to get away from solving them. At this time, mental overload, limb injuries, poisoning, and digestive problems are possible.

Conjunction and adverse aspects

These days are characterized by nervousness, irritability, intermittent excitement and unrest, which do not always have apparent reason. Often news comes that disrupts the usual family routine and requires immediate intervention or gives rise to quarrels between family members. Often there is a need to urgently take care of the affairs of one of the family members or parents. The house is in chaos, spontaneous repairs or relocation, unexpected guests, the number of phone calls increases, and incorrect connections are frequent. In some cases - the danger of a gas explosion, theft. There may be gossip affecting one of the family members. Nervous stress can affect the stomach, colic, spasms, and indigestion are possible.

Favorable Aspects

They bring ideas related to the house, there is a desire to change their place of residence. It is possible to change plans regarding the family, at home. A person is trying to change, redo, improve something; the news that has come can resolve a protracted situation. Unexpected visitors, phone calls that bring a fresh stream to the daily rhythm. Perhaps an unexpected lucrative offer to buy a house, land. A good time to buy household and electronic appliances for the home, to obtain the necessary information, one way or another related to parents, ancestors or real estate, for research and other kinds of mental work at home.

Conjunction and adverse aspects

Parents or family members may be in danger, for example, they may be poisoned, gas, food, alcohol or other liquids, drugs, pesticides, household chemicals, drowning. There is a possibility of theft, robbery. Things can go missing in the house. Blackmail, gossip, slander from someone at home are possible, although information about this may turn out to be false, for example, they may confuse the address or name. May indicate fraud, fraud associated with property transactions, so you should not buy or sell real estate, move, draw up any papers relating to family or property. Moving at this time is undesirable, as well as trips, boat trips and travel.

Favorable Aspects

At this time, the imagination usually intensifies, which is very favorable for creative work at home. These aspects usually contribute to the establishment of a favorable microclimate in the family. Peace, harmony and friendly relations reign in the house. Good news, visits are possible nice people, family friends. Favorable for shopping for household items, for moving, receiving guests. Good time for sea or river walks and water procedures, as well as for meditation, visiting clairvoyants and other people with special abilities.

Conjunction and adverse aspects

At this time, excitability, irritability increases, a person can be overly critical, sarcastic, which gives rise to conflicts in the family. It is possible to receive bad news related to the home, parents, family members or concerning inheritance, alimony, debts, taxes. There is a danger of facing deceit, fraud, forgery, and other illegal actions. In some cases, these aspects may indicate the likelihood of a train or plane crash in which someone from relatives or friends will suffer. There may be damage to the home, such as broken pipes or damaged telephone wiring. Or loss or damage to property due to theft or natural disaster. Separation from the stepfather's house or from one's own family is possible for the most different reasons.

Favorable Aspects

At this time, there is usually a need to urgently draw up some documents related to family capital, taxes, shares, duties, alimony, inheritance. Some very important decisions must be made that can bring about radical changes related to family relationships or large property. During this period, questions are always raised that require a creative, extraordinary approach and the power of persuasion. It is on such aspects that a decision is made to change the place of residence and even the country. A good time to conclude real estate transactions, draw up various kinds of documents and obtain secret information.

1.4.6. Transit of Mercury through the VI Field of the horoscope

A person's thoughts during this period are connected either with work or with health. Usually this transit promises a lot of official conversations, contacts at work, the number of business letters and calls increases. The social circle of a person at this time is mainly made up of subordinates, employees, customers, often younger in age and position. Business trips, the arrival of young employees, the beginning of training in advanced training courses are possible. A person may be entrusted with the training of young personnel in labor skills or will be assigned additional responsibilities. There are ideas to increase labor productivity, modernize the production process. It is not uncommon for a person to change jobs during this time, usually in order to increase their position or income. Also during this period, a person seeks and reads various materials related to health, diet, and hygiene. To improve the state of health, he can go on vacation to a sanatorium, boarding house, rest house or to nature.

Negative aspects can give nervousness, anxiety, fussiness, confusion in business and papers. At this time, a person usually has a lot to do, a lot of fuss, but little happens because of disagreements and minor conflicts with colleagues, idle talk, gossip. Possible equipment failure, problems with documents, delay in the supply of goods, work-related injuries. Danger of physical or mental overstrain, occupational diseases. Particular care must be taken respiratory system: avoid dusty and gassed rooms.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Sun

Conjunction and favorable aspects

They usually bring a lot additional work and worries. Frequent business trips. A lot of conversations, correspondence, assignments that the owner of the horoscope must complete. These days he will have to make decisions quickly, so resourcefulness, enterprise, and quick wit will come in handy. Worries will not bypass a person, someone will definitely need his help.

Unfavorable Aspects

These aspects can indicate problems in the workplace, usually due to inconsistencies in actions, inaccurate or misinterpreted instructions. The number of complaints and slander increases, documents are lost, extraneous conversations, gossip, and intrigues interfere with work. A person wants to insist on his own, does not hear others well, can go to the violation of rules and instructions. The danger of colds, injuries to the limbs, accidents due to conceit, fear of showing one's incompetence, or simply because of frivolity.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Moon

Conjunction and favorable aspects

They bring a lot of trouble related to household chores and health: purchases, registration of certificates, visits to medical institutions in connection with their ailments or the illness of one of their relatives. Often a general cleaning is started in the house, everything is cleaned, shifted, ventilated. There may be changes at work or the search for a new job. Good for buying pets.

Unfavorable Aspects

Absent-mindedness, sluggishness, talkativeness, nervousness are these days the cause of many mistakes, confusion, and delays. A person perceives information worse, hears only what he wants to hear, or perceives information too emotionally. Possible communication failures, failures of office equipment. Rumors, intrigues, gossip, to which a person usually reacts painfully. An unfavorable time for communication with superiors, business negotiations, signing agreements and contracts, and medical research. Danger of colds and viral diseases, accidents.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Mercury

Conjunction and favorable aspects

Usually amplify the readings of natal Mercury. Basically everything revolves around work or health. A person becomes mobile, more dexterous and enterprising. Tasks these days have to be solved more than usual, often several cases at once.

Unfavorable Aspects

They introduce some imbalance in Mercury affairs, so you should be more collected and careful, especially at work that involves increased attention, speed of reaction and decision-making. Negotiations may not be constructive due to the fact that main topic will constantly slip away, as a person at this time perceives information worse, is distracted. Delays, breakdowns of agreements, minor malfunctions, accidents are possible.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Venus

Conjunction and favorable aspects

Contribute business communication and various social activities. A good time for production meetings, working consultations, establishing business relationships, business trips. Good news regarding the work or health of the owner of the horoscope, as well as the health of his loved ones. It is possible to buy a small pet. Favorable time to start treatment of respiratory organs and other wellness procedures especially outdoors.

Unfavorable Aspects

Excessive curiosity, extraneous conversations on personal topics, continuous phone calls, absent-mindedness, nervousness interfere with the performance of direct official duties. In some cases, this transit may indicate intimate contact with service personnel, subordinates, or even minors. The possibility of gossip, intrigue, condemnation.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Mars

Conjunction and adverse aspects

They bring relationship problems at work, mistakes and shortcomings due to haste, hindsight, irritability. A person can be overly harsh in his statements, too critical and peremptory, allow rudeness in communicating with visitors or clients, contradict higher authorities, conflict with colleagues. The danger of blackmail, gossip, intrigue, slander, denunciation, betrayal, especially from former employees or subordinates, service personnel. There may also be an accident on the road due to negligence, robbery or other criminal acts, sometimes as revenge for misbehavior in the past. At this time, you should limit communication at work to a minimum, it is better not to contact your superiors once again. Business trips, meetings, signing important papers are recommended to be postponed. The danger of colds and viral diseases, various inflammatory processes in the organs subordinate to Mercury.

Favorable Aspects

These days, business activity is increasing, a person has to solve many issues, continuously conduct telephone conversations, coordinate and sign all sorts of documents. There are many urgent cases that require immediate intervention or even immediate departure on a business trip. Production meetings these days are usually pretty fleeting. They solve only relevant this moment questions. Debates can be stormy, but essentially, criticism is sharp, but extremely constructive.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Jupiter

Conjunction and favorable aspects

They bring good news regarding work and career growth. In some cases, this may be an offer for a promotion. A good time to look for production links, opportunities for expanding production or marketing products. There is a possibility of entering foreign markets or attracting highly qualified specialists. They can be sent to refresher courses. There is a possibility of buying a pet with a noble pedigree. Good days for contacts with business and necessary people, for conducting various negotiations, concluding agreements, signing contracts, for business trips and business trips, for travel of an educational nature and for scientific purposes. And also for visiting government organizations, departments, processing business documents, for communicating with spiritual people. This transit promises relief for people suffering from asthma and illnesses. respiratory tract. Good for breathing exercises, exercise in the fresh air, preventive examinations.

Unfavorable Aspects

During this transit, there may be problems at work due to excessive talkativeness, absent-mindedness, misunderstood information, due to disagreements with partners, employees, suppliers, etc. Moral damage is possible, as well as material losses due to gossip, intrigue, gossip, blackmail, fraud, deliberately distorted information, additions to reports, overestimation of their capabilities. Lawsuits can be lost due to shortsightedness and unjustified optimism. Often - violation of labor discipline, delays due to transport problems. It is not recommended these days to negotiate, conclude deals, sign important papers, go on trips, contact the authorities, official and legal authorities for any reason. Any information must be carefully checked. Possible exacerbation of gallstone disease, viral diseases. medical examination it is better to postpone because of the possibility of distortion of information.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with initial Saturn

Conjunction and adverse aspects

They bring fuss, confusion to the work process, errors, delays, delays, unavailability or distortion of the necessary information, relationship problems in the work team, rumors, speculation, gossip. It is difficult for a person to concentrate on his duties, he is constantly distracted by extraneous conversations and phone calls. Unpleasant news related to work is possible. Sometimes job loss. These days you should not negotiate, sign documents, balance balances and make reports: an error will surely creep into them. The start of a business trip or other kind of business trip should not fall at this time. Chronic diseases often make themselves felt, so these days require careful adherence to an appropriate diet and personal hygiene, adherence to work and rest. Any overload - physical, mental and mental - is contraindicated. Overwork is detrimental to health. Possible nervous breakdown, stretching of the tendons, dislocations of the joints. Danger of an accident on the road.

Favorable Aspects

At this time, a person's industriousness intensifies, he diligently fulfills his labor duties. You can expect good news regarding work. Necessary information - plans, drawings, instructions, manuals, etc. – will be received on time and in full. A good time for planning, discussing projects, production meetings. Possibly attracted to common cause younger relatives. You can seek advice from experienced and qualified employees, make business visits to superiors, sign important documents, and conclude contracts. It is good to undergo a medical examination these days.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with initial Uranus

Conjunction and adverse aspects

Unexpected, often shocking news related to work or health. Nervous situation in the service due to confusion with documents, communication problems, equipment breakdowns, incorrect information or lack of it. Disagreements with superiors, conflicts between employees, broken negotiations, violation of safety regulations. The possibility of industrial injuries, accidents at the workplace, often due to faulty electrical appliances, explosion, fire. You can not draw up and sign important papers, change jobs, take on new job responsibilities or take on a new position. Nervous overload can affect health. Possible spasms of blood vessels and muscles, tremor, nervous tick, violation of rhythms in the body.

Favorable Aspects

They also bring unexpected news, but mostly positive. There is an opportunity to promote new original projects, sign agreements on this matter, and draw up technical documentation. New business connections bringing a fresh air to technological process. It is not uncommon to replace obsolete equipment with modern ones, introduce new technologies, and introductory courses in this regard. A good time to conduct medical research using computer technology and for laser treatment, etc.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Neptune

Conjunction and adverse aspects

They bring confusion in business, mistakes due to absent-mindedness, forgetfulness or sloppiness. A person's attention is scattered these days, he is easily distracted by external stimuli and his thoughts. It is possible intentional or unintentional distortion or concealment of facts and necessary information, misinterpretation of the information received, which is especially dangerous if work duties require concentration of attention and strict adherence to instructions. Deception, fraud, theft at work are possible. An unfavorable period for conducting scientific experiments, drawing up and signing important documents, making inquiries, transferring data. Travel should not be undertaken, especially by water. The danger of poisoning, an accident, which often provokes alcohol intoxication. Sleep and memory disturbances are possible. Medical research should not be carried out these days due to the risk of misdiagnosis or confusion in analyzes and conclusions.

Favorable Aspects

For work, especially related to attention and concentration, these are not entirely suitable aspects, although there is the possibility of a happy accident when obtaining the necessary information. These aspects favor creative work and those activities for which imagination, intuition, and insight are important. Good for scientific research, unless they are related to calculations. To resolve some issues, you can turn to clairvoyants and psychics. They can also help in establishing a diagnosis in unclear cases.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Pluto

Conjunction and adverse aspects

There may be disturbing news regarding the work or health of the owner of the horoscope or someone close to him. On this transit, once abandoned cases or old, seemingly already forgotten information may surface, which can cause serious fuss. In any case, at such a time at work, a restless atmosphere is created. Even if outwardly nothing is happening, the tension, ready to explode into a scandal at any moment, is still felt. The owner of the horoscope at this time becomes more insightful and is able to see the mistakes and shortcomings of colleagues, which can cause discontent and resentment on their part. A boss who has this transit in his chart may face protests from his subordinates, a strike, and even sabotage. At this time, it is contraindicated to hold meetings, negotiate, sign important documents, go on a business trip. On the trip, all sorts of troubles are possible, up to an accident. Occupational injuries, communication problems, equipment breakdowns are possible. These aspects serve as an indication of the illness or injury of someone close, sometimes problems with pets. Unfavorable time for medical research and surgical operations.

Favorable Aspects

At this time, questions and problems that seem to have long been forgotten can also be raised. But in this case, transit indicates that the time has come and there are opportunities for their resolution. The necessary information appears and necessary people and the situation is resolved. This is facilitated by the fact that these days the power of persuasion increases and intuition increases many times, which allows a person to find extraordinary solutions to problems. Also, these aspects indicate that you can take the advice of a competent person, resort to the help of high-level professionals or people endowed with power or special abilities. A good time to address issues of joint capital, employment, scientific and other kinds of research. In terms of health, this time is suitable for thorough medical research.

Negative aspects often give rise to suspiciousness, suspicion, absent-mindedness, give difficulties in communication, wandering in the clouds, unrealistic dreams. In some cases, hospitalization may be indicated. Possible contacts with people of dubious reputation, disclosure of secrets, intrigues and intrigues of hidden enemies. The danger of suffering from envy, slander, gossip, behind-the-scenes intrigues, and also become the object of secret surveillance.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Sun

Conjunction and favorable aspects

These days, a person tries not to advertise either his thoughts or his connections. He tries to solve problems himself, although he may attract people or forces indicated by the field where the Sun is located. There may be news that a person uses in his own interests without distributing it. He may visit someone in a hospital, prison or other place corresponding to the XII field, have secret relations with famous or influential people, or take a trip that no one will know about or which will be known to a very small circle of people. It can be personal contact with a spiritual teacher, and familiarization with esoteric knowledge.

Unfavorable Aspects

A person may face the fact that some personal information about him has become public, and the facts are usually distorted. Gossip and backstage conversations can spoil the reputation of the owner of the horoscope, it is often not possible to determine their source. Information that often appears from nowhere cannot be trusted, as it may be deliberate misinformation of secret enemies. You should not make dubious acquaintances, trust fellow travelers or random people, since everything said by a person can be used against him. You should not take any trips, engage in transactions or speculation, put your signature on any documents.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Moon

Conjunction and favorable aspects

Unfavorable Aspects

Often they point to news that makes a person worry, or to an internal dialogue with a person who has hit him hard to the quick. In frustrated feelings, a person can give out information that he carefully concealed, or someone close to him can unwittingly reveal the secret. A person at this time can be nervous, extremely suspicious, as if he deliberately listens to the words in order to find something offensive for himself in them. Rumors, gossip, fables are possible that female enemies spread about a person. Relationship problems. A person who sincerely wants to help someone may encounter misunderstanding. Beware of contacts with suspicious people and criminal elements.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Mercury

Conjunction and favorable aspects

Obtaining any secret or secret information. The beginning of learning the secret sciences. A trip to holy places or to study abroad, but unlike the IX field, here a person can, having left for study, not return home, but stay abroad (in any case, the final decision is made only after studying the natal horoscope).

Unfavorable Aspects

Bad news, unpleasant visits, visits to places of detention. A person can be too suspicious, wary, his thoughts - frightening, confused. Gossip and gossip, false information or slander spread by enemies are possible. Messages or letters may be lost, meetings may be upset, agreements may be broken. Bad time for any Mercurial activity.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Venus

Conjunction and favorable aspects

There may be secret love encounters, secret intimacy, secret activities that are somehow connected with women or for which they are paid. Looking for additional income or connections to help hide secret income. A person may correspond with another person (usually a woman) whom he has never seen before - a pen-pal acquaintance in the stage before a personal meeting. Letters or declarations of love to a person who is unavailable, for example, is in prison.

Unfavorable Aspects

Strengthen internal contradictions, give rise to a confrontation between desires and opportunities, can give manifestations of willfulness, bouts of whims, whims, tantrums, laziness, apathy. One should beware of self-deception and deception of other people, fixed ideas. Bad news, an unrequited feeling, disappointments, behind-the-scenes intrigues, gossip, slander, betrayal of a partner are possible.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Mars

Conjunction and adverse aspects

The secret machinations of enemies spreading negative information about the owner of the horoscope, which causes his natural indignation and thoughts of revenge. The person becomes irritable, nervous, manifestations of rudeness are possible. He wants to be left alone, but everyone, as if by agreement, brings him one painful news after another. It is dangerous to do anything at this time secret affairs, for it may become clear to all. Threats from unknown persons are possible. In some cases, they can be carried out and the person may be injured. Often this is revenge for words or actions in the distant past. acute danger infectious disease or an accident related to traffic accidents, water accidents, injuries from weapons or sharp objects. At this time, it is better to suspend activities related to the Mercury or Martian specifics.

Favorable Aspects

Usually at this time there is an intensification of mental activity. A person tries to retire in order to actively work in silence. Although it can be long-distance trips of scientific orientation. This is the time to form relationships with people on the spiritual path. For example, a person through them can join spiritual practices or esoteric knowledge.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Jupiter

Conjunction and favorable aspects

Often search for influential patrons, although assistance with such transit is usually guaranteed. There will definitely be a secret or obvious well-wisher who will help resolve a difficult situation or suggest a way out of it. This transit facilitates long-distance travel, travel, long sea cruises, and educational, scientific, and charitable activities. Communication or correspondence with people from afar. Introduction to spiritual heritage, teaching secret sciences, dissemination of spiritual knowledge.

Unfavorable Aspects

Often they portend problems from an excess of knowledge that can be dangerous for a person. He may distribute prohibited or deliberately distorted information or engage in smuggling, which may attract the interest of law enforcement agencies. With these aspects, it seems to a person that he is safe, that he has strong enough connections to avoid problems, but in reality everything turns out to be wrong. Patrons can wash their hands and all responsibility will fall on the owner of the horoscope. A person can also suffer from excessive frankness, gullibility, own talkativeness. There may be problems when traveling due to carelessness, arrogance, frivolity. Beware of thefts, intrigues of secret, but strong enemies, intrigues, gossip, trick. Often anonymous letters pop up during this transit, information about the unseemly actions of a person is disseminated. You should be careful in dating, especially when traveling, check all incoming information. Do not conduct any negotiations, do not conclude deals and agreements, do not go on the road.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Saturn

Conjunction and adverse aspects

They bring gloomy painful thoughts, blues. A person can withdraw into himself, move away from contacts. Solitude only exacerbates his condition. Bad news doesn't help either. good mood. Relations with others are deteriorating, alienation, separation from a partner are possible. A person in this state can leave home, go somewhere without saying anything to relatives. It is possible to be charged with giving false testimony, transmitting incorrect data. Unflattering information about the owner of the horoscope may be revealed. You should beware of the insidious machinations of secret enemies that can cause serious trouble. Blackmail, denunciations, slander are possible, which is very difficult for a person to refute, since the truth can be mixed with lies. Often an accident threatens, usually when moving: an accident in transport, a fall from a height, bruises, broken limbs, dislocations of the joints. Chronic illness may develop.

Favorable Aspects

At this time, a person usually indulges in thoughts about life, about fate, about the eternal. But unlike negative aspects, in which painful thoughts can bring a person to depression and self-torture, with positive aspects, he carefully analyzes his actions, feelings, relationships. In other words, a person at this time speaks with his conscience, which ultimately contributes to spiritual purification. Believers go to confession at this time, they can retire for a while in a monastery or leave for nature. People who are engaged in science or are fond of secret sciences conduct research at this time, deeply plunging into the essence of the issue.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Uranus

Conjunction and adverse aspects

There may be shocking news that deeply hurts a person. What has happened occupies all the thoughts of a person to such an extent that he cannot do anything. A person begins to rush about, sometimes trying to escape from problems, suddenly leaves in an unknown direction. This condition can cause physical manifestations such as trembling hands, chills, and nervous tics. A sudden break in relations with a dear person is possible, often due to a misunderstanding or because of evil slander, slander, intrigues of enemies and envious people, but betrayal is also possible. This transit creates the risk of an accident due to traffic accidents or natural disasters. You should also beware of thunderstorms, faulty electrical appliances or mechanisms. You can become a victim of theft, robbery or other criminal act.

Favorable Aspects

They give sudden insights that help resolve problematic issues. Secret sources of information can be revealed - the secret becomes clear. Often - bursts of clairvoyance. Meetings with unusual people, trips related to spiritual quests, occult experiences are possible. Support of friends endowed with phenomenal abilities or special powers. In some cases, this transit may indicate the emigration of relatives or friends. A good time for learning the secret sciences, developing intuitive abilities. Sometimes - involvement in secret activities or membership in a secret organization.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Neptune

Conjunction and adverse aspects

Premonitions, vague visions, fantasies that can be confused with reality. Illusory dreams, confused information, attempts to clarify the situation confuse her even more. A person becomes nervous, suspicious, absent-minded, fussy, often does not find a place for himself, does not fit well into reality. The danger of behind-the-scenes intrigues, slander, deceit, fraud. Danger of poisoning by food, alcohol or other liquids, petroleum products, drugs and strong drugs, pesticides. Accidents can happen while traveling, for example, incorrect ticketing or theft of things or documents. Trips on water are strictly contraindicated. Beware of blackmail, anonymous letters, betrayal. There may be health problems of unknown etiology, sleep disturbances, memory lapses, or an accident due to the fault of the person himself, often associated with the use of alcohol, drugs, and potent drugs.

Favorable Aspects

At this time, secret information can also come in, often in such a way that only the owner of the horoscope understands it. Flashes of intuition, foresight of situations are possible. A person becomes more insightful, can "read" people's thoughts, but at the same time, these days he is less inclined to contacts, prefers the "inner" life to the outer one. Words for him cease to be just words, he understands the other, hidden meaning words. Good time for writers and poets. Unplanned spontaneous trips, contacts with extraordinary people and representatives of other cultures are possible.

Aspects of transiting Mercury with natal Pluto

Conjunction and adverse aspects

News or rash acts that make a person suffer from hopelessness, the inability to change anything. It can be a feeling of shame and remorse or annoyance, resentment, or thoughts of revenge. The intrigues of enemies are possible: behind-the-scenes intrigues, slander, discrediting publications and rumors. On trips, unpleasant incidents are possible: theft, robbery, disasters, shipwrecks, clashes with law enforcement agencies, difficulties in returning to their homeland for various reasons, for example, problems with documents, visas, natural disasters, hospitalization of the person himself or his relative or friend.

Favorable Aspects

They give special insight, the ability to penetrate the very essence of the problem, to find its roots. A person becomes a kind of lie detector, instantly understands that they want to deceive him and in what way. There may be news that can radically clarify the situation, or advice or disinterested help from knowledgeable people. Contacts with people endowed with phenomenal abilities. Often at this time a person joins the secret sciences, looking for connections with secret societies and secret organizations. A good time for extrasensory diagnostics, for divination, checks, equipment testing.

Sources: Jay Jacobs, Career Cycles and Rewards. Grant Lewis "Astrology for the Millions". Stefan Aroyo Astrology. Karma and transformation"

We begin the study of the influence of transits with Pluto, since its influence in transits is the most tangible. Next, in descending order, we look at Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter. If it is necessary to go deeper into the analysis of what is happening and to narrow the time range of a possible event, we consider Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Sun, and the Moon.


Due to its extremely elongated orbit, Pluto's velocity varies from less than one degree of net movement per year in Aries, Taurus and Gemini to a maximum of two and a half degrees in Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Its total motion is approximately four and a half degrees per year. Transiting Pluto aspects remain in orbit for approximately 18 months out of a two-year period. During this time, the aspect is usually accurate three times (moreover, two of these three times are not separated by an exit interval from the orb), but sometimes this has time to repeat five times.

Transits of Pluto through solar (and on average through natal) houses at present (Pluto in Scorpio) take 12-14 years of life. When entering a house, Pluto usually crosses its cusp three times (sometimes five times); leaving the house, he passes in the same way 3-5 times along the cusp of the next one, leaving and returning. Often, the first frenzied onslaught and the last knockout blow are the hardest. Since Pluto takes 248 years to go around the Sun, it does not have time to cross all the houses in any chart. Including in consideration solar houses, we can increase the number of houses passed.

By nature, Pluto acts transformative and catalytic. It destroys and regenerates. Brings crisis and breakthrough. Indicates danger, possibly death (the end of something) and potentially rebirth. Pluto is power. He dominates and he gives strength. He hides and he reveals. Pluto is obsession, preoccupation, commitment, and purpose. Pluto is duplicitous as a banal swindler who uses others to achieve his goals; he is dangerously seductive, like an embassy attaché - a.k.a. secret agent - from spy novels. Even in the astrology of the professions, Pluto is metaphysical and perhaps sexual.

Pluto transits put you in a position to end old chapters of life that you have already outgrown. They tell you to be free, and if you don't, they often force you to be free through suffering. These transits open previously hidden or forgotten inner sources of energy, eliminating old forms on the surface of life. Pluto transits not only often flatten a part of you or make something completely disappear, they can also bring back into your life people, feelings, activities, or aspects of your own nature that have been absent for a long time. These transits have the power to tear off the old shell to reveal the meaning of inner existence, spontaneous creativity, joy and freedom. They can help us experience the spontaneous energies and abilities we felt and had when we were young, before they were buried under the weight of cultural patterns or the veil of karma. After the transit of Pluto, when the field of action is prepared, we can again feel our inherent nature and begin to express it.
Pluto is always touching some kind of death. If a person is afraid of death - he is undoubtedly afraid of the transit of Pluto.

Pluto transits have the power to bring us into contact with the source (seed) of power within us, with life experience in its most intense, concentrated and absolute form, with our core nature and positive potentials in their purest state. And, when this happens, the "old shells" of experienced emotional and mental habitual patterns may subside or eventually be discarded.

Transiting Pluto around the house sets the scenery in the theater of life, directs the flow of the play, and serves as a backdrop for short-term transits. A person can eventually become accustomed to its action in the house in the sense of accepting its influence as a natural and permanent element of one's life, as if it were a natal factor in the corresponding house (such as "I've been sitting in this hole so long that I already feel like everything is fine”); but then Pluto changes the house and changes the personal world of a person. Pluto's influence often seems overwhelming and compelling.

Pluto transit home

Pluto in 1st house. Consciousness of personal power allows a person to set new professional goals or move on to a new life path. The sense of the importance of the goal increases and the feeling of one's own "I" is experienced in a new way. Commitments made at this time are rewarded if they do not degenerate into obsession.

Pluto in 2nd house. The individual value system is destroyed. Nothing remains of its former value, but the measures of things become more personal and profound. A person begins to evaluate his life according to a new price list. Along the way, he falls into wealth or poverty. The importance of accumulating, saving and spending money is changing, as well as the importance of matching the material resources of one's being, one's actions and one's property. During the transit period, it is possible to make a state if one has the abilities indicated in the radix.

Pluto in 3rd house. The manifestation of the power of the intellect and the possession of facts become the most important thing. A person seeks to prove his case, awareness, persuasiveness. Some during this period are ready to leave their business to study. Others improve their business by turning to consultants, taking advanced training courses, adopting the existing experience of others.

Pluto in 4th house. A person rushes in search of an ideal home. A series of intra-family crises (possibly deaths) can bring new things to life or changes in the family, give an impulse to leave the family, break with the past. Breaking free of parental patterns of behavior opens up the possibility of changing the story in professional life. The power structures for a person are changing, a place is being cleared for new professional deep connections.

Pluto in 5th house. Pleasure habits change drastically. Just as as a child grows older, old toys give way to new ones (and those next). A stream of creativity and romantic feelings breaks out from the depths of the soul. The call to creativity or love sounds irresistibly captivating, like the call of mythical sirens. Man cannot resist. Occult knowledge, risky entertainment, sexual episodes seduce or force you to function or manifest yourself at a new level.

Pluto in the 6th house. Profound changes in daily and work habits. In the position in relation to the result of one's work, the attitude "responsibility for one's skill and competence" appears. The desire for work in which you can realize the meaning of your existence. Whatever a person does, no matter where he is, he must feel that his work is significant. The force for change often manifests itself through breakdowns and catastrophes: a career-destroying somatic crisis; loss by the company of the competition for a contract; plant closure; sexual harassment of the nearest boss; hostility from the workforce. And all so that a person can take his own path.

Pluto in 7th house. The search for that one soul, which, he feels, is somewhere on the other side of the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bits surrounding him. During the transit, marriage and a partner are invariably fate, fate. Life inevitably involves relationships with spouses (and exes), business partners(and opponents), with lawyers, judges, organizations, politicians.

Pluto in 8th house. The joys of sex and excess, the innocent pleasure of “breaking through the defenses” and achieving your goal, the delight of dancing a millimeter away from death and the ecstatic feeling of a new birth, the confident calmness of power and the frenzy of power. If the client is natally rigid, this transit may be expressed as increased craving suppression and anti-sexual bigotry. In general: if you have personal influence on the population, why official status?

Pluto in the 9th house. Reflections on the meaning and structure of life, the search for knowledge and adventure. Life-changing academic or scientific pursuits can become a precondition for satisfaction and/or success. The development, synthesis and dissemination of learning comes to the fore; hence the writing, lecturing, and counseling.

Pluto in 10th house. Ambition encourages to seek success, public recognition, authority; achieve position, status, respect. A radical change in attitudes and ambitions turns a person to professions that never occurred to him before, or long abandoned, or passionately desired, one way or another in accordance with the plan of Providence. Action natal planets this house takes on new heights and depths of meaning as the conjunctions of Pluto have a cleansing and energizing effect on them. A professional career occupies a person entirely, absorbs his whole life. Willingness to go to big risk(and join dangerous paths) can be highly rewarded (power, authority and influence), but can lead to terrible disappointments and even to the worst disasters.

Pluto in 11th house. The signal to send your personal "Argo" on a voyage for a beautiful dream, towards distant plans, the fulfillment of unspeakable desires and a dazzling future. Colleagues and friends are perceived either as comrades-in-arms to the grave, or as enemies to the grave. Some flee from the ship and take refuge on a small atoll. After dreams are realized or abandoned, a person will have to create for himself new meaning life.

Pluto in 12th house. In this house, Pluto can break the heart with defeats and misfortunes, or open it into the universe, one, spiritual, immeasurable and saturated with "magical" power. By dedicating himself to active service and effective contribution to this world, man makes the cosmos the ally of his hopes and becomes able to work miracles. Those who move with the current, throwing the rudder, are smashed by the current on the rocks. Those who move consciously will be able to know the "unknowable".

Aspects of Pluto

Pluto-Sun. This aspect allows fate to grind our identity into fine powder, and then scatter it in the wind of change and threatening circumstances, as wheat separates from the chaff. During tense aspects, a person feels and fears that some essence, - an embryo, or a sprout, or something like that, is carried away by this wind and lost. All aspects of Pluto with the Sun, especially the upper square and the quincunx, bring a new sense of strength and a willingness to put everything at stake in order to carry out the most difficult undertakings or achieve high goals. This can lead to great achievements and rewards, as well as catastrophic failures.

Compound. At this time, you have to face your true "I" - the person who is destined to be, and not the one who was taught to become. For years, a person could avoid what concerned his personal interests, ignore desires and focus on what others expected of him. Pluto sweeps it all out of the way. The strongest desire at this time can be a completely new beginning - a change of residence and even moving to another city, divorce, in extreme cases - the refusal of custody of children. The conditions that a person endured in the past, despite pain and suffering, are now not satisfied with a person and are brushed aside. The main goal is to realize one's own potential. Depending on how disappointing the former life was, the coming changes undermine the foundations of well-being. Pluto brings with it radical revolutionary change. But they are necessary to stop stagnation and stimulate development. They cannot be resisted, although there is an intention to desperately cling to the status quo. One of the lessons of this transit is the need for change. Everything that has become routine and has lost its meaning must be discarded in order to make room for positive changes and creative activity.
The transit through the Sun causes the need to understand oneself at a deeper inner level, much deeper than the image that a person shows to the world. There is also a need to get to the bottom of the true causes. Why am I doing this? What am I afraid of? Who am I really? It's time to answer these and many other questions. During this period, a person will be able to solve the puzzle of his own life. Psychoanalysis, group psychotherapy, meditation and introspection will help to achieve a deeper self-understanding, which will ensure self-control and the effective realization of one's potential.

Squares and opposition. The central moment of such transit is the power. Either a person will try to gain more control over others, or they will try to control his actions. At work, a manager may load subordinates with tasks and responsibilities to a greater extent than they can handle, or demand that they fulfill what was promised to him before, but has so far been successfully avoided. The initial reaction to the behavior of the authorities will be the need to argue with him. But you should think about whether it is realistic to cope with the situation. Some new way of working may be required. This transit is a test of a person's ambitions - how well the course of action is planned, how hard work has been done in the past, and how effective current actions are. A person is full of energy, and it must be directed in a constructive direction, and not wasted in useless rebellion. If a person is in a leadership position, he should not expect subordinates to keep up with the given pace. You can exhaust yourself to the point of exhaustion, but your colleagues will resent the excessive workload. On a deeper level, a person can use this time to gain control over their own actions. The challenge here is to understand why you do things the way you do, and not to repress the things you don't like about yourself. Buried in the unconscious, they are able to smolder, and then suddenly burst into a bright flame. Reveal the hidden facets of your character, study them, and only then make adjustments.
On these transits, an aggressive approach to solving problems is not the best option. False self-assertion will fail. Militancy will bring additional problems. Direct your activity to realization in creativity, profession, favorite pastime. Self-respect will allow you to gently but confidently communicate with people in power - bosses, police officers, financial inspectors.

Pluto-Moon. profound impact on emotional condition, nature and ways of satisfying needs. In cases where there is a focus on family responsibilities, or where emotional security is closely related to financial stability or financial success, these aspects give rise to an intense desire to earn and own property, as well as a determination to satisfy this desire, which, in turn, gives impetus to actions necessary to achieve the desired result.

Compound. Changes during this aspect will primarily affect your feelings, family life and security. Now you are emotionally aroused, but do not crave excitement. And just want some revival in the stable emotional life. One of the potential consequences of the transit is the achievement of an internal balance between individualistic impulses and the need for serious sincere relationships. However, to achieve it, you must carefully study your own instinctive reactions. In that important period the key to success is self-control.
Both Pluto and the Moon symbolize the mother figure and the ability to nurture and nurture children. At first, as latent resentment surfaced, your relationship with your mother deteriorated. Now it's time to forget childhood grievances and grow up. The new burden of responsibility will not only help you look more realistically and maturely at your mother, but will also allow you to control own life and their achievements in it. In relation to your own children, you initially act as a protective parent. Try to give them the opportunity to make their own decisions more often.

Square. This transit, like the connection, promises changes - but more intense. It seems as if your natural, instinctive reactions are condemned by those whose support you previously took for granted - parents, relatives, marriage partners. The manifestation of your emotions may encounter obstacles. Do not get annoyed, rely not on aggressiveness, but on self-confidence. The situation is especially aggravated if in the past you believed in "peace at any cost." Hidden resentments and dissatisfaction end in outbursts of irritation, or resentment can push you to manipulate others. The struggle for power is on an emotional level and will significantly affect your relationships.
This is a period when intense introspection can help you to be reborn. Self-knowledge gives you inner strength and self-control. Try to accept the changes in your life and understand that a positive approach allows you to see those favorable opportunities that a negative attitude does not allow you to notice.

Opposition. Your communication with others looks unsatisfactory. Envy and past grievances fuel the passions of both sides. It requires clear thinking and a disinterested attitude. Existing relationships embarrass you, and you overprotect your children. The most acceptable approach is an honest approach to everyone and everyone. Discuss your feelings with a close friend, avoiding logical reasoning or downplaying them. Examine your own emotions and personality and assert your right to get rid of old habits and attitudes that prevent you from living a full life. Now you have a heightened awareness of what you need and want from life - use this to achieve what you want.

Pluto-Mercury. On the inner plane, aspects between Pluto and Mercury catalyze changes in intellectual processes, in stereotypes of thinking, in the way information is captured and organized; outwardly, this is expressed in more energetic communication and sometimes in life-changing decisions or statements. In terms of events, stressful aspects of Pluto with Mercury can contribute to the failure of a business venture, especially for an independent or self-employed party to the transaction. This occurs as a result of the necrosis of the intellectual constitution (idea, decision, representation) underlying the enterprise - the nest cannot be preserved when the branch on which it is built has dried up. A new mental picture can become the foundation of a better structure, more securely anchored in reality.

Compound. You think penetratingly and sensitively perceive reality - nothing escapes your attention! You are not interested in superficial answers. You want to know the truth, you need fundamental knowledge. Ideas learned or formulated at this time can change your outlook on all areas of life. The emerging representations give you answers to all your questions of a religious or philosophical nature. Don't let this transit end without taking advantage of it. Now psychology, astrology and the occult sciences serve as sources of knowledge for you. Be flexible and willing to admit that some of your past beliefs are not as good as they seemed. Now your ideas are being tested and how you introduce them to other people. By stubbornly sticking to the old way of thinking just because it is yours, you will only create more problems for yourself. Open-mindedness to the bottomless fount of knowledge that has opened up to you will expand your horizons and allow you to appreciate life. Be receptive.

Square and opposition. Your ideas and methods of conveying them to others - conversations, lectures, letters and articles - become more and more eccentric and even fanatical. You can become so obsessed with an idea or a new way of thinking that you feel the need to share it with the world. It's time to realize that what's important to you won't necessarily mean the same to others. This is the time when your tolerance is being tested, your readiness to respect the free thinking of others. The persistence of your conversations - sounding like sermons - can turn off the interlocutor, no matter how fair your arguments are. Therefore, you should not only clearly and clearly present the thought that has captured your attention, but also be able to present it without being too carried away.

Pluto-Venus. These aspects can make themselves felt by shocks in the systems of material or personal values. If a person is able to rehabilitate his value system or, if it has become obsolete, transform it into something suitable for the coming future, the impending financial crisis can be averted. Most people have to experience a fall before a breakthrough - losing almost everything, which they can then, however, gain back. A new awareness of values ​​(and a change in the subjective importance of money as a means) leads to a new attitude towards earning a living and often a new way of earning.

Compound. In general, your relationships with others will become more active, especially those that involve love and sex. You experience emotional extremes, and in the case of connections that have become routine, you will be inclined to break them. Your motto might be "all or nothing," where "all" includes the depth and intensity of the emotional response. You want all-consuming love, you want to play an important role in someone's life. Obviously, any romance that evokes only warm feelings will not meet your current requirements. Keep your eyes open. Perhaps someone will teach you a series useful lessons regarding love. This could be someone you love, or someone who plays the role of a mentor or guru. Your strong sexual attraction can find a way out in existing or new relationships or in creativity - literature or painting, art in general.

Square and opposition. Your need for love and its physical expression is as strong as it was during the previous transit, but will be more difficult to satisfy. Relationships are obsessive or obsessive. Instead of looking for someone who has similar or comparable values ​​to yours, you can attract someone with opposing views. There is a possibility of having an affair with a member of the underworld or with someone who is already married or only interested in sex, instead of a person capable of self-sacrifice and devotion, which you need. stick high standards and you will find the love that suits your needs. If you are not yet in love, you may be tempted to start a relationship with anyone just to avoid being alone. Avoid this, strive for affection based on love, trust and tenderness, which will not weaken over time, but will grow stronger.

Pluto Mars. Under the influence of Pluto, Mars becomes uncompromising in achieving goals, success, in satisfying ambitions, striving to dominate or revenge. True, the last two points usually make themselves felt only during tense transit aspects to natal tense Mars. People at this time do not tolerate confrontation; driven by an unshakable determination to win, they outstrip competitors or eliminate them. It seems to these people that nothing can stop them, and they are not at all inclined to inhibit the manifestations of the energy they feel in themselves. The dangers of recklessness ("Precautions - to hell, full speed ahead!") Or impulsive vindictiveness ("My patience is over, I'll kill him!") - there is; however, if the energy finds a constructive outlet, then there is nothing that a person could not overcome or accomplish. The ability to positively use or stabilize this transit is judged by the position and aspects of Saturn; factors aggravating its dangerous side - according to the position of Mars (and Uranus).

Compound. Now your energy is directed to accomplishment with such pressure that it gives you all-destroying power and will sweep away all obstacles in your path. The only problem is that you wear yourself out and don't stop even when you're extremely tired. Such a disorganized approach can exhaust a person and bring him to a state where only external causes or declining health. A more disciplined approach will allow you to conserve your energy. At work and at home, look for new, more effective methods fulfillment of the intended. The current focus on practical expediency will become a habit that will help you direct your energy in the right direction in the future.

Square and opposition. You are unwilling to submit to anyone's authority, even if it is necessary. This is the time when there is a tendency to quarrel with the representatives of the law. The problem is that an excess of poorly controlled energy can attract the attention of, for example, the police - for speeding, or the authorities - for a squabble with colleagues at work. Even if in other respects you are quite sensitive, recklessness pushes you to rash actions, and with your uncompromising position you are able to offend others. Quarrels at work and at home are likely. You are trying to do a lot at the same time without thinking about your own safety, so accidents are possible. It is difficult for you to control yourself now, but the more you reject discipline, the more you will need it. By directing energy in a constructive direction, you can achieve much more.

Pluto Jupiter. These aspects, figuratively speaking, uncork the bottle and release the genie in it. An unprepared person may be bewildered by the sudden influx of favorable chances; arrogant - not giving yourself enough time to think about what three wishes to make (besides sex and money, of course). The right choice can bring about fundamental changes that consistently improve a person's life: great opportunities become a reality. But even a choice that can be likened to lighting a candle at both ends still allows you to admire the beautiful light. People with these transitive aspects gravitate toward magic. They are prone to creativity - someone to the wise, someone to the frivolous, like the Wizard's Apprentice.

Your ideas about what you want from life and how to achieve what you want change. As well as the values ​​you hold. If you have previously acted in a direction consistent with your standards and philosophical or religious views, then you have every chance of succeeding. It's time for your past faith and hard work to be rewarded. This builds self-confidence and contributes to the drawing up of even more ambitious plans for the future, plans that are realistic and solid foundation. If you have acted in conflict with your own religious and philosophical views, this period can be stressful. Growing feelings of frustration can be eliminated, but for this you need to either change your lifestyle or reconsider the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat you professed before. This can lead to a religious revival, where you feel like a cult or church is preaching exactly what you want from life. Whether this religious development goes in a social or personal direction depends on what you think you are lacking in life. Now your main efforts should be aimed at living up to your own ideals, and not at achieving temporary worldly success.

Pluto-Saturn. These aspects give rise to a strong dependence on success, leading to excessive overload. The desire for achievements turns into an obsession: a person can work out to an untimely death, which he himself is afraid of. If the transiting aspect of Pluto is tense, or natal Saturn has a tense position, or transiting Saturn forms difficult aspects, disappointment (from meeting global obstacles), abandonment of efforts (due to past failures), fear (as a result of a sense of one's own inadequacy) can tighten man in a swamp of depression and despair. Success and reputation are threatened with collapse, social position may be lost, career is over. Personal productivity can protect a person from the negative side of this transit. In the realm of work and professional career, the energizing use of these transits is to transform a heavy burden of debt, obligation, and guilt into a refined experience of responsibility that gives strength, empowerment, and readiness to respond effectively. During these transits, a powerful, purposeful determination to achieve mastery can lead a person to great success, fame and wealth.

Connection, square, opposition. Your first reaction to change is a desire to preserve what once symbolized your confidence in the future, but is now endangered. But now your view of the future is narrowed, and you do not notice favorable opportunities in the changes. The desire for well-being can be detrimental to your development, as you tend to identify what you have with who you are. Try to refrain from automatically reacting when something you cherish is threatened. Consider whether this object, person, or idea is necessary for your happiness and satisfaction. It may turn out that they have more symbolic meaning than real value, and prevent you from achieving really important goals. Self-analysis will help you better understand your own ambitions. Ask yourself why you identify with a particular item, person, or position and be hurt if you lose it. Now is not the time to consider your position towards work or life goals perfect. Look for a rational grain in them and you will be able to direct your own life in the right direction.
Try not to get carried away by personal aspirations and do not forget about responsibility to people. Look inside yourself, try to deepen your understanding of how great your own need for others is and their need for you. Do not forget that you are a social being, and about your obligations to society.

Pluto - Uranus. Aspects of Pluto with Uranus explode life in all directions. They pull people out of the past, turn their present upside down, deprive them of their former sense of the future. Habitual life stereotypes evaporate somewhere, and life will never be the same again. Self-determination, independence and one's own will acquire extraordinary strength, and with them stubbornness and rebelliousness. The new control over life is based on the conscious acceptance of new obligations to their newfound aspirations. Extreme anxiety and "sacred dissatisfaction" can push a person into a new profession even in cases where neither transiting Pluto nor natal Uranus are in the 2nd, 6th or 10th house. A person's explosive reactions can lead to being fired from their current job.

Connection, square, opposition. This period is characterized by skepticism, its motto is "I will figure everything out myself." Your typical reaction is one of rebelliousness, a posture of independence. Now you are prone to impulsive changes with long-term consequences. Think twice before you act. Recklessness is irresistibly attractive. You are obsessed with the desire to make a decision in a limited amount of time. During this transit, it is useful to put thoughts in order. Improve the ability to concentrate, the current period contributes to this. Determine where you simply wasted energy in the past and how to avoid it in the future. There is an opportunity for rapid and radical change; your intuition, sharpening in this transit, will tell you what to do. Actions that others will evaluate as a manifestation of inconstancy may be a completely logical step for you. Don't strive for perfection in everything. Develop the ability to stop if you feel unproductive in your own behavior, abruptly change tactics and move in a more profitable direction. During the transit, meetings and partings are expected. This is especially true for friends. The seeming barbs of a marriage partner can bore you to the core. But they are really only apparent. Of course, you want to keep your self-esteem, but consider how much it was supported only by big words before this transit. Close sex partners allow you to better know yourself, but this opportunity should not be abused. Gain insight into your occasional urge to "run naked into the night" without a definite plan or purpose. Resist flight - it is based on fear. Pluto provides the strength to resist absolutely everything that threatens you, and Uranus - the ability to get out of a difficult situation. Therefore, the constructive use of transit will allow you to get rid of what has fettered your talents.

Pluto-Neptune. For people born with natal aspects between these planets, this transit is associated with age-related changes. Currently, it is repeated about once every 12-16 years, starting from a period of teenage disappointments (Father Frost and the Snow Maiden die forever in a plane crash, and along with the first love, which seemed eternal, music dies). Disillusionment at 28-30 is usually blamed on the infamous first Saturn return, but Neptune's aspects to Pluto are usually the real culprit. Painful parting with fantasies often makes you give up your chosen profession, life partner; loses faith in parents. The tales we tell ourselves or about ourselves provide cracks through which the fog that veiled reality escapes. Yes, of course, "the truth will set you free", but few people realize its benefits before the aspect leaves the orbis. Taking a solid dose of reality will save you from many of the wanderings of the present and the disappointments of the future.

Compound. This is a time to look closely at long held beliefs in search of their meaning. Now you are not willing to take any idea for granted without checking how well it fits into your general idea of ​​the cosmos and the unity of life. This is the best manifestation of transit. But there is a chance that the analysis will end with a complete rejection of everything that you believed in before, and new ideas will not appear. This disillusionment leads to confusion that can lasting effects if you do not recognize or formulate some belief system on which to base your self-esteem. Self-analysis is one of the most important aspects of the current period.

Pluto-Pluto. Like all transits of planets to themselves, these aspects are associated with age-related changes, but in different ways for different generations, since Pluto changes speed unevenly (People with Pluto at the beginning of Cancer experienced a transit trine at the age of about 80, and a square - after 50. With Pluto in Leo, the square comes at 40-45, and there is a chance to survive the opposition closer to 80. For people with natal Pluto in Virgo, the transit square will come mostly after 35 or even closer to 40). The transit of Pluto with itself fills life with crises, usually centered in the house of natal Pluto (natal and solar) or with the source in the transit house, and manifestation in the natal. Crises are known to lead to transformation; but although not every caterpillar becomes a butterfly, absolutely everyone feels "out of shape" under the influence of this transit. If a person as a result survives physically and morally along with his professional aspirations, he will feel reborn in the fullness of personal strength, with a vivid sense of purpose and determination to leave his mark on the world.

Compound. Such an aspect and transit through it are possible only immediately after birth.

Thursday 15th 2009
