What to do if patent leather shoes rub the heel. What to do if it rubs shoes

Hello! Summer has passed, but the agony that you experience when wearing new shoes remains in your memory. Are there ways to get rid of problems and what to do so that new shoes do not rub? We will try to find ways to soften the new thing, protect against calluses, rubbing heels and fingers.

Causes of calluses from shoes

Not many manage to avoid the problem when brand new. Heels suffer the most. The reasons can be very different:

  • Poor quality material from which the product is made.
  • Wrong block.
  • Protruding seams.
  • Swelling of the legs.
  • Dry, sensitive skin of the feet.

Can fill the callus on the heels not only shoes, but also sneakers, as well as soft ballerinas. First of all, the new thing must be carried. BUT how to spread? The best way is to walk around the house. It is necessary to break in gradually, starting from 10-15 minutes. In order not to immediately make money for yourself, put on elastic socks, and then fit into a new thing. After a few days, it will take the shape of your foot.

Before you buy a new thing, put on shoes, walk around the fitting room. If it is convenient for you to walk in it - take it, if not, then do not hope that it will ever break. Make your choice in favor of products made of genuine soft leather with an orthopedic block.

If the purchased shoes are very tight, then packages filled with cold water will help to stretch:

  • pour water into plastic bags;
  • tie tightly, push inside the products;
  • put the shoes in the freezer overnight. When freezing, the water will gradually expand, stretching the product;
  • walk around the house in the morning to consolidate the result.

How to process a new one? The shoe store sells a special stretching spray.

On sale there are also sliding strips or pads that are glued to the inside of the back.

Many use the old fashioned way- tap the back with a hammer to make it softer. And sneakers are stretched with a towel dipped in hot water. Wet fabric is stuffed into sneakers, waited an hour, then put on a thick sock. The same manipulation is done if the boots have very hard backs.

Any shoes can be stretched if you stuff crumpled wet newspapers into it at night.

To become more comfortable grease them with glycerin:

  • take a towel, moisten with warm water, tamp into shoes for 20 minutes,
  • then grease the backs with glycerin.

The inside of narrow leather shoes can be lubricate with castor oil. Whatever methods you use, in the first days stick a patch to the heel.

How to cure a corn

When the corns have already appeared, what to do? Make a cool bath with a decoction or. If the water callus burst, then treat it with hydrogen peroxide. When putting on shoes, seal them with an antibacterial patch.

At night, apply the cut aloe leaf or lemon peel white pulp to corn. By spring, stock up on ointments - Levomekol, streptocid ointment or Solcoseryl.

To successfully choose a new thing, make a purchase in the late afternoon, when your legs are a little swollen. If the product fits well on the leg in the evening, then it will be more comfortable to wear.

How to stretch patent leather shoes

Lacquer is in fashion for more than one season, so all fashionistas consider it their duty to have more than one pair of beautiful shoes. They can rub their feet too. Why rub patent leather shoes? The reasons are the same as for leather. But the handling of them should be more gentle. Irregular handling may lead to cracking of the surface.

The peculiarity of patent leather shoes is that they can only be stretched in width. Narrow boats can easily rub your fingers. To prevent this from happening, apply simple methods.

  1. Warm up with a hair dryer from the inside, without getting on the varnished surface.
  2. How to soften: Apply moisturizer or aloe vera to the inside, walk around the room, then smear with cream again.
  3. Sprinkle with talcum powder from the inside.
  4. Wipe the inner surface of the shoes with diluted alcohol or vodka, put on thin socks, walk around the house.
  5. Wrap the boats with a wet terry towel so that they do not touch, wrap in a bag, tie, leave for the whole night. Put on in the morning, walk for at least half an hour.
  6. Stuff the shoes with crumpled wet paper or newspaper, leave until the paper dries. Drying will take at least a day.

Narrow boats are most often rub the little finger. To prevent this from happening, the first time seal it with plaster. There is no other way to save a finger.

Hair dryer

What to process? Buy special products designed only for varnishes. Others won't fit. Every fashionista has a hair dryer at hand, carry out a hair dryer treatment, but be careful, varnished boats can crack.

Action steps:

  • Direct a hot jet of air into the product, avoiding contact with the surface;
  • When the shoe warms up, grease the top with a greasy cream or petroleum jelly;
  • Put on socks, put on shoes, wear them for 2 hours;
  • When the shoes become free, wipe off the remaining cream with a soft cloth.

You can use boiling water:

  1. pour boiling water inside the product;
  2. hold for 2 minutes;
  3. Drain the liquid, break in the shoes.

With boiling water be extremely careful, once on patent leather, it will ruin the product irrevocably.

Special shoe care

Stick against corns from Compeed lubricate those places where you can rub.

To avoid rubbing between fingers, use Scholl gel pads.

Very comfortable for those who like to wear sandals or flip flops. Glue the gel pad, then walk in open shoes.

Stick Step Up- Another useful and inexpensive invention from corns.

Neutrogena works before rubbing the leg, and after. Apply to clean feet, then put on "dangerous" shoes.

It's always nice when you buy new shoes, especially for the fair sex. New shoes are an incredible charge of endorphins and positive emotions. But every coin has two sides, and this case is no exception.

Quite often we have to deal with the fact that new shoes, after some time, socks begin to cause discomfort, at least - rubbing of the heel.

To begin with, it is worth deciding why new shoes can be the cause of discomfort.

new material

Usually, shoes begin to rub only in the first month of wearing due to the fact that the material, no matter leather or textile, is still quite new, so to speak, “undeveloped”. In order to avoid these moments, it is necessary, as they say, to stretch the back. But this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the shoes. It is best to soak it, sometimes it is recommended to use vinegar for this, but this is the case with genuine leather, while textiles can simply be wetted without the use of acids.

After the heel is soaked, you can try to wrinkle it. Important! In this case, be sure to check the presence of inserts in the back, in some pairs a cardboard insert is sewn into the heel area, usually this is done in textile shoes. And if you soak it, you can damage the shoes.

Glycerin is also a good remedy for leather (both artificial and natural). This inexpensive drug is sold in every pharmacy. Softening the heel with it is also quite simple. To do this, just take a towel, dip it in hot water, insert it into the shoe, wait until the towel cools down. Thus, hot moisture will open the "pores", after which the backdrop is abundantly lubricated with glycerin from the inside and left overnight. In the case of leather shoes, this option will soften the shoes 100%. Make her more comfortable.

You can, of course, wear shoes around the house for a while, for a couple of hours a day, so that the heel does not have time to rub, and the shoes gradually wear out.

Uncomfortable seam

This problem is much more difficult than the previous one. If there is a rough seam in the place of greatest contact with the back of the foot, it is almost impossible to soften it in any way. What to do?

There are two ways out here, as in any situation. You can, of course, take the shoes to the store, take the money and buy something more comfortable, or exchange it. Or, if the shoes are otherwise completely satisfied, if they are comfortable to walk in, they are soft everywhere, and they suit your soul, then it makes sense to contact the workshop.

The shoemaker, depending, of course, on the type of material and the construction of the shoes themselves, can transfer the seam or put a small soft patch in the place where it passes, which will not spoil the look, but clearly improve the quality of the socks and save the legs.

What to do if the heel is already very rubbed or how to prevent rubbing with new shoes?

So, in the first case, you should know one important thing. If a blister has formed at the point of contact, in no case should it be removed (pierced, etc.), even if it interferes greatly with walking. The fact is that under it there is open skin (an unprotected layer) and the liquid inside is an antiseptic that prevents bacteria from penetrating. While there is a blister, it is best not to touch this place. And at the moment when he himself bursts, grind a couple of streptocide tablets and fill up the wound. The method is proven, the medicine will dry the skin, and the wound will heal faster.

The second way is a bactericidal patch. Moreover, when buying new shoes, you should immediately protect them in places of contact with shoes, which are the most vulnerable. So it may turn out that the shoes are broken, and the legs remain safe and sound.

Compeed Callus Stick

You need to start fighting corns before they appear. In this sense, the Compeed stick is just a brilliant thing: you need to lubricate problem areas with it and those places where your shoes can supposedly rub. It really works, reduces the friction of the leather on the material of the shoe and, which is nice, does not leave any marks on the skin. excellent tool,

Price: about 350 rubles.

Scholl gel toe pads

A very convenient invention for those who like to wear sandals and flip flops with a jumper between the toes. This is where it always hurts the most! In order not to subject yourself to such torment, just glue the Scholl gel pad in advance - and walk to your health in open shoes.

Price: about 300 rubles.


Step Up Callus Stick

Another stick that reduces friction and allows you to forget about corns even in new shoes. The main thing - do not forget to put it in your purse in case you plan to walk in sandals all day: the coating may need to be updated. The Step Up stick is for women and men, the difference is only in the fragrance. The one for girls smells good like gum!

Price: about 50 rubles.

Cream for corns Neutrogena

How to make shoes not rub? Neutrogena's special callus cream works before and after you rub your foot. The ideal option is to apply it on clean feet before putting on "dangerous" shoes. However, if the trouble has already happened, the cream will help get rid of corns faster - it needs to be rubbed into the skin with massage movements.

Price: about 380 rubles.

Plaster for the treatment of corns Cosmos

If the trouble still happened, then rather get rid of the sores with the help of a special patch. In just 2-3 uses of the patch, dry corn will be softened and come off easily. In addition, while you are wearing a patch, the shoes do not rub again.

Price: about 200 rubles.

Scholl Velvet Foot Serum

What to do so that the shoes do not rub? Moisturizing serums with hyaluronic acid are not only for the face, but also for the legs! If you want shoes to rub less and rough skin become softer, use the serum daily - it helps maintain moisture balance and makes your feet soft. And with the help of this serum, you can maintain the effect after a pedicure longer.

Price: about 800 rubles.

Plaster from dry corns "Salipod"

Another way out for those who have already rubbed their feet, but want to get rid of calluses as soon as possible. The patch "Salipod" contains salicylic acid - it has antibacterial properties, and also has a softening effect. You can also stick this patch, for example, on your heels - it removes the stratum corneum very effectively.

Buying shoes does not always bring joy. It happens that the new thing begins to rub the heels, contributing to the appearance of dry or wet calluses. If you happen to encounter such a nuisance, do not rush to throw away or return the purchase, because even the tightest shoes can be stretched.

How to stretch shoes

If you need to quickly and efficiently stretch, you can contact the repair shop. They will take a little money for this, but the shoes will immediately become more spacious, and you will not experience discomfort when walking. It can also be done at home. To do this, use one of the following recommendations.

traditional remedy
The main recommendation is that you do not need to rush to go for a walk in new shoes. Walk in a new thing at home for at least 10-15 minutes for several days, and soon the shoes will sit on you as if they were made to order. If the material stubbornly refuses to “give up”, you can resort to more drastic measures, for example, buy a special stretching agent (usually sold in the form of a spray). Instructions for using such a tool are as follows:

  1. Spray on the inside of the product.
  2. Put on your shoes and walk around in them for a while.
  3. If you are not satisfied with the result, repeat the procedure.

To make the result more noticeable, heat the boots with a hairdryer, spray them, and then put them on a thick sock. Be careful: make sure that hot air only gets inside.

Folk recipes
If desired, you can use the so-called grandmother's recipes. Below are the most effective ways to break up a new thing and make it more comfortable.

  • Pharmaceutical glycerin (compatible with natural and artificial leather). Moisten a towel with warm water, put it in your shoes and let it sit for 20-30 minutes. When the towel is cold, take it out and apply glycerine to the heels of the shoes. After 10-12 hours, the new thing will become soft and comfortable to wear. If the desired result was not achieved the first time, repeat the procedure.
  • Castor oil. Apply castor oil to the inside of your boots, put them on and walk around the house. So you can not only break in shoes, but also improve the condition of the skin of your feet.
  • Ethanol. Apply the liquid to the inside, put on the toe of the shoes and walk in them until the alcohol has completely evaporated. Please note: rubbing alcohol on the outer surface of the products is contraindicated. Otherwise, the skin may become deformed and become faded. In the absence of alcohol, you can use ordinary boiling water.
  • Ice. If the shoes are noticeably small, you can stretch them with the help of cold. Pour water into plastic bags, tie them tightly, put them inside your shoes and put a pair in the freezer. You can take the shoes out of the refrigerator when the water freezes, i.e. after two or three hours. For those who don't know, water will expand when it freezes.
  • Hot water (suitable for ballet flats and textile sneakers). Wet a towel liberally with hot water and place it inside your shoes. Wait for it to cool down, take out the towel and put on your shoes with a thick sock. Walk around the house for one to one and a half hours. Be careful: before using this method, make sure that there is no cardboard insert in the back. Otherwise, the product will be irretrievably damaged.
  • A hammer. If the leather heel counter feels too hard, tap the inside of it with a hammer, but be sure to attach a towel. The skin will become softer and more supple, and therefore will stop rubbing.

Usually, the above measures allow you to stretch the shoes and make them comfortable. However, when wearing a new outfit for the first time, protect your heels with germicidal patches. If no method helps, and the shoes are still rubbing, it is better to part with them. Otherwise, you will put your feet in serious danger and stop enjoying hiking.

How to treat corns

If you still failed to prevent the appearance of corns, you should put the new thing aside and walk around in comfortable shoes until the heels heal. You can get rid of corns both with the help of folk and with the help of pharmacy products.

Folk remedies
Few people know, but some products can be used to create effective medicines for the treatment of painful corns. For this can be used:

  • Potato. Grate a few potatoes, cut the onion into very small cubes. Mix the ingredients, wrap in cheesecloth and apply to the corn. Such a compress is best done at night, before going to bed. In the morning, it can be removed, and the corn can be smeared with a very greasy cream.
  • Lemon. Lemon peel has a miraculous effect. To soften the formed callus, it is enough to attach the peel of a lemon to a sore spot. After some time, damaged skin can be easily removed.

Pharmacy funds
In any pharmacy, you can find drugs (usually sold in the form of ointments and creams) designed to soften corns and remove them painlessly. When choosing a medicine, you need to pay attention to its composition. The list of ingredients must contain at least one of the components mentioned below:

  • corn oil;
  • salicylic acid;
  • olive oil;
  • linseed oil;
  • castor oil;
  • camphor alcohol.

When using pharmaceutical products, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Apply the drug only to the affected area of ​​​​the skin. If the product gets on healthy skin, this will only exacerbate the existing problem.
  2. Use special adhesive plasters that steam out the skin, contribute to the quick and gentle removal of calluses.
  3. If you use local preparations for 10-12 days, and there is still no effect, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will examine the skin and prescribe the right therapy. This can be the use of medicines, the removal of calluses with liquid nitrogen, a radio wave scalpel or a laser.
  4. Protect calluses with band-aids. So you reduce the "load" on the affected area and contribute to its rapid healing.

To avoid blisters on your heels, try to buy quality shoes: they usually take the form of a foot immediately, but even if this does not happen, it will not be difficult to break them in.

Sneakers, despite all their convenience, can cause some discomfort. Although these shoes are made from knitted or synthetic materials, they can cause bleeding blisters, redness, and swelling on the feet.

Such moments may arise due to the fact that the sneakers are not broken in or are simply small. The problem of how to stretch sneakers can become quite serious, especially if such shoes are the most comfortable and suitable.

The inconvenience when wearing a sneaker is created due to the hard sole.

Despite the fact that it is made of rubber, it is far from always that high-quality material is used in its production, which would be easily perceived by the foot.

Again, due to poor quality production, certain areas can be made incorrectly, due to which the pressure on the foot will be different, which will lead to the formation of calluses.

How can the shoe material be softened?

There are a wide variety of chemicals on the market that allow you to make the material from which sneakers are made much softer.

Often, sneakers are made from fabric materials, and therefore it is much easier to spread or stretch them in comparison.

In order to spread sneakers, you can use one of the proven methods.

1. One of the most popular methods of breaking in sneakers if they are too tight is to use a special shoe spray that can be purchased at any shoe store or shoe repair shop. This tool should be chosen depending on what material the shoes are made of.

Before direct use, it must be shaken well, then sprayed onto areas that need to be increased in size. When this is done, the sneakers are put on and worn for about half an hour. Shoes will take the size of the foot and stop rubbing. If it was not possible to achieve the expected effect the first time, repeat this procedure several times.

2. You can make the sneakers stop pressing as follows: take an ordinary woolen sock, put it on your leg and put on the sneakers. Such a method will not immediately give a positive result, so the shoes will have to be broken in this way for a week or even more. Every day you need to wear sneakers for a maximum of half an hour, and maybe less. If the discomfort is quite strong, then the shoes should be removed much earlier.

3. You can not suffer, trying to stretch the sneakers at home, but contact a specialized shoe shop. The master will treat the sneakers with an aerosol and pull them on a wooden block. After a while, they will take the desired size. Doing so is quite convenient and absolutely painless for the legs. This is one of the most reliable ways to increase the size of a sneaker, and besides, a professional will work with them. In this regard, the probability of spoiling a pair of shoes is quite small.

4. In principle, if the sneakers are tight, you can buy the same wooden block for yourself, so that in the future you don’t have to go to the workshop, but stretch any shoes at home. To get a good effect, if the sneakers are tight, after aerosol treatment, they should be left in the block for a day.

It is best to purchase pads that can be adjusted both in length and in width. Such products are universal and very durable, so it will be possible to make the required size for any shoe.

5. If the heel rubs, you can use special stickers on the backs. On sale there are similar products of dark and light shades, so they will be suitable for sneakers of any color.

6. One of the most popular folk methods designed to change the size of shoes is the use of hot water. Keds are placed in hot water, kept there for several minutes. When the sneakers are soaked, they need to be removed from the hot water, put on thick socks and worn until the shoes dry. Due to this action, the size of the sneaker will increase, and they will stop rubbing their feet.

7. To increase the size of Converse sneakers without spending time, you can use newspapers. To do this, the paper is moistened in water and stuffed with her sneakers. Shoes must be left overnight. Walking in sneakers in the morning will be much more comfortable.

8. It's no secret that the sole of the sneaker is made of rubber. If these areas are rubbed, then a substance such as ammonia can be used. With it, rubber can be made softer very quickly.

9. For the most stubborn people, the question of how to stretch sneakers does not exist. They just wear them quite often, as a result of which the shoes gradually take on the shape of the foot. In principle, one week is enough for the sneakers to become much more comfortable. Before stretching the sneakers, you should use a fairly simple method. If you still have a purchase receipt on hand, then you can take the sneakers, which turned out to be small as a result, and go to the store with them. There they should be exchanged for larger sneakers or a refund.

10. There is a rather exotic way that allows you to stretch sneakers for literally one night. To do this, they take an ordinary plastic bag, pour water into it, put this bag in sneakers and put it in the freezer together with sneakers. There they must spend the night. Freezing water will increase its volume, which will greatly stretch the shoes.

In principle, you can use not one, but several ways at once, so that the shoes take the appropriate size.

In general, shoe repair specialists recommend trying on sneakers more carefully before purchasing them. It is advisable to make a purchase in the evening. By this time, the legs become a little swollen, so it will immediately be clear where this or that shoe will rub.

In addition, due to this, it will be possible to buy shoes for a size or two larger. You need to try on shoes with socks of the same thickness with which you plan to wear them.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.
