How to wear a hairpin. A place and time for your beauty

No woman can imagine life without beautiful shoes especially when it comes to shoes with heels. Heels not only do female leg slender, but also gait more smooth and attractive.

Not without reason, Marilyn Monroe herself considered hairpins an indispensable part of her image. It is to them that the actress owes her seductive gait, and not long hours of training. To smoothly swing her hips while walking, Marilyn cut her heels by a centimeter.

1. Check your posture.

It's not easy to wear high heels. Often such shoes change our silhouette, as the center of gravity shifts.

To look beautiful in heels, you need to monitor your posture. To do this, take off your shoes and stand against the wall so that your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head are pressed tightly against the support. Hold this position for 1 minute. Then stand on your heels and repeat the same pose. That's how you should walk in shoes on flat sole as well as shoes with high heels.

It is important that the head is straight and the chin is raised.

2. Work out your posture.

It is very important that your upright posture stays the same throughout the day.

To do this, you can use the following exercise.

Stand in front of the mirror and align your shoulders in one straight line, put your head parallel to your shoulders, take your shoulder blades back. Stay in this position for 1 minute. Then close your eyes and relax your muscles. After rest, try to restore the posture with eyes closed. Then open your eyes and check in the mirror if you are standing correctly. Do this exercise several times until your body remembers correct posture. You can train in this way regularly until you can easily restore the pose.

3. Walk right.

When you wear shoes with heels, you need to watch how you put your foot. The first ground should touch the heel, or rather the heel, and then the foot. Stepping, completely straighten the leg with which you make the movement. So your gait will be straight and smooth. Socks should look apart, not inward, otherwise you will look clubfoot. The feet should be placed almost in a straight line, and the heels should follow each other.

Hands play an important role in walking. Do not swing your arms too much when walking, otherwise you will create the effect of a windmill.

It must be remembered that not everyone can wear high heels. People with curvature of the spine or varicose veins veins, you should wear heels no higher than 5 cm.

It also has an effect on the spine Negative influence and flat shoes. Even if you can't wear high heels, make sure your shoes are at least on a small wedge.

It is also useful to know that our foot is shorter by 0.5 cm when we are sitting. Therefore, when choosing shoes in a store, walk in the model you like before buying.

For the correct gait, you need to consider the size of the shoes. Ideally, the thumb should not touch the toe. However, you should not buy a model one size larger, this will only make your gait heavier.

In Europe, a new craze: women go to beauty clinics on collagen injections, which are made into "pads" at the base of the foot. This procedure allows you to wear high heels, almost without feeling any discomfort. And if the legs began to hurt as a result of many years of wearing high heels, doctors may suggest botox injections in the foot area, blocking nerve impulses and relieving pain for the duration of the drug. But of course this extreme measures: health is not a sacrifice worth making for the sake of fashion and desire appear more attractive in the eyes of men .

At a safe height

The most “physiological” heel is no more than 3-4 cm. This height maintains the natural position of the foot. If you like to wear shoes on high heels, listen to your body. swelling, muscle tingling, finger numbness, cramps, spider veins, corns, calluses that do not heal - these are all signs that it is time for you to change your couture hairpins for more mundane models. At least for a while to periodically give your legs a rest! Fortunately, comfortable and practical shoes with almost flat soles or small wedges are in fashion today. Another option: shoes on a small platform. She will add a centimeter or two, and even with 3-4 cm heels you will appear taller, and your legs will be slimmer.

Why are high heels dangerous?

Doctors believe that the foot and spine are completed by the age of 23. Until this age, orthopedists recommend refraining from wearing high heels and stilettos. But even after this age, you should be careful with heels. Constant wearing of high heels and narrow shoes often causes finger deformity, also increases the impact load on the forefoot, leading to its deformation over time. Due to the redistribution of the load on the foot, lovers of heels often develop the so-called heel spur (plantar fasciitis)- growth of the calcaneus. Also due to the long constant wearing of high heels over time deformed Achilles tendon and in the future it will be impossible to wear flat shoes. The situation can be corrected only by surgery.

In addition, the higher the heel, the greater the load on the spine. With prolonged wearing of a high (from 8 cm) heel, intervertebral hernias, lower back pain, and joint displacement may occur. Harmful high heels and those with scoliosis. And, of course, if legs got very tired after wearing heels - this is a sign that you need to be more attentive to your health.

Kirill Samokhin

Surgeon-phlebologist of the "Interregional Phlebological Center", Lecturer of the Department of General Surgery of the FPPOV of the 1st Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenova

Leg cramps (even rare and mild), swelling and tiredness that appears in the evening may be the first signs of varicose veins. If during the day you are constantly "on your feet" - you are at risk for development varicose disease. A high heel and a narrow block of model shoes impede blood circulation and increase the load on the venous system.

How to wear high heels?

It is recommended to wear high heels no more than 3-4 hours a day. That's why at work it is better to have a comfortable "shift" .

Let your feet rest more often. Take off your shoes whenever possible and do simple leg gymnastics- pull the sock towards you, then away from you, rise on tiptoe. Such movements improve blood circulation and relieve leg fatigue.

Orthopedic insole will help make dress shoes more comfortable. You can also use special silicone pads and stickers, which reduce the load on the foot and at the same time prevent the formation of corns and chafing.

High heeled shoes give female silhouette grace and elegance. On breathtaking stilettos, any woman feels like a goddess who walks, barely touching the mortal earth. Men do not remain indifferent, because for them high heels are a sign of a woman's sexuality. But owning such shoes is half the battle. Heels must be worn.

Why high heels can be dangerous

There are real contraindications to wearing high-heeled shoes. The first is varicose veins. In addition, you should not wear high-heeled shoes if you have problems with the spine, poor posture, flat feet, and problems with overweight. If there are no contraindications, you still should not abuse the wearing of high heels. In addition, if you are just starting to get used to such shoes, then you should start with heels no higher than 3-5 cm, and only gradually move to higher models. The most important condition for any shoes with high heels is its comfort. No matter how much you like certain shoes, if they make you uncomfortable, then it is better to refuse to purchase them.

Women who are new to high heels should opt for models that have rounded toes, in which the toes will not be pinched. If you buy shoes with an open toe, pay attention to the size, as the heel that slides down interferes with normal walking. Do not forget that your feet swell significantly in the evening, especially if you are constantly forced to wear high-heeled shoes. Subsequently, your fingers may become very swollen, which is fraught with pain and calluses. Do not buy shoes that are even a little tight, because wearing such shoes with swollen feet makes walking virtually impossible due to pain and, of course, has a very negative effect on the condition of your feet. If you buy shoes with narrow toes, you need to buy shoes 1 size larger. The same applies to shoes with a heel higher than 10 cm.

Secrets of wearing heels Many women are familiar with the trouble associated with bumps on thumbs that deform and disfigure the shape of the foot. To avoid this, there is little secret, which is successfully used by ballerinas whose legs are under heavy stress. Need to take a small cotton ball and put it between the first and second finger. Another trick that helps to avoid painful deformation of the toes is the use of silicone and helium insoles and special linings in shoes. This method, which allows you to soften the pressure and distribute it correctly, has another version - collagen injections into the fingertips.

But, of course, this is a very radical method. Wear high heels with caution, after exercising at home. If you need to dance, walk a lot and actively, then in no case do not wear shoes with heels higher than 10 centimeters. There is no need to wear high heels to the office - shoes with 5 cm stable heels also look very feminine and elegant. Narrow studs look good only with evening dresses. Also, the thinner the heel, the harder it is to walk on.

Learn to walk properly

The most important aspect of wearing high heeled shoes is correct gait. It starts with correct posture. Put on your shoes and go to the wall, touching it with five points (heels, calves, buttocks, shoulders, back of the head). You must remember this position and keep it while walking. Remember to straighten your legs and keep your shoulders locked. Stepping on the foot, touch the ground first with the heel, and then with the rest of the foot. Try to put your feet in a straight line - this is a model gait that allows you to walk elegantly, swaying your hips. You can use the well-known and effective remedy- walking with a heavy book on your head.

If you feel that walking in heels is still difficult for you, do not force yourself. You can take a change of shoes with you if you need to, for example, go to the theater or to an official reception after work. Beauty and elegance are, of course, good, but health is more expensive anyway. In addition, the constant and active wearing of uncomfortable shoes leaves ugly marks on the feet, the condition of which only gets worse with age. Do not forget about daily and thorough foot care. It is necessary to do a pedicure in a timely manner, get rid of corns and corns. To do this, it is very useful to take foot baths with herbal poisons (chamomile, oak bark) or with sea salt. If you do not suffer from varicose veins, then it will be useful to do a foot massage before going to bed. Going to bed, lubricate your feet with a thick layer of moisturizer.

Heels harm the muscles and joints of the feet. Muscle problems increase the risk of falls and injury. Long Term Consequences not better: foot deformity, back pain, unhealthy gait.

Sammy Margo of the British Royal Society of Physiotherapists sees every day what heels do: bruises, torn ligaments, blisters and bumps, knee injuries and hip joints, problems with the spine. And fractures, of course, due to the fact that it was not possible to maintain balance.

It is clear that not everyone wears especially dangerous hairpins and that there is a lot of harmful things in the world. But to reduce the harm from heels, help your feet.

1. Choose comfortable heels

Not all heels are necessarily bad for the feet.

For example, if you have a 4 cm heel and 1 cm of this height is a platform, then the actual heel is 3 cm. And it's better than 4cm hairpins.

Choose wide massive heels on which it is easier to maintain balance. AT the right shoes the heel hits the ground, and then the weight is smoothly transferred to the balls of the feet.

2. Change shoes

Heeled shoes shorten and overstress calf muscles. And on the other side of the lower leg, the muscles, on the contrary, are stretched. The balance in muscle development is disturbed, and this increases the risk of injury.

Therefore, heels do not need to be worn every day. Like sneakers or ballet shoes with a completely flat sole: the feet get used to one position. It is best to alternate shoes so that your feet are not in the same position.

3. Exercise

For example, it is helpful to stand with your toes on the bottom rung of a ladder and lower your heels. This will stretch the muscles of the leg. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then stand on your toes.

It is useful to remember the usual warm-up that we did at school in physical education: walk on your heels, on the outside and on inside feet.

And when you rest while sitting, roll your feet around a water bottle or a massage ball.

Actress and fan healthy lifestyle life of Gwyneth Paltrow published a whole complex special exercises, which help to take a break from heels.

Stretching the muscles of the foot

The first exercise helps against hammer toe deformity, pinched nerves, march fracture and bone growths.

Stretch to start right hand to your left foot and join your fingers as if you are going to say hello to your own foot. In this case, the thumb of the hand will be free, and place the other four between the toes. In this position, you need to linger for 30 seconds. Then pull your toes down, stretching upper part feet for 5 seconds. Do 10 reps.

Foot extensor stretch

This exercise prevents pain in the muscles of the lower leg after high loads.

Get on your knees. Place a towel roll under your feet to raise the balls of your feet as high as possible. Slowly lower your hips onto your feet until you feel a stretch in the front of your foot and calf. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Repeat twice.

Stretching of the peroneal muscles

This exercise fights with the violation of proportions in the development of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, with changes in the joints. To perform it, you need a belt or rope that does not stretch.

Lie on your back, wrap the strap around the balls of your right foot. Raise straight right leg, leave the left one stretched out on the floor. Pull the toes of the right foot towards you and turn the foot inward. Hold the belt with your left hand. Try to stretch your right leg as if you want to touch your left shoulder with your toes. You should feel a stretch in your calves. Hold for 30 seconds.

Repeat the exercise twice for both legs.

Calf stretch

Helps prevent inflammation of the Achilles tendon, plantar fasciitis and sprains.

Get into a lunge position with your hands on the wall. The left leg is bent, the right leg is extended back. Rotate your right foot slightly so that the toe points inward. Do not lift your heels off the floor, lean on right heel. The hips should be parallel to the wall, the knee of the right leg should be straight. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Then move your right leg closer to the wall, bending it at the knee. Make sure that the toe is still pointing inward, and the heel does not come off the floor. Hold again for 30 seconds.

Perform the same exercise on the other leg.

Thumb stretch

Prevents tendon inflammation.

Place your thumb in a corner or on a wall ledge so that it points up. The rest of the toes and balls of the foot should be on the floor. Lean on the wall not only with your fingertip, but with most of its surface. The leg should be bent at the knee.

You need to stretch a muscle called the long flexor thumb feet. She goes from the toe through the foot and rises to the calf. This muscle works when we rise on toes or stand on heels, dance or jump.

Shoes with breathtaking stiletto heels can make even the simplest and most modest dress play in a new way, make legs long and slender, and add self-confidence to a woman.

However, you have to pay for everything, and only women know what it takes for their legs to endure many hours of walking in high heels. So that beauty does not require terrible sacrifices and legs do not get tired of heels, you need to be able to wear such shoes correctly. And now we will discuss how to do it correctly.

First of all, prepare your leg for the load:

If you have to put on heels after a long break, don't put them on right away. high hairpin. Start with a stable heel 5-6 cm high. After walking in it for 2-3 hours a day, let your feet rest from the habit. After a few days of such training, you will be ready to put on dress shoes.

So that your legs do not get tired of heels, train your leg muscles by doing simple exercises: walk a little on your toes, then on your heels. Do these tasks for 5-10 minutes a day. This will strengthen the calf muscles and arch of the foot, and allow the legs to better cope with the load.

Take good care of your feet. Daily cool baths and moisturizing the skin will make it softer and more resistant to inevitable damage.

Try as much as possible to minimize the time you wear a heel. If you want to look attractive on the street, change your shoes as soon as you enter the room. In the event that your office dress code requires wearing stilettos, allow yourself to get to work in comfortable soft moccasins or ballet flats.

Wearing high heels Special attention give posture. The unnatural position of the foot when walking on stilettos increases the load on the spine, significantly shifting the center of gravity and unevenly loading the lumbar vertebrae. If at the same time you will also stoop or, on the contrary, lean your body back too much, the displacement of the cervical or thoracic vertebrae is guaranteed to you. And this is fraught with migraines, coronary disease and sleep problems.

Always try to insure yourself comfortable shoes. Have a pair of good old shoes in your purse or desktop drawer that you feel comfortable in, like slippers. The very idea that you can change your shoes at any moment will make you feel much more confident and calm.

Sedentary work, as well as being in one position for a long time, gives your legs additional suffering. A small exercise along the office corridor or simple leg exercises will improve blood circulation and minimize the harm from high heels.

Excellent prophylactic rolling between the feet of a small ball with rubber spikes is considered. This exercise stimulates numerous nerve endings located on the sole, and pleasantly massages and refreshes the foot.

Returning home in the evening and taking off such beautiful, but uncomfortable shoes, try to relieve your tired legs as much as possible:

Allow yourself a few minutes, without moving, lie down in an armchair or on a sofa, completely relaxing your leg muscles.

Take a relaxing foot bath with aromatic oil lavender or mint. A handful of sea ​​salt, dissolved in warm water, also perfectly tones tired feet.

Great relaxing results contrast shower. Just do not need to change the temperature of the water too radically so as not to cause vasospasm. Alternately dousing the legs below the knee with either cool or warm water will allow the blood to run through the vessels faster.

Gently pat your skin dry after treatment. soft towel and do a little massage that improves blood circulation. To do this, gently stroke your feet for several minutes, gradually increasing the pressure. Run your fingers from your fingertips to your knee, and after massaging the calf muscles well, go down.

If your feet are prone to swelling, apply a cold compress of ice cubes wrapped in thin fabric, or use special ointments and gels for tired legs containing menthol and horse chestnut extract.

When resting or sleeping at night, try to keep your legs higher than your head. You can just throw them on the wall, or put a soft volumetric roller under them - just to ensure the outflow of blood and lymph from tired limbs.

If you can’t do without heels, try to minimize the damage caused to the legs as much as possible. To do this, when choosing the next pair of model shoes, it is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:

Choose shoes High Quality produced from natural materials. This will allow the skin of the legs to "breathe" and prevent excessive sweating and swelling.

A comfortable last will allow you to reduce the load on the foot and allow for a long time do not feel stress when walking.
