Love letter...

GIFs, emoticons and international love you in various messengers are great for expressing feelings here and now. We are so accustomed to this that sometimes we forget - it was not always like this! We offer you to plunge into the romantic atmosphere of past eras and get acquainted with the amazing love stories of those who had only one available means of communication - letters (and at the same time learn from them epistolary skills).

Remember the scene when Carrie Bradshaw reads Love Letters from Great Men in the first part of Sex and the City? By the way, they say that it was after the release of the picture in 2008 that the demand for a book that never existed (meaning a collection, and not published correspondence of individuals or autobiographies) was so great that it had to be urgently published. We understand the heroine of Sarah Jessica Parker - it is difficult to find something more beautiful, exciting, more touching than these impeccable examples of reflection in words of the experienced range of feelings and emotions! For you, we have selected the most incredible love stories and the most elegant letters illustrating them.

Sisters Charlotte and Zinaida Bonaparte, fragment of a painting by Jacques-Louis David, 1821

Who to whom: Napoleon Bonaparte to Josephine

“My only Josephine - far from you, the whole world seems to me a desert in which I am alone ... You have mastered more than my whole soul. You are my only thought; when I am disgusted with the annoying creatures called people, when I am ready to curse life, then I put my hand on my heart: your image rests there; I look at him, love is absolute happiness for me ... By what spell did you manage to subjugate all my abilities and reduce all my spiritual life to you alone? Live for Josephine! Here is the story of my life...

Napoleon Bonaparte married Josephine in 1796. He was 26, she was 32. Subsequently, he explained this adventurous act from all points of view not with passion, but with calculation - they say, he thought that the widow de Beauharnais was rich. We don't believe! A sober mind leaves no room for such tenderness of feelings and such desperate love that breathed in the first letters of Napoleon to his adored Josephine. The first letters were written by a Frenchman immediately after the wedding, some from Italy, where he commanded the French troops, some from the battlefield of the Austrian war of 1805. Yes, Napoleon divorced Josephine because of her (and his own) infidelity and infertility, but the former spouses maintained a good relationship, coupled with confidential correspondence, until the end of their lives. On April 16, 1814, Napoleon wrote his last letter to Josephine (“My fall is bottomless. Farewell, my dear Josephine. Humble yourself, as I have humbled myself. Never forget the one who did not forget you. I will never forget you”) and went into exile on the island of Elba .

Who to whom: Denis Diderot - Sophie Volan

"You are healthy! Are you thinking of me! You love me. You will always love me. I believe you, now I am happy. I live again. I can talk, work, play, walk - do whatever you want. I must have been too gloomy the last two or three days. Not! My love, even your presence would not please me more than your first letter.How I looked forward to it! My hands were trembling when I opened the envelope. My face was distorted; his voice broke, and if the person who gave me your letter was not stupid, he would have thought: "He received news from his mother, or from his father, or from someone whom he loves very much." At that moment I was close to sending you a letter expressing great concern. When you have fun, you forget how much my heart suffers ...Farewell, my dearest love. I love you passionately and devotedly. I would love you even more if I knew it was possible."

Portrait of Diderot by Louis-Michel van Loo (1767)

Edition of Diderot's love letters to Sophie Volan, 1982

The "written" love story of Denis Diderot, French educator, writer, philosopher and Sophie Volan lasted 13 years. Diderot, 42, met Louise-Henriette Volan, 38, at a dinner party. He was unhappily married, she is single. Unfortunately, not a single image of a woman remains in history, it is only known that she wore glasses and was in poor health. Most likely, she was not beautiful, but Diderot was struck by her quickness of mind, curiosity and studied science and philosophy. Conquered by these qualities, Diderot christened her "Mademoiselle Sophie" (in Greek, this name means "wisdom"). Meaningless exchange of notes grew into a deep feeling. The great educator, who experienced significant financial difficulties until the end of his life, continued to live an ordinary life with his disgusted wife and growing daughter and exchange passionate messages with his secret lover (letters flew to her even from distant Russia, where Diderot came in 1773). This story was not destined to outgrow the verbal framework: he never divorced, she never married and did not know the joy of motherhood. Diderot wrote over 550 letters to Sophie (only 187 of them have survived to this day) and outlived his beloved by only 5 months.

The long-term correspondence of the couple, full of dramas, deep experiences and feelings, was so extensive that some time after Diderot's death it was published as a separate book by his descendants.

Who to whom: Otto Bismarck - Johann Putkammer

“I came here safely, I had already examined everything, and to my chagrin I was convinced that, as always, I arrived too early. The ice on the Elbe is still strong, and everything is in order. I take advantage of the free half hour in a bad hotel to write you a few words on bad paper. As soon as the water recedes (which, however, has by no means begun yet), I will fly north again, in search of the flower of the desert, as my cousin used to say. As soon as I arrive in Schengauzen, I will write to you in more detail, but for now only ─ a few signs of life and love; horses kick the ground, neigh and rear up at the door, today I have a lot to do. Hearty greetings to yours or si j'ose dire to our relatives. Yours from head to toe. You can't write kisses. Be healthy"

Otto Bismarck married Johanna von Putkammer in 1847. For two years before marriage - at that time Bismarck's military career was just beginning to gain momentum - the lovers had a very interesting correspondence, in which the letters of the future "Iron Chancellor" to the bride were full of tenderness and expressiveness. Bismarck's novel in letters received an unexpected continuation a considerable time after the wedding - already Johanna von Bismarck received anonymous letters with a detailed description of the adventures of her 47-year-old husband, who at that time was performing the mission of the Prussian ambassador in Paris, with 22-year-old Princess Ekaterina Orlova-Trubetskoy . Little is known about this page of the personal life of the great chancellor, who was distinguished not only by strong will, but also by enviable fidelity - Johann's anonymous letters were immediately burned. The people around slandered Johanna a lot: she did not shine with beauty and style, but she turned out to be smart and far-sighted - the marriage turned out to be extremely successful. The spouses supported each other in everything: she gave birth to children and practically lived his life, he yearned for departures and even after 40 years of marriage addressed her in letters only as “beloved” and sent the warmest heartfelt greetings.

Who to whom: Honore de Balzac - Evelina Ganskaya

“My soul flies to you along with these sheets, I, like a madman, talk to them about everything in the world. I think that when they get to you, they will repeat my words. It is impossible to understand how these sheets filled with me will be in your hands in eleven days, while I remain here ...Oh yes, my dear star, forever and ever do not separate yourself from me. Neither I nor my love will weaken, just as your body will not weaken over the years. My soul, a man of my age can be trusted when he talks about life; so believe: for me there is no other life but yours. My purpose has been fulfilled. If misfortune happens to you, I will bury myself in a dark corner, I will remain forgotten by everyone, not seeing anyone in this world; allez, these are not empty words. If a woman's happiness is to know that she reigns in a man's heart; that only she fills it; to believe that she illuminates his mind with spiritual light, that she is his blood that makes his heart beat; that she lives in his thoughts and knows that it will always and always be so. Eh bien, dear mistress of my soul, you may call yourself lucky; happy senza brama, because I will be yours until death. A person can be fed up with everything earthly, but I am not talking about earthly things, but about the divine. And that one word explains what you mean to me."

Letters have always played an important role in the life of Honore de Balzac. Since the literary environment recognized him, the Frenchman with a very mediocre appearance was daily delivered bags of letters from fans asking for a date. One of them, signed cryptically and simply "Outlander", intrigued him. Under the pseudonym was a charming 32-year-old Frenchwoman. Evelina Ganskaya was married and at first was not seduced by Balzac at all (the appearance of the real character - obese and sickly - was too different from what she imagined when reading his opuses in newspapers and magazines). Honore did not stop either this fact or the difference in age - they began to correspond. Days, months and years passed behind the exchange of letters. The total length of correspondence between Balzac and Ganskaya was 17 years. After Evelina's husband passed away, they were finally able to get married. Alas, happiness was short-lived - after 5 months, Balzac died.

Who to whom: Beethoven - "Immortal Beloved"

“As soon as I woke up, my thoughts fly to you, my immortal love! I am seized by either joy or sadness at the thought of what fate is preparing for us. I can only live with you, not otherwise; I decided to wander away from you until I was able to fly in order to throw myself into your arms, feel you completely mine and enjoy this bliss. Your love makes me both the happiest and the most unhappy person at the same time; at my age, a certain monotony, stability of life is already required, but are they possible in our relations? Be calm; only with a calm attitude towards our lives can we achieve our goal of living together. My soul - goodbye - oh, love me as before - never doubt the loyalty of your beloved L. Forever yours, forever mine, forever we are ours "

One of the greatest composers in the history of music, Ludwig van Beekhoven, despite being extremely amorous, never married. Perhaps the reason for this was his bad character - gloomy, irritable, misanthropic, which became worse as the deafness, which was so catastrophic for a musician, developed. Already after the death of Beethoven in 1827, impersonal passionate messages written in pencil were found in his personal belongings. The exact addressee, i.e. the name of the same “Immortal Beloved” could not be established, but a miniature portrait of Juliet Guicciardi found nearby hints that it could be an Italian aristocrat, one of Beethoven’s most serious heart hobbies. The marriage of 30-year-old Ludwig and Jultette, who at the time of their acquaintance in Vienna in 1800 was not even 17, could hardly have taken place - the girl belonged to an old aristocratic family, and the musician was unknown and poor. Relatives, noticing their strange rapprochement, hastened to marry the young beauty and send her home to Italy, and Beethoven gathered his remaining strength into a fist, continued his life in almost complete deafness and created his greatest masterpieces.

Who to whom: Alexander Pushkin - Natalia Goncharova

“I am going to Nizhny, without confidence in my fate. If your mother decides to call off our wedding, and you agree to obey her, I will subscribe to all the motives that she pleases to give me, even if they are so thorough as the scene she made me yesterday and insults, with which she pleased to shower me. Maybe she's right and I was wrong thinking for one minute that I was made for happiness. In any case, you are completely free; as for me, I give you my word of honor to belong only to you, or never marry.

A Russian national treasure, the poet Alexander Pushkin married one of Moscow's first beauties, Natalia Goncharova, in 1831. The public was not very friendly towards the family: they said that Natalya Nikolaevna was an empty-headed coquette, and Alexander Sergeevich was a freethinker who married on a whim and for status. His correspondence with his fiancee and wife published after the poet’s death (today available in second-hand books) dispelled this slanderous fog: the content and tone of the letters (especially during the period of “acute” love) leaves no doubt - the Pushkins got married for love, and tenderness reigned in their family , respect and trust.

“Again I take up my pen to tell you that I am at your feet, that I love you all, that sometimes I hate you, that on the third day I spoke horrors about you, that I kiss your lovely hands, that I kiss them again in anticipation of even better that I have no more strength, that you are divine, and so on.

Who to whom: Ivan Turgenev ─ Pauline Viardot

“Good night ─ I must go to bed. Before falling asleep, I will read my mother's diary, which only accidentally escaped the fire. If I could see you in a dream... It happened to me four or five days ago. It seemed to me that I was returning to Courtavelle during a flood: in the courtyard, on top of the grass, flooded with water, huge fish swam. I enter the hall, I see you, I extend my hand to you; you start laughing. This laughter hurt me... I don't know why I'm telling you this dream. Good night. God bless you... By the way, about laughter, is it still the same charmingly sincere and sweet ─ and crafty? How I wish I could hear it again for just a moment, that lovely rumble that usually comes at the end... Good night, good night.”

A bright and poignantly sad story - a feeling that Ivan Turgenev carried through time to Pauline Viardot. He fell in love with the daughter of the famous Spanish singer Manuel Garcia as soon as he saw her at a concert, waited a long time for the opportunity to get closer and get to know each other, and after that he simply loved. He followed her everywhere (“Fate did not send me my own family, and I attached myself, became part of an alien family, and it happened by chance that this was a French family. For a long time my life has been intertwined with the life of this family. There they look at me not as a writer, but as a person, and among her I feel calm and warm. She changes her place of residence - and I am with her; she goes to London, Baden, Paris - and I transfer my residence with her "), was constantly tormented by doubts and suffered. She allowed him to love her with dignity, holding herself correctly and respectfully. Throwing himself into the whirlpools of new loves, Turgenev seemed to be desperately trying to get rid of the painful feeling for Viardot. The fatal attachment, which lasted almost 40 years, was reinforced by letters, the tone of which sometimes sometimes made one doubt the platonic relationship between the Russian writer and the French singer.

Who to whom: Pierre Curie ─ Marie Sklodowska

“Nothing can give me more pleasure than hearing from you. The prospect of living for two months without knowing anything about you is completely unbearable for me. I mean, your little note was more than welcome. I hope you get some fresh air and come back to us in October. As for me, I'm not going anywhere. I will stay in the village, here I spend the whole day in front of an open window or in the garden. We promised each other to be at least close friends. Just don't change your mind! After all, there are no such promises that bind forever; our feelings are not subject to the effort of the will. How wonderful it would be (I dare not even think about it) to go through life together, dreaming. Your patriotic dream, our humanitarian dream and our scientific dream. See what happens: we decided that we would become friends, but if you leave France in a year, it will be too platonic friendship, the friendship of two creatures who will never see each other again. Wouldn't it be better for you to stay with me? I know this topic upsets you, you do not want to discuss it again and again. So I, raising it, in any case feel unworthy of you. I wanted to ask permission to meet you by chance in Freiburg.”

Brilliant talent (having received only a home education, he himself entered the university at the age of 16) Pierre Curie met his love at the Paris Sorbonne. Pole Marie Skłodowska was a poor student, whose lack of money and poor knowledge of the language did not prevent her from becoming a brilliant student. She was 27, he was 35. Both managed to prove themselves as brilliant physicists and thought about a possible marriage with caution. More precisely, thought Pierre. Manya, as he affectionately called her, was about to return to her homeland, to Warsaw. She refused the marriage proposal. It was precisely the gentle but persistent attempts to convince Marie and, against all odds, to unite destinies that became the correspondence of lovers in the summer of 1894. Their union turned out to be very fruitful - in 1903 the couple received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of radioactivity. They were separated by a car, famously racing along one of the Parisian streets, under the wheels of which Pierre fell. After the tragedy, Marie received another Nobel Prize - in the field of chemistry, and never married again.

Photo: Getty Images, press archives

Ah, these sincere koryabushki ...

For some reason, many people entering into correspondence believe that it is in a letter that a person can reveal himself in the best possible way. Paper is just a treasure trove for expressing small features: mistakes, characteristic curls, hand tremors .... But after all, when answering a letter, a person has enough time to repeatedly rewrite and rethink his “work”, and even add these very features to create the desired image.

When meeting a person in reality, you will receive at least twice as much information about him due to non-verbal signals - those that the body gives: movements of the arms, legs, head, intonation and timbre of the voice ... Words can always deceive, understate - whether in correspondence whether in live communication. Nonverbal doesn't lie.
In personal communication, the moment of mutual adjustment is very important - here it is possible to discern the real image of a person, see his interests, correlate them with your own ... When communicating on paper with a fictional character, you can simply correspond with a non-existent emptiness, and when you meet, you will not find mutual points of contact that thought to themselves.

Two different people: in your head and in reality

paper love- this is always a lack of information about the interlocutor. And his thoughts helpfully draw parts of the image, gaping with white spots. And since the girl enters into a love correspondence already in anticipation of romantic feelings, it is likely that in her mind the interlocutor will "accidentally" pick up the features of a truly ideal man - from courage to tenderness and kindness. In a personal meeting, it may turn out that he is not at all the hero who lived in the girl's head. This may be followed by disappointment, and even resentment - you deceived me! But the man is not to blame that he is not Batman, just as he is not responsible for your thoughts.

White and fluffy convicts

Many words have been said and hundreds of articles have been written about what does not lead to anything good with prisoners. But, none of the girls who receive letters from, does not believe that these stories are about her.

In the zone I work as a mathematics teacher, - says Svetlana Ilyina. - I don’t know what exactly in me makes the prisoners want to talk heart to heart, but I am aware of all their love correspondence. All in our area paper love- the work of a single prisoner: a talented guy, he writes such letters for cigarettes. And if someone writes himself, then in the letter he is certainly white, fluffy and sits by mistake. Girls, it's all true! They are really looking for donors who will give them food and tobacco from the outside! And how it becomes a pity for those fools who have a veil over their eyes, and especially if my former students come across among them: they seem to be smart girls, and these letters from hunger for love completely powdered their heads ...

A pen pal that became real

I don’t want to call these cases an exception, they are just a minority. But life is so diverse that it has a place for wonderful meetings.

It so happened that with my soul mate we lived in different cities, - says Nikolai Lisin. “If it weren’t for the ad that I found in one of the newspapers and didn’t respond to it, we would never have known about each other’s existence. Surprisingly, the emotions that we experienced 10 years ago when receiving letters are still with us! Letters are a great thing that can create romance even in the most mundane situations. I still find notes from my wife in the most unexpected places - in the pockets of a jacket or trousers, in a bag .... And how nice it is, when she wakes up, to find a letter with a declaration of love and a wish for the day. paper love exists!

Time to write letters, time to think about the future...

Love by correspondence, of course, a very romantic page in your life, but sooner or later you need to decide - what specific result should it lead to? If the correspondence has been going on for quite some time, and you still haven’t seen each other, conduct reconnaissance in battle and meet with the scribe. Who knows - maybe it really matches the image that you drew, and maybe it will turn out even better. If all this time you have been corresponding with a phantom, then it is time to close this page, and, without wasting time, start looking for another person.

It often happens that pen pals live in different cities. If it turned out that you really suit each other and are just around the corner, you should think about moving. Are you ready to leave your home, friends, relatives, work, and go after a new life? Or maybe your chosen one will take such a decisive step? As you can see paper love, which until recently existed only in letters and in your head, can carry quite real ones.

Women's magazine JustLady is confident that you will certainly find your love, but when looking for her in newspaper marriage ads, do not forget that she may be somewhere nearby. It's worth just looking around.

Anna Kazakova
Women's magazine JustLady

Autumn. Eight o'clock in the morning. It’s insanely early for me, I prefer to sleep at such a time, but today I have to work at nine. I stood on a cold November morning on the road trying to stop a ride, as I had already overslept on the bus. I live in another city and it's hard to get to work, the bus that goes to the city where I work leaves very early, and I often miss it.
But today I got lucky. An expensive foreign car stopped next to me, and the driver kindly agreed to give me a lift. His name was Igor, and he needed to work in the city to which I followed. We talked, he turned out to be a pleasant and sweet conversationalist, and every minute I liked him more and more. He worked as a security guard and driver for serious people, he was not very frank about his work, and I didn’t ask much, but I realized that the work was serious.

When we arrived, Igor offered to drink a cup of coffee, I gladly agreed. Then he took me to work, took my phone number and left. He called in the evening, said that he really liked me, but now he is with a client in Kyiv, he will return in a week, he asked for a meeting, I was very happy about this and agreed. For a whole week we talked, corresponded love messages , and then he disappeared, a week later, as promised, he did not arrive, the phone was turned off all the time. Showed up two weeks later with a bouquet of white lilies, apologized and said that he had an important task, and changed his number, he could not tell me.
We spent a whole week together, I took a vacation from work and devoted all my time to him. A month later, we began to live together, he went on short business trips, brought good money, and everything was fine, my daughter, from his first marriage he loved like his own.
But soon he said that he was leaving for two weeks in Germany, on a business trip. Well, I thought, I need it so much, packed his things for him, and waited, called, though not often, because I was busy. I waited.
After a week and a half, he disappeared, I began to call the hotel, but they told me that he had moved out, the phone was turned off, at the airport they told me that he had taken a ticket to Kyiv and left. I waited, three weeks after his disappearance, I received a letter. It was from the colony, from Igor. He wrote that his client was killed, and he is accused of the death of his own client. He swore that it was not him, that he had been set up, asked if I loved him, to come, said that if I didn’t come, he would understand whoever wants to, contact the criminal. I've arrived. Said I'd be waiting. The moment I saw him behind bars, I realized that I love him and will never leave him. He gave an account number from which I can withdraw money to live on, they hired a lawyer for him.
There was a trial, he was given five years, I don’t know how the lawyer managed it, because they give more for murder. But we rejoiced. Then it started love correspondence , bye, transfer. A year and a half has passed and love letters there were countless things written by him, the desk drawer was bursting from them, I never had any love correspondence with anyone, I could not even think about what it was possible to correspond with for so long, but there was something to write about with him. So I lived, at night I re-read all of it Love letters , and dreamed of how we would live when he was released.
My daughter grew up, time went by quickly for me, home, work, daughter, and his Love letters . The time of my birthday came up, going to work in the morning, I looked into the mailbox, but it was empty, I thought strangely, I, he always on my birthday, managed to congratulate me in the morning. Well, nothing, it means that in the evening it will come letter . And went to work.
The working day was coming to an end, I wanted to close early, but as luck would have it, there were a lot of buyers. Sitting with a calculator, counting the cash register, I was hovering on my own wave, when suddenly a bouquet appeared before my eyes, I saw a man's hand that put it on the table for me, I wanted to be indignant, but looking up, I saw - Igor. He stood and smiled, holding in his hands letter .
Fortunately, there was no chapel, it turns out that he was acquitted and released.
Three years have passed since then, we got married, and now we are waiting for the birth of our son. This is what we have love story .

Maria Novitskaya for the Love Letters project

Partners, however, in the XVIII-XIX centuries. this was not the case: being romantically in love did not necessarily imply sexual overtones). Love letters were exchanged by some famous historical figures. A love letter is an important part of the plot of many literary works. Due to the development of the Internet, love correspondence has become a mass phenomenon on dating sites.

Birch bark

Love notes were found among Novgorod birch bark letters. In the 11th century, a girl wrote an extensive letter to her lover (letter No. 752): “[I sent (?)] to you three times. What kind of evil do you have against me that this week (or: this Sunday) you did not come to me? And I treated you like a brother! Did I offend you by what I sent [to you]? And I see you don't like it. If you were interested, then you would have escaped from under [human] eyes and rushed ...? Even if I offended you by my foolishness, if you start to mock me, then God and my thinness (that is, me) will judge [you]. At the end of the 14th century, a certain Mikita wrote Anna the following note with a marriage proposal (No. 377): “From Mikita to Anna. Come for me - I want you, and you want me; and that is the witness Ignat Moiseev. The rich Novgorodian Moses (letter No. 521, early 15th century) wrote down a love plot, possibly included in a draft love letter: “... so let your heart and your body and your soul flare up [with passion] for me and for my body and for my face ".

Romantic correspondence in the Middle Ages

In the twentieth century

The romantic correspondence of the hero of the revolution of 1905, Lieutenant Schmidt, is known. He met a woman in a veil, Zinaida Rizberg, on a train from Kyiv to Odessa, and talked with her for only 40 minutes. This meeting was followed by a correspondence that lasted more than six months from July 1905 to February 1906, until the execution of Schmidt. The initiator of the correspondence was Schmidt, he wrote almost every day. Zinaida Risberg did not answer immediately and not quite in unison with Schmidt's letters, so he answered her: “I love music and look at every non-business correspondence as a duet. Our duet... began, you answered me. And the first sound of your violin gave dissonance! But I know that this dissonance will quickly turn into a calm consonance. Gradually, the correspondence acquired features of mutual feeling. The lovers shared their most personal experiences, views on life.

Schmidt was arrested for participating in the revolutionary uprising. Rinsberg got permission to visit him. They continued to exchange letters. In his last letter dated February 20, 1906, Schmidt wrote: “Farewell, Zinaida. Today I received the final verdict. Probably, there were seven or eight days left before the execution. Thank you for coming to ease my last days. I am imbued with the importance and significance of my death, and therefore I go to it cheerfully, joyfully and solemnly. Once again I thank you for those six months of life-correspondence and for your visit. I hug you, live and be happy. Your Peter. About the romantic correspondence of Lieutenant Schmidt, the hero of the film “We'll Live Until Monday” tells his students about the teacher Melnikov, performed by the actor Tikhonov.

In the twenty first century

Romantic correspondence of celebrities (even lifetime) has a considerable price. So, the popular American pop singer Justin Timberlake decided to auction the letters of his former mistress Britney Spears, no less popular singer.

Romantic correspondence on the Internet

With the development of the Internet, romantic correspondence has acquired new features.

There are numerous sites that publish samples of love letters for all occasions. For example, the site "World of Love and Romance" offers a selection of letters on the following topics: (1) First Declaration of Love; (2) Miss You; (3) Thank You; (4) I think of You; (5) I Love You; (6) Great People; (7) Lost Love (Losing Love). Many sites give advice on how best to write a love letter. For example, advises this: “It is clear to anyone that your letter will be reduced to the phrase“ I want you. This main and only thought is amazingly intelligible, slender and concise. But this is too simple and touches the soul a little. Try to describe this phrase differently.

Correspondence via SMS

Declarations of love

Dog in the manger ".

Modern active life leaves people less and less time for romance. However, romantic correspondence has not died, but simply changed its appearance, as it was shown a little higher in the section “Romantic correspondence on the Internet”. A perfect example of the modern way of romantic correspondence is the site of declarations of love. Where you can write a confession to your loved one and get an answer from him to your confession, as well as read many real confessions of other people.

Considering the modern lifestyle, the prevalence and availability of modern technologies and the desire of people for communication and romance, it can be assumed that in the near future there will be many different services that will help men and women build relationships, including through romantic correspondence.

Suicide Notes

Suicide notes are often devoted to the theme of love. Such notes were analyzed in a study in which scientists examined the letters of 262 suicides. It turned out that young suicidal men are more likely than women to write about unhappy love and less often about other circumstances. Older suicides write about love much less often.

Declarations of love

One of the main types of romantic correspondence is declarations of love.

At all times, men and women have been looking for ways to express their feelings and convey them to loved ones. Writing a beautiful confession was considered difficult. So much so that rich people even used the help of special secretary servants, such as, for example, the heroine of the movie "Dog in the Manger".

Considering the modern lifestyle, the prevalence and availability of modern technologies and the desire of people for communication and romance, it is natural that in the 21st century many different services have appeared that help men and women build relationships, including through romantic correspondence. The industry of so-called "online dating" has become one of the most profitable areas of Internet business.


See also

  • Business correspondence



  • Why and how to write love letters? Love correspondence is in vogue...
  • "The Constructive Theory of the Virtual Romance" (psychologist Vasily Andreev in the Internet World magazine, #1 (28), January 1999)
  • "The Constructive Theory of the Virtual Romance, or Psychological Recipes for the Novice Player" (psychologist Vasily Andreev in the Internet World magazine, No. 3 (30), March 1999)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

The laurels of Tatyana Larina beckon you or not, you just met a man or already live with him - today it is necessary to be able to maintain correspondence with a man. Social networks, instant messengers and other communication channels have begun to play a too serious role in the life of almost every man. So, love correspondence - how to write a man correctly.

Why can't you ignore the need to text your man today and keep in touch with him in virtual reality as well? Because if you do not occupy this niche, another woman can very likely take it. In addition, this is a great tool for maintaining interest in your relationship, a way to show yourself from an unexpected side for a man. Therefore, if in doubt whether to write or not - write.

Do you know what secret words will help to fall in love with a man very quickly?

To find out, click on the button below and watch the video until the end.

Let's try to understand the rules of correspondence at all stages of a relationship. When you first met a man, and mutual interest is at its peak, you will most likely write to each other anyway. Mutual attraction is strong, the desire to occupy as much space as possible in the thoughts of a potential partner.

If you have known each other for a long time and already live together, for example, the main rule that you should remember is not to use correspondence purely to convey information, requests or reminders.

Watched the movie "What do men talk about?". By the way, an excellent "manual" for those who want to understand the male inner world, and that. So, there is a scene where the hero reads SMS to his friends from his wife and mistress. Parallel. It looks both hilarious and sad at the same time.

He receives messages from his wife with shopping lists. List of products separated by commas. From a mistress, of course, various tendernesses - I miss you, my dear, and so on. When he reads these messages in parallel, the contrast between what men would like to hear from their wives and what they hear in real life becomes clear.

Love correspondence level one - you recently met

If your relationship with a man is just beginning, your correspondence is “fights without rules”. Kidding. Certain principles, of course, must be adhered to, but in general, the rule can be said only one thing - be sure to write.

Almost all girls are tormented by the question - to write first or not? Numerous recommendations, such as that you should never write or call a man first, are firmly planted in the female subconscious. Of course, there is a certain amount of truth in them - at the stage of dating, a man should experience a certain amount of uncertainty as long as possible about how much a woman needs him.

But if you are already talking with might and main, and your interest in a man is more or less clearly indicated, I don’t think it’s worth doing childish calculations, who wrote to whom first, and who has the last word. Men are built differently than women, I assure you, they almost never, under any circumstances, spend their time waiting for a call or message from a woman. And they hardly think about whether to write or not to write.

I felt the desire - I wrote. Or called. Without any doubts. You can try to play a little on the other, male side.

So, based on the foregoing, the main laws of correct correspondence with a man at the stage of the beginning of a relationship:

Rule number 1. As short as possible

Incorrect: “I just woke up, basked in bed for a long time, and finally decided to get up and make myself coffee. Its aroma reminded me of our last beautiful night, and I slowly savor it and remember the taste of your lips ... "

Correct: Just woke up. Thinking of you"

It's great if you have the gift of words. But it is absolutely not suitable for correspondence with a man. First, don't overwhelm him with too much information - men are by nature a bit rough compared to women. Therefore, write short and to the point. Secondly, leave room for his imagination. Set the direction of movement of his thoughts, and add a little imagination.

For example: “I was thinking about you. I passed my stop"

In general, brevity and fantasy are the sister of talented love correspondence.

And more humor.

How to find the key to a man's heart? Use secret words that will help you conquer it.

If you want to know what to say to a man in order to charm him, click on the button below and watch the video until the end.

Rule number 2. evoke emotion

It certainly won't be easy here. After all, it seems to women that emotions can only be evoked by a long beautiful saying (for example, see the wrong example above). It is precisely such messages that evoke emotions in them, so they themselves write in this style, and are offended that they receive “Uh-huh” in response.

You have to learn to hit. Does not answer for a long time or does not answer at all - it means that you did not hit. Try it differently. At the initial stage of the relationship, when you still do not know the man very well, the main task is to understand him. What is he, to what and how he reacts. The exciting process of getting to know another person.

There is only one way to do this - trial and error. By the way, this applies not only to correspondence, but also to other areas of your communication. So don't be afraid, just explore.

Rule number 3. Flirt in love text

Correspondence allows you to remove some barrier. Now virtual communication in terms of volume is beginning to catch up and surpass the real one, but still, there is a feeling that you can afford a little more in this field than in real life. To ask or ask about something that you do not dare to say in your eyes. To dare to say something that would never be said out loud.

Take advantage of this opportunity. Take every opportunity to get close to a man. Because regular correspondence will bring you closer in any case. No matter how "correct" you write.

I will not talk about the need to write competently and be open, sincere. This should generally be in your arsenal from the very beginning. How often to correspond is also a rather individual story. If a man is a busy person, it’s definitely not worth writing to him day and night. At the same time, if he himself writes non-stop - answer. Maybe just slow down a bit. In general, further focus on the situation.

Love texting in a long-term relationship

How to write to a man with whom you have been in a relationship for a long time? This is of course a completely different story. She has completely different goals, initial data, and, accordingly, content.

In a long-term relationship, you can use love correspondence with a man to solve a whole range of problems. I will focus on a few main points so that you can understand the general principle.

Send a man any information related to his professional and personal interests

I mean, first of all, social networks and e-mail as a communication channel. Everything related to his business - links to useful articles, events, courses, everything that may interest him and help him move towards his goals. Firstly, you will really help, and secondly, you will show your interest, readiness to support and, to the extent possible, participate.

The same applies to his personal interests, and yours with him in common. Create some kind of information space, understandable and necessary only for the two of you.

Warming up interest in you as a woman

Love correspondence as a way to increase openness and trust

In correspondence, you can write about something that you don’t dare to say out loud. Or thank you for dropping the kids off at school. Over time, women completely forget that it is possible and necessary to do this.

Believe me, getting a message from your wife in the middle of the day like “You were so gentle with me this morning. Thank you” will give your husband great pleasure, which he will return to you in the future. How much effort is required from you to send him such a message?

In general, use the modern possibilities of communication and communicate, communicate, communicate with your man. In real life, online, in love letters. Use every opportunity to strengthen the bond between you. And love correspondence is great for this solution to this problem.

There are only a few secret words, upon hearing which a man will begin to fall in love.

Discover a secret that only a few women know. Click the button and watch the video until the end.
