I dyed my hair blonde and turned yellow, what should I do? The perfect blonde, or how to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing


Have you ever encountered yellow pigment when painting? Surely you understand how important the task of getting what you want is light color hair and at the same time remove yellowness from colored hair.

Our Academy expert, Lesya Gritsaenko, has written an informative article for you on how to prevent the appearance of yellow pigment (or correct errors after they appear).

So, what are the reasons for the occurrence of such “ side effects» when lightening, highlighting or coloring hair?



It is necessary to study the storage conditions of the paint and choose where to purchase the product. In specialized cosmetics stores everything will be fine.

However, there are still places where paint is sold in open spaces in summer and winter (kiosks, markets, tents). Under such storage conditions, any paint can deteriorate and then give an undesirable effect.


Surely you have come across the phrase or faced the situation: “I bought quality paint like a friend / sister / work colleague... Why is my hair yellow and she doesn’t?” IN in this case it all depends on the natural level of lightness of the hair.

The darker the hair, the more yellow pigment will remain after dyeing the hair. For example, a light brown girl after bleaching may have beautiful light wheatish tint, while the dark-haired one will definitely have a more pronounced yellow color after dyeing.


If the coloring was carried out unprofessionally, it is almost a guarantee that as a result you will get yellow tint, sometimes also of different intensity on the strands.

What are the reasons?

Ignoring individual characteristics hair structure and its “native” pigment.
- Ignoring the existing color from the previous coloring.
- Failure to keep the bleach on the strands for a long time, which may result in the most unexpected results.


The first lightening (especially if you need to even out your hair color) is recommended only in hairdressing and beauty salons with an excellent reputation.

Do not try to lighten your hair yourself, especially if your current shade is far from blonde or even light brown.

How does everything happen with colorists? Let's consider 2 methods of bleaching.

No. 1. PAINTS.


If the hair is dark, then powder bleaching agents are used. They are more aggressive than the first option.

In addition, bleaching in this way is considered only an intermediate step in the dyeing process - then tinting must be done.

No. 1. PAINTS.

If the hair is medium in lightness, then dyes are used. Colorists mix several colors and add secret ingredient- mixton. This is a pigment that is added to paint to produce more deep colors or neutralizing these colors and shades.

The quantity and level of mixing dyes, as well as the amount of mixton, depends on the type, quality, length, volume and even the presence of gray hair.



If you have blond hair and are confident that you can handle the even application of the bleach on your own, you can ask your colorist to teach you how to mix colors at home, and also clarify how they should be applied.

Please note! If your hair is long, you should not bleach it at home. You should not paint yourself if you are not sure that you can correctly introduce all the paints that must mix with each other to form a solid color mass.


If you have successfully dyed your hair, but over time your hair still acquires an undesirable yellow tint, tinting is suitable for you.

The first option is to have your hair tinted by a professional colorist.

The second option is to solve the problem at home. How can you remove yellowness from colored hair at home? They will help you get rid of it tinted shampoos. To neutralize yellow undertones, choose hair tinting balms that have purple pigment in the composition. Don’t be alarmed, everything is true, only it will help get rid of the warm yellow tint of hair. Often these products are called “Platinum” or “Platinum”.


Be careful! Do not under any circumstances buy Blonde tint balm, if you want to look more natural.

Because in this case you risk getting green tint hair, since this balm is based on bluish and greenish colors. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the tint product wisely.


If you are not sure how the color will appear on your hair, try applying the dye to one of the lower strands that will not be visible. You can use a shorter exposure time than indicated in the instructions.

It happens that after dyeing your hair, instead of the magnificent and long-awaited blonde look, the result is very sad. Especially if there are consequences unsuccessful lightening, one of which is yellowing of hair.

Therefore, before dyeing your hair in light shades, it would be useful to find out how to get rid of yellowness in your hair after bleaching, what causes it to form and how to avoid it.

Causes of yellowing hair after bleaching

The main problem that a future blonde or a person who goes to the hairdresser for regular hair highlighting may encounter is the possible yellowing of the hair after the procedure.

Yellowness in the hair can appear due to various nuances in hair care

Any woman should know what causes an unwanted yellow tint (often accompanied by the visual effect dirty hair).

We list the most common reasons:

  1. Choosing the wrong shade of paint is a common mistake, more common among those who have lightened their hair at home or own dark hair;
  2. Violation of dyeing technology - one mistake during lightening can provoke immediate yellowing;
  3. The simplest reason is a violation of the specified time in the instructions (an extended number of minutes in time);
  4. Another reason occurs when the natural hair color is stronger than the dye and is suppressed only by tinting.

In addition, the result in the form of yellowness may occur as a consequence wrong choice dyes, hair care products and even water.

Quality of hair or dye

A consultation with a specialist in the salon will relieve you of possible errors

Poor-quality dye also has a detrimental effect not only on hair color, but also on its health, therefore, when buying cheap dye in transition or at a low price (or simply a suspicious product from an unknown company), it is better to refuse the purchase. If the hairdresser chooses the tone, there is no need to refuse the offer of an examination (and even more so, you should not keep silent or change its results).

Select paint by studying the label on the package.

The product must not contain ammonia

Carefully! Wash off the paint in time, otherwise you may get a scalp burn.. It is also not recommended to pour too much paint on the area to be painted!

Poor quality water

Poor-quality water also contributes to the immediate process of rapid yellowing of curls. The original color of the hair may change due to the presence of numerous metal salts and rust elements, which, penetrating into the dye, create an unpleasant yellow-dirty color.

Water must be purified from harmful impurities

Bad hair care products

Inappropriate care products - it would seem, how can such ordinary things as shampoo, or conditioner, or the wrong mask contribute to an instant and unpleasant hair effect? However, it is possible.

An unsuitable product can lift hair scales, causing dirt and water salts to penetrate underneath them. The hair loses its shine and begins to look dull and yellowed.

Note! Many cosmetic companies specifically produce products marked “for bleached” or “after coloring” (shampoos, masks and balms). Such products seem to glue and smooth the hair scales, enhancing their reflective ability and preventing dirt from penetrating deep into the hair shaft.

Lightening after other procedures

The cause of yellowness can be:

  • misuse traditional methods lightening at home;
  • the master has no experience in lightening, or the master performed the lightening process in a hurry, violating the sequence of actions;

Frequent visits to the solarium can cause yellow hair
  • long-term abuse of solarium or sunbathing;
  • treatment of certain diseases (especially if treatment includes chemotherapy, for example, cancer).

How to get rid of yellowness

And yet, how to get rid of yellow hair after bleaching? This problem is easy to solve, the main thing is to start the procedure of getting rid of the unexpected shade in time, and it must be carried out immediately.

Re-bleaching should be considered - usually by this method owners of dark and red hair resort to correction - they will need about 3-4 touch-up procedures.

For those who have already lightened their curls, the possibility of repeated gentle coloring is lightening with the help of tinting (golden, honey, ash color palette). Also, special ones are perfect for neutralizing yellowness. silver funds with blue or violet pigmentation.

Another option would be to return to natural color. It is important to know that care products for bleached hair are selected only strictly after consultation with a specialist, and to determine the degree of problem and health of the hair.

It is better to carry out the hair lightening procedure in a salon, trusting the master

If a woman chooses lightening in a salon, you need to know: When carrying out the lightening procedure in the salon, the hairdresser will not allow yellowness to appear on the hair(he paints them well, later treating them with special sprays).

But no one is immune from mistakes (the client is warned in advance about the possible appearance of a yellow coating, even at the stage of choosing the future color of the curls, especially those who have previously dyed their hair). If you have previously had perms, styling, lamination procedures done, or the presence of a “chemical” solution was noted, it is important to wait some time before lightening your hair (from a week to a month).

Often ladies choose home lightening so as not to overpay the master for the work. Often, in addition to the consequences of poor dyeing, some women also have the problem of yellowing hair.

If it is not possible to visit the office and lighten again in the salon, or purchase expensive care products, then you can always use methods proven by generations of blondes.

Here are popular recipes for combating yellowness in hair.

Masks for bleached hair

Comfortable and nourishing masks will give you the opportunity to get rid of yellowness in your hair.

Honey mask

Everyone knows healing properties honey for the body and organism, but few people have thought about treating hair with honey. Sparing no honey, apply along the entire length and hide the hair under a cellophane cap.

After 3 hours of waiting, rinse thoroughly and lather with shampoo for blond hair, then apply conditioner for exactly 5 minutes. Next you need to use a special spray designed for care and restoration weak hair, splashing along the entire length of the hairstyle.

Rhubarb hair mask

To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 tsp finely chopped rhubarb leaves;
  • 30 ml wine (preferably dry white).

Method for preparing the mask: mix the leaves with wine and let it brew over low heat. After half the mixture has evaporated, strain the resulting mass and let cool. To give good nutritional strength to your hair, it is recommended to keep this mask for exactly one hour.

Effective decoctions

Decoctions are also effective in combating yellow plaque on blond hair.

The most popular is onion broth

The peels of several onions are cooked until completely boiling over low heat. Next, you need to infuse the decoction for several hours (it is better to prepare and infuse the decoction during the daytime), and then apply it to your hair with a sponge, repeat the procedure after 30 minutes.

We put our hair in a cap (either a swimming cap or a cellophane cap will do) and leave it on overnight. Immediately after waking up, wash it off and immediately lubricate your hair with lemon juice.

Kefir decoction

The decoction is especially effective for those who have lightened their hair with vinegar.

For the decoction you need:

  • Kefir – 50 ml,
  • Vodka – 2 tbsp.,
  • Shampoo (for colored or bleached hair) – 1 tsp,
  • Half a lemon, an egg.

All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and applied to the entire length of the hair for 6 or 7 hours (the hair is tucked under a cap or bag), then the mixture is thoroughly washed off.

The simplest methods, such as rinsing, can also preserve the original hair color for a long time, delaying the process of yellowing.

Other remedies to get rid of yellowness in hair

Let's look at a few more options for getting rid of unpleasant hair color that are available at home.

Grape juice with shampoo

This is the simplest rinsing method, which will get rid of not only yellowness in the hair, but also the “dirt” effect after lightening, which remains after highlighting at home.

Grape juice - a means to lighten the yellow tint

Need to be diluted grape juice with shampoo (in a one to one ratio) and lather - starting from the roots. The procedure is carried out until the final result is achieved.

Rinse with rhubarb or lemon juice

A couple of glasses of rhubarb juice (or lemon juice) diluted in a liter of water and rinsed regularly after washing until the yellow coating is completely eliminated.

It is important to use only filtered water

It is allowed to use previously infused water (or mineral water, without gas).

Using specialized shampoos

Exists special kind shampoos that can get rid of the problem of unpleasant tint on blond hair.

Selection of special shampoo

Help to combat unwanted changes in the shade of blond hair after dyeing special shampoos. Such cosmetics are much safer and more effective, unlike simple shampoos..

In addition to neutralizing yellowness, the composition of some varieties of such shampoos can also neutralize plaque from dark colors, but their cost will be higher than those that neutralize only yellowness. It is important to select such products only after consultation with a specialist.

The most popular and effective means to combat yellowness are:

  • Silver Flash;
  • Estel Curex Color Inten;
  • Nouvelle True Silver;
  • Echosline S6

Interesting fact! Why do special hair cosmetics often leave blue marks on the head during the dyeing procedure? The substances included in their composition eliminate red pigment, which makes the hair much whiter.

Using tinted shampoo

More than one experienced blonde knows how to get rid of yellow hair after lightening with a tinted shampoo. This product has a very powerful effect, so you need to use it very carefully.

It is important to follow the instructions, otherwise you can seriously aggravate the problem (ranging from hair loss and dry scalp to burns):

  1. The product should be used in small quantities;
  2. The mass is distributed over slightly damp hair;
  3. Wait only 2 minutes, but if you want to give your curls a silvery tone, you can increase the time to 4 minutes;
  4. Rinse your hair well with warm water;
  5. If the hair is weak, then you need to apply nourishing mask for bleached (dyed) hair.

If all the above steps are performed correctly, then the hair will become beautiful, healthy and attractive, and instead of a yellow coating, shine, elasticity will appear and the effect of dirty hair will be completely eliminated. They acquire a glamorous well-groomed appearance.

How to prevent yellowing hair

In order not to see an ugly color in the mirror after lightening your hair and to get rid of unpleasant yellowness, it is important to prepare in advance for the dyeing procedure. Just three simple steps, And yellowish tint will not arise even if a complete amateur dyes his hair.

First step

Before radically changing your image, it is recommended to assess the integrity of your hair and scalp. If the curls are brittle, weak, dry, then first it is important to restore their strength (with the help of shampoos, conditioners and masks).

Hair mask has a beneficial effect on its structure

Also, if there is damage to the scalp (for example, a week or two after the perm procedure), you should not lighten your hair. Dyeing in a light tone is contraindicated for those who have dyed their hair with henna or natural basma for a long time - after all, instead of blond, you can easily get red.

Second step

There is a set of rules that will help you get rid of unpleasant consequences and avoid the appearance of yellowness after lightening your hair (it is especially important to take them into account for those who bleach at home).

Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. You need to apply the paint from the back of the head (this part needs as much time as possible for the lightening process);
  2. Then it should be painted middle part, and you need to finish painting on the temple part and bangs (if there are any);
  3. It is recommended to paint quickly, but do not focus on the ends.

Hair coloring is not complete without dividing the head into zones

For those who are lightening their hair for the first time, it is recommended to start from the middle part, and after 15 - 20 minutes paint over the root part. 15 minutes after finishing dyeing, it is recommended to rinse everything off with products for colored hair.

For those who lighten again, the regrown roots are painted first, then the remaining parts, but it is not recommended to be zealous when painting the ends. You need to touch up your hair at least once a month.

Third step

The right choice of hair care products is the key to their beauty and a serious weapon in terms of getting rid of yellowness after bleaching hair.

Instead of hydrogen peroxide (which is known to be strong remedy, but has long been a thing of the past as a hair lightener) It’s better to take paint with a shade of pearl, platinum, or sea breeze. It will not only lighten the hair, but also neutralize the yellow color and give healthy shine(it’s not bad if it contains vitamins).

Most women with blond hair have always enjoyed unprecedented popularity among the stronger sex and aroused the envy of dark-haired ladies. Oh, if brown-haired and brunette girls knew what difficulties their hated competitors face!

All these tips on a very popular search topic: how to get rid of yellow hair after bleaching will help keep your hair healthy and beautiful for a long time.

Dyeing blonde without yellowing: dye your hair at home. Watch an interesting video:

An unexpected discovery: how to remove yellowness from bleached hair. Find out about the right remedy from video:

How to get rid of the yellow tint after dyeing your hair without harm? Watch this helpful video:

Many women with natural dark brown, red and black hair want to go blonde and have the blonde locks they see in hair dye commercials. They purchase an advertised product and rush to bleach their hair in the hope of an effective result.

When in the mirror after dyeing they see a blonde with yellowish, unnatural-colored strands, their mood immediately deteriorates from the disappointment they experience. No one will like ugly and vulgar yellow hair, which, like a yellow traffic light, catches the eye.

We will help you figure out how to get out of this situation and make your dream come true - to become a real blonde.

Why does yellow hair appear?

1. The hair is dyed with low-quality dye.
2. The stages or dyeing technology were not followed.
3. Dyed hair was not rinsed correctly.
4. The predominance of natural pigment when bleaching black hair.

If you buy cheap paint with an unknown expiration date, you will not get desired result, since such paint will probably be of poor quality.

If you wash off the dye too early or leave it on your hair too long, then it will turn yellow.
If, when applying the dye, you decide to get distracted and sit waiting for your hair to lighten under the direct rays of the sun, then ultraviolet light, and then running water with iron salts and rust will add even more yellowness to your curls.

When dyeing black or chestnut color Hair's natural pigment can prevent bleaching, so you will have to repeat the procedure several times, and this negatively affects the health of the hair itself.


  • the paint should be branded and fresh;
  • since the quality of paint is affected by cold and heat,
    You should not buy paint in containers at markets, since the storage conditions in them are not met;
  • It is necessary to keep the dye on the hair in accordance with the instructions;
    wash your hair and rinse off the dye only with purified water;
  • When bleaching dark hair, orange, yellow and then light shades appear first. If yellowness is still present, to wash it off you will need a silver shampoo with an anti-yellow effect - blue-violet pigments that neutralize yellowness.

Tinted shampoos

Tinted shampoo should also not be left on the hair for too long, so as not to turn into Malvina. You should use silver shampoo every second wash, since it only stains the hair superficially and is quickly washed off.

It is better to use well-known tint colors:

  • pearl (shampoo-balm “Irida”);
  • pearl-ash (ESTEL shampoo);
  • Viking (shampoo-balm “L’oreal Preference”).

Popular detergents for hair, eliminating yellowness:

  • Bonacure Color Save Silver Shampoo, produced by Schwarzkopf Professional (Germany);
  • EHKO Silver Shampoo Silver shampoo (with anti-yellow effect). They add shine to hair, make it soft and manageable. The effect of shampoos lasts for 5 days, even on gray hair;
  • natural platinum shimmer in Platinum Blonde tinted shampoo (Paul Mitchell);
  • to cleanse your hair of sebum, chlorine, styling residues and salts, you need to use Deep Cleansing Shampoo;
  • to nourish, moisturize, protect and restore damaged hair, to eliminate yellowness you need to use Absolut brand masks Repair Cellular(L’Oreal), Blondes & Highlights (Goldwell).


  1. Toning shampoo ash color good for use on significantly lightened hair.
  2. You should add a little tinted shampoo (1 part) and regular shampoo (3 parts) to a small container of water, foam and moisturize your hair after drying it with a towel. You don’t have to mix it with water, but simply apply the shampoo mixture quickly to your hair with gloved hands. Comb the hair strands along the entire length;
  3. After 5 minutes, rinse the toner with running water, then rinse with rhubarb or lemon juice (1 tbsp per 1 liter of water).
  4. Products used to obtain tint are harmless because they do not contain hydrogen peroxide or ammonia. They can withstand 6-8 hair washes.

Pigment and oxidizing agent for hair bleaching

If the dye has dense pigment and a low percentage of oxidizing agent, then the likelihood of getting a yellow tint on the hair will be lower, and the durability of the dye will be higher. For example, coloring agent Angel, compared to Wella paint, has a denser pigment, lasts longer, and the 3% oxidizing agent does not produce yellowness.


  • avoid paints with high percentage oxidizing agents;
  • To color gray hair, it is worth slightly increasing the percentage of oxidizing agent (up to 4.5%). To do this, mix equal proportions of oxidizing agents - 3% and 6% (30 ml of each to get 4.5%). If you use only a 6% oxidizing agent, then when the dye is washed off, the hair will be yellow;
  • rinse your hair after washing with water with the addition of lemon juice (1 tbsp per 1 liter of purified water).

Important: you should not lighten your hair 2-15 days after perm, henna or basma dyeing, lamination and screening procedures, if you have over-dried hair, brittle hair, as well as during menstruation with hormonal changes.

Which paint to choose

If you have natural hair warm shade, which means that yellow color predominates in their pigment. When lightened, it will definitely appear. In these cases, cool platinum blonde, pinkish and ash-colored for painting yellowness.

Taking into account the characteristics and needs of modern Barbies, manufacturers have released paints with a unique composition for blondes.

For example:

  • a line of various clarifiers is represented by the Syoss brand;
  • line paints Color Naturals is represented by Garnier;
  • Brilliance and Natural&Easy series products are produced by Schwarzkopf.

Not every woman and girl can afford to visit professional salons.

The cosmetics market can provide professional lightening hair dye to the fair sex for coloring at home.

The action of the product is aimed at protecting hair from negative influence external environment. After a gentle effect on the structure, the hair becomes soft, manageable and shiny. Let's look at the rating of five brands, which we compiled based on customer reviews.

The majority of women gave first place to the long-lasting Garnier Nutrisse Creme color cream with a wonderful smell. It contains hair nourishing substances with fruit oils.

They make hair shiny and healthy. Thanks to the unique composition, hair is protected from drying out. The kit comes with avocado oil, which will make your hair soft and silky along its entire length.

Nutrisse Creme paint has a creamy texture, making it easy to apply. Among the 14 shades of the Palette, blondes and women with gray hair will find their shade.

Second place was given to the popular L’Oreal Preference dye. It provides durability after coloring - 2 months due to the size of the molecules of coloring substances and their ability to remain in the hair structure for a long time.

The set is equipped with a special balm, it fixes and protects the color and makes the hair silky. The L’Oreal Preference palette has 32 shades, several of which are for blondes and women with gray strands hair.

Third place was deservedly awarded to Garnier Color Naturals hair dye. The main difference between the paint is unique formula, enriched with shea butter, avocado and olive oils.

Natural components preserve natural softness and shine and soften the hair, protecting it from drying out. The palette includes a variety of long-lasting (30) shades. They do not fade within 2 months.

Fourth place went to Casting cream paint Creme Gloss famous brand L'Oreal Paris. The dye does not contain ammonia and has a pleasant smell, lasts 6-8 weeks.

The care complex deeply protects the hair and strengthens it during coloring due to bees royal jelly. The palette contains 28 shades. The paint has a thick consistency and is easy to remove from the skin.

Fifth place was awarded to creamy paint Estel professional DeLuxe, durable after tinting or dyeing. Thanks to the innovative formula and the chromoenergetic complex, after coloring the hair structure tends to even out. Appears saturated color. Hair becomes shiny, soft and silky. You can paint over gray hair.

Paints without yellowness are in demand - “ Platinum blonde» Garnier Color Naturals 111 and 112, as well as the ash-platinum Rowan mask for blondes TON oil mask 112.

Advice: before lightening your hair, you need to apply a little mixture of grape seed oils, jojoba (25 ml each) and essential oils- cedar, eucalyptus, orange, clary sage, thyme (4 drops each). Then rinse with warm water. The hair should be left with a slight oil coating. Then you can apply the dye. After lightening, use Estel Solo 1.5 Silver-ash toner.

If you often dye or lighten your locks, then you are probably familiar with the problem of their color changing over time. Very light ones begin to turn yellow, and dark ones appear reddish. How to get rid of the yellow tint in your hair and prevent its appearance will be discussed in this article.

Where does yellowness come from?

This scourge affects neither blondes nor brown-haired women, not to mention brunettes who decide to radically change their appearance with the help of bleaching. Where does it come from?

Natural causes

If we talk about natural, undyed hair, its shade may change due to elementary exposure sun rays. Therefore, in the summer heat, it is recommended to wear a Panama hat or other headdress. Ultraviolet radiation is dangerous not only because it “fades” the color, but also because it destroys the structure of the hair and dehydrates it.

In people with blond hair, yellowness becomes noticeable also with certain liver diseases, taking certain medications, frequent consumption of foods containing a lot of keratin, etc.

If you are wondering why gray hair turns yellow, in which there is almost no natural pigment left, then the reason may also lie in internal problems in the body, but not only. With age, dry, thinned, their structure is disrupted, so various dyes from the outside easily penetrate into them.

This may be iron contained in water for washing your hair, nicotine, various pollution from the air, as well as pigments from care products - shampoos, masks, balms.

Consequences of coloring

Now let's talk about why dyed hair turns yellow. Moreover, they are dyed not only blond, but also, for example, ash or light brown. It's all about the oxidizing agent contained in any paint. It destroys part of the natural pigment, giving a lightening background on which the paint should be placed, the pigments of which “occupy the vacant spaces.”

When the paint begins to wash out, the background lightening begins to appear more and more clearly. Whether it will have a yellowish tint depends on the original hair color and the concentration of the oxidizing agent. To find out if you will have yellow hair after bleaching, keep the following charts for yourself.

The influence of oxidizing agent concentration on the level of clarification

Note. Thin hair lighten more than medium or thick ones. Hence the variability in color changes in the table.

The following table gives an idea of ​​the accepted numbering of the original (natural) hair color and the level of background lightening.

Hair color Background level
1 Black Black
2 Rich dark brown Brown
3 Dark brown Brown-red
4 Brown Red-brown
5 Light brown Red
6 Dark blond Red-orange
7 Light brown Orange
8 Light brown Yellow
9 Light Light yellow
10 Very light Golden

Now a little instructions on how to use these tables.

  • Find the hair color that best matches your natural hair color in the second table;

  • Look at what oxidizing agent is in the paint you are using (if you are not painting, but bleaching, then just the percentage of oxidizing agent);
  • Return to the first table and calculate what the background lightening will be.

Example. If you have dark blond hair(No. 6), and you use a 9% oxidizer, which lightens 2-3 tones, then, depending on the thickness of the hair, the background will turn out yellow (6 + 2 = 8) or light yellow (6 + 3 = 9 ).

It will gradually appear as the dye is washed off.

This happens because the oxidizing agent opens the hair scales and partially dissolves natural pigment, as a result of which the background lightening appears. But the scales no longer return to their place. Remaining open, they do not retain the coloring pigment in the hair; it is washed out quite quickly, but the background remains.

And the higher the percentage of oxidizer, the more porous the hair becomes, and the less the dye holds in it.

Advice. The durability of paint largely depends on the density of the pigment. Therefore, do not buy cheap dyes; it is better to opt for professional formulations. Their price is much higher, but there will be fewer problems.

It also happens that after bleaching already fairly light hair with the help of a concentrated oxidizing agent, it acquires a beautiful cool shade, but soon they still begin to turn yellow. This is explained by the same reasons as the yellowing of gray hair: open, damaged scales freely allow dirt, dust, rust from tap water, and pigments to pass through. cosmetics etc.

Repeated bleaching or dyeing with a strong oxidizing agent will only worsen the problem, since already damaged hair will suffer even more, and it will be very difficult or impossible to restore it - just grow it and cut it.

What to do

The answer to this question depends on the reason for the appearance of yellowness. If it is internal, definitely undergo intensive treatment, forgetting for a while about dissatisfaction with hair color. Health is more important.

For all other cases there is ready-made solutions how to get rid of yellow hair color.

Proper coloring/bleaching

As you know, undesirable shade appears if the main paint is quickly washed off and the yellow background of the lightening begins to appear. To prevent this from happening, you need to use high-quality paint with caring components. But the most important thing is not to strive to achieve desired color too quickly, using a strong oxidizing agent that literally destroys the hair.

The shortest path is not always the most correct. In our case, it is better to act in stages.

Let's give an example of how to get white hair color without yellowness, having a natural shade of light brown (No. 7) or dark brown (No. 6).

  • We use bleaching powder and 3% oxidizing agent;
  • To color No. 10 (very light), we will have to overcome 3-4 levels, which corresponds to an oxidizing agent of 9 or 12%;
  • As we already know, a drug of such a high concentration irreversibly destroys the hair structure, so we choose a more gentle three percent product;
  • Dilute the powder with an oxidizing agent in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer and apply the composition to dry, preferably unwashed hair;

  • Leave for 40-50 minutes, then rinse with shampoo;
  • If you are in a hurry, dry your hair and repeat the procedure the required number of times until you get the desired background. But it's better to wait at least a couple of weeks;
  • This stepwise bleaching allows you to preserve the hair structure as much as possible by using more soft remedies, but at the same time obtain a result similar to a single use of a strong oxidizing agent.

When the hair acquires the desired color, it must be immediately tinted - saturated with pigment. This must be done even if you already like the result of bleaching. If you don’t do this, it will disappear in a couple of weeks and you will have to think again about how to remove it. yellow pigment from hair

And they will turn yellow, as they will immediately begin to absorb coloring particles from the environment, water and cosmetics. To prevent this from happening, the void created by the absence of some natural pigments must be filled with artificial ones.

During staining, this replacement occurs immediately. And when bleaching, you should use a tinting dye with the weakest oxidizing agent (1.5-1.9%), but you need to take it twice as much in volume as the amount of paint.

Both products are thoroughly mixed and applied to wet hair for 10-20 minutes (see manufacturer's recommendations for exposure time).

It is important! Before tinting, you should not use 2-in-1 products containing balm or just balm to wash your hair. It covers the scales, and the dye does not penetrate well into the hair, remaining only on its surface.

But after coloring, a restoring balm is just necessary - it seals the pigments, preventing them from quickly being washed out of the hair and making room for foreign impurities.

This is how you can change its color with your own hands without much harm to your hair and prevent yellow shades from appearing.

Proper care

It’s not enough to know how to lighten your hair without yellowing; you also need to be able to maintain its color for a long time. And for this, first of all, you should take care of them healthy condition. Do not dye or bleach if your hair is damaged perm or other procedures using aggressive agents - give them a rest, undergo a course of treatment.

After staining, try to follow the following recommendations:

  • Don't wash your hair too often, as each wash removes some of the color.

Note. All kinds of styling products quickly make your hair look dirty and greasy; it is better not to use them.

  • Use purified water to wash your hair. Or soften it yourself by boiling or freezing.

  • Acidify the water or use mineral water for this purpose.
  • Carefully select masks for bleached hair: they should not contain coloring components that give the curls a yellowish tint.
  • Periodically tint your hair while washing with tinted shampoo, adding one part to three parts of your usual shampoo.
  • A special anti-yellow toner also gives good results.. It is added to the rinse water, but not every time, but after every second or third wash.

Advice. If you have very light hair, choose a toner with purple tint, if they are darker and you want to get rid of red, use blue.

  • When deciding how to cover up the yellowness in gray hair, choose the lightest shades, and also be sure to use tonics with purple dye.

  • In summer, if you spend a long time in the sun, wear a hat and use protective equipment with UV filters.


We have generally answered the question of how to achieve white hair without yellowness. But this is simple only in theory; in practice, not all even fairly experienced hairdressers manage to achieve such an effect, especially if natural color dark, and the hair is thick and coarse.

You can additionally watch the training video in this article to get more information for self-bleaching. But it’s better to go to a salon with a good, competent specialist who will take into account all the nuances and do everything possible to ensure that you are satisfied with your new look.



Posted 03/26/2017

Hello, I dyed my hair a couple of days ago at the salon, I wanted to lighten my own tone (brown) a little, but in the end after dyeing it turned out to be a light red shade. Now I want to paint it close to its original color, I would like to ask if the paint will give a green tint?


Tamara (website)

Posted 03/26/2017

Hello, Elena. Try tinting your hair with a “pearl blonde” color - you will maintain a lighter hair color, and the color nuance of the dye will help cope with the red notes in the color. Or, choose light brown-golden, avoid ashy and natural shades.



Posted 04/10/2017

Hello!!! Yesterday I dyed my roots, but the color remains yellow! Tonics do not stick to the roots, please tell me which shade (dye number) is better to tone again? Its color is light brown


Tamara (website)

Posted 04/15/2017

Hello Svetlana. You need a blonde of your violet level (as a rule, there is a number 6 after the dot) or with a matte/pearl/pearl nuance (use the name of the color). Tint with 1.5% - 3% oxidizer in the proportion: 1 part paint 2 parts oxidizer.



Posted 05/14/2017

Hello. Two months ago I bleached my hair, now it is yellowish. I want to ask, is it possible to paint them dark brown?


Tamara (website)

Posted 05/14/2017 Author


Posted 05/17/2017

Hello. I bleached my hair, the color is red, the dye doesn’t work, what should I do? Maybe I'm not applying it correctly?


Tamara (website)

Posted 05/18/2017

Hello! This can happen if the dye is lighter than your current hair color. Write what your natural hair color is, what you dyed it with before you did the pickling, what color you want to get, and attach a photo of your current hair color in daylight.



Posted 05/18/2017

Highlighted with supra powder. I want ashen. Supra mixed with oxidizing agent 40, in Italy the color is red on top, the paint does not take, painted over with violet tonic


Tamara (website)

Posted 05/18/2017

Your hair is darker than needed for this color, that’s why it won’t work. Ash can be obtained from level 10, and you now have about 6 or 7. I described in detail how to raise the background lightening in a comment, here: Choose professional products- they have similar labeling and identical product names, Italian ones are no exception.
Once your hair has become required level tones (their color will be quite light with a yellowish tint) can be tinted ashy. It is better to do this using dye (the technology is described in detail in the same commentary). Tonics and tinted shampoos are best used as additional care to support color (it washes out quickly).



Posted 05/18/2017

hello it was dark there -brown color hair+ had been trimmed, but I wanted such a light shade for all my hair, so I dyed it blonde. I’m not a blogger, my hair still has a yellowish tint, only some strands have become lighter due to the highlighting, but now the roots are coming off, and I don’t know how to dye my hair and what color I’ll get if I dye it either my natural blond or light blond


Tamara (website)

Posted 05/28/2017

Hello Karina. To neutralize yellowness on light colored hair, tinting is most often performed: a shade of paint (or a cocktail of several shades) is selected and an oxidizing agent of 1.5-3% is added or using a special tinting shampoo. You can use a special anti-yellow dye (for example, Anti-Yellow effect/Estelle).
If you darken your hair color by more than 2 levels, you can simply dye it with the desired color. But for coloring in more dark tone There are some peculiarities that are better to take into account so that instead of the hated yellow you don’t end up with a green tint on your hair. In this case, you need to carry out preliminary pigmentation of the hair. The technology is described in this comment

The yellow tint on the hair appears as a result of a chemical reaction that occurs due to the contact of the dye with the hair pigment. The intensity of yellowness depends on the individual characteristics of the original shade. To remove yellowness from your hair yourself, effectively and quickly, use our simple tips.

1. Violation of hair coloring technique.

Often, yellowness occurs after staining, when the specialist (or you yourself) did not follow all the necessary steps of the procedure. In particular, he incorrectly calculated the time required to leave the bleaching agent on the hair, which depends on the original shade of the hair. To avoid such mistakes in the future, go for coloring, highlighting, bleaching, etc. procedures. to proven beauty salons to specialists with good experience work and positive feedback.

2. Poor quality or expired products.

Yellowness of curls can also occur due to the use of low-quality or expired hair coloring or lightening products. This usually happens when girls (women) independently choose similar dyeing products and do the procedure themselves at home. To avoid yellowing in your strands in the future, trust the choice of a specialist.

3. Rinse after lightening and coloring.

It is very important to use purified water (or mineral water without gas) for the procedure, since salts, rust and other impurities contained in tap water can easily penetrate the open hair scales and react with the “paint”, causing the appearance of unpleasant yellowness, creating the effect of untidy hair.

4. Lightening black strands.

At radical change hair shade (brunette to blonde), yellowness is a natural companion after the procedure. And all because the natural or original hair pigment will try to prevail over the “artificial” one. In this situation, to obtain a blonde shade, you will have to repeat the bleaching procedure more than once, which can cause hair damage. That's why professionals hairdressing in such cases, representatives of the fair sex are warned in advance about possible consequences(fragility, loss), often persuading to abandon this decision, so as not to regret the results later. For those who are naturally black or very dark color hair, before the lightening procedure, it is advisable to consult with a specialist about the possibility of acquiring a blonde shade without yellowness, taking into account your natural pigment.

How to remove unwanted yellowness from hair?

There are several proven home and “store” methods for eliminating yellowness from hair. Let me remind you that a lot depends on your starting point. Therefore, advice that helps in one case does not guarantee that it will help in another. In any case, you shouldn’t despair, try all the methods to eliminate yellowness one by one, but be sure to wait 2-3 days so as not to overload your hair, which is already weakened by bleaching. If it turns out that your natural pigment is very strong and the yellowness that has appeared cannot be removed in any way, all you have to do is accept it or repaint it a different color.

Silver shampoos.

Similar products are sold in specialized stores and are marked Silver Shampoo. Such shampoos contain an active coloring pigment of a bright purple hue, due to which the yellow tint is neutralized, and the hair is given the much-desired whiteness. The product has disadvantages, in particular, if it is left too long, a bright ash, light lilac or eggplant tint will appear on the strands.

Tinted shampoos.

Tinted shampoos and balms (tonics) in mother-of-pearl, pearl, platinum, and silver tones have proven themselves well in the fight against yellow hair. The effects and disadvantages of such products are the same as those of silver shampoos. For greater effect, it is recommended to use them in combination with regular shampoo in a 1:2 ratio. Keep the product on your hair for no more than 3 minutes. Carry out a similar manipulation after every 3-4 hair washes. To really get good result and to remove yellowness it is better to use tinted shampoos from professional series.

Video: Getting rid of yellowness using a tint toner.

Proper rinsing of hair after washing.

After each hair wash, rinse with filtered water with the addition of rhubarb infusion (2 cups of infusion per 1 liter (for infusion: chop a couple of washed petioles (1 tbsp.), pour in 1 liter of boiling water and leave covered for 20 minutes, then strain)) . Rinsing can be done with acidified water (1 liter glass of lemon juice).

Homemade whitening hair masks against yellowness, recipes

The whitening effect of hair masks is due to the content of active substances with a lightening effect in the ingredients. It is recommended to carry out such procedures twice a week for 40-60 minutes, then the yellowness will not bother you for a long time (unless your original pigment turns out to be stronger), and the curls will not only become the desired white shade, but will also be restored after the bleaching procedure.

For additional effect After washing off the mask, rinse your hair with filtered water with the addition of lemon juice or rhubarb infusion.

Honey mask.

Country honey – 3 tbsp. l. (on average length hair).

Melt honey in a water bath. Divide hair into thin strands and generously soak them with honey. As with any mask, wrap the top of your head with polyethylene and create conditions for a thermal effect, that is, build a turban from thick terry towel. Keep the mask on for 1 to 3 hours.

Rhubarb mask.

Dry rhubarb root – 1 pc.
Good white wine – 5 ml.

Grind rhubarb root into powder. 1 tbsp. l. Pour wine over the resulting powder and place on the stove over high heat. When the mixture boils, reduce the heat to medium and wait until the liquid has evaporated by half. Then remove the mixture from the stove, cool and strain. Apply to strands, thoroughly soaking areas with yellowness. Keep covered with film and towel for 40 minutes.

Kefir mask.

Fresh kefir – 50 ml.
Vodka – 2 tbsp. l.
Your care shampoo – 1 tsp.
Freshly squeezed lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.
Chicken egg – 1 pc.

Combine all components into a homogeneous mass, distribute it over the yellow areas. Keep under film and insulating cap for 40 minutes.

Rhubarb mask with glycerin.

Chopped rhubarb root – 150 g.
Cool boiling water – 250 ml.
Glycerin – 60 g.

Pour boiling water over the powder, add glycerin and leave the mixture to steep for 30 minutes, then strain and can be used. Distribute the product throughout the hair, insulate it with film and a towel and leave for 1 hour.

Decoction of onion peels.

If you have yellowness and you can’t get rid of it, try to improve the situation a little with the help of a decoction onion peel. The hair will acquire a golden hue, which is still better than yellow, and will be slightly revived after all the manipulations with changing color. To do this, pour the husks from several onions (2-3) with water and put on low heat. As soon as the liquid boils, remove from heat and leave for 5 hours. Strain the finished infusion and apply it to your hair using a sponge. After 30 minutes, apply the product again to the strands, put on a shower cap or plastic bag, secure it with a towel on top and leave the mask overnight. In the morning, rinse off and apply lemon juice to your hair.

Use our tips and you can remove unwanted yellowness from your hair yourself at home. Everything is very fast, simple and effective. In the future, if you want to become a blonde, think a hundred times and consult with several specialists; maybe it’s simply unrealistic to achieve the desired blonde without yellowness on your hair. This procedure will only ruin your hair. Well, those who do this procedure regularly, take into account your mistakes and do not allow them to reoccur. Good luck!
