Happy birthday to a charming woman. Happy birthday greetings to a girl in prose

A delightful, amazing, charming, simply amazing girl, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday today. I wish you fabulous adventures in life, more memorable moments, unearthly, simply endless happiness, as well as mutual, real, sincere love. ©

I want to wish a happy birthday to the beautiful, amazing, wonderful girl. I want to wish you enjoyment from every day you live, more joyful smiles from ear to ear, invincible, steely health, simply immense real female happiness and fantastic love. ©

Let the clouds not thicken over your head,
And the sky will always be clear.
Let happiness in life just begin
And all troubles will flow away like water.

So that you always achieve all your goals,
And in a two-story house to live.
A contented life to remain
And to be smiling and joyful.

So that you meet the prince on a horse,
Fell in love to be loved in you.
To leave your yacht at the pier,
When you want to fly on an airplane with him. ©

Let love and affection warm
Let them bring you only joy.
Let happiness be unearthly, huge,
And let luck be in your power.
I wish you spiritual harmony
From the bottom of my heart, congratulations today. ©

Let the mood be wonderful
To enjoy life.
Accompanied by success, so that by all means,
Happy that you were always.
A smile to make a magical smile,
And all your dreams to come true. ©

I wish you perfection in everything,
In the life of magic and more magic.
To bathe you in wonderful compliments,
And to always be right in everything.

So that you certainly smile beautifully,
So that all cherished dreams come true.
To remain the best, fantastic,
And you must have been happy.

So that there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bmoney, feelings and affection in life,
Lived well, to a lot for long years.
So that you are like a princess, as if from a fairy tale,
There is simply nothing more charming in the world. ©

The best, gentle, incomparable
I wish this birthday
To make life seem like a good fairy tale,
It has always been colorful and beautiful!

Let joy sparkle in your eyes,
And the tears on your eyelashes
Let it never be, dear, -
I sincerely wish you!

May the road of life be smooth
And let them go on it with you
Kind, generous people!
May there always be a place for a miracle! ©

Amazing, charming, the most tender and beautiful! You are exactly that, dear birthday girl! And I sincerely wish you that the environment evokes only positive emotions, becomes a catalyst only good deeds and bright thoughts! Happy birthday, my incomparable! ©

Charming, cheerful and optimistic my birthday girl! Happy birthday to you, dear! With all my heart I wish you to always be as bright and spread around you only warmth, joy and light! Be always the same positive sun how I know you! Joy to you, love and happiness! ©

On your birthday, I wish you, dear,
So that you live like the sun, shining brightly!
To warm all around friends, acquaintances.
So that your house is filled with fun and happiness!
May all dreams and desires come true
And let there be understanding with relatives. ©

I wish you happiness on your birthday
Health, laughter, kindness!
Let it give every moment
Dream come true!
All that brings joy
And why the soul sings
Everything that inspires the heart
Let it come!

2. We wish to be richer than the earth

We wish to be richer than the earth,
We wish to be more beautiful than dawn
And true happiness for many, many years.
We wish you many stars in your palm,
We wish you love as hot as fire,
We wish roads in life are not cool
And live not for yourself, but for others!

3. Be the funniest and happiest

Be the most cheerful and the happiest
Good, and gentle, and the most beautiful.
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique.
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles go out of the way in impotence.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, kindness!

4. We wish you health for many years to come.

We wish you good health long years.
So that adversity bypasses you,
So that happiness and joy do not know separation,
So that your children and grandchildren will warm your soul.

5. Birthday is a good date

Birthday - good date,
But it's always a little sad.
Because they fly unnoticed
Our best years ever.
Birthday is a special date
This holiday is incomparable.
Someone smart once came up with
Give joy to the birthday boy.
The joy of meeting, smiles, hopes,
Wishing you health, warmth,

How successful things were!

6. Happy birthday congratulations

Happy birthday congratulations
With such a big, happy day,
We sincerely wish you
Prosperity in everything!
And let your star burn
Star of love and inspiration
Never goes out in life
Does not fade, even for a moment!

7. I wish you happiness and kindness

I wish you happiness and good
And the eternal youth of flowering,
Love, fun and warmth
Into your Holy holiday- Birthday.
Let your dreams come true
And the years will not have power over you.
And you will always be beautiful
Like these wonderful flowers.

8. We wish you bright and joyful days

We wish you bright and happy days,
Success, health, reliable friends,
Always love and be happy
And may you never grow old!

9. Where to get some well-being?

Where to get some well-being?
It doesn't happen, that's a fact.
But more is better
And there will be less "somehow".
We wish you a birthday -
Smiles, joyful chores,
Health, happiness and fun,
Today Tomorrow, all year round!

10. Beautiful and strong, lucky, brave!

Handsome and strong, lucky, brave!
You can handle even the hardest things!
On the right, we know you are on the way,
And we wish to go on victoriously,
Success in work and in the affairs of new forces,
Health and happiness! You deserve them!

11. Such spiritual beauty

Such spiritual beauty
It is not often possible to meet.
We are happy that you are near
What a tremulous heart beats!
Eyes are beautiful and sad
They look at us with tenderness,
And we confess on our birthday:
You, dear, we love!

12. Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you,
A close friend, our own person,
And we wish you health
Not for a year, but for your long life!
In the midst of intense heat, bad weather,
Among grief, deceit and lies
We wish you only happiness
Only devotion and love!

13. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday!
We wish you happiness and enjoyment!
And so that life does not become a mistake,
And let your face bloom with a smile!

14. Dear, accept on your birthday

Dear, accept on your birthday
Confessions and congratulations.
Blessings to your family
Always, in everything to be on a horse,
Good luck in business, reach the top!
Be a role model for all men!

15. Let the years rush in succession

Let the years run by
Bypassing all the bad weather,
We wish you with all our heart.
Love, health, happiness.

16. It's your birthday today

It's your birthday today
This is the happiest of days
Let this congratulations
It will also be your joy.
On this day I wish you happiness
The longest, most interesting years,
May you not have bad weather
Only joy, only sunshine!
May love come to you big
Not for a year - for eternity, forever,
And may your life be, dear,
Light as spring water!

17. May the sun shine brighter on this day

May the sun shine brighter on this day
Flowers fall under the feet of a carpet,
We wish you health, happiness, light,
All that is called good.

18. Let this day not be a noisy holiday

May this day not noisy holiday,
Not a red day on the calendar
But he is happy and beautiful -
You appeared on earth.
And we heartily congratulate
You with such a wonderful day,
And we sincerely wish you -
Health, joy in everything!

19. Your birthday is a bright day!

Your birthday is a bright day!
Let the lilac not bloom now,
Roses do not smell under the window,
But is it just that!
Look into the eyes of your friends
What could be their eyes warmer!
They have roses and lilacs,
They have a sea of ​​affection on this day!

20. Today, on your birthday

Today, on your birthday,
We wish with heart and soul:
Health, cheerfulness and laughter,
In all your affairs, success!

21. Once a year, like in a song, a birthday

Once a year, like in a song, a birthday,
Rejoice and hello from the heart,
For you, nature is awakening,
For you, the spring sings in silence.
Year - the springboard is taken by you, as before,
Another year to puzzle with dreams,
And trust the fiery hope!
Happy Birthday! Happiness and good luck!

22. Years rush, sorry, of course

Years are rushing, it's a pity, of course,
Don't delay them for an hour.
We know that youth is not eternal,
And we are sad about it sometimes.
How many hit - it doesn't matter
Well, why count the years?
Keeping up with the times is important!
And don't miss out on the road!
Let there be everything that is needed in life,
What is good about life:
Love, Hope, Loyalty, Friendship
And forever young soul!

23. Unfortunately, I'm not a genius, I don't write poems in verse

Unfortunately, I'm not a genius, I don't write poems in verse,
And I would like to tell about you on a hundred sheets.
Happy birthday, I want to say to you:
You are a great friend, believe me, in happiness, joy, trouble.
One has only to see you - a ray of sunshine will flash,
AND Bad mood, if there is, then it will pass at once.
You bring joy of light and self-confidence.
Smile! And may luck be with you!
It's a pity that I can't turn feelings into lines,
And there are too few words to tell you everything.

24. Please accept our congratulations

Part of our warmth.
wish good health,
Comfort, happiness and kindness.

25. We wish that life never ends

We wish life never ends
Trouble and sadness did not meet on the way.
Great happiness and true friends,
success health and sunny days!

26. We wish you personal happiness

We wish you personal happiness
excellent mood,
So that you are healthy
She lived to see her grandchildren's wedding.

27. May God give you wisdom in decisions

God bless you in your decisions
And the multiplication of the best qualities,
With children - excellent relations
And understanding their eccentricities.

28. We wish you a life without grief

We wish you a life without torment,
Don't worry for no reason
Always look cheerful
Never know where it hurts.

29. I want to love, I want to stay awake at night

I want to love, I want not to sleep at night
And give you the caress of hands and lips.
I want to walk with you in the evenings
Talk about your tender feelings.
I want to you and reverently and passionately
Cuddle up, drowning in the waves of love.
I know you weren't born in vain
May your days be happy!


30. Always sad and pleasant

Always sad and happy
Celebrate your birthday:
Years go by irrevocably
Just keep counting them.
But time is like a flow
Nothing can hold on.
Today is your birthday
We want to wish you happiness
Good luck, joy, success,
To be healthy, not to know troubles,
Obstacles in life and obstacles
Easy and quick to remove
More laughter, less sadness -
And never be discouraged.

31. Your birthday has come

Your birthday has come
And this is not an easy date
May everything be fine on this day
And fun from dawn to dusk.

32. Well, where can we get such a song

Well, where can we get such a song,
Find worthy words
So that from warm congratulations
Your head was spinning.
May this wonderful date
Leaves a good mark on the soul.
Be happy and rich
Health to you and long years!

33. Man, on your birthday, we should wish

Man, on your birthday, we should wish -
The mother-in-law of a not grumpy and affectionate wife,
To want to build a house, plant trees,
And in love-consent to have children.
After all, in principle, for happiness, not so much is needed:
House, garden, wife and children, well, love - as a reward!

34. Let your life go quietly.

May your life go smoothly.
Live without knowing sorrows and troubles

For many, many, many years.

35. On your birthday today

On your birthday today
You can't count the years
On this very day, happy
We would like to wish:
To smile in life
Your clear eyes
To happiness and health -
Have always been a companion!

36. I wish to live and enjoy life

I want to live and enjoy life
Take everything you can, now, not later.
Dream, joke and most importantly - fall in love
And do not regret, of course, about the past.
I give you congratulations today
You smile, and the world will become brighter!
Let the holiday of childhood repeat again
After all, it’s more fun to go through life with him!

37. I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you happiness, mood,
Success, cheerfulness, good luck,
Good health in addition.
Live, bloom like a purple poppy,
Not knowing grief and need,
And bloom in the spring again
And cherish the caress of the sun!

38. I wish the sun on earth

I wish the sun on earth
And pale blue skies.
Love and joy to you
And the happiness of the most earthly!!!

39. Congratulating you today

Congratulating you today
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
So that for many years
Still live without getting tired
May these years be good.
We wish you eternal youth
May all dreams come true
And happiness will be endless.

40. Girlfriend, be confident and bright

Girlfriend, be confident and bright,
Shine a smile, live happily!
Accept gifts on your birthday!
I wish you happiness and love!

41. On this wonderful day

On this wonderful day
Forget about the past years!
Be happy always
Always beautiful, be gentle
Don't stand still - move forward.
Movement is a guarantee that happiness and success will come to you.
The movement of life and happiness in it, forward, forward -
And you will get younger every day!

42. I wish you happiness and good luck

I wish you happiness and good luck
So that the doctor does not visit you often.
So that the sun always shines on you
And grief was everywhere.
For you to be successful
And you were the happiest of all!

43. We wish you only on your holiday

We wish you only on your holiday
Grow, laugh and bloom,
So much goodness, warmth and happiness,
So as not to carry away for a hundred years!
In study and work - good luck,
And rest - easy and to your heart's content!
Let there be villas, money, dachas
And let there be power over fate!

44. Make a wish now

Make a wish now
Let it come true for sure.
And your days will be filled with luck,
And every hour will be happy!


45. Let life go smoothly

Let Life is going calmly,
Live without knowing the troubles.
And good health
And for many, many years! Happy birthday!

46. ​​Let your life become fuller

May your life become fuller
And every day you be wiser.
Let youth not wither for a long time,
And life is more fun.
May there be joy and fun
After all, this is what we live for.
And we say: happy birthday!
Happy and bright day!

47. May it always be spring

May it always be spring
Lives in your heart
Let the rays of the flower
Bloom for you!

Happiness - without measure!
Health - without measure!
Lots of success
Hope and Faith!

48. Let the years go by

Let the years go by
Don't be sad about the past.
And everyone who once offended,
From pure heart sorry.
Don't waste your nerves
You can't buy health anywhere.
May your life be beautiful
We wish you happiness!

49. I wish you a bright holiday

I wish you a bright holiday
Eyes sparkle with joy
For happiness to live a cherished dream,
Health, strength for many years.
I wish you love and good luck
In all success for you,
May the days be brighter and brighter
And good luck!

50. We wish you health, love and warmth

We wish you health, love and warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
So that the house was protected from grief and troubles.

51. Birthday is a special date.

Birthday is a special date.
This holiday is incomparable.
Someone wise once came up with
Give joy to the birthday boy.
The joy of meeting, fun, smiles,
Wishing you health and strength.
So that happiness is cloudless,
So that success comes every day.

52. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday!

Happy birthday, happy birthday to you!
On this glorious spring day
You can't count your wishes
They have all the secrets!
And most importantly - so that spring and love,
Always stirred up feeling and blood!
We wish that everyday life is not eclipsed,
And every day of yours to be sunny!

53. Today is your birthday

Today is your birthday
How many years doesn't matter.
So stay awake as always
And let the heart, my friend, do not grow old!
I wish you spiritual courage
Various successes in everyday life,
Good health to you always
Never lose heart, never lose heart!

54. We wish you everything that life is rich in

We wish you everything that life is rich in,
In the work of success, happiness, long years.
May good luck always accompany you
Let there be no troubles in your life!

55. On your birthday, a clear holiday

On your birthday, a clear holiday
May good friends be around

And you can't cry or be sad.
We wish you happiness, joy, fun,
Successes in small and big things,
And may there never be sadness
In your happy, joyful eyes!

56. We wish you health for many years

We wish you health for many years,
Let all sorrows and hardships pass a mile,
Let your eyes sparkle with joy, happiness,
And only tears sparkle from laughter!

57. You wished a lot today

Wishing you much today
And I want in your eyes
There was no room for sadness.
There was always a smile on her lips.

I so want you to shine with happiness
Not knowing grief, tears and all sorts of troubles.
Happy birthday dear mother
And long, long years to you!

58. In honor of the great day today

In honor of the great day today,
We would like to say warm words to you:
Good luck, excellent health,
And so that every dream comes true!
May only the best await you in life:
We wish you the most joyful events,
Wealth from the heart, well-being,
And a lot of happiness! Congratulations!

59. Accept wishes

Accept wishes
you at this good hour.
Beautiful confessions
Today is just for you!
We wish you a birthday
You joy, love,
So that our congratulations
They brought you happiness!


60. I wish you a birthday

I wish you a birthday
You have great patience
Feast fabulously cover
At the same time, how to be a cucumber.

61. Happy birthday in simple words

Happy Birthday in simple words
Let me congratulate you.
Smile and all sorrows will pass
Take a look at the problems jokingly!
I wish you good looks
And good reliable friends
Beloved person near
And crazy adventurous ideas!

62. You have matured a year today

You have matured a year today
Don't rush to the mirror with anxiety
You've gotten better this year
Have fun and laugh heartily.
Forget insults and hardships
Smile magically and lightly.
In the heat and cold, rain and bad weather
We wish you luck.

63. We wish from the bottom of our hearts

We wish from the bottom of our hearts
So that future years
Were also good
To happiness and health
They certainly walked by
To months and years
They brought you only joy!

64. Let the soul not know the cold

Let the soul not know the cold
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom.
May the heart be forever young
Good crowning kindness.

65. On your birthday, congratulations from us - this is the time.

On your birthday, congratulations from us - this is the time.
We helmet good words- that's two.
Being ahead all the time is three.
To live with everyone in friendship, in peace - it seems to be four.
Never lose heart is a five.
Multiply all that is - it's six.
Being attentive to everyone is seven.
Always be in normal weight is eight, nine, ten.
Well, in addition to this -
Happiness, joy, good luck!

66. I want to say a lot of good words

I want to say a lot of good words
On this birthday we want to wish you:
Heart and soul never grow old
And live in the world for many, many years.

67. I wish this day

I wish this day
As long since wished in Rus':
Health, joy, fun
And life is a long way.
Do not whimper, do not cry and do not be bored,
Don't drip wetness on your blouse.
Until a hundred years, drink strong tea
With a smile on your face.

68. I wish you a happy birthday

I wish you a birthday
So that your life goes without worries,
So that the sun always shines brightly for you
So that gardens always bloom in the soul,
So that love lives in your heart,
And so many pleasant moments
Life gave you day after day!!!

69. Be loved always be friends

Love always be friends
And celebrate all births with us.
And if the money suddenly is not enough,
Anyone will pay for you!
We wish that all thoughts
Pay without delay
And would not be lost in the fog
Your brain's inventions!

70. Words beautiful luxurious bouquet

Words beautiful luxury bouquet
I give on your birthday
After all, there is nothing more precious than you in the world!
I want to be always only with you.
God bless you forever
For your smile and tenderness.
My dear, dear person,
How much I love you!

71. On your birthday, accept congratulations

Congratulations on your birthday
All of them are only for you:
Eternal paradise, happiness without end,
A true friend in need
Youth is clear, life is beautiful
And twists in fate!

72. On your wonderful birthday

On your wonderful birthday
Let us hug you
And give a poem
Wish love and happiness.
And may health be strong
And the heart is forever young
May your day be bright
For the joy of us and all relatives!

73. We wish you:

We wish you:
In work - speed,
In health - cheerfulness,
In happiness - eternity,
Life is infinity.
From the sun - heat,
From people - good,
From the husband - tenderness,
From friends - love and fidelity.

74. We wish you a birthday from the bottom of our hearts

We wish you a birthday from the heart
Warmth, good luck, blue skies,
Smiles, sun, joy, love
And the greatest happiness in life!


75. Passes every day at your work

Passes every day at your work,
And you have a lot of work to do.
But on this day, forget all worries
And let the smile decorate you.
But what is it behind the window?
Winter! Doesn't matter.
For you and winter day, lilac will bloom.
And everything will be fine in your life,
And youth will come to you again on this day.

76. Let the years rush - it doesn't matter

Let the years rush - it does not matter,
'Cause time heals wounds
And let them go forever
Troubles and fogs.
And what is light for the soul,
Let it stay with you.
We wish this day
What do you want yourself.

77. We wish you not to be sad on your birthday

We wish you not to be sad on your birthday,
It's fun to laugh and joke!
Let the whole family come together
And your friends will congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts!
We wish you health, happiness, laughter,
Prosperity, optimism and success!
May the morning dawn be joyful,
Cloudless to you, bright, bright years!

78. Let life go carefree

Let life go carefree
Easy as butterflies flight.
May joy bring every day
May you be lucky in everything.


79. How to say Happy Birthday joyfully

How to say happy birthday,
Wish a friend love and happiness
So that you do not take it into your head to be offended,
After all, there is no reason to be discouraged today.
May your path be without interference
Let there be only joy and peace in it,
A little sadness, but a lot of success,
Always meet your holiday with a smile!

80. We are very glad to congratulate you

We are very glad to congratulate you
And with admiration we say:
Meeting with you as a reward
We all adore you
Don't bow down to sadness
And do not be sad in the silence of the night.
We congratulate you today
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts.

81. When the birthday comes

When the birthday comes
You are a year older.
In the soul and joy, and fun,
And life gets harder.
But the years go by fast
And they can't be stopped
They change us a lot
And they should be treasured!

82. We want to congratulate you on your birthday

We want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish you happiness in life.
Life should not be offended
You shouldn't be discouraged in life.

May there be joy and peace.
And if it gets really hard,
Know that we are always with you.

83. Congratulating you on this day

Congratulating you on this day
We wish you one thing:
To be sad cold shadow
Didn't touch your face.
Let there be no failures in business,
So that you never know them
To be the happiest
On this day, this year and always!

84. Sweet, kind, gentle, glorious!

Sweet, kind, gentle, glorious!
How old is not the main thing.
In life we ​​want to be the happiest
Everyone's favorite, funny, beautiful.

85. Today is your birthday

Today is your birthday
God bless you good health
Let only peace huddle in your hearth,
Warmed by happiness, joy, love.
I wish to live without sadness and sadness,
And happiness is like collecting daisies,
So that difficulties do not upset you,
Laugh all your life and not grieve.

86. On a bright day, on your birthday

On a bright day, on your birthday,
We hasten to congratulate you
Happiness, joy, fun
We want to wish you
So that worries and sorrows
You never knew
So that health and good luck
They were always there!

87. Birthday is a holiday from childhood

Birthday is a holiday from childhood,
Holiday of memory, faith, love.
Accept congratulations from us.
Live healthy for many years!
And don't just live, be happy
Every day, fulfilling dreams.
Be lucky in life, lucky,
But get down to your friends from above!

88. Today is your birthday.

Your birthday is today.
God bless you!
May there be peace in your house
Warmed by happiness and love.

89. On a beautiful day, spring day

On a beautiful day, spring day
Happy Birthday!
Let you from all sides
Bring a million flowers!


90. We sincerely wish you happiness.

With all our hearts we wish you happiness.
So that there is no bad weather in the soul,
Health, cheerfulness and laughter,
In big things great success!

91. What to wish you on your birthday?

What do you wish for your birthday?
Success in life and work,
Good friends and fun
well-being in the family,
So that the soul does not know the cold,
Like a May day, like a garden in bloom,
So that the heart is forever young
Welcome to kindness!

92. Happy birthday to you

happy birthday
I congratulate you!
I wish happiness
It was in every new day,
I want the colors of life
Success in your endeavors.
And I want to confess
How dear you are to me!

93. Let us congratulate you in verse

Let us congratulate you in verse
And wish you health and good luck
Success in your endeavors and business
And positive bright in addition.
Let the energy in life be in full swing,
Let dreams turn into reality
And happiness will firmly settle into your house,
And joy will not leave your heart!

94. Everything on this holiday for you:

All this holiday for you:
Flowers, smiles, congratulations.
May your life be bright
Wonderful - every moment!
Everything that you have in mind
Let it become a reality without a doubt!
We wish you happiness and great love,
And live life without regret!

95. Birthday is a wonderful date

Birthday - lovely date,
It doesn't matter if the years go by.
Life is so bright and beautiful
That you should never be sad.

96. What do you wish? Wealth? Good luck?

What do you wish? Wealth? Good luck?
From life everyone wants their own ...
And we wish you just happiness,
So that it was a little, but everything!

97. Aromas of velvet roses

Fragrances velvet roses,
Every bright, wonderful moment,
The fulfillment of rainbow dreams
May your birthday be happy!

gentle, sincere words heat
Let it warm with magical breath
So that there is always happiness in the soul
And every wish came true!

98. Let your life go smoothly

May your life go smoothly
Live without knowing sorrows and troubles.
And let health be strong
For many long, long years.

99. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you
Have fun on this day, do not be bored!
I wish you so much happiness
For it to spill over.
Let everything good be remembered
All conceived - let it come true,
Let your eyes shine with happiness
AND good people will meet!

100. Do not regret that on your birthday

Do not regret that on your birthday
One year you grow older
Throw all doubts out of your heart
And run pour champagne!
Our years are hard money
You can't bring them back
And so we must on the planet
Our life to use in full!

101. And no matter how old you are

And no matter how old you are,
Trust me, don't be afraid of them.
We wish you bright happiness in fate,
Your years are your wealth!

102. On this joyful birthday

On this happy birthday
There is no reason, my friend, to be sad,
You mark not the date of aging,
And the day you started living.
Even if many years
If there is little joy in fate,
Even if there are adversities
Life is beautiful in itself!

103. Only you are my breath

Only you are my breath
The sun's light and my life.
I have one desire -
See and love you.
Only to you I rush
Only you soul is full.
Again and again I fall in love with you
And I get drunk without wine.
Happy birthday my dear
Be happy forever!
You are not dearer and closer,
My dear man!

104. Our wishes are countless

Our wishes cannot be counted
So why divide them into parts,
If all of them, whatever they are,
Contained in the word happiness.


105. Long life and good health

Long life and good health,
Youth, strength, beauty!
Let it always - not only on your birthday,
Cherished dreams come true.

106. The essence of congratulations is simple

The essence of congratulations is simple -
Would live another half a hundred
In a pleasant environment
In love and respect.

107. I hasten to congratulate you

I hasten to congratulate you
And, like a verbal sonata,
I will add notes of tenderness
One great quote.
Let the feelings of a quivering soul
On the lines of the song lie down.
What should I sing to you, tell me
And rhymes will turn into notes!
May your birthday
Bless fate with luck.
I wish you happiness
And bright words of love to boot!

108. Happy birthday congratulations

Happy birthday congratulations -
I wish you love and kindness!
Happiness, joy, good luck,
An ocean of flowers to boot!
To make life beautiful
And the weather is warm, clear,
It was bright and sunny!
To tenderness, beauty -
Surrounded you for life.
And everything would be fulfilled -
Everything you ever dreamed of!

109. On the wings of solar love

On the wings solar love,
Through distance and time
May my congratulations
Achieved, dear, its goal.
I will bless this day
With your smile and love.
I give you every moment
And I always want to be with you!

110. Birthdays come and go

Birthdays come and go
And life goes on non-stop
Without giving us one iota of indulgence
In a series of falls, ups and downs.
But let you smile more often
Happy and joyful days
And only good people meet
And the main lights will not go out!

111. Many years have passed since then

Many years have passed since
How your cry rose above the earth
And immediately informed everyone that
That a person was born.
And now, today, on your holiday
Good health to you
And we wish you happiness!

112. Congratulations on your birthday!

Congratulations on your birthday!
And we want to wish on this joyful day
So that from a fairy tale a deer brings you happiness.
So that two faithful wings give joy.
So that love is always with you.
So that there is more good in fate.
We sincerely wish you!

113. I wish happiness a whole heap

I wish you a whole bunch of happiness
Joyful smiles bouquet,
Friends reliable and cheerful,
Happy life for a whole century!

114. You are always on top

You are always on top
You earn respect!
Let them accompany you
Good luck and luck!
We wish you many years
Goodness and abundance!
And let it be heard
Everyone has your last name!

115. We wish not to count our years

We wish not to count our years,
The day will come - life will sum up.
We want to rely on us sometimes,
To make it easier to overcome anxiety along the way.
Do not cool down to worldly worries,
Be generous in your love.
We will help you work
And let the angel keep you!

116. Holiday of the soul - birthday

Holiday of the soul - birthday,
We shake your strong hand!
Happiness, love and health,
Our to the best friend!

117. I wish not to grow old, not to get sick

I wish not to grow old, not to get sick,
Get younger year after year.
Happiness, joy, success,
Less sadness, more laughter!

118. Years pass silently

Years pass silently
Like birds of heaven caravan.
And time rushes imperceptibly -
You do not be sad for nothing.
Don't be sad when you see the change
When you find an extra wrinkle.
New days come to replace days
And every age is good in its own way.

119. Happy birthday to you today

Congratulations on your birthday today
We wish your dreams come true
Health and happiness for many years
We wish you together from the bottom of our hearts!


120. Don't be afraid of your years

No need to be afraid of your years
Even though you're in your twenties.
And if there are friends nearby,
That means you don't live in vain!

121. We hurry to the table for the umpteenth time

Let's hurry to the table for the umpteenth time
There are reasons for having fun:
Let them become - holidays for us
Next birthdays.
Let's close friendly glasses,
Strengthening your disposition
To make this day a bright day
To the one whose birth we celebrate!

122. We wish you long years, we wish them a lot

We wish you many years, we wish them a lot,
So that they bring you good luck with them.
May you become a year older today
Do not be sad: you have entered the time of maturity!

123. Sweet, tender, bright, pure

Sweet, gentle, bright, pure,
May this day when you were born
Happiness will smile at you radiant,
Troubles and sorrows pass the attack.
May it never, never end
Your faith in the coming of spring
May all dreams and hopes come true.
Fairy tales and dreams become reality...

124. Let the house be full of happiness

May the house be full of happiness
And it will, no doubt.
Beautiful, bright, good day.
Your birthday.

125. We wish you health and personal success

We wish you health and personal success,
More smiles, fun and laughter,
Life and youth in a hot heart,
Faith, hope, good luck to boot,
True friends and strong love
Get the best from life!

126. We want to congratulate you on your birthday

We want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish you happiness in life
Life is not to be offended
You shouldn't be discouraged in life.
Let there be everything: a thunderstorm, snowstorms,
May there be joy and peace
And if it becomes very sad,
Remember, we are always with you.

127. How many years have lived

128. I wish you joy always

I wish you joy always
And cheerful mood
never know sadness
And all the best in life.
Never lose heart
Don't see grief
And start the days with a smile
Like this birthday!

129. When you wake up on your birthday

When you wake up on your birthday
The world is filled with miracles!
Back in the whirling magic
Favorite dreams from dreams!

Let the dreams come true urgently
And life will appear like a fairy tale for a moment.
Only on my birthday, that's for sure
Everything planned happens!

130. Be happy now and always

Be happy now and always
Love the snow and the wind
While your years are flying
As long as you live in the world!
After all, there is not much happiness in the world,
And there is no greater reward
Than kindness leave a trace
In the hearts of those who live nearby!

131. Year added to the top ten - it does not matter.

Year added to the top ten - it does not matter.
Days are rushing by without looking back
And merge into years.
It is important to always be happy
And it doesn't matter how old.
Happy birthday congratulations
We wish you happiness, joy
We are for many, many years.

132. With a wonderful, bright, good holiday!

With beautiful, bright, good holiday!
With all my heart - happy days!
May life be warmed with joy
Caring relatives and friends!

Do not count wishes today
Good luck, happiness, kindness,
All wishes come true
Warmth, love and beauty!

133. Happy birthday, happy unique day!

Happy birthday, happy birthday!
Happiness, beauty, love, kindness!
From the smiles of relatives and loved ones
Let there be warmth in the soul!

134. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday congratulations!
On this day we wish you -
So that the husband loves very much,
And he always gave flowers
Children not to forget
They helped mom in everything!


135. Let life be full of happiness

May life be full of happiness
And you have nothing to fear,
And you should always remember:
"My years are my wealth."

136. Let your youth not fade

Don't let your youth fade away
And with it - love and kindness.
May they be an eternal guest in your house
Peace and happiness, peace and warmth!

137. We wish sunshine

Wishing you sunshine
Friends at the holiday table.
Let your life be warm -
Love, joy, warmth.
And, as always, we will remind again
You about the main thing - be healthy!

138. Not a few and not many years

Not a few and not many years
It's been a while since you were born
And adorned a clear day
Your infantile laughter.
Health, happiness and kindness,
Fun, jokes and warmth
Wishing you a wonderful holiday
All bosom friends!

139. Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
And do not, believe me, lose heart!
I wish you optimism
To walk through life with a smile.
May good luck not pass you by
And sadness will pass by.
I wish you a lot of happiness
In every case, let you be lucky!

140. I give you tenderness and bright joy

I give you tenderness and bright joy
My love will remove any fatigue.
I kiss you on this festive day!
More and more! Kiss, believe me!

141. Relentless years

Relentless years
It is not in our power to stop.
So let it be forever
How more years the more happiness!

142. Girlfriend, on a glorious birthday

Girlfriend, on a glorious birthday,
Our congratulations to you:
We wish you light and warmth,
We wish you peace and good
Good health forever
Everything that makes a person happy!

143. How can I congratulate you?

How can I congratulate you?
How can I surprise you?
What do you say, my love
Give a birthday present?
Maybe your smile
Or the sparkle of loving eyes?
Don't be shy, my dear
Hint at least once!
Do you want - hands touch,
Delicate skin scent.
If only you, even for a moment,
Was very happy with the gift!

144. Happy birthday, my love!

Happy Birthday sweetheart!
I'm in a hurry to tell you.
The most gentle, the sweetest,
I only breathe with you.
The closest, the most important,
My dear man.
Be happy, my beloved
Today, tomorrow and forever!

145. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday congratulations!
We wish you health, success and happiness,
Let the world smile with the sun clear
May every day of your life be wonderful!

146. I wish you enjoy life

I want to enjoy life
Only once is it given to live in the world.
Learn among the ruins of life:
Laugh, believe and love.

147. Happy birthday, happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday!
Accept congratulations!
And although we sometimes hear -
This holiday makes us old
We'll drop this sadness
Let the birth be, let!
And this holiday brings us
IN winter cold- the sun of summer!
On a sad day - mood!
On a bad day - fun!
On the day of longing - desired friends,
Congratulations to the long-awaited
And victories in business and disputes,
New meetings and new songs!
Happiness for a hundred years ahead
Life bright without worries!

148. May all your accomplishments and hopes

May all your accomplishments and hopes
Reached unprecedented heights
May there be peace in the family, prosperity in the house,
And may unrealizable dreams come true!

149. We wish you a lot of happiness

We wish you much happiness
Defeat trouble - bad weather.
Live for many years, like in a fairy tale,
In full health and kindness!


150. It's your birthday today

It's your birthday today
And this holiday is only yours.
Meet him without regret
That the years are rushing by.
After all, every year, like a revelation -
You can experience a lot in it.
replenishing the luggage of life,
I wish you to save happiness in it!

151. And now the holiday has come - your birthday!

And now the holiday has come - your birthday!
We want to wish you luck in life,
We wish you health, good luck, success,
And if wrinkles - it's only from laughter,
And so that misfortunes do not meet in life,
And if there are tears, then only from happiness!

152. Let it be a bright age of life

May life be bright,
Dream with hope will not be deceived
And let a good man
It will be the only one in the world.
May grief never be
Hiding in an empty mirror...
Bring love and happiness to people
And the house will be a full bowl!

153. If you knew how nice

If you knew how nice
I congratulate you today.
On this day you were born once,
And that's why I'm happy.
For me there is no dearer, dearer
In this world, believe me, no one.
Every day I love more and more
My good, you alone!

154. Stop, years, for a moment

Stop, years, for a moment,
Take your time! Time, don't rush!
Love and happiness, eternal flowering
I sincerely wish, from the bottom of my heart!

155. Let this day be beautiful, clear

May this day be beautiful, clear,
May happiness never fail.
Let the mood be wonderful
May your wishes always come true!

156. Congratulations, my love, you

Congratulations, my love, you
With this bright and joyful day.
It means a lot to me too.
So let's meet him together!
There will be candles flickering on the table,
Reflected in happy eyes
And I can help you in the dark
Everything can be said in two cherished words.
Happy birthday, dear, you!
I am forever grateful to fate
What connected me with you
You are my precious man.

157. On this day, on your birthday

On this day, on your birthday
Everyone is so happy and nice.
Give us treats
for wide tables.
Every guest is your friend
Wish now wanted:
Happiness at home and at work,
Long life and good deeds.

158. Chestnuts and lilacs bloom

Chestnuts and lilacs bloom
And the shadow is getting shorter at noon,
And you are a year older today
A year wiser and older.
So much to come
Explore, discover, find.
And let the path be hard.
Friends will help keep you going.
And let the gray clouds
The heavens were closed to us.
It's in a hurry to congratulate you
Furious May thunderstorm.

159. I join in the congratulations

I join in the congratulations
And I wish the ocean happiness!
Let them not become the main entertainment -
Beer, TV and sofa!
Let dreams and adventures attract
Shine, variety of ideas
And every birthday goes by
Have fun, always with friends!

Happy birsday, my dear! I congratulate you on this wonderful event and wish you great joy and all-embracing love. May all your wishes come true on this day, dreams come true, and your beauty blooms brighter every day. Your birthday is a joy for me and all your loved ones, relatives and friends who love and appreciate you.

My sweetheart, happy birthday! The sun is radiant, my joy and love, you shine with your brightness, you are irresistible! I wish you happiness, light, so that you always shine with a ray of goodness, please, nurture everyone around you. I love you, your laughter flows like silver, your sonorous voice flows with a song, so pleasant and dear! I am happy and want to always be with you, I adore you!

Happy birthday to a charming girl. I wish that in your life there will never be grief and sadness. May you be forever young, beautiful, happy and most beloved. Let your heart will be feminine, gentle, kind, sympathetic. I wish you the best joyful events this year.

Darling! Congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you to be as cheerful, cheerful, witty and stylish as I know you! Let every morning start for you with a smile! Know: you are the best of all the girls in the world and your love makes me the happiest guy on earth!

I want to wish you a fabulous, amazing life filled with amazing, pleasant events, miracles and magic. May you always be filled positive emotions, and the mood will always be on top. I wish you fulfillment innermost desires, mutual love and incredible success.

On my birthday, I want to wish a charming, charming, delightful and simply fantastic girl more sunny days, a clear sky above her head, so that a star of good luck shines from the sky and helps in all endeavors. Stability to you in life, prosperity and well-being. Be happy.

Happy birthday and wish you happiness. In new beginnings, may God help you, and the guardian angel protects you from troubles. Let the stars and the moon shine, my beloved girl, you are my whole life. I wish you health, I wish you success, may your beautiful eyes sparkle with joy.

Happy birthday to you, I wish you great luck. Beloved girl happiness to you and I want it not to be otherwise. May all wishes and dreams come true soon, I wish you to be surrounded by true friends. I wish you all the best, you are the best in the whole world.

Dear beautiful birthday girl! You are fresh and young, like the first spring flowers; call - like a cheerful bird chirp; graceful - like a swallow in the heavenly heights! I sincerely wish you to remain so always! May your days be sunny, and thoughts and deeds be bright! Happy birthday!

Dear young birthday girl! Happy Birthday to You! With all my heart I wish you to preserve not only the freshness of the skin, but also the clearness of the soul, the sharpness of perception of the outside world and enthusiastic impressionability. After all, all this makes you - amazing and unique! All the best to you!

Praise to your beautiful and wise mother, cheerful and responsible dad. They gave birth, raised and gave the world you. WITH happy holiday birth, radiant birthday girl. Let honor, dignity and mercy adorn you.

They say that the story of Cinderella is a fairy tale. I guess Kate Middleton doesn't think so. And let your fate be even cooler: castles, carriages, balls and a stunning beautiful stranger! Dreaming on your birthday is very useful, the main thing is to have time to blow out the candles!

Happy birthday to you, dear, dear!
Today I congratulate you very tenderly!
I sincerely wish a lot of light and warmth,
So that love is always color, defeating troubles!
So that your laughter pours like silver around the house,
So that there is a lot of space for unearthly happiness!
So that your dreams come true cheerfully and quickly,
Never let the beautiful spark go out!

I want to be blooming and strong,
Do not notice gray hair and wrinkles,
To appreciate all your efforts
Husband and son are beloved men.
To make the most cherished come true
Health never betrayed
A memorable, joyful, bright
I walked with you every day!

There is no more pleasant activity today,
How can we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish you the most passionate hugs,
And take the attention of men!

You are the woman that captivates so much
You always look like spring.
Nature wants you today
Plunge into the blue sky!

We wish you unearthly beauty,
And radiant love for life.
Revel in the soul of eternal May,
And fly like a swallow up!

May your life be wonderful
Blooming like a spring garden
Magical, easy, interesting
And bright as heaven!

Smile more often to loved ones
Give the warmth of the soul loving!
Cheerful, stay bright!

Let surprises please
Smiles and flowers
And hurry up in life
Dreams will come true!
Let every day come
To give happiness
And in life there will be a reason
Always be happy!

We want to wish happy birthday to the most charming and beautiful woman. On this festive day, all the warm words are only for you. We wish the sun, flowers, smiles, Have a good mood, attention of men, female happiness and, of course, good health. May all dreams and desires come true!

On your beautiful birthday, I will give you, loving, the sky, the Sun, the wind, the stars are clear, and also the edge of love. Let someone pure and beautiful hug you gently, let the angel protect you, my dear, brave, honest woman. On this day, let the birds of paradise sing only for you, let the flowers bloom for you, and give the fruits of knowledge to the Gardens of Eden. Always be yourself!

Like a rose in dewdrops
May happiness be gentle
Like a turquoise sky
Boundless and boundless!
And life will be full of warmth
Smiles, admiration,
lovely, joyful, bright
Always like a birthday!

On this festive day, we are ready to give you the aroma of all flowers and the blush of dawn, the tenderness of morning roses, sunlight, friendly warmth, human kindness, a lot of kind words And unearthly love! May health and happiness always accompany you. All that is bright and holy on earth, let it be in your destiny!

Men faint from your beauty, and women burst with envy! I want to wish this beauty a happy birthday more love and warmth from loved ones, so that everyone around you gives you smiles and admires your successes, so that your beauty always shines, and there will never be sad days!

I wish you happiness on your birthday,
Believe my sincere words
May good wishes come true
May you always be warm and joyful!
A rainbow shines in the sky for you,
For you and the singing of birds, and the whisper of the stars,
Everyone you meet smiles sweetly
And only for you a bouquet of beautiful roses!

We wish you a birthday
From the days of future pleasure,
Laugh, cry and love
AND full chest happiness to drink!
We wish you among gray everyday life
Find shades in interiors,
So that the eye shines and the heart sings
And argued any business!
Live happily and brightly
Give delight like gifts
Never part with a dream
Stay as gentle!

I wish you eternal youth
And unfading beauty
Let all the good things only increase
The value will not be subtracted!
I wish you many unexpected joys,
Surprises long-awaited and aching,
Let them be the most sincere on their birthday
Words of true love and friendship!

May this day, your day ... - anniversary, the sun will shine brighter, may the joy of life cover the darkness! What do you wish? Of course, health is the best of gifts! Happiness is the most beautiful gift! And I want to wish you more love. Let it be huge, clean, like a diamond! We want your smile to never leave your face, so that your eyes shine with joy!

I wish you to always be beautiful, to love and be loved, to heal someone's wounds, to bring someone back to life, to be unique, cheerful, gentle, glorious, sweet for someone! And so that you have enough strength for everything!

There are no miracles in the world
And you can't get your youth back.
And the years are melting like ice
But is it worth sighing about them?
With age, a woman is wiser,
And there is another beauty in it,
And proud gait, and stateliness
Full of charm.
To keep it longer
I want to live happily
Don't worry, don't be sad
And most importantly - be healthy!

Congratulations on your birthday! You are the best, you are a source of warmth and light for us, you bring so much sun, joy and hope into our lives. Always remain the same cheerful, energetic, with a young soul. Happiness to you, health and long life!

May all the minutes be happy
tender words and full of smiles
Life gives beautiful emotions,
And captivate the aroma of novelty!
Complements, flowers, admiration,
Fulfillment of dreams, new meetings,
Find inspiration in every day
And keep the warmth in your heart!

Dear (name), happy birthday! On this beautiful day, I want to wish you one thing - let a smile always illuminate your face, and in moments of joy, and in moments of sadness. When a woman smiles, all her affairs are arguing, she is lucky not only in business, but also in love. Smile is our weapon and our helper. So let every day be a small holiday, and you will always have a reason to smile!

Happy birthday our sun - you always shine!
We all know that you are a shining light in our network,
We will all say - you are beautiful, and also sweet.
The abyss of taste, the sea of ​​​​charm, the head is bright,

However, the sun, you know everything about yourself -
There are words, and they are not few, but the format of the letter
Alas, I am unable to convey the warmth that I
I wanted to convey to you, my dear ...

Let everything turn out well, let your laughter sound,
Just be always, dear, you are the happiest of all!

Birthday Citizen! Considering that the degree of your income on thorny path approached the cemetery to a significant, but not critical limit, I hasten to congratulate you on the next stage passed and even more hasten to envy your permissive age (18 years old - you can buy alcoholic beverages). May your happy summers due to the shrinking unlucky ones. May your personal life be rebuilt in the spirit of the times. May your nose always keep up with the wind of change. Hello you and your kind!

From the bottom of my heart - good luck, bright years, warmth, prosperity, prosperity! Let your days be full of beauty, happiness, tenderness, wonderful flowers! I wish you the best in life!

Let congratulations fly today
Good woman, bright such.
We celebrate your birthday
Let fun splash into the house like a river!

We wish you female happiness
Let it give you every moment.
And we raise our glasses for you
Each toast penetrated our soul.

We wish you a happy life
Like a spring, so that she murmured,
And also fairy tales marvelous, beautiful,
Feel so that they can after sleep.

God created the Indian woman to be hardworking, the African woman to be passionate, the French woman to be savory, the German woman to be economic, and the American woman to be businesslike. And all these are the best feminine qualities combine in you. Stay the same wonderful and beloved!

Be happy, always unique, we wish to be loved and love! May the most beautiful flowers, and wherever you go, there will always be a holiday!

Happy Birthday! I wish you to successfully overcome temporary spaces, circumstances, obstacles and negativity, desperately fight for a place in the sun and win in the ring of passion. I also wish to constantly increase the carrying capacity of my wallet, massage movements attract wealth and those who have been tamed, leave indelible impressions from communication, gush with ideas and excite others with the embodiments of your creativity in life! Let them be fulfilled cherished desires, and the successful completion of the work begun will come! And I wish you a little more: home warmth, comfort of the hearth, prosperity and health, vigor and freshness, eternal youth and grandiose, mind-blowing happiness!

You decorate the holiday with a smile
Like a warm breeze you frolic,
Like a bouquet of roses you are fragrant,
You rush to meet your fate!

Let joy be in the air
You be happy and carefree.
May beauty never leave you
And let youth last forever!

From all of our big family Congratulations on your birthday! On such a day, you can wish optimism, inspiration, good friends, fulfillment of all desires and big-big love for life. We all love you very much and kiss you. Be happy!

May this day be happy
The world will become fabulously beautiful,
Flowers, gifts delight,
Friends surprise you!
In the soul, let the holiday not end
And every moment the dream comes true
May joy last forever
Everything that is planned will come true!

On such a bright and joyful day you have a holiday. And the sun shines today only for you and the birds in the sky sing in honor of you. I wish you never be sad, no matter what. And let in your life there will be only bright colors from which the eyes will glow with happiness. Wish strong family, true friends and good work.

I wish you with all my heart
So that your life is happy
So that you have a patient consciousness
They came to prosperity.
To from snow and rain
You found shelter in the house,
that was built for you
Exceeded all expectations.
I wish you no disappointments
Outshine everyone on your birthday
With its sparkling charm
And accept congratulations with a smile!

We sincerely and wholeheartedly congratulate you on your birthday. It is not every day that such personalities are born that you want to imitate and that people are so drawn to. You are one of the few! I want to wish a lot, but not a single word has such power to convey the whole ocean of goodness, light and warmth that we wish you! May all hopes and goals come true. You have enough strength and inner potential to turn any dream into a long-awaited reality.

Dear, happy birthday!
We want mood
Only excellent always
And health for years
Let your eyes burn with happiness
And the path leads you
Despite any interference
Only to good luck and success!

I congratulate you, so sincere, happy and incredibly attractive, on your anniversary! May everything that has not yet come true in life come true! Let your eyes burn with love and joy, and your heart does not leave the light sparkling with happiness! Let all the gifts that life gives you be only welcome and important for you! I wish you to live your life in such a way that you don’t have to regret anything later! I wish you health, stronger steel and love such that troubles are afraid to approach you! You already have everything that you need, and you will definitely have everything you want, because such good man how you just can not be something! Congratulations!

Today is the birthday of a modern, business, smart, cheerful woman. We wish our dear birthday girl good health, spring mood, inexhaustible life force, warmth and comfort in the family, so that the coming years in your life will leave only bright memories, give joy, kindness, hope and prosperity.

I congratulate you on your birthday now,
I sincerely wish you a smart guy,
You need a man who is confident, bright,
To bring you expensive gifts,
Carried to Courchevel, to the Bahamas and to Nice
And I bought a small house abroad,
To dress you up like nature firebird
And in the sky he flew like a crane, not a tit,
So that you live like a princess from a fairy tale,
To understand everything about me without a clue!
For you, my unattainable!

May the sun shine brighter on this day, may the joy of life cover the darkness! What do you wish? Of course, health is the best of gifts! Happiness is the most beautiful gift! And I want to wish you more love. Let it be huge, clean, like a diamond! We want your smile to never leave your face, so that your eyes shine with joy!

Let good sorrows and dreams come to you at the sound of a drop. Spring is the time for love and let it be a reality, not a dream. Let a smile light up your face. And laughter and smiles + 50% of medicines and the result is known - 100% of health!

Good luck, good and health,
Be the happiest, dream!
May this bright day give
Bouquets of beautiful flowers,
Life will become brighter and happier
As in the most wonderful of dreams!

I want to tell my beloved Sagittarius,
Not words, not feelings, not regretting the heart,
Like beauty and youth to face
You, dear, a year before the anniversary.
I want the main thing in fate to come true,
So that the children justify all hopes,
So that everything beautiful in the soul responds,
Making you happy as before.

Accept congratulations
With your glorious day Birth!
We wish you good health
Be your favorite mother-in-law
Before the son-in-law do not be shy,
Succeed in every business!
To be the best for the grandchildren,
Have no scars on your heart
From love to walk intoxicated
All your long earthly journey!

May fate give a lot
You warmth and love without end,
Romantic, gentle dates
With a fragrant glass of wine!
May she not let her into your life
No sorrow, no tears, no sadness
And all the black stripes of life
Replaces with a rainbow let!
Start each day with a smile
Dazzle with your beauty
And always celebrate your birthday
Surrounded by beloved friends!

I wish your eyes
Like a hundred candles burning
And like nightingales in May
Soul and heart sang.
Comfort, warmth and kindness
Moved to your house
And so that all your dreams
Turned into reality!

"So how old is she?
"In fact, how much? ..",
And the woman waved her hand
And he will say in a singsong voice - light and bitter:
“Why count in vain? Everything is mine…”,
And then he will drink for friends who have come
And will radiate a high light ...
There are only birthdays for women.
Women don't have birthdays!

I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to bloom like a rose, like a tulip, always be as tender as their petals. So that life in you is in full swing, or rather a volcano. Be strong and mighty, like a pine tree, so that neither a hurricane, nor a storm, nor a strong cold, nor a heat will be in your way. Live, not knowing thunderstorms and troubles, at least another 1000 years!

Today you are (...) years old and we want to congratulate you and wish that from now on you live only in the wonderful land of youth. May she please you with the blueness of her sky, may she bestow the purest water lake of happiness So that you always go to the intended goal and have time for everything! So that your soul is always bright, and your heart sings with the wonderful voices of fabulous birds!

Can the Earth exist without the Sun? Of course not. So my life without you would be gloomy and bleak. Thank you for warming all your friends and family with the rays of your warmth and kindness. You will always listen to the one who turned to her for help, help with good advice and deed. It is not for nothing that people are so drawn to you and children love you so much, both their own and others. Be healthy and happy, live up to a hundred years for the joy of all of us!

Like a Goddess, you are beautiful!
And bloom day by day!
Much, much happiness to you
Joy, love, kindness!
Have fun walking through life
Be loved, be gentle!
Cry less and laugh more
Forget about adversity!

They say love is not verbose
Suffer, think, bite.
It's all conditional, I think.
We are people, we are not carp.
And if you really want
To make your head spin with happiness
Speak, speak, speak
The best words!

What wonderful weather is outside the window. The sun, which shines high in the sky, no longer gives such warmth as before. But, it's just for the best. A fresh breeze sways large tree branches from side to side. You and I will now go to rest in nature. I hope the weather doesn't get worse by then. And now you need to dress as best and warmly as possible. I promise you that the holiday with you will be fun and memorable. You know, on days like this, I always want to tell you a lot. nice words and good instructions. But, such a day comes, and I immediately forget them. But today I will tell you a few things. You know, in life you will have many unusual situations for you. And it will depend on you how you behave. The main thing is to always remain human, no matter what happens. Good luck in everything!

Hello birthday girl! Today we will celebrate your birthday. I see that you are already standing all in combat readiness. It looks like you really want to get your gifts. And I give them to you. What gives me the most pleasure is watching the joy appear on your face. And then I immediately remember our past childhood. To tell you the truth, you haven't changed at all. It just got a lot more beautiful. I really hope that beauty is not only on your face, but also in your soul. You know, it never mattered to me what kind of person was on the outside. If he has a rotten soul, then he is already spoiled, and no beauty can save him anymore. And in the end of this whole speech, I would like to once again congratulate you on the new names. May everything always be good for you. And I love you very much, remember that!

Happy birthday! accept from me heartfelt congratulations, a box of chocolates, a gift and, of course - warm regards! What do you dream about? Let everything be fulfilled! Let your every day begin with a smile, and remember that you are the best and beloved for your family, which means that everything will always be better for you than in the good old fairy tale!

let the sun shine gently,
Radiant and welcoming
Flowers in a crystal vase
They stand coquettishly in the water,

The smile will be joyful
Always like a birthday
AND whole year will be
Happy continuation!

I can't stop loving you.
Today you are especially beautiful!
And I want to be silent and kiss.
Steal you. Have a holiday for you.

Get a star. Blow out all the candles.
Fulfill at least one of your desires.
Darling, I am happy with our meeting.
I remember our first date.

But we could just miss each other.
How then? Why would I be and where am I?
With all my heart I wish ... to wake up
With you the morning after your birthday!

It remains for me to wish that on your birthday and, of course, all year long you do not lose heart, do not give up even in the most difficult hours and minutes, so that people give you a piece of their faith, hope, love, so that all troubles dissipate like a haze! I wish you that all your dreams come true, all your enemies become friends!

Every time your birthday approaches. The house is in total chaos. You love him so much that for several days before this day, you run around the house, and do not give anything a single moment of peace. From the early childhood when all the children were still sitting on pots, you already knew what gifts and a festive cake with candles were. Then you crawled out into the corridor to the guests who came, and screaming demanded to give you your gift. To be honest, you have not changed at all now, despite the fact that many years have passed. Only now you do not scream, and do not cry. Now you use completely different methods to get your goal. I would really like you to continue to be so beautiful, young and smart woman. May your beauty not fade like a cut flower. And let everything that you do, you succeed and come out. Good luck!

I want to wish you a lot of good luck.
So that you can relax in your own country house,
So that there is prosperity in the house, smiles and laughter,
For you to be best example for all!

Live richly, do not know sadness,
So that your loved ones do not upset you.
Let the years of adversity go by
And you stay always young.

What to wish on such a wonderful day so beautiful flower, like you?.. Let fewer weeds grow in your life field and more fragrant and intoxicating roses. And the road along which you will walk will be covered with a carpet of multi-colored petals.

So, finally, that day has come. You were waiting for him so much that you managed to shake the nerves of everyone around you a week before the holiday. I don't know why you love your name days so much. Maybe because you are given a lot of gifts on this day? Now you are standing in front of me so beautiful that it’s hard for me to look away from you with an enthusiastic look. I would really like you to always remain such a beauty. But behind all this, do not forget that you must be beautiful not only externally, but also internally. Because only a person with beautiful soul you can be happy and make the people around you that way. And finally, I would like to hug you tightly and tell you to always be happy. And if you have any trouble, I will always be ready to help you! Good luck in everything! Know that I love you very much!

On my birthday I want to wish
So that happiness spills like honey!
In life, everything to be on the shoulder!
To be loved forever!
So that the native voices of friends
They were distributed more often in this house!
And so that in your eternal music
There were only happiness dawns!

Everyone knows you sweet, gentle,
Although you can flare up.
I want to wish you
Only joy in fate.
So that not one dozen years
She brought warmth and light to others.
You take life easier.
Dream, work, have fun.

May this day that you meet
A happy date will enter your life,
And all the good things you dream about
Let it come true and let it come.
Let the doors open in happiness
And everything that will be lived is not in vain.
You know we believe in you
And we love you very much!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Keep the youth of the heart for people.
Illuminating with your gentle gaze,
Warm the soul with the atmosphere! ( 9 ratings, average: 4,56 out of 5)

Happy birthday! You are wonderful
Both today and always.
Stay pretty
Be clean and young.

Let luck inspire
Let the world be at your feet
Let your loved one inspire
And God saves everywhere.

Let luck be easy
And heavy - a wallet,
To this birthday
Hundreds could repeat.

So that dreams always come true
Life's complex castles
Opened before you
Like flowers before a butterfly.

Happy birthday to you
And we wish women's happiness.
Health, joy, success,
More humor and laughter!

What else do you need to be happy?
Love, warmth and chocolate.
And your female beauty
Let anyone admire.

And finally, good luck to you
Good luck, long years,
In all your satisfaction -
And this is the whole secret of happiness.

Let the sun please with a smile
Let spring sing in your soul.
And let women's happiness be
Accompany you all year round.

May wishes come true
And problems will be forgotten
Good luck in your endeavors
good change to you.

We wish you eternal beauty
Love to you and patience.
From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate
Happy birthday!

What to wish beautiful lady -
Wife, girlfriend, mother-in-law, mother?
All the stars in the sky! All the laurels of the world!
So that the apartment is filled with happiness!

So that love does not leave
So that there were few sorrows.
Good health, prosperity,
So that life flows on a smooth road!

Let everything be always the way.
May the house be filled with joy
To live happily ever after.
Everything that was planned came true!

I wish this birthday
See wonderful moments
Get more flowers
And still be cute.

I wish you to live life like in a fairy tale,
After all, you deserve only affection.
Smiles, happiness and fun
I wish you a birthday.

I want to be loved
And for friends - irreplaceable.
And everyone was looking at you
After all, you are a beautiful star!

Be beautiful like a goddess
Proud like a princess
Be slim like a figurine
And desirable, like candy.

Be luxurious. In personal life
Be loved endlessly.
Under men's gasps
Get around the tricks of fate.

Let with a reliable companion
Everything in life will be possible.
And from friendly applause
Let your eyes sparkle.

I wish you not to be sad
Be loved and love forever.
I wish you clear days
And the cup is fuller of health.

And may luck be eternal
And fun - to the point of exhaustion.
wish beautiful love,
Much joy lies ahead.

Our beauty, we congratulate you,
We wish you good luck, love, warmth,
We wish spring smiles and sun,
After all, our sun, of course, you!

Today let them say compliments
Let them give gifts, look - they can not be counted!
More pleasant moments in life
Thank you for being in the world!

We hasten to congratulate you on this holiday,
one of best women in the world,
May life give you happiness
Let your smile shine brighter.

Success, health and luck,
Let them follow through life side by side
Always be bright and beautiful
Such a woman is a reward!

Charming and gentle
I wish you always!
And to fly into the sky
Sadness and grief without a trace!

Flowers, champagne, sweets
Let them bring it on your birthday.
And the main ray of light
Let the sun be around.

Health, joy and luck,
Let love be given to you.
A maternal care,
Let the meaning of life suddenly become!

Beautiful and irresistible
Mysterious, unique
I want immeasurable love
And reasons to be proud of yourself.

May life be bright in everything
The breeze always blows.
I wish you joy, fun and kindness,
You are like a rare and exquisite flower!

May all the minutes be happy
Tender words and smiles are full,
Life gives beautiful emotions,
And captivate the aroma of novelty!

Complements, flowers, admiration,
Fulfillment of dreams, new meetings,
Find inspiration in every day
And keep the warmth in your heart!

Be the most cheerful and the happiest
Good, and gentle, and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique.

And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles go out of the way in impotence.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, kindness!

You are so beautiful at this hour -
Dress to face, smile to face!
To the face and look of crafty eyes -
No wonder we love you so much!

Let your star burn
Star of love and inspiration
Never goes out in life
Doesn't fade even for a moment.

Take a look at the sky Where Milky Way,
You will see a great cluster of stars,
Take one of them and don't forget
What is your birthday today!

There is no woman more beautiful on earth
You decorate this world with yourself.
And all the flowers today are only for you,
And today I will not hide beautiful words.

You were born on this day
And the sun illuminated everything around.
I wish you long bright years,
To give joy and a smile to everyone!

Congratulations again for you
From beautiful and sincere words.
We wish you a happy birthday
Fulfillment of fabulous dreams.

Fate always be your favorite
In men - the queen of hearts,
And to spite let the enemies and envious
You will have a crown of happiness!

Huge happiness, love and luck
I wish you from the bottom of my heart on your birthday.
Let there be gifts, flowers, compliments,
Let the fun moments be remembered for a long time!

I want recognition and a gentle look,
Let the music in your heart sound like a reward!
Let joy sparkle in the eyes of a wondrous light,
And the sun shines in winter, like in summer!

Today they give you all the compliments
Words of congratulations and a sea of ​​flowers.
Enthusiasm is heard in your address, sentiments,
You are surrounded by warmth and love.

May joy be with you forever
And let your happiness know no bounds.
May these moments last forever.
You are worthy of the honors of empresses!

Happy birthday, dear, bright,
The ideal of beauty, kindness,
All of you are warmed by sunlight,
Everyone misses your warmth!

We only wish you well
Near the faithful reliable people,
Be the same always cheerful,
Be in harmony with your life!

Beauty, open soul,
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
From all sides you are a miracle, good -
There is not the slightest doubt about this.

And let it be like that for millions of days
Let love flow in your eyes
Be happier, be more cheerful
And may luck knock on your house.

Today is the birthday of the most beautiful of women.
And let fate easy way was not promised to you
On the road of life you go without losing heart.
Inaccessible to someone, well, to whom dear.

And I want to wish you sincerely now,
May joy come to your house exactly so many times,
How many smiles you gave to your relatives and friends.
Let them share everything in life with you in half.

Your holiday has come, decorating this day,
I want to say a hundred thousand warm words
About the magic of foreboding, about happiness,
What to give you in a box ready.

Let the smile of beautiful lips not leave,
I wish you luck with people
To spoil life with insane happiness,
And the sun is hot-summer heat.

The most feminine and seductive,
Gentle, affectionate, charming
I wish to be you, my dear.
You are always so beautiful!

Also I want more laughter
Joy, in all matters, success.
A million beautiful fragrant roses,
So that your eyes do not know tears.

I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday -
On your birthday, you are beautiful as always!
Many words and compliments are very flattering ...
You sparkle like a star today!

I wish you spiritual joy
Lots of happiness and healthy long years!
The pleasures of life every day
And, of course, luck and victories!

May your birthday give you light
All the planets that exist around -
And in this light you will always be
For all sweet, beautiful and kind!

Let your life be like a dream
With wonderful events in it -
And every joyful plot in a dream
May it be fulfilled for 100 years!

Happy birthday! Sweet, bright
May your beauty be immortal!
I want to stay always young
Shining, bright, beautiful star!

I want to be ageless
Forget about all the shortcomings, problems,
And live, enjoying yourself and the moment,
With all my life, love and compliments!

Congratulations on your birthday!
On this day, so bright and bright,
I wish you much joy
Wishes, surprises, gifts!

Guess without a doubt what you want
Have fun, be beautiful, happy,
May all desires come true -
For you, dear birthday girl!

I want you to bloom like a rose
And always smell sweet with tenderness,
Let joyful thunderstorms feed you,
To always shine under the sun in the dew!

I wish you this birthday
Only the velvet of wonderful petals,
From happiness and delight of intoxication,
And shadows of tenderness from the caress of the clouds!

You are incredibly beautiful today
Well, as always,
You shine with bright, furious power,
Like a polar star in the sky.

On this day you were once born,
Giving the world its bright light,
Like a supernova suddenly appeared
On the celestial parade of planets.

Let adversity pass you by
Well, the house will be a full bowl,
Stay as beautiful
Happy birthday, our sun!

Like a princess - you are beautiful!
You make us happy every day!
We wish you a lot of happiness
Love, fun and kindness.

Have fun going through life
Always love and be gentle.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones
And forget about sorrows and hardships.

We all congratulate you today
And we give this little rhyme!
He's small but so funny
And this couple of lines gives joy!
