Do acid peeling at home. Acid peeling for face at home

Acid peeling: who is allowed and who is contraindicated for the procedure

You can activate the mechanisms of self-rejuvenation of the skin through various aggressive cosmetic procedures, removing the top layer of skin. This technique is acid peeling, which causes a burn of the epidermis. In this article we will tell you how it is performed, what is its effectiveness, who is contraindicated, what to consider during the rehabilitation period and other important information.

Acid peeling involves removing the top layer of skin using a chemical compound.

What information will you find out:

Main mechanism of action

Understanding the basic anatomy and structure of the skin, which consists of:

  • epidermis - the upper thin layer in which metabolic and metabolic processes occur with the reproduction of epithelial cells necessary to protect the body from the penetration of harmful bacteria and microbes;
  • dermis, which includes 2 balls (papillary and reticular), where elastin and collagen fibers are located, maintaining the elasticity of the epidermis. Pass in the dermis blood vessels and nerve endings;
  • hypodermis or subcutaneous fat, between the fibers of which there are fat cells (lipocytes). Its purpose is to protect the body from environmental temperature fluctuations.

Acid peeling can be:

  1. superficial – partially or completely removing the layer of the epidermis. It is performed using fruit, glycolic, lactic or salicylic acid;
  2. median - affecting the epidermis and dermal layer, due to which a pronounced rejuvenating effect occurs after regeneration. This procedure involves the use of retinoic or trichloroacetic acid;
  3. deep - related to surgical operations and performed only in medical institutions. This type of peeling eliminates not only wrinkles, but also scars that appear after severe forms acne and acne. During the manipulation, an active substance called phenol is used, which reaches the hypodermis, and in some cases affects the basement membrane.

By choosing a certain type of acid, a cosmetologist acts on the desired layer of skin that has defects or needs correction. As a result, a burn occurs, which activates the process of tissue regeneration with active division and growth of new cells of the skin structure.

The stronger the skin burn, the more intense the recovery and renewal processes will occur in it!

What types of acid peeling are there?

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the type of acids used and their effect on the skin structure. Facial peeling using:

  • fruit acids used mainly when age-related changes are minor. Sugar, cane, mango or grape acids are used as exfoliants (substances that actively exfoliate the skin). After the procedure, there is a noticeable increase in the elasticity and tone of the skin, and the aging process of cells slows down;
  • mandelic acid allows for antibacterial treatment of the skin in order to reduce the severity of acne scars;
  • salicylic acid makes it possible to get rid of acne, oily seborrhea or hyperpigmentation for women with dark skin types;
  • lactic acid provides a lasting rejuvenating effect, restoring smoothness and healthy appearance to the skin;
  • retinoic acid is considered the most gentle and at the same time quite effective. Since the concentration of such a substance can be selected, this makes it possible to prescribe the procedure to patients of any age group and regulate the degree of chemical burn to the skin;
  • glycolic acid is used when performing superficial cleansing of the skin from various contaminants, sebaceous plugs and to reduce the severity of pigmentation.

Photos before and after the acid peeling procedure on problem skin

Acid peeling is indicated for use in the presence of the following skin problems/defects:

  • mimic and age wrinkles of different depths;
  • hyperkeratosis (thickening of the superficial skin layer) of various etiologies;
  • premature onset of cell aging;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • blackheads, acne, post-acne phenomena;
  • seborrheic dermatitis due to excessive sebum production;
  • small scars left after surgical interventions or minor injuries.

When is acid peeling prohibited?

  • at allergic reaction skin to acids used to perform manipulation;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • at moments of increased body temperature (hyperthermia);
  • in the presence of keloid scars;
  • during the period of occurrence of inflammatory processes in the correction zone;
  • with a herpes virus in the acute stage.

Procedure technology

This technique requires special attention, accuracy, compliance with the optimal concentration of acids, as well as the duration of their effect on the skin structure, in order to avoid undesirable consequences and serious complications. The sequence of manipulation consists of the following steps:

  1. The first, which consists of mandatory cleansing of the skin surface from makeup and degreasing it.
  2. The second, which involves the application of a peeling composition, when a selected type of acid (or a mixture of different acids) is applied in a thin layer to the clean epidermis and left for the required period of time. During this action, the patient may feel a burning sensation or slight tingling sensation on the skin, indicating the need for careful monitoring by a cosmetologist. If unexpected reactions occur on the client’s skin, or the acid’s time has expired, proceed to the next stage.
  3. The third step is to neutralize the applied composition by applying a special solution, the effect of which is aimed, among other things, at moisturizing and toning the epidermis after the session.
  4. The final 4th stage consists of applying a special cream to the skin surface, which has a stimulating effect on the process of cell regeneration.

After receiving acid burn the epidermis needs special care, providing for the fulfillment of all instructions of the cosmetologist who performed the manipulation!

Basic rules of the rehabilitation period

The possibility of complications, side effects, the outcome of the entire procedure, as well as the duration of the results obtained depends on how competently you fulfill these conditions, so approach this action with full responsibility!

  • The recovery period after superficial acid peeling lasts 10 days, after medium peeling – 15 days, and after deep peeling – up to 28 days.
  • In the first days after the manipulation, you should not use foam formulations containing active surfactants that can harm the damaged epidermis.
  • During rehabilitation, avoid skin contact with direct sunlight and UV rays, so do not visit the solarium, the beach, and be sure to apply a cream with a high sun protection factor (SPF from 35 to 45) to your facial skin.
  • Try to sleep on your back and choose soft pillowcases satin materials, because during the night you will not control yourself and may turn on your side.
  • Since the epidermis will be hypersensitive and irritated after such a procedure, avoid sudden temperature changes.
  • The skin after an acid burn will be in dire need of intense hydration, so consult a cosmetologist about the type of suitable product and apply it at least 2 times a day after cleansing the epidermis with a mild alcohol-free tonic or regular boiled water at room temperature. Products containing Panthenol are excellent for helping skin heal.
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics and foundations, since when they are removed, the skin will receive additional stress and severe irritation.
  • On the third day, the epidermis will begin to peel off greatly, so the use of powder will be inappropriate and even harmful to the skin.
  • You should not use scrubs or soft peels during this period, and it is also forbidden to peel off the crusts that form on the surface of the skin, since these actions contribute to traumatization of young, newly formed epithelial cells and delay the recovery process.

Video: Acid peeling at home

Have a successful session!

Among the most effective cosmetic ingredients: AHA and BHA acids, retinoids and peptides. Today I will tell you in great detail about all the nuances of acid peels, and I will answer the question: “HOW TO TRANSFORM YOUR SKIN?” With the beginning of autumn, the topic of acid peels becomes the most relevant, so read carefully and arm yourself with valuable knowledge. There are many letters ahead of you, but a detailed and consistent theory is the key to successful practice.

2. Types of peelings

4. Indications for use

9. Side effects

10. Rules for post-peeling care

11. Expected result (part 2)
12. Prices for peelings (part 2)
13. Short story about my first experience with acid peels (part 2).

1. Acid peeling: mechanism of action

Chemical peeling is a procedure for removing the surface layers of the skin epithelium using weak acid solutions.

The peeling procedure is a serious procedure that requires indications, consideration of contraindications, execution in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and special care after her.

To understand exactly how acids help the skin stay toned, you need to remember the structure of the skin.

The skin consists of 3 layers:

1. Epidermis- This is the uppermost thin layer in which metabolic processes, as well as the growth and reproduction of epithelial cells, take place very intensively. It is necessary to protect the body from various harmful substances and microbes.

2. Dermis- consists of two layers: papillary and reticular. This is where the fibers that maintain the elasticity and smoothness of the skin are located - collagen and elastin. The dermis is also rich in nerve endings and blood vessels.

3. Hypodermis or subcutaneous fat- in this layer between the fibers of the connective tissue there are lipocytes (fat cells). The purpose of the hypodermis is to protect humans from the temperature effects of the environment.

Application of acids with to varying degrees aggressiveness allows you to have a targeted effect on certain layers of the skin and obtain the desired effect. The body's response to acid is the activation of recovery processes: cells begin to rapidly grow and divide. Essentially, when skin is exposed to acids, it causes a chemical burn. The depth of the burn depends on the concentration and type of acid, on exposure and individual characteristics. The stronger the burn, the faster and more intense the recovery processes will occur.

Thus, it is not the peeling itself that improves the skin condition. Peeling damages the skin and stimulates protective and regenerative processes in tissues, as a result of which the synthesis of collagen and elastin is stimulated, which means skin renewal occurs, its tone and elasticity increase. At the same time, overall rejuvenation is observed outwardly, skin tone is evened out, pores are narrowed, skin texture is improved, and in the case of problematic skin, inflammatory elements and post-acne, etc. gradually heal.

2. Types of peelings

Based on the depth of impact on the skin layers, peelings are divided into:

1. Superficial peeling . Removes partially or completely only the epidermis. It is these peelings that can be carried out both by a cosmetologist and at home. They are the most painless, recovery is gradual, but not long. Superficial peels have a cumulative effect. The maximum result can be observed after completing the course of procedures.

2. Medium peeling affects not only the epidermis, but also the dermis, which leads to a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Requires a certain recovery period. Median treatments should be carried out by professional cosmetologists.

3. Deep peeling affects all layers of the skin,down to the basal layer. He It is carried out only in a medical institution, as this procedure refers to surgical procedures. The rehabilitation period lasts from one month to six months.With this type of acid treatment, you can remove not only wrinkles, but also scars.

Depending on the type of acids, they are distinguished:
1. Peelings based alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs)

1.1. glycolic acid ( glycolic acid ), isolated from sugar cane;

1.2. lactic acid ( lactic acid ), obtained from milk;

1.3. mandelic acid ( mandelic acid ), isolated from bitter almond extract;

1.4. lemon acid(citric acid) - from oranges and lemons;

1.5. wine acid(tartaric acid) - from winemaking waste, grapes, grape wine, oranges, potatoes, cucumbers.
1.6. Apple acid ( malic acid ) - from apples and pears;

1.7. pyruvic acid - from f rukt, honey, vinegar, as well as tartaric and lactic acids.

2. Peelings basedbeta hydroxy acids (BHA)

2.1. salicylic acid ( salicylic acid), isolated from willow bark (the Latin name for willow is salix). Don't be surprised, but this acid is a derivative of aspirin!I plan to write a separate post in more detail about all types of acids.

Titles a alpha hydroxy acids reflects the primary natural source in which the substance was found. Therefore, in cosmetology they are often called fruit acids.

Important differences between AHA and BHA:

. AHAs are water-soluble acids and work better on the surface of the skin. Used to eliminate pigmentation (freckles, dark spots). Most suitable for those with normal, dry or sun damaged skin.

. BHA is a fat-soluble acid, so it penetrates deeper into the skin, can exfoliate the surface layer of the skin, and also penetrate the pores (it dissolves in the fat layer). Therefore, it is more preferable for combination and oily skin, prone to the formation of inflammatory elements and clogged pores.

3. Factors influencing the peeling effect

There are four interrelated factors on which the peeling strength depends:
1) Acid concentration (from 1% to 70%).

2) pH level (from 1 to 4)

3) Type of acid

4) Form of product (cream, gel, liquid)

The percentage of acid and pH are decisive. The higher the % acid and lower the pH, the stronger the peeling. The lower the % acid and the higher the pH, the softer it is.

Working concentration and pH for BHA acids: 0.5-2% at pH 3-4. When the pH exceeds 4, the effectiveness of BHA decreases and salicylic acid turns into just a great moisturizing ingredient and nothing more.
Working concentration and pH for AHA acids: from 4% at pH 3-4. At low concentrations (less than 3%), AHAs work as water binding agents. A product based on AHA acids with a pH of more than 4 stops exfoliating, but will actively moisturize.

Acids differ from each other in molecular size, penetration depth and “softness” of work. For example, salicylic acid is strong, active and used in small concentrations. While mandelic acid is very mild, it does not cause sun sensitivity and is used even on very sensitive skin.
Acid concentration ratio: approximately glycolic acid 30% = lactic acid 40% = salicylic acid 10% strength.

The thicker the peeling, the softer it is. A cream or thick gel will work more gently than a water or alcohol solution. Peelings in liquid form penetrate deeper. In addition, it is more difficult to control the penetration depth of hydroalcoholic peels than gel and cream peels.

4. Indications for use

Acid peeling is now very popular and many people present this procedure as a panacea for solving all skin problems. But, in fact, peeling is a cosmetic procedure, which also has its own indications, limitations and contraindications.

Indications for acid peels:
Presence of signs of aging (decrease in skin elasticity, appearance of wrinkles), dull color face, aging prevention

Etc problematic facial skin
Consequences of acne and post-acne treatment
Presence of acne, juvenile acne, comedones
Skin hyperpigmentation

Presence of superficial scars or stretch marks on the skin

Enlarged pores
Irregularities in the external surface of the skin
Hyperkeratosis (thickening of the epidermis) of various origins
Presence of seborrheic dermatitis
Dehydration, dryness
Availability ontegios molluscum

Preparation for mesotherapy and plastic surgery.

It should be remembered that peeling itself cannot remove black plugs from pores; mechanical or hardware cleaning will be needed; also, superficial peeling cannot eliminate cosmetic defects skin.

5. Contraindications and warnings

Peels cannot be performed:

In case of exacerbation of acne or any other active inflammatory process on the skin of the face

In case of exacerbation of herpes and other infectious diseases

At elevated temperature body, acute respiratory and viral diseases

In case of violation of the integrity of the skin (wounds, abrasions, burns on the skin)

In case of critical deviations of the skin condition from the norm (dryness, intense inflammation, irritation, thinning)
During traumatic procedures (deep cleaning, mesotherapy, laser resurfacing)less than 2 months before the start of the peeling course

When taking medications containing roaccutane (an acne medication) ormedications that increase sun sensitivity, immunosuppressants

At oncological diseases, hypertension, asthma

For allergic rashes on the skin of the face

If you have rosacea, hypersensitivity skin, telangiectasia, psoriasis,

keloid sutures

If there is an abundance in the application area birthmarks, especially if they are large(no peeling is applied to them)
At d prolonged exposure to the sun and a fresh tan

In case of increased individual sensitivity to peeling components

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, however, the use of any products with salicylic acid should be avoided, because It has been found that it can affect the development of the fetus, at the same time, products with aha acids are not recommended due to the risk of pigmentation.
For rosacea should be applied s o caution,because this can lead to aggravation of its manifestations.

Cautions when performing acid peeling at home :

Under no circumstances should you peel at home with preparations intended for salon use! In this case, you may get a skin burn and other serious consequences, because... the concentration of active ingredients in salon cosmetics is higher than in products for home use, and the procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
E If you are not sure that peeling will be beneficial for YOUR skin, consult a cosmetologist and/or dermatologist.

Peeling must be done strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions, very carefully and carefully, having previously carried out a test for skin reactionbehind the ear or on the wrist.Apply and keep the product exactly as long as indicated on the package/instructions
Before purchasing, make sure that you have indications and there are no contraindications for its use; choose the type of peeling taking into account the type and condition of the skin, time spent in the sun .

6. Pre-peeling skin preparation

If you are going to start a course of superficial peelings at home or plan to contact a cosmetologist for medium or deep peeling, then you need to start preparing for this in advance skin . Preparation in this case is very important point and it lies in daily use acid agents.

You need to start preparing the skin 1-2 weeks before the peeling procedure, or better yet a month, so that the skin has time to get used to the action of acids. Improper preparation can lead to the chemical peel not being deep enough or, on the contrary, being too deep and painful.

For preparation you can use cosmetical tools with a small percentage of acids (6-12%) and a fairly high pH— cleansers, serums, creams, soft pre-peelings.

For AHA acids, the minimum effective indicators for a daily product are 5-8% at pH 3-4.
For BHA acids (salicylic) - 1-2% at pH 3-4, for heavily soiled skin with a large number of comedones - up to 5% with a lower pH.

7. Features of the use of acid peelings

Exposure to acids is a procedure that requires special attention and accuracy. After all, if you make a mistake with the acid concentration or exposure, the consequences can be quite unpleasant.

Places of application. Acid peeling can be used both on small areas - wrinkles around the mouth and eyes (“ crow's feet"), on the cheeks when pigmentation changes - and on the entire face, neck, as well as on other areas of the body that are often subjected to sun exposure, for example, on the chest (neckline), on the hands.It can be applied under the eyes and on the nasolabial folds, but very carefully, for less time and, possibly, in lower concentrations. Only at your own risk! Because can be very dry and even burn delicate skin.

Age. The procedure can be recommended at any age, with the exception of children. For teenagers, peeling may be prescribed in case of acne.

Seasonality. It is best to carry out peelings from November to mid-April, when solar activity is moderate.
You should not carry out the procedure before a vacation, or immediately after it - let the skin recover a little.

Frequency. The effect of the procedure becomes noticeable after the first session: the skin becomes smooth, even color, velvety. To achieve maximum results, you need to repeat the procedure at least 7 times. But remember that 10 sessions is the maximum length of an acid peeling course. The number of sessions depends on the skin type and the type of problem being solved.
During the course between peeling procedures should take 7-15 days. D
for fatty, problematic, fat-prone and combination skin the interval can be along the lower limit, for dry and sensitive skin - the interval along the upper limit.

Between peeling procedures, mild acidic agents can be used to maintain the effect.

Acid concentration. If you have just decided to start using peelings, then start with small doses, observe how the drug affects your skin, and whether there are any unpleasant reactions. If everything is in order, the concentration of the drug can be gradually increased. Skin irritation does not necessarily occur immediately; it may appear after more or less prolonged use of acidic products. Then the provoking drug must be postponed for a while. Those with thin, dry skin are always more sensitive to the effects of acids, unlike those with oily skin.

8. Algorithm for the peeling procedure

The procedure itself superficial peeling takes 10-60 minutes.

Stage I: Pre-cleansing of the skin from makeup residues, degreasing it, restoring the pH level of the skin. The cleanser should not contain soap or other alkaline products because this will change the pH of the skin and significantly reduce the effect of the peel. Dry the application area thoroughly as To avoid burns, the skin must be dry.

Stage II: Applying the peeling mixture.

One procedure will require 1-2 ml of peeling liquid. The peeling is poured into a clean, dry container from where it will be applied.

Peeling can be applied with a brush, cotton swabs or cotton pads.

It is advisable to apply peeling to the skin from less sensitive areas to more sensitive ones in the following sequence: forehead, nose, temples, side surface of the cheeks, neck, chin, central part of the face and finally the stationary part of the face.

If you still decide to take a risk and apply peeling to the area around the eyes, then you need to step back from the eyelash edge upper eyelid by 1 cm and from the bottom - by 0.5 cm.
If acid gets into your eyes, rinse them very thoroughly with plenty of water.

The process of applying the mixture may be accompanied by a tingling or slight burning sensation. It is this stage that requires careful monitoring. With each subsequent layer, you must carefully monitor the skin's reaction to the components. chemical peeling.

The peeling procedure must be stopped if you notice at least one of the following signs:

The appearance of visible mild erythema (redness).

An unbearable burning sensation, even if there are no external visible manifestations.

End of peeling time (according to instructions).

For each acid with a different % and pH content, the peeling time on the skin can last from 2 to 15 minutes maximum. For eyelid skin - from 30-40 seconds, up to 2 minutes maximum. In any case, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions and follow the recommended exposure time.

Stage III: Neutralization.

The effect of the peeling agent is neutralized by a special solution, which also moisturizes and tones skin covering after an exfoliation session. The neutralizer can be left on for 1-3 minutes. Only after this, wash off the remaining products from the skin with water at room temperature.

If the acid is washed off during peeling without prior neutralization, burns may appear on the facial skin.

Stage IV: Post-peeling measures.

After an acid burn, which is peeling, the skin needs special care. After washing off the neutralizer A moisturizer is applied, preferably with soothing and restorative ingredients. For this purpose, you can apply aloe vera gel under the cream or instead of the cream. From my experience, I really like applying aloe gelVera as a face mask: the first layer of aloe vera, when it dries, the second layer on top, then repeat 1-2 more times until the skin calms down, then rinse and apply the cream.

If you have run out or don’t have a neutralizer, you can make it at home: dissolve a small heaped teaspoon of soda in half a glass boiled water, wet a cotton pad, squeeze a little and wipe your face with blotting movements. The solution must be prepared before the peeling procedure begins.

9. Side effects

Increased skin sensitivity (due to thinning of the epidermis), including increased photosensitivity (sensitivity to the sun);
skin irritation, symptoms of which may include redness, burning, itching, pain and possibly even scarring

Peeling is considered a normal skin reaction after peeling, because...directly shows how active the cell renewal process is. Itcan last up to 10 days. However, not all acids cause visible peeling; salicylic acid stimulates it most, while after glycolic and milk peeling, peeling occurs extremely rarely.

At proper care All discomfort pass within 1-3 days. If side effects do not go away during this time, you should definitely consult a specialist. In case of acute reactions, you should not wait three days, but seek immediate professional help.

10. Rules for post-peeling care

Rule one. HYDRATION.

After acid peeling, the skin has lost a certain amount of moisture, so it is necessary to use moisturizing creams that will eliminate the feeling of tightness and prevent fluid loss. Any special products are usually not required after superficial peelings. But for the best moisturizing and restorative effect, pay attention to care products with hyaluronic acid, natural oils, vitamins, aloe, algae, centella, arnica, chamomile, calendula, panthenol and lipids.
If irritation, redness or severe peeling You can use soothing and deeply moisturizing products.


Thin skin must be protected from the influence sun rays. For this purpose it is used sunscreen, which protects against UVB and UVA rays (SPF factor of at least 25). It is also advisable not to stay outside for a long time, not to visit a solarium, and to refrain from tanning for a month.

To consolidate the achieved result in the post-peeling period (preferably after the peeling course), you can use cosmetics with acids in low concentrations. This could be a serum, tonic, cleanser, mask, etc. This will help maintain healthy color face and decreased activity of the sebaceous glands.

During the course of peelings aboutlimit any aggressive effects on the skin, such as mechanical scrubs, alcohol-containing products, it is also advisable to avoid products with retinoids so as not to thin the skin too much. Give preference gentle cleansing with micellar water, hydrophilic oils or milk with plant extracts.
During the period of plings, you also need to refuse any cosmetic procedures which can injure the skin.

If crusts appear on the skin after peeling, under no circumstances remove them yourself, but lubricate them with cream. Touch your face with your hands less to avoid infection.

Do not plan important events during the peeling course. Decorative cosmetics do not always hide redness; their use in recovery period better to limit.
It is very important to understand that acid peeling removes the protective layer from the skin, so additional procedures, which may have the same effect, must be excluded.

So, gThe main task of post-peeling care is to reduce the feeling of discomfort, preventive procedures to prevent side effects and complications, stimulate the regenerative process, protect the skin, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory therapy.

Professional chemical exfoliation is an expensive pleasure, an alternative to which is facial peeling with acids at home. The effect of self-performed procedures will not be as radical and quick as from salon techniques. But homemade peelings using natural acids can still maintain the beauty of the face and prolong youth. Let's learn how to do acid peeling yourself and what rules you need to follow when choosing a procedure.

The nuances of chemical exfoliation for the home

Skin cleansing with chemical peeling compounds is based on unique properties acids suitable for cosmetic purposes. For safe exfoliation in the salon, only organic or synthesized acids are used, the concentration of which is professional means does not exceed 15-35%. For home peelings, it is better to limit yourself to the use of fruit and lactic acids from natural foods or pharmaceutical preparations.

Depending on the degree of exposure of the acid to the facial skin, cosmetologists divide peelings into superficial, medium and deep. The last two types are not suitable for home exfoliation: such radical beauty procedures initially cause significant damage to the skin, so it is better to entrust their implementation to a professional. During medium, and even more so deep chemical peels, the effect of acid solutions and the number of layers of the peeling agent must be controlled - manipulations require certain knowledge and skills in cosmetology. Otherwise, the result of the procedure may not be the elimination of aesthetic defects, but their aggravation.

Acid peeling at home can only be superficial. The gentle procedure gently affects the upper layer of the keratinized epidermis without affecting the dermis and subcutaneous fatty tissue. The concentration of natural acids is sufficient to “dissolve” dead cells and stimulate the natural process of restoring the protective barrier. In response to mild “injury,” the epidermis begins to double the production of protein threads of collagen and elastin, which form the skin framework. Destroyed old cells give way to elastic skin without previous defects, the previously dull complexion evens out and acquires a healthy shade, pigmentation lightens, inflammation and acne become smaller, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Unlike salon procedures, mild home peeling with natural acids does not cause redness, much less chemical burns of the skin. After such exfoliation, the skin returns to normal within 5 days. Therefore, sometimes acid peels for the face at home replace the usual scrubs, gommages and masks, the effect of which is not so long-lasting.

Homemade acids and skin age

Self-exfoliation of the skin with acids at home should be correctly selected according to the type and age of the skin. Throughout their lives, women worry about different aesthetic problems, which can be solved with single-component and multi-acid peels.

Young skin

At the age of 20-25 years, light chemical peels can cope with inflammatory rashes, clogged and stretched pores, comedones, painful pimples, acne, and excessive facial oiliness.

As the main ways to care for young skin, cosmetologists recommend superficial fruit, salicylic and glycolic peels, which are performed independently without risk to appearance.

Peeling with fruit acids is one of the simple, affordable and effective exfoliations that allow you to get rid of “teenage” complexes. The composition for it can be prepared at home. To do this you need to grate and mix fresh fruits or berries: apples, grapes, strawberries, black currants, lemon. Natural fruit acids have a disinfectant, antioxidant and brightening effect. The only rule for such an acid peel is to keep the tasty composition on your face for no more than 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure fruit peeling possible weekly.

For gentle salicylic peeling, you can buy a ready-made composition at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. Salicylic acid is a proven and mild keratolytic - a product that dissolves keratin (the dense outer layer of the epidermis). Homemade salicylic peeling will gently destroy the keratinized epidermis, while simultaneously providing an antiseptic and antibacterial effect on the skin. A solution of salicylic acid will tighten pores, alleviate acne and make age spots less noticeable.

Homemade peeling with glycolic acid is also a gentle way to cleanse your facial skin. The safety of the procedure is associated with the properties of glycolate molecules: due to their micron sizes, the particles of the compound quickly penetrate the skin cells without violating its integrity. Glycolic acid intensively moisturizes the skin from the inside, removes toxins and launches rejuvenation processes. The results of home glycolic peeling are noticeable after the first procedure: sebaceous plugs disappear, the skin becomes matte, and the complexion becomes healthy.

Maturing skin

At the age of 25-35 years, acid peeling at home becomes the main tool for combating age-related skin changes: a network of fine facial wrinkles, folding into “crow’s feet” around the eyes and lips, loss of elasticity, increased dryness and dullness, light brown pigment spots. Only serious cosmetology techniques, for which it is better to contact a specialized clinic or beauty salon. Homemade acid exfoliation can only be a good support for aging skin.

Lactic acid peeling mixtures are easy to prepare yourself. Skin cells absorb “milk” molecules well, so such exfoliation will not result in allergies or other side effects. A course of home milk peeling procedures will smooth out shallow facial folds, will lighten pigmentation, saturate the skin with moisture and increase tone.

Peeling with retinoic acid for home use It is recommended with caution, although for aging skin it is the best superficial technique. Retinol, a synthetic “double” of vitamin A, is not rejected by epidermal cells, so yellow exfoliation rarely causes allergies. Retinoic peeling composition is a universal antiseptic and antioxidant. The result of its action lasts up to 4 months. Retinol is a universal anti-aging product, a real panacea for women over 30 years old. It is not difficult to prepare a retinoic mixture for peeling at home; the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions for the components of the composition and do not skimp on the procedures.

Home peeling with acids for mature skin is recommended only as an intermediate care between cosmetic lifting, thread reinforcement or plastic surgery. Self-prepared compounds are powerless against deep wrinkles, scars, sagging and hyperpigmentation of the skin. But they help refresh the complexion and soften the skin.

Prohibitions for home peeling with acids

Despite the safety and gentleness of superficial procedures, acid peeling for the face at home should not be performed in the following cases:

  • if there are unhealed wounds, abrasions, cracks, painful ulcers on the skin;
  • exacerbation of the herpes virus;
  • confirmed oncological diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • development of dermatological diseases: vitiligo, psoriasis, eczema, etc.;
  • individual intolerance to the ingredients of the peeling composition;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • disruptions endocrine system, hormonal imbalances;
  • many birthmarks on the face;
  • increased sensitivity and dry skin.

Step-by-step instructions for home procedure

If you have already decided on the type of acid and its exposure time to correct facial skin imperfections, follow this sequence of the home acid exfoliation procedure:

  • remove from face before peeling decorative cosmetics and degrease the skin using alcohol wipes for injection;
  • apply the acid composition to the skin using a wide brush or cotton pad, avoid getting the product on the delicate skin of the upper and lower eyelids;
  • After 20 minutes, remove any remaining peeling mixture from the skin using mineral water or a special neutralizer;
  • calm down the irritated one light skin nourishing cream, moisturizing mask or serum.

If exfoliation involves applying an acid peel in several layers, carefully monitor the skin's reaction. If severe tingling or itching occurs, remove the mixture from your face.

Natural home peelings

Homemade acid peeling can be prepared independently from ordinary fresh fruits and berries, or a ready-made complex of acids and neutralizers purchased at a pharmacy. Second option will do for experienced clients of beauty salons who have the opportunity to consult with their cosmetologist about the choice of product, the number of procedures and possible consequences. Fruit and milk based peelings natural ingredients can be mixed in 15 minutes. Read more about how you can do acid peeling yourself.

Sour cream peeling with strawberries

  • 4 fresh or frozen strawberries;
  • 4 drops of almond oil;
  • ½ tablespoon 15% sour cream;
  • 1 tsp potato starch.
  1. mix all ingredients of the peeling composition;
  2. apply the resulting mixture to your face in a thin layer;
  3. repeat application after 5 minutes;
  4. after 15 minutes, rinse off the peeling with warm water;
  5. moisturize your facial skin with cream or mask.

Peeling with grapes

  • 5 grapes;
  • 2 tbsp. mineral water of medium carbonation.
  1. grind the grapes into a homogeneous paste;
  2. apply the resulting peeling mixture to your face;
  3. after 15 minutes, rinse off the composition with mineral water;
  4. soothe the skin with a mask or moisturizer.

Fermented milk peeling with oatmeal

  • 1 tbsp. yogurt or curdled milk;
  • 5 drops of 4% lactic acid solution;
  • 1 tsp crushed oatmeal.
  1. Mix the components of the peeling composition until smooth;
  2. Apply the resulting “gruel” to face light massage movements;
  3. leave the peeling to act for 15 minutes;
  4. rinse off the composition with warm water;
  5. moisturize your facial skin with special products.

Easy home facial cleansing with acidic compounds is useful and safe. Superficial natural peelings help maintain a fresh complexion and are a good prevention of aging. Acid peels at home can also be performed in courses of 4-6 procedures with an interval of one week between sessions.

Oh, how I sometimes want to stop time in order to be young and beautiful for as long as possible! Alas, no one has such power. But at your disposal is the centuries-old experience of our ancestors, which has been polished and brought to perfection by modern cosmetology. One of the ways to maintain a fresh and blooming appearance for a long time is to use all kinds of peels, including acid peels.

Mechanism of action of acid peeling

To understand exactly how acids help the skin stay toned, you need to remember the structure of this organ of the human body. The skin consists of 3 layers:

  1. The epidermis is the outermost thin layer in which metabolic processes, as well as the growth and reproduction of epithelial cells, take place very intensively. It is necessary to protect the body from various harmful substances and microbes.
  2. Dermis - consists of two balls: papillary and reticular. This is where the fibers that maintain the elasticity and smoothness of the skin are located - collagen and elastin. The dermis is also rich in nerve endings and blood vessels.
  3. Hypodermis or subcutaneous fat - in this layer between the fibers of the connective tissue there are lipocytes (fat cells). The purpose of the hypodermis is to protect humans from the temperature effects of the environment.

Using acids of varying aggressiveness, you can act on certain layers of the skin to achieve the desired effect.

  1. For superficial peeling weak acids are used (lactic, salicylic, glycolic, fruit). With their help, the cosmetologist removes partially or completely only the epidermis.
  2. Medium peeling affects not only the epidermis, but also the dermis, which leads to a pronounced rejuvenating effect. For this procedure, trichloroacetic acid () or retinoic acid is used.
  3. Deep peeling It is carried out only in medical institutions, as this procedure refers to surgical manipulations. With this type of acid treatment, you can remove not only wrinkles, but also scars that remain after acne or acne. During this procedure, the active substance (phenol) reaches the hypodermis, and sometimes the basement membrane.

By acting on the skin with acid, the cosmetologist burns the skin layer necessary to achieve a certain effect in a controlled manner. The body's response to a burn is the activation of regeneration processes: cells begin to actively grow and divide. The stronger the burn, the faster and more intense the recovery processes will occur.

Types and differences of acid peeling

Three types of peeling were discussed above, which differed in the depth of exposure to acids. Now let's try to briefly describe the effectiveness of individual acids.

  1. used in cases where age-related changes are less pronounced. Exfoliation is carried out with grape, cane, mango or sugar acids. After peeling, there is an increase in skin elasticity, its tone, and a slowdown in the aging process.
  2. To carry out antibacterial treatment of the skin of the face or reduce the severity of scars, cosmetologists recommend doing.
  3. For dark-skinned ladies, as well as those who are concerned acne, hyperpigmentation or seborrhea, will do.
  4. has a good rejuvenating effect, makes the skin smooth and healthy looking
  5. Acid peelings are considered one of the most effective and safest. The concentration of retinoic acid can be adjusted, which means that the procedure can be carried out in different ways. age groups clients, as well as regulate the degree of tissue damage caused by chemical burns
  6. used for superficial cleansing of the skin from dirt and sebaceous plugs or to reduce hyperpigmentation.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Acid peeling for the face is shown in following cases:

— preventing the launch of premature aging processes;

— expression and/or age wrinkles of varying depths;

- hyperkeratosis (thickening of the epidermis) of various origins;

- increased pigmentation;

— blackheads, acne or post-acne;

- presence of seborrheic dermatitis;

- small scars after surgery or minor injuries.

Under no circumstances should you carry out manipulation if you have:

  1. Allergic reaction to acids used for peeling.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​intended treatment.
  3. Acute phase of herpetic infection.
  4. Lactation period.
  5. Pregnancy.
  6. Hyperthermia is an increase in body temperature.

How is acid peeling performed?

Exposure to acids is a procedure that requires special attention and accuracy. After all, if you make a mistake with the acid concentration or exposure, the consequences can be quite unpleasant. The peeling algorithm is quite simple and does not take much time:

Stage I: Preliminary cleansing of the skin from makeup residues, degreasing it.

Stage II: Applying the peeling mixture.

The required acid (or mixture of acids) is applied to the cleaned surface in a thin layer and left for some time. The process of applying the mixture may be accompanied by a tingling or slight burning sensation. It is this stage that requires careful monitoring. If the patient experiences atypical reactions to the applied substance or the exposure time has expired, proceed to the next step.

Stage III: Neutralization.

The effect of the peeling agent is neutralized by a special solution, which also moisturizes and tones the skin after the exfoliation session.

Stage IV: Post-peeling measures

After an acid burn, the skin needs special care. Following the neutralizer, a special cream is applied to it, which has a stimulating effect on regenerative processes.


Rules for post-peeling care

Now you know what acid peeling is, what are the contraindications for its implementation and the mechanism of action of this procedure, all that remains is to tell you how long the peeling effect lasts and how to care for your skin during the rehabilitation period.

After completion of the manipulation, the treated areas must be protected from sunlight. For this, sunscreen is used. It is also advisable not to stay outside for a long time and not visit the solarium.

The effect of the procedure becomes noticeable after the first session: the skin becomes smooth, even in color, and velvety. To achieve maximum results, you need to visit the cosmetologist’s office at least 7 times. But remember that 10 sessions is the maximum length of an acid peeling course. The initial effect lasts for about 6 months, then you need to repeat the procedure again.

During the procedure, some complications may arise that can be avoided if the cosmetologist is attentive to the patient and is fluent in this technique:

  1. Hyperemia of the skin, its peeling. These symptoms usually disappear after 8-10 days.
  2. Slight swelling of the treated area.
  3. A deeper burn than expected.
  4. Pigmentation of the treated area.

These difficulties quickly disappear if post-peeling care is carried out correctly. Creams and compositions for rehabilitation care are selected by a cosmetologist individually for each client.

What other peelings using acids are carried out today?

Photos of results

Acid peeling is considered one of the most effective and not dangerous procedures for cleansing, smoothing and rejuvenating the skin, improving complexion, as well as eliminating existing problems and preventing the appearance of new ones.

Acid peels are a fairly large group of chemical peels; their essence is to treat the skin with acids of varying concentrations. Acid peels can be performed at almost any age, because their effect is only superficial and very gentle. Penetrating into the epidermis to a shallow depth, they effectively dissolve existing impurities, soften and exfoliate dead layers of cells, stimulating the processes of collagen and elastin synthesis, as well as cell regeneration. This type peelings solve the problems of hyperpigmentation (freckles, age spots, etc.), dryness, oiliness, sagging skin, loss of elasticity, eliminates expression lines, scars from acne treatment, stretch marks, eliminates uneven skin texture, has a brightening effect and in general gives a noticeable effect of skin rejuvenation, which has a beneficial effect on its appearance. Acid peeling also effectively combats enlarged pores, especially suitable for problematic skin types. It is most often used in eliminating skin diseases.

The results of acid peeling procedures can be observed after approximately fourteen days. The skin is noticeably smoothed, its texture is evened out, tone increases, elasticity and complexion improve. Overall, she looks younger and glows with health.

Types of acid peeling.
Acid peeling, as noted earlier, refers to superficial types of chemical peeling; it has several varieties, depending on the acid and its percentage in a peeling composition.

Retinol (retinoic or yellow) peeling. For the procedure applies retinoic acid, but in addition to it, the peeling composition includes ascorbic, azelaic, kojic and phytic acids. Can be used by owners of absolutely any skin type. In each specific case, to solve a particular skin problem, a specialist selects the appropriate concentration of acids.

Fruit peeling – natural fruit acids (grape, mango, etc.) are used. The procedure is wonderful and at the same time mild remedy cleanses the skin of dead and keratinized layers of cells, as well as a means of preventing early aging. A small percentage of fruit acid in the composition makes the procedure safe. This procedure increases skin elasticity and has a tonic effect. Recommended even for young skin (teenagers).

Almond peeling effectively eliminates shallow scars on the skin.

Glycolic acid peeling is used when it is necessary to superficially cleanse the skin of impurities. In addition, it is recommended for correcting some age-related changes skin, as well as hyperpigmentation problems.

These days, the procedure of the same name using fruit acids is especially popular among acid peels. The advantage of this procedure is the rapid recovery period, which is very convenient for regular use. In just a few days, your skin looks clear, smooth and visibly younger. The resulting sensations of dryness and tightness of the skin after the procedure are easily leveled by applying moisturizers and using thermal water.

Despite the almost complete safety and non-traumatic nature of such peeling, the procedure should still be performed exclusively by a specialist with experience. This will avoid the development of any consequences and side effects.

Stages of the acid peeling procedure.
First, the cosmetologist must remove any remaining makeup from the face and clean it of impurities. To do this, he applies specially designed compounds to the skin, which, in addition to cleansing, degrease the surface on which, in fact, the treatment will be carried out. The acid composition is applied to the skin in a certain sequence, while the cosmetologist observes the reaction of the skin. I note that during the procedure there may be a slight burning, tingling or tingling sensation in the areas where the composition was applied. In case of severe redness of the skin, a specialist will apply an acid-neutralizing composition. In this situation, the effect of the procedure will be low. If the cosmetologist overdos the composition even a little (if such a situation arises, it will only be with an inexperienced worker), the skin may react with swelling and the appearance of pigmented areas in the affected areas.

If the client’s reaction to the peeling solution is normal, the specialist will withstand certain time(in each case, its own), after which it applies a post-peeling mixture to the skin to neutralize the effect of the solution, as well as to moisturize and soothe the skin. The final stage of the procedure is the application of a special nourishing composition that accelerates the regenerative functions of skin cells.

After the procedure.
After completing the acid peel, it is important to protect the skin from open sunlight; for this you should definitely use sunscreens with a moisturizing effect for ten days after the procedure. After the procedure, the skin is transformed right before your eyes: skin irregularities disappear, complexion is evened out, and the elasticity of the skin improves. As a result, the skin looks tightened and smooth, as if you have become several years younger.

Taking into account the characteristics of the skin and its sensitivity, as well as depending on the existing problems, specialists determine the number of procedures for each patient individually. To achieve maximum effect, seven to ten procedures are enough. This peeling course can be done no more than three times during the year. The effect of the procedure lasts for four to six months.

Side effect of the procedure.
After an acid peeling session, the skin may experience redness, peeling, and swelling. There is no need to be scared, everything will go away on its own within a week. IN in rare cases Skin burns may occur, resulting in pigmented areas appearing in the damaged area.

Acid peeling goes well with herbal medicine and aromatherapy.


  • presence of dermatitis;
  • keloid scars;
  • aggravated form of urticaria;
  • the presence of herpes in an acute form;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.
