School gel polish for small nails. Manicure options for school

Modern mothers agree that a manicure for girls aged 12 is still necessary. Of course, this does not mean that the young beauty should have sharp, bright claws that will go against her cute image! How to properly give a girl a manicure? Read everything in order!

Watching her mother give herself a manicure, the girl dreams of quickly creating such beauty on her nails. A 12-year-old girl can already be taught to do her own manicure. First she does this under the supervision of her mother, and then on her own. It is necessary to offer the girl a simple design that she can handle without outside help.

A twelve-year-old girl is given a children's manicure. How is he different from an adult? What you need to know about children's manicure?

Three important aspects of manicure


  • Children's manicure experts strictly do not recommend touching the cuticle during manicure for children under 14 years of age. There is no need to move it, much less cut it! Even for adult women technology unedged manicure more attractive and safe! The cuticle in children is still very thin. In addition, there is a risk of damaging the plate formation area, which will lead to nail deformation in the future.

  • If the skin has become a little rough, hangnails have appeared, then you cannot do without treating the periungual space! But it will be quite enough to trim the hangnails with sharp scissors or tweezers. And to soften the skin you can do warm bath from medicinal herbs: chamomile or calendula. The miraculous properties of these herbs have been known for a long time.
  • For girls 12 years old, it is recommended to trim their nails, leaving 2-3 mm free edge. If you cut the nails right down to the base, this can have a bad effect on the processes correct formation records. Long nails will look too provocative, but short nails can also be beautifully designed. In addition, vigorous physical activity and insufficiently developed nail care skills can lead to the accumulation of dirt and dust under the nails. This length – 2 mm – is optimal to make it easy to keep your nails clean and to be able to remove dirt during the usual hand washing procedure.

Read also: All the secrets of the red jacket

  • Carrying out a manicure for children requires the use of special tools. They must be safe. It is necessary to minimize the possibility of discomfort during manicure. It is better to use a file with an abrasiveness of 240, try to reduce its contact with the nails to a minimum. You also need to carefully take care of the safety of all funds.


  • Many girls have the habit of biting their nails. There is even a medical term - onychophagia. And the reason for the development of a harmful activity is psychological. In most cases, by the age of 12, fortunately, girls get rid of this bad habit. But there are cases when a similar problem exists even at this age. Doctors explain that loud screams and “slapping” fingers will not help a child get rid of the habit of biting his nails! You will definitely need the help of a qualified psychologist. But a beautiful manicure, funny figures on nails, painted flowers and hearts can keep a girl from this harmful activity.

  • A beautiful manicure for a girl of this age is a source of incredible pride, an opportunity to show off and stand out among her friends. Self-confidence appears, just like an adult lady who is confident in her impeccable appearance!


  • No matter how much a girl would like to make an adult design, you need to explain to her what there is certain rules that are followed in society. A bright red manicure, decorated with an abundance of shiny stones, looks simply funny on the nails of a twelve-year-old girl! It is necessary to choose a beautiful, discreet design that matches her age.

Read also: Manicure with mica: easy, impressive, bright!

  • During the holidays, you can allow a brighter design. It is possible to test colored varnish on nails in not very flashy shades. But in school time The manicure should be done in calm colors, without flashy designs or flashy elements.

The most popular and easy manicure for girls 12 years old

Mom can allow the girl to play around a little during the holidays. Why not make it fun for your daughter? bright manicure. The girl can try to make easy drawings on her own. Right hand It’s easier to make a design, but it’s more difficult to draw with your left hand... I’ll have to ask my mom for help. But after training, the girl will also skillfully perform drawings with her left hand.

From what simple designs Need to start understanding the art of nail art?

  • Happy peas The easiest way to draw is with dots. It's both simple and beautiful. You can place the dots in a checkerboard pattern or diagonally.

  • Pink hearts can be made from two droplets by carefully connecting them with a toothpick in the desired direction.

  • Cute bows- an attribute of childhood - very easy to draw. You can decorate all the records with them or just the ring finger.

  • Small flowers- a more complex option. You need to start with daisies or stylized flowers with five petals.

  • Funny faces will cheer up both the girl and her friends. Display on marigolds cartoon characters Only true artists can do this.

There are plenty more interesting options: butterflies, animal prints, cats, cakes and candies. Only to create such a design you need an authoritative and skillful older assistant.

Manicure for school at 12 years old

A school manicure should be calm and discreet. No matter how much you would like to do your nails bright varnish, there is no need to do this. You will have to listen to a lot of comments from teachers. And as a result, the beautiful coating will still be erased by the next day!

What kind of manicure would be appropriate for school? Someone was looking forward to something new school year, and someone wanted the holidays to continue. Over the summer holidays, everyone has grown up and changed. And everyone wants to be a little older than their classmates, so every girl carefully thinks through her look for every school day: what to wear, what kind of makeup to do, hairstyle, and, of course, manicure.

The main criterion for good manicure to school is straight nails the same length. If at least one of your nails is broken, or even a small corner has broken off, you should not leave it with the words “it’s a pity,” “it will grow back.” It is necessary to trim all nails to the same length, otherwise it will look ridiculous and be considered bad form.

Manicure basics for girls

Before you create beautiful manicure to school, spend some time getting your hands in order. Remember: even if you haven’t applied varnish, well-groomed hands are much more important than any, even the most interesting, designs.

To care for the skin of your hands and cuticles you will need a nail file, a daily protective cream, and - ready-made masks for hands that are used immediately before the procedure. Also, get a nail polish remover without acetone.

Use a glass file. It does not injure the nail plates, unlike metal instruments. Metal files contain grains that rough the surface of the nails, causing jagged edges and irregularities to appear on them, even if not clearly expressed. If you look at the nail plate under a microscope, you will see that the structure on them is destroyed.

Do not use the file while your hands are wet; be sure to let them dry.

IN junior classes In manicure, you should give preference to a form with rounded edges. This will make your manicure neat and will also prevent scratching. Avoid shapes with sharp edges; such nails are more likely to break and scratch the skin.

If your nails are small and short and you always cut them at the root, leave at least a millimeter of free edge. Girls under 14 years old should remember this rule, otherwise their nails will grow incorrectly and bend, the edges will stick up and break.

It will be possible to correct nails using extensions only in adulthood.

Take care of your hands every day, clean the edges of your nails with an orange stick, because any dirt and sloppiness gives your hands an untidy appearance.

If you are under 14 years old, do not get your nails done: because rapid growth and hormonal changes in the body will harm you.

The most good option Natural nails with varnish coating are considered for nail design for school.

Varnish color

For a school manicure, choose light shades, close to natural - beige, soft pink, mother-of-pearl, pearl.

Avoid being too flashy and bright colors. Yes, perhaps you will stand out among your classmates, but teachers will not understand such a choice.

Manicure for girls: combinations of shades

Remember that the color of the nail polish must be combined with the clothes. If you are required to wear a uniform at school, then skip the colored varnish: choose simply a strengthening clear varnish. This manicure does not look provocative, and your nails look well-groomed.

Every girl wants the polish to stay on her nails for as long as possible, but young fashionistas don’t always succeed. If you have the opportunity and the means, visit a salon where a master will give your nails a neat look.

A special manicure using biogel lasts on the nails for about 2 weeks, but it is advisable to remove such a durable coating only in a salon. The advantage of this coating is that the surface of the nail plates is noticeably strengthened.

Manicure for girls: possible options

So, what types of school manicures for teenage girls are trending now? We will consider the most different ideas- from the most modest (if the school dress code does not allow too much bright colors) to the funniest, colorful and funny.

French manicure for girls

The most common nail design is French manicure. It is ideal for school, as it is unnoticeable, not vulgar, and your hands are always well-groomed.

“French” was specially invented to be combined with any outfit, and it is also ageless (both a young girl and an adult woman can wear it).

The most important thing in a French manicure is that the part of the painted nail should be perfect, without any flaws. If your hand trembles a little and the varnish lays unevenly, then wash and reapply the layer of varnish.

Now a new type of French manicure has emerged - moonlight. The peculiarity of this design is that it looks like an inverted French jacket. This design is applied as simply as the usual French version - using a stencil.

It can be used by girls who have a fairly long nail plate, because it visually shortens their fingers. It is worth remembering that owners of such a pattern need to take especially careful care of their hands, avoid dryness and flaking, and trim the cuticle in a timely manner with special tools. After all, such a manicure emphasizes all the flaws in this area.

Newspaper manicure for school

This is a very fun type of design and is not at all difficult to make. Cut out pieces of newspaper that you would like to display on your hands.

Then put them in alcohol for a few minutes and cover your nails with varnish. Then place pieces of newspaper on the drying varnish and wait a little. After you remove a piece of newspaper with tweezers, you can see how the drawing turned out.

By the way, for such a design you can use not only a newspaper, but also pieces of a magazine, and even a comic book.

Nail designs

School - perfect occasion experiment with manicure and show your imagination to the fullest. Therefore, you can even try to draw something funny, for example, a man with a mustache, or a Hello Kitty character.


Making colors that blend smoothly into each other is as easy as shelling pears. First you need to apply a coat of varnish pastel color and wait for it to dry. Then take a small sponge, mix two colors of varnish on the palette that match each other in tone, blot the resulting color with the sponge. Now apply to the tip of the nail new color, level the surface with a dry brush.

Try and experiment with drawings, because now is the most beautiful time for unusual designs. A beautiful manicure for school is an integral part of the entire image of a young lady.

Adolescence is a time of movement. Finding yourself, studying at school, friendship, emotions and first loves are involved in such concentrations that they can be explosive. Balance between peer approval and loud expressions of self. And if you dye your hair blue tint only the bravest dare, then manicure is one of the ways to reveal and define your individuality.

Features of a beautiful manicure for teenagers

In adolescence, a beautiful manicure is synonymous with the word healthy. Habits formed at this age remain for life. A manicure design for teenagers, even the brightest one, will not hide unkempt hands. The most beneficial effect of a teenage manicure is not a complex design, but the confidence that hands and nails look neat and well-groomed.

Nail manicure for teenagers must be carried out in accordance with the rules:

Nail art for teenagers is the final step in a thorough hand care routine. For a guaranteed effect, you must decide what result you want to get. Thus, children's pictures will emphasize your naivety, discreet manicure in pastel colors will show that you are already enough adult girl. Bright, acidic design will help to show rebellion. Shades of red should not be included in a manicure for a teenage girl; it is better to replace them with pink.

Fashionable manicure ideas for teenagers (with photos)

During adolescence, many children think that no one understands them. The truth of life is that sometimes they cannot agree with themselves. To get an understanding of what interests a girl between the ages of 12 and 17, let’s look at a few examples with photos, try to think about what exactly she’s thinking about and what rules teenage manicure follows.

Manicure for teenagers aged 12 (with photo)

Favorite heroes are cartoon and comic book characters. Girls can play Barbie and enjoy leafing through fashion magazines.

What does a 12 year old girl think about? I quarreled with my friend and started biting my nails. You need to put on makeup so that there is no more temptation. I will draw my favorite cat Kitty. Until I make peace with my friend, Kitty will support me.

I bought myself a new keychain for my backpack – a Teddy bear. I don’t want to part with him even for a minute. Will I draw it on my nails or not, better bows or stripes. Eh, it's a pity that we can't do it all together. I will think.

Manicure for teenagers aged 13 (with photo)

Time of the first discos and conflicts with parents.

What does a 13 year old girl think about? It's good that we don't have exams. You can relax and calmly wait for summer. While I'm waiting, I'll paint my nails with bright polish. Which one? Yes, at least yellow. The teachers won't find fault.

I want to make friends with a girl who goes to dance club with me. How to approach her? I came up with it I'll stick photos of sneakers on my nails, they're so cool. She'll definitely notice and ask where I got those stickers.

Manicure for teenagers aged 14 (with photo)

Brave experiments in clothes and endless watching of TV series.

What does a 14 year old girl think about? I want romance. Which? I don't know, but I really want to. And also I want to be like the girls from the photographs from fashion magazines . I saw that they paint their nails blue now. And to get a French manicure. I'll do blue and pink. Waves, just like the sea.

I've never been on a date before. Well, one with flowers and a cafe. Darling The pink polish is a little boring, what can I do to dilute it?? Polka dots are in fashion today. It’s decided, I’ll stamp white peas on a pink background. It should work.

Manicure for teenagers aged 15 (with photo)

The need to decide on a university looms on the horizon. I want discos and fashion magazines. AND don't think about anything. Well, you can talk about boys.

What else does a 15 year old girl dream about? I'm tired of everything about manicure. I dream of going to Morocco on vacation. So I’ll draw a pattern on my nails the same as I saw in the photo in the magazine.

Bought several new baubles. I wrapped everything around my hand at once. It’s beautiful, you should paint your nails the same way.

Manicure for teenagers aged 16 (with photo)

Improving appearance. Let's make a wish on New Year smartphone and a new dress.

What else does a 16 year old girl dream about? Today I'm going to celebrate Halloween. Need to design a costume and paint your nails. I'll do everything in best traditions. Walk, just walk.

What dress to wear to a disco to make everyone fall over? How dye your hair in pink color so that parents don’t scold you. Though pink nails I’ll draw it, maybe it’ll make me feel better.

Hooray! Go to the sea. IN next year with all these receipts there will definitely not be time. I'll draw marine manicure, let everyone ask and envy.

Manicure for teenagers aged 17 (with photo)

Thoughts about final exams keep you up at night. The style of the prom dress is being actively discussed.

What else does a 17 year old girl dream about? I'm already in graduating class. It’s good that today is September 1st, we don’t have to talk about exams yet. All of a sudden I wanted tenderness. I almost cried while painting my nails pink nail polish. They look like candy or marshmallows.

Well, it has begun. Preparation-study-preparation. There is not enough time to do it. But today I'll definitely find time for it. And I’ll paint it mint, maybe it will add calmness to the test.

Well, here's graduation. Dress, hairstyle, shoes - everything is thought out. I'll go to the salon for a manicure. I made an appointment for 6 am, there were no openings before. I want romance, freshness and sleep.

Video tutorial on how to make a beautiful teenage manicure

Useful video on hand care and manicure design. Current expert advice on how to paint your nails correctly. How to work with a brush and provide good view hands for a long time. Useful tips in case a freshly painted manicure suffers a minor injury.

Combination of manicure for teenagers with other types of design solutions

Teenage fashion is rich in its trends and abundance of textures. Casual, minimalism, hippie, country - a combination of rebellion and glamor. A new direction in teenage fashion - hats with artificial flowers. Flowers on hats and bomber jackets echo nail nail art with floral motifs. Large jewelry and unnatural bright color hair are duplicated by shades on the nails.

Teenage manicure Can divided into three categories:

School manicure for teenagers

Yet educational establishments, especially specialized ones, impose certain restrictions on the color and design of manicure. During educational process should be limited to natural shades . , will be very useful. If we are talking about design, then it is better to do it in pastel shades, so the manicure does not look provocative.

Manicure for teenagers during vacation

A welcome time for all schoolchildren. Here you can play around and depict whatever your heart desires. For a holiday at sea, you can choose. It goes great with short denim shorts and straw hat. A cool and desirable manicure for teenagers in the summer - bright, acidic shades, and it doesn’t matter how they look interact with sundresses, tops and summer sandals. Many teenagers like to get manicures with their favorite animals for the summer. Summer manicure, as a rule, is duplicated in pedicure.

Original and cool manicure for teenagers

School life is rich not only in knowledge, but also bright events. So, on themed party you can design it in a holiday style. If you haven't prepared a suit, your manicure will show that you were still getting ready for the party. For Halloween, for example, or for evening gatherings in pajamas with friends.

What topics are most interesting in adolescence? How are they expressed in clothes and manicure? Write a review, we will be grateful to you.

During adolescence, many habits are instilled that remain for life. Manicure for teenagers is important hygiene procedure nail care. It should be performed once every 7-10 days. Moreover, not only girls, but also boys need to be taught to properly care for their nails. Teenage manicure is very different from adult manicure. It is important to choose correct design and give Special attention safety of the means used. Let's find out how to properly care for your nails at a young age, and what decor options you can choose so as not to shock school teachers.

Important rules for teenage manicure

When choosing nail polish, it is important to decide on the color and design. IN Soviet times A schoolgirl's painted nails were considered a gross violation of discipline. And now each school has its own dress code for the appearance of students. Even in modern schools Bright, pretentious and complex manicure is not welcome.

Looks discreet and simple design with neutral shades, and all kinds of textures are relevant as decoration. This can be glitter, dust, or dry glitter. Because school rules often not allowed long nails, then you should pay attention to interesting designs for short nail plates.

Teenage manicure is best done unedged, as it is safer.

  • Nails should be cut with nail scissors.
  • To give your nails the required form, you should use a nail file.
  • If there are changes in the structure of the nails or their appearance, you should consult a dermatologist. This will avoid many problems, such as the appearance of fungus.

Often in teenagers, nails become brittle and brittle. This happens when there is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet.

Advice! Any young suitable for a girl neutral option with clear varnish and glitter decoration. Full coverage is applied along the edge of the nail.

Manicure for children

Often mothers do manicures for their little daughters themselves. Children's manicure has important nuances:

  • The cuticle can only be slightly pushed back and only after special baths.
  • All products must be from the children's series. This applies not only to varnish, but also to cream, soap and oil.

Advice! Length baby nail must be at least 2 mm, otherwise the nail will be shortened with each subsequent procedure.

How to take care of your nails

The main function of nails is to protect the fingertips. It is with their help that you can scratch yourself and hold any objects in your hands, but just do not chew. Since this is harmful not only to appearance, but also to health.

Here are basic nail care tips:

  • Keep them clean and dry to prevent infection.
  • Choose a straight nail shape, as rounded or pointed nails are easier to break.
  • A damaged nail plate can become a source of infection, so you should not gnaw or bite it.

Can be used to strengthen nails special baths. You can add it to warm water lemon juice or sea ​​salt

Advice! The condition of the nail plate can often indicate the presence of any problems in the body. If the nails are deformed or pale, this indicates malnutrition, skin diseases or even for some kind of infection.

How to choose a varnish

To create a manicure you need special varnishes, solvents and hardeners. Most often, their composition is safe, but there are cases of individual intolerance to the components. Therefore, when using for the first time, you need to be careful.

For teenage manicure it is better to choose liquids without acetone. This component dries out nails and makes them weaker.

It is not recommended to have nail extensions done during adolescence, but if you decide to do so, you need to make sure that the materials offered do not contain methacrylate. This component is prohibited in many countries, as it causes severe allergic reaction.

Advice! To prevent varnish from harming children’s fragile nails, you need to choose a product that contains calcium and vitamins. remember, that poor quality product may cause an allergic reaction.

What are the problems with nails?

Due to the fact that nails are located on the tips of the fingers, they are easily injured. But even if you avoid such troubles, there are other problems with the nail plates that you should be aware of:

  • Nibbled nails are easily damaged and serve as a source of infection.
  • You can become infected with fungus if you walk barefoot when visiting a public pool or shower.
  • The nail plate may change color due to injury, poor nutrition or for health problems.
  • Hangnails often provoke the appearance of an inflammatory process.
  • Ingrown toenails are a very painful nuisance that can occur if not trimmed correctly.

Advice! For preventive purposes, it is worth eating more foods containing calcium, as well as using special oils to nourish the nail plate.

Carrying out a hygienic manicure

Hygienic manicure for nails in teenagers can become the basis for additional decor or for original design. Moreover, all funds must be allowed for children, and must also be done on natural basis.

Suitable for elementary and middle school girls clear nail polish using a small amount of glitter or even special stickers. Do not forget to remove the old coating in a timely manner, and also monitor overgrown nail plates.

Advice! For girls it is worth choosing nail polishes water based. They are very easy to remove. Products from manufacturers such as Snails Kids, Piggy Paint and Keeki are safe.

Stylish design options

In adolescence you can no longer use children's version manicure, and already move on to a more adult one. But even in this case, you should not use trimming manicure techniques.

French manicure

French can be done at home. It will require white and pastel colored varnish, a fixative, a base coat and special adhesive-based strips. First, the base is applied, and then the pastel-colored varnish is distributed. After the nail is dry, a strip is glued to the protruding edge of the nail plate, and distributed on top white varnish. Then the strip is removed and the design is painted over with a fixing compound.

Lunar manicure

Moon manicure is very simple to perform, so it is great for teenagers. In this case, a varnish of two different colors and adhesive strips.

First of all, the base is distributed. Then apply the color that will be closer to the base. Then the strip is fixed to the base of the nail, and the free part is painted into the main background.

Advice! An unusual design can be obtained by using some decorative elements: beads, rhinestones, decorative sprinkles and sequins.

Stylish ombre

This fashionable solution complements a hairstyle in the same coloring style or a gradient in clothing. In this case, in addition to the base solution and hardener, you will need a piece of foam rubber and several shades of varnish. Ombre represents smooth transition from the brightest to the palest shade of one color palette.

Stripes different varnishes applied to a smooth surface. Then a sponge is lightly pressed against the nails.

Advice! For variety, you can apply a design on your nails in the form of musical notes, graphic patterns or flowers.

Painted version

To do a manicure with painted elements, you need some experience. You can try applying decor using a thin brush or toothpick. If the pattern is difficult to apply, then you can use ready-made slider stickers, which are attached to the nail plate and then covered with varnish. transparent color.

Decor for short nails

You can make a wonderful manicure for short nails for teenagers, because the quality of the design is important, not the length. Short nail plates are convenient. In addition, the risk of breaking them is reduced.

If you choose the right design and color, your nails will look original and interesting.

The decor should be chosen very carefully so that bright details do not catch the eye.

The following decorations are relevant:

  • microbeads and rhinestones;
  • lace;
  • special dust or glitter;
  • threads and colored sand.

Solid color design can be decorated microbeads or rhinestones. Rhinestones look great at the base of the nail plate or on the edge. Microbeads are used for loose designs. It can be pressed into a layer of fresh varnish.

Dust and glitter are applied before the varnish dries.

Lace you can buy a variety of shades, but it’s better not to use contrasting colors. This decor should be a tone darker or lighter than the main background.

Advice! For decoration, you can use not only special threads, but also ordinary ones for embroidery. They are laid out in the form of a pattern on the main background, and secured on top with a top.

Manicure for summer

While studying, it is better not to use too bright or contrasting designs. color combinations. But in the summer there are no longer any serious restrictions.

Remember that long nails are not in fashion now. But short nail plates with bright patterns are very popular.

Peas maybe contrasting colors

So, what ideas are trending:

  • Fruits applied to the main background using fine brush or template.
  • Patterns must match the outfit or accessories.
  • Polka dots May be in contrasting colors.
  • Geometric figures on a plain background.

Advice! To create an unusual decor, you can choose designs with butterflies, animals, cartoon characters or floral arrangements.

How to do a manicure correctly

And to summarize, it’s worth telling a little about how teenage manicure is performed correctly. So, here we go:

  • Wash your hands very well with antibacterial soap and wipe them dry. If soap was not used, then another disinfectant solution is used.
  • It is important to form the correct and comfortable shape of the nail. A nail file will be useful for this. Do not use metal products; it is better if it is rubber-based with a special coating. File the nail plate in one direction only. This will avoid delamination.
  • Wash your hands very well with antibacterial soap and dry them. If soap was not used, then another disinfectant solution is used.

    Fashionable and stylish manicure– this does not mean bright and catchy. The neat and beautiful design will become a real decoration for any young girl.

Wonderful period - adolescence! Self-expression has no boundaries, and this can manifest itself not only in clothes, but also in the design of nails. But we should not forget about the relevance of such experiments. Design for friendly party cannot be transferred to the conditions for study, namely to the school bench. You can design your nails universally so that they fit optimally into any chosen look.

Features of teenage manicure

The physiological characteristics of adolescents dictate the main rules for caring for nails. IN adolescence The nail plate of a teenager is not yet mature and differs from an adult in its fragility and thinness. Because of this, a teenage girl’s manicure has its own characteristics:

  • It is worth doing an unedged type of manicure (edged can injure the child’s skin around and the nail itself, best option– European);
  • all special tools for manicure must be regularly sterilized;
  • It is better to choose a rounded nail shape, without sharp edges and no more than 2 mm in length;
  • decorative varnishes should be chosen from children's series so that manicure does not have a toxic effect on the body;
  • use nail polish removers without an acetone base;
  • Gel polish coating and extensions are not recommended. Daily repainting of nails is also not recommended. Nails should “rest”, so it is worth taking breaks between decorative design and simple application of “smart” varnish with a healing effect.

You can design nails for teenagers different ways using various decorative materials: special stickers, using sparkles, painting, etc. Playfulness and carefreeness in the design style is only welcome.

For summer

Design options summer manicure For young fashionistas imply application bright patterns, moon manicure with a contrast of colors, and if desired, simply cover the nail with transparent varnish. To prevent your eyes from getting tired of constant bright colors on your nails, you can alternate them with pastel ones. Main features summer decoration nails are:

  1. Relevance of manicure. Nail design should not be in dissonance with the overall image, both in style and color. The event for which the manicure was done should also match it: birthday party, beach, excursion, everyday wear, etc.
  2. Fashionable design and trends. Fashion changes every year, so it’s quite difficult to always be on trend. But with constant monitoring of new products in the nail industry, you can always do fashionable manicure and stand out from your friends and peers;
  3. Nail shape. In summer, teenagers are more active than in the cold season. Therefore, the shape of the nail should not cause any inconvenience, for example, for playing volleyball, hiking, swimming, etc. For several years now, the trend has been the shortest rounded nails.

Although adolescence is a very tender age, it is still relevant in summer unusual designs, bold decisions in color and decor. But do not forget that the nail plate needs rest and a period for recovery.


An educational institution is not a place for experimenting with appearance. The need to adhere to a certain dress code and the very status of the establishment will not tolerate bold decisions with color, long nails and excessive decorations in manicure design. There are some tips that will help you create a trendy school manicure:

  1. A win-win option - a transparent coating on the nails. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the nail plate and the skin around it (do hygienic manicure), so that there is no effect of not being well-groomed;
  2. Excellent school option -. A classic French jacket will decorate the nails and will not distract both the schoolgirl and those around her from studying;
  3. Shiny manicure will not only decorate your nails, but will also become a universal solution for different cases life. Use glitter to create original designs, patterns, and also cover the entire nail. The priority color of sparkles is beige, silver, gold and similar non-flashy shades;
  4. Pastel manicure in any shade it will not become a bright “spot” in the image, so for everyday wear it is the best option;
  5. Decoration with discreet drawings, stickers, patterns and other decorative elements will not be superfluous, but the main rule here is nothing superfluous!

A beautiful, discreet manicure will be a successful design for a teenager’s nails. Abuse of bright patterns and colors will make the appearance vulgar and inappropriate at school.

Manicure options for teenagers by age with photos

At a young age, a girl not only begins to take care of her appearance, but also to be in constant search of her own style. This happens throughout growing up, so tastes vary different ages may vary.

But at any age, caring for your nails and skin is necessary. To do this, before decorative painting of the nail, it is worth carrying out short hygiene procedures:

  1. Remove old varnish;
  2. Make a steaming bath with special oils (chamomile, mint, thyme);
  3. Bend the cuticle to the base of the nail bed;
  4. Use scissors or tongs to trim hangnails;
  5. Shape the nails by filing;
  6. Use hand moisturizer;
  7. Make the base coat the desired color;
  8. After applying the coating in the chosen tone, begin creating your original design.

Such simple steps will ensure well-groomed nails and their neat appearance. Without such an elementary beauty ritual, any decorative zeal will have no value.

For 12 year olds

You shouldn’t do any “adult” designs on your nails at this age. As an option - floral patterns, drawings or stickers depicting cartoon characters, animals, berries and fruits, etc. You shouldn’t imitate your mother’s manicure, since such designs are inappropriate for twelve-year-olds.

It is preferable to choose a varnish color that is neither bright nor dark, but more delicate. Acceptable decorative elements design in the form of mica, broths, rhinestones, but preferably not on every nail, but selectively (to avoid nausea).

For 13 year olds

At this age, childhood has not gone away yet, so playful, simple designs for marigolds continue. Keeping track of your appearance, Young lady can already freely decide which design to give preference to.

But some tips from your mom won't hurt either. In pursuit of finding his own unique style, a teenager can go overboard with excesses. Dark and rich colors Varnishes are not welcome at this age.

For 14 year olds

Time for first love and interest in opposite sex it has arrived. During this period it dominates romantic mood, I want lightness and ease. The design theme is appropriate: Teddy bears, hearts, flowers, etc. For especially stylish young ladies, all these drawings are useless; mirror rubbing, decoration with foil, rhinestones or classic options without design with varnish in one or a couple of tones.

For 15 year olds

Manicure at this age can be different, because a teenager begins to show the first signs of growing up: many are already showing own style, they want to appear more mature. Therefore, the manicure becomes more thoughtful and discreet. The cartoon theme and chaotic glitter disappear from the nails. The length of the nail increases slightly, and the shape may change from round to square or pointed.

For 16 year olds

Marigolds at 16 years old, depending on the occasion, can be decorated in different ways. Everyday options are more restrained, because no one has canceled trips to school. Monochromatic coatings in tone are relevant here school uniform or neutral color solutions: beige, pink, milky, etc. But a holiday manicure or a weekend manicure can easily accommodate as much as different kinds paintings and decorative materials.

Manicure ideas for teenagers according to nail length

Due to her workload and employment, the length of a teenage girl’s nail may vary. Young ladies who are especially sensitive to their appearance have long nails. Such specimens are often drawn to the cult of glamor from this age, so in parallel with the nails, the eyelashes begin to lengthen, complementing them with extensions, and the eyebrows increase in width and brightness. But busy and dynamic girls choose short nails, as they do not interfere with active activities.

Often the nail design style can be dictated by the teenager’s hobbies: music, sports, art, etc. Trends from various subcultures will definitely leave their mark: emo, Tamler girls, hikikomori, etc. Often such teenagers not only differ in their manicure, but also in their clothes.

For short nails

There are a lot of options for designing short nails. Moreover, this length is now in trend. And, most likely, it will last for more than one season. You can arrange them at school age like this:

  • plain coating;
  • plain coating with a design on selected nails;
  • plain coating different colors on selective fingers;
  • combined coating of nails, geometry;
  • classic – French, moon;
  • design on each nail;
  • photo design, stickers, transfers, painting.

In this case, a variety of decorative elements can be used that fit into the chosen type of manicure. Original designs on different backgrounds (white, transparent varnish, for example) can be applied in different ways (with a needle, brush, etc.). It is these author’s designs that will give the nails uniqueness, and not stereotyped.
