Homemade body scrub. For mature skin

We prepare natural scrubs for the face and body at home, recipes for homemade scrubs

should always be more gentle and natural than for the skin of the body and skin of the feet. To beautiful owners normal skin It is enough to use the scrub once a week. Those girls who have oily skin can use the scrub 2-3 times a week.

, applied after using the scrub, will be better absorbed into your skin and action nutrients After using the scrub it is much more effective.

Use a scrub before each depilation procedure - this will prevent ingrown hairs after shaving.

For acne, acne The use of the scrub is contraindicated! The problem may get worse!

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Scrub application technology: using the index and middle fingers of both hands, massage the face in a circular motion for about 2-3 minutes, moving first from the middle of the forehead to the temples, then from the corners of the mouth to the temples, then from about the middle of the chin to the earlobes. After this procedure, rinse off the scrub with warm water.

Avoid the eye area!

Natural facial scrubs at home, recipes.


Coffee scrub (from ground used coffee)

Mix ground dried coffee with yogurt or heavy cream in a 1:3 ratio. Massage your skin with the resulting mixture for about 2-5 minutes.
The result of using the scrub: the skin is soft and delicate.

Homemade salt and baking soda scrub recipe

After taking a bath or shower, massage your facial skin in a circular motion for 1-3 minutes with a damp cotton swab dipped in baking soda or regular salt. Crystals of salt and soda polish the skin well, freeing it from all impurities.
Result of use: the skin becomes smooth, enlarged pores are well cleaned and tightened.

Strawberry scrub

Mix 4 tablespoons of olive oil, 6 tablespoons of salt and 6 strawberries (strawberries have cleansing and antiseptic properties, you can even just occasionally lubricate your face with strawberries or Victoria). Apply the resulting scrub to your skin.

Oatmeal scrub with rice

If you have problematic skin, take a teaspoon of ground rice and vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, stir and add a little warm water.
Result: the skin becomes smooth, enlarged pores are cleaned and tightened.


If you have sensitive skin, do not use scrubs with natural hard abrasives (salt, apricot kernels, nut shells) because particles from these abrasives can scratch the skin and cause irritation. In your situation, we recommend using homemade scrubs with artificial abrasives.

Oatmeal scrub at home

Grind the oatmeal and dilute it in a coffee grinder to a smooth paste with water or milk. Massage the resulting natural scrub into the skin for 1-2 minutes.
The result: your skin is soft and smooth.

Homemade sea salt scrub recipe

Take one teaspoon of sea salt, add sour cream, mix and gently massage the resulting scrub onto your face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Instead of sour cream, you can use cream or olive oil- whichever suits you best!

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Technology for proper application of homemade body scrubs.

We always apply body scrub immediately after a shower on a damp clean skin and massage with your hand or a sponge-mitten made of natural fibers. During manicure and pedicure, it is convenient to use a scrub for hands and feet.

Nourishing and moisturizing products applied after the scrub are better absorbed into the skin and their effect after the scrub is much more effective.

Homemade salt scrub recipe

After a shower or bath, you can massage your skin in a circular motion with a damp cotton swab dipped in regular table salt or baking soda. Crystals of table salt and soda polish the skin well, freeing it from various contaminants. The salt scrub procedure is ideal before application. anti-cellulite gel.

Homemade body scrub recipe using coffee grounds

In the morning you can drink a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Squeeze out the remaining coffee grounds at the bottom. To two teaspoons of the resulting coffee grounds, add 2 drops of your favorite natural essential oil and one teaspoon of sour cream. Mix the whole mixture thoroughly! Apply the resulting scrub to a sponge and gently massage the body for about 2-5 minutes. Rinse everything off with cool, clean water.
The result of using a scrub from coffee grounds: gentle, velvety skin and a very wonderful aroma!

Sea salt scrub

Add a couple of drops of lavender or rose oil. Rub this scrub not with your hands, but with the skin of a banana or kiwi. This procedure can be done once every two weeks.

Recipe: Oatmeal Scrub for Smooth Skin

Oatmeal is the base for a great homemade body scrub. Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add liquid honey to it and mix this mixture thoroughly. You should use this scrub after a bath or shower.

Nourishing homemade coffee scrub

Coffee grounds left over from natural coffee mix with unrefined vegetable oil or cream, massage the skin with this scrub and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Natural homemade scrub recipe

Sour cream, honey, coffee, butter. Mix the ground unsalted coffee thoroughly with other ingredients - honey + sour cream + olive oil. Use this scrub once a week.

Homemade scrub made with cinnamon, pepper, salt and olive oil

Coarse black pepper, a little olive oil, cinnamon and coarse salt. This homemade scrub not only cleanses the skin, but also stimulates blood flow. This scrub is especially useful for those who want to strengthen maximum effect from playing sports (cinnamon helps with weight loss and metabolism).

Homemade sugar and olive oil scrub recipe

Mix cold-pressed oil (the most affordable olive oil) and sugar and rub into the skin of the body.

Anti-cellulite scrub at home from sea salt, grapefruit, olive oil

1 small grapefruit, 5 tbsp. spoons of sea salt, 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Mix sea salt with olive oil. Grate the grapefruit along with the peel and add to the mixture of salt and oil. Mix everything thoroughly. You should use this scrub before a shower, but apply it to a damp body, rubbing it gently in a circular motion. After some time, wash off the scrub with shower gel.

Scrub mask for face and body made of honey and salt

1 cup salt Dead Sea powdered or finely ground sea salt, 1/3 cup honey, 1/3 cup jojoba oil, 2 tablespoons powdered whole milk, 2 tablespoons blue clay. This scrub should be stored in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator if you have not used the entire scrub in one use. Apply the scrub mask with your hand to a moisturized face, neck, arms and entire body. Rinse well and blot dry soft towel.

Natural strawberry body scrub recipe

3 tbsp. spoons of fresh strawberries, 2 tbsp. spoons of almond oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. Mash strawberries in a deep glass bowl, add honey and almond oil. Mix everything properly. The scrub application procedure should be done in the bath. Not a large number of Take the resulting scrub in your palms, and starting from the shoulders, in a circular motion, rub into the skin, but without special effort so as not to injure her. Then rinse off the scrub with warm water.

Latin American Sugar Scrub

4 tsp. milk or cream, 1 cup white or brown sugar, 3 tsp. coconut oil (avocado, olive or almond), 10 drops lemon juice or lemon essential oil, 3 drops vanilla and, optionally, 1 drop rose essential oil. Apply the resulting scrub to the body, then carefully rinse it off in the shower. The result is a feeling of softness and freshness on the skin.

Natural scrub for face and body made from kefir and salt

Add kefir to 5 tablespoons of salt to the desired consistency. Rub the mixture into the skin of your face and body, leave this scrub for 1 minute, you can massage it lightly. Then rinse with warm water.

Cranberry Date Moisturizing Scrub

Take 1 cup frozen or fresh cranberries, 8 dates, 1/2 cup apricot juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of bran. Place all ingredients in a mixer or blender and blend. Rub the resulting mixture into the skin with massage movements. Take a warm shower.

Scrub made from orange peel, ginger oil, sea salt, cedar oil

- 3 drops of ginger oil (has bactericidal and tonic properties);
- 2 cups sea salt;
- 2 tbsp. spoons of dry, crushed orange peel;
- 2 drops of cedar oil (treats dermatitis).

Mix all the ingredients and apply the resulting mixture to your body while taking a bath or shower. Massage the skin with your hands or using a loofah washcloth. Rinse off the scrub and massage the body. Upon completion of your water procedure worth applying to skin light moisturizer. Sea salt for humans is ideal as a scrub, as it removes all dead cells, cleanses pores well, tones, saturates the skin with vitamins and minerals, and refreshes.

Brown Sugar Scrub Recipe

1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 cup olive oil. Fill a mug with brown sugar and compact it. Add olive oil and mix everything until smooth, add vanilla extract for flavoring. Take a small amount into your palm and gently rub into the skin, starting from the extremities and moving towards the torso, avoiding the face and areas with damaged skin. Shelf life of the scrub: none, store in the refrigerator.

Sugar-sour cream raspberry anti-aging scrub

3 tbsp. spoons of fine sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 2 tbsp. spoons of raspberries. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly in one deep bowl. You can even take raspberries frozen - nowadays they retain their beneficial features after proper defrosting. Apply the scrub to the entire body and leave for 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water in the shower.

Homemade orange scrub

1 tbsp. spoon of orange juice, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of milk, 1 teaspoon rice flour. For this scrub we will need freshly squeezed orange juice.

Homemade Corn Flour Body Scrub Recipe

Apply dry cornmeal onto a wet body, using massaging movements, starting from the face and ending with the heels. Then wash off. After this procedure, do not wash yourself with anything else, but only pat your skin dry with a soft towel. Your skin will become velvety.

Honey and cinnamon scrub

Mix cinnamon and honey in a 1:2 ratio, apply to the entire surface of the skin with massaging movements, then rinse with water.

Orange peel scrub

Dry fresh orange peels, grind them into powder in a coffee grinder. Mix the resulting powder with water and apply to the body. If you have dry skin, you can add sour cream or a few drops of olive oil to the scrub.

Learn more about natural homemade natural cosmetics in sections: .

And faces.

Every thirty days or so, our skin cells die off to make room for new ones. Many dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend peeling to cleanse the skin of dead cells, refresh it and rejuvenate it. At home, you can make homemade scrubs for this purpose.

The main thing is that it contains exfoliant particles, which help exfoliate the skin.

At home this could be

  • chopped apricots
  • grape or olive seeds
  • finely crushed nut shells
  • algae and wax granules,
  • crushed cereals,
  • orange peel,
  • Brown sugar,

Homemade Scrub can be prepared for face and body.

For the manufacture of scrub masks For the face, coffee grounds and coffee grounds are best. If you want to make a body scrub, it is best to take sea ​​salt, sugar, crushed seeds and orange peel.

Such particles retain their hardness for a longer period of time, which is necessary for us to obtain the desired effect from use.


Recipe for the first “Orange” body scrub

We need to take olive oil in a 1:1 ratio, add a few drops of sweet orange oil and 1 tbsp of ground orange peel.

Mix everything thoroughly and pack in glass jar and store in a dry place for no more than two weeks.

Recipe two "Vanilla"

Mix 1 cup brown sugar with 0.5 tsp vanilla sugar, add 1 tsp grated almonds and a little body butter or olive oil (about 3 tbsp)

Mix and store in a dry place.

And several recipes for express scrub masks.

Homemade Coffee Scrub

Add a little vegetable oil to the coffee grounds and apply this thick paste to your face and neck with your fingertips. Massage for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water

Homemade Grape Scrub

Grind a handful of grapes and mix them with ground oatmeal until a paste forms.

Apply a thick layer to the skin and massage, rinse with warm water

Homemade Carrot Scrub

Mix the pulp of grated carrots with oatmeal to form a paste and apply to the skin, massaging it.

Rinse with warm water

Homemade Sweet Scrub

Mix 5 tbsp granulated sugar with 1 tsp whipped cream, apply to facial skin, massage and rinse.

Homemade curd scrub

Mix 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of ground rice and 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

Massage your face and rinse with warm water.

Like these ones simple recipes You can make scrubs yourself at home.

And now a few important advice on their application

  • 1) It is best to use the scrub at night after cleansing the skin.no more than once a week.
  • 2)When applying the scrub, move along massage lines, avoiding the skin around the eyes.
  • 3) After using the scrub, be sure to apply a rich cream.
  • 4) The shelf life of homemade scrub without preservatives is 3-5 days

Not only the skin of the face, but also the body needs regular care. Sometimes we forget how important it is to clean and moisturize it properly. Hence the loss of elasticity, cellulite, rashes, dullness...

These problems can be solved without resorting to expensive cosmetics. A properly prepared homemade body scrub can sometimes work wonders!

Who shouldn't have scrubbing?

Have a velvety and delicate skin- the dream of all girls. Some do their own exfoliating treatments, while others prefer a cozy and relaxing spa treatment to their own bathroom. It doesn’t matter which way you decide to go through the scrubbing process, the main thing is to remember existing contraindications and strictly follow them:

  • Pregnancy

While expecting a baby, many body care procedures are contraindicated due to hypersensitivity skin expectant mother and possible adverse effects on the baby. Moreover, many spa scrubs contain essential oils, which should be avoided. One careless movement can cause enormous harm and can have the most unpredictable consequences! So is it worth the risk?!

  • Fresh tan

You should not use scrubs immediately after a sun therapy session. This can damage the skin, increase its sensitivity to sun exposure, and also increase the risk of age spots.

  • Skin damage

If you have open wounds, scratches, burns, scrubs are contraindicated until the damage has completely healed. Failure to do so will likely cause pain, aggravate the injury, delay the healing process, and may lead to the spread of infection.

  • Skin sensitivity

For people with sensitive skin prone to allergies, some recipes may be contraindicated. To avoid worsening the condition of your skin, do an allergy test on the thin skin of your wrist, and also choose products with small exfoliating particles.

  • Vein problems

If you have spider veins and venous nodes, it is better to avoid the cleansing scrubbing procedure. By at least, do not use scrubs on these areas.

Homemade body scrub recipes

Well, now let’s move on to the most interesting part - let’s talk about the most effective home scrubs, proven over the years.

Vanilla Sugar Scrub

Those with a sweet tooth will definitely love this recipe! This is not only the key to clean and fresh skin, but also real aromatherapy. Shall we start cooking?

Sugar body scrub is made very quickly - just mix four tablespoons of sugar, a few drops of vanilla essence and a couple of tablespoons of almond oil in one container. Use the product while taking an evening shower - it will help you relax, relieve stress and prepare for bed.

Tomato scrub for oily skin

For those who suffer increased fat content skin and enlarged pores not only on the face, but also on the back, shoulders, and chest, we strongly recommend trying the following body scrub at home.

Take four ripe tomatoes and chop them finely. Soak the rice in warm water for half an hour, and then grind it with the tomato pulp. Apply the product all over the body, massage and do not rinse for several minutes to achieve the best result.

This recipe is perfect for people with gray, dull, oily skin and clogged pores. Rice will gently exfoliate dead epidermal cells, and tomato will help normalize sebum production.

Homemade body scrub made from coffee grounds

Dedicated to all coffee lovers! Now you can enjoy the aroma of your favorite drink not only in the kitchen, but also in the shower!

The secret is simple - prepare a body scrub from coffee. To do this, you will need three tablespoons of coffee grounds, a teaspoon of cocoa powder and a tablespoon of heated coconut oil.

Mix the ingredients until you obtain a homogeneous consistency and go to the bathroom.

Coffee body scrub has excellent cleansing properties, makes the skin fresh, gets rid of dry and flaky areas, and also gives a light, barely noticeable tan.

Salt body scrub with oatmeal

Oatmeal, sir? Perhaps! What if not oatmeal will give the skin a velvety feel, draw out impurities and toxins from the pores and help cope with the feeling of dryness and tightness!

So, there won't be a moment to waste. To prepare a scrub from salt and oatmeal, we need a spoon of ground oatmeal, a little vegetable oil, two or three tablespoons of salt and a teaspoon of honey.

Now you can use and enjoy! Just don’t forget to put a protective strainer or gauze on the bathroom drain, otherwise it may become clogged.

An invigorating fruit body scrub

You can be transported to the hot tropics, inhale the fresh aroma of juicy fruits and please your skin without leaving the bathroom. Prepare a homemade tropical body scrub using the following recipe:

You will need two ripe bananas, a glass of yogurt or sour cream, as well as pre-chopped and dried orange zest.

Mix all ingredients and apply on body in circular motions. To enhance the aroma and anti-cellulite properties, you can add five drops of citrus essential oil to the composition. Don't forget to do an allergy test before use!

This scrub gives a wonderful moisturizing effect and tightens the skin, and the bright fruity aroma will help you feel fresh and rejuvenated!

Nourishing avocado scrub

We can talk about the benefits of avocados for a very long time. The fruit contains a large amount of vitamins A and E, fats, and microelements. It is ideal for all skin types, and especially dry and dehydrated. Avocado makes an excellent body scrub. Let's take this recipe for example.

Mix a teaspoon each of salt and dill seeds, a tablespoon of warm coconut oil and avocado puree prepared in a blender.
When all the ingredients are kneaded to a homogeneous consistency, the scrub can be safely used for its intended purpose.

After regular use of this product, your skin will become velvety and nourished without additional hydration in the form of creams and lotions. You will forever forget about these unpleasant phenomena like tightness, dryness and flaking!

Anti-cellulite hot scrub

Your active assistant in the fight against " orange peel" can be next remedy. To prepare it, combine three tablespoons of salt or sugar and a tablespoon of olive or almond oil in a separate bowl.

Plus a burning component that will speed up metabolism and activate fat burning. Such a mysterious ingredient can be cinnamon, caffeine, pepper in the amount of one teaspoon.

After the composition is ready, heat it in a water bath and apply warm to damp skin. Work it out carefully. problem areas and rinse thoroughly. To see the first results, you must use anti-cellulite hot scrub regularly, but not more than once a week.

Technology of using natural body scrub

In order to achieve effective action active ingredients and not cause harm to the skin, we recommend that you pay attention to the following “rules of behavior in the bathroom”:

  1. The first thing to remember is do not apply the scrub to dry skin. Turn on the warm water, relax, soak in a nice shower for a few minutes, and then start exfoliating.
  2. Apply the selected composition in a circular motion to improve blood circulation. Do a light self-massage for a couple of minutes, which will serve as an excellent prevention against cellulite and sagging skin.
  3. Never rub your body too hard or for too long - it will do nothing but harm.
  4. Exfoliating your skin once a week is enough to get rid of dead skin cells—don't overdo it.
  5. Never use body scrub on your face. All of the above recipes are not suitable for the delicate and thin skin of your face.
  6. When you get out of the shower, apply moisturizer or nourishing lotion to restore the skin after the procedure, make it soft and elastic. You can use almond or olive oil.

Well, that’s probably all the wisdom. Don't forget to use body peeling, follow our tips, try, experiment and let your skin be as soft as silk!

Not everyone is destined to be born with beautiful and soft skin. For many ladies, this is systematic self-care, a labor-intensive process that ultimately gives the desired result. The first step to beautiful skin you can just do it at home and make it simple, but effective scrub for body.

Beneficial features

Facial scrubs can be found in women much more often than for the body. Well, in vain. Do effective peeling and you can cleanse your body skin natural means homemade or ready-made, which are so common on the market cosmetic products. From such procedures you can get silky and soft skin, help your body cleanse itself of toxins through unblocked pores.

Thanks to the use of scrubs, the following goals are also achieved:

  • reduction of cellulite in the initial stages;
  • imparting firmness and elasticity;
  • reduction of stretch marks;
  • deletion sebum, dirt, skin cells that have already died or become keratinized.

Scrubs are usually done at the beginning of such procedures: wraps, masks, massage. After good cleansing skin before such procedures, their effect is enhanced and the effect occurs faster. Special brushes, mittens, and shower heads help with scrubbing.


Scrubs have enough positive qualities, but such products cannot be used by everyone. First of all, the scrub performs mechanical impact on the skin. Therefore, there are contraindications that you should be wary of before you start using them:

  • skin diseases (no matter what stage they are at);
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • allergic rashes on the body or individual intolerance to the components that make up the scrub;
  • minor scratches, cuts and other damage to the skin;
  • Very thin skin, rosacea, vascular network etc.

Such skin conditions require other cleansing methods or the selection of scrubs that will be as gentle as possible. You should use any of the scrubs carefully during pregnancy, as the skin during this period can become especially sensitive and receptive.

Homemade body scrub recipes

Having made peeling products, you can be sure that all the ingredients are natural and fresh. Recipes that help you make a scrub with your own hands can be adjusted to suit your needs and adjust the amount of ingredients.

All scrubs are best prepared before use. Alternatively, you can store it in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days (depending on the ingredients). They need to be used correctly: apply with massaging movements, do not wait until the skin becomes very red and burns are felt.

If you apply a scrub to steamed skin, the effect will be more intense. You can use them up to 3-4 times a week.


Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning will not only invigorate you, but also help cleanse your skin. There are many recipes for this, and some of them are also helpful in getting rid of cellulite or “orange peel.”

A scrub is useful for the skin if you need to not only cleanse it, but also tone it and improve its elasticity. Auxiliary components will enhance the effect or additionally moisturize and soften the skin.

You can make a scrub using either coffee grounds or simply ground coffee beans. Little secret in order not to make a mistake with the base for the scrub: the grounds from brewed coffee will have a softer effect than just ground coffee.

  1. Coffee and salt. At home, prepare any coffee and regular table salt(can also be prepared with sea salt). Take in equal parts liquid soap, salt and coffee. Mix and apply before showering.
  2. Coffee and honey. To make it yourself, you need honey and coffee. Proportions – 1:2.
  3. Coffee, honey, pepper. The base is the same as for the previous scrub. Add pepper (preferably red on the tip of the knife) and a spoonful of olive oil. This option is suitable for problem areas of the body - buttocks, sides, abdomen, as it affects subcutaneous fat. The effect intensifies. If after self-massage of problem areas, wrap yourself in cling film for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Coffee, ether, ground almonds. Add 2 drops to 50g of ground coffee orange oil(ether), add a teaspoon of almond flour and “season” with grape seed oil (1 tsp). This scrubbing will improve the condition of the skin and, with constant use, even out the skin, removing “orange peel” unevenness.

Variations coffee scrub numerous. It can be used often (up to 3 times a week) and combined with products that are in the refrigerator or in the bathroom - from sour cream to shower gel.

If for cooking home remedy If you don’t have time, you can use the Black Pearl product “ Perfect skin».

With salt

Not everyone has the habit of drinking coffee in the morning. But salt is a product that almost every housewife has. Salt scrubs can be used before taking a bath and you won’t feel any discomfort (the salt will simply melt in the water).

It is better to use sea salt to prepare scrub products. If you come across too large granules. Then they can be ground in a coffee grinder to the size of a regular kitchen grinder.

  1. Salt and ether. Base – 2 tbsp. salt. Next - 2 drops each of orange, jojoba, and almond ether.
  2. Salt, honey and cocoa. Mix salt and cocoa powder in equal parts. For bonding - honey.
  3. Salt, soda and lemon. For two tablespoons of salt, use a teaspoon of lemon zest.

All products obtained are used both to cleanse the skin and improve its condition. Israeli scrubs with minerals are popular.

Salt and soda scrubs can be combined with all types of essential oils to give it not only pleasant aroma, but also desired effect(orange or grapefruit oil helps in the fight against cellulite, almonds – tones, jojoba – cleanses, stimulates collagen production, etc.).

From cinnamon

Aromatic cinnamon not only goes well with pies and gingerbread, but also copes with sagging and tired skin, making it elastic and healthy-looking.

  1. Cinnamon with honey. 2 tbsp. mix cinnamon with 1 tbsp. liquid honey (if it is candied, then melt it). With systematic use, the “orange peel” can be reduced.
  2. Cinnamon, soda, lemon. Mix 1 tbsp. cinnamon, soda and lemon juice. It copes well with skin unevenness and removes a layer of dead skin particles.

You can use already ground cinnamon or grind it yourself. The benefits of sugar and coffee products cannot be compared with cinnamon.

From sugar

Sugar has a good grain size for high-quality peeling. Therefore, it is often used as a base for a scrub. It is used both at home (shower, bath), and in baths and saunas. Recipe sugar remedy does not contain any expensive ingredients, but is effective.

  1. Sugar, cream. Proportions – 2:1. This product can be used frequently as it moisturizes the skin and is gentle on it. Cream can be replaced with similar products (for example, sour cream).
  2. Sugar, cinnamon, butter. Mix 1 tbsp. sugar, cinnamon, olive oil. The mixture tones, moisturizes the skin, makes it elastic.

The method of using sugar is similar to others, but it is worth considering that sugar can quickly melt in contact with any liquid substance (butter, cream).

Fresh juice scrub also has a sugar base. Also natura siberica – icy sugar scrub, “Strawberry jam”, “Ripe strawberries” Avon,

Chocolate (from cocoa)

Simple and tasty remedy can reduce the amount of fat in problem areas (thighs/buttocks). The main thing is to choose an additional component.

  1. Cocoa, honey, orange oil. Half a glass of powder and 2 tbsp. mix honey, add three drops of orange ether. Use the product every other day regularly, for a month. Then the first result will be visible.
  2. Cocoa, pepper, butter. For 2 tbsp. cocoa powder add 1 tbsp. oils and red pepper (can be replaced with pepper tincture) - on the tip of a teaspoon. This scrub is suitable as a fat burning agent.

Cocoa has a renewing effect on the skin without harshly removing dead particles.


Honey can be used as a binder for almost any scrub, since it definitely won’t be superfluous. Thanks to honey useful material penetrate the skin, smooth it, making it firm and elastic. If you feel a slight warming up, then this is a sign of a good effect.

  1. Honey and salt. 1 tbsp. mix honey with 2 tbsp. salt. Suitable for use all over the body.
  2. Honey, aloe, sugar. 2 tbsp. Mix sugar with one spoon of honey and paste from aloe leaves. This scrub provides good hydration.


Basis for the product - coconut flakes(2 tbsp). You can make a good scrub if you add aromatic cinnamon (1 tsp), full-fat sour cream (or cream) and honey - 1 tbsp each. This product can moisturize the skin, give it natural radiance and elasticity.

Coconut flakes can be added to all other scrubs as an additional ingredient. For example, taking as a basis one of coffee recipes, coconut is added in a proportion that is half the amount of coffee.


Scrub on oatmeal very affordable, easy to prepare and provides active action on the skin: restores natural firmness, elasticity, moisturizes. Oatmeal also has many vitamins that can improve its health and restore it.

Honey, milk, fruit or berry fillings (seasonal) are added to ground oatmeal. Here are examples of oatmeal recipes.

  1. Oatmeal (2 tbsp) is seasoned with cranberry puree (1 tbsp) and olive oil (1 tsp).
  2. Add 1 tbsp to oatmeal (2 tbsp.) honey, sour cream and 1 tsp. cinnamon.
  3. Take equal parts of oatmeal, coffee, sugar and honey. Such a scrub will become an excellent remedy for those who rarely use it.


They take as a basis semolina and combine it with other ingredients. Affordable and effective option– add honey and milk (1 spoon each) to two tablespoons of semolina.

An addition to this mixture is orange or grapefruit ether. Instead of milk, you can use sour cream or cream.


To prepare this product, use hard varieties of nuts - hazelnuts, cashews. But to save money, you can replace them with ground peanuts. For a moisturizing effect and gentle scrubbing, use 1 tbsp. ground peanuts, walnut, cinnamon and 2 tbsp. low-fat sour cream.

Cosmetic companies have taken care to use already ready scrub without the hassle of preparation: “Phyto-cosmetic” Folk recipes(walnut).


Thai fruit scrubs are popular because they have an anti-cellulite effect and have a beneficial effect on the skin. Their structure resembles a simple cream, and some even have oil base. But you can prepare a similar remedy at home.

  1. Ginger with guava and grape seeds. Mix 50 g of dried ginger with 50 g of guava puree and 50 g of ground grape seeds. Place the paste in a blender, add honey and mix. Use a couple of times a week.
  2. Mango, sugar, coffee, sesame, red pepper. Sugar, mango puree and coffee are placed in one tablespoon each, followed by one teaspoon of sesame seeds and pepper on the tip of a knife. Mix everything in a blender. Use as an anti-cellulite product.

For fruit scrubs It is important to combine foods that are rich in vitamins. As an abrasive - ground seeds, sugar, coffee, etc.

Domestic interpretation of the product - herbal ingredients, oils. An example of a ready-made bio-product is “Bring up the heat” anti-cellulite from Siberika. Japanese and Korean scrubs are popular among those who want to get rid of cellulite. Their base is also of plant origin and can be selected for any skin type.

How to choose?

Finding the best scrub for use is not easy. The difficulty is that different skin types perceive the product differently. For example, one woman enjoyed using an anti-cellulite product and achieved results, while another found it ineffective.

So, why do you need a scrub? This must be understood immediately before buying it or making it yourself.

  • Anti-cellulite. It is better to choose based on large abrasive particles that do not conceal short term(like sugar, salt). It is also worth choosing products that contain warming ingredients (products from guam, Organic Kitchen, Letual, fito cosmetics, eco laboratories).
  • Cleaning. All scrubs that contain small particles and additional functions(hydration, nutrition). These are products from dolce milk, clarins, payot, Letual H2O.
  • Rejuvenating. The optimal product with small particles and components that contribute to skin rejuvenation - coenzymes, collagen, elastane (anti-kodali products).
  • For a bath or sauna. The range of means for visiting such places is different high content essential oils (mixit scrubs, Athena diy).

Having a tender and sensitive skin, choose small particles for cleansing and additional components that moisturize and restore. You can include natural Spivak products in your handmade scrubs.

Review of brands

Choosing good remedy for a body that can not only cleanse the skin, but also give a certain effect, they very rarely look at the instructions for use. It often happens that the girl or woman who chose the scrub simply does not know how to use it correctly. Manufacturers always introduce the buyer to the basics correct application And further use– with a glove, wrapping, massage effect.

Ratings and various tops are full of companies that, judging by their composition, are different and have different additional effects(except scrubbing). For example, against ingrown hairs or cellulite (Kenyan mango (Organic shop) or Natura Siberica scrub).

Leading cosmetic companies offer their products in this direction: “Natura” Siberica sea buckthorn-honey, Clean line“Phytobath”, “fitness body” anti-cellulite hot scrub, organic shop“Brazilian coffee”, toning and moisturizing, draining “talasso” (thalasso).

These are also the manufacturers of “planeta organica” (organic planet), Oriflame, Faberlic, Yves Rocher, Garnier, Granny Agafya’s Recipes, Horsepower, Ecolab, Collistar, freeman, ecolab, Beauty Cafe.

Using scrubs from leading manufacturers or prepared yourself, it is important to find exactly the one that will not cause discomfort. For unpleasant burning or symptoms allergic reactions, the scrub should be replaced or not used at all.

All women dream of glowing, elastic and smooth skin of the face and body without wrinkles, making a lot of efforts for this, including spending huge sums on all kinds of beauty products. Companies are vying with each other to offer their latest developments; stores are bursting with an abundance of products designed to care for the skin.

But perhaps not everyone knows that, no less effective means You can make it yourself, from ingredients available in any home, which will be in no way inferior to their store-bought counterparts, except perhaps in price. In addition, peelings, scrubs and masks made at home include only fresh and absolutely natural products, without harmful additives and fragrances. Any oils, honey, salt, sugar, cottage cheese or sour cream, eggs, coffee and lemons are suitable for this. All this can be found without difficulty in any household.

As a result, you can get well-cleansed, smooth and velvety skin without roughness, inflammation and flaking.

An important point in caring for the skin of the face and body is its deep, thorough cleansing, which must be carried out regularly, twice a week for normal and oily skin and once for dry and damaged. We offer several of the most effective natural scrubs for the body and face, which are not at all difficult to prepare, do not take much time and have virtually no impact on the budget.

An important rule: before using the scrub, the facial skin must be cleansed of cosmetics, and the body must be washed and, if possible, steamed to achieve the desired effect. The scrub is applied with light movements, without pressure, rubbed into the skin for a few minutes and then washed off after a few minutes.

Natural scrubs for facial skin.

Scrubs for dry and exhausted skin.

  • 2 tablespoons coffee grounds
  • 2 tablespoons of full-fat cottage cheese or sour cream

The scrub is easily rubbed into the skin. Coffee cleans it perfectly, and cottage cheese nourishes and softens it, restoring its well-groomed appearance.

  • 2-3 spoons of buckwheat or barley flour
  • 2-3 spoons of yogurt

Any of the cereals contains a lot of useful nutrients, and yogurt intensively moisturizes dry skin.

  • 1 spoon of gelatin
  • 1 spoon of liquid honey
  • 1 spoon of sour cream

Mix sour cream and honey into the swollen gelatin and, after mixing, apply to the face. Leave until almost completely dry, then rub on the skin again and rinse.

  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil

The composition copes well with dryness or flaking of the face. But you can’t rub it too hard to avoid irritation. Salt and sugar should be finely ground; if necessary, you can grind them additionally.

  • pulp of 1 banana
  • 1 spoon of ground coffee
  • 1 spoon of cream

The mixture is suitable for restoring radiance and elasticity to dry, dehydrated skin.

  • 1 spoon of starch
  • 1 spoon of sour cream
  • 1 spoon of soda

This light scrub will gently cleanse dry skin without damaging it, and sour cream, thanks to its nutrients, will restore its elasticity.

Scrubs for normal skin.

  • 2 tablespoons steamed oatmeal
  • 2 spoons honey

Lightly massage your face with the mixture for 2-3 minutes, then rinse. The result is well cleaned, smooth skin without wrinkles and signs of fatigue.

  • 2 spoons rice flour
  • 2 spoons honey

Mix everything and rub into the skin, avoiding the eye area. The scrub can be left on the face, and then, once again massaging it on the face, rinse it off. The composition has a delicate effect on the skin.

  • 1 spoon of flour from ground walnut shells
  • 1 spoon of honey
  • 1 protein

Distribute the whipped mixture evenly on the face, lightly rubbing and massaging.

  • 1 yolk
  • 2 tablespoons ground oatmeal
  • 2 tablespoons almond or flaxseed oil

Add oil to steamed oatmeal and apply the mixture while warm to the skin. The mixture gently cleanses and tones the delicate skin of the face.

  • a few tablespoons of steamed bran
  • 1 spoon of flaxseed oil
  • essential oil for scent

Steamed bran very delicately relieves the skin of roughness, redness and unevenness, and linseed oil, containing vitamins, nourishes the skin.

  • 2 spoons of oatmeal
  • 2 spoons of either cream or full-fat sour cream

The oatmeal must first be soaked in cream and the resulting soft mixture rub into skin.

Scrub for oily or porous skin.

  • 2 tablespoons coffee grounds
  • 1-2 tablespoons orange or lemon juice
  • 1 spoon of honey

This formula helps open and clean clogged pores and reduce sebum production.

  • 2 spoons of clay for cosmetic purposes
  • 1 spoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

The clay should be steamed with warm water, then, adding juice to it, rub, massaging, into the skin. White or blue clay is most suitable for this.

  • 2 tablespoons crushed grape seeds
  • pulp of 1 apple

In addition to thorough cleansing, the scrub helps reduce oily skin and gives it a matte appearance.

  • 1 spoon nutritional yeast
  • cucumber juice

After stirring, apply the mixture to your face, and when it dries, rub it with light movements and rinse. Yeast has healing effect, cleansing and soothing inflamed skin, and cucumber juice makes it matte and slightly whitens.

Body scrubs made from natural ingredients.

  • chopped fruit seeds
  • a few spoons of honey
  • 3-4 tablespoons almond or peach oil
  • some essential oil

Seed powder exfoliates the skin well, helps get rid of roughness, honey and olive oil soften and nourish, and essential oil gives a pleasant aroma. It is better to apply the scrub after a bath, on clean and well-steamed skin, Special attention paying attention to the elbows, knees, hips and feet, as this is where the skin becomes rougher faster.

  • 100-200 g sugar
  • juice of one lemon or orange
  • a few spoons of honey

Sugar should not be coarse-grained, otherwise it can damage the skin; besides, it melts quite quickly, so it must be used quickly.

This mixture perfectly tones and cleanses the skin, moisturizing and restoring its velvety elasticity.

  • A glass of semolina
  • 100 g of any oil

The resulting scrub is gently rubbed into the skin, removing roughness and dryness.

  • 100 g fine salt
  • 50 g of any oil

Due to its antibacterial effect, this scrub can be applied to problematic or acne-prone skin, but instead of oil, you can add honey. Also salt scrub helps in the fight for the delicate skin on the feet, restoring softness and smoothness to the heels. After it, you must use milk or lotion to remove the feeling of dryness.

  • 5-7 spoons of coffee grounds
  • a few spoons of sugar
  • juice of one lemon

This scrub has a gentle, soft effect on the skin, like a light massage, thanks to which it receives the necessary cleansing and nutrition.

  • Corn flour
  • A few spoons of honey

The composition is stirred and applied to clean, steamed skin with gentle movements.

After the scrub, the face and body must be washed again and applied with a non-greasy light cream to soothe the skin. To maintain your skin in well-groomed condition, you need to take care of it constantly, and don’t forget about cleansing and moisturizing. Under no circumstances should you leave makeup on your face overnight; it clogs the pores, subsequently causing skin problems such as inflammation and redness.

Walking in the fresh air has a good effect, correct mode, and regular physical activity.

Only if all these rules are observed, our appearance will delight both us and those around us!
