How to wash nubuck boots. How to clean nubuck if it is heavily soiled? What you need to know to clean nubuck products

Updated: 12/23/2018

Shoes are not just a convenient accessory. This is a sign of your taste, an indicator of fashion preferences. And choosing it, you need to understand that it will last as long as possible only if you know how to clean your shoes every day. This is especially true for models made from natural materials.

Leather shoes need your care and timely care. It is easy to do it at home. It is enough just to understand how to wash and clean leather shoes step by step.

Only models made from natural materials can really claim to be called high-quality and durable. Leather boots or shoes are more expensive than those made from artificial leather or any other non-natural fabrics. But they have many advantages that you can appreciate in the process of operation.

Regularly cleaning leather shoes is not a panacea for the fact that they will not lose their appearance and deteriorate. It is also necessary not to make mistakes in the process of leaving. It is impossible, for example, to dry it using heating appliances. No hot batteries and electric dryers! If your favorite pair gets wet in rainy weather, just leave it to dry at room temperature. You can put crumpled paper inside it.

Do not wear shoes if they are not dry. Do not store them in a damp room. The structure of leather shoe models does not tolerate high levels of humidity. If you treat your beloved couple so inattentively and carelessly, it can stretch, deform, become moldy and lose its aesthetic appearance.

Never use bleach, petrol, or acetone on leather goods. It will not benefit the material.

As a rule, we deal with genuine leather and shoes from it in the off-season - that is, when there is a high probability of rain. And it takes 24 hours to dry completely. Therefore, you need to have at least two, and preferably 3-4 pairs of leather shoes in your wardrobe.

Never put off cleaning until later. After a while, pollution will be difficult or even impossible to remove. When you get home, start the procedure right away. If less than 4 hours are left before the departure, do not apply cleaning products to the surface of the shoes. It is best to do this at night.

Storage of a leather product has its own nuances and requirements. If you're hiding boots or boots until next season, be sure to clean them and stuff them with crumpled paper. Any type of footwear made from this material is recommended to be treated with special means before storage.

Can leather shoes be washed?

If you are wondering if leather shoes can be washed, then the only answer is no, it is not recommended. This is due to the fact that the material does not tolerate moisture. It is also forbidden to use washing powder, special stain removers, bleaching agents. Therefore, the correct answer to the question how to wash leather shoes - only by hand.

You need to clean leather shoes at home, based on what type they belong to. After all, each has its own special properties and characteristics. Therefore, the features of cleaning will be their own:

  • Finished models. It is understood that after making a pair, it is processed with various waxes, oils, sprays - at the discretion of the manufacturer. This procedure leaves a layer on the leather product that gives shine and the ability to preserve the properties of the material for as long as possible. Such models are more resistant to moisture than others, so they can be washed during the care process.
  • Models without finishing. How to clean shoes in this case? It is capricious, so only special cleaning products are suitable. This is the only way to keep its functionality and perfect appearance.
  • Lacquered models. The shine of leather shoes in this case is noticeable from afar. This is a special type; the manufacturer uses artificial and natural resins to create it. In this case, with your favorite couple, you need to be extremely careful. One wrong cleaning is enough, and the product will be irretrievably damaged.
  • Color models. To give the product the necessary bright shade, dyes are added to the leather at the stage of leather processing. Improper care can bring all the efforts of the manufacturer to nothing. You can clean shoes of different colors only with the help of the appropriate shade.
  • White models. White leather shoes are the hardest to clean. Any speck on its surface is very noticeable and poorly displayed. And incorrect and thoughtless manipulations with a material of this color can significantly change the shade.

Now let's talk in more detail about how to clean different types of leather shoes.

Finished leather shoes

These products are the most commonly found in stores. It is best to ask the seller when buying whether a particular pair of shoes has been finished. This is written on the packaging or on the insert that is inside the box.

How to clean leather shoes? Have water, a soft brush and a soft cloth ready. Dry the pair completely if it has gotten wet before. Now with a soft brush, treat the entire surface in order to remove the dirt that has stuck on the street. Now wipe the product with a dry cloth. Next, you need to wet the material and squeeze. Wipe your boots or shoes with a damp cloth. If stains remain on the surface of the shoe, you can wipe it with vinegar diluted with water in equal proportions.

Place your favorite pair to dry in a well-ventilated area.

Now you can continue the maintenance procedure. How to restore the color and put the shoes in order? You need to take a soft brush, a cloth and a cream of the shade you need. You need to carry out this procedure every day. Apply the cream on a cloth, gently spread the entire surface of the product, allow time for the cream to dry. After that, you need to polish the shoes with a brush.

Leather shoes without finishing

How to wash leather shoes and put them in order in this case? For models without finishing, only special tools should be used. Only they can preserve the quality of the skin.

Clean it first with a soft brush, then wipe with a damp cloth. If there are old dirt, you can treat them with saddle soap (mix it with water until a foam forms). Foam is applied to stains and then washed off with water. This will help rid the shoes of the old cream and just dirt. Such shoes, in addition to cream, must be treated with a water-repellent agent.

How to clean patent leather shoes

How to clean patent leather shoes? Such models are made using synthetic and natural resins. The quality of a particular pair depends on the raw materials used for varnishing. But you need to take care of her anyway. If you are thinking about how to clean patent leather shoes, you should remember that you cannot wash them. It can be removed with a soft sponge and water. It needs to be slightly wetted, then wipe the surface of the shoe with light movements, but do not be zealous.

Lacquered material is easy to deform and scratch. Now you can wipe the pair with a dry cloth. Ideally, this should be a piece of velvet fabric. If patent leather is stiff after brushing, try rubbing it with castor oil.

Colored leather shoes

How to wash leather shoes and clean them if different shades of material are used. In stores you can often find orange, red, green models. This is made possible by the use of different dyes at the manufacturing stage. Caring for such couples does not stand out from the rest. The main thing is to choose the right shade of cream.

How to clean white leather shoes

Light-colored leather shoes should be cleaned especially carefully. It is more than the rest, prone to the formation of dirt and stains. You will need a sponge, water and soap. It is necessary to mix water with soap (you can use shampoo instead). Soak a sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the surface of the shoes. After that, it is impossible to dry the couple in the sun, as yellow spots may form on the skin.

At the end, you need to apply a colorless aerosol or spray. White skin should not be treated with dyes. You can use toothpaste if there are scuffs. Blood from light-colored leather shoes is more difficult to remove than from a dark pair. This should be done immediately after contamination.

The choice of protective composition and polishing

How to restore the skin on shoes, so as not to spoil its appearance? You need to know how to properly select a protective composition. If your favorite pair serves you for everyday use, it is best to buy creams made with an organic solvent. It is this cream that will have good water-repellent properties. And the leather product will be perfectly protected from dirt and dust. Ordinary cream can be completely replaced with liquid formulations. Effective and cream-wax and talc.

For products of different colors should be a separate brush.

The cream is recommended to be applied with a brush. After the cream, wax or aerosol is applied. Now you need to leave a couple for about 10 hours so that a protective film forms on the surface. That is why morning cleaning will not be as effective as possible.

At the polishing stage (it is he who tells you how to restore the shine of shoes), use a brush made of fine horsehair. Once the boots have dried after applying the cream, polish them with light movements. At the end, for a shine, rub them with a velvet cloth.

Cleaning nubuck and suede shoes

How to remove stains from this type of leather shoes? You can use milk (for light products), bread crumb, peroxide, coffee grounds, even refined gasoline. Such recipes will tell you how to remove a greasy stain from leather shoes or nubuck products.

As for daily care, it is a little different from cleaning leather shoes. The surface can only be cleaned after the steam has dried completely. It is recommended to dry it naturally, stuffing it with paper beforehand. Be sure to buy a special brush designed to care for nubuck products. Don't forget to apply a water-repellent spray every time you're going outside - about a couple of hours before you go out.

How to clean shoes from the inside

Tidying up leather shoes on the outside is not too difficult. But to clean it from the inside, you have to try. If you use the following tips, everything will turn out quickly and without problems:

  • It will take toothbrush and a solution of washing powder with water. With their help, cleaning the insoles is not difficult.
  • About once a week you should wipe your favorite pair from the inside ammonia(dilute it with water in the proportion of 1 tsp per 1 liter of water). This will help to overcome the unpleasant odor.
  • If you need to clean insoles that are made of thin leather, use baby cream. Wipe them first with a damp cloth. And then apply baby cream to the contaminated places and rub it in. After drying, the inside of the shoes will be clean and soft.
  • If the inner surface is made of textile, it will help shaving foam. After applying it, you need to wait half an hour, and then remove the contaminated foam with a piece of cloth.
  • With the formation of stubborn dirt inside the shoes will help you carpet cleaner. After you process the insoles with it, do not forget to lubricate the surface with baby cream to soften the surface.
  • You can buy special foam for suede and leather and treat the inside of the shoe with it.

So that your favorite pair does not get so dirty, be sure to take care of your feet in a timely manner.

Eliminate bad smell from shoes

Even in high-quality shoes made of genuine leather, an unpleasant odor can appear. This is due to several factors. The reason may be the wrong choice of shoes - they should not be too tight. If you have a problem like hyperhidrosis and your feet sweat a lot, this also causes an unpleasant smell in your shoes. And, of course, you need to select models from high-quality materials so that later there are no such problems.

If there is already an unpleasant odor, you can take some measures:

  • Ventilate leather shoes more often.
  • After wearing shoes, it is important to dry them naturally.
  • Periodically treat the inner surface with hydrogen peroxide. You can use ordinary vinegar or a weak solution of manganese for this.
  • For drying, it is very convenient to use ultraviolet dryers - they also get rid of fungus and bacteria.
  • Choose models that are made of genuine leather. If this is not possible, then at least buy shoes that have an inner part made of natural material.
  • Avoid synthetic socks. Only natural materials.
  • Use shoe deodorant regularly. They can get rid of the bad smell.

It is not enough just to know how to properly clean shoes, how to remove wax, how to remove stains and get rid of the smell inside. It is also necessary to properly store leather models in the off-season. Do not pack them in plastic bags. This is fraught with mold. If the outer surface is still affected by it, you can use the following recipe: mix water, vinegar and kerosene (equal proportions) and rub a couple. After that, treat the surface with castor oil or petroleum jelly.

Cleaning shoes from their skin is not a difficult, but mandatory process. Only in this way will it be possible to preserve its aesthetic appearance and wear it for a long time and with pleasure.

I had to think about how to clean nubuck shoes at home. After all, I want my gift to last for several years. So, I had to find out how to properly care for shoes made from this capricious material.

Permanent care

First of all, you need to know and remember: it is necessary to take care of shoes made of such material regularly and efficiently.

Before putting on boots for the first time, carefully treat them with a special impregnation. Apply it three times, taking breaks after each application until the product dries completely. This will keep your boots from leaking later on.

Any shoes, and even more so from nubuck, require constant care. Here's what to keep in mind:

  • Take care of shoes only when they are completely dry. If your boots get wet, dry them first.
  • Dirt from heels and soles is wiped with a damp cloth.
  • Remove dust and debris with a brush or dry cloth.
For those who drive a car, there is a special “takitak” pad. It will protect the pile from wiping and prevent the penetration of dirt.

If you need cleaning

If heavily soiled, do not wash the shoes under running water - this will ruin the material. For the same reason, such shoes cannot be washed.

Heavily worn shoes or boots can be held over streams of steam, and then combed with a wire brush - this will raise the villi.

Do not dry your shoes under a radiator or near another heat source. Let the boots dry naturally, you can also use a special electric dryer or regular newspapers.

Dry cleaning at home

If the shoes are heavily worn, then experts recommend seeking professional help from a dry cleaner.

If you can’t afford such a pleasure, you can try cleaning nubuck shoes at home, in particular from dirt, with improvised means such as vinegar and ammonia.

To do everything right, you can watch the video or follow these instructions:

  • Dilute 10% ammonia in water. At the same time, take three parts of water for one part of alcohol. Wipe the dirt with this mixture using a cotton swab.
  • Instead of ammonia, you can take one teaspoon of vinegar and dilute it in a liter of water. Also wipe the shoes from dirt with a cotton swab.
  • To mask small abrasions, you can use various creams designed for this material.

People says

It turns out that I was not the only one looking for information on how to clean nubuck shoes at home. Here are some reviews of people I read on the forums.

Julia, 43 years old: “I buy special nubuck care products along with boots. This is an eraser, cream, sprays are special. I have been wearing shoes for three years now and they are in perfect condition.

Katya, 25 years old: “I bought a liquid cream for nubuck. It has a water repellent effect. Before I leave the house, I put this cream on my shoes - and that’s it. ”

Maria Leonidovna, 60 years old: “If your shoes become shiny, they can be sprinkled with talc on top or treated with gasoline. And leave for a few hours. Then carefully walk with a special brush for nubuck. Just use one thing: either talc or gasoline.


After studying the issue, I came to the following conclusions for myself:

  • Nubuck boots must be dry. It requires constant care.
  • When using shoes for the first time, they must be treated with a special tool. I bought an eraser (removes stains), a protective spray (renews dull color), shoe shampoo (rescues from saline solutions), an all-purpose brush.
  • If the pile is caked, wipe the affected area with fine sandpaper.
  • You can not store nubuck boots in a plastic bag - there will be an unpleasant smell. Such shoes need to be aired frequently.

Many people like nubuck shoes. But in the process of wearing, the question necessarily arises: how to clean nubuck shoes at home? In shoe stores you will find all kinds of care products for this material. You just need to learn how to properly care for it and keep your shoes always clean. In this article, we will talk about how to clean nubuck shoes at home and how to care for them so that your favorite pair looks like new for a very long time.

What is nubuck?

Nubuck is a modern natural material. Fine-haired leather is produced in factory conditions using a special leather processing technology: by special dressing, undergoing chrome tanning and polishing. To obtain nubuck, only the skin of cattle is used.


  1. Being a natural material, it provides the “breathing” of the skin, which is a necessary condition for maintaining the beauty and health of your feet. In such shoes, the feet will never sweat in the summer and will always be warm in the winter.
  2. Shoes made of high-quality material correspond to high rates of durability and strength. Such shoes can maintain their performance characteristics for many years even with constant daily wear.

Basic rules for selection and care:

  1. In order for the shoes to serve you for a long time, you need to pay attention to the quality of the goods when buying. Try to buy only branded shoes, then you will not be disappointed in your choice.
  2. When buying shoes made of nubuck, you do not need to save on care products. You can't go wrong if you immediately buy an aerosol paint with a waterproof effect and a water-repellent impregnation. Special products for nubuck shoes will help to refresh it, protect it from dirt, and also mask scuffs.

If you plan to buy boots or shoes made of this material, be sure to read more about:

Nubuck boots: the first “going out”

Do I need to clean new nubuck shoes immediately after purchase before wearing them? The answer to this question is unambiguous and categorical - necessarily. Shoe care must be started on the day of purchase, immediately after returning from the store. Such skin does not tolerate moisture well, so the main task is to protect it from water.

It is the first preventive cleaning that will guarantee a happy and long “life” for your favorite shoes. The first cleaning should be the most abundant:

  • The product must be treated with a special impregnation three times.
  • Between each treatment, you need to take a break, allowing the product to completely absorb into the material. This will keep your shoes from getting wet in the future and make it easier to remove stains later.
  • The same plentiful treatment should be carried out during rain and when snow melts.

Important! Before processing, carefully read the instructions for use of the product. It is better to apply special impregnation in the fresh air, for example, on a balcony.

How to care for nubuck shoes at home? Daily routines

It is very important to take care of your nubuck shoes daily. Processing should be regular and of high quality.


  1. First of all, you need to remove dirt from the heel and sole with a damp cloth.
  2. Clean the shoes of debris and dust with a special brush.

Important! The product must be dry. Otherwise, you will rub dirt into the material.

  1. If the surface of the shoe is wet, dry your shoes or boots. To do this, you can stuff old newspapers inside or use a shoe dryer.
  1. After drying and cleaning, apply impregnation once. In this way, you will protect your favorite shoes from moisture, which can ruin them.

Important! Aerosol treatment should be done in advance. It is better to spend it in the evening, and not before you have to leave the house.

  1. It is better not to wear such shoes during wet weather when it rains. This may result in the loss of the beautiful appearance of the product.
  2. For those who drive a car, there are special pads “so-so”. They will protect the pile from rubbing and dirt.

How to clean nubuck shoes at home from heavy dirt?

If the shoes are heavily worn, then in order to restore their original appearance, we recommend contacting a dry cleaner for professional help. You can try to clean nubuck shoes at home. To do this, use one of the following tools.


Using the ammonia method, you can clean the white salt stains that often appear on shoes in the winter season.

Mode of application:

  1. Prepare a solution of water and ammonia in a ratio of 4: 1
  2. Dry the nubuck product thoroughly with a sponge dipped in the prepared solution.
  3. Dry the shoes well, then hold them over the steam to straighten the lint.
  4. Scrub the nubuck with a brush and apply paint.


Table liquid is also an excellent helper in cleaning shoes made from delicate natural materials.

Mode of application:

  1. Prepare a vinegar solution by mixing a teaspoon of vinegar and one liter of water.
  2. Wipe the dirty area with a cosmetic disc moistened with the solution.
  3. Dry the shoes well and hold them over the steam to straighten out the hairiness.
  4. Wipe with a brush and apply paint.

kitchen salt

To get rid of greasy stains, you can use ordinary table salt.

Mode of application:

  1. Apply a small pinch of salt to the place of contamination and gently rub with a sponge.
  2. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
  3. Dry the shoes and carefully comb the surface with a metal nubuck brush.

Important! If heavily soiled, you can not wash nubuck shoes under running water, this can completely ruin it. Washing such shoes, as well as treating them with soap, is strictly prohibited.

To clean light-colored nubuck shoes, you can use all of the above methods. But keep in mind that the process will take a little more of your time. The same methods will come in handy if you wear other shoes made of fleecy leather. If you still do not fully understand the differences between these materials, read a comparative review about between them?

Cleaning nubuck shoes with folk methods

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a modern special care product for nubuck products, and you are afraid to try the above home cleaning products, then you can use folk methods:

  • You can clean suede products with a crust of stale bread and an ordinary stationery eraser.
  • To update the color and tint black shoes, our grandmothers used carbon paper.
  • To care for brown shoes, you can use coffee grounds.
  • If the pile is caked, it is necessary to wipe the problem area with fine sandpaper.
  • Greasy stains should be treated with gasoline and sprinkled with talc.

Special care for nubuck shoes

You can clean nubuck shoes yourself using special products. The modern market offers a wide range of nubuck care products, both in the form of aerosols and in the form of special paints that are applied with a sponge. But only the quality of aerosols or impregnations matters.

Rules for cleaning with special means:

  • When using special aerosols, safety rules must be observed.
  • When spraying a care product, be sure to take into account the distance to the wallpaper and furniture. Aerosol is a volatile substance that, moving, can settle on interior items and ruin them.
  • The next new cartridge must necessarily be identical in composition to the previous one and preferably from the same manufacturer.
  • Shoe care must be carried out with strict observance of the instructions for the use of special chemicals.
  • Spray chemical shoe care products in a well-ventilated area.
  • To cover up small scuffs, you can use various creams designed for this material.
  • Greasy areas need to be rubbed with a special eraser. If this does not help, hold it over the steam, and then straighten the villi with a brush.

Nubuck brush

To get the best cleaning result for shoes made of natural material, it is recommended to purchase a special brush for nubuck.

Brushes are of the following types:

  • with a selected edge;
  • tripartite and quadripartite;
  • with a combination of metal and synthetic pile.

Important! The most versatile appliances combine a rubber work surface and a metal pile. The use of such brushes helps not only to clean nubuck shoes from dirt, but also significantly improve the appearance of the material by smoothing out the pile.

“Express technology” for fast cleaning

There are situations when you need to give the shoes a “fresh” look very quickly. To do this, use "express technology" with the use of liquid water-repellent cream paint.

Important! It is a mistake to assume that ordinary paints and impregnations recommended for smooth leather can be used for this purpose.

Such a tool allows you to provide reliable protection against the adverse effects of environmental factors and allows you to instantly update the surface. The action of such products when painting over scratches and scuffs is absolutely harmless to the material. For uniform application of the caring cream, a convenient sponge applicator is provided.

There are also special sets for owners of shoes made of nubuck, suede and velor. The complete set assumes the presence of various means for cleaning and protecting nubuck products and instructions for restoring the beautiful appearance of shoes at home.

Collonil Nubuk+Velours Set

For example, the “Collonil Nubuk + Velours Set”, beautifully packaged in a purse, includes the following products:

  1. Protective aerosol. 200 ml bottle of Collonil Nubuk+Velours in a certain color (black, colorless, various shades of brown, blue). This nubuck paint will help you renew faded color, remove stains, and most importantly, protect the delicate surface of the shoe from dirt and water.
  2. Colonil Shampoo. Shampoo to remove salt stains and complex stains of well-absorbed dirt. After using this product, the shoes look like new.
  3. Collonil Nubuk Textile. Useful for products made of nubuck, textiles, suede. It has a coloring effect.
  4. An excellent assistant is the Collonil Cleaner universal brush for nubuck.
  5. Suede brush.
  6. Eraser Colonil Cleaner. With it, any stains can be removed quickly, without any extra effort.
  7. Collonil Cool'n'Fresh shoe deodorant is always useful. It will not only get rid of unpleasant odors, but is also an excellent antibacterial agent.
  8. Metal horn standard size.

Important! It is not recommended to apply care products (impregnations, creams, foams) directly on the surface of the product. These products are applied to a sponge or soft cloth, which is then carefully cleaned of contaminated areas or tinted.

What to buy

  1. Brush. Specialized shoe stores have brushes for any material, with which you can easily clean the surface of shoes at home. As a rule, they differ from each other only in the type of bristles, so the rest you can rely on your feelings: which brush fits better in your hand, which one can be easily taken with you, etc. There are several types of brushes: the first ones contain only one cleaning surface, the second ones have an additional layer in the form of a soft sponge, the third ones combine a rubber pile, a metal and a sponge layer.

    7 main rules for caring for nubuck shoes

    Such triple brushes are universal, but also cost a little more.

  2. Shampoo. With the acquisition of this tool, you can wait a bit. With its help, general cleaning of the entire surface of shoes is carried out 1 - 2 times a year at the end of the season. Before you clean your boots with industrial shampoo, you should carefully read the instructions, if you do something wrong, you can permanently damage your favorite boots.

Caring for faux nubuck shoes

Shoes made of artificial or natural nubuck look beautiful and elegant. Proper care will ensure a new look for a long time. A lot of care products for such material as nubuck are on sale. Do not think that artificial surfaces do not need cleaning and painting. Along with the purchase of a pair of boots or boots, it will not be superfluous to purchase a brush with cream for it.

Proper care of artificial nubuck

Faux nubuck is lightweight and durable. Although it is synthetic, products made from it are worn well. It is easy to care for him, the main thing is to choose the necessary funds.

How to clean nubuck shoes

In pursuit of extending the performance, you need to remember about the recommendations for caring for nubuck.

  1. Choose balms and creams designed for this material.
  2. Start care from the first day of purchase.
  3. Apply water repellent immediately.
  4. The wetted surface is dried at room temperature with spacers or crumpled newspaper inside.
  5. Clean with special brushes for nubuck (rubber or with metal bristles).
  6. In winter or in rainy weather, treatment must be done before each exit to the street.
  7. It is recommended to sometimes hold the shoes over the steam, so the villi straighten.
  8. Shoes that have lost their original appearance should be taken to the dry cleaners.

Nubuck does not like moisture in large quantities. Do not try to clean the dirt with ordinary water. After such procedures, the shoes will become stiff and deformed.

  1. Do not clean damp or wet shoes. Traces of dirt, processed when wet, penetrate deep into and remain there. All manipulations are carried out on a completely dry surface.
  2. Wash in washing machine. Even a delicate wash will ruin the boots forever.
  3. Do not dry with additional heat sources (radiator, heater, gas stove).
  4. When processing, do not create a lot of pressure. This will take the pile and leave a noticeable mark.
  5. Creams and liquid emulsions do not treat the surface. To clean, apply them to a piece of cloth or sponge and wipe the desired place.

It is correct to store nubuck products in boxes or fabric bags. Plastic bags are harmful due to the formation of condensation in them. You should clean them, soak and stuff the inside with paper or put special pads in, this will keep the shape. Before the next wear, you can hold it over the steam. The pile will rise and take on a fresh look.

Caring for a new thing

New shoes, boots or moccasins are always a reason to rejoice. Having bought the pair you like, you can cheer yourself up for the whole day. In order for this to continue as long as possible, start caring for her right away.

Post-purchase care is conditionally divided into “before” and “after” being on the street. There is also dry and wet cleaning.

Before going outside, you need to spray the top with an aerosol. Incoming moisture and dust will be repelled, and the surface will remain as clean as possible. After coming home, clean with a brush and remove the dust and dirt that still got on the shoes.

Dry cleaning carried out with special brushes. They come in different shapes and materials. The rigid side removes dirt from the seams and junctions with the sole. The rubberized side will remove marks from the top and sides. A regular eraser or hard bar will get rid of stains and scratches.

deep cleaning requires more time, effort and money. In winter you will need shampoo. It removes salt stains and stubborn stains. To restore the color, both tinted impregnation and special coloring sprays are used. In artificial material, the legs do not breathe and sweat. Unpleasant odors and germs will be killed by an antibacterial spray.

Do not save on care products, especially water-repellent aerosols. Poor quality sprays can harm artificial nubuck.

Folk remedies

If someone does not trust purchased formulations, is used to using home remedies, or just a cream or liquid is over, “grandmother's” methods will do. Folk care is no worse than a professional one.

The beauty of home cleaning is that any of the products is in the public domain for everyone: ammonia, vinegar, a crust of stale bread.

  1. Ammonia is diluted one to one with water, moistened with a cloth and wiped the contaminated surface.
  2. Salt stains and white stains from snow are removed with stale bread.
  3. Table vinegar in the amount of 1.5 teaspoons is stirred in a liter of water and the stain is treated.

professional tools

Professional cosmetics are sold in specialized stores. Sometimes conscientious manufacturers put a special brush in the box with a new pair. Depending on the purpose, the products are caring, restoring, cleaning and coloring. Chosen based on individual needs.

In a variety of impregnations, balms, shampoos and creams, you can get confused. It is better to opt for well-known brands. Tools are also purchased from the same manufacturer.

Kaps Nubuck Cleaner is suitable for cleaning nubuck. It will cope with any dirt, stains and stains. Nubuck & Suede Proof or Tarrago impregnations will protect against moisture and other troubles. Thanks to impregnation, any dirt will not linger and penetrate deep into. Saphir tools are gentle on nubuck and give it a natural and original look. Aerosol paint Coccine Ravivvant spray will restore color. In the range of colors you can choose the right shade.

Before using products for artificial nubuck, you need to carefully read the instructions for use. Even expensive products contain chemicals, so any manipulations are best done in a well-ventilated area or outdoors.


The time that boots or shoes last depends on both quality and care. Nubuck shoes are beautiful - while new. If you follow it correctly and regularly, it will thank its owner with a beautiful view and a long service life. Step-by-step implementation of recommendations and storage conditions will help save the budget on buying a new pair.

How to clean nubuck shoes: what to buy and what to do yourself

Nubuck is a natural material, which is a type of leather dressing, shoes from it were originally purchased by people involved in active sports - hiking, mountaineering, etc. Gradually, the positive qualities of such boots were also appreciated by the rest, so today such shoes are worthy competition for suede or leather . But not everyone has yet been able to appreciate it, since cleaning nubuck shoes, at first glance, is quite difficult, not everyone dares to buy such a pair.

What to buy

Any natural material must be properly looked after, to a greater extent this applies to shoes, since many tend to buy it not for one season, but at least for a couple of years of wearing. Such a desire is not fantastic; with proper care at home, you can provide your favorite shoes with a long service life.

You need to purchase all the necessary cleaning products immediately after buying shoes, because nubuck care should be started from the first days of wearing. For this you will need:

  1. Brush. Specialized shoe stores have brushes for any material, with which you can easily clean the surface of shoes at home. As a rule, they differ from each other only in the type of bristles, so the rest you can rely on your feelings: which brush fits better in your hand, which one can be easily taken with you, etc. There are several types of brushes: the first ones contain only one cleaning surface, the second ones have an additional layer in the form of a soft sponge, the third ones combine a rubber pile, a metal and a sponge layer. Such triple brushes are universal, but also cost a little more.
  2. Eraser. This is an alternative to a brush, it is not necessary to purchase them together. Using an eraser, you can clean the material from small spots without losing its quality. You should buy an eraser specifically for nubuck, ordinary stationery can only harm shoes.
  3. Shampoo. With the acquisition of this tool, you can wait a bit.

    Nubuck: clean and return the color

    With its help, general cleaning of the entire surface of shoes is carried out 1 - 2 times a year at the end of the season. Before you clean your boots with industrial shampoo, you should carefully read the instructions, if you do something wrong, you can permanently damage your favorite boots.

  4. Impregnation. This liquid product is designed to protect boots from water, which has a detrimental effect on the structure of the material. Impregnation must be purchased with shoes and treated with a water-repellent liquid on the entire surface of the nubuck even before the first wear. Subsequently, it will be enough to impregnate the boots once every 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the frequency of wear. This will keep the formation of stains and dirt to a minimum.

How to clean nubuck boots at home

The easiest option to clean your shoes is to take them to a dry cleaner, but this option will suit the few, because our climate requires frequent washing of shoes, and in a professional company this service will not be cheap. But there are many ways to do it right at home, while not damaging the material, but, on the contrary, increasing its service life.

The main thing to remember is that moisture in large quantities is detrimental to nubuck, which is why it must be treated with impregnation and for the same reason boots cannot be washed under running water. If stains have formed on the material from the composition that covers the streets in winter, or other minor contamination, they can be removed with a slightly damp cloth, then use a brush and impregnation.

If the pollution is more noticeable, a first-aid kit, namely ammonia, will help to clean the shoes from them. It is necessary to prepare its solution with water in a ratio of 1: 3, then moisten a cotton pad in it and treat all contaminated areas. As it gets dirty, you need to change the cotton pads so as not to smear the stains. Instead of ammonia, you can use vinegar, for this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of the product in a liter of clean warm water.

If there are greasy stains on the shoes, you can clean them with chalk or talcum powder. A small amount of the selected component should be poured directly onto the contamination and wait a few minutes. After that, you need to remove the remnants of the powder with a brush and wipe the affected area with a damp cloth.

You need to follow some rules when washing nubuck shoes yourself at home, no matter which method you choose:

  • shoes must be thoroughly dried before cleaning;
  • after any cleaning process, it is necessary to brush the pile of the boots, and then cover them with impregnation;
  • if after washing the villi have lost their ideal appearance, it is necessary to hold the shoes over the steam from the kettle for several minutes;
  • you can dry nubuck boots only by airing, you can not put them near the battery.

  • The aerosol is moisture repellent.
  • Nubuck brush.
  • Shampoo for nubuck
  • Dye.
  • Eraser
  • Shoe conditioner

  • Do not dip your shoes in water! To remove dirt, use a soft cloth, flannel is ideal. With a well-dampened cloth, carefully wipe the surface of the shoe, removing all visible dirt.
  • Leave shoes to dry.

We revive nubuck

Nubuck is one of the most resistant and hardy materials, but even it is not eternal. Proper care and attention helps to extend the life of the shoe, but there comes a time when it loses its presentable appearance. It is not necessary to immediately send it to the bin, some tricks will help restore the nubuck and restore the external appeal of the shoe. In the process of wearing, glossy spots form on the surface.

How to clean dirt from nubuck shoes yourself

It will be easier to straighten the villi. If you hold the shoes over hot steam for a couple of minutes, and then thoroughly brush over them. When you are done with the brush, be sure to treat the material with a water-repellent spray. Another way to revive nubuck is to give it a good rub with a dry bread crust. The villi will straighten out. You can get rid of traces of wear by wiping the nubuck with a soft cloth soaked in a solution of table vinegar (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of clean water). After that, “comb” the nubuck with a brush. Gasoline will come to the rescue in the fight against greasy stains. And to completely remove gasoline from the surface, sprinkle shoes with talc and brush well.

Real nubuck is a status material. And quite deservedly popular. The production process of this material is long and complex. The basis is high-quality genuine cattle leather, which lends itself to chrome tanning, which gives it strength and endurance. The special sanding technology makes the nubuck beautiful and delicate to the touch. With careful wear and proper care, shoes made of such material are guaranteed to last more than one season. That is why you should definitely know how to care for nubuck shoes! Remember the main enemy of nubuck shoes is moisture. Therefore, daily care will be based not only on the removal of dirt and dust, but also on protection from water. In fact, caring for nubuck shoes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, so if this was the only reason forcing you to refuse to buy an update from such material, you can safely go to the store for a stylish and beautiful thing for your wardrobe!

How to clean nubuck shoes at home

Knowing what kind of material for nubuck shoes is, it becomes clear that for its cleaning and daily care, you need products designed specifically for these purposes. Since chrome leather shoes cannot be called cheap, you should not save on care products either. What a happy owner of real nubuck shoes or boots should definitely have at home:

  • The aerosol is moisture repellent. If you could not find a product that matches the tone of the shoes, take a colorless one. The water-repellent layer not only protects against the damaging effects of moisture, but also prevents the penetration of dirt - to restore cleanliness to shoes, it will be enough to wipe it with a napkin.
  • Nubuck brush. Since the brush has a special bristle made of synthetic material or metal, it cannot be replaced with a regular shoe brush.
  • Shampoo for nubuck- with it you can quickly remove white salt stains.
  • Dye. Nubuck will have to be tinted even with proper care. The main condition here is to choose the right color and buy a really high-quality dye.
  • Eraser- without it, cleaning nubuck shoes from stains will be almost impossible.
  • Shoe conditioner- a tool that will take care of the cleanliness of your shoes inside.

The basics of caring for nubuck shoes

Caring for renewal should not begin when the question arises of how to clean nubuck shoes, but immediately after returning from the store. Experts strongly advise that before the first exit, be sure to treat it three times with a water-repellent aerosol. Layers are applied alternately - cover the shoes with a protective agent, allow to dry completely, repeat the procedure twice more. Such care will protect the nubuck from moisture and dirt, therefore, the shoes will delight you with their impeccable appearance for a long time. But, after applying an aerosol to new shoes, daily care should be taken, which consists of the following steps:

Remember that nubuck can be deformed even under the influence of not very high temperatures, so drying on a battery or in direct sunlight is unacceptable. Nubuck shoes are designed to be worn in dry weather, if it's snowing or raining outside, choose a more suitable pair that is made from a material that is more resistant to moisture.

How to clean nubuck shoes at home

It is quite possible to clean nubuck shoes at home and achieve the perfect result if you have all the necessary products to care for this material at hand. But it is also important to adhere to the correct technology for removing dirt, this will not only facilitate the work, but also extend the life of the material.

Can nubuck shoes be washed?

Despite the fact that nubuck is “afraid” of water, shoes made from such material also need to be washed periodically. For example, if you still get caught in the rain, then it is impossible to remove all the dirt with a brush and eraser. For this type of skin, you should prepare a special bath, otherwise you risk spoiling the look of your favorite couple.

  • Take a basin or other suitable container and fill it with water. Do not use hot water, it should be slightly warm. Add a few drops of ammonia to the liquid.
  • Do not dip your shoes in water! To remove dirt, use a soft cloth, flannel is ideal.

    How to properly clean nubuck shoes?

    With a well-dampened cloth, carefully wipe the surface of the shoe, removing all visible dirt.

  • Immediately use a nubuck brush - this time a rubber-bristled edge will come in handy. If you comb the nubuck after drying, it will be almost impossible to return its previous appearance.
  • Leave shoes to dry.
  • Treat with a moisture barrier.
  • Sometimes it is simply impossible to clean nubuck shoes at home, especially when it comes to oil or other stubborn stains. In this case, you can turn to dry cleaning - professionals will be able to restore the original beauty of the shoes.

We revive nubuck

Nubuck is one of the most resistant and hardy materials, but even it is not eternal. Proper care and attention helps to extend the life of the shoe, but there comes a time when it loses its presentable appearance. It is not necessary to immediately send it to the bin, some tricks will help restore the nubuck and restore the external appeal of the shoe. In the process of wearing, glossy spots form on the surface. It will be easier to straighten the villi. If you hold the shoes over hot steam for a couple of minutes, and then thoroughly brush over them. When you are done with the brush, be sure to treat the material with a water-repellent spray. Another way to revive nubuck is to give it a good rub with a dry bread crust. The villi will straighten out. You can get rid of traces of wear by wiping the nubuck with a soft cloth soaked in a solution of table vinegar (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of clean water). After that, “comb” the nubuck with a brush. Gasoline will come to the rescue in the fight against greasy stains. And to completely remove gasoline from the surface, sprinkle shoes with talc and brush well.

Before cleaning nubuck shoes with folk methods, consider whether the chosen method is really safe for the material. In some cases, going to a dry cleaner is much cheaper than doing it yourself, which entails buying new shoes.

How to properly store nubuck shoes

The first mistake regarding shoe care. Most of us commit immediately on the day of purchase. We are talking about cardboard boxes that are sent to the trash can. Yes, boxes take up space in the closet, but it is better to store shoes in them. An extreme case is a linen bag. Do not even consider the option with a plastic bag - after such storage, the nubuck will not only lose its external gloss, but will also acquire an unpleasant smell, which will be very difficult to get rid of.

Before you send shoes or boots for storage until the next season, be sure to put them in perfect order - remove all stains, dirt, treat with a protective aerosol. It is advisable to wipe the inside of the shoes with a damp cloth dipped in water with the addition of ammonia. This will help eliminate any odors that have accumulated during use. During storage, shoes should stand still - squeezing can damage the nubuck, leaving irreparable creases on the surface. Pay attention to storage conditions - high temperature or high humidity are unacceptable.

Taboos regarding nubuck shoes

  • It is not allowed to use paints and creams intended for other types of material. Even an expensive professional leather cream will ruin the nubuck.
  • Do not use soaps and detergents to remove dirt from the surface of the shoe.
  • The concept of "washing nubuck shoes" implies manipulation with a damp cloth, and not soaking shoes in water or rinsing them under a tap. Nubuck and water are incompatible.
  • Always let your shoes dry. Wet nubuck is very elastic, so deformation during wear is inevitable.
  • Do not repaint shoes in a different color. Even if the shade you choose is much darker than the “native”, the result will definitely not please you, and the attractive material will lose its beauty.
  • Never go outside without treating nubuck shoes with a protective agent - dust, dirt particles and moisture from the air will quickly absorb into the material and begin their destructive effect.
  • Undoubtedly, caring for nubuck takes a little more time and effort than caring for shoes made from other materials. But the beauty of this natural material is definitely worth the money and effort spent!

Nubuck shoes: pros and cons

Shoes made from material such as nubuck have recently appeared on our shelves.

How to clean nubuck shoes

It looks unusual and is made from natural raw materials. Consider the main pros and cons of nubuck shoes.

Benefits of nubuck shoes

The main advantage of nubuck shoes is its great appearance. Indeed, many women of fashion are even ready to sacrifice comfort and warmth for the sake of the beautiful appearance of their legs in boots. But with nubuck shoes, this is not necessary. The material looks very nice: it is a bit like suede, matte, has a short pile. These boots are painted in different non-traditional colors.

Another plus of such shoes is that they are made of natural material. Nubuck is a bovine leather that, after processing and tanning, as well as procedures with abrasive materials and dyeing, takes on its final appearance. In shoes made of nubuck, the foot will breathe. She will not be cold in winter and hot in summer.

Modern production allows you to impregnate such shoes with special compounds that give them water-repellent properties, that is, in a pair of nubuck boots your legs will always remain dry.

Cons of nubuck shoes

The disadvantages of nubuck shoes are that this material does not tolerate water well, that is, they cannot be washed with a rag, even if water-repellent impregnation is made. It is not recommended to wear such shoes in the mud, as it will then be difficult to clean the dirt. Therefore, even despite the disadvantages, the advantages of winter nubuck shoes are somewhat greater than those of spring or autumn. Nubuck also quickly loses its original color. Therefore, even if the shade seems non-marking to you on the counter, consider whether you can maintain it in its original state. In addition, shoes of delicate colors are often made from nubuck: lilac, blue, pink. They are the most vulnerable to dust and dirt. Of course, such shoes have the right to exist, but rather as a weekend option, and not as a model for every day, and even more so for wearing in rainy and inclement weather.

These conditions give rise to another drawback of nubuck shoes - expensive care. If you have purchased a pair of nubuck, then you will need a whole arsenal of special brushes, sprays, sponges and paints that will keep your shoes looking decent. Moreover, you should choose funds from specialized lines, otherwise there is a risk of spoiling a rather expensive pair of shoes.

Unlike polished leather shoes, which are treated with substances during production that contribute to its long-term preservation, nubuck shoes are very sensitive to moisture and dirt. It is recommended to wear it only in dry weather, and if you already happen to get wet or freeze, clean it carefully and immediately.

During dressing, nubuck is polished only on one side, the reverse side remains rough, this gives nubuck products a special beauty, but it is this unpolished front side that requires increased care.

Shoe care

Nubuck shoes must be dried, but you cannot use shoe dryers or put shoes and moccasins near the battery. Therefore, when you get home, unlace and turn the product inside out so that air circulates relatively freely in it.

You can't wash nubuck!

Clean dry shoes with a special brush. The nubuck itself is bristled, the seams are often clogged with dust, the rubber butt and the soft teeth of the brush, they perfectly sweep the dirt without damaging the skin.

To speed up the process, you can hold the nubuck shoes over the steam before using the brush, the skin will soften, and the villi will straighten out, it will become much easier to clean the dust.

Going out into the street, treat the shoes with special impregnation agents. Very common on the market "Bar" and "Sapphire", they repel moisture well and take care of your shoes.

Home cleaning methods

You can clean nubuck at home with simple ammonia or vodka. Just dilute 1 tbsp. l. alcohol in 3 tbsp. l. water. Moisten a cotton swab and wipe the product, namely the contaminated area. Dry stains can be cleaned in this way. If the dirt is fresh and actively smeared, there is a risk that you will simply rub or smear it on the product. Therefore, it is better to dry the thing, clean the dirt with a brush, and only then begin to get rid of the stain.

Like ammonia, nubuck cleans table vinegar well. You need to do everything in the same way as when working with alcohol, but you need to dilute 1 tsp. vinegar per liter of cold water.

Nubuck is not only natural, but also artificial. Its villi are very weak, so it is not recommended to clean them at all.

Old mud stains on a bag or jacket will help to remove special shampoos and foams. They are sold in shoe stores. Moisten the stain with a cotton swab, and then apply the foam. The active components of the foam penetrate deep into the nubuck and push out dirt particles. After a minute, you can simply remove the grayed foam with a brush or sponge.

For white things made of nubuck, there are special products with a whitening effect. Before you make a purchase of a leather handbag or jacket, be sure to ask the consultant what means the manufacturer recommends to take care of them.
