What shape of glasses is suitable for a small face? Choosing the right sunglasses for your face type

These days, the range of stylish and attractive eyeglass frames is very wide. The first rule of choosing the right frames is to choose something that you like and makes you feel confident. One of the ways to find a suitable frame for yourself that emphasizes best features face, is the selection of frames in accordance with the shape of the face, skin tone and fashion trends. This article will help you choose frames that suit your beautiful face so that new glasses accentuate his best features!


Part 1

Determine your face shape

    Explore basic forms faces. Although everyone's face is different, there are seven basic shapes: round, heart-shaped (an inverted triangle), triangular (a triangle with the base at the bottom), square, rectangular, oval and ovoid.

    Look in the mirror to determine your face shape. Pull your hair back or pin it back away from your face so you can get a good look at it.

    • Many faces cannot be clearly attributed to only one of the specific forms; they can simultaneously combine features of two or even more types. If this is your case, then you are in luck! You will have greater freedom in choosing your glasses frames.
  1. Use a dry erase marker (for marker boards) to trace the outline of your face directly from your reflection in the mirror. To accurately draw the contours of your face in the mirror, you need to relax your face and outline the outer line of your forehead and cheeks all the way to your chin. There is no need to circle the ears.

    • Then, without moving from the spot so that the face does not fall out of the contours, outline its contours again, but at the moment of the widest white-toothed smile. Draw a new outline directly on top of the one already drawn.
    • Two contours will allow you to understand whether and how much the shape of the face changes when you smile. For example, some people with an egg-shaped face may take on a heart-shaped shape when relaxed when smiling broadly (like Kim Kardashian). For other people, like Jennifer Lawrence, the face can be strictly rectangular when relaxed, but when smiling broadly it can become heart-shaped.
  2. Determine whether your facial features are soft or angular. In many cases, when choosing glasses, this is even more important than the face shape itself. Based on the contours drawn on the mirror, you should be able to tell whether the face has rough edges and angles or is more rounded.

    • Many people with noticeable angular features highlight the angles of their temples and jaws, but a very sharp chin is also considered an angular feature. Faces with rectangular, square, heart-shaped and some ovoid faces can be considered angular.
    • Round, triangular, oval and some ovoid faces have softer features and rounded contours.

    Part 2

    Choose your frames according to your face shape
    1. Choose frames that complement your face shape. In general, frames look more interesting and less awkward when they contrast with natural facial features, meaning most round faces look better with angular frames, while faces with angular features go better with rounded glasses.

      Choose a frame size that will best suit your face. Faces are completely different different sizes, and glasses must also have right size, in order to be properly positioned on the face and have suitable proportions in relation to the face itself, so as not to distract attention from the person’s appearance or not to block his entire face.

    2. Choose a frame color that suits you. Depending on your skin, eye, and hair color, certain frame colors may look better on you and enhance your features.

      • Find out whether your skin tone is warm or cool. For cool skin tones (often expressed as blue eyes, pale skin with blue vascular veins) you will best suit a cool-colored frame that complements your face. Cool colors include silver and such colors precious stones, like amethyst, ruby, emerald and sapphire. If you have warm tone skin (expressed as brown eyes, tan and greenish veins), then warm-colored frames are best for you. TO warm colors include golden color, as well as such natural shades like beige, orange, yellow and mustard. People with neutral skin tones can wear frames of any color.

    Part 3

    Understand when you can break some selection rules
    1. Choose glasses that suit your needs. Remember that glasses may be a great fashion accessory, but for most people they are extremely important function– help them see better. If the glasses don't meet your needs, they simply aren't right for you.

      • Start by asking your optical consultant to recommend frames that will suit your eyeglass prescription (for example, some people who need high-power glasses will need thicker frames to fit the lenses well, rather than thin metal frames). in this case, they may simply not be suitable).
      • Ask your consultant to measure your head and demonstrate which frames will fit you and which will not. Having your glasses fit well on your head will help you make a specific choice more confidently.
    2. Be unique, even if it means breaking certain rules. Your personality and own feeling Your style can be expressed through your glasses, so you shouldn't be too restrictive about the color or frame shape you choose if something else suits your style better, or if your personality is better highlighted by a different shape or model of glasses.

      • If you decide to choose large square glasses for your square face, then do it! Olivia Wilde is known for this, and her confidence makes her glasses look like they were made just for her.
      • A similar example is Ginnifer Goodwin with her round face shape. Journalists have more than once managed to film her in clothes as round as her face. sunglasses which she wears without any embarrassment.
      • When Daniel Radcliffe made round glasses fashionable thanks to his role as Harry Potter in a series of popular films, his character began as a chubby boy and then grew up young man with more square lines faces. At the same time, he always successfully wore his round glasses.

It is known that correctly selected dresses, trousers and other clothes can visually model the figure, focusing on the pluses and masking imperfections. Sunglasses or vision-correcting glasses can perform similar tasks. To do this, fashion accessories are chosen not so much according to clothing or season, but according to the shape and type of face.

Determining the type of face

How to choose the right glasses suitable for a particular type? First you need to decide on the shape of your face and its features. Some branded optical shops also provide a similar service, but the task is not so complicated that an observant woman or man cannot cope with it on their own.

  1. Go to the mirror.
  2. Gather your hair into a ponytail, remove strands from your forehead, cheeks, and ears.
  3. Close one eye and outline the reflection of your face with lipstick.
  4. “Change” your eyes, check your drawing.
  5. The resulting figure is the shape of your face.

Main types of male and female faces

A clear classification will serve as the basis for the correct choice of shape and size of glasses according to your face type. You shouldn’t take it too literally: each of us is so individual that we don’t fit into the types down to the slightest detail. All this - general recommendations, and even within the specified glasses models, you will probably have to try on several options.

Oval face

In this case, any glasses will do. Oval faces are characterized by an elongated shape, reminiscent of an inverted chicken face, with the forehead slightly wider than the lower jaw. To the lucky ones with perfect shape faces come with butterflies and aviators, round, square, rectangular models. You should be careful when choosing oversized glasses or too massive frames, so as not to disturb the ideal proportions. If your face has angular, sharp features, give preference to strict shapes; rounded models with smooth contours are suitable for girls with soft features, as in the photo below.

Round face

Which glasses are suitable for round face? Those that visually give it clarity, slightly elongate it, mask chubby cheeks and prominent cheekbones, and sharpen the chin. Chubby girls it is better to opt for butterfly glasses, warfarers, trapezoidal, triangular, rectangular and other clear, angular geometric shape. The model looks great cat eye and other pointed accessories, elongated towards the temples. High temples, a thin bridge between the lenses, and a wide frame will distract the eye from excessive roundness and softness of features. Bright, accent frames with decor in the upper part, slightly protruding beyond the contour of the face, are welcome.

Square face

This type is characterized by a massive, square chin, wide jaws and cheekbones, as well as a forehead with a straight hairline. You want to give a face of this shape a roundness, soften the sharp features, slightly elongate it, bringing it closer to the desired oval. The right choice is round and similar forms of glasses with wide frames and low bridges, as well as rimless models, as in the photo below.

Choose glasses with large drop-shaped, round, or oval lenses. Suitable Models- aviators, butterflies, cat's eyes. Rectangular and miniature frames do not suit men and women with square-shaped faces.

Inverted Triangle

Girls with triangular shape The face is large, rough, but pointed chin, medium-sized cheekbones and a large, wide forehead. To divert attention from the lower part of the face, it is recommended to choose glasses with an emphasis on the upper half: large models of a round, square shape with wide frames along the eyebrow line and transparent bottom(or without it at all). Which models are better to choose? Aviators, catsuits and geometric accessories with a wide top half.


A heart-face, unlike an inverted triangle, has softer features and a wide forehead. Accordingly, glasses with rounded shapes, miniature, sophisticated models suit this type of face: quiet shades, aviators, thin frames and low-set arms. The emphasis should be placed on the lower part, balancing the graceful chin with a massive forehead. For these purposes, models with a wide lower part are ideal, while the eyebrows should remain open, and the width of the glasses should not exceed the width of the forehead.

Diamond or rhombus

Such faces are characterized by a pointed conical chin, large cheekbones (the widest part), and a small but high forehead. The hairline is often uneven. Zoom in diamond shape You can transform your face to the desired oval by visually narrowing your cheekbones and increasing your forehead. For this purpose, it is recommended to choose large oval, square and round glasses; the width of the frame should not extend beyond the contour of the cheekbones. Avoid miniature models, oversized glasses and sharp angles.

Long oval face

It is advisable to soften the elongated oval and slightly reduce it with large glasses. In this case, almost any model and shape is suitable, as long as they are not miniature. Choose glasses with large, chunky frames, including colored ones.

Trapeze or pear

This type of face is rare, especially among celebrities who fashion magazines They like to give examples like that. Distinctive features- rectangular, long face with a massive chin, square jaw and narrowed forehead. Visually, the jaw looks much wider than the forehead, which creates a noticeable disproportion. This deficiency can be corrected by using glasses with wide, large frames. round shape. It is advisable to focus on the upper part of the frame due to size, decor, and color. Perfect option- cat eye glasses, but square or rectangular models will only emphasize imperfections.

We hope that our tips will help you choose the right glasses that will highlight all your advantages.

Don't know how to choose the right glasses for your face shape and type? Read this article and you will no longer have difficulty finding this accessory. We will tell you not only which design is suitable for different external features, but also about the practical side of the issue. After all, the main task of this item is not to harmoniously complement the image (although it also plays a role), but to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. A high-quality design will prevent vision problems, aging of the skin in the eyelid area and reduce stress. But we’ll start with the aesthetic characteristics and descriptions of the various models.

Types of sunglasses

We have prepared a list of the most common frames that you can find in optical shops and salons.

One of the most famous forms, invented in the USA in the last century. Suitable for a lot of people. The glasses are inserted into a plastic, solid, trapezoidal, inverted base. Suitable for business and sporty looks.

The first such accessory was released by Ray Ban for military and civilian pilots. For some time, the new product was available only to them. The products have mirrored lenses of different colors and thin (almost always) metal bases. They don't look good on all faces.

Such models were invented in the 50s. They fit perfectly into the office dress code and more. Doesn't go well with gym or stadium wear. The rim is usually combined and made of plastic (thickened top) and metal.

Small and round glasses inserted into metal or other base materials of varying thickness. In the 60s they were considered part of the hippie culture. This frame was worn by John Lennon, Gandhi, and the beloved fantasy character Harry Potter.

Elegant, feminine model with a solid plastic rim raised up to the temples. Also looks beautiful on many people.

They adhere tightly to the skin and 100% protect vision from harmful effects sun, have replaceable lenses. Most often they look inappropriate with a business or romantic set clothes.

How to know which glasses suit your face

Very important point When purchasing this accessory, there is a fitting involved. Remember a few rules that will help you decide on the form.

  • The upper edge should correspond to the line of the eyebrows, the lower edge should rest against the cheekbones.
  • Width perfect product protrudes beyond the boundaries of the widest part of the head just a little.
  • The design sits straight and does not move when turned or tilted.

But what to do if you can’t visit an optical store or salon?

Try using an online fitting room. You will need to upload your photo to the site, select design options and see from the outside what it looks like. In some programs you will have to adjust the image size - this is easy to do with the mouse.

How to choose glasses according to your face shape for women: another way

You can also use the recommendations from the next part of the article. To do this, you will need to define your type. We will give a description of the most common options, but we suggest first determining it yourself at home.

To do this you will need a large mirror, a washable marker and your hair pulled back. Outline the contours of the reflection without including the ears. Then smile and if somewhere the reflection goes beyond the lines, complete the drawing. Try not to move while doing this. Then stand back and see what shape the image resembles. For some people, it changes slightly when they smile.

Common female face shapes and their descriptions

There are seven main types.

  • Round. Smooth features, width and length are almost the same.
  • Oval. Similar to the previous one, but a little more elongated. The same softness of the contour is present. Considered ideal.
  • Triangular. Narrow cheekbones, forehead, widening towards the chin.
  • Diamond-shaped. Approximately equal size of forehead and jaw. Cheekbones protrude a little.
  • Heart-shaped (inverted triangle). Big forehead and small Bottom part heads.
  • Rectangular. An elongated type with a straight hairline, without protruding parts, there is angularity.
  • Square. Same width and height, sharp chin.

Selection of glasses according to face shape: photos for each type

Incorrectly selected accessory - serious problem, as it can highlight areas from which you want to divert attention. It is necessary to choose not only by the design of the frame, but also by its thickness and color. It is also important to take into account some nuances of appearance:

  • To maintain your individuality, look for styles that don't cover your eyebrows.
  • If you have full lips– give preference to products with large lenses.
  • A large nose can be visually reduced by using a lowered bridge.
  • Small features require small size optics

How to choose the right glasses for a woman’s face shape

Let's consider all the main types that we described above.

In this case, the task is to visually align the forehead and chin, expanding the first and distracting the gaze from the second. Products with smooth contours (especially in the lower part) are suitable for this purpose. They will look beautiful: quiet shades, aviators, “cat” (light glass), without frames. It is not recommended to wear: “fox” with a darkened lens, narrow, small, square, rectangular.

It is important for you to balance and soften the lines. Sharp and angular types, wayfarers, and sports ones will not cope here. Like the previous type, you suit more soft options. Pay attention to the rounded and teardrop-shaped large accessories with colored bases, corners raised to the temples.

What glasses are suitable for this face? In this case, the task is not to correct the lines, but to leave them harmonious. This type is considered ideal. Almost everything works, but you need to be careful with massive, too wide and narrow frames. They can upset the proportions. It is recommended to give preference to aviators, butterflies, and cat eyes.

You need to visually stretch out the oval, bringing it closer to the previous view. That's why best choice there will be dark rims with a width greater than the height. Models in rectangular or square format with soft edges, with elongated corners, a narrow bridge on the bridge of the nose, wayfarers and anything that suits the oval type look beautiful. Avoid sporty, pointed, and brow-blocking frames.

The task is visual expansion. Stick with large options; elegant thin, round and teardrop-shaped variations are also suitable. It is not recommended to buy narrow, small or colorful, bright accessories.

You need to smooth out the sharp edges to bring the diamond closer to the oval. To do this, choose rectangular models with smooth and rounded borders. They should match the width of the cheekbones.

To balance the forehead and chin, choose designs with a teardrop, round, light or neutral tone. Also pay attention to products with a short bridge of the nose and low temples. Another option is frameless. Not recommended: “cat and fox eyes”, “butterflies”, massive, bright accessories that cover the eyebrows.

Stylists also advise that when purchasing, take into account the entire look: hair color, skin tone, clothing style. For example, not everyone will suit black or blue. Aviators and other specific styles may easily not fit into your wardrobe.

How to choose sunglasses for a man

Search principle suitable shape differs little from women's. You also need to find out what type of face you have and select based on the options listed above. The only difference between the products is the quantity decorative elements and in massiveness. There is one more difference. The assortment for girls is usually larger. These include butterfly and cat-like, which are not sold in the men's department. Also, do not forget to pay attention to the information that we present below. It will help you find not only a stylish, but also a useful purchase.

How to choose glasses based on other characteristics

It is important to take into account not only the beauty, but also the practicality and harmlessness of this item. Doctors advise choosing lenses carefully, since your vision in the future depends on them. If they are of poor quality, then the eyes will not be protected from light, and therefore from dryness, burns and other ophthalmological diseases. Good products will not cost less than 2,000 rubles if the product is not included in the promotion.

Plastic or glass

When purchasing from a trusted optical salon or store, both options will be good. The only difference between them is price, weight, durability and risk of injury. Mirror accessories may fall and break. And if they break right on your face, the fragments will cause to varying degrees wounds. For this reason, safety glasses are usually purchased for children. This option depends entirely on your taste.

The main thing is that the product comes with a label that contains information about what types of radiation it blocks. The tag may say: 100% UVA+UVB protection or 100% UV 400 protection. Both options mean that your eyes will be completely protected from ultraviolet radiation. Classification from 0 to 4 can also be indicated there. Zero skips maximum amount light – 80%; 1 – 43%; 2 – 18-43%; 3 – up to 18%; fourth – 3-4%.

For Everyday life Not in the southern city there are enough models of types 2 and 3; for mountain hiking, sports, hot countries the maximum category is required.

Lens color

Red, pink, orange and blue colors are not suitable if you want to preserve your vision and not squint. Some of these shades are too aggressive, others are too light and ineffective. The best option according to doctors - gray, green and brown glass or plastic. The coloring should be uniform.

Polarizing effect

It is often mentioned when talking about glasses for car enthusiasts. What is this characteristic? This is a filter implemented using special coating. It blocks glare and reflections. This parameter is relevant not only for drivers, but also for amateurs beach holiday, skiing, fishermen.

The presence of polarization can be checked in several ways:

  • A hologram indistinguishable without lenses. It is located at the sales consultant, ask him for it.
  • Telephone. Increase the brightness of the screen on your smartphone to maximum and bring the product to it, turn it ninety degrees relative to it. The glass should become dark and opaque.
  • Take another model with a polarizing effect. Bring it to the product, then rotate it 90°. Darkening indicates the presence of a filter.

Photochromic coating

It gives the "Chameleon" effect. Depending on the lighting on the street, the throughput changes.

Rules for using and caring for glasses

  • Taking care of your purchase extends its service life and allows you to preserve its quality.
  • Remove them while holding both arms. This will help to loosen the fasteners less.
  • Store the item in a hard, clean case to prevent scratches and breaks. This way it gets less dirty.
  • Do not place lenses on a table surface. This is how scratches and abrasions are formed.
  • Don't wear it on your head. This way they can fall and get damaged, leaving imprints of sebum (sebum) and care products on them.
  • Do not create conditions with sudden temperature changes. It is not recommended to stand near the fire wearing glasses; do not leave them in the bathhouse or on the front panel of the car in sunny weather.
  • Try to avoid contact with water unless there is an additional repellent layer. And also with paints, alcohol and gasoline.
  • It is advisable to have the frame and other parts repaired in the store where the purchase was made.

Rules of care

Wipe the glass regularly, preferably every day after use. soft cloth made of microfiber. Other materials may damage them and leave scuff marks. Remove more serious stains using special liquid and wet wipes.

Now you know everything about how to choose the right glasses. All that remains is to find matching accessory. "The first Moscow store of customs goods" offers new products and not only from famous brands By different prices. There is a model to suit every taste and budget. The site presents big choice products, there are consultants who will help you decide on a purchase and explain unclear points.

Anna Turetskaya

Reading time: 8 minutes


As summer approaches, it becomes more and more common current topic choice sunglasses. To make the right decision, you don’t need to chase popular models, purchasing . First of all, determine what type of face you have, and then choose a sun protection accessory that suits you.

How to choose glasses that complement your style

Glasses, in addition to sun protection, comfort and safety, must be fashionable and modern design, and also suit your style and emphasize your individuality.

  • Don't choose frames that follow the shape of your face. Those. If you have a round face, glasses with round frames will not suit you. The exception is oval shape- it suits everyone.
  • It is advisable that the lower part of the glasses frame followed the lower contour of the eye sockets , it creates a feeling of integrity.
  • Do not forget that glasses that sit high on the bridge of the nose are visually increase length of the nose, in the middle of the nose - reduce his.
  • Pay attention to the glasses matched hair color, eye color and skin tone .

Choosing the right sunglasses for your face type

Oval face type

The face gradually narrows from the frontal part to the chin, the cheekbones protrude slightly.
This type of face is considered ideal, so all frame shapes are suitable for it: oval, round, square. When choosing, consider your individuality, emphasizing your natural proportions. Owners of an oval face have the opportunity to experiment: wear glasses from almost invisible, without disturbing the integrity of the image, to extravagant, attracting attention with their shapes.

Triangular face type

The first type is a high forehead, pointed chin. The second type is a narrow forehead, wide chin.
For the first type triangular face it is necessary to visually reduce the upper and middle parts of the face, as well as smooth out the “sharp” chin. For such people, oval or rounded glasses are ideal; butterfly glasses are contraindicated.
For the second type, when the forehead is much narrower than the chin, rectangular wide rounded frames are suitable. Here you need to emphasize the upper part of the face, so the rim of the glasses should be expressive and attract attention precisely in the upper part. The effect of expressiveness can be achieved not only by the thickness of the frame, but also by rhinestones, as well as contrasting color frames
For all types of triangular faces, classic glasses with rectangular frames rounded at the corners are suitable.

Round face

The length and width of the face are almost the same.
In this situation, it is necessary to reduce the wide middle and lower parts of the face. The most acceptable shape is the “cat eye”; oval glasses are acceptable. Perfect fit triangular view frames that will make your look stylish and highlight your individuality. Experiment with asymmetrical glasses, where the top and bottom of the frame are not the same.
You should avoid round frames, as well as massive, dark, bright glasses, which will make the face even rounder and will not add attractiveness. If you don't have a very thin neck, then square frames are ideal. At thin neck, such glasses will visually make your neck even thinner.

Square face

Large forehead, wide jaw.
In this type of face, the disadvantages are angular shapes and angles of the lower jaw, which should be reduced and softened. To do this, you need to decorate your face with thin round glasses. They will make the face more feminine, soft and complement the image favorably. The frame should be the width of your face. Glasses with frames wider than the face or much smaller than the width of the face disfigure it. But the frame with sharp corners or rectangular shape, people with this face shape should avoid it.

Oblong face

High forehead, high cheekbones .
For this type, when the length of the face is much greater than its width, you need to visually increase the width of the face. With square, triangular or oval glasses with wide frames this is easy to achieve. Rimless glasses and glasses that are too small are not suitable for you.

Heart shaped face

Wide cheekbones and forehead, narrow chin.
To visually narrow your forehead, you should not focus on the eyes. To do this, you can choose a frame in light colors or buy rimless glasses. Focus on the lower part of your face. Glasses with round narrow frames are suitable. Avoid frames that are large or have overly geometric lines.

Diamond face

Small forehead wide cheekbones, narrow chin .
People with this face shape should strive to visually reduce the volume in the cheekbone area. A win-win option the glasses will be oval shaped. Smooth, soft frame shapes without sharp lines are ideal. Rimless glasses or vertically oriented models will look good. You should not focus on the eye line.

Choosing the right one Sunglasses, you will protect yourself from negative influence sun rays , and also favorably emphasize your image and hide facial imperfections .

When it comes to fashion accessories, you always want to choose something that will make you stand out from the crowd, the best way emphasizing all the strengths of appearance. Glasses are the thing that requires maximum effort to select. Today, catchy and memorable eyeglass frames are in fashion. People who have been using glasses for many years probably remain faithful to the old principles when choosing necessary accessory, namely: the thinner and more inconspicuous the glasses, the better. Modern world fashion began to promote glasses as a stylish attribute of a business and youth look. More and more new ideas are born, embodied in the most unexpected and daring frames for glasses. Not everyone can immediately choose this option for themselves, having gotten used to something completely different. However, the basic rules for choosing glasses frames based on your face shape will help you. Today we will look at the most unusual, but incredibly stylish models, based on your appearance. By the way, you can safely apply these recommendations when choosing sunglasses.

How to choose the shape of your glasses frame?

Frame shape according to face shape

Diamond face shape and glasses

A diamond-shaped face is often also called a diamond shape. The facial features are close to oval proportions, but there are very high and wide cheekbones. The chin is more pointed than that of classic shape faces. This type of appearance is considered the rarest. And when making the right choice With glasses frames you can highlight all the beauty of your natural features. The most the best option are “cat” glasses with clearly defined top lines. If you have dark or Brown hair, then the color of the frame can vary from black to light pink. If you are blonde, then take a closer look with light brown frames. In your case, it’s a good idea to choose an option that combines two colors at once (as in the photo). “Cat” frames will soften protruding cheekbones and visually widen your eyes.

for diamond-shaped face

Long face shape and glasses

An elongated or elongated face shape is characterized by high forehead and a tapering, but not sharp, chin. This type also approaches oval proportions, although it presents them in a slightly elongated version. The cheekbones and nose are slightly elongated and, as a rule, do not stand out clearly. For long face shapes, round glasses or glasses with wide lenses are suitable. This is necessary in order to create visual balance in appearance. Glasses frames that only slightly resemble cat look, can also highlight your beauty.

for long faces

Oval face shape and glasses

As we have written more than once, the oval face shape is classic and is not afraid of any experiments. Thanks to perfect proportions between the forehead and chin, girls with this type of appearance can afford to try on many options for frames. These can be classic rectangles, round or elongated glasses, cat-like or square frames.

for oval face

Square face shape and glasses

Usually, square shape balances the proportions between the length and width of the face. In addition, a very strong, straight chin and wide forehead are observed. In order to visually soften your facial features and lengthen your proportions, choose glasses frames with wide lenses. This applies to both height and width. Any such option, even with fashionable curves, will be just right for you.

for square face

Round face shape and glasses

Girls with round type The face has uniform proportions around the entire circumference. In addition, rounded cheeks are visible. Opposite shapes will help lengthen the features of a round face. That is, your choice is square and rectangular frames. Round or oval glasses are strictly contraindicated for you.

for round faces

Triangular face shape and glasses

A triangular face shape is characterized by a sharp chin and prominent, prominent cheekbones. To soften the lower part of your face, try to choose frames that will be “visible” at the top and have more depth at the bottom. fine lines. It is better if the frame for glasses in your case is completely transparent from below. Upper part glasses can be enhanced with bright or deep colors.

for triangular faces

If it’s still difficult for you quickly and the main thing is to choose the right stylish glasses frame, then you can follow simple standard rules:

  • The basic rule that stylists recommend adhering to is that you should not choose a frame shape that resembles your facial features. The exception is Oval face. In general, try to choose for yourself an option where the lower part of the frame resembles the shape of the lower eye socket. Don't forget that even the smallest detail, such as a thin or metal bridge, can make a huge difference to the overall impression of you. Therefore, think about everything several times.
  • The top of the frame should not extend beyond the eyebrow line.
  • The bottom of the glasses should not touch the cheekbones.


Frame color to match your eye color

In addition to your face shape, it is also recommended to select glasses frames based on the color of your hair, skin and eyes. Since hair color can be changed, eye color still remains the same. Therefore, let's look at this aspect in more detail. Disharmony in color can play a cruel joke on you, and your perfectly chosen glasses will no longer be so.

Brown eyes and frame color

Brown eye color is the most common throughout the world. Of course, dark brown and black frames are created primarily for you; in addition, your companions are dark lilac, dark burgundy, and red shades.

Blue and gray eyes and frame color

Light eyes will harmonize well with dark brown and light brown frames; blue and silver colors are also considered successful.

Green eyes and frame color

Green eyes are the only ones of their kind, matched by a frame color that is close to the eye shade. In addition, do not forget about classic black and brown glasses, as well as bright orange and burgundy frames.

marsh to match eye color burgundy for green eyes blue for blue eyes

When choosing glasses, do not be lazy to apply all the knowledge you have acquired. Shape and color can change your appearance in incredible ways. And here, unfortunately, positive transformation does not always take place.
