Correct eyebrow correction at home. How to tidy up your eyebrows at home

How to fix your eyebrows yourself: various forms eyebrows and tattoo at home.

trending multiple recent years beautiful eyebrows are considered. Even if a woman for some reason lacks makeup and hair, her eyebrows should be on top. But how to do perfect eyebrows? Having resorted to the services professional beautician, you can easily bring your eyebrows in order.

However, to keep them in good shape, you need to regularly visit beauty salons. Such procedures require a lot of time and money. Therefore, another question arises: “What can be done with eyebrows at home?”. This article will answer this and other questions related to the improvement of female eyebrows at home.

How to make eyebrows with a kink?

In order to give the eyebrows the shape of a break at home, you must first draw the very desired arc. Here you will need a ruler and a pencil. You can do with one pencil. Using a ruler or pencil, you need to find the three main points of the future eyebrow: the beginning, the hill and the end. All this is done very simply:

  1. First, we attach one end of the ruler to the wing of the nose from the side of the eye we need. On the way between the nose and the eyebrow, the ruler should be in contact with the inner corner of the eye. In the place where it meets the arc, and there will be the beginning of the eyebrow
  2. To reveal the place of the bend, rearrange the ruler so that it now passes through the center of the pupil. And the point where it intersects with the eyebrow will be the bend point
  3. Naturally, to determine the end of the arc, we direct the ruler through outer corner eyes and put a mark at the place of its intersection with the eyebrow. Thus, all three peaks of the future eyebrow with a bend will be calculated, and it remains only to draw its width. After the arc is drawn, you need to take tweezers and remove all the extra hairs around it.

How to make eyebrows thicker?

  • Following the current trend in thick eyebrows, many women are trying at home to visually increase the width of their arcs. But along with the question of thickness, another question arises before them: “How to make eyebrows thicker?”
  • In order to make eyebrows thicker and thicker, women with sparse and naturally thin eyebrows will still have to resort to the services of a tattoo artist. No matter how convincing folk craftsmen and manufacturers of various hair growth products are, genetics cannot be deceived
  • True, today another newfangled procedure has appeared - eyebrow extensions. This manipulation is similar to eyelash extensions. As in the case of eyelashes, it is advisable to repeat it once every two weeks. Yes, and it's worth it too.
  • The constant helpers for young ladies with sparse vegetation remains cosmetic pencil and brow shadow. With a pencil, carefully outline the eyebrow along the contour, and then shade it with shadows.
  • If a woman has naturally thick eyebrows, but for some reason their density has been lost, it can be returned with the help of traditional medicine. Grandma's advice is to strengthen the hairs on the superciliary arches every day. vegetable oils(castor, almond, burdock)

high eyebrows

In addition to thick thick eyebrows, today there is a tendency to raise their level. However, dear ladies, before you make your eyebrows higher, consult a professional or make a computer selection. Otherwise, there is a risk of being ridiculous. Sometimes such eyebrows look unnatural, it seems that they are stuck on.

Raising the level of eyebrows at home is unlikely to be possible for those who have them too thin. Here again, only permanent tattoo. But the owners of thick thick eyebrows just need to pluck a couple of rows from the bottom, and the eyebrows will look higher.

How to make straight eyebrows?

The procedure for plucking the eyebrows is a rather unpleasant and responsible manipulation. This is especially true for thin eyebrows - you need to be very careful with them. Before you do thin eyebrows yourself, you need to prepare the tools and treat the skin of the face. Here are some tips for those who are going to pluck their eyebrows at home:

  1. It is advisable to carry out this procedure before going to bed, as after it the skin may become irritated.
  2. Good lighting is important
    Attention! For the first procedure for giving the eyebrows an ideal thin and even shape, you cannot use a magnifying mirror - it is better to use a regular one. This is due to the fact that the zooming mirror can slightly distort the image, and it is difficult to compare two eyebrows at the same time in it. With repeated corrections, such a mirror will be more appropriate.
  3. Before you start plucking your eyebrows, remove all cosmetics from your face. To reduce pain, slightly warm the skin above the eyes with cotton pads and warm water
  4. All tools must be treated with alcohol or iodine
  5. After thinning, comb the eyebrows with a special comb and cut off the upper protruding hairs with scissors
  6. In no case do not use a razor in the care of eyebrows. Improper handling of it can lead to a deterioration in shape and accidental removal of the desired sections of the brow.

How to make an eyebrow tattoo yourself?

Permanent make-up or tattooing is preferably carried out in salon conditions. However, if there is great desire and the necessary equipment, it can, in principle, be done at home. This will require:

  • desired shade of paint
  • tattoo machine
  • disposable needles
  • trimmer
  • antiseptic
  • degreaser
  • makeup brush
  • face cream

Here exemplary algorithm actions when performing a tattoo at home:

  1. Before starting work, we remove unnecessary fat from the working areas of the skin using a special tool.
  2. Trimmer to finalize the shape of the eyebrow
  3. We dip the brush into the paint and outline the contour of the eyebrow, after which we shade it
  4. We insert a new needle into the tattoo machine and draw ink with it.
  5. We start to hammer the skin from the thickest part of the eyebrow
  6. Change the needles several times throughout the procedure

This method of tattooing is called shaded. There is also a hair method, but its implementation will require certain knowledge and a full hand.

  • Experts recommend that their clients take their time choosing the final form and do trial makeup. To do this, they can paint the woman the desired shape of the eyebrow with a selected shade of paint and give her time to walk around and look at herself.
  • If, after a certain time, a woman does not get bored and does not stop liking her new image, then it is this pattern that is immortalized on her face. Sometimes photos are used for such purposes. The master takes a picture with preliminary eyebrows, and the client has the opportunity to carefully examine it herself, as well as consult with her relatives
  • Within a week after stuffing the eyebrows, they need to be treated with an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory ointment (levomekol, tetracycline, synthomycin). Place the tattoo before her complete healing do not get wet and exposed to direct sunlight
  • At the site of the tattoo, crusts form, which in no case should be torn off, as this can lead to scarring.
  • Before giving any care advice female eyebrows, it is worth finding out which form is considered ideal. For the third year in a row, the fashion for thick and thick eyebrows has dominated the world's catwalks. When selecting models for the show, designers always give preference to fashion models with “lush vegetation” above the eyes. But this in no way means that the girls of the entire globe should immediately rush to grow it on their faces.
  • In second place in popularity after their thick eyebrows are eyebrows made by tattoo artists. Tattooing has become just a squeak of fashion 2014-2016. Every self-respecting lady ran to the tattoo parlor and “filled” herself with new eyebrows. But this option is a little risky, since fashion is a very changeable lady. Today, women create popular thick eyebrows for themselves, and tomorrow they don’t know what to do with them, as thin eyebrows-threads have returned again.
  • However, the essence is still not in what is popular today and what others choose. The shape of the eyebrows should be selected individually and fit perfectly to the oval of the face, the color of the eyes, hair and skin. Such eyebrows will just be considered flawless.

Using all the listed methods of eyebrow care, you will always look great!

Every woman wants to look good. Beautiful eyebrows, in harmony with the eyes, are exactly what you need. But unfortunately, not every woman has them perfect by nature. Therefore, to improve their appearance, there are a number of procedures. But it is not necessary to go to salons to look chic, there are a few surprising simple ways how to tidy up your eyebrows at home.

Eyebrow shapes

Let's start with forms. Eyebrows can be distinguished by color, thickness and length. They are of the following types: rounded, house, vrazlet, straight and curved. Also today there are a number of paints for coloring eyebrows. This is if you are not satisfied with your natural color. But, if you do not use paint that can last more than a week, you can color them with shadows, gels and in general, there are many alternatives, as you can see.

2000s fashion

The shape of the eyebrows must necessarily be combined with the shape of the face. In the 2000s, there was a fashion for thin thread-like eyebrows. Many even preferred to completely shave them off in order to draw what they want, but this option is not suitable for wet weather, because, as they say, they will flow. Well, if we talk about today's time, now thick and

The overall beauty of the face directly depends on the eyebrows, on their color and shape. But it is not necessary to chase fashion, you need to look first of all at what you like, and so that they have natural color and tint.

Face shapes

Now the face shapes that make-up artists highlight will be listed:

  • Round. Curved eyebrows with a high lift will suit him.
  • Oval. It is considered almost perfect, straight and horizontal eyebrows are suitable for it.
  • triangular. Curved eyebrows will be appropriate here.
  • Square. Suitable arched eyebrows, raised up.

But this is an optional example for all types of faces, there may be exceptions. In general, choose for yourself.

It is also necessary to determine the beginning and end of the eyebrows. To determine important points, you will need a simple pencil, the first thing to do is to attach the pencil to one wing of the nose so that it touches the beginning of the eyebrow. It is the place where the pencil intersects with the eyebrow that will be considered the beginning. The second is to determine the highest point, the pencil must again be applied to the wing of the nose, but now it must be directed through the iris of the eye. The intersection at the eyebrow is considered the highest point. Right up to this place eyebrow goes wide, and then, as you might guess, narrows. And the third is the end point. The pencil, as in previous cases, will need to be attached to the wing of the nose, only this time directed through the outer corner of the eye. The intersection with the eyebrow will be the end point. If there are hairs after this point, then they need to be removed.

There are also some tips on how to put your eyebrows in order: it is advisable to pluck out regrown hairs every week; if they grow unevenly and have an uneven length, you can use oil to strengthen. Some beauticians advise purchasing an eyebrow brush so that they have well-groomed appearance.

What shape to choose?

What to make the density of the eyebrows, it can be difficult to decide. It is not always fashionable to wear a thread, and thick eyebrows do not suit everyone. To begin with, you can pluck a little, see if you like it or not, if you haven’t reached desired result, you can always correct more, the main thing is not to overdo it initially.

How to get your eyebrows in order painlessly

Eyebrow plucking is not easy for everyone, some are not ready to make such sacrifices because of the pain, so they prefer to shave them. Now let's look at several options that can be used to reduce pain.

  • Ice. Some girls specially brew various herbs, then pour them into ice molds in order to wipe their faces later. This helps to narrow the pores. You can also apply pieces of ice to the eyebrows, hold for a few minutes, after which the plucking procedure will not be so painful.
  • Steam your face. There is another method, directly opposite to the first, you can make an infusion of herbs, cover your head with a towel over it and steam your face. The pores at this time expand, which can also help reduce pain when plucking.
  • Anesthesia. You can always buy at the pharmacy a large number of means that will be local anesthesia. This method also helps very well, but it is still better to use folk advice.

How to restore the density of the eyebrows

If for a long time you preferred to wear thin eyebrows, respectively, they were often plucked, then the hair follicles have weakened and no longer give such hair growth as before. There are some tips for caring for eyebrows after long-term plucking. At home, this is quite simple to do: you need to apply a mask based on burdock or castor oil. It is desirable to add vitamin A and E in liquid form to it, they stimulate the hair follicles and have nourishing effect. All ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions. It is advisable to apply this mask on the eyebrows at night every day, massage movements rubbing into hair. And literally in 1-2 months you will see the result.

Eyebrow tattoo

Tattoo is enough harsh method adjustments, another name - Permanent makeup. Not everyone can decide on this procedure. If after that you are not satisfied with the result, then it is almost impossible to get rid of it, it can be removed in about four years. There are several types of tattooing: hair, shading, combined and watercolor.

  • Hair is considered the most common. In places where there are bald spots, individual hairs are drawn. Each individual stroke is applied by hand, so the beauty of the eyebrows depends entirely on the professionalism of the master.
  • Shading, or as it is also called, shotting. After filling the contour with paint, shading is carried out. Some people don't like this method because the eyebrows look very bright and unnatural.
  • Combined (or mixed) tattoo. It combines the two previous methods: shading and hair. After it, the eyebrows have more natural look.
  • Watercolor. This procedure allows you not to draw clear boundaries, as a result of which the eyebrows have enough neat appearance. There are also different shades used here.

Care permanent eyebrows includes simple procedures. It is worth noting that the tattoo procedure is not cheap. If you do it cheaply, then you need to think about the quality of the materials used. If the procedure is expensive, then the quality will match.

If you still decide on this procedure, then you must definitely follow good care for an eyebrow tattoo. After it, crusts will appear that cannot be torn off. Eyebrow tattoo, care in the first days of which consists of several points, is quite painful procedure, but let's go directly to the points:

  • it is undesirable to wet;
  • you can not use cosmetics while there are crusts;
  • it is recommended to smear with healing ointments, like "Bepanten";
  • you can not visit the sauna and pool for several weeks;
  • if suppuration appears, it is urgent to contact a specialist for help.

If the result is not satisfactory, then you will not be able to fix it at home, you can only remove the tattoo in the salon using a laser.

Eyebrow microblading

How to get your eyebrows in order with microblading, let's look further. It is very different from a tattoo. Its principle is as follows: with the help of a special blade, incisions are made, after which the pigment is injected through the upper layer of the epidermis. The result of this procedure is very similar to natural eyebrows. The master requires patience, as each hair is drawn separately.

Eyebrow microblading care is in many ways similar to that performed after a tattoo. There are several stages, except for the main ones: after the procedure, you can’t touch it with your hands, of course, you can’t go to the pool and take a steam bath in the sauna, you need to wash your face with gentle cosmetics, something like baby soap. If the skin around the eyebrows is dry, you need to lubricate it with petroleum jelly.

Eyebrow spraying

by the most latest trend in the correction of eyebrows, you can safely call spraying or shading. These procedures do not injure the skin, as with tattooing and microblading. The procedure is performed using an electronic device, somewhat similar to a felt-tip pen, at the end of which is not quite a needle, but a pigment distributor that is sprayed into the upper layers of the skin. During this procedure, no blood is released, and during healing there will be no crusts and no ichor will be released. The color and overall effect depends on the number of applied layers.

After the eyebrow spraying procedure, care is quite simple. It is advisable not to use cosmetics for the first few days, and experts also advise not to wet the operation sites for several days. You should not use the services of a cosmetologist for about a month, as well as after tattooing and microblading, you should not visit the pool and sauna for some time. If spraying is done in the summer, when going outside, you need to wear Sunglasses. If the skin on the eyebrows began to peel off, you can lubricate with Vaseline.

If you still decide to try this procedure, then the result will undoubtedly please you. Beautiful eyebrows will delight you for one year. Spray durability will depend on how many coats have been applied. The price for this procedure is much higher than for tattooing and microblading, but in each salon it is different, mainly depending on the qualifications of the master.

Beautiful, expressive eyebrows in harmony with the face - isn't this what every woman dreams of? But, alas, nature does not reward everyone with such beauty. Often you have to resort to the services of cosmetologists for correction, painting. My first such experience was unsuccessful. "Specialist" turned her eyebrows into strings. I grew them for a long time, not daring to go to the salon. After talking with a makeup artist friend, I quickly realized that it’s not so difficult to put them in order on my own. How to do it? I share simple but useful tips!

What are the shapes of the eyebrows?

The difference can be made according to four criteria: shape, thickness, length, color. Let's talk about the first, of which there are several types.

  1. Rounded.
  2. House.
  3. Vrazlet.
  4. Curved.
  5. Direct.

I will also add a couple of words about color. I have never painted, but my friends actively practice changing shades. If you want something new, you can experiment, change the natural color. used professional paint. I prefer to tint with cosmetics.

Among them, I have favorites that are already for a long time live on the dressing table

  1. . Holds its shape well, does not stick together the hairs, giving grooming and sleekness.
  2. Eyeshadow ArtDeco Eye Brow Powder . Excellent pigmentation, last all day, very economical consumption.
  3. Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Pomade . Great drawing tool! Gently fills all the gaps, making the shape perfect.

What eyebrow shape to choose depending on the type of face?

I remember in the early 2000s, many girls I knew became victims of fashion - they plucked their eyebrows to thin, thin threads. One of them completely shaved off her hair and painted new ones every morning. I can imagine, if you get caught in the rain, how the eyebrows “float away”. Then they suffered for a long time, grew it. Now wide, thick options are back in fashion.

Well-groomed eyebrows make the look brighter, more expressive, and can even correct some facial disproportions. The beauty of a woman's face largely depends on their color, shape. The latter must be chosen, focusing on the type of person.

In the process of shaping, it is worth remembering a few rules:

  • avoid blindly following fashion;
  • in priority - naturalness;
  • recipe for success - correct definition face type.

Cosmetologists, makeup artists distinguish 4 face shapes according to geometric shapes:

  • circle . Suitable broken, with a high lift, short tip;
  • oval . Makeup artists consider such a face to be ideal. Straight and horizontal will look good;
  • triangle . Raised, curved will fit;
  • for a square ideally long, arched, raised up.

This classification is not a rule. There are always exceptions.

It is worth choosing, taking into account your own preferences, facial features.

Determine the correct beginning and end of the eyebrows

Important points in the architecture of the eyebrows are easy to determine. To do this, you need a simple pencil. I do several things with him.

I apply it so that it touches one wing of the nose and the beginning of the eyebrow. Where is the intersection of the pencil with the eyebrow - a place to start. Anything beyond the dot is removed.

Next, I define the cape, that is, its highest point. The pencil is applied to the wing of the nose. This time it is directed through the iris. Crossing point highest point. Before it, the eyebrow remains wide along its entire length, and behind it it narrows. Everything superfluous is removed without a drop of regret.

And finally, it remains to determine the third point. I direct the pencil from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye to the eyebrow. All hairs behind the last point are plucked .

Eyebrows, like everything else, require careful care.

A few tips that help me maintain a sleek, well-groomed appearance

  • Almond oil for strengthening . Every day at night I rub the oil. This helps prevent them from falling out and breaking.
  • Special brush for combing provides stimulation for their growth.
  • Plucking regrown hairs I spend every week.

Thick or thin eyebrows - the choice is yours!

Yes, the choice is not easy to make. On the one hand, I don't want to have thin line, but vegetation a la Brezhnev is also not good. What to do in this case? Experiment! By at least, so I did until I found my best form.

At the first correction, the main thing is not to overdo it, it is better to pluck a little first.

With such a result, be like a week or two, look at your face, get used to it. If the result is not satisfactory, you can pluck further until the width is optimal.

How to painlessly pluck your eyebrows at home?

Someone said that beauty requires sacrifice. Famous photographer, fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld says: beauty requires money. I think that for beauty, grooming, you need quite a bit: free time and desire. This I mean that the procedure, for many unpleasant, can be made almost painless.

So here are my tips

  • No. 1. Cosmetic ice

Before freezing, I add various herbs to the water, I like chamomile, it is hypoallergenic, does not irritate the skin. I wrap the ice in a small piece of gauze, apply it to the treated area. I keep the compress for 5 minutes. Cooling, the pores narrow, due to which the sensitivity is dulled.

  • No. 2. Steaming

The easiest way to relieve pain. I brew chamomile or birch leaves. In a hot infusion, I moisten a towel, apply it, holding it until it cools completely. The effect of steaming is just the opposite of cooling - the pores, expanding, reduce pain.

The second way is steaming the face over the steam with a towel covered on top. I do not pour out the infusion immediately. I wipe the area with it after correction. Chamomile, birch leaves - natural antiseptics, perfectly relieve inflammation.

  • No. 3. Antiseptics

It doesn't hurt at all with him. Similar funds are sold in pharmacies, they are used for local anesthesia. This method is good when there is no time at all. I only ran into him once. I prefer folk remedies.

We pluck eyebrows beautifully and correctly

How many songs are dedicated female eyes: these eyes are opposite, magnet eyes, and your eyes are green ... No wonder, because they are one of the most expressive parts of the face. Eyebrows play one of the main roles in this expressiveness. If things are quite normal with eyelashes (sometimes curl, make up with mascara, draw with a pencil), then in most cases you have to tinker with eyebrows.

Creation beautiful eyebrows almost always art. But it's easy to learn! The make-up artist convinced me of this by revealing a few secrets.

The whole correction process is divided into three stages.

Stage 1. Preparatory

You will need:

- tweezers . I chose it by trial and error. Many did not fit, settled on the option with flat ends;

- disinfectant . I always have chlorhexidine in my first aid kit. I treat them with tweezers before work and the skin after the procedure;

- big mirror . I do not advise small, because it is necessary full review faces;

– lighting . Must be bright to see even the smallest hairs.

Stage 2. The procedure itself

Here I take into account several nuances. The hairs must be hooked right at the base, pull the skin with your hand, pull it out with a sharp movement.

Also, never forget the three important points. About them is written a little higher.

Imagine female face no eyebrows at all. Not a very attractive sight, is it? Too thick, fused at the bridge of the nose, eyebrows will also not add beauty to your appearance. A neat, well-defined line of well-groomed eyebrows makes facial features and eyes more expressive, so it is very important to keep this part of the face always in good shape. in perfect order. How to do this, I will tell below.

1. Tweezers

The first thing that comes to mind is to take tweezers and correct the eyebrow line, mercilessly removing all the hairs that have fallen out of the row. This is the most fast way tidy up your eyebrows. To make the procedure painless, apply to the eyebrows for a few minutes cotton pad dipped in cold water. Next, you should treat the tweezers with alcohol and you can proceed directly to the correction of the eyebrow contour. Determined in advance desired shape, remove excess hairs in the direction of their growth. Finally, treat the skin with lotion. From my own experience I can say that the skin quickly gets used to similar procedures and its preliminary cooling over time is no longer required.

2. Pencil

I must say right away that an ordinary eyeliner is not the most good choice V this case. It is better to buy a pencil designed specifically for tinting eyebrows. Its special texture will allow you to make makeup as natural as possible. Apply it with gentle dotted movements between the hairs, and then be sure to blend it with a brush. To keep your eyebrows looking perfect all day long, put the pencil in your purse and touch up the contour from time to time.

3. Shadows

Shadows can be used if there is no need to correct the shape, but you just need to add color saturation and make the eyebrow line more pronounced. Carefully paint over the eyebrows with a special brush and blend thoroughly. Just as in the case of a pencil, it is advisable to always have eye shadow and a brush with you, since during the day the shadows can crumble and will need to be refreshed.

4. Gel

To fix unruly hairs that strive to get out of order and disrupt the overall picture, a special cosmetic gel for eyebrows. This tool, moreover, contains caring ingredients that will provide your eyebrows with additional nutrition and strengthen them. If you need to give the eyebrows more bright shade, choose a gel with a coloring effect.

5. Cream paint

advantage this method is that there is no need to tint the eyebrows during the day, because the result lasts up to one month. The procedure can be carried out both in the salon and at home, after purchasing special paint for eyebrows of the desired shade. This procedure also does not take much time, its duration usually does not exceed 15 minutes, depending on the intensity of the desired color. If you decide to get by on your own and paint the eyebrows yourself, this should be done very carefully, applying the coloring agent clearly along the line of the eyebrows and not going beyond it.

Eyebrows complete the look, and your shape depends on their shape. general form. And the fashion for eyebrows is very changeable: not so long ago, eyebrows in a thread were in trend, and women diligently plucked out extra hairs. And now, on the contrary, shaggy and thick eyebrows are considered fashionable, which stand out brightly on the face. However, this or that trend is not suitable for everyone, so you need not only to follow the trends in the art of makeup, but also to properly handle the eyebrows. Whatever they are, the main thing is their well-groomed appearance.

Think over the form in advance

The shape of the eyebrows can completely change the expression of the face. Brightly outlined with a sharp bend give the face a surprised and slightly sharp look. This combination can make the facial expression more predatory and sexy. But rounded eyebrows, on the contrary, soften the angular features, making them softer and smoother. Before deciding on a new image, it is best to consult with a specialist. But you should not contact an unverified master in an ordinary hairdresser. Not so long ago, the art of plucking was based only on the creation of a single feature. And now eyebrows have become an important part of the image, and only a makeup artist can tell correct form for your face.

Eyebrow marking

If you have already decided on the shape, it's time to take on the tweezers. However, before you start the procedure, it is worth marking the field of activity. Brush your eyebrows carefully. You can use an old mascara brush for this. Then draw an outline that will make up the main line. Now with the help of tweezers we get rid of extra hairs. In some cases, it may be more convenient to mark those hairs that need to be plucked, instead of the main contour.

Key Points

If you decide to pre-mark the line of the eyebrows, then the following tricks will come in handy. The tip of the bridge of the nose should be lower than the extreme ponytail. If you do the opposite, then your face will appear sad. Now let's take a break. The location of the peak may vary, but remember that the higher you raise your eyebrow, the more "aggression" will be added to your look. If you have not yet been able to determine the break point, then there is a universal marking method. Visually divide the whole line into three parts, the point between the second and third sharp will just become the place of the bend.

Marking extreme points

It is very important to correctly mark the extreme points. To determine the inner point of the beginning of the eyebrow, we draw a mental line from the dimple of the wing of the nose to the main part of the bridge of the nose. This will become the starting point. By the way, if you push the inner points away from each other, you can make the nose visually smaller.

External points can be marked in different ways. There are several universal methods to help you do this. You can draw a diagonal line from the wing of the nose and through the extreme corner of the eye - this will mark the outer edge. If such an eyebrow seems too long to you, then draw the same line from the nose and through the iris of the eye. Depending on the form used different methods, since not only the angle of the break forms the eyebrow itself, but also the length.

Approach from all sides

Once eyebrows became an important part of the image, a lot of advice appeared on how to properly care for them. Some stylists insist that plucking top edge it is forbidden. Correcting upper part tweezers, we make the look heavier. However, in some cases, extra hairs on top can completely ruin appearance the entire brow. So that individual and highly conspicuous hairs can be plucked even from above. But from below, you can safely get rid of all the hairs that do not fall into the main contour. Sometimes, you can even go as far as trimming your eyebrows. This is usually done when the eyebrows are very thick and long. At the same time, it is important to comply correct scheme actions so as not to spoil the image. You need to mark the main contour and comb it up, now excess length hairs will immediately become visible to the naked eye. Gently cut them and comb them again in the right direction.

Beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows require the same close attention, as well as other elements of appearance. So be more attentive to this detail of the image and you can fully enjoy the views full of genuine admiration.
