The best birthday cake ever. Soulful and cheerful toasts for a great mood on a woman's birthday

We sit at a table side by side, we drink, we wish you happiness. Please accept our congratulations on your wonderful birthday!

Dear birthday man, I wish you health and mind on your birthday. No wonder they say: “If there was a mind, there would be a ruble. There will be no mind, there will be no ruble. And also happiness to you, joy and fulfillment of dreams!

I wish your life to be luxurious - it would have luxurious well-being, luxurious mood and luxurious prospects. Happy birthday!

Today we will soar in the clouds: And may not only today, but always the sky above you be cloudless and clear! Happy holiday to you!

So let's drink to the fact that the hero of our occasion is not afraid to enter his own gates and never misses his chance!

In the East they say: the name of a girl should be like the radiance of a Star or the tenderness of a flower. And only at the age of 2 ... I recognized the name in which I saw the radiance of a star and felt the aroma delicate flower. This name...

In one parable, described by Kafka, it is said about a man who stood in front of an open gate and did not dare to enter it, because severe guards stood in silence near them. The man thought that the warriors would not let him through. Time passed and the gate closed. Then one of the guards said to the man:
- Eccentric, these gates were opened especially for you, and we were only supposed to let you through them.

The militiamen raided the bootlegger with a search.
They knock on her door.
- Who's there? - asks the hostess.
- Open! This is the police! We know that you have moonshine!... We even know where you hide it!
“Wait,” the hostess asks, “I’ll ... hide it now!”
I rang the doorbell today and they didn't open it for a long time. “Probably, the products are hidden! - I thought. But when I entered here and saw this table, I realized how wrong I was.
I want to apologize for bad thoughts and thank the birthday girl for this abundance!

The journalist came to the most remote and highest mountainous Georgian village and asked the oldest 120-year-old aksakal if he feels his old age?
Yes, of course I do! - answered the elder.
- In what? the journalist asked.
- When I was 100 years old, I drank 20 glasses of wine with guests. When I was 110 years old, I drank 10 glasses of wine with guests, now I drink only 9 glasses ... So let's drink to live as long as this aksakal, and complain about old age just like this aksakal!

Two friends are talking.
- Is it true that your lover's parents just hate you? one asks.
“Unfortunately, yes,” she replies.
- And not only parents, but also his ... wife!
In our case, everything is different: everyone loves and idolizes the birthday girl! And the husband's parents, and his brothers, and their wives!
Let's drink for a common favorite, for our birthday girl!

The mountain peoples have one good proverb: “The camel gave birth to a camel - the neighbor did not hear. The chicken laid an egg - cackles all over the world. Let's raise our glasses to our humble birthday man, who knows his business very well, but does not ring about it all over the world!

If you look at the sky and look closely at the stars, you will notice that they are all as different as people. A man is born and appears in heaven new star. If a person is healthy, then his star shines brightly, if he is sick - dimly, dies - his star falls from the sky.
Let's drink to your star shining very bright and never falling.

May the stars always shine for you - the star of luck, the star of love, the stars of friendship and the stars of cognac. For you!

Once a poet came to the Roman emperor and began to complain about poverty. The emperor listened to him and replied: “Homer was much poorer than you, but how many people did he feed with spiritual food.”
Today, one can also say about our dear birthday man: how many he fed with spiritual food! So let's raise our glasses to his health and great talent!

In each person, nature springs up either as cereals or as weeds. So let's drink to the timely watering of the first and exterminate the second! For that beautiful garden that the birthday boy has grown in himself!

The name of the child is given by the parents. God appoints a guardian angel for everyone. From that moment on, the name of a person largely determines his fate.
It is important to keep your name in spiritual purity. And then the guardian angel will favor and support the person.
Happiness to you, our dear birthday boy!

One guy had a birthday and all his friends gathered. They were drinking and suddenly the guy's father came. The father told his son that he was in a hurry to see him for his birthday and knocked down a man. This man lies dead in the trunk and the father asked his son to tell all the friends present about this so that they would help get rid of the corpse. The guy told his friends and everyone immediately had some urgent business. They all parted, leaving only the guy's girlfriend (who loved him more life) and his best friend. They went down to the car father opened the trunk of the car. There were two cases of vodka in the trunk.
So let's drink for real friends who do not throw in difficult situations!

All of you know the legend of Icarus. Long ago, Icarus lived in the world. And he dreamed of flying like a bird. Icarus made himself wings from feathers and broke away from the sinful earth. He decided to rise above the trees - and rose. I wanted to fly higher than the mountains - and took off. Then Icarus wanted to fly higher than the Sun, rose high, high, almost to the Sun itself, but the wax that held the feathers together melted, Icarus fell to the ground and broke. I want to wish our birthday man that: everything he dreams of comes true, that he conquers any heights and that no matter how high he rises, he would never fall to the ground!

In one ancient Persian treatise it is said: “Four traits of a person lead to four consequences: stubbornness - to shame; irascibility - to repentance; slander - to enmity; laziness - to humiliation. » Dear birthday boy! Until now, these traits were not characteristic of your nature. So let's drink to the fact that they never appeared.

One foreigner, studying Russian, asked what is the difference between name days, christenings, commemorations and trouser legs. He was told that the first three required a drink, and the last three required repairs. So let's take a drink and drink with great feeling for the birthday boy and his prosperity!

It is better to be full than hungry, it is better to live in peace than in anger, it is better to be needed than free - let's drink to that!

The ancient Greeks believed that human destiny has its own goddesses. They were called moira. Initially, it was believed that each person has his own moira. Then the number of these goddesses was reduced to three: Atropos, Clotho and Lachesis. The whole life of a person was connected with them. They were represented as old women. Lachesis appoints a lot even before birth, Clotho spins the thread of fate, Atropos inevitably brings the future closer and, cutting the thread, cuts off life.
So, dear hero of the occasion! I wish Clotho to spin your thread of life strong and thick, Lachesis to keep your happy lot, helping to pass life's sharp corners and labyrinths, and Atropos's scissors became dull, and she sharpened them for a very long time before doing the inevitable.

A bit of math: a dacha is zero, a car and a garage are zero, an apartment is zero, money is zero, health is one. So let's drink to the fact that the whole life of the birthday boy was a unit with a lot of zeros.

For you, my little star, my gentle, affectionate and sometimes prickly flower!

So let's drink to the birthday boy, thanks to whom such wonderful people, like us!

It was said by an ancient sage: "Do not be so dry as to crackle and break,
But don't be so wet that they wipe the floors with you like a rag.

To find out the value of a person, you need to ask trouble, joy, a woman and a bottle about him. Recently I asked trouble: “How does NAME relate to you?” Bede replied: "He always overcomes me." I asked joy. Joy replied: "He is not stingy, he shares with others."
I asked my wife, and she replied: “Yes, NAME is sensitive and attentive. All his life he gives me his love, does not waste it on others.
And the bottle said: Good friend NAME, always, if necessary, will support my company.
Well, I can only confirm this excellent characterization.
And we hope that the NAME really is a sociable friend. And we will always support him. So NAME?

Let's drink to the culprit of our feast! He lovely husband, a wonderful father, a wonderful specialist and a wonderful person.

You probably know that a marriage is happy if one half snores and the other cannot hear. On this occasion adult daughter says to mom:
- You know, mom, I can't stand snorers!
And I will never marry a man who snores at night!
- Perhaps, daughter, you are right, but I ask you to be careful ... when testing!
It so happened that we once sat next to the birthday boy in the theater. During the performance, he fell asleep and slept soundly! But to snore?! There was no such thing! Therefore, taking into account its other advantages, I can safely recommend it to all unmarried people!

The French say: "If in youth we have the face that nature gave us, then in maturity - the one that we deserve." I absolutely agree with them, dear. You are always in a good mood. Your charming smile delights us. And so the years have no power over you. You radiate feminine beauty and kindness. On your birthday, I wish you to remain as cheerful and generous. I kneel before you. And I raise this glass in your honor!

I want to wish my friend on his birthday the health of a marathon runner, the mind of an academic and the wealth of Bill Gates. (Name) has everything else: wonderful parents and reliable friends. For you, (name)! For our friendship!

One guy's father died and left him a will so that all his inheritance, which he left him, he skipped with his friends. He did just that, he squandered all the money with his friends, but soon the money ran out and the debts of the friends he helped fell on him the guy went to ask for help from his friends, but everyone refused him and no one wanted to help, he was left alone with his problems and the guy decided to end it he took a rope with his life, made a loop, fixed it on the chandelier, and when he knocked the stool out from under his feet, the chandelier came off and gold, diamonds, money and a note from his father rained down on him from the ceiling, and now son, take this money for a walk with real friends.
So let's drink to real friends!

When you were born, drops were falling from the sky, but it was not rain - it was the sky that was crying, because it had lost such bright star How are you... Happy birthday!

Young is the one who still knows how to be surprised and get carried away. Our respected birthday boy is young, despite his years. See how much youthful enthusiasm he has, how much sparkle in his eyes. Health to you long years and endless optimism! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday to you! I hope and wish you the very best in the future. But we don't know the future. I also know that your past is full of success and joy. But the past should not dominate us. I wish you to live and enjoy every moment "here and now" - the only thing that truly belongs to us ..

The culprit of the feast has already been wished so much that I am somewhat at a loss. In our time, one should probably wish such an energetic and commercial person, born under the sign of Pisces, to become a shark of the market economy and have a solid account in a freely convertible currency. Happy fortune ticket to you! Let's spray the "newborn" with a bottle of good wine!

In the Canary Islands, out of 365 days a year, 350 are sunny. So I wish you, dear (name, patronymic), that in your life there is such a ratio of joyful and sad days. But the natives of the Canary Islands are far from stupid. Here in those 15 days when there is no sun, they gather in large huts and drink the fermented juice of tropical mango fruits. And again in their hearts good mood again the sun shines in their souls. And you (name, patronymic) on gloomy and rainy days, do not forget to take mango juice. And if there is no juice at hand, use a substitute. Any from 12 to 40 degrees.
Let's drink to the joy of overcoming, to the joy of achievement and to happy person- our hero of the feast!

January is cold and snowy.
Beginning of the year. Peak of winter.
Your home is cozy. Your gaze is tender.
In response, we give smiles.
And let worries await us tomorrow.
Let's forget about them for an hour.
On your birthday, as if by notes,
Let's play at the table now: "Do" - we drink for beauty, "Re" - for intelligence and kindness, "Mi" - for will and reliability, "Fa" - for tact and caution, "Sol" - for generosity without concealment, "La" - for the talent of a housewife!
Well, "Si" - we will finish the last toast very simply:
We raised six glasses, we played everything according to the notes,
On the seventh we want to say: “WE SIT VERY WELL! »

There are many methods of hidden negative criticism. For example, the owner of one newspaper with a sarcastic smile says:
- True, we do not speak about other newspapers.
But from this statement and the way it is delivered, it is already clear that other publications are worth little in comparison with his own.
This diplomacy, embroidered with white thread, resembles a child's diplomacy. The child is asked:
Who do you love more, dad or mom?
“I won’t tell you,” the child answers and adds: “Otherwise dad will be offended!”
If they ask me: who do I love more in this family - the owner or the mistress? I won’t tell either, because not only the owner will be offended, but also My wife! But since today is the mistress's birthday, no one should be offended by our love for her!
So, I propose to drink for the newborn!

Children ask Krupskaya to tell about Lenin.
What was he like, you ask? she began. - He was very kind. I remember: children came to our estate, and at that time Lenin was sitting on a bench.
- Vladimir Ilyich, play with us! Vladimir Ilyich, play with us! - shouted the guys.
And he screams at them:
- And go to hell! - and the very eyes are so ... kind, kind!
Our birthday girl, unlike Lenin, loves children very much. She loves her family and friends! She is an exceptionally kind person, which is why her eyes are so kind, kind! For the birthday girl!

A policeman, walking down the street, sees the following scene: a man stands on a balcony and urinates on passers-by from above. All in anger, he rises to the apartment to that man.
- Your documents!
He submits a passport with a wad of money invested in it.
- Well, your documents are in order, - calming down, the policeman says, - but it's still not good to urinate from the balcony!
The man hands him another pack.
- Well, with such documents! You can meet passers-by...and other needs!
Our birthday boy (celebrant) has so many high titles, he has such documents that he could calmly spit on everyone! But he is distinguished by modesty and humanity. For these qualities I propose to drink!

One day to the king, who became famous for his good deeds, the learned elder came and brought him three gifts. He said, “My first gift is health! May you not be subject to disease. My second gift is oblivion, oblivion of fears, sorrows and past troubles. Let them not burden your soul! The third gift is the gift of intuition, which, like a magic code, will tell you the right move in life. All these three gifts: health, oblivion of sorrows and fears, and intuition that would lead through life happy way, I wish the hero of today's celebration! Let's drink!

“A person has two main directions in life,” one wise man remarked, “he either rolls or climbs.” What is easier? It seems to be the first. But do not rush to a conclusion. Those who roll very quickly lose their "life" and leave the stage prematurely. It is difficult to imagine a person who would roll down to, say, 70 years! And you can climb! Here is our birthday boy from the category of climbers. And let him climb up to 100 years. My toast: for the most healthy look sports - for mountaineering!

What would you like to congratulate? ... I congratulate you on the fact that you have someone to congratulate! This, you see, is important. And this is your merit. Because I have never met such a smart, cheerful, sociable person. Stay the same forever! Congratulations!

Cool and beautiful toasts:

Cool, unexpected and original birthday toasts are always able to cheer up and stir up a bored company. Be positive and then you can gather a lot of well-wishers around you. To be able to congratulate with humor, without hurting anyone's feelings, is akin to art. Check out our collection of toasts. Good advice will surely help you develop own style behavior during the feast and come up with some original personal greetings.

Cool toasts for a woman's birthday

What does a woman want to hear about on her birthday? O own irresistibility. About how significant she is for others, desirable among men, beautiful and inaccessible.

Let flattering speeches intertwine in an endless stream. Let's put aside modesty and restraint. The birthday girl should feel like the center of attention. When, no matter how on this significant day, can she feel like a queen?

Let your expressions be full of jokes and exaggerations, everything is in place, everything is on the table. Tomorrow the fanfares will subside, and today their rumble should glorify the birthday girl.

Humor helps to present any overblown wish in an acceptable form. And let the congratulatory know that not everything is true, a portion of flattery on her birthday has not yet led anyone away from reality. Be generous. And put in your wishes the maximum of what a woman wants to hear.

  1. I raise this toast to your growth in life: so that incomes increase, money sticks by itself, there are more friends and happy days in life!
  2. Live in such a way that all envious people turn green, friends admire, colleagues respect, and descendants are proud. Let the greens also be found in the wallet and allow you to live as you want, and not as you have to.
  3. I wish to reach the goal faster than the cheetah overtakes its prey. To be calmer than a boa constrictor, slimmer than a fallow deer and more fun than a monkey!
  4. Birthdays remind me of bribe-takers on an especially large scale. So accept from me the wishes of great happiness, inexhaustible prosperity and Great love!
  5. I want all your dreams to stop teasing with unreality and show themselves in action! Let you get everything that gives pleasure and brings profit

Short and funny congratulations for men

On a birthday, a man most often wishes well-being, financial solvency, faithful friend and reliable friends. One can endlessly delve into the reasoning about the mission entrusted to strong half humanity to care for and provide for all their loved ones. And you can say all the most important things in a couple of phrases.

Birthday is not a reason for moralizing. Every man wants to be strong and independent. Is it worth spurring him on once more in his day?

Beautiful toasts for a birthday, you can pronounce it in any setting - even in a strictly official, even in an informal one, and they will always be appropriate. Let them be graceful, but do not equip them too abundantly with colorful epithets, because you can overdo it. A beautiful toast can be very short.

In verse

  • So that the guests do not leave,
  • Friends to visit more often
  • To draw pictures
  • Everything that the soul desires
  • Let it come true!
  • May this day bring you happiness
  • Let joyful evening will be,
  • And who will pour us more wine,
  • He will become nicer to people.
  • He will meet the fate of his dreams
  • The brightest, most tender,
  • Of course it will be you
  • With a rebellious soul!
  • I take a glass of wine
  • I'll drink to the bottom for you!
  • So that you live beautifully
  • So that fate is amazing
  • Both pleasant and easy
  • To fly into the clouds
  • To love and dream
  • Your heart inspired!
  • I don't know what to wish in a toast..
  • So that the guests do not leave,
  • Friends to visit more often
  • To go to intoxicated distances,
  • To draw pictures
  • So that the path is easy, albeit long,
  • Everything that the soul desires
  • Let it come true!
  • Let there be only dawns in your life
  • Let summer bloom in your heart
  • And a magic bridge will lead to a fairy tale -
  • I raise a toast to that!
  • Let the separation go away,
  • Love enters without knocking
  • You open the door for her
  • Let her live in the heart!
  • We drink to your smile
  • We wish you happiness in the house!
  • May you be comfortable
  • Life is pleasant and easy
  • There was no grief
  • Tears, insults, empty worries,
  • We wish you good work,
  • And so that you live carefree!
  • Sim gathered at the table,
  • All your relatives!
  • I wish: Let more
  • There will be friends in your life!
  • For them to be true
  • A little in love with you
  • And they could always help
  • Regardless of whether it's day or night.
  • With all my heart I wish you
  • To make your home a paradise
  • Let the angels fly there
  • And they sing odes to you.
  • Let there be light in the house
  • Good lives in it
  • Let your soul bloom
  • Let the heart of the song sing!
  • Your birthday is special -
  • I wish you that:
  • The wind was fresh in the soul,
  • And the soul - so that in a negligee,
  • For wisdom to be in the brain,
  • And belts, sticks and rods
  • You, my friend, save
  • For the angry Baba Yaga!
  • We drink for you to be lucky
  • We drink to sorrows and fate out of spite,
  • peace, mood
  • Happy birthday to you!
  • We drink to your great success
  • We drink for a secret, sweet sin,
  • In general, we drink for you,
  • And more wine!

In prose

Our life is like a traffic light. When the red light goes on, we start to lose jobs, money, close friends, and loved ones. Then there is a moment of calm and yellow lights up. This time is given for loneliness to understand yourself, relax and new force break into new life. I wish the birthday man to meet more often on his road of life broken traffic lights, on which only the green light will work.

Dear birthday boy, no matter how old you are today. It's just a meaningless number. Age is not indicated by wrinkles or gray hair and not by dates in the passport, but by the events experienced and the experience learned from them. Always be first in everything. Find your other half. Get out of the way of a friend in time so as not to be third. Have your own four walls. If you take on something, then let it be five. Let your family there will be six people and you will be in seventh heaven. Happy birthday!

When it seems to you that your strength is already at zero and you want to put up with it - know that now you are closer than ever to fulfilling your dream. In no case don't stop and don't give up, just one step - and around the next turn you will discover the long-awaited happiness! And today, for festive table with friends and relatives you will get a pleasant rest before continuing the journey. Congratulations!

In your own words

"He has no chance" - the circumstances pronounced the verdict. "Look, he's a loser!" - everyone around said. "Do not despair and you will succeed" - God whispered softly to him. I say this toast in honor of the birthday man and wish that all troubles and misfortunes bypass him, he was above ridicule and circumstances, and God kept him during any trials. Congratulations! We all come into this world the same: weak, unadapted to independent living and not knowing certain languages. We don't know the difference for a long time. between good and evil. bad people does not happen from birth, it is not life that spoils them, but the environment. Therefore, I wish the birthday man to treat people exactly the way he would like them to treat him. Under no circumstances lose respect for yourself, because if you yourself do not respect yourself, no one will do it. Answer Evil sincere love and understanding, and over time, there will not be a person who would consciously want to harm you. Always remain a worthy person for yourself, and not for someone else, and you will never say that the world is unfair to you. May you have many happy days. Congratulations! I want to wish you difficulties - because they give strength to live on. There are moments when everything seems to be fine, you can relax and live for yourself, but suddenly you realize that you don’t want anything! And then people start creating for themselves artificial problems and extreme entertainment to give meaning to your existence. Let the birthday boy have real goals and unrealizable dreams. Because, having come to the goal, he will always have a dream to which he must continue to strive! Happy birthday!

How to congratulate the birthday man at the festive table? Of course, raise a glass and say holiday toast! But how do you get away from standard wishes"happiness-health", be concise, original and memorable? Tell a beautiful birthday toast from! And one more secret: add something of yourself to the finished toast. After all, this is your congratulations, and what could be better than sincere words!

At the celebration of Winston Churchill on the occasion of his 80th birthday, a photojournalist asked him a question:
- I hope, Mr. Churchill, that I will be allowed to photograph you on the day of the centenary?
“In that case,” answered Churchill, “you will have to carefully take care of your health for twenty years.
I can tell the hero of the day that I am ready to take care of my health in order to be able to congratulate you on your centennial day!

There is an old new year custom: as you meet - so you will spend. For the birthday boy with today starts New Year his life. So let it be as fun as tonight!

In one parable, described by Kafka, it is said about a man who stood in front of an open gate and did not dare to enter it, because severe guards stood in silence near them. The man thought that the warriors would not let him through. Time passed and the gate closed. Then one of the guards said to the man: “Eccentric, these gates were opened especially for you, and we were only supposed to let you through them.” Let's drink to the fact that the birthday boy never misses his opportunity!


Birthday is an annual gift given to man in order to rejoice in the love and disposition that close friends have for him. And so we resolutely declare that this event is valuable and dear to us. May the days of your life go long, and may your love and affection for us always be. Long live the birthday boy!

"Grow big!" - wished in childhood. Now, perhaps, it would be appropriate to wish: "Keep growing above yourself!"
Happy Birthday to You!

The philosopher Diogenes said: "Being rich and having a lot of money are not the same thing. The one who is satisfied with his life is truly rich." So let our birthday boy be truly rich!

I propose to drink for our friend! He is such a bright personality that you want to put a lampshade on him.

Do not be upset that you have become one year older. If you look from the other side, you have become more beautiful, more attractive and smarter for one year! And you can't stop on this path. For the birthday girl!

Why do I love the birthday boy? He is as smart as me. Let's drink to good man a glass of wine and wish him always a joy for the eyes, a delight for the soul, and may the grains of his labors fall on fertile soil and always give a rich harvest!

Spaniards love to wish their friends and relatives on their birthday good health, Great love, beautiful women, and most importantly - longevity, in order to have time to enjoy it all. We wish our birthday boy the same today!

Compliments and a little flattery will not be superfluous - any woman likes them. Especially if it is a holiday - then it is simply necessary to praise the female gender. Birthday, March 8 - great reasons to pronounce chic toast for women! Wish them prosperity, happiness and fulfillment of all cherished desires! After all, each of them dreams of meeting their handsome prince and rushing off with him to the other end of the world. Give them these magical emotions, say an unusual and memorable toast to women!

Sweets and bouquets

Delicate creatures - women - love everything bright, beautiful, refined. What could be more beautiful than a freshly cut flower? It has been customary to give bouquets to ladies for a long time, this tradition lives in every country. Girls are compared to unopened buds, and mature women- With velvet roses or wise lilies. Be sure to present flowers to the hero of the occasion. And don't forget the toast to the woman!

You are beautiful, like a bouquet of scarlet roses,

Live in the world of sweet dreams

So bright and poignant

Very beautiful, a little prickly,

I want to drink for such beauty,

I'll give you a glass of champagne.

Together with a chic bouquet,

But that's not all!

Be healthy and cheerful

Let men be generous!

These are neutral wishes that are not tied to a specific holiday. Reviews are advised to address them to girls of any age. A little different will be toasts at the birth of a woman.

Once a year

Birthday is a long-awaited and beloved holiday by all. Prepare for it in advance, carefully considering all the details. The birthday girl on this day is worried, fussing all day and may look tired by the arrival of guests. Reviews recommend: a woman should sound cheerful and enthusiastic in order to cheer up the birthday girl.

Like a beautiful goddess

You, like a noble princess,

Always elegant, beautiful,

Well straight from Hollywood diva!

I always admire you

I bow before the gentle knee,

Blossom and improve, love,

Take only the best from life!

Happy birthday dear lady

Your mischievous smile is important to us,

We raise our glasses for you

We wish you much happiness in life!

Such a toast will be liked by the guests and the birthday girl. And let the toastmaster fill the glasses again!

On a beautiful warm day, you came into the world,

Angel of goodness and beauty

Everyone respects you in life

The men follow with their eyes

The Creator endowed you with an unearthly charm,

Pride, compassion attached.

Everything is in abundance in you: beauty, mind.

So let's drink for the birthday girl to the bottom!

Such toasts for the birth of a woman are the best fit. The hero of the occasion will be delighted with good wishes and compliments.


Wonderful holiday - March 8! Men will have to try very hard to adequately congratulate their goddesses. But what if there are more than a dozen of them? Women colleagues deserve warm congratulations, and delicious confectionery! Prepare everything in advance. Be sure to purchase required amount souvenirs, beautifully packaged. The appearance of gifts should be aesthetic, because this holiday is once a year. Decorate the room with balloons and flowers, prepare a light buffet. Such a surprise will surprise and delight your ladies. Do not forget to prepare toasts to female colleagues. Humorous, touching, flattering - apply everything.


March 8... On this day, women feel like goddesses, the most beautiful and charming! Give them lots of compliments and kind words. Let their eyes shine with happiness and enthusiasm, and their souls sing!

The ancient legend tells the truth

Heavenly powers were at enmity,

They didn't give each other peace

They shared a necklace of unearthly beauty

And one day it was dropped to Earth.

Beads scattered all over the world,

And women next to us now therefore!

They are like beautiful pearls

Beautiful and much needed.

Let's drink to the treasures at our table!

And we'll give them compliments later!

Such a toast to women will surely please everyone present. Unusual speech with deep meaning Even hardened critics will appreciate it.

minute of laughter

Humor is appropriate always and everywhere, but in metered quantities. Amuse the company by making a sparkling toast on March 8 to female colleagues with humor. Let their smiles shine, and tears come out only from laughter!

“In a furniture store, a woman looks at cabinets for a long time. The consultant decided to help the beauty: “What exactly are you looking for? You choose for a very long time!” The woman, modestly lowering her eyes, replied: “I need the tallest wardrobe!” The seller enthusiastically asked: “You must have high ceilings at home?” “No, neighbor,” the lady replied and blushed! Let's drink to prudent women who even care about their neighbors!

Cheerful and resourceful

There are quite a few funny toasts which prove that our women are the most resourceful.

“The Frenchwoman, having learned about the betrayal of the elastic, invites him to invite his mistress to visit and get to know each other. The Spaniard will kill the unfaithful husband on the spot. The Englishwoman will file for divorce without delay. The Italian will kill her rival without regret! And only a practical Russian woman will buy herself a new one. Let's drink to smart and prudent women who know how to save families!

Such a toast to women will amuse the whole company and give positive emotions!

Round date

Anniversary - long-awaited holiday. You need to celebrate it enchantingly and on a grand scale. The same should be the toasts for a woman's birthday, sounding in honor of the birthday girl.

Happy Anniversary, sweet beauty!

I've known you for many years

You are still young

There are no changes in appearance!

I want in a hundred years

As are you!

Stay always radiant

Gentle, kind, mischievous,

Attractive and classy

And with a bright soul!

Happy anniversary dear

Birthday girl!

We all raise our glasses

We drink to the bottom of our health!

Toasts in verse are not easy to remember for everyone, but it does not matter. You can congratulate the hero of the day and prose.

prose of life

Do not like to memorize poems, are you afraid to stumble, to say out of rhyme? Then prepare toasts for the anniversary of a woman in prose.

“Such perfect women as our hero of the day are rarely born. She is beautiful and smart, kind and sympathetic, charming and cheerful. All best qualities intertwined in this beautiful lady. Let's drink to this perfect mix! Raise all the glasses and drink to the bottom!

“I want to raise a glass to a stunning woman, our hero of the day. I wish you the fulfillment of all the milestones of desires and thoughts that are in your beautiful head. You are a unique woman, bring to life your creative ideas be healthy and happy!”

“Women's happiness is different for everyone. May you have true happiness! Let wardrobes burst with fur coats, jewelry boxes with diamonds, let vases be overflowing with flowers. Let dresses, shoes and handbags huddle in a modest fifty-meter dressing room. And you always be the center of attention. Love yourself, your work, your home. Let everything bring joy and a smile. The main thing is to have a loved one nearby who will never betray or leave you in trouble. Prosper, quickly raise your glasses, drink everything to the bottom!

“A woman is like a flower. She is gentle, beautiful, refined and unusual. Our hero of the day combines the properties of all the gifts of flora. She is gorgeous like a rose. Mysterious as an orchid. Wise and bright in mind, like a lily. In the soul is simple as a camomile. Versatile as a carnation. And fresh as a blackberry. How many secrets does our hero of the day keep in herself! Let's drink to her beauty, talent and bright soul! Happy birthday flower angel!

fairy fairies

Women are magical creatures. They have time and know how to do everything. They build a career, give birth and raise children, look attractive and, with all this, feel sorry for men. fairy fairies is their middle name. Give them more holidays, arrange unusual surprises, travel. Even a modest cup of coffee in the morning, prepared by you with love, will charge your fairy for the whole day with positive. Love and respect women, because they deserve it!

"Let's drink to the goddesses! They surround us everywhere and each is beautiful in its own way. They must be valued ten times more and respected a hundred times more. Let's raise our glasses to beautiful ladies! They give us love, tenderness, give themselves without a trace. Women are beautiful and unique. On behalf of all the men of the world I say to you: “Thank you for being you!”

Women hurt us without a knife

With your gaze only by moving!

They have charm and passion

Women know the way to happiness!

Let's drink to the beautiful floor,

So soft yet powerful!

Mysterious women, it's no secret

But there is nothing more beautiful than them in the world!

Shower your ladies with compliments, give them moments of happiness. After all, all they need is your attention and understanding. Respect and appreciate beautiful women!
